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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the . ringback the with hundreds of patients waiting for live saving treatment i likes the hospital receives a supply field, but early enough for a few days will be life at the hospital. the on the clock, this is out 0 live from the also coming out, a massive lens live hits the remote village in public any more than 100 people afraid. china begins the 2nd day of military trail surrounding taiwan saying the
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war games that ain't trusting their ability to seize and unable to rebuild the law is why hundreds of thousands of south africans are heading to the poles. the . so let's start in central jobs where one of its main hospitals, i like centera by law, has been given in lifeline just hours before it was expected to run out of fuel. these are the scenes inside the medical facility ever nights where many departments were forced to operate in complete darkness. doctors tending to premature babies using the phone lights like so. hospital has now received enough fuel to save it from immediate collapse, but it's certainly enough to last just a few days. prior to resume is in the val are in central gods or target. just give us the latest situation, if you would, of the well, generally the situation on the ground sounds critically di,
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in terms of the opening, the security and even the humanitarian, the medical levels as to the bottom and continue to show the vast majority of buildings across this trip at a particular into body, a refugee camp alongside if even in rough or where the military operation is to loan going into central areas as batches and confrontations. i read the raging pot medically made the situation is excessive painting day by day as the entire hospitals of this trip are suffering from say, the shortage of a few. the medical supplies along side that the hospitals in the notes are no longer even barely to be functional due to the is very full of minutes received. and the eviction order is being made for medical teams in the hospital to no longer remain in the entire area. the, as the director of the hospital has refused to leave patients and critical entries behind until they could be guaranteed a safety declaration on while x a hospital is now is the main largest remaining costs. but so in the middle area
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that is providing sounds as a medical treatment for palestinian patients. and in order to know more about this, we are joined right now by the front of the crowd. he is the spokes best, an old ox, the hospital to get more details about the medical situation and deluxe hospitality, optical i see a doctor finish. look on the and you met the had effect as mrs. lockwood fee. uh, was the special ed that locks on and on the have you go to a matter of fact uh, yesterday we lost the fuel by mid the night. and the generators have it stopped and no electricity was available. this price is a little over the place and we saw a lot from such a crisis, possibly. and 15 days ago the price is a, is it listening and the crossings close, including the facts, crossing the amount of fuel and then related to that,
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the multi enough at the hospital to even for $1.00 or 2 days. and before that explicit deal, simple, one of the stipends of the day and the rate is we received only 3000 liters, which is not enough because the hospital needs at least 5000 leads of fuel to the high every day. and this will lead to the death of so many sick when the people and the hospitality llc. we result to the so uh, but it's not in the office of the why fi and we stuff uh, the inactive. it includes the date of the house, but the equipment uh, not working. that's why we do is call to, to do everything manually. the house, but the and, and the a lot was the rate the to all the fuel arriving to
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the next morning. that's why we have managed to save a lot of, of sick people in the hospital time. i don't. and now what's the spelling you at the unit in the house puts it in with the increasing the numbers. fischbach, st. people that the one of the debate will understand when is the day and because of it is a question. uh, how does the modern fagley in general assign these ongoing ma, getting this, the file is the union and the sort of go to the hospital as low as also i'm going to be part of the attack in the hospital and the head of those to you guys, the sleep and the more than the 3 hoss, but the rates in the annual time and the guys, the streaming, and we have only full hospital clothes including the hospitalized. that's all the can offer. medical headed principal. yeah. so then people who suffer a lot from the lack of medicines and this medical supplies that allows the hospital
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and the food and not being with all of a huge number of 6 people. and one to the people and the members of the people. more than the capacity of the cost, but this is really a so to the right to the life of the patients down, the sick people have to have the wounded being treated on the fluid and manually because we don't have many places for them inside the house. but the company's not, i mean thank you very much the that's and that's absolutely. the reality here seen unlocks the hospital hospital don't work for 3 times. that capacity a very limited number of convoys, if you will, have been delivered to the hospital that will be barely enough for a couple of days. and later the hospital will grapple again with the situation, but no ends inside for this ongoing military campaign that had pro devastating consequences on the medical sector. all right,
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thanks for that that time. thanks very much indeed. now the international court of justice is such a rude in south africa's request for it to order is realtor and it's miniature operations and reference southern goals, right, and ensure on him to access to humanitarian aid. south africa, the case is relative turning out genocide against palestinians in january, the u. s. highest. the court issue provisional measures ordering is relative to everything possible to prevent tax. it could amount to jennifer. so that because it's really note the rulings, it looks like this. so now with my how much on mastery, who is a pleased on this professor, media studies at deadlines to, to graduate studies? so how many, how do you assess what, what are the scenarios here? yeah, so there are, some, is really diplomatic sources who have indicated to somebody's really newspapers, including is right. you have them and the times of israel and others, but they're actually concerned about the court. could order today is realtors to halt its activities in the drop off. there's also been some suggestion that they may i ask israel or come to order israel to withdraw from our guys,
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although i think that is unlikely. another possibility that i will sort of throw out there is that the i c j today could basically reiterate that israel needs to do with us utmost to follow the rules of war. that means allowing unfettered aid into the gaza strip and avoiding targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure, right? of course the i, c, j can rules say what they like, but would it make any difference on the ground for the procedure, it doesn't have enforcement power. and so that's, that's really the big, that's really the big issue is real, has shown for the past several months that it doesn't care so much what the international law says, and it actually becomes more defiant whenever one of these orders or resolutions are part are given or passed, and so that's, that's the big issue. i don't think anything on the ground is going to change until
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the united states puts its foot down and, and says enough is enough. and so far, the united states has not been willing to do that time for the united states, for the present button. at least the always said the rough it was a red line, but we're not seeing any great reaction to this on getting assault on rough. uh. yeah, there was that interview a couple of months ago. he did seem to indicate that drop off was a red line, but then in the same interview he, he walked it back and said, well, i'm not gonna stop giving israel weapons under any circumstance. so i think that the, you know, that red line comment is subject to interpretation. the reality is that the us support remains very strong for israel and there is no indication at least not as of yet that, that's going to change in any meaningful way. what do you make of this environment hammered of mike jones to these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu to address congress? does that create a problem for the democrats? i think it's interesting it's, it's another example of the united states and specifically republicans sort of throwing a life jacket,
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another life jacket to the israelis into netanyahu in particular. right? the walls are kind of closing in on that and yahoo, i see see, is seeking arrest warrants for him and his defense, defense minister are you have the i c, j stuff that we just got done. speaking about, you have countries coming forward, recognizing palestine as a state. there's all this global condemnation. and at this time i feel like you're, the republicans decided that you know, they need to show for support for, for netanyahu. and this is that show of support. i don't think democrats are gonna like it and i wouldn't be surprised that nothing yahoo ends up coming and that it ends up being boycotted by the still senate democrats. all right, well we'll be hearing about the i c j really in 4 or 5 hours time. see how the day ponds out behind the time being. thanks very much. thank you. thanks a wealth amongst reference, southern gaza had been the last place of refuge for palestinians who was supposed to be displaced from the homes by his rails for it straight. so it just overflowed
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with people and make shift shelters and tents. and now it's logic as tom wants. is there a spoke to some people trying to escape where they once thought they would be fixed about having been the claimants or what i am, right? all the time from i'll show refugee camp left to come for con, you nation look, feel, and we are in constant suffering, right? i'm trying to find some water every day. we move from here to the awesome awesome, and there is nothing left for as much ongoing suffering that doesn't stop. the whole situation is very bad. just the monthly cosigned with this flies and mosquitoes everywhere our life is comparable. is he in a high level gen out of i said i sound like we went to rock or define drinking water as lot to here is not being as high as he is out of the problem with this when it hasn't, some sort of. so i was shocked when i arrived in rough. uh i found no one. i didn't
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even find cats or dogs and i've got, there's no market to shops, waterfall, every single thing is closed. you can't even buy a bottle of water to drink. the items that will look hello, does it dennis rock, they used to be the best place in joseph. it's with everyone and everything coming into the strip used to gather some of it. now it's just too much suffering and publicly deposited the person who work with strain. we displaced, we fee is a war planes in the tanks. i bought some new belongings from my family. we need to live with a minimum in our hands. we're living on the siege and under aggression. people used to live in houses and apartments. now we live in tents if we can find them. and if not, then the sun's waiting for you to sleep on the sand. we're having to tolerate the
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freezing weather in winter, and hot weather in summer to such suffering. i have no message for the world. i have only one word enough. enough is enough. people are dying here every minute. the now that a huge land slide has struck a remote village in papua new guinea. dozens of people are fed dead in the northern province of and the regions governor says boldest. the signs of a call came tumbling down hill and crushing several times below the villages of trying to recover bodies from underneath the rubble and mud. jessica washington joins live from jakarta. is it just go to tell us more about what happened as well, we understand that the land slide struck around 3 am in the province, while many residents were still sleeping in their homes. a while ago we heard from
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the prime minister james murphy, who knows it, that he has pledged the support of the defense force, as well as any relevant ministries to help the affected area of the provincial authority earlier. also health and emergency meeting, working together with health authorities as well as police and defense, as well as representatives from the united nations as well to support the affected area. it deployed some emergency respond as to the affected area. but it says at this stage, it is not clear how many people were killed in the disaster. a very remote area. what more do we know about the region? that's right, it is a remote area some a 2 to 3 hours from the provincial capital, a more than $612.00 inches from port moresby itself. this is a remote mountainous area where people live quite traditional lifestyle is mostly engaged in small scale farming. and as a result,
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it is unclear how many people actually lived in the affected area as all sources have been telling us in popping your guinea that they don't really have anything like reliable census data to go on. so it is a rather remote area and indeed the disaster has caused some roads to be blocked and that may have the access for authorities as night falls in offering your guinea . jessica leave with that for now. thanks very much for that update. jessica washington reporting from chicago on the situation and still ahead here in out 0 and overwhelming voted to the you when to on of the thousands of victims of the 1995 tribute. it's a genocide with an annual commemoration, the the hello they. let's have a look at the satellite image it for europe as we get the weather for the days
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ahead and you can see it is a launch the unsettled picture. but despite the weather, we are seeing a lot of heat up in the very new, across scan today and now selecting no way beat. it may record for a 2nd time this month on thursday, and there's still a lot of heat coming on here on friday 10, which is well above the average. those hot and dry conditions are continuing to build as well across the northeast and will central parts of europe more full will see the temperature well above the average 7 degrees celsius there on saturday, 8 degrees on sunday with a chance of rain and it is so looking very wet across small central areas, despite that warm, heavy rain running all the way from france towards the southeast corner in bold, gary, us west to weather as well for eastern areas of takia. it's much dryer across the western parts of france into spain and portugal, and also the north west britain, an island. the more in the way of sunshine across from the southern areas if you show was coming in across the move. but as you go into slash today,
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you can see the next band of heavy rain with some blustery wins starting to pull into the island. and it will work its way east over the next few days as the a meeting of minds with israel committing genocide before our eyes. and none of our mainstream politicians across the board seem to have a problem with it. campaigner andrew fine, stay and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis against each one of us. these are with this, and this is upon us as witnesses to be able to validate for the seeing around us studio will be on script part to own own disease of the
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the other gain you watching out to 0. her mind about top stories this uh and the one of the central causes main hospitals o x, that has been given a lifeline just as before, it's expected to run out of fuel. many departments for force operating complete, thought and save a night while the facility has received fuel to continue functioning. it is only enough to last a few days. for the whole is ready for the system. the i got suspended in due balance of 6 days. ready, siege, hundreds of medicine patients are forced to feed. so come on that one hospital has and so be to try a huge landslide, construct a remote village in popular and you can eat dozens of people fit dead. it's really just trying to recover bodies trapped under the rubble. now, china is mandatory as long as the 2nd day of exercises surrounding taiwan. a
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chinese forced to say the war games, that ain't the testing their ability to seize power and control. key areas is comes days of the swearing in the president lights and a lie has promised to defend ty with these over to you. but china considers the art in to be part of china during this to be a good pollen. isolate just now from type the chinese males, 3 hours have started already. the ministry of defense here in 51 does not give you details usually to later in the day. but on the previous days, they said the chinese p l. a vessels called between within 24 nautical miles and the water surrounding tie one. they had deployed about 50 military aircraft, 20 naval ships, and more than a 1000 postcards vessels that could be used in an invasion of china saying that it is a trying to test the ability of all joints, seizure of power, joint strikes and control of territories. what does that mean?
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well, as and essentially, it's a blockade of taiwan and in particular in these exercises. but they're trying to do is block off the waterways that would be used by taiwan to allies like japan or the united states in the event of an invasion. now it's worth noting that has not been any live fire. these are mostly maneuver based on a lot of focus is being given to the name joins toward 2024. a defense analyst are trying to figure out whether this is the 1st of many exercises that are due to come for tie one as a top ones parliament as discussing and controversial bill expanding. legislative power in the country. the bellwood in very grunt legislates is the power to question, investigate or demand documents from any government official manager general or the president. so the drones, thousands of people into the streets in protest is gathered outside the legislature on tuesday during it says reading. they say that it lacks a checks and balances necessary to prevent abuse. so let's get more on this from
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the capital type. pay with rob mcbride, he's dining by for us. so rob, tell us more about this protest, what's happening and what's happening. so i part of it to the fair, that's why there's probably just been continuing through friday for the 2nd reading of this controversial legislation. them, they are here here in the thousands and have been throughout the day because of what's been going on in a building a couple of streets and that's in the light just with a view on that stage. busy taiwan parliament revolves around the annual duration of the new president's here, lighting. good, who's a democratic progressive party? now they held on to a 3rd consecutive time of the presidency and elections at the start of this year, but they lost them majority in the parliament. and what we've been seeing over the past week is the opposition groups led by the very possible can see the gloaming times. trying to introduce these controversial legislation, often leading to open confrontations in the g changed by even fist fights between
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low and that goes with the c t t and also protests the serious thing that was really let me i'm sadly the powers of a president that they have elected of course, and so i want somebody like this often comes real, doesn't it? against this backdrop of tens relations with the agent. that's right. i mean, everything it seems to be a new type when he's politics. these things in some way with that relationship with face, jane dates and president ly have taken a very tough stand when it comes to closer ties. they've already kept staging at a distance, being very wary about video materials from may, june, the k n g on the other end of the state towards friendly relations with mainland china. so that's very much a contentious issue here. it's good things up and it does come from the time when we see these unprecedented military drills around the island of taiwan. also,
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incredible attacks and criticisms against the new president. life from mainland media are accusing of it being reckless and solid, but as protests and see it will tell you the more so it's paging is seen to be apparently cajoling the holy in taiwan. the board in full suits the belief of these protestors that they should keep very long distance between themselves. all right, well, leave that for me. thanks very much for bugging. 40 french president. amend with macro and says the controversial electoral reform for new caledonia would not be full through. he made the comments while meeting local leaders in the french overseas territories, capital of new man, weak civil unrest to follow the proposal to change the facing system in the pacific on it, over and over as it on the spot to crack down to bring violence. eva virtual reforms in new caledonia under control. there was to red bluff trails of smoke rising and
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pots of the capital. no, we may have to and imagine sit talks with low colleges, french present to manual, not crow cold for dialogue to end the 12 days types of imagine c. he said he's delaying votes and reforms, and the french overseas territory assess changes wouldn't be adopted by force. so it gives us could successful. i have played that this reform will not be forced through in the current context. and that we will allow some weeks for a calling of tension and resumption of ty, log, defined abroad at court. hopefully you get an indigenous kind of people raise up on may. the 13th ever electro reforms imposed by from the changes would give certain rights to french nationals have lived on the island for 10 years. but some contacts with the plans. what that includes, separating power and dual efforts to secure independence. it's
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a fee. we've been lied to for use and use. they've lied to our ancestors. they've lied to our elders, through the various agreements that have been made. we're run out of food agreement . it's the longest and i'm with tired of not being recognized. hope all's going thought security. i'm convinced that the solution is not a political tool, because whether we decide one thing with the other half of the population will be frustrated. this is not something that you can except perhaps for an election cases but not for future. the local politicians say more has to be done to address conic and if we're on employment failing, schools, hunger and pull housing conditions. if you already fix your there's ideas about how we rebuild our society in the long term. it requires a social project. obviously a social project in partnership with economic players to rebuild, but perhaps in a different way from what we did before. so we have
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a bit that the french security forces are expected to remain in the color to india for as long as the tensions last. barbara and good part of this era. at least 5 people are being killed in on our up to 20 to sweat through the us state . more than 200 homes were destroyed and 1st responders are still searching through the records. 3 separate tornadoes hit the state on, choose day, causing widespread packages. this was my house. and we were and this was the basement. and it picked my house up and dropped it right there. that's what's left of my home. oh, this was houses as well. if it's about right, the center of where the tornado here, i think there's, there's this line right here because you see, go around town, there's lots of damage. but right, this trail right here is where you see all the houses that have just disappeared. the united nations has passed a resolution designating july 11th as
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a stripper and it's a genocide, remember and stay on that day in 1995 more than 8000 mainly muslim men and boys were massacred by both me. and so that's the vote pos, despite strong opposition from serbia. gabriel, that is on their reports now from you in headquarters in you a draft resolution is adopted with that the united nations general assembly voted to commemorate annually. the 1995 genocide in separate needs 84 countries in favor. 19 against with 68 extension's, serbia's president alexander boutique fought hard to convince countries to vote against the resolution, calling it political in nature, and that it could renew regional tensions. he came to new york for the boat to make a last attempt to sway the outcome. this is not about memories. this is something that'll just open an old
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holds. i've got to create a complete political trouble. and not only in our region, the draft was sponsored by germany and rwanda, and had more than 2 dozen co sponsors, as well as wide support for many western countries. this resolution is not directed against any body, not against a valued member of this organization. if at all, it is directed against perpetrators of a general side, the draft resolution that was adopted is now much more than just this paper. it designates july 11th as an international day of reflection and commemoration of the 1995 genocide. the u. n. will now prepare outreach programs to observe today with public awareness activities that on are the victims. booker took the un high commissioner for human rights,
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said in his statement after the vote that he welcomes the resolution. given the persistent revisionism, denial of the genocide and hate speech by high level political leaders in bosnia and herzegovina as well as neighboring countries. but in a press conference in 70 to the president of the republic of subscribe, said he would ignore the general assembly resolution and repeated threats to leave bosnia to what is the aim of this resolution. you want to impose this story on us because that's a non binding resolution. well, we will not accept it. i'm telling you all straightened now. we will not accept it . it will not enter our school books nearly 30 years after roughly 8000 mostly muslim men and boys were killed by the bosnian serbs and thousands more. never found the victims. now it will be remembered every year gabriel's onto ouch is here at united nations in new york to south africa where the government has promised to build hundreds of thousands of low income homes,
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but its fall behind its target as people head to the polls. those who are homeless and now more desperate than ever. miller reports from kicked. this is one of thousands of informal settlements in south africa. emmys, i'm a year to 1st run up in the cape town, more than 50 years ago. of to some here were forcibly removed from a neighboring area. since then, it's estimated that at least 40000 people have built, make shift homes here using corrugated iron plastic sheets. and we possible breaks confidence that he's lived here for nearly 20 years. no, no history as well. so the part that leads to a home is also with the only toilets, all the smell of sewerage and waste can't be avoided. she blamed the provincial governments, led by the opposition democratic alliance, o d, a, a month, the waters 13 the grades are production and the toilet and everyone and no one from the municipality comes while the government is building homes for the poor.


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