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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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i'm best place to understand the macbooks and so if we do continue with animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impacts of 5 actions. that desktop theme that we don't harm. we don't tucked, we do. we exploit the operating of the dogs, the main hospital in central dogs was running out of fuel putting the lives of mold of a 1000 patients that risk the lives of their life. but headquarters here in the also coming up, he's very full says bone residential homes across guns and killing at least 51 people in the past 24 hours. the us police just about to get to know that
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palestine solidarity and cabman, just hours after university presidents, a grill and a heated congressional dictates the jewish and is really consult. students were not consultant. wisdom is really students were not consulted. exactly, or do you remember exactly, but at least 100 people, it said that a loan sliding gold, silver boots village in pop point, you can make the welcome to the fact that we'd be getting central gone. so a lot of it's made hospitals as hot as attic tricity possibly cuts off the i likes the hospital endeavors by lies hours away from completely running out of fuel. and that would endanger the lives of 1200 sick, had injured patients. i'll just arrows, honey, my mood has gained access to the hospital while many departments in our pricing entitled office, we do will need that some of the images in his report. all settings. howard
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generators has been shut down because of the rack over here. we're going to take you through the general surgery department in the upper floor with their electricity is quite vital, but because of it, there is a risk of losing rise inside this department. but against the lack of a space is a major problem in the hospital, particularly this department, the general surgery where you see patients and injuries arrived at the car. i don't have the hospital been here for quite some time. and when it was the hospital lacking leisure space here is a mid sized health facility and unable to accommodate the large number, the large number of injuries in patients inside the hospital. i'm much good method there at what is it or that there's no treatment available? no electricity basically nothing. here. the hospital is struggling with just the basics. i've been here for over a month and a half after being shot in my leg and stomach. i know how you can see i've had
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surgery. beyond that, there's only antibiotics. i need more surgeries, but they're not happening. i'm told there's a long waiting list and i've had to wait another 15 days. it's already been 2 months of waiting at the department for children at the hospital. and this is the 1st time in that is experiencing our all right now. and as you can see and hear, hear a more of this department is slacking miseries raise right now. or we're seeing a children outside in the car, a door of this department simply because the rooms inside of talk with patients. an injury as bombing campaign continues the faxes from area right now with the power outage in this particular department. the risk of losing lives, the rest of it actually reading the ongoing medical problems across the hospital is
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increasing by the hours that the driver department, not the only one that is experiencing now power outage. but also there as the surgery, they do not surgery departments on the upper floor that is also experiencing power outage. just putting the risk of more lives inside the department at risk. right, right now we are in the store house where the fuel is gifted for i love the hospice out here in a cent from the area and right now with the workers are doing here just trying to collect whatever is left in these barrels. just to keep the generator is running from the way resorting to drawing fuel from the very depths of the risk of was just to salvage in a noticeable drops and these of installed in small containers to sustain the electrical generator. those such practice as impacting the generators functionality to the hospitality is a very critical point right now. and a couple hours for 3 hours are not far from completely shutting down all the
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services and risking the lives of everyone inside the hospital. but as you just saw, the i like the hospitalized molding of an imminent health catastrophe. a fuel is not supplied soon. the medical director was issued on an appeal for assistance. now the show i know was such, but i show that a claim on x a hospital needs more than 4000 leaches a few a day so that we can take you to patients and provide needed treatments. we have hundreds of patients including the injured and those who are diagnosed with kidney failure, a need electricity for that dialysis treatment. this will stop completely without any few, with cooling on international organizations to send 50000 liters of fuel before this an imminent crisis here. otherwise, it's the into the pay, the price of patients will be condemned to death, especially those in the i, c, u, the incubators. and those were lying on dialysis treatment cell phones and all of his reading troops of strongly out of the hospital. the needs of all the elected g
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kind of after sold a sage the come a lot while the hospital as also being attacked by the how they must separate. how's this report it's one of the few medical facilities still functioning and gaza . and now the area around it remains under siege. it's all over to the north of the strip. patients and stuff have been shipped in the facility in the midst of the specials between east riley forces and palestinian fighters. we have to get the age of allow the hospital yesterday they. busy the starting the position for susan's in force. so that's the way should be a lot of the stuff and the patients, the companies or yeah, with the so is that the way that would change that was getting guys to see and, and now we are for p and of the stuff we are is a with the,
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with our patients here in the system. but even before the fighting around the hospital intensified, doctors will already struggling to treat the influx of patients as well. the pop was working here under increasing pressure, which peak last month with the arrival of displaced people from rough or, and other places where still working hard despite the lack of skate abilities and then i shoulder just off. a lot of cases come to the hospital every day. we never know what's around the corner, but the situation here is going from back to us. the numbers are increasing. the health workers have set up tents and extra beds outside the main building. but resources are still scarce. these medical facilities are a lifeline for palestinians seen the real interest is rarely a tech. but the health ministry estimates $33.00 of guys us $35.00 hospitals are completely out of service. the world health organization is calling for the greater
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protection of health care workers and patients and disputing for the safe passage for the evacuation. but i haven't looked at that, i'll just 0. these are they all me has killed at least 51 people on thursday and a series of attacks across garza and i strike in the, in the central part of the strip killed at least a dozen people including several children and softer and his riley tongue. find on the warehouse that's being housing displaced, people, dozens of interest and many more. what bend in reference to the side of the guns, the explosions could be heard as it was repeatedly, palms bold and 900000. people have now being forced to feed the southern city since the 1st week of may us how speak of mike jones and has said that the is really probably minister benjamin destiny all who will address a joint meeting of the us congress. that's a move likely to and get democrats,
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so we're increasing the critical of israel's will. and garza, the lighthouse declined to comment when asked whether it was consulted or just there was hired to do a construct has moved from washington, dc in the us house speaker says that a formal invitation will be issued later this week to is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu to appear before a joint session of the us congress speaker mike johnson made this announcement ad and is a really independent event hosted by this really embassy in washington. and we will soon be hosting prime minister netanyahu at the capitol for a joint session of congress. yes. this will be a timely and i think a very strong show of support to the israeli government and their time and greatest needs. now it's unclear when this address would take place, but already the plan invitation is stoking divisions. johnson who's a republican 1st floated the idea as inviting the in. yeah. who back in march. that
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was in response to comments from chuck schumer, the top democrat in the us senate, who said that none. yeah. who had lost his way in his real is israel's war policy in gauze and calling for new elections. now it's unclear if schumer has agreed to a joint session invitation, but he would have to order for it to take place. johnson though has said he would work and he would invite then. yeah, who, regardless then yeah, who last address a joint session of congress in 2015 and that switch was boycotted by a number of progressive democrats. that will likely be the case again as president biden himself has said, what? none. yeah. who is doing now is quote, a mistake. and as us support for israel has fiercely divided the american public. hydro, castro alger 0, washington, hey, republican controlled us congressional committee held the latest and a series of hearings on campus protests in solidarity with garza. several
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university presidents with grill dave alleged anti semitism on campus rentals has moved you madam chair, it was clear from the very beginning that the hearing would be about hurling accusations rather than finding facts. all of your universities have been hot bids, a pervasive anti semitism. no matter how hard the college presidents tried to explain their actions in dealing with campus protests, republicans cut them off not even waiting for responses to their own question. the fact to which is really consult students were not consulted. jewish and is really students were not consulted exactly idea that free man. exactly. you're back to go to do. buyers is a striking if you decide to negotiate a sweetheart deal with promo students. university presidents displayed patients, but some near their limits under the verbal garage. i really have a part of what i'm paying on my laptop. my jobs are republicans repeatedly demanded . the university's immediately expelled,
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protesting students and fire faculty members who support them. despite explanations, the disciplinary investigations were underway. democrats say the hearing was only about scoring political points with right wing voters continuing to schedule repetitive politicized hearings to attack college presidents will not solve the scourge of anti semitism the subject of gaza. and the more than 35000 people they're killed by is really military forces. with barely mentioned, my colleagues are raised over these protests, but they're silent about the students that are at what the students are actually protesting about. hundreds of students around the country have been arrested for predominantly peaceful campus protests. the biggest outbreak of violence on campus came with hundreds of pro. israel agitators violently attacked. the you see like gaza solidarity encampment for several hours. as police stood idly by democratic congresswoman, johan omar demanded answers from you, slays chancellor,
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why has the violent agitators who you know, have been identified is not being held accountable for assaulting over 150 of your students? you should be ashamed. we 12, you sell a chancellor june block was testifying a group of u. c. l. a students set up a new protest and camp on campus. they held a rally and the city in please remove the in campus. it's part of the new day to day reality for college students, faculty and administrators, all across the country. rob reynolds, l g, 0, los angeles. the vault is breaking news can be out of asia pacific. a huge lens side has struck a remote village in pa, for new guinea in the northern promise province of anger. it is a developing story that's close over to jessica washington,
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a correspondence in the indonesian capital jakarta as estates of developing story address because it's broken any within the last few hours. just tell us what we know about the circumstances around this land slide as well. what we understand from local media is that the land slide occurred around 3 am in angle province in the, in a village where people were sleeping in that homes. of course, it was early hours of the morning when this land slide occurred. now this region is a some, 2 to 3 hours from the provincial capital. some 600 kilometers from port must be quite remote and quite a surely area when land flights are coming. now there, this is still, as you mentioned, a developing situation. it is unclear whether authorities are able to reach the affected area. what we have heard from speaking with local sources important most be the capital of popping you, denny, is that many homes have been destroyed as well as the gardens,
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which people have relied on to feed themselves in these communities. of course, the region is susceptible to the soul of a natural disaster, as if that's the way the way it is. now, be lots of speculation as to what the real reasons are about the way this incident has been folded in the region as well. that's why i'm helping you. jenny, is susceptible to natural disasters, land slides, flooding, earthquakes of and just a few months ago they were, there was severe land slides and floods in gulf. and you can e cleaning around 24 lives, 24 people killed in march as a result of those natural disasters. now, in terms of the scale of this central design, so well that is something we yet to learn. we do not yet know whether authorities are able to reach the area, but road blocks are creating some concern. we do know that some community groups around the province are already starting together, aid to support the communities in need. but in terms of how many people have been
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killed by this disaster, that is still unclear. the stanley and public broad cost of the a, b c reports that it could be around $100.00 people. but at this stage, outsourced is in popping. you can you say it is too soon to say how many people have been killed will continue to monitor that story as the day progresses. i with you, jessica, washington, that for us into casa. so head here on out of the tiny ones, dunn's defiance of china, it begins a 2nd day of military drill surrounding the island. we'll have the latest from 20 page and unable to rebuild their lives. smart them to the files. the south africans are heading to the polls, homeless, the peddler, they will get to africa in environment bus in the middle east, and live and where it's very quiet. but hot picture,
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when is the temperature is across the gulf pickup over the next few days. 42 degrees celsius that in mecca will be into the 14th stretching from saudi arabia through to oman. with 41 degrees celsius, the in must got. that is a large me drive picture. we could see some showers, however, coming into the western pots of yemen. but the west has to all the way that can be found for the north of us across to key if it was a bit of wintery and wet weather stretching across the cool causes and into northern parts of a run. but the temperature still sitting above the average into run temperatures well above the average across the north of africa for places like libya as well as egypt and have a look at this tripoli, we'll see 40 degrees celsius that on friday, with the intense heat that comes down to the t as a maximum high on saturday, it's much west to across the gulf is getting noticed. what as it could be, the west of the weather will continue to pull into kenya. we've got some rough season, strong winds here. it's much dryer, cool, southern parts of africa. but
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a week from we'll bring some cars, full showers to southern parts of south africa, thursday into friday. actually weather update. the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump, with flood folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the farm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the way the stream on al jazeera of the
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book about 2 weeks ago. just bear with me. so rather than dial reminder of all top stories, electricity has been post because all of the o x, the hospital in central garza, several departments are running incomplete dogs. this adult does all loading that seal will completely run out in the coming hours. the oldest way the fault is that still in the hospital, in giovanni after a full day's siege. hundreds of magic sons, patients are full to see the facility to come out to the hospital as also it'd be in the tax. and dozens of people of it that didn't even move to the village over by the villages in the northern province that i can get a pop point. you're getting another line slide for full speed hits, color column village villages on trying to recover abilities from underneath the level of china is military has those days. second day of exercises surrounding
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tie, one chinese full society will games aimed at testing their ability to seize power and to control the area that comes days off to the swearing in the present lighting day. long as promised to defend time when he sovereignty. but china considers the island to be part of its coventry just to be a good problem. how's that? i just will. i'm typing the chinese males, 3 hours have started already the ministry of defense here and tie one does not give you details usually to later in the day. but on the previous days, they said the chinese p l. a vessels called between within 24 nautical miles and the water surrounding tie one. they had deployed about 50 military aircraft, 20 naval ships, and more than a 1000 postcard vessels that could be used in an invasion of china saying that it is a trying to test the ability of all join seizure of power joint strikes and control
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of territories. what does that mean? well, as and essentially, it's a blockade of taiwan and in particular in these exercises. but they're trying to do is block off the waterways that would be used by taiwan to allies like japan or the united states in the event of an invasion. now it's worth noting that has not been any live fire. these are mostly maneuver based on a lot of focus has been given to the name, joins toward 2024. a defense analyst are trying to figure out whether this is the 1st of many exercises that are due to come for taiwan. so i was following to discuss a good controversial bill expanding legislative power in the country. the bill wouldn't have been grant legislates has the power to question, investigate or defend documents from any government official ministry general or the president. it's already drawing the files, the people up to the streets protest is gathered outside the legislature on choose a drawing its 1st reading. they say that it likes the checks and balances necessary
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to prevent abuse. it says that's what i'm saying is out of the system. professor at the national de la university in holland and join us from ty pay good. have you this frenzy on the program? i mean, while the globe load is, may be interested in sort of the kind of chinese military maneuvers that we called to know a new president just having to deal with those domestic wives within parliament and outside over it over the power really that he might wield right, well 1st of all, thank you for having the so it is important to look at both the timing and the content and also the procedures surrounding these reforms that the opposition, the kmc as a t p. b parties together put floor. so what we are seeing right now is huge public outrage, which makes me think back to 10 years ago in 2014. when similarly civil
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society and society such a protest either against reforms that at the time, the gnc for ford, which were seen to be not in line with timelines, the credit passed away. so what we're seeing right now is a fear from the d d p. the party that nike, the newly elected president, belongs to the fear that the opposition in a tactical alignment. so the gmc of the to be did together are using their majority right now in the parliament to undermine that. the piece ability to govern. and this is what likely to inherit. so you say this was the only thing that just for all because of the politics is fine. but at the end of the day, well, what i want to know was, is the politics in parliament really affecting the way civil society is reacting to this on the streets? is it reciprocated a civil society as worried about these moves as parliamentarians are to see what society is very worried. i mean,
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this is why we're seeing people gathering on the streets. and i think we are expecting this to grow today as the legislation is going to be further discussed. so see what society is worried that through these moves, the political politicize ation of legislating will affect their everyday life. not only relations with china, but there are serious challenges that need to be addressed domestically. so civil society is worried and he's using a h means which ease protesting against what they perceive to be a, a pull of decides ation pops up. yeah, of the situations that the president was elected in january. so what one does with these new policy decisions are a surprise for civil society. was the any sort of inkling in the lead up to that presidential election that these moves a, in terms of documentation. so whether it be good with the officials, military generals, or even the president,
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would actually raise the head in the political sphere as well as to january elections. there was a dispute that because of the pi no longer has majority in the parliament, the majority. now in the hands of the pnc together with the t p p, that this would really make a legislating very difficult for the b a. this is what we're seeing. so the process now i think we should look at these for this as a sign of what we are likely to see in the next years. this is going to be very difficult for live stream data for the d p d. and this is also going to be something that the genie is looking at very uh, probably you know, with much a joy because this means that i want to use a society. well, it also means that it is a vibrant democracy, but that it is pull arise, and the g has over the years, tried to, with the after 5 these, these to be just with inside of the society and all that. if i those voices that are more china friendly and undermined democracy in taiwan,
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but not only democracy in taiwan, but i would say democracy as an efficient way of governing. in terms of policy, we're seeing certainly opposition groups who are now pro china la b. i the all position at the moment we're seeing china at the moment, conduct military operations around the island of taiwan. how do you see this being, you might say, either both of us expose but utilized positively full the opposition groups. as you say, it's going to make life very difficult for the incumbent president who's has a very empty china policy at the moment. right, so i think we need to be careful with how we use anti china and through china when we talked about time, one of the picture is now black and white. and so the people belong or support the d, b r, r, have a variety of use and we can not label that as the,
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the pro, taiwan and those in the opposition be proved. try it out. so i think the nuances important, and he's also important to say, i mean as a, as a foreigner who lives in time, what i would stress that no matter what political affiliations people are having title and they're all interested in piece of stability across the region. now obviously there's huge differences between how the different political parties, either way forward, but the, the militarization and also the, the political and together with the military moves and the news or is that china is using, is really to undermine society as a whole. and also to give perhaps the political opposition, more instruments to use that against the bees ability to govern as his strength and consolidate timelines, democracy. so there's a lot of challenges and the cross trade relationship is a challenge as well as domestic problems are going to be
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a challenge for like i would respect the position that you take that you wants is very important. and that piece and stability is what people in taiwan wants yet for an international audience. we sometimes have to use that pro and anti, you might say terminology. but even within the d p p, whether people are a pro or anti that not necessarily a pro unification. all that, i wonder how much of a issue that still is either within the d p p. and certainly we know where the key came came to you actually stand the rest. so the d, b a as a political party that grew out of a grass roots movement. really sense for tie one's existence as an entity that would peacefully co exist together with the p r c. so we're dealing with the tie one situation as the republic of china as it is formally known across the street. we have the p r c,
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the people's republic of china. so the says floor has allowed these 2 sides to call exist so far as to develop, not only their different political systems, but also to create a very strong economic and trade legs. and this is what complicates the situation. so what people in the, the heat, the majority of the people in the b would live is to be allowed to exist in a, of a separate entity from china. okay. that will have to leave. it's been great talking to you as a fall friendship. thanks so much for joining us. thank you. so a lot for kids. government has promised to build hundreds of thousands of low income homes, but it solid behind its target. those people had to the polls. those were homeless, so desperate that i have to meet them in the reports and i from cape town. this is one of thousands of informal settlements in south africa. emmys, i'm a year to 1st run up in the cape town,
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more than 2 years ago of to some here were forcibly removed from a neighboring area. since then, it's estimated that at least 40000 people have both make shift homes here using corrugated iron plastic sheets and we have possible breaks confidence tips. he's lived here for nearly 20 years. no, no. okay. i see all the pos that leads to a home is also, we're the only toilets, all the smell of sewerage and waste can't be avoided. she blames the provincial governments led by the opposition democratic alliance, or d a, a month. the waters 13 the grades are production and the toilets and everyone and no one from the municipality comes while the government is building homes for the poor. there's a backlog of at least $2300000.00 homes, and that number grows each year for me file. i can say that's bad because if you look into this center, but 60600000 people, that is on the waiting list. these a lot of options there this afternoon. these projects and.


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