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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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the cost on red chris, the the hello i'm i am the why the welcome to the news out and i from dell are coming up in the next 60 minutes running out of fuel. we report on the rapidly deteriorating situation. one of causes a few remaining functioning hospitals. this is riley forces from residential homes across the strip, at least 51 people have been killed in the past day. also coming up. we have a key on monday. we have a key up from walk on to discuss the people who can make these positions can use president valves as truthful brings to ben at t to 80 security and trade at the top of the agenda of william router's state visit
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to the united states. as an overwhelming vote to the united nations, to one of the victims of the 1995 separate subject assigned with an annual memory. the hello and welcome to the program. we begin in central cause. one of its main hospitals is that his electricity partially costs off the outlook, so hospital is hours away from completely running out of fuel. the health ministry says that would endanger the lives of hundreds of sick and injured patients in dire all by law. i'll just there is honey mom who does gain access inside the hospital. what many departments and now operating in total darkness, wanting to have you is that you might find some of the scenes and this report to stopping. it's always generators has been shut down because of the lack of,
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if you were going to take you to the general surgery department in the upper floor with their electricity is quite vital. but because of it, there is a risk of losing lies inside this department against the lack of a space is a major problem. in the hospital, particularly this department, the general surgery where you see patients and injuries, right? the court order of the hospital been here for quite some time and when it was the hospital racking major space here, it's a mid sized health facility and unable to accommodate the large number, the large number of injuries and patients inside the hospital. i much couldn't method there at one of the one of you, there's no treatment available, no electricity, basically nothing here. the hospital is struggling with just the basics. i've been here for over a month and a half after being shot in my leg and stomach. i know how you can see i've had surgery beyond that, there's only antibiotics. i need more surgeries,
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but they're not happening. i'm told there's a long waiting list and i've had to wait another 15 days. it's already been 2 months of waiting. right back to the average department for children at the hospital. this is the 1st time in that is experiencing our office right now. and as you can see and hear here at the more of this department is slacking miseries phase right now, or we're seeing a children outside in the car a door of this department simply because the rooms inside of talk with patients. an injury as bombing campaign continues the area right now with the power outage. this particular department, the rest of uses lives, the rest of the aggravating. the ongoing medical problems across the hospital is increasing by the hours that the driver department, not the only one that is experiencing now power outage. but also there as the
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surgery, they do not a surgery department on the upper floor that is also experiencing power out. there's just putting the risk of more lives inside the department at risk. right, right now we are in the store house where the fuel is gifted for our last hospice out here in austin from the area and right now with the worker's are doing here, just trying to collect whatever is left in these barrels. just to keep the generator is running for the way resorting to drawing fuels from the very depths of the risk of was just a self, it's a noticeable drops and these of installed in small containers to sustain the electrical generator. those such practice as impacting the generators functionality . so the hospitality is a very critical point right now and a couple. 0 hours for 3 hours are not far from completely shutting down all the services, and we're seeing the lives of everyone inside the hospital,
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us and that in the policy now alex hospitals, medical director, made an urgency to international aid agencies for more fuel to keep its own preparation is running the specialized for the clock, so hospital needs more than 4000 liters a few a day so that we can take you to patients and provide needed treatments. we have hundreds of patients including the injured and those who are diagnosed with kidney failure and need electricity for that dialysis treatment. this will stop completely without any issue with cooling on international organizations to send 50000 liters of fuel before this an imminent crisis here. otherwise, it's the into the pay, the price of patients will be condemned to death, especially those in the i see you the incubators and those relying on dialysis treatment for the north is there any forces were attacking the 2 remaining hospitals still functioning in that area? they've stormed the out facility and that your body account during
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a full day siege. the come all i do on hospital has also been attacked. and by like a much survey has this report, and it's one of the few medical facilities still functioning in gaza. and now the area around it remains under siege. it's all over to the north of the strip. patients and stuff have been trapped in the facility in the midst of the specials between east riley forces and palestinian fighters. we have to get to the age of allowed the hospital yesterday they. busy the starting, the physician forces is in force, so that solution be a lot of the stuff and the patients, the companies or yeah, with the so is that the way that would change the thing guys to see and,
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and now we are for p and of the stuff we are is a, with the, with that what patient theater but even before the fighting around the hospital intensified, doctors will over the struggling to treat the influx of patients as well as the populace of working here under increasing pressure, which peak last month with the arrival of displaced people from rough or, and other places where still working hard despite the lack of capabilities and then a shortage of stops. and a lot of customers come to the hospital every day. we never know what's around the corner, but the situation here is coming from back to us. the numbers are increasing. health workers have set up tents and extra bits outside the main building. but resources are still scarce. these medical facilities are a lifetime for palestinians. see the real interest these riley attacks. but the health ministry estimates $33.00 of guys us $35.00 hospitals are completely out of
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service. the world health organization is calling for the great so protection of health care workers and patients and disputing for the safe passage for the evacuation. but i haven't looked at that. i'll just sarah, one of my colleagues, families, i don, i just spoke to honda about quade she is a pharmacist who has just returned from rossa of to working. there is a volunteer with the policy in american medical association. she describes the conditions she witnessed and side causes medical facilities. everything date is up is unbearable every single day. so it's very, very, a normal to say nothing available out of stuck and you cannot do anything. and many times doctors and surgeons, they cannot do anything. there's no equipment, there is no medication, what they can do. they do their very best to help the situation and sincerely, to have with us. did you see people die in the emergency room because of things
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that otherwise in any other hospital, the other part of the world if they had proper supplies, these people probably could have been saved. did you have that kind of feeling or experience? unfortunately? yes. and we have the cases and it was very hard to broken that you are dead and you know that you can do so many things. but because of the shortage of supplies or medications or equipment, you are not able to do anything. how many times a day did you see a situation like that? that's only one thing multiple times. and there was one day because of the lack of the, the volunteers that when they know the drama they have to do, you look at the fabulous the, the nurses in the all our rooms will are not available at the local nurses, nurses that they know how to operate this, they added to the kind of equipment they were not available or surgeons, the doctors were not able to operate in the operations rooms. and people who came in injured actually, you know, usually they die the,
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the people who comes in usually they done. we, we know that unfortunately it's very simple to say, you know, at the beginning, so it's very hard when we would start. but then there is nothing in our hands. well, that what, what, what can you do? so as you've been hearing these hospitals are running out of fuel because israel is preventing the entry of a trucks. this despite is really official pledging to allow more aid and to the strip on wednesday to is humanitarian aid. ad drops were carried out over the city of han, eunice in the southern gaza strip. co gods and as riley code nation body says just 27 trucks have been unloaded from a floating pay a bill by the us. but the well food program says on the small amounts of this 8 is actually been distributed before the will began moving 508 trucks passed through the current woodside. i'm crossing every day now it's less than 20 food. medicines are also putting up at the gyptian side of the roof or crossing. a
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deliveries remain suspended the while is ready, forces keep attacking the southern city. yes, officials have been briefing with forces on the desperate need for more 8 and gaza . that's good, one is fine with hydro castro is live in washington dc for us. and i suppose the thing is higher. they've gone to great lengths to build this appear to be able to bring in a by see, but it's not really working on you. a trickle is going in and really you can monitor and agencies have made it clear that the best thing to happen now is simply for the line across things to open to that is absolutely the critical context, mariam but the pentagon on a call with reporters today really emphasized when it saw as progress with the distribution from this floating peer, which you rightfully say it's really just a drop in the bucket of the great need that causes who are in extreme hunger are facing. but the pentagon is pointing out that over the past, almost one week, there been 506 metric tons of food that was delivered via that route. but it's
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important to point out that much of it has not been distributed. that being the major hurdle here, the 1st few days, once the spirit was built, the food was nearly at a near stand still as the pentagon of the world food program. so that there were looters that prevented the distribution of this food leading to the world food program to suspend its program for 2 days. well, since then things have picked up a bit and we're also program issued a outcry for israel to help with security in his distribution of food and appears at israel, allow there to be some alternate routes to distribute it. and that has been somewhat successful because on wednesday now 27 trucks were able to take food from the peer to the distribution site. that is not nearly the 90 trucks a day that the pentagon said has set out as of school. and of course pales in
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comparison to the $500.00 trucks a day that would be needed to cross over land borders to distribute this food to those hungry people. and other critics criticism here of the vital ministrations idea of using this here is that while us soldiers very quickly built this here, they have been bars and setting foot on land in gaza. and thus they are initiating this mission. but they are unable to complete it. and really the security for distributing this food is still reliant on this really forces and many say that's simply hasn't materialized. thank you very much from washington, heidi drug castro, with that updates. this is really all me, is killed, at least 51 people on the 1st day in a series of attacks across casa in the southern city of rough uh, the sound of gunfire and explosions could be how it is. it was repeatedly fond.
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well, the 900000 people have been forced to free. the southern says he says 1st week of may or for months rough. i've been the last place of refuge for thousands of palestinians inside all areas of gaza. a would told that they would be safe. the streets were overflowing with people, traffic make shift shelters intends now it's largely a ghost town with nothing to offer, despise families, that a desperate still trying to get help them out. is there a spoke to some of them? i haven't been the crime this or what i am right all the time from i'll show refugee come to my left to come for con eunice funeral. we are in constant suffering, right? i'm trying to find some water every day. we move from here to the parking lots and there is nothing left for as much ongoing suffering that doesn't stop. the whole situation is very bad. just the monthly, cassandra, this flies and mosquitoes,
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everywhere our life is comparable. is he in the hand of gen alpha, then i sound like we went to rock or define drinking water. lot to here is not being as high as he is out of the problem with this when it has some sort of. so i was shocked when i arrived in rough. uh i found no one. i didn't even find cats or dogs. there's no market to shops, waterfall, every single thing is closed. you can't even buy a bottle of water to drink. when i look up at the new rock, they used to be the best place in joseph. it's with everyone and everything coming into the strip used to gather some of it. now it's just too much suffering. i'm not going to publicly deposited the person who work with strain. we displaced we fee,
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the will pines in the tanks. i felt some new belongings for my family. we need to live with a minimum in our hands. we're living on the siege and under aggression. people used to live in houses and apartments. now we live in tents if we can find them. and if not, then the sun's waiting for you to sleep on the sand. we're having to tolerate the freezing weather in winter and hot weather in summer to such suffering. i have no message for the will. i the only one would enough. enough is enough. people are dying here every minute. so in all the developments, the international court of justice is going to rule on friday on a request by south africa to or the israel to hold it's offensive and rasa. is there any defense minister you've got? it repeated his determination to press on. regardless, i the small do jail volume of we are strengthening our efforts and confronting rasa
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. and this operation will intensify and we will push more forces from the ground and more forces from the air. and we will continue with the maneuvers and we will achieve our goals hitting him off hard scripting it of its military capabilities and creating the conditions for the return of the hostages. so they can return to their homes. this is an important matter. it is a central issue for us, and we will make every effort to implemented by all means of, is there a senior political, honest marijuana shar, as well on this much of the arguments that the international criminal court affect the 1st major arguments and in the international court of justice. what about what the night zation of hunger was about? humanitarian aid was about chapman. and that's what the world food organization has talked about, simon across the northern guys. so that's what the one organization of talked about
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. and that's where there is very a very little controversy because if you, when this really is the americans i've talked to justify the killing of civilians are so called a human shield. that sort of justification. although humbug as it may be. but they try to somehow justify the sun is arrows, actions, and god. so. but the international court of justice and international criminal court could not digest why these re, these are denying population of over 2000000 people in food and medicines. that part is the part that brought a lot of people where has just said that the word in the middle you do they called this genocide. do they call it the war crime? was just something that just happens in any war. i think it towards the question of that you meant that in a, the open position of hunger that through a lot of independent judge is lawyers, prosecutors,
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and humanitarian officials from around the world to start talking about war crimes and genocide. the, the presidents of the us and can hear of declared that commitment to help bring stability to 80, which has been rocks by months of gang violence. when he moved to arizona state visit in washington for 2 weeks on the, on rest of the car, be a nation can years agreed to send a 1000 police offices. there's parts of the multinational mission del restore order . the us has been criticized and not sending its own troops, but to bite and has defended. his administration's policy included that for the united states is deployed forces and the habits here just raises all kinds of questions that can be easily misrepresented by what we're trying to do and be able to be used by those who disagree with us against our guests interest of haiti and united states. so we set out to find a,
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a partner partners who would lead that effort that we would participate in. now with the american forces, both supplies and making sure they have what they need. we have a clear monday. we have a p f from walk on to discuss the people who came to who made this division in the interest of shopping, peace and stability, positive points about global citizen and understanding that insecurity. instability anywhere is in security and instability. april way white house correspondent kimberly allocate has moved from washington to us. president joe biden welcoming the canyon president william ruth hill to the white house, the 1st african leader of 15 years to make a state visit to washington. this visit is significant for a number of reasons. not only is this marking 60 years of collaboration
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between the 2 nations in terms of diplomatic relations, but also in terms of the economic and security ties. there is a longstanding partnership when it comes to collaborating on issues of security between the united states and kenya, whether it is collaborating and combating allison bob, the who sees or even most recently with thursday's announcement, the deployment of 1000 kenyan police officers to haiti. this is something that is being backed by more the $300000000.00 us dollars, although there will not be any us boots on the ground, whether it be police officers or soldiers. however, in the joint press conference, one of the local canyon reporters asked president rudo about this, why it was that there was when there is a fire at home, there were police officers and police officers being sent to the fire in haiti.
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this is apparently very controversial back in kenya, and president russo responded that the key believes that this is something that needs to be done. he's keeping his word to the haitians and it is logical. it has to be dealt with us president joe biden, for his part also face challenges in the joint press conference. well, he tried to promote his agenda of furthering ties in africa, as there is growing, influenced by china. he once again was challenged by the fact that he continues to support israel and was challenged by the fact that there are ongoing questions about the international criminal court and this application for a rest florence, the us president, dodging the question about whether or not is real is using starvation intentionally as a weapon of war. the president only responding saying he believes that the i c. c does not have jurisdiction. kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house. so anyways,
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probably to unlock on cool head of africa practice that you raise your group. and she said that can use decision to deploy this force to haiti will strengthen william roots, his relationship with washington. the president router has been position in kenya as not just the regional leader, but a global lead to the want to uh, you know, attracts that have more investments from come to us. there's something better united states wanted to do and couldn't find a partner willing to do it. and so it was sort of, you know, you know, scratch my back of caught yours, right. so i can, yes. so an interest in doing this and getting some money for its partner with us and in return, it's getting all this stuff, all these things. i've got it today including the state visit, right. and it's, it's a part of the package. so there's a bit of box, right?
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scratching going on there is as you say, but it, what price could this come for william router? because this has sparked some pretty fist debates. i think in the quote also in the parliament, how much opposition is that to this deployment? by a boy named honestly, i don't think he's going to lose that much political capital over it's, it is contention. but there were other things that a way, more contention spend this domestically. he's been trying to raise taxes. and i think that the treatment he's getting in washington dc today will help the ease of a, some of that. those, those contentions, as you've probably seen, an immediate has been lots of announcements of investments, microsoft g 4 highway finance in from a us company. so i think some of that all of that will help domestically with capital. what does he hoping to achieve from his relationship with the united
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states? good question. i think a lot of people are asking, so i think one of them is look keys hoping to sell domestically you. there is a lot of complaints domestically about my revenue raising measure of inflation, cost of livid. but look how i'm being treated globally a m c. as a li originally. that is something that kenyans like kenyans likes to be seen as a regional lead to at least in the region. and i think now he's been positioned at another originally there, but even maybe a global lead. uh, we can talk about why that is, but that is something that he's hoping to to help him domestically. pressure on out, we go to the u. k because appointment is originally soon. i can his opposition rival of kicked off 6 weeks of election campaigning off to sue next announcement that a snap election is going to take place. it could be a gamble van, because the labor policy is leading in the opinion. polls that lead to kiss dom or
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is hoping to see his policy return to power. now, off to 14 years, joe now reports from hitchin and southeast in england, day one of the surprises generally election campaign and in britain's town square is this little sign yet to defend fair and has things the leaflets and activists that will show they arrive for the main party leaders, the campaign is in full swing with stump speeches, hammering home key messages, the prime minister in dumpy shell. it's been a real privilege to be with you. thank you for your questions. thank you for what your day and i'll hopefully i'll get your support in a few weeks thoughts. all right, 5 bible. i bought a position label. property that keeps stomach was intent to soul trails. this is hit shooting in hot, which you traditionally conservative probability this time around late, but it's the sort of place that illustrates how the election is likely to go
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according to the opinion polls, which way you think it'll go labor the y racing southern. so yeah, i'm please, there isn't that action because part, so they will get a better government and everyone's in the same one with another. i think that it needs to change because it will print the label. policy remember, has been posting on average 20 points ahead of the conservative policy for many months now. thanks to fully living standards, record high taxes and failing public services. the current calculus suggests the swing of government seats to the opposition that could be the largest since the 2nd world war. so that while boys johnson's victory in 2019 was characterized by the fall of so called red will seats and traditional labor party working class areas. the very opposite could happen. this time, the collapse of the conservative blue will in places like kitchen. jo, how do 0 in hot which you a positive right, well,
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had to iran like president and foreign ministers in late. it's arrest off to being killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. in china olds, ministry exercises around tie one off to the just days of the audience was in a new need. us and patron views as dangerous separate says the peddler that was not down on the in australia and high pressure has been cleaning on keeping things. launch the woman dried from much of the country. we saw our cold front sweep across the se, however, dropping temperatures for the likes of victoria, as well as tasmania, bringing some showers, as well as some snow that has a weekend. and on friday it will. we can even further was still seeing a few showers around coastal areas of victoria,
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new south wales with some west to weather coming in to coastal areas of queensland . and is good news for pass off to the will. mr. may speak on record. we'd like to see some what the weather coming in the own sack today attempt is down a little bit, but it will be picking up as we go through into the weekend. jumps of what we picking up as well in brisbane, despite the funder rashaw was and drizzle through the weekend. the bit of a mistake. monday on the cards, the phone you zealand, we have had a mixture of sunshine and settled whether it's going to turn low on. settled on saturday was risk a winter when some rough seas and some very blustery conditions across the south island. now from southeast asia where watching something of a circulation developing to the east of the philippines, that's going to bring west to weather, to the north. on saturday of the in japan, the voice often leads to one parent losing
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a little contact with the children. judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates. depends parental abductions on which is the era there. the next generation in the united states, they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away. many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the main stories, the electricity has been partially costs off with the locks, the hospital and central garza, several departments are running now in complete darkness. and that takes a warning. the field will completely run out in the coming hours. and then 5 and offices right? it forces us to only allowed a hospital in jamalia. it's one of the last 2 hospitals, still functioning and move and casa, being forced to close off for a full day siege was ready for us to say they all deepening their offensive in the south needs. national court of justice will decide on friday whether to order a whole defensive and rough. well,
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the 900000 people have been forced to flee the southern city since the 1st week of ne. elsewhere any occupied westbank funerals have been held for the 12 palestinians killed during the 2 days variety raid and the jeanine refugee camp abolished sending health ministry, saying 5 children were among the dead. thousands of people who are also injured, including a john list and the ambulance cruise is right in pull those as ripped up roads and damaged infrastructure. thousands of jeanine residents will also arrested. is there any forces in saplings of killed at least $518.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank in just over 7 months? that ever brings us more on the story now from ramallah in the occupied westbank. out of the 12 people who have been killed by these really forces fire. 11 of them were only able to be laid to rest today because these really forces have been surrounded surrounding
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b. janine rescue jacob and preventing palestinians from seeking help for the injured or even burying their dead. now, the municipality local officials are trying to assess the damage that has been caused to homes to the infrastructure. so far, the initial estimate is the $8000000.00 or the cost of the re, a construction of the damage that has been caused by these really forces. we're talking about 10 homes, which has been either partially or completely destroyed, but we're also talking about infrastructure. we see this every time these really forces weighed the genie refuge account that there is an intention of targeted sabotage to the infrastructure when it comes to the water line, sewage lines, as well as electricity. this time again that it municipality says it's even on
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a larger scale which would cost more money and would really take more time to be able to be fixed. so we're not just talking about lives is lost, including a search and who is just going to a hospital. the hospital has been working on for in for more than 22 years. but we're talking about the daily lives of palestinians, and we've been to joining several times in the past 2 years and have seen how specifically, after the 7th of october, these really forces are deliberately destroying the infrastructure, making lives for palestinians there, which already has been difficult even more and more impossible about us and he ends across calls are dealing with extreme shortages of war to food and fuel. but even before the war, israel is near to decade, blockade limited the volume of goods allowed into the strip. in recent months, the people have cause or been increasing the relying on don't key costs as
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a means of transportation and income. i'm the so heard reports. it was once considered an outdated form of transport. now, the norm palestinians in gainesville, are relying more and more on donkey carts. and here in hong eunice, people say it's become the only way left to get around. i am a volunteer at the european hospital. i am facing great difficulty finding a means of transportation to the medical facility and i need to get at least 2 rides in addition to walking 3 kilometers. not only is the journey fraught with danger, it is insanely expensive to nearly 8 months into israel's war, palestinian save the suffering is beyond measure. with shortages of food, medical supplies,
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and fuel. and those who still have vehicles are using them to make a living. let's say they're struggling to make ends meet. my goal is to go above the ground. i'm using this pickup truck to earn a living. how is the how suffering is beyond description? one least with diesel now costs $16.00. it's also injustice. if i tell it's a passenger $1.00 to $3.00, we end up finding that it's beyond my control. i hardly cover the cost of fuel oil in something to feed my children. i pray all plights comes to an insert donkey carts have become prominent during israel's war, ongoing sale. palestinians have use them to move their belongings after being forcibly displaced to transport goods and even to take the injured to hospital. were suffering from a sharp shortage of fuel. transportation is yet another problem. bag of flowers.
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unbelievably expensive donkey cart is the only alternative for transportation. even patients can find a ride to the nearest hospital. i myself have multiple injury and in between the rubble left behind from relentless is really a tax palestinian say they're looking for ways to survive in the midst of the siege ongoing sale. how does that hurt as ita, the iran late present a rhyme rice he has been laid to rest in his hometown of mashhad who was buried at the among reza shrine, which is visited by millions of pilgrims. every yeah. right. easy and 8 of those including 5 minutes to his same. i mean do law he on were killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, or sole cetera reports from tower on the people to embrace. it was believed
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to be on track to help shape your arms future for years to come. instead, iranians have you paying their respects at the serious or feeling of a set of mornings. on thursday, the live present as by the was transported to binge and the city where he was chosen as a member of some of the experts. the council that elect the soapy leader then to make sure you're on the 2nd largest city, which was the whole is josh right. mission is also really sees hometown and his final resting place. reese was born into a clerical family and married the delta, the of the influential him of mission, who's supporting joy throughout his care. oh, yeah. tens of thousands of iranians turned out to beat him, stay away. 3, see, and he's for the minister who's the name of my young, had the shared history. they come back to the 1979 revolution davis together in
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their final moments to win the headache up there, carrying them crushed in a mountainous region in the north of your own people moaned up to lie young instead of me. internal improvements. where do you has been beverage hope i didn't know the one on the it is so sad to lose our president, for the minister and the companions in such a tragic incident. it seems that pain, but i believe this tragedy is going to make us stronger of the race and ended up to lie under popular among conservatives. many supporters believe that the decision of power would be some time. i'm attending the funeral, like many arabians here to move on for those who we lost, but the policy will continue. i'm sad for the president and his companions, but all state doesn't rely on just one individual. it's a system. we are used to sacrifices the pos will continue. an interim government
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led by for my 1st wise president mohammed must be in charge onto next month's election for almost 4 decades as a judge for the patient resupplied an important role in a number of criticisms periods in your own history. i mean, well yeah. first, as deputy for the minister, then as for the minister on the receipt, how proceed your wants for them for the seats over the past decade. but it is the supreme leader or the company has ultimate see in steve affairs. that's why the presidential election on june 28th is not expected to bring more change for you want both domestically and a rules versus out of their houses 0. so i have a proven well, the united nations is of a why many positive resolution designating july 11th is strep, or needs a genocide. remember and stay. it mocks on more than $8000.00, maybe mostly men and boys will massacred by both noun subs and 1999. give others on to has more on this now from the united nations,
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as before the vote took place and the general assembly here at the un, serbia's president, made an impassioned speech to the general assembly, calling for countries not to vote for this draft resolution. he essentially said that it is politicized, and that it could spark regional tensions. but in the end, it did pass overwhelmingly $84.00 countries voting for it. 19 against and 68 countries abstaining. now, what exactly does this uh, now adopted resolution call for it's uh, it would designate july 11th is an international day of reflection and commemoration of the 1995 genocide and to be observed every single year. the draft calls for the united nations to prepare outreach programs and invites countries and organizations and in jose to participate in annual awareness activities that on are the victims. now this resolution was sponsored by germany and were one did it had
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over 25 different co sponsors as well. should be pointed out that the international court of justice, the u. s. highest tribunal determined at 2007, the acts of genocide did occur. and that, that court's decision was included in the draft resolution that has now been over whelming, we adopted gabriel's on to l, just either at the united nations in new york. no bakovich saw several relatives in the genocide and she says the recognition of the state by the united nations means a lot. uh yes. as i said, the street i really wish designed to weld. i think the conscience of the world's no shown. i think they've tried to deal with a shame for what happened. so they could have helped us at the time to avoid this. we would have to do is with us today. so we'll welcoming this vote and wish to send this message to the well, this is what justice is about. this is what truth is about all the french fries into manual microns as
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a controversial electoral reform law for new caledonia won't be full through you. made the comments while meeting local leaders and the french overseas territories, competent demand weeks of interest to follow the proposal to change the voting system that all bronco for reports. despite to crack down to bring violence, eva virtually forms a new caledonia under control. there was to red bluff, i'm trails of smoke rising and pots of the capital. no, we may have to and imagine c talks is low. cletus french presents a manual not crow cold for dialogue to end the 12 days types of imagined. see, he said he's delaying votes and reforms and the french overseas territory and says changes wouldn't be adopted by force. i'm sure it gives us good such a phone. i have plague that this reform will not be forced through in the current context. and that we will allow some weeks for a calling of tension and resumption of dialogue defined
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a broad course indigenous kind of people raise up on may. the 13th ever electro reforms imposed by from the changes would give voting rights to french nationals have lived on the island for 10 years. but some kind max pay of the plans. what that includes, separating power and dual efforts to secure independence. so see, we've been lied to for years and years. they've lied to our ancestors, they've lied to out elders through the various agreements that have been made. we run out the 3rd agreement. it's the longest way tired of not being recognized. hope all is fantastic. you today, i'm convinced that the solution is not a political tool, because whether we decide one thing with the other half of the population will be frustrated. this is not something that you can except perhaps for an election cases, but not for
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a future. the local politicians say more has to be done to address conic and go over on employment failing schools, hunger and pull housing conditions. if you already fix your, there's ideas about how we rebuild our society in the long term city. it requires a social project. obviously a social project in partnership with economic players to rebuild, but perhaps in a different way from what we did before. so we have a bit that the french security forces are expected to remain in the california for as long as the tensions last. barbara and good part of this era tie when these forces and mobilized in response to 2 days of chinese ministry trails around the island. badging says the exercises are responds to what it calls the separatist acts. if taiwan 0 administration advice lighting to katrina, you reports on this now from badging, the sole marching to has been, ty wants president for less than a week. the chinese leaders have over the judge,
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attempt to be a threat to the agent. and it school of one day claiming control of the self government island in response, they've launched 2 days of intensive military drills around tie one the chinese people's operation on the says the joint c and exercises focus on corporate writing is controlling the battlefield. and precision strikes, one key targets, stake media, say the purpose is clear to the type of this is a strong punishment for this separate his ex wife of ty, when independence forces to call the so called separate to refer to lies woods during his inauguration on monday. he said taiwan was not subordinate to badging, and also thank to the united states, the islands, most important ally for its security support. chinese officials were furious for administer. one e, cold lie, speech, hostile and provocative disgrace, and said taiwanese separatists would be nailed it to
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a pillar of shame. the military drills coincide with the release of a series of post is featuring weapons titled sacred weapons for killing ty. once independents lie responded to the aging by showing support for taiwan, supposes saying she would not be intimidated by the troops with her when they jumped to me. i will stand on the front line with old brothers and sisters from the national. allow me to defend the piece together. we will continue to defend the values of democracy. lighting to assess the keys and civility across the street, and to maintain the status. including today during those messages, most in line which is refused to accept the chinese chinese lead is also considered lice solutions to washington to be collusion with external forces. speaking from australia, us general said aging preparations for a possible offense if with nothing new and one of the devastation of such a conflict. at stake would be untold numbers of lights,
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troy's of dollars and global economic damage, and international or maintenance of the international word. it's delivered road of peace and stability over the past 80 years. it's a cost. china doesn't want to add called to food any time soon. but the message it's sense is clear. china is ready for if we should come. katrina, you all to 0. they j of months. russian forces have been bombarding ukraine. second largest city. our keys are using guided phones, drones, and missiles. this has put pressure on the emergency services, volunteers a staffing in trying to bridge the gap as address areas, joan, home, and explains. they're going to need a lot of coffee. this is a volunteer medical rapid reaction unit, night shift. how to keep the work from 11 to 6 am going wherever they were brushing their attacks on ukraine. second city. at the
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moment, there were a little in the past few months, hockey's been under intensifying bump up. and what the purpose is simple. the 1st in and keep people alive. there will train combat power emetics. then main weapons, tony case in the light medical bag. they have to be agile the score too much as we short them the time for a has to on right to. and that can be really critical to us. for example, if someone has a must have bleeding, they can in 2 minutes to. so this is simone. a co signed is a leader. and a businessman, everyone in this building to unit has a day joke. at a quick see about to item people from frontline, towns boat then. so policeman maxime, an architect of industrial works and of course and stuff like this. she has a story behind her involvement here. her parents lived in an area occupied by
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russia. she worries about them, you know, i don't mind. i'd really like a team like us to be available to my relatives during an emergency situation. i wish they have people with schools like us who could help from that store. it's important. his growing a sense of vocation, enjoyment even to this, to us, that it's up to some of the hospitals that popped up on the one hand. this is to help people who need it. and on the other hand, it's an adrenalin, an addiction. i simply wouldn't be able to return to civilian life. so even though i could die from this, i feel that i'd die without to. this is the night life now, waiting together on the ground for the next cool. don't home and how does it a, how to keith? it was still to bring you on the program. unable to rebuild the allies of how you want. hundreds of thousands of south africans will promise housing for the headings, the poles without being for sale.
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the . the welcome back. authorities in mexico have opened an investigation into safety protocols at a campaign, riley off to a stage collapse, killing 9 people. a child is among the dead, at least 50 were injured. felix now are reports on the us. the screens drowned out by gust of wind in the mexican city of san pedro garza and garcia. stage collapsed at the campaign. bradley scott,
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during politicians and supporters. the citizens movement and protein multi heavy weights including presidential candidate. oh hey, of what is my and is it was a very, a typical events because normally the weather gives us some warning as intensifies . what we experienced happened in just a few seconds on a gale came a sudden wind, and unfortunately it collapses stage of resulting in a fatal accident. mine is, i had been delivering the speech to garner support head of national elections in early june when the concept style structure collapsed. he was not injured, however, and returned to the site to speak, to support as after the incident forecast as had on the a one the heavy rain and possible of tornadoes in the northeastern state of liberally on the computer. and
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i trust that the mayor and the governor who are responsible will investigate whether these protections were exhausted. and i believe there should be absolute transparency in this regard. these have opened an investigation into safety precautions. dozens of people receiving treatment nearby hospitals and the citizens at movement parties suspended upcoming campaign events. felix new r o g 0 authorities in iowa are saying that these 5 people have died in a series of tornadoes that have swept the last day of the of this week. within $200.00 homes of also destroyed. first responders is still searching through the wreckage. the hospital in the town of greenfield was among the buildings damage. 3 separate tornadoes hit the state tuesday, causing widespread power outages. or now south africa is government is promised to build hundreds of thousands of low income homes,
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but they all fall behind target. as people head to the polls, those are a homeless, a more desperate than ever. so wait a minute reports on this now from cape town. this is one of thousands of informal settlements in south africa. in these, i'm a year to 1st run up in the a cape town, more than 2 years ago of to some here were forcibly removed from a neighboring area. since then, it's estimated that at least 40000 people have both make shift homes here using corrugated iron plastic sheets and we possible breaks confidence that he's lived here for nearly 20 years. no, no, no selling the past that leads to a home is also, we're the only toilets, all the smell of sewerage and waste can't be avoided. she blames the provincial governments, led by the opposition democratic alliance, o d, a, a month, the waters 13 the grades are production and the toilets. everyone and no one from the municipality comes while the government is building homes for the poor. there's
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a backlog of at least $2300000.00 homes. and that number grows each year 24 hours. i can say, i said, we must have been looking with some debt, but 60600000 people. that is under way. these a lot of options there this afternoon, these projects and also there's no accountability residents. yeah. explain. this area was marked for development, but it's stalled and they don't know why. in cape town, the number of people without homes worse than during the cove at 19 pandemic. people lost income and the economy struggled. an estimated 14000 people lived on the streets of the greats of cape town area. while the government does provide shelters, there aren't enough bids to accommodate everyone, the needs know. so there are some who say they don't want to sleep in child cuz the democratic alliances, the influx has, people from florida provinces is one of the reasons for the high demand for housing . the national government, aided by the african national congress,
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says the d a is not using the budget. it's been allocated to build homes, housing budgets, and infrastructure budgets or the planning in long tim and when you're done, especially in the of the finances on a municipality to deliver housing, you then give, given a month or 2 to deliver on that budget. that's not possible, but the amc too, has been criticized for not providing enough homes in the 8th provinces. it runs a south africa hits to an election. the last of housing for the flow remains a major problem, often influenced by politics, corruption, and the lack of money to meet them in a l. g 0 cape town. well that's it from me, but yeah, we'll have much money is being very shortly including a, an exclusive report actually by our publisher inside cause a honey mountain where he takes us inside the i likes the hospital in central cause i stay with us for that.
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the i want people to look closer at the ugly side of this. i point by camera where all those refer not to the i write about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up in the us. worse filmmaker around and also via turn when on the power of political ok. what are the stories we tell sales about also? and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra,
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the . ringback the sort of 10 year journey, which has become the most important translation award from, i'm into the outer a big language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of notice is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations i made on the award official
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website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the running out of fuel with reports on the rapidly deteriorating situation inside one of the causes, few remaining functioning holes. inside . this is out, is there a light from down or so coming up? is there any forces bomb residential homes across gauze like killing at least 51


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