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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request. the, the, the director of gauze is out of hospitals as patients and stuff is still trapped inside the facility. in the midst of fears, battles between his right, a full says palestinian fighters, while the alex hospital in central gaza is on the verge of running out of fuel because of his right restrictions on the entry of a trucks the oh i marian, minimize the welcome to algebra live from don't also coming up on the program. we
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have a pm monday. we have a pm for more on these people who admit this disease, you can use present valves as troops will bring stability to have security and try to top of the agenda on monday and routes i state visits with us and at least 5 people, a dad and hundreds of homes destroyed off to multiple tornadoes ripped through the us space in iowa. the hello and welcome to the program out top story. fist fighting in northern casa, around one of the areas, few functioning hospitals, is riley troops, at least on the out the hospital in nature body, a refugee camp. the world health organization says a 140 medical staff patients. i'm the friends and relatives were inside the facility when it was rated. it's cooling for the protection of patients in health
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care workers and safe passage for their evacuation. what are the am i calling for? the bought table spoke to mohammed saw the acting director of the hospital. he spoke to as while he and his staff were trapped inside the facility. and you can hear gunfire in the background. i guess it's the age of allowed the hospital yesterday they. busy the starting the pollution policies in force that solution be a lot of the stuff and the patients, the companies only with the executive, a wood frame. so that was getting guys to see and, and now we are 14 of the me because stuff we are is a with the with that what patient the lot of must be evacuated because i am. but if
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you to put on the, from bishop is in the have to send to us and on too long since, because the situation of our patient is had a situation that can't walk to go to where i was sitting guys there. and there we stay with the now we have 11 of patients and another a to a patient company because there is that 2 data the and i want to see i could give but with this data. so now we took the out of 27 pads on, on the seed in the people sitting outside the hospital, including patients and staff. as you were talking to us, mr. sala, we could hear some loud noise in the background. what sounded like gunshots. can you tell us if there is still fighting inside or in the vicinity of the hospital, it would be out of the out of sale to think i looked on bumping, getting the rounding the the,
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the hosting on the mouth. and i was shooting them to her 2 days the sure thing to do that that but now the sure thing and pumping side around the, the, the house because there is this night. but on the, on the bed and the walking in the and outdoor area outside of a lot of hospital a, there is a lot of surgeons there. so we are an inside the hospital yesterday. the out in thought of the inside of the hospital on the broken the, the door that to close. so that was the situation then in the north of guys. uh meanwhile in central guys uh the i likes the hospital is about to run out of fuel. the health ministry st that would in danger of the lives of hundreds of sick and injured patients. that what is what well, we have launched so many appeal was during the recent days to originally have fueled in the hospital. but no concerned policies have responded. we only received
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3000 leases of fuel on wednesday, but the hospital needs at least 5000 liters every day. there are now more than 1300 sick and wounded patients in the hospital. the medical treatment will stop because of the lack of fuel. this will lead to a humanitarian crisis and that likes the hospital, which is the only operating hospital, which is more than 1000000 people in the central government. right. man, i was an hour, fully ambulances and full steel hospital will stop. we reach the international community and the united nations to do their best to immediately provide the hospital with enough fuel. we urge the international community to work hard to stop the war against hospitals and the health system and gone. so before it's too late, we urge the international community to put pressure on the occupation to open the roof of crossing to allow more than 20000 wounded people to be treated abroad. and to provide us with the badly needed medical supplies and medicines and fuel to stop
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the soon coming catastrophe. auxiliary and also jerry has won the story from daryl by the in central gaza. i need a policy needs have been killed after that is right. new forces targeted, i'm a building for the ministry of social affairs and development. this building had a number of pilots in use that were seeking refuge in this building. according to the paramedics, i talked to, they said that they were directly targeted from the window. as they he said, that's one of the rockets was a melting minute artillery selling. the other one was draw nearer straight. and we saw the bodies of 9 at palestinians. it being 8, sorry. 8 policy means being transferred into alexa hospital and dozens of injuries . it's okay us right now, and apparently they start sending us out more ambulances are coming and
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transferring more uh bodies. but it's not only ambulances that were carrying the bodies and transferring them here and to a hospital, but or so people were helping with their own vehicles. and their donkey carts moving to the fuse, a question of that of the hospital told us that they had the ability to provide fuel for 3 more hours. someone donated it for them and is this viewed is it will be only for 3 more hours. and after it's the few and it's going to end and the hospice and it's going to run out of electricity. again, this would put hundreds of people in having kidney dialysis treatment. this is going to put people who are injured patients and, and the premature babies in risk of death because they're completely relying on the electricity in the hosp because as well, doctors in us as a struggling was a severe lack of supplies. earlier on my colleagues, somebody's
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a town spoke to her to a book like she's a pharmacist who has just returned from rough off to working as a volunteer with the policy. and american medical association. she described was the conditions you witnessed inside causes medical facilities everything date is up is unbearable every single day. so it's very, very, a normal to say not available out of stuck and you cannot do anything. and many times doctors and surgeons, they cannot do anything. there's no equipment, there is no medication, what they can do. they do their very best to help the situation and sincerely, to have with us. did you see people die in the emergency room because of things that otherwise in any other hospital, at the other part of the world, if they had proper supplies, these people probably could have been saved. did you have that kind of feeling or experience? unfortunately, yes. and we have the cases and it was very hard to broken that you are dead and you
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know that you can do so many things. but because of the shortage of supplies or medications or equipment, you are not able to do anything. how many times a day did you see a situation like that? that's all the one thing multiple times. and then was one day because of the luck of the the volunteers that when they know the drop off, they have to do you look at the fabulous the, the nurses in the all our rooms will are not available at the local nurses, nurses that they know how to operate that they become equipment, they wouldn't be available or surgeons the doctors were not able to operate in the operations rooms. and people who came in injured actually, you know, usually they die the, the people who comes in, usually they don't. we know that unfortunately, it's very simple to say, you know, at the beginning, so it's very hard when we would miss that. but then there is nothing in our hands. well, that what, what, what can you do when he's ready on me as intensified as
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a sold on rough in the south? it comes to the international court of justice is set to rule on friday on a request by south africa to or to israel to holt. it's offensive that the u. n. is saying moving, 900000 palestinians have been forced to free the area, which was the last sheltering place. so people in gaza, the is ready, defense minister, you of garland repeated his determination to press on with the offensive until rasa . right? the small, the volume of we are strengthening our efforts and confronting rasa. and this operation will intensify and we will push more forces from the ground and more forces from the air. and we will continue the maneuvers and we will achieve our goals. hitting almost hard scripting it of its military capabilities and creating the conditions for the return of the hostages, so they can return to their homes. this is an important matter. it is a central issue for us and we will make every effort to implemented by all means.
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others, every senior police congress, moran, the shower has won this much of the arguments as the international criminal court. in fact, the 1st major arguments and, and the international court of justice. what about the position of hunger was about humanitarian aid? was about chime in. and that's what the world food organization has talked about. so i'm in a case in northern guys, so that's what the wine organization has talked about. and that's where there is very a, a very little controversy. because if you win these ratings, the americans i've talked to justify the killing of civilians are so called a human shield. that sort of justification. although humbug as it may be. but they try to somehow justify the sun is arrows actions in gaza. but the international court of justice and international criminal court could not digest why these re,
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these are denying a population of over 2000000 people in food and medicines. that part is the part that brought a lot of people where has just said that what in the middle you do they call this genocide? do they call it the war crime? was just something that just happens in any war. i think it towards the question of the you mentality and aid the open position of hunger that drove a lot of independent judge is lawyers, prosecutors, and humanitarian officials from around the world to start talking about war crimes and genocide are going to be occupied westbank now funerals, there's been held for the 12 palestinians killed during the to day is ready raid in janine the policy and the health ministry says 5 children were among the dead. thousands of people injured including a john list. an ambulance crews is ready, bulldoze is ripped up roads and damaged infrastructure. thousands of jeanine
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residents will also arrested is ready forces and satellites have killed at least $518.00 palestinians and the occupied westbank in more than 7 months. of the united nations is overwhelmingly paused a resolution designating july 11th as strep or any so genocide, remember and stay. it locks when moving a 1000 maybe maybe most the men and boys are massacred by imposing in subs in 1995 . okay. but there's also has moved from the united nation earlier, we have before the vote took place in the general assembly. here, the un, serbia's president, made an impassioned speech to the general assembly, calling for countries not to vote for this draft resolution. he essentially said that it is politicized, and that it could spark regional tensions. but in the end, it did pass overwhelmingly $84.00 countries voting for it. 19 against and 68
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countries abstaining. now, what exactly does this uh, now adopted resolution call for it's uh, it would designate july 11th is an international day of reflection and commemoration of the 1995 genocide and to be observed every single year. the draft calls for the united nations to prepare outreach programs and invites countries and organizations and, and jose to participate in annual awareness activities that on are the victims. now this resolution was sponsored by germany and were one didn't have over 25 different co sponsors as well. should be pointed out that the international court of justice, the u. s. highest tribunal determined a 2007. the acts of genocide did occur. and that, that court's decision was included in the draft resolution that has now been over
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whelming, we adopted gabriel's on to l, just either at the united nations in new york. so head for you on the program, take a look at the state of homelessness in south africa where people, hundreds of thousands of them heading to the home. the had low that was not down on the in australia and high pressure has been cleaning on keeping things, launch the woman dry from much of the country. we saw our cold front sweep across the se, however, dropping temperatures for the likes of victoria, as well as tasmania, bringing some showers, as well as some snow that has we can then on friday it will. we can even further. we're still seeing a few showers around coastal areas of victoria, new south wales with some west to weather coming in to coastal areas of queensland
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. and is good news for pass off to the will. mr. may speak on record. we'd like to see some way to where they are coming in their own sack today attempt is down a little bit. they will be picking up as we go through into the weekend. so i'm just will be picking up as well in brisbin, despite the funder rashaw was in result through the weekend with a bit of a mistake. monday on the cards, the phone you zealand, we have had a mixture of sunshine and settled whether it's going to turn low on. settled on saturday was risk of wind when some rough seas and some very blustery conditions across the south island. now from southeast asia where watching something of a circulation developing to the east of the philippines, that's going to bring west to weather, to the north on saturday. the, the, this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop
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a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes this country homes more beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural view. rivelo rich and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to the al jazeera life from dell, he's in the main stories. now is there any forces of targeting the 2 remaining health care center, still functioning in northern causa?
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they've ordered stuff to leave out the hospital and have a tech to come out at one as well. the alex hospital in central garza is about to run out of fuel. united nations is overwhelming. the pasta resolution designating july 11th is trevor needs to genocide. remember and stay at monks when moving 8000 maybe most of the men and boys were massacred by palsy and subs in 1995. now in iran, the late present, a buying rice he has been laid to rest in his hometown of mashhad, is buried at the among rezo shrine which is visited by millions of pilgrims every year. right. you see in a all those including the farm and it's still the same. i mean, up to law young, we killed in a helicopter crash on sunday for suicide to reports on this from tap on the people to him race. it was believe to be on track to help shape your own future for years to come. instead,
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iranians have you paying their respects at the serious or funeral ceremonies. on thursday, the late president's body was transported to be adjourned. the city where he was chosen as a member of the experts, the console deputy likes to stop the leader. then commission here on the 2nd largest city we chose to hold is josh, right. the message is also receives hometown and his final resting place. reese was born into a clerical family and married the delta, the of the influential him of machines, who's supporting joy throughout his care. tens of thousands of iranians turned out to beat him. stay around, gracie, and he's for the minister who's the name of my young. had the shared history, they come back to the 1979 revolution davis together in this time, the moments to when they had to go up there, carrying them crushed in a mountainous region in the north to for your own people. more than enough to lie
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young instead of the internal improvements where he has been buried. the one on the it is so sad to lose our presidents for the minister and their companions in such a tragic incident. it seems that pain, but i believe this tragedy is going to make us stronger. both raised and ended up to the younger popular among conservatives. many support is believe that the decision of power will be some time i'm attending the funeral, like many arabians here to moon, for those who we lost. but the pos will continue. i'm sad for the president and his companions, but all state doesn't rely on just one individual. it's a system. we are used to sacrifices the pos will continue. an interim government led by for my 1st wise president mohammed must be in charge on to next month's election for almost for that case. as a judge for the patient resupplied,
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unimportant rules in a number of critical periods in your on history. i mean, well yeah. first, as definitely for the minister, then as for the minister on to receive how to shape your wants for them for to see over the past decade. but it is the supreme leader or the company has ultimate say in state of affairs. that's why the presidential election on june 28th is not expected to bring my change for you want both domestically and a rules versus that of that. i'll just 0 saturday programs the president of the us and can here of declared the commitment. hell bring stability to 80, which been rocked by months of gun violence, where they moved to arizona state visit in washington. the talks on the, on rest and the car be a nation can years agreed to send a 1000 police officers there as part of the multinational mission to help restore order. the u. s. has been criticized for not sending its own troops by defended.
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his administration's policies concluded that for the united states is deployed forces in the habits here just raises all kinds of questions that can be easily misrepresented by what we're trying to do and be able to be used by those who disagree with us. and again, star gets interest of haiti and united states. so we set out to find a, a partner partners who would lead that effort that we would participate in. now with the american forces, both supplies and making sure they have what they need. we have a clear monday, we have a p up from walk on to discuss the people who made this division in the interest of solving peace and stability, positive points to button global citizen. and understanding that insecurity. instability anywhere is in security, an instability everywhere. how, why has corresponding kimberly?
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how kit has more from washington to us. president joe biden welcoming the canyon president william ruth ho to the white house, the 1st african leader of 15 years to make a state visit to washington. this visit is significant for a number of reasons. not only is this marking 60 years of collaboration between the 2 nations in terms of 2nd diplomatic relations, but also in terms of the economic and security ties. there is a longstanding partnership when it comes to collaborating on issues of security between the united states in kenya, whether it is collaborating and combating house or bob the who sees or even most recently with thursday's announcement, the deployment of $1000.00 canyon police officers to haiti this is something that is being backed by more the $300000000.00 us dollars, although there will not be any us boots on the ground,
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whether it be police officers or soldiers. however, in the joint press conference, one of the local canyon reporters asked president rudo about this, why it was that there was when there is a fire at home, there were police officers pay and police officers being sent to the fire in haiti . this is apparently very controversial back in kenya, and president rudo responded the. the key believes that this is something that needs to be done. he's keeping his word to the haitians and it is logical. it has to be dealt with you as president joe biden for his park. also face challenges in the joint press conference. well, he tried to promote his agenda of furthering ties in africa, as there is growing in fluids by china. he once again was challenged by the fact that he continues to support. israel ad was challenged by the fact that there are
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ongoing questions about the international criminal court and this application for a rest florence. the us president, dodging the question about whether or not is real is using starvation intentionally as a weapon of war. the president only responding saying he believes that the i c c does not have jurisdiction. kimberly, how could l g 0? the white house? how much interest ab has been sworn in his child's president of the being declared literally the elections held earlier this month. they be, it's of this into him presence in 2021 officer. his father was killed by rebels. you find the out the presidential election, often months of nationwide protests, you know, position is the legend. vote rigging and cool for the results to be a now now to south africa, the government has promised to build hundreds of thousands of homes for the pool. but it's far behind the target. as people head to the poles, those who a homeless a more desperate than ever, so mean
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a minute reports from cape town. this is one of thousands of informal settlements in south africa. emmys, i'm a year to 1st run up in the cape town, more than 50 years ago of to some hill, forcibly removed from a neighboring area. since then, it's estimated that at least 40000 people have built, make shift homes here using corrugated iron plastic sheets and we have possible breaks confidence that he's lived here for nearly 20 years. no, no, no selling the pos that leads to a home is also, we're the only toilets, all the smell of sewerage and waste can't be avoided. she blames the provincial governments led by the opposition democratic alliance, or d a. a month, the waters 13 the grades are production and the toilet and everyone and no one from the municipality comes while the government is building homes for the poor. there's a backlog of at least $2300000.00 homes. and that number grows each year for me file, i can say that's bad because if you look into this and get but 60600000 people,
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that is under way thing. this is a lot of options that this afternoon, these projects. and also there's no accountability residents. yeah. explain. this area was marked for development, but it's tools and they don't know why. in cape town, the number of people without homes worse and during the cove at 19 pandemic, people lost income, and the economy struggled. an estimated 14000 people live on the streets of the greats of cape town area. while the government does provide shelters, there aren't enough bids to accommodate everyone, the needs know. so there are some who say they don't want to sleep in child because the democratic alliance is the influx has people from florida provinces is one of the reasons for the high demand for housing. the national government, aided by the african national congress, says the d a is not using the budget. it's been allocated to build homes, housing budgets, and infrastructure budgets are need planning and long term. and when you're done,
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especially in the of the finances on a municipality to deliver housing, you've been given a month or 2 to deliver on that budget. it's not possible. but the amc too, has been criticized for not providing enough homes in the 8 provinces. it runs a south africa hits to an election. the lack of housing for the flow remains a major problem, often influenced by politics, corruption, and the lack of money. so meet them in a ultra 0 cape town l u k prime minister, where she's do not get his all position rival of kicked off 6 weeks of election campaigning. cnx announcement for a snap election has been described as a gamble. the labor policy leading in the opinion polls just on that label policy leader is hoping to see his policy return to power off to 14 years. john, our votes from pension in southeast, in england. they want to the surprise general election campaign and in britain's
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town square as this little sign, yet to defend fare and how springs the leaflets and activists that will show they arrive for the main party leaders. the campaign is in full swing with the stump speeches, hammering home key messages, the prime minister in dumpy shell. it's been a real privilege to be with you. thank you for your questions. thank you for what your day and i'll hopefully i'll get your support a few weeks thoughts. all right, so i bought, i bought a position to labor productivity. the customer was in kent sole sales this is hit, shooting in hot, which you traditionally conservative probability this time around late. but it's the sort of place that illustrates how the election is likely to go. according to the opinion polls. which way do you think it will the labor, the y racing southern so yeah, i'm please, there isn't that action because part so they will get
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a better government in the end of everyone's in the same one with another. i think that it needs to change because it will pete again. the label, positive, remember, has been totally on average 20 points, the head of the conservative party for many months now thanks to fully living standards, record high taxes and failing public services. the current calculus suggests a swing of government seats to the opposition that could be the largest since the 2nd world war. so that while bodies johnson's victory in 2019 was characterized by the fall of so called red will seats and traditional labor party working class areas. the very opposite could happen. this time, the collapse of the conservative blue will in places like kitchen. jo, how l g 0 in hospice, you french president. manuel. mac crowns has a controversial and actual reform low for new caledonia would not be full through. he made the comments while meeting local leaders and the french territories capital . no man, weeks of unrest followed by plans to change. the hosting system have upset the
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interest is kind of community, they all saying that this change would we cannot vote so it gives us could such


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