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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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on alger 0, the running out of fuel we were forced on the rapidly deteriorating situation inside one of gauze was few remaining hospitals. the main site, this is donald, is there a life center also coming up? is there any forces, phone, residential homes across concert killing at least 51 people in the past day or so ahead. we have a clear monday. we have a p f from walk on it. is that people who make these decisions? can you, as president vows his troops will bring stability to hate and security and trade off the top of the agenda on william russo state visit to the us and then
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overwhelming very to the united nations to on of thousands of victims of the 1995 terminates a genocide with an annual commitment ration the when you begin in central garza where one of its main hospitals has habits, electricity partially costs off. yeah. like so hospital in there, all bala is hours away from completely running out of fuel. the health ministry says that would endanger the lives of 1200 sick and engine patients. i'll just there is honey. my fluid has gained access to inside the hospital with many departments. so now operating in total darkness, a wanting to of use some may find some of the scenes in his report. disturbing. howard generators been shut down because of the lack of,
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if you were going to take you through the general surgery department in the upper floor with their electricity is quite vital. but because of it, there is a risk of losing rise inside this department against the lack of a space is a major problem in the hospital, particularly this department, the general surgery where you see patients and injuries arrived at the car. i don't have the hospital been here for quite some time and when it was the hospital back in major space here is a mid sized health facilities and unable to accommodate the large number, the large number of injuries in patients inside the hospital. i'm much good method that was there, that there's no treatment available. no electricity, basically nothing. here. the hospital is struggling with just the basics. i've been here for over a month and a half after being shot in my leg and stomach. i know how you can see i've had surgery beyond that, there's only antibiotics. i need more surgeries,
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but they're not happening. i'm told there's a long waiting list and i've had to wait another 15 days. it's already been 2 months of waiting to the average department for children at the hospital. this is the 1st time in that is experiencing our office right now. and as you can see and hear, hear, a more of this department is lacking miseries. phase right now, or we're seeing a children outside in the car, a door of this department simply because the rooms inside of talk with patients. an injury as bombing campaign continues the area right now with the power outage in this particular department. the risk of losing lives, the rest of the aggravating. the ongoing medical problems has to happen because it freezing by the hours that the driver department, not the only one that is experiencing now power outage,
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but also there as the surgery, they do not a surgery department on the upper floor that is also experiencing power out there's just putting the risk of more lives inside the department at risk. right, right now we are in the store house where the fuel is gifted for i love the hospice out here in a cent from the area and right now with the workers are doing here just trying to collect whatever is left in these barrels. just to keep the generator is running from the way resorting to drawing fuel from the very depths of the risk of was just to salvage, a noticeable drops and these of installed in small containers to sustain the electrical generator. those such practice as impacting the generators functionality . so the hospitality is a very critical point right now and a couple hours, but 3 hours are not far from completely shutting down all the services and risking
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the lives of everyone inside the hospital. alexa hospital is wanting, if an immune and health catastrophe, a fuel is not supplied soon. the medical direct says issued an urgent appeal for assistance. no, they show no, no special. i show that a claim on x. a hospital needs more than 4000 liters. a few days so that we can take you to patients and provide needed treatments. we have hundreds of patients including the injured and those who are diagnosed with kidney failure need electricity for that dialysis treatment. this will stop completely without any few, with cooling on international organizations to send 50000 liters of fuel before this an imminent crisis here. otherwise, the, into the pay, the price of patients will be condemned to death, especially those in the i see you speaking to betas and those were lying on dialysis treatment. 105. and one of his writing troops have storing the l l. the hospital in the giovanni a refugee camp off the full day sees the come all at one hospital,
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has also been attacked last 8 months up as this report a it's one of the few medical facilities still functioning and gaza. and now the area around it remains under siege. it's all over to the north of the strip . patients and stuff have been trapped in the facility in the midst of the specials between east riley forces and palestinian fighters. we have to get the age of allow the hospital yesterday they. busy the certain, the physician forces in the forest ferry that you wish and the a lot of the stuff and the patients, the companies or yeah, with the so is that the way that would change that was getting guys to see and, and now we are for p and of the stuff we are is a, with the,
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with that what patient theater. but even before the fighting around the hospital intensified, doctors will already struggling to treat the influx of patients as well as on the bottom of the pop cause working here under increasing pressure, which peak last month with the arrival of displaced people from rough or, and other places where still working hard despite the lack of skate abilities and then i shoulder just off a lot of cases come to the hospital every day. we never know what's around the corner, but the situation here is coming from back to us. the numbers are increased. health workers have set up tents and extra bits outside the main building, but resources are still scarce. these medical facilities are a lifetime for palestinians, see the real interest these riley attacks. but the health ministry estimates $33.00 of guys us $35.00 hospitals are completely out of service. the world health
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organization is calling for the grace of protection of health care workers and patients and disputing for the safe passage for the evacuation. but i haven't looked at that, i'll just, sarah, the doctors and nurses in gaza struggling with a severe lack of supplies that a of my colleagues, somebody say down spoke to god, the book awake. she's a pharmacist who has just returned from raphael to working as a volunteer with the palestine american medical association. she describes what she witnessed inside, gone, says medical facilities. everything date is up is uh normal every single day. so it's very, very, a normal to say not available out of stuck and you cannot do anything. and many times doctors and surgeons, they cannot do anything. there's no equipment, there's no medication. what they can do. they do their very best to help with the situation. and sincerely, to have with us did you see people die in the emergency room because of things that
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otherwise than any other hospital that out of the part of the world if they had proper supplies, these people probably could have been saved. did you have that kind of feeling or experience? unfortunately? yes. and we have the cases and it was very hard to broken that you are dead and you know that you can do so many things. but because of the shortage of supplies or medications or equipment, you are not able to do anything. how many times a day did you see a situation like that? that's the only one can multiple times. there was one day because of the luck of the the volunteers that when they know that drama they have to do you look at the federal is the, the nurses in the all our rooms were not available at the local nurses. nurses that they don't have to operate the, the, the kind of equipment they wouldn't be available. or surgeons the doctors were not able to operate in the operations rooms. and people who came in injured actually,
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you know, usually they die the, the people who comes in, usually they done we, we know that unfortunately it's very simple to say, you know, at the beginning. so it's very hard when we with this that but then there is nothing in our hands. well, that what, what, what can you do? this is really all me is killed, at least 51 people on thursday in a series of attacks across sconces. and this one i can narrow bala and central guns and strip killed at least a dozen people, including several children that's often is riley time fide on the warehouse that have been housing displaced. people, dozens of people injured. many would bend the dead. an engine were taken to all acts of hospitals. in the southern city of ross or the sound of gunfire and expressions could be heard as it was repeatedly foamed. more than 900000 people have been forced to flee the
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sum of the cities. since the 1st week of may for months rafa had been the last place of refuge for palestinians who had fled from o areas of the gulf. the strip at the streets were overflowing with people, traffic make shift shelters intense. now though it's largely a ghost town, which is there a spoke to some of those trying to escape a lot of habits and the requirements are what i am ride all the time from. i'll show refugee camp all my left to come for con, units like funeral, we are in constant suffering, right? i'm trying to find some water every day. we move from here to there. awesome. awesome. and there is nothing left to resign and what's ongoing? suffering that doesn't stop, the whole situation is very bad. just the monthly guess. august is flies and mosquitoes. everywhere our life is comparable. is even a high level gen out of i said i sound like we went to rock the define drinking
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water as a lot to hear is not human being, not have a problem with this when it hasn't some sort of. so i was shocked when i arrived in rough. uh i found no one. i didn't even find cats or dogs. there's no market to shops, waterfall, every single thing is closed. you can't even buy a bottle of water to drink. the items that we looked at. hello augusta, dennis rock, they used to be the best place in johnson. it's where everyone and everything coming in to district used to gather the now it's just too much suffering and probably going to do progress. the question with strain, we displaced, we fee, the will pines in the tanks. i bought some new belongings for my family. we need to live with a minimum in our hands. we're living on the siege and under aggression. people
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used to live in houses and apartments. now we live in tents if we can find them, and if not, then the sun's waiting for you to sleep on the sand. we're having to tolerate the freezing weather in winter, and hot weather in summer. or to such suffering, i have no message for the will. i have only one word enough. enough is enough. people are dying here every minute. to germany now where police have broken up a citizen asking university building a day off to it was taken over by students protesting against the wind garza several of the demonstrations in the humboldt university building and and then where detains many protest as we'll say, blocked off from joining the sit in the student coalition of fallon has a keys, israel's genocide, and said they wanted to show that unconditional solidarity the palestinian people
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don't mccain is invalid and send us this report from outside the university building of those professors who are left in the building on not being processed by the police being pulled from inside them through this door. here you can see those who have been detained by the police, brought down from the upper floors. the rest of the comp time the complex of the building has already been sanitized. as it was, and what's happening now is the police are taking down the details of these professors and working through the process that goes with this is the defense. and the 2nd place is what you call see if i just move slightly to the left. what you can't see, find this row of police vehicles, is the crowds of protests who were on the other side and never actually physically jump into the building, but as come, chanting the usual johnson explosions to these sorts of protests attract. baker, do you want to say, but the building where the process is where the system is taking place?
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well, that is now very clearly being satisfies some of the houses they are currently being well, a republican controlled us, congressional committed. see how the latest in a series of hearings on campus process and phone directly with gaza. several university presidents, when grilled of alleged anti semitism on camps, brought rentals as most a. thank you madam chair. it was clear from the very beginning that the hearing would be about hurling accusations rather than finding facts. all of your universities have been hot beds of pervasive anti semitism, no matter how hard the college presidents tried to explain their actions in dealing with campus protests. republicans cut them off not even waiting for responses to their own question, and the fact jewish and is really consult. students were not consulted. jewish and as really, students were not consulted exactly the deal that remained exactly your back. the
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goal to do buyers is striking that you decide negotiate i sweetheart, deal with for all my students. university presidents displayed patients but some near their limits under the verbal garage and i really have part of the time what my jobs are republicans repeatedly demanded. the universities immediately expelled, protesting students and fire faculty members who support them. despite explanations that disciplinary investigations were underway, democrats say the hearing was only about scoring political points with right wing voters continuing to schedule repetitive politicized hearings to attack college presidents will not solve the scourge of antisemitism, the subject of gaza in the more than 35000 people they're killed by is really military forces with barely mentioned, my colleagues are outraged over these protest. but they are silent about the students that are at what the students are actually protesting about. hundreds of
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students around the country have been arrested for predominantly peaceful campus. protests, the biggest outbreak of violence on campus came with hundreds of pro. israel agitators violently attacked. the you see a leg garza solidarity encampment for several hours. as police stood idly by democratic congresswoman, johan omar demanded answers from you. slays chancellor. why have the violent agitators who you know, has been ident to 5 not being held accountable for assaulting over 150 of your students? you should be ashamed. we 12, you sell a chancellor june block was testifying a group of u. c. l. a. students set up a new protest and camp on campus. they held a rally in the city, a lease, remove the and campus. it's part of the new day to day reality for college students, faculty and administrators, all across the country. rob reynolds, l g 0,
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los angeles. so hes on al jazeera j one as a surprise general election campaign in the u. k. and the fast polls, but the of the session labor policy significantly, i had the, had a load that would stop by looking at the satellite images for south asia. and dense cloud is sitting across the bay of bang goal. that's the circulation that's going to bring some very width and when do, whether to the surrounding areas, patients like the on demand, a nickel, bottom islands, me in my bung. additional east in india and the east coast is india. now we'll see heavy rain continue for places like carola in the south of india with bus of heavy rain as well in sri lanka as we go through the weekend. and that's a very hot picture. i'm drawing to the north of this. we've got
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a dividing line across central parts of india. wet temperatures will continue to touch into the mid forties. as we go through the we can, you can see 46 degrees celsius in the whole new delhi that will continue through to monday with excessive heat. and heat has been the story across parts of east asia for places like japan, with temperatures have been sitting well above the average. they'll come down slightly over the next few days with a change in wind here. it also come down across mold and pots of china. that's thanks to a front brick going to bring some way to where to beijing on saturday. but for the south of this it's west across the very south. but the heat continues to build in shanghai on saturday. the teams in the gaza strip as is there a lot continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be
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questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of weight. tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the, [000:00:00;00] the back to watching out. just to remind our top story, is this. our electricity has been partially console deluxe. the hospital and central garza, several departments are running incomplete. doubtless,
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medics warning the fuel will completely run out in the coming hours. fall the noise is there any forces have storing the out the hospital in giovanni after the full day is where he sees hundreds of medics and patients were forced to flee the facility to come all at one hospital. has also been attack is really forced to say that deepening their offensive and southern gaza. and so as a host of justice will decide on friday whether to order a whole to the attacks of $900000.00 people have been forced to flee rough us since the 1st week of may or the president of the us. and can you have declared that commitment to help bring stability to haiti, which has been rugs by months of gang violence, kenny has agreed to send a 1000 police offices that help restore order to me hope it has more
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welcoming can use president william russo on the south lawn of the white house marking since 2008, the 1st official state visit of an african leader to mark the occasion. biding announced to be making the symbolic designation of k. yeah. as a non nato ally, virtually no challenge, i think for years can you and the united states have collaborated on security challenges in africa. and beyond that now kenya is sending a 1000 police officers to act as peacekeepers in haiti move. it's in popular with son, kenyon, lawmakers and human rights activists who are more concerned about their own problems at home. the president rudo still pressing ahead, back by more than $300000000.00 in us financing, to protect the box of the game. and the criminals. that have of
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visitors and for somebody in that country by then faced his own challenges, thursday's joint press conference dodging a reporter's question about whether there was any evidence is real, is intentionally starving palestinians in gaza bite and give us stock white house. answer about why his administration doesn't support the international criminal court investigation of israel. we've made or physician clear on the i c c. we don't think we don't recognize that your section. hi, i see. see where it's being exercised and, and so that you can use that to g d p ratio is 70 percent with the majority over to china. so the 2 leaders are calling on develop nations to cut financing terms to help kenya and other developing african nations drive. china is africa's largest 2
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way trading partner and biden wants to change that. december 2022. he hosted the us african liter summit, promising to visit the continent the following year. but job i didn't never visited africa in 2023 and with the us selection now 6 months away. a trip in 2024 is unlikely. hangover president route home visit is that broken promise? but joe biden says he'll visit africa in february after he's reelected. kimberly healthcare algebra, the white house, you know, it's a nation's has passed a resolution designation july. the 11th as for ebony set and genocide, remember and stay on that day. 1995 more than 8000 mainly mostly men and boys were mexican. i'm posing stubs, and they pos despite strong opposition from sub. yeah, gabriel is on their reports from you and headquarters in new
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a draft resolution is adopted with that the united nations general assembly voted to commemorate annually. the 1995 genocide inseparably to 84 countries in favor. 19 against, with 68 extension's, serbia's president alexander boutique fought hard to convince countries to vote against the resolution, calling it political in nature, and that it could renew regional tensions. he came to new york for the vote to make a last attempt to sway the outcome. this is not about memory is this is something that will just open an old holds. i'm going to create a complete political trouble. and not only in our region, the draft was sponsored by germany and rwanda, and had more than 2 dozen co sponsors,
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as well as wide support for many western countries. this resolution is not directed against any body, not against the about a valued member of this organization. if at all, it is directed against perpetrators of a general side. the draft resolution that was adopted is now much more than just this paper. it designates july 11th as a international day of reflection and collaboration of the 1995 genocide. the u. n . will now prepare outreach programs to observe the day with public awareness activities that honor the victims book or took the un high commissioner for human rights said in his statement after the vote that he welcomes the resolution. given the persistent revisionism denial of the genocide and hate speech by high level political leaders in bosnia and herzegovina as well as neighboring countries. but in a press conference in 70 to the president of the republic up subscript,
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said he would ignore the general assembly resolution and repeated threats to leave bosnia to, to what is the aim of this resolution. you want to impose the story on us because that's a non binding resolution. well, we will not accept it. i'm telling you all straightened now. we will not accept it . it will not enter our school books nearly 30 years after roughly 8000 mostly muslim men and boys were killed by the bosnian serbs and thousands more. never found the victims. now it will be remembered every year gabriel's on don't you see it at united nations, new york police 5 people have been killed in iowa. of the tomatoes swept through the us states. more than 200 homes were destroyed on the fest respond as a still searching through the wreckage. a hospital in the town of greenfield was among the buildings damage. 3 separate tornadoes if the states on choose day
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closing wide spread power outages. authorities in mexico say 9 people, a dead with at least 70 others injured off to strong wins, topple the concept style structure in a new way of only on the state. incident took place during the campaign event where the mexican presidential candidate, georgia maintenance wish federal to speak. on a report of reports from mexico city, the the, the horrifying moment a stage collapse over a crowd in sun. pedro garza the accident left. at least 9 people dead in several dozens more injured in what was otherwise expected to be a peaceful campaign event. for the movie me and those 2 that i know party ahead of mexico's upcoming general elections. a demo splish, we send our condolences to the families who lost their lives. we are very sorry. we also expressed their solidarity with a political organization citizen of doing its leaders is candidates among and its
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members idea. images here on social media show the towers supporting the stage, holding against the force of a sudden gust of wind and the giant screen falling on the platform where he was. but his mine is one of mexico's 3 leading presidential candidates was standing. mine is, has since announced a temporary suspension of upcoming campaign events. i believe you can understand this moment the most important thing is to provide support to the victim and stay focused on the issue. this is not the time to think about any of the political or electro activities. experts of describe the weather conditions that lead to wednesdays accident as abnormal as of thursday morning, 12 people remain hospitalized following that stage collapse in level the, on the mexican government. officials say an investigation into the deadly accident is now under way. one way that up
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a little al jazeera mexico city. the police 4 people have been killed and 21 injured off to a 2 story building collapsed on the spanish island. new york. several people believe to be trapped under the debris of a beach side restaurants, honey, save fuel collapse, causing people to fall into the basement where they were also all the customers in stone. u. k. prime minister wishes to knock and this opposition live or have kick till 6 weeks if election, campaigning next announcement or for a snap election has been described as a gamble. but the name of the policy leading in opinion polls late benita kissed alma, is hoping to see his policy return to power off to 14 years general reports from


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