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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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site w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the running out of fuel will report on the rapidly deteriorating situation inside one of causes, few remaining functioning hospitals. this is all just there in life some time or so coming up. is there any forces bomb residential homes across gauze like killing at least 51 people in the past day or so ahead we have a pm monday. we have a p m from 100. these people who made this division. kenny as president was about as his troops mover and stability to hate the security and
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trade off the top of the agenda. william reach a state visit to the us and an overwhelming very sub united nations to all the thousands of victims of the 1995 for ebony. the genocide is an annual criminal ration the welcome to the program. we begin in central garza with one of its main hospitals, has habits, electricity partially cuts off the o x. so hospital is hours away from completely running out the fuel. the health ministry says it would in danger. the lives of hundreds of sick and injured patients and they're all bala. i'll just there is honey, my food is gained exclusive access inside the hospital with many departments and now operating in total darkness. a wanting to of here is some may find some seeds in his report to study. howard generators have been shut down because of the
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lack of, if you were going to take you through the general surgery department in the upper floor with their electricity is quite vital. but because of it, there is a risk of losing rise inside this department. but against the lack of a space is a major problem in the hospital, particularly this department, the general surgery where you see patients and injuries, right? the car, i don't have the hospital been here for quite some time. and when it was the hospital lacking visual space, here is a mid sized health facility and unable to accommodate the large number, the large number of injuries in patients inside the hospital. i much couldn't remember that one of the one of you, there's no treatment available. no electricity basically nothing. here. the hospital is struggling with just the basics. i've been here for over a month and a half after being shot in my leg and stomach. i know how you can see i've had
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surgery. beyond that, there's only antibiotics. i need more surgeries, but they're not happening. i'm told there's a long waiting list, and i've had to wait another 15 days. it's already been 2 months of waiting at the department for children at the hospital. and this is the 1st time in that is experiencing our office right now. and as you can see and hear here at the more of this department is lacking miseries. phase right now, or we're seeing a children outside in the car, a door of this department simply because the rooms inside of talk with patients and injury as bombing campaign continues to fax. the area right now with the power outage in this particular department, the risk of losing lives. the rest of it is we're getting the ongoing medical problems across the hospital is increasing by the hours the advert department,
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not the only one that is experiencing now power outage. but also there as the surgery, they do not surgery departments on the upper floor. that is also experiencing power outage, just putting the risk of more lives inside the department at risk. right, right now we are in the store house where the fuel is gifted for i love the hospice out here in a cent from the area and right now with the workers are doing here just trying to collect whatever is left in these barrels. just to keep the generator is running the way resorting to drawing fuel from the very depths of the risk of was just the salvage useable drops. and these of installed in small containers to sustain the electrical generator. those such practice as impacting the generators functionality to the hospital is a very critical point right now. and a couple. 0 hours for 3 hours are not far from completely shutting down all the
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services and risking the lives of everyone inside the hospital in the past hour, so like so hospitals, medical director, has made an urgent please. international aid agencies for move fuel to keep its opperation is running. you know, the know, especially for the phonics the hospital needs more than 4000 liters a few a day so that we can k to 2 patients and provide needed treatments. we have hundreds of patients including the injured and those who are diagnosed with kidney failure, a need electricity for that dialysis treatment. this will stop completely without any issue with cooling on international organizations to send 50000 liters of fuel before this an imminent crisis here. otherwise, it's the into the pay, the price of patients will be condemned to death, especially those in the i see you the incubators and those relying on dialysis treatment for the north. is there any forces attacking the 2 remaining hospitals
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still functioning in golf as riley troops have stormed out in the giovanni a refugee camp during a full day seas. the commo at one hospital has also been attacked. lubbock and what's the zip it has this report? it's one of the few medical facilities still functioning in gaza and now the area around it remains under siege. it's all over to the north of the strip. patients and stuff has been shut in. the facility in the midst of the a specials between east riley forces and palestinian fighters. we have to get the age of allow the hospital yesterday they. busy be starting the pollution policies in force that solution be a lot of the stuff and the patients, the companies or yeah. and with the to evacuate. that would
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change the thing guys to see and, and now we are 14 of the stuff we are is a with the, with the patient. but even before the fighting around the hosp to intensified, doctors will already struggling to treat the influx of patients as well. the pop was working here under increasing pressure, which peak last month with the arrival of displaced people from roof and other places where still working hard despite the lack of skate abilities. and then i showed it just stops. a lot of customers come to the hospital every day. we never know what's around the corner, but the situation here is going from back to us. the numbers are increased on health workers have set up tents and extra bits outside the main building. but resources are still scarce. these medical facilities are a lifetime for palestinians. see the interest these riley attacks. but the health
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ministry estimates $33.00 of guys us $35.00 hospitals are completely out of service . the world health organization is calling for the greater protection of health care workers and patients and disputing for the safe passage for the evacuation. hello. hi, ben with alta 0 at am i calling somebody's a don spoke to god the cool way. she's a pharmacist who is just returned from rough or off to working as a volunteer with the palestinian american medical association. she describes the conditions, she witness inside office medical facilities. so everything did is, is unbearable every single day. so it's very, very, at normal to say not available out of stuck and you cannot do anything. and many times doctors and surgeons, they cannot do anything. there's no equipment, there's no medication. what they can do. they do their very best to help the situation. and sincerely,
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to have with us. did you see people die in the emergency room because of things that otherwise in any other hospital the other part of the world if they had proper supplies, these people probably could have been saved. did you have that kind of feeling or experience? unfortunately? yes. and we have the cases and it was very hard to broken that you are dead and you know that you can do so many things. but because of the shortage of supplies or medications or equipment, you are not able to do anything. how many times a day did you see a situation like that? that's the only one can multiple times. there was one day because of the luck of the the volunteers that when they know the drop off, they have to do you look at the terminal is the, the nurses in the all our rooms were not available. the local nurses, nurses that they don't have to operate the, the, the kind of equipment they wouldn't be available. our surgeons, the doctors were not able to operate in the operations rooms. and people who came
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in injured actually, you know, usually they die the, the people who comes in, usually they done we, we know that unfortunately it's very simple to say, you know, at the beginning it was very hard when we would start. but then there is nothing in our hands. well, that what, what, what can you do as well as you've been hearing hospitals in goals up and running out of fuel because israel is preventing the entry of a truck that is despite is rarely officials pledging to allow more trucks to enter the strip on wednesday to humanitarian aid drops were carried out over the city of hon. eunice, in the southern gaza strip. co gap, which is, is really coordinating body, so it's just 27 trucks have been unloaded from a floating pit built by the us. the well seen program says only a small amount of this aid has actually been distributed. of course, before the war began, more than 508 trucks passed through the car. i'm a boost,
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sell them crossing every day. now it's less than just 20 trucks. food and medicines keep punting off the gyptian side of the roof for crossing a deliveries remain suspended, ball is really forces attacking the southern city or us officials have been briefing reports is on the desperate need from o 8 in gaza. let's get more on this with heidi to castro's life for us in washington dc. heidi, so what more have we had from the us about the aide situation in gauze, and do we know, for example, how much aid has been distributed to people that's come via this pay that they've built? right. well, a pentagon spokesperson said that the amount of food that has been distributed or is in process of being distributing is $506.00 metric tons of food. but since this here opened about a week ago today. now that is enough,
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according to the pentagon to feed, quote, tens of thousands for a month, but in the greater context of the need and gaza. this is nearly a drop in the bucket and not nearly as much food as once came over the land borders, into gauze, up. uh and of course, at a time when the need in the extreme hunger is only growing. so in this past week, since the pure open, it started with almost no success in the 1st few days. in fact, there was so much in security in the distribution of the food of the world food program, health it's operations for 2 days. and the, and asking israel to help more in assisting in the, in the safe delivery of this food is real apparently responded. there is now alternate routes on land for these trucks. once they've got the food from the peer to go to the warehouse. and that apparently has been somewhat successful because as you said, now 27 trucks were able to deliver food to the warehouse. that is still not nearly
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the amount that the pentagon had envisioned 90 trucks. they said initially, up to 150 trucks a day from this peer alone. they say that hopefully in the coming weeks, the number of trucks will vastly grow. the higher they won't, limitations as the us facing when it comes to a into gaza. the right one moment when it comes to this here, really, the us military personnel are allowed to begin this mission, which is construct, disappear and off load food onto the peer. but they have been barred by white house policy from it is essentially finishing this mission. they cannot set foot on la garza land, and so the u. s. military is depending on these a distribution partners who then in turn depend on the is really forces to maintain security for them. and of course, we've seen the, the catastrophic consequences of that earlier with the world, a central kitchen at 8 workers in depth. so this is still extremely dangerous
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situation, of which the us has little control over. and what leverage it does have saying a form of withholding military aid from israel. apparently the button ministration is still reticent to really use it. there was a brief pause trying to get israel not and they rasa that has not worked uh rough as indeed being. and dated, however, the us appears to be, i'm willing to go any further with this right of withholding military aid. meanwhile, focusing on this peer, which many critics would say is just a band aid over a very, very big problem. indeed, thank you for that. heidi jake has started the 1st in washington, dc of his early on me is killed at least 51 people on the state and a series of attacks across garza and i strongly can 0 ballot and central goal is to strip killed at least a 1000 people including several children as often as really tying fide on a warehouse that had been housing displaced. people dozens were injured,
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many were banned, the dead engine would take it in to alex the hospital. the meanwhile, the stopping in the city of russell, the sound of gunfire and explosions could be heard as it was repeatedly fond of a 900000 people have been forced to flee the southern city since the 1st week of may still ahead on al jazeera, around slaves, president and foreign minister have been laid to rest off to being killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. the had a lot of that. let's get the weather across north america. and it has been a bad season for tornadoes in the us with
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a destructive storm running through iowa. now, just to give you an idea of how bad the season has been april had its 2nd highest number of tornadoes on record. up till tuesday we had confirmed 859. that's 27 percent more than the average that they see up to this point in the yeah. and the threat loons as we go in. so friday you can see that cold and meeting the room or that comes up from the cell. and with that, we got to get a rush of those destructive storms running across central parts of the us, the midwest as well, and can see that west. so whether starting to move across the great lakes, on fact today, not temperatures are going to come down across the east coast of the us with has been feeling rather hot and muggy. the cities like new york, it has been clearer across the western parts of the us, but you can see a wintry and what mix starting to move across the rockies on saturday, bringing temperatures down, but temperatures will be on the up for mexico particular across the north 44
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degrees celsius that in monterey, they have been suffering from severe drought and those hot and dry conditions will continues through to sad today. in japan, divorce often leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates japan's parental abductions on i will just the era to understand the world. we must experience life through not designs, discover the stories, forgotten. we spent alone in the 1st of the voices drowned out by the witness on which is 0. the
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. the welcome back. in watching out is there a mind? told the story. is this our electricity has been partially comfortable for the deluxe. the hospital and central gauze of several departments, all in complete darkness, medics, a warning the fuel will completely run out in the next few hours. the noise. is there any forces of storm b. l aldo hospital in giovanni is one of the last 2 hospitals, still functioning in northern garza and is being forced to close off the full day. is there any speech is ready for safe and deepening? they're offensive in southern gaza. international court of justice will decide on friday whether the, whether to order a whole to the offensive, the $900000.00 people have been enforced. please profit since the 1st week
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of the president's of the united states. and can you have declared that commitment to help bring stipulation to 18 which has been rocks by months of gang violence, kenya has agreed to send 1000 police offices that to help restore order. give me hope that reports a welcoming can use president william russo on the south lawn of the white house marking since 2008 the 1st official state visit of an african leader to mark the occasion. biden announced to be making the symbolic designation of k. yeah, as a non nato ally, virtually no challenge, i think i can get it for years. can you and the united states have collaborated on security challenges in africa. and beyond that now kenya is sending a 1000 police officers to act as peacekeepers and heavy move. it's in popular with
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some canyon law makers and human rights activists who are more concerned about their own problems at home. the president rudo still pressing ahead, backed by more than $300000000.00 in us financing to protect the box of the game. and the criminals that have or visitors and for somebody in the country by then faced his own challenges, thursday's joint press conference dodging a reporter's question about whether there was any evidence is real, is intentionally starving palestinians in gaza bite and give us stock white house answer about why his administration doesn't support the international criminal court investigation of israel. we've made or physician clear on the i c c. we don't think the we don't recognize that your section. hi, i see. see where it's being exercise and,
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and so that you can use that to g d p ratio is 70 percent with the majority owed to china. so the 2 leaders are calling on develop nations to cut financing terms to help kenya and other developing african nations drive. china is africa's largest 2 way trading partner and biden wants to change that. december 2022. he hosted the us african liter summit, promising to visit the continent the following year. but job i didn't never visited africa and 2023 ad with the us selection. now 6 months away. a trip in 2024 is unlikely. hangover president ruth hose visit is that broken promise. but joe biden says he'll visit africa in february after he's reelected. kimberly healthcare elgin's 0. the white house. how much interest debbie has been sworn in
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as charged president of to being declared when if the elections held early of this month, he had served as interim president since 2021 loved his father was killed by rebels . you know, position has alleged votes ringing a cold for the results to be a note. it's the wrong slave president in for him. racy has been laid to rest in his hometown of mashhad. he was buried at the rosa shrine, which is visiting 5 millions of pilgrims every year. are you seeing 8 others, including the foreign minister, jose, i'm a rodeo high and were killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. or so set a report from debt run. the people to embrace it was believed to be on track to help shape your own future for years to come. instead, iranians have you paying their respects at the serious or funeral ceremonies. on
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thursday, the late president's body was transported to binge and the city where he was chosen as a member of the best of the experts. the consul that the next the soapy leader then commission, you're on the 2nd largest city we chose to hold is josh, right? the message is also receives hometown and his final resting place. reese was born into a clerical family and married devoted off the influential him of my shift, who's supporting joy throughout his care. oh yeah. tens of thousands of iranians turned out to be teams. t a y, gracie and he's for the minister who's the name of my young, has a shared history, dating back to the 1979 revolution davis together and they find the moments to when to head up there, carrying them crushed in a mountainous region in the north to for your own people more than enough to lie young instead of the internal improvements where he has been buried. the one
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on the it is so sad to lose our president, for the minister and the companions in such a tragic incident, is that pain, but i believe this tragedy is going to make us stronger both race. yeah. and i made up the popular among conservatives. the minutes a post is believe the decision of power will be some moves from i'm attending the funeral, like many iranians here to move on for those who we lost. but the pos will continue . i'm sad for the president and his companions, but i'll state doesn't rely on just one individual. it's a system. we are used to sacrifices the pos will continue. an interim government led by for my 1st wise president mohammed must be in charge on to next month's election for almost for that case as a judge and i for the patient resupplied, unimportant rules in a number of critical periods in your aunt's history. i mean,
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well young 1st as deputy for the minister done as for the minister on to receive help for safety runs for them for the see over the past decade. but it is the submarine leader or the company has ultimate say in state of affairs. that's why the presidential election on june 28th is not expected to bring my change for you want both domestically and a rules versus that. i'll just 0 saturday programs. you know, it's nations has overwhelmingly passed a resolution designation july 11th, as a terminate said genocide. remember and stay in monks when move in a 1000 main name was the men and boys were mascot. and by both names, subs and 1995. they paused despite strong opposition from sub you gave was on the reports from you and had courses in niels, a draft resolution is adopted with that the united
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nations general assembly voted to commemorate annually. the 1995 genocide in separate need to 84 countries in favor. 19 against with 68 extension's, serbia's president alexander boutique fought hard to convince countries to vote against the resolution, calling it political in nature, and that it could renew regional tensions. he came to new york for the vote to make a last attempt to sway the outcome. this is not about memories. this is something that will just open an old holds. i'm going to create a complete political trouble. and not only in our region, the draft was sponsored by germany and rwanda, and had more than 2 dozen co sponsors, as well as wide support for many western countries. this resolution is not directed against any body, not against the about
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a valued member of this organization. if at all, it is directed against perpetrators of a general side. the draft resolution that was adopted is now much more than just this paper. it designates july 11th as a international day of reflection and collaboration of the 1995 genocide. the u. n . will now prepare outreach programs to observe the day with public awareness activities that on are the victims. booker took the un high commissioner for human rights, said in his statement after the vote that he welcomes the resolution. given the persistent revisionism, denial of the genocide and hate speech by high level political leaders in bosnia and herzegovina as well as neighboring countries. but in a press conference in 70 to the president of the republic of subscribe, said he would ignore the general assembly resolution and repeated threats to leave
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bosnia to, to what is the aim of this resolution. you want to impose the story on us because that's a non binding resolution. well, we will not accept it. i'm telling you all straightened now. we will not accept it . it will not enter our school books nearly 30 years after roughly 8000 mostly muslim men and boys were killed by the bosnian serbs and thousands more. never found the victims. now it will be remembered every year gabriel's on don't you see it at united nations, new york era, back of its last several relatives in the genocide, she says a recognition, if a day by the united nations means a lot to i guess, as i said, the industry is, i really wish to think the world, i think the conscience of the world's now shown. i think they've tried to deal with a shame for what happened. so they could have helped us at the time to avoid this. we would have to do is with us today. so we welcoming this vote and wish to send this message to the world. this is what justice is about. this is what truth is about for the french president, the money of my cross as
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a controversial electoral reform. no new caledonia will not be forced through. he made the comments while missing local leaders in the french overseas territories capital of new media. weeks of on rest of followed a proposal to change the voting system that barbara and go for reports on the spot to crack down to bring violence. eva virtual reforms in new caledonia under control . there was to red bluff. i'm trails of smoke rising and pots of the capital. no, we may have to. and imagine c talks with low cletus, french presents a manual macro code for dialogue to end the 12 days types of imagined. see, he said he's delaying votes and reforms and the french overseas territory and says changes wouldn't be adopted by force. i'm sure it gives us could successful. i have played that this reform will not be forced through in the current context. and then
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we will allow some weeks for a calling of tension and resumption of dialogue defined a broad course indigenous kind of people raise up on may. the 13th ever electro reforms imposed by from the changes would give voting rights to french nationals have lived on the island for 10 years. but some kind max pay of the plans will dilute separating power and dual efforts to secure independence. so see, we've been lied to for use and use. they've lied to our ancestors. they've lied to out elders through the various agreements that have been made. we run out the 3rd agreement, it's the longest and i'm with tired of not being recognized about 10 thought security. i'm convinced that the solution is not a political tool, because whether we decide one thing with the other half of the population will be frustrated. this is not something that you can.


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