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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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our students, we've also double our commitment to the and i'm proud united states the biggest don't have the idea in the cycle and proud to be working with the long side. can you support robust financing and policy fact gonna help the most valuable countries address their investment? if there's debt and there's grow and you can't, you gotta deal with that before you deal with the grow. and so we're, we're trying to use international organizations to be able to provide that capability so people can grow. that's what it's about. the this is a press conference. thanks everybody of the
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thank you everybody. this concludes the press. us president bash speaking alongside . he's kenyan counterpart, the 2 of them holding a press conference at the white house, covering a number of issues with us president, hailing the security cooperation between the 2 that he says defeated chabad. he also announced the launch of the nairobi washington initiative to address the deck button and the spoke of a new era of technological cooperation and c for linking silicon valley with silicon savannah for his part william router hale, the us taking a leading role in comprehensive debt structuring and he then touched upon the issue of haiti, a few questions that he spoke about, the mutual commitment to the stabilize ation of hazy. and he said, can you, his participation in haiti is about piece for humanity. it is all he said, the people have kind of you who made this decision, referring to the decision to floyd, kenyon, police to haiti all white house correspondent,
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kimberly house that joins us now live from the. so kimberly, quite a wide range of issues touched upon. let's start with the, with the issue of hate say we saw a question from a report to that. i guess one that would be on the minds of many back home. why you asking us to take on the wall when your trying to scale down or, and your forever was yeah, that's right. and, and forgive me, but i feel like here and out to 0. the, the question we really need to talk about is the one that the president avoided altogether. sammy, and it was buried right in there. and that was the question about the i c c arrest warrants that the president completely dodge. then it was the very 1st assumed by one of the american reporters. the president tried to avoid it. uh so the reporter asked it again. and the president did answer the question eventually,
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but he only answered part of it. the question that he was asked was, is, is real using starvation as a weapon of war? and is he a asked to ring whether and did he answer this question? well, he, he didn't answer that part of the question. what he did answer was about the arrest warrant. specifically the president's answer to that question was, what we've heard before from the white house for many days is that the white house believes that the i c. c doesn't have jurisdiction and has no equivalence. in other words, how boss doesn't have any equivalence with these really leaders. and so that the, that's the belief is the white house. we saw the present sort of roughly through his notes there, like you wasn't prepared for this question. but what he didn't answer was the reporter's question itself about the issue of is really using starvation as a weapon of war. and i think that is going to be focused on by the american media.
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i think that was the biggest moment there in that press conference that had nothing to do with 10. yeah. nothing to do with haiti, and that is going to be a concern for this white house. now having, getting back to your original question there. uh yeah, that was the other big controversy all moment that i think was, is going to be play back for the president russo the fact that he's going to be in a little pressure, particularly in his own country. the fact that uh, that reporter there is very well known and he in kenya is what is the biggest names uh, in domestically. and he had a very valid question. why are you sending troops to haiti sending them to the fire in haiti when there's a fire. 6 at home and his answer was, uh well, they need help. it's very logical and canyons keep their words, but whether or not that will satisfy the population is certainly a question. and i was going to come to that point which you mentioned at the
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beginning. the fact that we didn't say apologies. no, no worries, no, no, you have nothing to apologize for. but the 5 that we didn't see the us present engage in that question about whether starvation is being used as a weapon of war. how, what does that tell us about the evolution or like all of it of the us position on enforcing what the us president announced on march the 9th as a red line about inviting or alpha as we see the very dramatic pictures coming out of or off coming out of gauze as hospitals, as this rough operation gets on the way. well i, i think it just shows, again, perhaps the realization or lack there of, of this president who is not this might be where age is an issue. this is a president who is locked in the past,
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who has served in the us congress since the past and doesn't recognize the use of this country. and the protests of this country and the message that is being sent to him even from within his. 2 young administration, he's drawn a red line and at the same time is not recognizing it. and so that is the problem. he is being such a message, but he is being stubborn and he's not listening to, to what he is being told and. and so he is refusing to to yield and this could cost him come election day in november. all right, thanks so much. kimberly. how could that the winehouse a hi with joins now by dan foots. he's a former us special envoy to hate. he joins us now from new york. good to have you with us. so listening in to what we heard today about sending kenyan police the plan, the very clear you think of
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a plan which be which the connect kenyon president referred to. is there any a clear plan to your understanding on how they going to break the back of these militias and take control of the situation if there is, it certainly wasn't articulated by present by their present router today. they were asked several times what the canyons are going to be doing down there, meeting, did they have a rest authority? are they going to be off pensively going against the gangs? or are they going to be protecting infrastructure and not moving around? nobody knows, and there was no clarity, just a bunch of double talk, i think by board presidents today, which tells me that there is no point. why in your understanding has, can you agreed to this mission a little expert in kenya?
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for the mind, the president william dro til, but i believe it's 2 fold, one in the speech that he just made. it's clear that he wants to take upfront today to come to the front stage and the world stage here and become a global african leader at this point in time. that's part of it. the other part is these missions provide funding to the governments. they go to do them. so can you is government will burn issues rep, respect its reputation as a peacekeeping nation. if this goes well and can use treasury, we'll get some money from the way for door. and we've seen a delay in the deployment of these kenyan police trips, and do you expect that this is going to be put back on track anytime soon? well, uh, they were scheduled to be there today in conjunction with the state visit by
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president router washington, dc. it's been very slow despite the. busy all urgent care. busy busy calls from prison by and president rudo both both made them today. there were some armored vehicles delivered yesterday. there's been a close to a 100 military flights in the poor to prince delivering equipment so. so they're going in there. uh, at some point in time, but 2500 police going into a country that is estimated to have 30 to 40000 gang members. doesn't sound like good numbers to me. is there a plan so of how to transition towards and the pharmacy that has credibility for haitians? that's the $100000000.00 question. there is no plan to do that at this point in time. what the us did, when the former us annoying to deal with jude,
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apparently the fact of prime minister, dr arial or henri reside recently. they us through cara. com, the multilateral organization of the caribbean, picked 9 haitians now down to 6 or 7 in a presidential councils. where supposed to choose a president and a prime minister and move forward. that is not happened because of typical in fighting and they're not united for hey you've, they've been pushed together into a power sharing struggle. so there's no plan and with the out, i have sion answer to this political crisis that's been going on for numerous years at this point in time. that can tell you the answer this. the multinational security support mission is not the answer to this going in every 10 or 15 years multinational and killing a bunch of bad guys. and we even is not the answer for a. all right, thank you for sharing your perspective on that,
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on your foot road. thank of the . now this been fist fighting in northern gauze around one of the strips, few functioning hospitals is ready troops, heatherly of stones, allow the, the giovanni, a refugee camp. the world health organization says a 140 medical stuff, patients and the friends and relatives wait inside the facility when it was rated. it's cooling for the protection of patients in health care workers and safe passage for their evacuation. a lot of my colleagues probably about to both spoke to my husband, saw how the i things right sort of the hospital spokes was well trapped inside the facility. this ready gone fine. nearly all as we all know what the age of allowed the hospital yesterday they. busy be starting the pollution
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policies in force that selection be a lot of the staff and the patients the companies only would do is i would say to the hosting guys to see and, and now we are 14 of the kind of stuff we are is a with the with what patient, it's a lot of must be evacuated because i am. but if you want to put on the patient, isn't they have to send to us and on too long since, because the situation of our patient is had a situation that can't work to go to where i was getting gazda on the we stay with the now we have 11 of patients and another a to a patient company because there is that to data the and i want to see i
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could give but with this data. so now we took the out of 27 pads on, on the received in the people sitting outside the hospital, including patients and staff. as you were talking to us mister sala, we could hear some loud noise in the background. what sounded like gunshots. can you tell us if there is still fighting inside or in the vicinity of the hospital, it will be out of the out of silk to think i looked on bumping and method of rounding the the be hosted on the mouth now. so think them to her 2 days, the sure thing to those that that but now the sure thing and phone being side around the, the, the house because there is this night. but on the, on the best things on the out of walking in the and outdoor area outside of a lot of hospital a, there is a lot of surgeons there. so we are. and inside the hospital yesterday, the out inside of the inside of the hospital on the broken the,
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the door that the closed. and now the health industry is this. is this warning about the lack of fuel at another hospital, that's the actual hospital. in central garza, though it is on the we've launched so many appeal was during the recent days to originally have fueled in the hospital. but no concerned policies have responded. we only received 3000 leases of fuel on wednesday, but the hospital needs at least 5000 liters every day. there now more than 1300 sick and wounded patients in the hospital. the medical treatment will stop because of the lack of fuel. this will lead to a humanitarian crisis and now like the hospital, which is the only operating hospital which serves more than 1000000 people in the central government, right. within hours, all the ambulances and full field hospitals will stop. we reach the international community and the united nations to do their best to immediately provide the
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hospital with enough fuel. we urge the international community to work hard to stop the war against hospital and the health system and cancer before it's too late. we urge the international community to put pressure on the occupation to open the roof of crossing to allow more than 20000 wounded people to be treated abroad. and to provide us with the badly needed medical supplies and medicines and fuel to stop the soon coming catastrophe him to hold that he has the latest on the situation that a valid and central garza, this is a policy and you have been killed after that is right, new forces target to a building for the ministry of social affairs. and this building had a number of pilots in use that were seeking refuge in this building. according to the paramedics, i talked to, they said that they were directly targeted from the window as they he said, that's one of the rockets was
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a melting minute and artillery selling. the other one was droned, air strikes and we saw the bodies of 9 palestinians. it being 8, sorry, 8 policy needs being transferred into alexa, hospitalized, and dozens of injuries. it's a chaos right now on the permit. they start sending us out more ambulances are coming and transferring more uh bodies. but it's not only ambulances that were carrying the bodies and transferring them here and to an actual hospital bus or so people were helping with their own vehicles. and their donkey carts moving to the fuse, a question of the, the, the hospital told us that they had the ability to provide fuel for 3 more hours. someone donated it for them and is this viewed is it will be only for 3 more hours . and after it, the fuel is going to end and the hospice and it's going to run out of electricity. again,
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this will put hundreds of people in having kidney dialysis treatment. this is going to put people who are injured patients and, and the premature babies in risk of death because they're completely relying on the electricity in the hosp. because one of the quick is a pharmacist. she returned from the gulf off last week while she was volunteering with the palestinian american medical association. she joins us now from to tell in new jersey, good to have you with us. so 1st of all, let me ask you is into a very recently the inside at one of the hospitals, the you are paying hospital, i believe. what was the situation when it came to some of the absolute essentials in the medical facility, medicine supplies of fuel, food. so on it is just because i know that i was in a unit 10, does a hospital that this is a hospital. but if you go dead,
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if you do know that this should be a hospital, you will not recognize that the medical equipment, the medication, the surgical supplies, everything's out of stock, the hygiene, or in the hospital. you can talk about the hygiene. and so the health system is collapse and is destroyed the capacity of the people who are working well in dating because you know, they're not lucky. they're not been paid a less than 30 percent. the people that they are the if they will not be transferred out to be treated. they cannot die in the hospital because of the shortage of, of the, of the surgical supplies of the medications. the, the, the demand is a huge. the resources are very limited. they are the i didn't see actually, wiley was that i of denies the manage storage of the hospital. they have too many storage. the surgical supplies, one of the medication, the medications ones. and i didn't see any kind of aid except the one that comes
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with the mid, the mid the collections. so you know that the medical emissions, they started to come back in january, the doctors they bring with them switch cases on the, the injury. oh, id is on the suitcases, so i only so on those vicks big it may, a man is storage in the hospital. the name of the n j o is that the goal is to treat patients on each one of them. they go for 2 weeks, and of course there's very limited to so how many suitcases you're going to get with you when you travel as the medical mission, 870810200. i don't know. 300. what this go into 8 for the $30000.00 people minimum around the hospitals. the european does the hospital is the help for the treatment for more than 30000. we swiftness, 30000 people around the hospital inside the hospital. that our old tense, when we, when we beat, when actually,
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and we went to the on may 1st and the 1st week there worked it all over the hospital. inside the, when you go to the awards, you have to go press. the defense extent has a minimum of $10.00 to $15.00 people inside the tent. now let me, let me jump in if i may because you said, basically the hospital was out of pretty much everything. what did you see then when you were in? i believe you were volunteering in the room. what was happening in the all room. how would people performing adults as a medical staff, performing operations, all life saving procedures when the out of literally all, virtually everything and whatever. i can say you can have pictures. it's different than you witnessed, and you look the case, the cases. so it's injured. injuries comes in. do you have to start to give them a new oscar or simple thing goes and you will not find it. if you've been asked for
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the, for the, for the pin killer or any kind of a in the us to, to get drugs to start doing, you know, what do you have to do with the ones? it's not that. so what do you do? so what do you improvise to all people simply left to die, i mean, focus through the reality of that kind of situation to yes it's, it's how to start. and this is, this is kind of the ceiling that you will have when you are then that it's out of stock. it is not available. and with the ones that's coming in many times we use the put on. and just imagine if you're going to use the clinton on those kinds of forms, that usually you see the bones, it's not the kind of the type of, you know, the, the normal ones that you see. everything that is up as a normal every single day. so it's very, very, a normal to say nothing available out of stuck and you cannot do anything. and many times doctors and surgeons, they cannot do anything. there's no equipment,
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there's no medication. what they can do. they do their very best to help the situation. and sincerely, did you see the pool? did you see people die in the emergency room because of things that otherwise than any other hospital that out of the part of the world if they had proper supplies, these people probably could have been saved. did you have that kind of feeling or experience unfortunately? yes. and we have the cases and it was very hard to broken that you are dead and you know that you can do so many things. but because of the shortage of supplies or medications or equipment, you are not able to do anything. how many times a day did you see a situation like that on multiple times? that's only one thing multiple times. and then was one day because of the lack of the volunteers that when they know that drunk saw they have to do you look at the terminal is the,
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the nurses into our rooms will are not available at the local nurses, nurses that they don't have to operate does then to become equipment. they wouldn't be available or surgeons the doctors were not able to operate in the operations rooms. and people who came in injured actually, you know, usually they died the, the people who comes in, usually they don't. we know that unfortunately, it's very simple to say, you know, at the beginning, so it's very hard when we would miss that. but then there is nothing in our hands. well, what, what, what can you do? you're still in the order that you have nothing to do. what can you do? so there was one day you were not able to do the operations for the injured patients who came in because there are no nurses local nurses to do the do. did start on the operating equipment and there was no fuel. there was what do days, the fuel laws of the hospitals. it was off just so what you're going to do. thank you so much for sharing. it's uh, it's a hard experience to digest. so thank you for sharing it with us
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and the only thing i can do, i can say, i wish him to tell you and release if we're not able to stop the hood, don't stop the humanitarian relief. go with the 2 guys that they need us. thank you so much that that will quickly do hope the world is natalie. thank you. to speak now to model one, the shot i'll do 0 seen yet. so let's go unless he joins us live from paris. good to have you with us again. model one. so i'm not trying to put things together. you might have heard been feel i just had with the pharmacist suggest return from guys a very bleak, hard picture to process. and then when we junk, suppose that with what we've just heard in that live press conference at the white house where the was present was not ready willing to even engage a question of of establishing the us position on web
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a style of ation. amount of terry and issues of being used as a tool of war. and this is the question of the issue. if you notice, uh, probably our viewers on the world who've been following this issue. i've noticed that much of the arguments as the international criminal court, in fact, the 1st major arguments and, and the international court of justice. what about bernard is ation of hunger was about humanitarian aid. was about chapman. and that's what the world food organization has talked about from in a case in northern guys. so that's what the one organization has talked about. and that's where there is very, very little controversy. because if you will, these ratings that microsoft, dr. justify the beginning of civilians, so hold a human shield that sort of justification. although humbug as it may be,
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but they try to somehow justify defend zeros actions and garza. but the international court of justice and the international criminal court could not digest. why these re, these are denying population of over 2000000 people in food in medicine. that bar, that is the part that goes a lot of people who web has a sense that the word in the middle we do, they call this genocide, do they call it the war crimes or, or just something that just happens in any war? i think it towards the question of the event and aid the open position of hunger that drove a lot of independent judge is lawyers, prosecutors, and humanitarian officials from around the world to start talking about war crimes and genocide. and i think that's where the united states has screwed up because up until fairly march, the united states was, i think, i think for the 1st time,
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2nd world war, the united states was complicit in the organization of hunger in enforcing simon on our population. and that's where they started dropping food and start talking about building a port and all of that because they understood that they were complicit in a genocide. i guess the kind of thing is in gospel model and help us to understand the us position how it's been evolving one point march, the 9th of us present was talking about invading ralph as being a red line. we subsequently off, but heard news about us pausing, pausing one shipment of high impact to munitions. one shipment being paused, does it seem now? but after all the events of the last week, also what happened with the i c c. prosecute. so what happened? what is still going on and will transpire tomorrow at the i c, j that the us has climbed down on the bottom. the administration has climbed down
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on its position of supposing as well, no matter bought. yes, i think there are a number of a number of factors that drive the binding into especially decision on garza, for, for, for a why this was the idea that they were completely in agreement with is there a number district to come us, but i think that indicated to be modeled by nonsensical position by the beginning of the year. and then the crimes, the crimes against humanity, the general side. as also for make himself clear as is ryan, uh, cute. tens of thousands. cause tens of thousands of more in casualties, destroy the hospitals and schools, and so on, so forth. and again, honestly speaking, i fairly quick persist and unfolding genocide by didn't try to fix some distance, put some pressure within your own to change direction to ease off if you would
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continue to can people at his feet good before you go to allow them some medicine as you bump their hospitals and that's kind of a humbug talk in order to cover for his red cross. but even that even doesn't to me, i would not listen to the in the meanwhile because we're getting closer and closer to the elections. and here by didn't, was at home points kind of influenced by public process and the, and the opposition within the democratic party and the info generation then. but of course there was a social worker. but on the other hand, you're also influenced by beauty, public customization. that was even worse than his position on his. so he began to face and apparently some of his advisors in the campaign began to think that once they get closer to the elections, be going to stop putting this advertisement. i'll say that in a dot com is even more racist, nor to something available. it's not my fault and more general side, but then genocide, joe, as it were,
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set in america. so i think he thinks now he comes to, houston has a chance to solve it, which is reputation in the states and said, can be able to make some progress in the end the elections by simply painting a prompt to be a worse candidate. he is enhance. jake sort of on shows up and got up and before the press conference of washington, and once again underlines the american support is so all i know by then has box himself in behind that then. yeah, all foolishly short sighted lee and i think since then, american position has been uh, you know, totally constructed, totally marketed and i think the world no longer buys into it by then. nothing. yeah. oh. can, can like to some people some of the time, but really they can apply to all the people all the time. all right, model on the shoulder. thanks so much. i still ahead on al jazeera,
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nova wyoming. those are the united nation. so on to the thousands of victims of the $199570.00. so genocide, ron's life presidents and fondness of being late to arrest, to being killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. the shock moved 5 by a new nation. the search for a new coach that's coming up. this for the hello. they will get to africa in environment bus in the middle east and live around for it's very quiet. but hot picture. when does the temperatures across the gulf pickup over the next few days? $42.00 degrees celsius that in mecca will be into the 14th stretching from saudi arabia through to a month with $41.00 degrees celsius that in must got. and that is allows you to
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drive picture. we could see some showers, however, coming into the western pots of yemen. but the west has to all the way that can be found for the north of this across to keep the bits of wintery and wet weather stretching across the cool causes and into northern parts of a run. but the temperature still sitting above the average into run temperatures well above the average across the north of africa for places like libya as well as egypt and have a look at this tripoli. we'll see 40 degrees celsius there on friday with the intense heat that comes down to the t as a maximum high on saturday. it's much west to across the gulf is getting notice what as it could be, the west of the weather will continue to pull into kenya. we've got some rough season, strong winds here. it's much dryer, cool, southern parts of africa. but a week from we'll bring some coastal showers to southern parts of south africa, thursday into friday. actually weather update
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the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the a in the the a come back to watching out is there a time to recap on headlines now? is ready for is a targeting the 2 remaining health care centers, still functioning in northern golf and they've ordered stuff to leave allows a hospital and the attacks come out on one hospital on the box. the hospital on the verge is running out of fuel and the presidents of us in kenya have declared that commitment to help brings the ability to haiti, which is being wrong by months of gun violence during a joints news conference with you. and ruth has said the upcoming deployment of
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canyon forces to have people seek to cross gang ravaged the caribbean of the united nations is overwhelmingly positive as a new, a resolution designating july. the 11th, as trevor needs to genocide remembrance day. but it marks the moment when more than 8000 mainly most men and boys were massacred by boston in subs in 1995. gabriella is also has more from the united nations in new york, as before the vote took place and the general assembly here at the un, serbia's president, made an impassioned speech to the general assembly, calling for countries not to vote for this draft resolution. he essentially said that it is politicized, and that it could spark regional tensions. but in the end, it did pass overwhelmingly $84.00 countries voting for it. 19 against and 68 countries abstaining. now, what exactly does this uh,
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now adopted resolution call for it's uh, it would designate july 11th is an international day of reflection and commemoration of the 1995 genocide and to be observed every single year. the draft calls for the united nations to prepare outreach programs and invites countries in organizations and in jose to participate in annual awareness activities that on are the victims. now this resolution was sponsored by germany and were one did it had over 25 different co sponsors as well. should be pointed out that the international court of justice, the u. n's, highest tribunal determined in 2007. the acts of genocide did occur. and that, that court's decision was included in the draft resolution that has now been over whelming, we adopted gabriel's on to l, just either at the united nations in new york. let us now go to 12 to 0,
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is either how do you motion? she joins us from 70 to an either. we know in many ways, boston who remains quite a divided country. how differently have the different communities that are of bosnian, most themselves, and crowds receive this news. as your ride saw me on the one hand when you speak to boss yes. so they are welcoming the resolution. and when you speak to serves their consignment, get whether subs here in bosnia and herzegovina or in neighboring sub. yeah. so for example, the bosnian serb leader success and this and pro russian leader mueller. i thought he was here in 7. and it's a head of the bose. and he use the opportunity once again to call for us to assess an offer. we can subscribe to quote, for its independence from bosnia and herzegovina, and he once again denied 7. and it's a genocide,
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even though it is illegal in the countries with the not genocide, never did lives. the resolution itself does not mention bosnian serb, it does not assume any kinds of collective responsibility. the purpose of this resolution is to commemorate that evidence of genocide on july 11th to condemn genocide denial altogether. but we already heard that the international courts, like i c, j and i, c t y in have already determined that the crimes committed here in 1995 committed constituted a raw, the genocide. the ends of both in sub military and political leadership was found guilty, but nevertheless, a bosnian serbs are sales denying it. i know you've been speaking as well to survive. us take us through the reaction either to yes, i mean well actually all 0 spoke to mothers of 7 and they said those are the women who lost their husbands, their son, their brothers and other,
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other family members and separate it into genocide in july 1995, and for them, this is a historical moment, but they say that they are disappointed with the fact that so many countries abstain for the votes. that there are no more countries who actually support says uh, this is illusion. uh also we have to remind to yours that's a we're standing here now in the graveyard where it's housings of 70 such on the sides. victims are buried nearly 7000, but 1000 is still missing and for their family. this is still reality because as, as the countries voted on the resolution, incomplete human remains of at least 17 and such on the sides. victims were located today around 7. that's the side of the honeymoon stage, that joining us from cyber needs in bosnia herzegovina, french fries, that demand me my calls as a controversial elect for
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a full law for new caledonia would not be false through it. made the comments while meeting local leaders and the french territories, capital new media, weeks of and rest followed plans to change the voting system. now the indigenous kind of curious, he says the change would dilute that voice from shore gives us could successful. i have pledged this reform won't be forced to give them the current situation and then we're getting ourselves a few weeks to allow for calm the assumption of dialogue with a view to a global agreement. in the line to this commitment, i ask the old, the leaders of the roadblock protests to be lifted. and i want this to be done in the hours and days to come to wayne hay reports now a god of on a welcome to the presidents to besieged french territory. after a week of protest, emmanuel mack, chrome said he was there to resolve the crisis. is about only of them when it gets because from the local section, of course we'll be looking at economic reconstruction support, rapid response,
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and then the most sense to political issues, to talk about the future of new caledonia on it. it's an uncertain future that seen people take to the streets, protesting against the proposed constitutional change. if approved by congress, it would allow french nationals who have lived in new caledonia for at least 10 years to vote in elections. the indigenous come acts who have little long struggle for independence. say the change is really about colonization and minimizing their influence. so see, we've been lied to for use and they've lied to our ancestors. they've lied to our elders, through the various agreements that have been made. we run out of food agreement. it's the longest when i'm with tired of not being recognized. that some of the protest is say they'll stay on the streets for as long as it takes, even though the numbers have decreased. in response to the violence,
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the president sent some 3000 security personnel to new caledonia. click that, that may be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic empire, olympic games which start in paris in july. the last thing the french government will want is on wrist and one of its territories while it has the will detention wayne, hey, al jazeera, of political policies into u. k. a campaigning a day off to the prime minister. risky. so not cold. a surprise snap election. the vote will be held on july the 4th. so mike says his policy is abroad, economic stability. officer, a cost of living crisis. but opinion pulse suggest the governing coffee could be facing the feet by $230.00 stay be as been swollen and his child's president also being declared the winner of elections held earlier this month. debbie had served as interim president since 2021 of the his father was killed by rubbish. finally
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held the presidential election of the months of nationwide protests. the opposition has a large vote. rigging and coal see the results to be an o. 60 michael saw as a policy advisor and the co founder of the non profit organization. think africa 2050. he says he doesn't expect a dramatic change in chad on the day be that is going to be august, the continuation because uh the people that was the base, the base for his father's leadership are still in place. uh, most of the, the, the, the military who supported his while this is support. same as well for the history . yeah. i like in any country. it's not the one at least, but um, but yeah, i mean he's, he's also younger for 2 years of age. i think he showed that he was ready to, to open his hands to,
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to deal position with when he allowed the pregnant. it's the success matter when he pointed a most prime minister before the elections. and um, i think the fact that there was, uh no, um, uh, although there was, they were uh, some kind of issues before the elections after the elections as being some contest punter stations. but at the same time, the process ended up being um, uh, fed the accepted by everyone as a result of that one. so i assume that so he'll be able to govern and he's will install still ahead on, i'll just say are unable to rebuild their lives. why hundreds of thousands of south africans are heading to the polls homeless and nobody younger which continues is french open preparations as you've reached the geneva,
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open semi finals more on that just for coming up next business like this, this brought to you by pegasus. i live slowly on one of your this makes modern pleads.
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the business latest is free, if you believe, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads. the more i that's catch up on all the sports news with peyton now savvy. thank you very much. the draw for the frame chosen has nothing calling. so russell adele and what is expected to be? he's last ever appear in set road in general's. give me what just number for alexandra? is that or of this? that was the reaction in the audience when it was revealed that the unseat as an adult will be playing one of the favorites. in the 1st round,
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the full team time winner of the event is expected to retire at the end of the year . and he'll be playing recently currently attending an open champion and let's see that is on does better have id, murray who has also said he will call it a day at the end of the season face, especially 9 year old and 2015 champion, spend varying in the industry on tick tick, so for the type of defense against the qualify with the possible match up against full time grand slam check and any other sock in the 2nd round. this way, the 2 year old is listen to with her food road and get us tied to in a row and souls a rule. the 1st bound begins and sunday for sure the season has been really great already for me. so this last results, especially in, on monday the norm for sure are giving me confidence. and um, you know, i, i know that i can adjust to any kind of conditions and even in, you know, short amount of time. and i place, you know, bring us top players there. so for sure, it shows that, you know,
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the work that we're doing is really paying off the top. so you know that you all could, which will face it will get the bay in the 1st round. and he's finalizing preparations for the event at the geneva open, where he's reached the semifinals. he's opponents tell them explorer was uncle just hours before when she finishes reading the face and match against the dentist shop with all of handicapped that momentum going with 5 bright point of opportunities in the face to face when he fails are going good. any of them and junk of age took it $75.00. and so i'll give it some formal technical when you have yourself a to z, saving another to break up points and taking all 3 of these zone in the 2nd stage. when 61 i said of a semi final match against a seated thomas mac hutch footage has been released all of the movement will number one goal for skunky shiffler was arrested during the pga championship last friday. schifflit was attempting to reach the gulf coast for the start of the 2nd round, but it was held up on accident where
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a pedestrian was killed. he was detained and charged on multiple accounts, including the salts of a police officer. but it seems correct. procedures were not followed. detective gillis did have an encounter, as we know with mr. scotty shuffler detective deal as should have turned on his body one camera, but did not. his failure to do so is a violation of the l. m. p. policy on uniforms and equipment. subject category, body warrant camera. the side of the look man says this is just the beginning off of securing his place in football history. he's got a stunning hattrick for atlanta in the row for the final, as they did the unthinkable. and the fees would be, i'm beaten by labor crews, and david steak supports that's what on through us celebrating the 1st major trophy and $61.00 use. thanks to adam over look, man. the london bono, jerry a. when get,
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let's jump in to be the stadium. opening the scoring and the 12 minutes, but to the, to free minute should be about chevy alone. so i just let the keys inside and the hunt for an invincible triple. the win win screwed again with less than half an hour gone. the $51.00 game and beat run seemed destined to end. the gym and champions had come back the brink several times. this season, but on this occasion, it wasn't to be lipman who previously struggled to establish himself in the premier lead going the 1st trip, any european club final since 1975 a voice of confidence in my ability to, you know, to create to school was to help my teammate is that the lenses 1st trophy since the 1963. it's how many in top and up to 2 decades of coaching. a 1st piece of civil
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way to jump carol guess breeding typically in europe and the bubble. eventually the clubs that are winning things and we have the stuff that we've seen instances about over the last few days. those clouds actually struggle to keep costs down in the chain at the where is as alonza hasn't managed to win things while it's still being a financially sustainable club as politic. who's in the $360.00 ones? i'm beaten judy comes to an end of them which included $42.00 wins. you know, competitions send secure them a 1st button to see good side. so they normally, p is not to to get the feed in their 52nd game. normally you have my charlie, i didn't, this is on show, it's quite being quite the exception of what we have. i chief, we'd have to be really proud for all of what we need some think about it. if i should be in today it's, it's painful, but it's the surface well level cruise and can still when the double with the
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german cup final coming up on saturday. but this night belong to atlanta and the friends back home and beg him of the 1st to tell me. and when is it this tournament in a quarter of a century, david stokes. and which is 0, find me a call reported to be in folks to san vince and company as the new head coach, the full dimensions of the associate captain, his character. yes, certainly. so if just being relegated from the premier league, is there any other managerial role was with the end of lexie and he's native belgium fine finished food. and the bonus began are looking to replace thomas to go who announced he was leaving in february the 38 year old company, one full pray, meeting titles with the city and speaks to him and having also played for him book and west ham. if confirmed you end up with a b as the clubs, new manager, the former spain, right on the good and wolves boss, has reportedly agreed a 3 year deal to take over from david moiz. he also won the rope and he gets sylvia in 2020. i young when i want to be i out of what are we going to we are here to be
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to say will do me. she did for us uh, off on the same day when we we, we close on. i believe it here because i would have to meet him and his wife and the person to, to be here. that's why we have on the possibility. but the, i repeat, i am very happy that it was sent to me because i choose to wish a wireless messy an urgency, you know, getting ready to defend the complet america type of next month. and you think code is being introduced to the 2 of them alongside the usual rate and yellow ones. the pin code will be used to indicate a concussion substitute, which gives teams the option of making the 6th change in the event on the head injury. if the probably the opposition team would also be given an extra sub to maintain fairness, you could don't teach as late the dallas mavericks to victory and game. one of the western conference finals series with administrative symbols don't teach at school . $33.00 points fall, kyrie irving, school $24.00. these 1st thing in the 1st off of the mavericks and was done 6 of 16
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points in the full courses that help them fight back to when 108105. minnesota has changed to on friday, so i just said to myself, you know, we've got to win this game. i got to be way better because 3 quarters i didn't play good. so i just came to force you to my spot and there's a team to in, in the and i tell them your ranges have found themselves holding behind in a series for the 1st time in the playoffs. it was game one of the eastern conference fun when it was largely because of the florida punches goals and to the gate bobrovsky making $23.00 se, so shall have the ranges and this is once we nothing came to take place in new york city on friday and that's what we're supposed to use for the time being. i'll be here again in a couple of hours with another update. sammy, thank you so much, peter. oh, south africa's government is promising to build hundreds of thousands of houses for
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the pool, but its fall behind its target as people head to the poles, but as well homeless more desperate than ever to meet them in the reports from cape town. a. this is one of thousands of informal settlements in south africa. emmys, i'm a year to 1st run up in the cape town, more than 2 years ago. of to some here were forcibly removed from a neighboring area. since then, it's estimated that at least 40000 people have both make shift homes here using corrugated iron plastic sheets and we have possible breaks confidence that he's lived here for nearly 20 years. no, no, no selling the pos that leads to a home is also, we're the only toilets, all the smell of sewerage and waste can't be avoided. she blames the provincial governments led by the opposition democratic alliance, or d a. a month, the waters 13 the grades are approximate and the toilets and everyone and no one from the municipality comes while the government is building homes for the poor.
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there's a backlog of at least $2300000.00 homes. and that number grows each year. the new file i can say, i said, because if you look into this and get but 60600000 people, that is under way. this is a lot of options there this afternoon. these projects and also there's no accountability residents. yeah. explain this area was marked for development, but it's tools and they don't know why. in cape town, the number of people without homes worse and during the cold at 19 pandemic, is people lost income and the economy struggles. an estimated 14000 people live on the streets of the greats of cape town area. while the government does provide shelters, there aren't enough bids to accommodate everyone, the needs know. so there are some who say they don't want to sleep in child because the democratic alliance is the influx of people from florida provinces. is one of the reasons for the high demand for housing. the national government,
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aided by the african national congress, says the d a is not using the budget. it's been allocated to build homes, housing budgets, and infrastructure budgets, or need planning in long tim and when you're done, especially in the of the finances on a municipality to deliver housing, you've been given a month or 2 to deliver on that budget. it's not possible. but the amc too, has been criticized for not providing enough homes in the 8 provinces. it runs a south africa hits to an election. the lack of housing for the flow remains a major problem, often influenced by politics, corruption, and the lack of money to meet them in the ultra 0 cape town. well, that's it for this news out. you can get much more and all the stories have been telling you about of how to 0. don't com, probably having the policies back intimate. so stay with us.
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the in japan divorce often leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grant sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates japan's parental abductions analogies, the era. so that's what this heading to the polls. what, what could be the biggest shakes up in the region in decades for 30 years, the african national congress has held power. and now the positive face of this help us election baffled sofa join. us says you bring you live updates from across the country. so that's a election on august there. there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media. on out to 0, government shut off access to social media.
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the . you will see the got a duty and a groove using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on red crescent, and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris
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the the director of gauze is allowed the hospital says patients and stuff as still trapped inside the facility. in the midst of fears, battles between is ready forces and palestinian fighters, while alex hospital in central gaza is on the verge of running out of fuel because it is right the restrictions on the entry as a trucks, the hello i am the lisay though i are watching ouch is 0. so coming up for you on the program, we have a pm monday. we have a pm from walk us,


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