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tv   101 East Japans Parental Abductions  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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to thousands of low income homes, but its fall behind its target as people head to the polls. those who are homeless and now more desperate than ever. miller reports from kicked out. this is one of thousands of informal settlements in south africa. in these, i'm a year to 1st run up near cape town, more than 50 years ago. of to some here were forcibly removed from a neighboring area. since then, it's estimated that at least 40000 people have both make shift homes here using corrugated iron plastic sheets and we have possible breaks confidence that he's lived here for nearly 20 years. no, no, no selling the pos that leads to a home is also, we're the only toilets, all the smell of sewerage and waste can't be avoided. she blames the provincial governments led by the opposition democratic alliance, or d a. a month, the waters 13 the grades are production and the toilets of everyone and no one from the municipality comes while the government is building homes for the poor. there's
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a backlog of at least $2300000.00 homes. and that number grows each year for me. wow. i can say that's bad because if you look into this, some get but 60600000 people. that is on the waiting list. these are a lot of options there this afternoon, these projects. and also there's no accountability residents. yeah. explain. this area was marked for development, but it's stalled and they don't know why. in cape town, the number of people without homes worse and during the cold, but 19 pandemic people lost income and the economy struggled. an estimated 14000 people live on the streets of the greats of cape town area. while the government does provide shelters, there aren't enough bids to accommodate everyone, the needs know. so there are some who say they don't want to sleep in child because the democratic alliance is the influx has people from florida provinces is one of the reasons for the high demand for housing. the national government, aided by the african national congress,
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says the d a is not using the budget. it's been allocated to build homes, housing budgets, and infrastructure budgets, or need planning in long term. and when you're done, especially in the of the finances on a municipality to deliver housing, you've been given a month or 2 to deliver on that budget. it's not possible. but the amc too, has been criticized for not providing enough homes in the 8th provinces. it runs a south africa hits to an election. the lack of housing for the flow remains a major problem that often influenced by politics, corruption, and the lack of money to meet them in the elders era, cape town, that's it for many mccloud got more news coming out right off the one. what do you feel like the on counting the costs but us escalates its trade with china,
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but does it have the upper hand chief of the sugar industry is in crisis. other parts of its full spring economy could also be effective. plus the moving shortage in critical minerals needed for the energy transition. counting the cost on al jazeera in japan, 2 bowls often leads to one parent losing contact with the kids today to take that so they don't have to kind of make us is, is a lot there are, i wasn't thinking, i don't use usually ground sole custody to whoever was, well, physically was a child, which critics say encourages parents to have done their kids come back to the jazz . and i quickly realized that that was, it might, might, and my kids have been taken now that countries changing the law to allow the judges
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to impose joint custody. i just want to have a relationship with 4 people. but this opposition, including from survivors of domestic violence, there was an assumable click on that. i know most of helpline sold auction i gave tonight. 101 east investigates japan's parental child abductions. the this is a road is booming. who knows what? she travels at several times. it's a journey by desperation. only a funny give to us to let you guys
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know as you be hasn't spoken to a son and 2 daughters for 7 years notes and she says this father abducted the for the for that. what pushing out sort of the kind of data you click on the left, so look at the best time to ship the room where you are students full of the the tube in child custody is always a sad process. but most of it seems in japan with more than a 100000 children, lose contact with the parents every year. to assume he lives in a modest one bedroom ground floor, a pop and in chief about 50 kilometers from tokyo. she just manages to
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support himself by selling insurance in the civil what, what the state of florida, i didn't know this google gets there will be going to can you'll be sure to make sure what those that kind of big that you how come it fit on it for me, in a couple times during the sake of the day when i see a judge suggested that she and her children could send each other 6 that is a year. so that's the extent of that contact. told me that i hit one, which i think okay. the secrets. ok. they didn't look i can look at it and they cut off the land and they say on monday crunched it when i finished what's the next day as well as it seemed gestures. she's also received abusive messages from the children, quoting this cupid and tending it
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a go to hell for you or full. so what that to you on the cost of the, for the show good. that, you know, got all the good thing. so what is the case on the call? you hold on, i don't see it got to dictate it. when i drove to find me, either one of them hurt, finishing fight it when it would be decided to leave a husband, it became a race to get the children initially they were with her. but within 4 months, they were living with a husband and a judge rules. that's where they should stay. finding that as a children's father, he hadn't kidnapped them. i know, i'm not sure who to follow up. i did not know what to say. i thought the night that you've seen the sales there who need the shuttle service, you had told me i need go, wow,
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one type launch or since the for the one i hated the ocean just did that book. i forgot that twice as me has off the quote to ground, to physical access to her children. both times it was denied. a 3rd petition is on going to it, isn't it in the lineup in what it's called the that's the was it the i think the shinji jima has also lost out in japan schools. it's been paid years since he last saw his own positive sole custody was prompted to his ex wife the full of upset, almost as not to use his real name. child custody disputes are
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a sensitive issue in japan. for 6 months he saw his young son once or twice a month, but then everything changed like iowa. oh, good. a full scale. more like you know that kind of that's got the i wanted to talk you a little bit to the done the. the see says, this video boy pleads to stay with shinji. when his mother comes to collective, the monthly to shinji says he did what any father would do. he didn't return his son. his wife took him to cold, but the video had the opposite effect. yeah, lets as in the, in the me that was
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the last time father and son. so each of that was when shinji was arrested last time the meeting got 90 must to do. i'm going to need to do it opening. okay. for you talk to in mustang we're, you know, i need to opening up the upload and then have it going to the other thing, what those i to get the tire was done to get them off. he was who the 3 mean. so this police station sharing a cell with other main let's go down to tennessee or something. it's just a couple of miles away. and as i said, it was wonderful. like i said, so we'll get some more the facing to give me light them up on the
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so presumably, and i see the vendor with any kind of stuff. that's a good question. shinji says he was only released up to pleading guilty to kidnapping his son to the mobiles in the service and more or less or more with the more you just say want to just say about a little guy says and so you know, monday law i and i told me to look for and it was interesting, you know, he's now remarried and has 2 children. both are kind of a high level, but is there one moment or more? we'll be out of the room. don't worry about the medical don't want us any more. give me that senior. all right. when you start getting the site don't we must
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a my email the more we need then. heck, right that doing it to me. it's not just japanese parents to being fighting to the country, so custody little but for those to some of them are at this gathering. it's so cold. this behind parents who have been denied the right to see the children and dr . growing international pressure on may, the 17th 2024, japan's parliament changed the, allowing the code to impose joint custody if it's deemed in the best interests of the child. so the other one, even a middle man, you know the need to to do you believe you'll see your child again,
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and you still have faith in japan's justice system. since the frenchman, vincent v show has been at the forefront of the left behind parents can pay its costs. the form of finance here is high flying career. he law. so his 2 children in august 2018 at the start of what he thought would be just another day on friday, 10th, 2008. and i came back from work and the house was empty from floor to ceilings. and i quickly realized that that was, it might, might, and my case had been taken and i tried getting a hold of my wife and she would and should have replies. and then i went to, um, i went to the mailbox and i got a letter from my lawyer saying that my, my kids were taken, that i should not expect to see them again. email it's back home with his parents
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in the french city of miles say returning to tokyo with every can. when he last saw his children, they would just didn't finish it stuff because no one i'm in turkey, i couldn't then i could just provide them in the streets with that and i wouldn't even recognize them. the hardest part is not knowing how they looked like is not knowing how they are they all, it's all healthy. it's all happy even if they need anything. so this is very difficult to to, to handle it to be. frank vincent has resulted to desperate measures during the 2021 tokyo and, and fix. he went on hunger strike for 20 days, losing 14 kilos. 3 years on he refuses to give up on his children. do you think you'll never see them again?
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of course, because i wouldn't be fighting if there was no hopes. but i think it's gonna take another 10 to 15 years. he's now one is his lawyer having already sped all the $300000.00 on legal fees? i key right away. no says the change to the law is super official. put concedes it's his clients only have to have home phone guy cycle timeline. so they're all on all kind of don't hif me for some of the pilots in, you know, also not getting off on the not that i see 40 to investigate with that a day. so then i'll get into the night with a few rough was it left behind parent himself. he knows to well how difficult it is to in custody cases when the other parent has taken the children, how many cases have you taken on? and the best thing being was supposed to have done,
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why have gainesville and how many of you one, a cost dental. uh uh it can douglas demo somebody mall, so noble folks on the beat was that they'll kill for those i buy. so there's pretty guys out there vincent says, unless the new law is properly enforced, it's destined to fail. below is not gonna change much, i guess for me no more thing that is going to bring change for the next generation of children. but really it won't change anything to me. and the reason i'm saying that is the issue is not the low and drip on the it's front of the root of light. as it is a means case, a judge ruled they've been since children with mealy taken away and not kidnapped. it's a way for the japanese system to circumvent an international and, and even jump and subjugation to wisconsin abduction because they don't call each
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and abduction precise. so if you go to the police, it would be fuse you to choose that to. and when i was in court, many times i was during the judge that my children had been abducted and i was threatened to be escorted out of the room. and i kept on using that word. japan's government has consistently claimed its compliance with international law. the. this is the family called with a face that so many children in japan is decided it's under the control of the justice administrator with officials declined our request for an interview. the so believe is of domestic violence, of being among the most vocal critics of custody reforms. they want the new legislation script because they fear it could expose them and their children to
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danger the the this mother agreed to speak with one or one east of her lawyers office. as long as we didn't identify her model what this will call you back. hello, so starting with the surgical and all that, but they don't. yeah, lots of stick with them. and i got to she says she left the relationship of 2 years of verbal and economic abuse and co us of control. she and her daughter, i've had no contact with the for my husband since 2010 a. there was an old muscle to come up. i know what to paul blunt, sol, dallas, and i guess i know you guys are gonna finish choosing each day. you know that the cool, you know, out of source 30 to far most higher, couldn't volume up vertical who they took off. city depends legal systems as being
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adults with its reputation as one of the world's most developed countries. it's part of the g 7 and informed me grouping of will the nation. but until now japan was the only meant that nope, so deeply recognized the joint custody allies including australia, germany, and this elite of posted travel advisories. holding up the thread of parental child abductions, this is supposed to bring japan in line with most of the world. but no one it seems, is happy. parents separated from the children say it doesn't go far enough. and victims of domestic violence say it could one small expose them to danger. and then as the voices of the children, one of them is now a young adult has agreed to talk to us the
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city. so matt was born in america, would have spent 3 quarters of his life in japan. his japanese mother brought him here when he was 7. has to be hi, it's adrian brown. he says she, they to told him thinks that his father was insane. at school he felt different and that's time. i think that makes various people. it's not that common was not that common in japan. my background was from a totally different culture from japan. so i stood up. i felt absolutely lonely because most family it has both parents and they have a happy life there. but for me, i just have my mother and my grandparents and also love my father so much so everyone missed him. his classmates, clothing guys in the japanese wood for outside to he says he spoke to be installed
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or a few times on the phone before his mother tobate's to the contract. so the last time that my father was when i was 11 or 12 years old, my mother had an explain the doubt much about why i came to japan. and that was a big question for me. and i always wanted to know why i can see my father looking for on says he began to search to find his father. he eventually discovered him on facebook, living in texas in 2023. and so we went back to meet him. well i think most people imagine like a really emotional meeting by how game for each other,
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but actually it wasn't felt like that they hadn't spoken for 11 years. he says at 1st the reunion was oakwood. we are father and son, but we need to the opportunity to to build the relationship. so i guess that i have to ask as a son, and my father has to also add to add as a father, but he doesn't know how to the leasing with his father was a monk come for us to the one. do you have with his mother when he returned? and i thought very upset because there were so many stories that i heard. so we had a pretty big fight. his mother has now cut off contact with him to
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hold out hope that there can be a reconciliation. i really hope so. i just lost both parents. so if i take my mother lose my father, if i take my father, i know there's no i just don't want that. i just want to have a relationship with both people. you don't want to take sides. yeah. i don't want to take sides. i don't how does that? he says his childhood left him with low self esteem. he welcomes the change to below. and i think it is a really good change. i believe that every children has the right to build a relationship with both parents. that means that adults to support the children's opinions. if i had to spend more time with my
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father, i'm sure that i was a more confidence to myself to accuse west suite a university as one of the country's most prestigious, no faculties. i've come here to meet professor must, so you can kind of more headaches. but in japanese families, the government sold his advice of the legal reform causal to that. and you'll see a little more about that. it's down to them 1st of to congregate the guardian and put them all zeroed up on what data understand this ultimately, you know what i can do, you know, just it does over needed to but he's recommendation that the quote consider the child wishes was ignored, syria hung up the whole day. okay. got big enough. i don't know.
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he also feels judges have too much power in child custody cases to since or near. i just don't know how you doing the higher i knew what should already know that a little. you also can or can all say that's kind of ready to come. so they're going to say bunk, i knew the hon dongle turn out to you from. oh, i don't know what the data still is. remote in the mess. i don't know how you doing it. discretion well is on it. somebody to buy in this case more the, the change to the law would be totally implemented until 2026. well, this is the bill, rather a photocopy of the bill. and as you can see, it's a pretty way to legal documents, lots of words about joint costs that a sole custody of calls watts in the best interest of the child. but there's one
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issue. this document doesn't address parental abduction. every one we spoke to has been to the government to the emotions and grief, dispatch 10, set the and only sides of this debate. there's agreement on one thing. japan justice system has made a bad situation. the males, who is a long way from the frenzy attempt to you it's one of japan's most enduring and powerful for follows of both buddhism and should to isn't. it's regarded as a sacred, spiritual, and lucky place. in g tries to visit this temple in its shadow once
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a month. all the technical sales that they scott. well, that's the learning. all right, i'm going to put the whole thing for you when i get my stuff he's tried everything else. he says, so why not press. busy so when you 1st, since i was more excited about this, i'm just going to know if i went to face on the
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from simple household appliances to military hardware and down to official intelligence, semi conductors are essential to the muslim world. 101 east didn't investigate how a shortage of supply is feeling a bathroom between china and the us to control the industry. the global war pacific and chips, which is the era. the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow that down. it doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says. but when it overflows the, what comes to that,
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how is this? the problem in that ruby has been watson by poor drainage and he's taken the bill. settlement people's beeping in near the narrow be don't say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only case they can afford to interrogate the narrative is the u. s has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge, the rhetoric. yes. say lisa. correct. but so in the international community. can we also say that deals the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the
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the with hundreds of palestinians waiting for treatment one hospital receives till. but early enough for a few days will be live at alex hospital in central gulf, the on the clock. this is out 0 in life. and uh, also coming up a major lunch life hits, remote village, and preferably new can eat more than a 100 people fit that. china is coming out of secondary miniature drills around taiwan. it says the war games are aimed at testing its ability to seize on.


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