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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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how to read chris the as the director of gauze is allowed, the hospital says patients and stuff is still trapped inside the facility in the midst of fears, battles between is ready forces and palestinian fighters, while alex hospital in central gaza is on the verge of running out of fuel because it is right, the restrictions only, and she has a trucks, the hello, i am the y z and though i are watching, ouch is 0. so coming up for you on the program, we have a key on monday. we have
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a pm for more, and these are the people who make dispositions can use president valves, his troops will bring stability to haiti, security and trade at the top of the agenda room with young router state visits, the us. and then these 5 people, a dead, hundreds of homes have been destroyed. often multiple tornadoes ripped through the us state of iowa. the hello and welcome to the program has been fierce fighting in northern gaza around one of the strips. few functioning hospitals is ready troops that early a storm to allowed in the volley a refugee camp world health organization is saying a 140 medical staff patients and the friends and relatives were inside the facility when it was rated schooling for the protection of patients and health care workers
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and safe passage for their evacuation. am i calling 40 by to spoke to mohammed saw the acting director of the hospital. he spoke to his phone, he was trapped inside the facility was, is really gone fi key the old of will. we have to get the age of allow the hospital yesterday they. busy be starting the pollution policies in force. so that's why shouldn't be a lot of the staff and the patients the companies or yeah would do is i would say that was getting guys to see and, and now we are 14 of the me because stuff we are is a with the with that what patient the lot of must be evacuated because i am, but if you to that and they put on the patient,
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isn't they have to send to us and not too long since because the situation of our patient is had a situation that can't walk to go to where i was getting gazda on the we stay with the now we have 11 of patients and another a to a patient company because there is that to data the and i want to say i could give but with this data. so now we took the out of 27 past one on the received in the people sitting outside the hospital, including patients and staff. as you were talking to us, mr. sala, we could hear some loud noise in the background. what sounded like gunshots. can you tell us if there is still fighting inside or in the vicinity of the hospital, it would be out of the out of sale to think i looked on bumping and method of rounding the the, the house because they are not now shooting them to her 2 days,
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the sure thing to those that, that but now the sure thing and pumping side around the the, the house because there is this night. but on the, on the bed and the walking in the and outdoor area outside of a lot of hospital a, there is a lot of surgeons there. so we are. and inside the hospital yesterday, the out inside of the inside of the hospital on the broken the, the door that the close. well, i like the hospital in central garza is about to run out of fuel. the health ministry is saying that hundreds of sick and injured patients risk from that means that what is what we have launched so many appeal was during the recent days to originally have fuel in the hospital. but no concerned policies have responded. we only received 3000 leases of fuel on wednesday, but the hospital needs at least 5000 liters every day. there now more than 1300
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sick and wounded patients in the hospital. the medical treatment will stop because of the lack of fuel. this will lead to a humanitarian crisis and that likes the hospital, which is the only operating hospital which serves more than 1000000 people in the central government. the right. and i was in our only ambulances and full steel hospital will stop. we reach the international community and the united nations to do their best to immediately provide the hospital with enough fuel. we urge the international community to work hard to stop the war against hospitals and the health system and gone. so before it's too late, we urge the international community to put pressure on the occupation to open the roof of crossing to allow more than 20000 wounded people to be treated abroad. and to provide us with the badly needed medical supplies and medicines and fuel to stop the soon coming catastrophe. and al, deserves and out of order
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a has more on the story now. she's reporting from dial by law and central gaza. i need a policy needs have been killed after that is right. new forces targets in a building for the ministry of social affairs and development. this building had a number of pilots in use that were seeking refuge in this building. according to the paramedics, i talked to, they said that they were directly targeted from the window as they he said, that's one of the rockets was a mil to mil. at our teller we selling the other one was droned airstrikes, and we saw the bodies of 9 palestinians. it being 8, sorry. 8 policy needs being transferred into alexa, hospitalized, and dozens of injuries. it's a chaos right now on the permit x are sending us out, more ambulances are coming and transferring more uh bodies. but it's not only ambulances that were carrying the bodies and transferring them here and to a hospital,
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but or so people were helping with their own vehicles and their donkey carts moving to the fuse. a question of the, the, the hospital told us that they had the ability to provide fuel for 3 more hours. someone donated it for them and is this viewed is it will be only for 3 more hours and after it's the few and it's going to end and the hospice and it's going to run out of electricity. again, this would put hundreds of people in having kidney dialysis treatment. this is going to put people who are injured patients and a, and the premature babies in risk of death because they're completely relying on the electricity in the hosp with the this, this is a desperate situation now and goes, a doctors and nurses are struggling with a severe lack of supplies and my colleagues, sammy's, they don spoke to honda, a book like, she's a pharmacist who's just returned from rafa to working as
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a volunteer with the policy and american medical association. she describes the conditions inside causes medical facilities is missing. date is up is unbearable every single day. so it's very, very, a normal to say not available out of stuck and you cannot do anything. and many times doctors and surgeons, they cannot do anything. there's no equipment, there is no medication. what they can do. they do their very best to help the situation and sincerely, to have that. did you say people die in the emergency room because of things that otherwise in any other hospital that out of the part of the world if they had proper supplies? these people probably could have been saved. did you have that kind of feeling or experience? unfortunately? yes. and we have the cases and it was very hard to broken the 2 out of it and you
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know that you can do so many things. but because of the shortage of supplies or medications or equipment, you are not able to do anything. how many times a day did you see a situation like that? that's the only one to multiple times. and then was one day because of the lack of the, the volunteers that when they know that they have to do you look at the federal is the, the nurses in the all our rooms were not available at the local nurses, nurses that they don't have to afraid that they become appointment, they wouldn't be available. our surgeons, the doctors were not able to operate in the operations rooms. and people who came in injured actually, you know, usually they done the, the people who comes in, usually they done we, we know that unfortunately it's very simple to say, you know, at the beginning. so it's very hard with this that. but then there is nothing in our hands. well, that what, what, what can you do? meanwhile, funerals have been held in the occupied westbank for the 12 palestinians killed
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during the 2 day is ready, right in the janine refuge account. obviously the house ministry says that 5 children were among the dead. thousands of people also injured, including a john list. an ambulance cruise is ready, bulldoze is ripped up roads and damaged infrastructure. and dozens of jeanine residents for arrested is ready forces and saplings of killed at least $518.00 pallets and ends in the occupied westbank. in more than 7 months. i'll just say or is it ever brings us more in the story now? she's reporting from ramallah in the occupied westbank out of the 12 people who have been killed by these rated forces fire. 11 of them were only able to be laid to rest today because these really forces have been surrounded surrounding the janine refugee camp and preventing palestinians from seeking help for the injured or even burying their dead. now, the municipality, local officials are trying to assess the damage that has been caused to homes to
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the infrastructure. so far, the initial estimate is the $8000000.00 or the cost of the re, a construction of the damage that has been caused by these really forces. we're talking about 10 homes, which has been either partially or completely destroyed, but we're also talking about infrastructure. we see this every time these really forces weighed the genie refuge account that there is an intention and targeted sabotage to the infrastructure when it comes to the water line, sewage lines, as well as electricity. this time again, they administer the policy, says it's even on a larger scale which would cost more money and would really take more time to be able to be fixed. so we're not just talking about lives is lost, including a search and who is just going to a hospital. the hospital has been working on for in for more than 22 years. but
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we're talking about the daily lives of palestinians, and we've been to james several times in the past 2 years and have seen how specifically, after the 7th of october, these really forces are deliberately destroying the infrastructure, making lives for palestinians there, which already has been difficult even more and more impossible, the the, the thing we've been monitoring over the past now the presence of the us and can you of declared that commitment to help bring stability to haiti, which has been rocked by months of gang violence. william router is on a state visit in washington for talks on the, on rest in the car, be a nation can you has agreed to send a 1000 police offices that respond to the multinational mission to help restore order. the u. s. has been criticized for not sending its own troops bite and
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defended his administration's policy. we concluded that for the united states is deployed forces in the habits here. just raises all kinds of questions that can be easily misrepresented by what we're trying to do and be able to be used by those who disagree with us. and again, star gets interest of haiti and united states. so we set out to find a, a partner partners who would lead that effort that we would participate in. now with the american forces, both supplies and making sure they have what they need. we have a clear monday. we have a p up from walk on to discuss the people who made this division in the interest of solving peace and stability, positive points to button global citizen and understanding that insecurity. instability anyway is in security, an instability everywhere. and all that has correspond. kimberly,
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i'll catch wines as live now and a very interesting story. this. the william rooters meeting with joe biden in washington canyon forces now set to intervene in haiti. tell us about us involvement in this of the now there's been a long history of security partnership between the united states and kenya it's, it's gone back for a number of issues. and in fact, the state visit is celebrating the 60 years of diplomatic relations is, but the 2 partnered on combining whether challenges include us, bob, whether it's the who sees even in ukraine. so the 2 leaders believe that to combating challenges in haiti is, isn't a natural extension of that security partnership. but it does have its controversies in, in the press conference, one of the canyon reporters asked, why are you sending the resources to the fire and havi when there's a fire at home? and you heard the answer that was given there just a moment ago. it believes that there is enough resources and that there is
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a loyalty there to other nations to work and to, to assist. but this is certainly something that is being pushed back by canyon, the opposition law makers, and also human rights activists is the same time. we can tell you that this is a partnership that the united states and the canyon government believe it. and we should also point out, well, there will be no american boots on the ground participating in this along with the $1000.00 canyon soldiers or rather police officers. this will be backed by about $300000000.00 in american dollars. of course, the president trump white and had his own agenda for this very important press conference with another well leader. but of course there was some assistant questions there about the i c c's request for a restaurants for her mouse and is ready to lead. isn't of course, washington support fatalities. that's right as us present
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provide and continues to try and promotions agenda you have to remember, we're 6 months away from the americans going to the polls to try and choose another president, whether it's joe biden or donald trump. these seem to be the options and you know, joe biden is trying to win reelection. he doesn't want to continue talking about the war on gods or his support for israel. and yet that is what seems to be on the minds of reporters and seems to be an email on the minds of voters. and this seems to be the protests that are all across campus is in the united states. this was about to be a visit about promoting us interest in the africa and how this could be combating the influence of china. but again, what happened was, the very 1st question was about a russ for us as you point out. and you, jo biden's support for israel and the us president tried to dodge the question, but it was not able to get away with it completely,
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but he still did not answer the question. the question was whether or not israel was deliberately using starvation as a weapon of war. the president never answers that question. instead, what he did was he referred to a stock answer about whether or not b i c. c, in fact has jurisdiction. something that the united states does not believe it does and whether or not to the us president believes that this even has any mirrors in terms of an investigation at all again. so probably not surprisingly, some of the united states also does not support. thank you very much. kimberly how kit and all the stories are following in the united states. so these 5 people have been killed in iowa off the tomatoes sweat through the us states. moving to 100 homes will also destroyed 1st responders. a still searching through the wreckage hospital in the town of greenfield was among the buildings. damage. 3 separate tornadoes at the state on choose a closing wide spread power outages. nbc is jesse kosh is in iowa with more on the
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story for us as we are in the small city of greenfield, iowa population, roughly 2000 people. and officials say in this community, at least 4 people were killed when a tornado ripped through. here on tuesday, take a look at the aftermath here. these chunk of buildings effectively piled on top of each other across these lines and those structures are actually more intact than some of the others in this community. just across the block, you can see piles of rubble covered in tree limbs and tree branches. this is the aftermath of that twister. official say again, at least 4 people were killed, more than 30 people were injured. now the clean up is ongoing. here at a time that is also filled with grief, this is al jazeera life from dell. how these are the stories still as we look in the overwhelming boat at the united nations, on the thousands of victims of the 1995 shepherd needs the genocide. and then in
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iran, the late presidents in 5 minutes, there has been laid to rest of to being killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. the had a low, this is very lively weather to come across europe as the end the week and go into the weekend with some very heavy rain. continuing across the central parts who got read warnings out for southern parts of germany. we could see flooding as a heavy rain continues to for here. so i was continue from much of funds to west to weather as well, edging into the low countries and we will see that weather start to push its way further east. as we go into sat today with some heavy falls on the way for the likes of poland as well as slovakia. the vineyards, well seeing some of that rain on the bulk and so i just want greasing some thunder
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storms with some wet to weather weather as well for eastern pots of to keep it does dry up across the west. and we're gonna see things dry up briefly. across the western areas of france, pots of britain as well, but small heavy rain coming in to the island. the own sack today and temperatures are sitting very high across northern areas of scandinavia. despite the sky, the child was coming into no way. we will still see tempt, just sitting very high for this time of year. also thing 20 degrees celsius. that 29 in bucharest. and we'll see temperature start to pick up because the western areas of europe was 29 degrees in madrid on saturday with sun. the sectarian, this is terri of the scenes of unity within india as vibrant tapestry as election for the sweeps. the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling
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as they pulled to opposing poles. can the friendship survive the political divide in the world's largest democracy? india is fractured witness on i will just the, the the come back, i put them on to the main stories. now is there any forces or targeting the 2 remaining health care centers still functioning in northern garza and all that stuff to leave allowed a hospital and have a tech to come out, add one hospital and then the alex the hospital is about to run now. so a few that is in central casa. meanwhile,
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the president of the us and can your of declared that commitment to help bring stability to a to which has been rocked by months of gang violence during the joint news conference when he moved to us at the upcoming deployment deployment of canyon forces to have a seat to crush the gangs that have ravaged the caribbean nation. and then at least 5 people have been killed and 35 others injured in iowa after a series of tornadoes swept with us today. within 200 homes have been destroyed, including a hospital in the town of greenfield. now to iran where the late present abraham rice, he has been laid to rest in his hometown of mashhad who was buried at the mom or as a shrine which is visited by millions of pilgrims. every yeah. right. you see an 8 of those, including the 5 minutes to assign. i mean i've delorean were killed and had a cup to crash on sunday, or suicide reports from to one or the super henry. so was believe to be on track to help shape your own future for years to come. instead,
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iranians have you paying their respects at the serious or funeral ceremonies. on thursday, the late president's body was transported to binge and the city where he was chosen as a member of the experts. the council deputy likes to stop the leader then commission . you're on the 2nd largest city we chose to hold is josh, right? the message is also receives hometown and his final resting place. reese was born into a clerical family and married the delta, the of the influential him of my shift, who's supporting joy throughout his care. oh, yeah. tens of thousands of iranians turned out to beat him. stay around, gracie, and he's for the minister who's the name of my young, had the shared history. they come back to the 1979 revolution davis together in their final moments to when they had to go up there, carrying them crushed in a mountainous region in the north of your own people more than enough to lie young
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instead of me. internal improvements, where do you has been buried? the one on the it is so sad to lose our president for the minister and their companions in such a tragic incident. it seems that pain, but i believe this tragedy is going to make us stronger. both race yeah. and made up the popular among conservatives. many support is believe the decision of power would be some time i'm attending the funeral, like many arabians here to moon, for those who we lost. but the pos will continue. i'm sad for the president and his companions, but i'll state doesn't rely on just one individual. it's a system. we are used to sacrifices the pos will continue. an interim government led by for my 1st wise president mohammed must be in charge on to next month's election for almost 4 decades as
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a judge for the position of resupplied. unimportant rules in a number of could you think of periods in your on history? i mean, well yeah, 1st as deputy for the minister then as for the minister on to receive health and safety runs for them for to see over the past decade. but it is the supreme leader or the company has ultimate c in state of affairs. that's why the presidential election on june 28th is not expected to bring my change for you want both domestically and a rules versus that of that. i'll just 0. so i have a program for enterprise into manual, not going to as a controversial electoral reform law for new caledonia will not be full through you made the comments while musing with local leaders and the french territories capital of new may a weeks of unrest full of times to change the voting system because the indigenous kind of communities saying that this change would, we can vote from shore,
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gives us, could such a phone i have pledged this reform won't be forced to give them the current situation. and then we're getting ourselves a few weeks to allow for calm the assumption of dialogue with a view to a global agreement. in the light of this commitment, i ask the old, the leaders of the roadblock protests to be lifted. and i want this to be done in the hours and days to come out is there is wayne, hey, brings us more on the story now a god of on a welcome to the presidents to besieged french territory. after a week of protest, emmanuel mack chrome said he was the result. the crisis is about only of them when it gets because from the local section, of course we'll be looking at economic reconstruction support, rapid response, and then the most sensitive political issues to talk about the future of new caledonia need to it's an uncertain future that seen people take to the streets, protesting against the proposed constitutional change. if approved by congress, it would allow french nationals who have lived in new caledonia for at least 10
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years to vote in elections. the indigenous come acts who have little long struggle for independence. say the change is really about colonization and minimizing their influence. so see, we've been lied to for use and they've lied to our ancestors. they've lied to out elders and i'm will, through the various agreements that have been made. we're run out of food agreement . it's the longest when i'm with tired of not being recognized that some of the protests to say they'll stay on the streets for as long as it takes, even though the numbers have decreased. in response to the violence, the president sent some 3000 security personnel to new caledonia. click that, that may be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic empire olympic games which start in paris in july. the last thing the french government will want is on wrist and one of its territories,
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while it has the will detention wayne, hey al jazeera and all the news, the united nations is overwhelming. the positive resolution designating july 11th as trevor needs to genocide remember, and stay at that locks when more than 8000. maybe most of the men and boys were massacred by both me and subs in 1995 political policies in the u. k. a campaign in a de, onto the prime minister wishes to not cold, a surprise snap election votes that to be held on july 4th. so united states as policies of routes, economics to policy officer, a cost of living crisis. but if any impulse suggests his governing policy could be facing defeats while of monks has moved from downing street. within reason is the prime minister in britain who has the power to decide when an election takes place . and almost as soon as we choose to not the nouns to live for as the date for the next national vote here in britain, the other political parties began that campaigns. both he and his chief political
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opponent, testament from labor, have been across the u. k. today, meeting with boats as kind of a thing for votes. one of the major challenges was so nice of it, his own personal reco them that's of his conservative policy. of the 5 major promises that he made to voters and said that he would fulfill one and office realistically any of 2 of them around persons economy. and the inflation rate have so far being met. and that may be why so many people in the u. k. considered this decision of his to hold that election this soon to be something of a gamble. the marks. how does 0 london momma and how to much interest de b has been sworn in as chance present of to being the god winter of the elections held earlier this month. davy, it's of this into him president since 2021 of his father was killed by rebels. the opposition is alleged vote rigging and cold for the results of the election to be a now right now probably send these across cause dealing with extreme shortages of
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food, water, and fuel. but even before the war, as well as near to decade, brocade limited, the volume of goods allowed into the strip. recent months, the people of houser have been increasingly relying on don't key costs as a means of transportation and income. i'm the sausage reports it was once considered an outdated form of transport. now, the nor palestinians in jonesville are relying more and more on donkey carts. and here in han, eunice, people say it's become the only way left to get around. i am a volunteer at the european hospital. i am facing great difficulty finding a means of transportation to the medical facility. i need to get at least 2 rides in addition to walking 3 kilometers. not only is the journey fraught with danger, it is insanely.


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