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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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of this business uptake these roads thought no bundle a dash before he is the the, the put on and this has been use our lives. some jo, how coming out for the next 16 minutes, israel before the i c j. but you n's top costs due to vote on south africa's request for risk to order an end to military operations. and the law firm and southern golf with hundreds of palestinians waiting for treatment, one hospital receives fuel, but only enough for a few days. we'll be live at all like the hospital and central golfer. a major
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landslide has to remote village and popcorn you any more than a 100 people of c a dead. and china begins the 2nd day of military trail surrounding taiwan, saying the war games and testing their affility to seize power. the in a few hours, the international court of justice would vote on whether israel should and military operations in the gulf or in southern gaza. south africa is a choosing israel of carrying out genocide against palestinians. it says israel's assault on the profit is the last step and the complete destruction of the palestinian people. lawyers for south africa have off the u. n's top court order as well, and it's offensive and besetti withdrawal from that off of crossing and, and show unintended access to humanitarian aid. in january,
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the u. s. highest court issued provisional measures ordering as well to do everything possible to prevent acts that could amount to genocide. south africa says israel has ignored the voting a whole month. instead of ahead being the last refuge for one point. 5000000 palestinians forcibly displays from the homes a street so overflowing makes shelters tend to cannes. since that is where the ami intensify that the phone from the city, hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to move. yes again. i'll just give a slip to some people free in a place. they folks would be safe from his writing. bombs and bullets occupied. haven't been the requirements or what i am right all the time from i'll show refugee kemp left the comp for con unit 60 and we are in constant suffering, right? i'm trying to find some water every day. we move from here to there. awesome. awesome. and there is nothing left for resigning. what's ongoing? suffering that doesn't stop. the whole situation is very bad. just the monthly,
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cassandra, this flies and mosquitoes everywhere our life is in parables. is he in the hot and out of 10 out of 5 to and i sound like we went to rock or define drinking water as a lot to hear is not human being like how does he have out of a problem with this when it hasn't sort of so i was shocked when i arrived in rough . uh i found no one. i didn't even find cats or dogs and i've got to, there's no market shops, waterfall, every single thing is closed. you can't even buy a bottle of water to drink the items it will look hello. does it dennis rock? they used to be the best place in gaza. it's with everyone and everything coming into the strip used to gather the now it's just too much suffering and publicly deposited the
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person who work with strain. we displaced we fee, the will pines in the tanks. i felt some new belongings for my family. we need to live with a minimum in our hands. we're living on the siege and under aggression. people used to live in houses and apartments. now we live in tents if we can find them. and if not, then the sun's waiting for you to sleep on the sand. we're having to tolerate the freezing weather in winter, and hot weather in summer to such suffering, i have no message for the world. i have only one word enough. enough is enough. people are dying here every minute. so that is a situation and offer and the international court of justice will soon on weather as well, should seize its military operation. there, the court has no way to enforce its orders, but the case has put increasing international pressure on israel to show more was
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trained and it's one gossip since october. the 7th does where the forces have killed more than $35800.00 palestinians. and january, the court issued provisional measures ordering as well to do everything and as a pallet to prevent accident could amount to genocide all that and selling to genocide and to allow she monitoring aid and to gaza. in march, south africa filed another appeal saying israel had largely ignored the area of opening. the humanitarian situation and gaza had worsened and the un warm palestinians on the brink of famine, lakes and much the court ordered additional meshes, telling israel to ensure basic services and open more land crossings to allow urgently needed humanitarian aid and to gaza. earlier this month, south africa approached the course again, it once as well to immediately and some other transportations and this alpha and withdrawal from that off, a crossing, which it described as a lifeline to palestinians. let's go live now to off hosp bundled step loss,
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and she's joining us from the hague and step to cross through what we're expecting from the port today, at least procedurally well in 3 hours from now the president of the international court of justice and now of silence will reach the further so that the so 16 charges have agreed on. all these additional matches that south africa has requested. and the main question here is, will the courts decide is that to us? south africa has argued the situation has changed and has a really rapidly deterioration in. gotcha. and then also in that alpha a south africa, sab, last week that this is now the last, refute for the people in gas. and then if the output is gone, the whole of gas is gone. so uh, south africa has no us again, a 2 ports to order is the route to stop its military operation. in gosh,
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i'm not only in the hot spot also to let the international observers and also journalists, and also to ask israel to report on a weekly basis on these steps that it is taking after this. or do we know that this order is binding as so, and this is not the 1st binding or of us, but this is a very urgent while i'm looking at also to speed in which the court is now working because only last week, as well as south africa, i made these oral presentations and only a week later we already hearing the verdict. and there's a lot of anticipation of how the quote for moving on is the step. but what consequences would, of leading on provisional measures have since the quote conte and force them i'm relies on the un security council for that that's exactly right. we have seat of cross binding orders from the same court here a to is route in the last 4 months. and as south africa has argued that all be
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ignored by israel. so we have to see if the not a ruling will be ignored as well. but the pressure of course, is increasing on s roland as to say, this can be both of the un security council again and we have now. so some cases here to really a strong event in the hague, in the same week, because earlier this week, the, as an international criminal for the other court in the hague has asked for a rest of organs against nissan, jo and his defense minister and 3, how much lead us and now today, a few days later, only to will bid this very crucial, really on is route again step. thank you very much for that. and we will be seeing a lot more of step throughout the day, especially from 13 g on woods when we have the courts routing for now. thank you very much step boss and live at the hague. that's bringing him wrong cognitive reminder to our view is that prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the government has
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a band out of there and israel, and that's why we have a portion from the jordanian capital amman. and ron is around, has made it clear what they think of what has of the court rules. that's obviously the right uh, we're hearing from several different political sources. and there is precedent for these roles behavior towards the quote from things that happen in the past. the initial response will be just simply dismissed this and say that this is a legal ruling and use some sort of different bicycle legal language to try and put pressure on his allies to just don't pay attention to it. that will be the initial reaction. and then what we're hearing is the is, or at least worried about this, the, they are expecting a complete, a cold for a complete succession for the bottle of wrap up. they also say that they're not going to respond to the decision of the court of justice or politically, well, militarily. and they will, they're already holding under the table top for the america. and they expect to
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washington to veto the resolution if and when it gets to the un security council. so that will be the initial reaction coming out there already talking to that part is in the us. now the us is a, is quite key in this because they loan supported israel, but they've said to israel very clearly. there are different ways you can go into profit. you don't need to mount this massive ground incursion, as well as rejected washington's position and said we are going to fight this war. however, we see fits in america suddenly, so it has to support a site. that's like what we get to see. once that rolling comes out in just about 3 hours time and run is run on the increasing pressure, not just internationally, but domestically to the army has released the names of the lasers captives whose bodies have been covered. what is saying about that operation to recover them? and how have captives, families and their support has been reacting that's absolutely right. the names of the bodies were released by the is really, i mean it's and then yeah, blanca,
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she's 42 years old. she was taken a last attending the supernova. rave. uh does a raid on october the 7th, that was a 59 year old man. cool. michelle, and it's about, he's actually the only captive taken from a said throat. and then there's a ryan hernandez reduce. he was a 5th year old mexican torres. he was actually attending uh, that supernova rave with shawnee luck. he's girlfriend who was actually killed and how about he was recovered just a, a few weeks ago. the bodies they say well recovered in your body a in cooperation with sion but. and then you have a low unit, there's still a 125 bodies alive audit that was still haven't been accounted for the hostage companies for has actually issued a statement like this just on the lines. the fact that we need serious, serious negotiation teams going and getting a deal to bring everybody back. and well, thank you very much for this. and ron calling,
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joining us live from the jordanian capital and a reminder that prime minister benjamin netanyahu government has banned oranges, 0 from the publishing and israel. and that is why we are reporting from a month. we're now joined by us diplomatic editor james base to talk about all of the developments that we're going to be watching today. and james, this international court of justice will, in today's course. com is, as we heard from step at the hague, the same week that the international criminal court said that they're going to seek arrest warrants for nothing. yahoo and the defense minister, you'll have kalonde this separate quotes. but can one influence the other? it has legally and diplomatically being a very, very bad week for israel step is outside the international court of justice. that's that building dates from 1913, the big tower and the have a on the edge of the hey, good, watching new a cool. the international criminal court with his gleaming martin building. it's the one that step below this week to israel with that
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a ruling that the defense minister and prime minister should, according to the prosecute, to face charges. it will now be up to a pre trial hearing to decide on that, because the goal is to make charges against us a 3. how must latest at the same time. but i think he does put israel under great deal of pressure idols as these decisions are legal decisions when it comes to international law. it's about, i think, the context as well perfectly. there was a political elements of this, these guys use of the international court of justice, for example, they get the job of being elected. and there's a campaign to be elected. you actually is it is a joint for in the security council. i'm general assembly of the united nations and i think given that there is the political context here, i think this was the case one quote, maybe given the, the other quote, a little bit of, of, of cover the fact there are 2 quotes the same time separately constituted quotes and that doing this may perhaps meal mean those churches are under a great deal of political pressure will make people that are under a great deal of political pressure perhaps can feel because there's another cause
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as well. i can think of the same time simpleton, usually the separate process, but can be perhaps a little bold, a very interesting point about how nothing really happens in the vacuum. when we talk about us, we heard from the is ready government spoke 1st and saying that no power on the can stop them. but there was one power who can stop them, right? how much are these developments? how much pressure are they pushing pressure on the united states? i mean, certainly the united states was very dismissive of the international criminal court . prosecutors decision of the us as not the signatures to the rome statute. so it's not part of the international criminal court. it's an actual court of justice if you're a member of the united nations it's, it's a, it's one of the main organs of the united nations and the talk. well cool in the us system. so a cool, 193 countries have to respect the rulings of the international court of justice and the fact is too precious and company at the same time, i think effects the us as well. it's worth telling you that, you know,
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the security council, so could possibly act, i think if, if you, if you gets professional measures that there's no, there's nothing also magic, but i think it's likely there up, there was most of the security council believe the roughly sensitive should start right now, it's quite likely that someone will bring a resolution before the security council if you get those professional mattress and one other point on the un security council because there's one other thing going on today. we, we haven't mentioned yet the un security council as go to vote in the coming hours just off the we hear from the international court of justice in new york. and that is about international humanitarian law. it's not specifically about goals of what is about the disregard of international humanitarian rule out of course that is relevant to gaza and of course, places like saddam absolutely even know. don't be hearing about guys at the security council meeting. james, thank you. as a ways that subject and nashik editor james base and that i c j, the international court of justice will make that ruling on the gospel at $1500.00
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g m t. we have full coverage here on algae 0. do stay with us. one of the central glasses, main hospitals, all oxide and the law has been given a lifeline just hours before it was expected to run out of fuel. these were the scenes inside the medical facility over night when many departments will fist operate in complete dock. this doctor's tending to premature babies using the phone lines, unlocks the hospital, has received enough fuel to save it from collapse. but it's only enough to last a few days. a holly all the exxon is the slip for us and for our locks the hospital . and he told us the medical facility could was collapse again as move few isn't delivered soon. if the who i will call about this crisis that is all over the place and we suffer a lot from such a crisis. and 15 days ago, the crisis is it was the name and the, the crossings, uh close,
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including the crossing the amount of fuel. uh, the van related to that, the, uh, not to enough a total for the hospital to walk even for one know, 2 days on may. and before that explicitly, it was shipped. uh, and the stoppage of the gen the rate is we received only 3000 liters, which is not enough because the hospital needs at least 5000 liters of fuel every day. this will lead to the death of so many sick and the one that people in the hospital we resulted through the solar. but it's not enough and we suffer the lack of electricity at the hospital. the equipment, uh, not the working. that's why. when we started to do everything manually out of the hospitality and
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a lot was great the to us and the fuel arrived the next morning. that's why we have managed to save a lot of sick people in the hospital that's bringing on call us bond and thought of wisdom. he's joining us live from the law in central cause and thought it. this has been the story of the 7 months, but things are only getting worse as time goes on because more patients need care. as a result of those really on his operations and blocking of 8 of the way of royce elizabeth, we have been talking about this story again and again for more than 7 months. right now since the beginning of this 1, october, the 7th of this situation day by day is getting dalia from the medical center. we are talking about a very huge negative ramifications for the ongoing is valuable in the territory regarding the medical sect of are talking about hospitals that completely become
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out of service with the north of this trip due to the east, very intense compartments and the existence of the is very maneuvering the troops in the area which is from the east valley perspective, considered to be an areas of operations. now we clearly an alias set that the medics of allowed the team has been playing, have been slipping from the hospital as an improve, medics have been remaining the refuse to leave, including the director of the hospital who insisted on guarantee and then providing a full guarantee of a site evacuation or the wounded people who are right now, suffering critical injuries and the same time come on and one has completely become out of service due to the is very expansion of the fighting in devalue, ever to determine where those 2 hospitals off the main operating hospitals in the north of detroit to wiley, the middle area. here we are right now and on the locks the hospital, it has been ruffling with the deeps of you shortage over. she was appliances earlier today. the managed to get 15000 liters of fuels that could be properly enough for at least 3 days. it means that what the hospitals in the territory are
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getting in terms of the fuel co voice be really sufficient to match the immense needs of the medical sector as this, who had been completely focusing on and on hospitals as cleet targets for the is really meant it treat within the operations at 1st the territories and thought it. we've hubs in the last few days that move the 900, whatever more than 900000 people have been displaced in gaza over the past 2 weeks . and it's more than 800000 from alpha in the south of why leasing more than a 100000 people being replaced this place rather from the north, which was supposed to have been cleared. you know, this way the army said it was supposed to have been cleared of fi says, months ago. so what is the latest on the fi thing that is continuing to displace people? and areas that, again is rarely ami has had said look, see it of the it's,
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i'm sorry that going to the reality. that is what it meant. it to your mission. and previously i'm now is the managed to mentality control the northern districts. and again, they are starting new operations in the north of gauze. this type plain, these are chasing commercial banding battalions. the white civilians have been widely and holly effected by this on getting to repeated ministry operators since they have been internally displaced from every single place. an order to seek refuge in safety, but they have been trapped by the concepts as fighting. is it still ongoing? focusing the north and in the south of the guns, a straight families have been plea and go from rough. i do to the ongoing great, jennifer price, sions, in the central areas of rough right now, the bit is a gradual increase in terms of the intensity of the is very operations that we're right now in the shop. we're not refugee come back to our own going. the despite is very initial description of the operation. a roof to be limited, but also in the north of this trip, we have been witnessing that the value of refuge account has been the main focus of
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the is really managed for ations. now they are advancing the operations to reach to be here, child and the to find most of this trip, including also bass handle on where these areas have been main central areas for palestinian executives who refused previously to leave the north of the strip. and again, they are going to know what just living and right now on the street in the open areas, looking for shelters and even lose a factory sentence is being targeted by the user. the obvious will palestinians have been completely live in getting a complete and such and k as in terms of being turned of a civil, a funds that they have been experiencing. and at the same time, they are also on april to envision an info this one time. so it's been ongoing, repeated the statements that they are so determined to take full control over rough and over the notes of this trip. as those people have been grappling with fluids, water sources, and at the same time, to have an access to aid where no kind of a it's being delivered to the north of the gaza strip since the beginning of the metro oppression impulse. and roughly how to devalue refuge account,
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thought it. thank you so much for your reporting as always. that's not correspondents in gaza. thought it was in the law. the the, the, the gone to the news for now the major landslide has struck a remote village and pop on your guinea and thousands of people to fee a debt and the northern province of anger. the governor says folders, the size of cause came tumbling down who crushing homes to the villages of trying to become a buddy's. from under the rubble and much that springing on correspondent jessica washington, whose joining us live from jakarta in indonesia. jessica, i understand the landslide happened in the middle of the night. what do we know so far about what happened to well, that's right. the landside strong around a 3 a. and while many people were still in advance in the province of and go, which is a remote mountainous probus from what we understand it is not
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a particularly densely populated area, mostly home to traditional communities which rely on small scale funding activities . now, authorities also trying to get a clearer picture of the extent of this damage. it has been some hours since the last slide occurred. it is now 8 pm in pump when you get it, and we still do not have confirmation as to how many people lost their lives in this disaster. we heard that the prime minister james murphy is still waiting to be brief on the extent of the damage, but he has pledged the support of the defense force, as well as any relevant ministries. we heard also from the provincial authorities in nga who sent an emergency crew that earlier. and they say they also are working to assess the extent of the damage. but they have us all health authorities, as well as police and any other relevant bodies to be on stand by as they do anticipate the needs of this community will be great. in a short while ago we heard from the surrounding and foreign minister penny wong, who said that astronomy a stands ready to help it's neighbor. yeah,
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i was just calling to say, jessica, you did touch on this about the remoteness of the reach. and i mean, how is that going to impact guessing help that and does pop one? you're going to have the resources to address what's happened as well. it certainly does complicate efforts. this is an area that is some, 2 to 3 hours from the nearest provincial capital. 600 kilometers from port must be the capital pumping you're getting. and so the remoteness of this mountain, this area really does complicate efforts. the main road also being blocked and we understand from speaking with sources on the ground that in, in situations like this theme response from local authorities is generally a quite slow just as a, as a result of perhaps some challenges with resources does that. but as i noted above and you're getting his neighbors astray, leah saying that they all willing to assist with those relief and recovery efforts . but for now,
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the situation still remains unclear in terms of the extent of the damage and how many lives have been lost in this tragedy. jessica, thank you very much for this. that's jessica washington with the lexus live in chickasha. china is military, has launched the 2nd day of exercise of surrounding taiwan johnny's full, so say the whole gains aimed at testing their ability to seize power and control key areas that comes days, alter the swearing in of presidents lighting the law has promised to defend tie when he sovereignty, but john, it considers the island to be part of its territory. journalist the vehicle pollen has the latest from type pay or the chinese males. 3 hours have started already the ministry of defense here and tie one does not give you details usually to later in the day. but on the previous days, they said the chinese, p l a, a vessels called between within 24 nautical miles and the water surrounding tie one
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. they had deployed about 50 military aircraft, 20 naval ships, and more than a 1000 postcard vessels that could be used in an invasion of china saying that it is a trying to test the ability of all join seizure of power joined, strikes and control of territories. what does that mean? well, as, and essentially, it's a blockade of taiwan. and in particular, in these exercises where they're trying to do is block off the waterways that would be used by taiwan to alice like japan or the united states in the event of an invasion. now it's worth noting that has not been any live fire. these are mostly maneuver based on a lot of focuses being given to the name joins toward 2024. a defense analyst are trying to figure out whether this is the 1st of many exercises that are due to come for taiwan timelines, parliament just discussing a controversial, the expanding legislative power in the country. the bill would, in theory want,
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let's place has the power to question investigate with the mountain documents from any government official military general or the president that has already drawn thousands of people onto the streets. protest is gathered outside the legislature on tuesday during its 1st reading. they say that it lacks the checks and balances necessary to prevent abuse and find reports from those demonstrations of the capital type pay of thousands of protest as well as well taking to the streets of taipei because of what's being taking place at a couple of streets away from here in the legislature to view one, that's the tie one's a pol events in the passage of controversial legislation, which is led to angry seems confrontations inside the chamber and even fist fights between lawmakers. it all revolves around to the adult duration of a new president to your liking. good, who's democratic progressive party, one i stood consecutive term in elections at the start of this year. the d. p. p
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has taken a tough sun when it comes to a closer ties with a james that will though they held on to the presidency, they lost the majority inside the parliament. what we have seen is the opposition groups like by the powerful woman talking. the can see which favors friendly relations with a jing trying to introduce controversial legislation to increase the pile of its power over the government, which the supporters of the new president to protest is here. the least unfairly pain does his control of a tie want. and also in some respects, hinders ty, one's ability to charge its own part. all of this is coming at a time of increased tension with mainland china, conducting large scale military drills all around the island to taiwan and also state control media in mainland china, being highly critical of president ly, describing him as reckless but then there's protest is here who's supporting will
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tell you that the mold and aging is seen to be a apparently could jo lingo, bullying, taiwan, that's a bowl. it's in forces that view that they should be keeping that distance from mainland china. robert broad outages era type. the still ahead on the news on what because of south africa's biggest and most valuable company protests for a 2nd time and weeks find out more uninstalled place in kentucky, police and new video and the rest of the world's best concept. joe. over here to tell you what it shows the the had a lot of they have a look at the satellite image for europe as we get the weather for the days ahead and you can see it is a launch we on settled picture. but despite the weather, we are seeing a lot of heat up in the very new across scan today. yeah. now,
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so that in no way beat, it may record for a 2nd time this month on thursday, and there's still a lot of heat cleaning on here on friday, 10, which is well above the average. those hot and dry conditions are continuing to build as well across the northeast and will central parts of europe. wolf will see the temperature well above the average 7 degrees celsius, the on saturday, 8 degrees on sunday with a chance of rain. and it is still looking very wet across most central areas, despite that warmth with heavy rain running all the way from france towards the southeast corner in bold, gary us with a weather as well for eastern areas of takia. it's much dryer across the western parts of france into spain and portugal, and also the north west britain, an island. the more in the way of sunshine, across from the southern areas of you, showers, coming in across the move. but as we go into slash today, you can see the next band of heavy rain with some blustery winds starting to pull into the island. and it will work its way east. over the next few days. as
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the old for young women, the south african town played by poverty rate and murder the baby. yet despite all community workers determined to provide refuge, long as the community keeps, say, not my problem is always going to happen as like one small town safe house. and with this documentary on that jersey to an aide work, i travels to watch on syria saying he's back to health are you will come back. are you a fighter? no, no 5, but not in the eyes of his government. with my citizenship was revoked. i was surprised, a new 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on
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innocent until proven guilty statements in syria. coming soon on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the watching the news out of me, elizabeth put on and don't have a mind to about top stories to sell in the next few hours, the international court of justice when, when on whether israel should end military operations in the alpha and southern gone south, south africa as accusing israel of carrying out genocide against palestinians. it says as well as the assault on and off as the last step and the complete
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destruction of the palestinian people in garza. and one of the central bosses main hospitals out ok, so has been given a nice, nice just hours before. it was expected to one out a few for many departments and assist operation. complete documents will have a nice while the facility has received fuel to continue functioning. it is only enough to last a few days as an album used as a huge last line chunk of the most village and popular dozens of people to see a debt as villages charge of a couple of bodies trapped onto the from the us house. speaking mike johnson says, is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu will soon address that joint meeting of congress. it's a move likely to and of democrats who were increasingly critical off, as well as one dasa. the white house declined to comment when aust, whether it was consulted. heidi jo, cost or has moved from washington, dc to the us house speaker says that a formal invitation will be issued later this week to is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu to appear before
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a joint session of the us congress speaker mike johnson made this announcement at an is a really independent event hosted by this really embassy in washington, and we will soon be hosting prime minister netanyahu at the capitol for a joint session of congress. yes, this will be a timely and i think a very strong show of support to the israeli government and their time and greatest needs. now it's unclear when this address would take place, but already the plan invitation is stoking divisions. johnson, who's a republican 1st floated the idea of inviting the yahoo back in march. that was in response to comments from chuck schumer, the top democrat in the us senate, who said that none. yeah. who had lost his way. and israel is israel's war policy in gauze and calling for new elections. now it's unclear if schumer has agreed to a joint session invitation, but he would have to order for it to take place. johnson though,
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has said he would work and he would invite then yeah, who, regardless then yeah, who last address a joint session of congress in 2015. and that switch was boycotted by a number of progressive democrats. that will likely be the case again as president biden himself has said. what and then yeah, who is doing now is quote, a mistake. and as us support for israel has fiercely divided the american public, hydro, castro alger 0 washington as well. hold on a monthly is joining us now. he's a political, the analyst and professor of media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. always good to have you with us on the calendar there. so we can begin with that news from the us. we've had it for a few days now, but the republican speaker of the house of representatives insisting that nothing yahoo will become whether he dresses the entire congress of just the house of representatives. why the republicans doing this? now? i think this is another example of us politicians and specifically republicans in
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this case, throwing the israelis and not in yahoo. in particular, a life jacket. we've seen this over and over again, right now the walls are, are sort of closing in on and yahoo and, and on israel, we've seen condemnations come in over israel on the world over. obviously, earlier this week, kareem condo head of the i, c. c said he's teaching a russ florence for it, both netanyahu and the defense minister, your kalonde, and you've all been reporting all morning about this expected injunction at the international court of justice. so israel has never had to face this kind of international pressure. and at this time, the republicans felt as though they needed to take a stand and show support on public support for israel. yeah, it's interesting, isn't it? because they fight an administration has given that is why the government, a life jacket or life lifeline time and time again. and they doing it in different ways. the democrat, the democratic administration,
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and the republicans continue to do it either to was as well or towards nothing you all right, himself. we've also had reports from the us recently about this trends of how much more than 7 months after the most visual welfare that we've seen in recent and recent decades. tell us about that and, and why it's so damaging for israel. right? well, israel has been projecting that they've, you know, that they're defeating tomas on that they're well on their way to victory. but actually, us intelligence officials this, we speak in with political report. it's something very different. they're saying that 70 percent of mazda is fighting for us, remains intact, of fighting on the ground and casa, and what's even worse for israel is in that same report. and according to those same us intelligence officials from us has been able to successfully recruit thousands, and that was the word they used thousands of new members. so in terms of manpower from us, seems to be doing okay. and this comes on the heels of earlier reporting,
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suggesting that from us is also doing okay when it comes to weapons because they've been able to, um, re purpose some of those. unexploded bombs that are littering. the ground in gaza sort of using is rarely weapons against against israel. so i'm, the war is not going well for israel right now. and i think in many ways this off a hopper, asian is an act of desperation by non yahoo! there's lots of questions that come from what you've just said. let's begin with. presumably, all of this intelligence has been given to those ladies. and it is us intelligence . so why then does the us state department say it every one of the press conferences that it stands by as well as attempts to go off to him off when seemingly that's not a winnable aim right. um, well that's a complicated question in many ways, but we know that for months now the us has been very skeptical of what israel is doing. a few months ago, lloyd austin, the secretary of defense, a warrant is real about about
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a strategic defeat. so some of us politicians spoke about the unrealistic teams on winnable objectives. that is real housing, including limit, completely eliminating a mazda, which some official said was unrealistic. on the other hand, in some ways, the find administration has determined that their hands are sort of tied. now why their hands are tied, that's a much larger questionnaire debates. among political scientists. some people say that it's because of these so called us strategic interests and all, let's say it's because of the power of the us lobby. other say it's a combination of, of both, but in any case the u. s. continues to provide this quote, iron clad support for israel 7 and a half months into this war. one of the mastery, thank you very much and no doubt will be speaking to you again soon. but thank you . from now in south africa, form policies influence invoices, the head of general elections in may. the country has been signed against the warrant garza has taken israel. to the international court of justice,
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accusing it of genocide and some lawyers say what is happening thousands of couldn't meet as a way matters to not to determine who they vote for at home. funding the minute reports from cape town, the whole months, the organization murals for garza has been conveying the realities of israel's war and gaza through its outlook and through these walls, calling on people to act anyway. extra time to mit, back the community, just to show them that you know, we can be late, we come from struggle and why not if any ignite that struggles through, through far less being through guys. i mean, if there's anyone that needed fight this right now to remember where we came from it's, it's given this moment. so let's, let's do it. which point that the boys speak football as being the dozens of murals and book up and other areas often touch the eyes of both tours and local people. centuries ago broke off was way people from asia and other parts of africa report slaves and south africa's experiences of oppression and a part dates have not been forgotten despite the distance between them. many jo, save
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a situation in gaza who influence how they'll vote in general elections in may basically is effective. we will remember those who support us and brothers and sisters in palestine and we will not forget those. the supports in the side is this emissions is very much influenced by the global issues that we are facing. and mainly the better side issue that i mean, but i'll definitely, itself comes from and upon the system you know, and who's your cell. but they still really finishing the minds of all people, the wisdom teeth provinces one by the democratic alliance. it's also being criticized for taking unambiguous stones on the wall and goes off while the party says it supports a 2 state solution between israel and palestine. some voters don't think that goes far enough. of course i always get worried if voters don't want to come and support . uh, government to re election because of outside extraneous issues and i do get a good concept. but i, personally,
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i am not going to flip flop and say or odd. well, now what of a sudden, i'm going to change my cutters, and i'm not going to be trying to be balance between this 2 because i'm worried about the outcome of the next fall. some boat is a critical of the governing african national congress is performance and power. it's a pulse of palestinians has been welcomed by others. civil organizations have signed an agreement urging people to cost the vote in favor of parties that supports palestinians. for the 1st time ever, the issue of a free palestine may influence the vote of some south africans in the selection. so me to mila ultra 0 cape town. the presidents of the us and kenya have declared their commitment to help bring stability to haiti, which has been wrong by months of gang violence. can use agreed to send 1000 police officers to help restore order president william rooters folks during a visit to the united states. the 1st applicant leader to be hosted at the white
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house and 16 years company. how could reports welcoming can use president william russo on the south lawn of the white house market since 2008. the 1st official state visit of an african leader to mark the occasion. biden announced to be making the symbolic designation of k. yeah. as a non nato ally, virtually no challenge, i think there for years can you and the united states have collaborated on security challenges in africa. and beyond that, now kenya is sending a 1000 police officers to act as peacekeepers in heavy move. it's in popular with son, kenyon, lawmakers and human rights activists for more concerned about their own problems at home. the president rudo still pressing ahead, backed by more than $300000000.00 in us financing,
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to protect the box of the game. and the criminals that have visited and for somebody in the country by then faced his own challenges, thursday's joint press conference dodging a report. his question about whether there was any evidence is real, is intentionally starving palestinians in gaza bite and give us stock white house, answer about why his administration doesn't support the international criminal court investigation of israel. we've made or physician clear on the i c. c. we don't think we don't recognize that you're a section i see, see where it's being an exercise and and so that you can use that to g d p ratio is 70 percent with the majority of china. so the 2 leaders are calling on
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develop nations to cut financing terms to help kenya and other developing african nations drive. china is africa's largest 2 way trading partner and biden wants to change that. december 2022. he hosted the us african liter summit, promising to visit the continent the following year. but job i didn't never visited africa in 2023 and with the us selection. now 6 months away. a trip in 2024 is unlikely. hangover president ruth hose visit is that broken promise. but joe biden says he'll visit africa in february after he's reelected. kimberly hell kit elgin's 0. the white house. still ahead on the news. all the investigations on the way in mexico, the author stage for the political body kills at least 9 people. and
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a mattress is united aimed to upset volumes, especially in the essay comp, final as doubts of out there at 10 hex future at the club. for that, that's in your thoughts with joe. the business like to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the business relations to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the coach values, jones. elizabeth, thank you. we stopped in the and the guy with the boston celtics and taking a to nothing lead in the eastern conference finals series with the indiana pacers. jaylen brown mounts his career play of high with 40 points helping the sound. 6 ton of 5 points. first quote of deficit into
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a 15 points 2nd quarter lead jason tyson and eric white added 23 points. each is the top seated cell 611262110, series hudson, indiana for games 3 and 4. next in the sun, the cult playoffs, the edmonton oilers. today, one of the western conference finals series over the dallas stalls. but i need you off with getting tied up to 2. went to a secondary of a time where calling to make david for 32 seconds in to see or 3 to when they need to have the best of 7 series takes place in today to see united faith local rivals matches 15. the f help find alongside today with doubts continuing to surround eric, 10 hug, and his future at the club. a record number of defeats, so united stuff with the west of a premier league finish, but they have the chance to win that 1st f i top tied to an 80 is a wimbley. and what is a piece of last is final. we still city on the way to the trouble says he will be heavily favored to win bots. 10 hawk will have all the ideas with his future at the
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club in the balance. the document says he's left has no choice, but to guide his side to the trophy. i asked the guy came in to bring trophies. so today i have the next opportunity and we achieve this. we own this opportunity as a team. and now we have to go for it and in the mean in the industry time in the last 2 years, of course. so up to after season you will review it. and then you will see where we are in the project and things. what we have to change in the same time, we have such a big oppertunity to in the next over. since he would say when, when his law season and well there's no trouble on off at this time. they can do the double of to winning the premier need for an unprecedented to the full straight time. the legs players, the season still fighting says his side, a confident they'll step up and do it again. are going to be a special occasion because it's a dobby at wembley,
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and the same as last season as well. and so games that you want to play in as a play and you're playing the biggest games. you know, it means more for the funds and more for the players. so it's like i said, this a game, not you want to play in as a player. so i'm just looking forward to a single out of confirmed that that head coach stephano. p only will leave at the end of the season off the 5 years, but the club fairly state assigned to that 1st city, a title in 11 years in 2022 but results since then, despite securing 2nd vis season, they are 19 points of champions and local rivals into milan, the line hostile then selecting the town up in the final league game of the season on saturday, or different fortunes for us. alonzo. the euroleague champions have arrived time to hear as welcome of to the 3 know went over by a neighbor case and that tramp in dublin made them the 1st time in teams and when the competition since 1999. and it was still cool you way. so comp, i did the look when was the trick here for jen?
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pity guess, but he guessed, but he needs then as a salon to where the 1st major trophy form 61 years back, hartney safety city i will play in. the champ is the next season. at alonzo weren't the only ones to receive a victorious welcome home. this was the north korean, on the 17 women's team, bringing home the asian cop, tracy to pyongyang on friday. north korea beach upon one mill and the fund that the tournaments which was being held in indonesia. no, but joe could, which is friendship and preparations continue to go to japan as he reached the geneva open semi finals, his opponent telling graceful was playing his 2nd match of the day and that momentum gave him full set points in the 1st set spots he failed to come, but any of them jokers, which capitalizing and taking it $75.00 in the wealth of one proof. fama clinical, when he had his opportunities, saving and other to break points, and taking all 3 of his own in the 2nd set to win 61. instead of a semi funding against thomas c,
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casper reed has reached the front of the franchise and for 2 years running and he'll look to go step further this year. his preparations are on track because he reached the semifinals by the pieces the best and by is 63366, cool. the g time would have given to face on c to, to tell you lucky a completely in the last city police, in the us city of louisville, have released new footage of the arrest of well, number one, go foot sketchy chef law. he was charged with injuring a police officer and displaying come ons, as he drove into the valhalla golf club, which was hosting the pga championship with the time. jeff listed that it was a misunderstanding the new video files to show the incident clearly. but does show him being led away in handcuffs, kentucky, police say the officer who stopped shiffler will be disciplined for failing to turn on his body camera as well. despite the investigation, still ongoing chef has been trying to put the ins incident behind him during the
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1st round as a child swap, challenge in texas. he's 7 shots, but for me to totally huffman, he showed a buggy free. 65 to sit a stroke, head of 5 of the play is going into round to later and will leave you with some stunning pictures from the olympic torch relay currently making its way through fronts. it was carried on full sparks through the famous vineyards of fort or what 900000000, both as of red wine to produce annually. the torch will arrive in paris by mid july for the games which begin on july, the 26. all right, that is all useful. now. piece of will have multi lisa joey, thank you very much for that. samsung employees and sort of holding this 2nd protest and just over a month, protest that the electronics john himself could be usually a rare occurrence. the $27000.00 person strong union is demanding a 6.5 percent wage increase. and one additional days paid leave negotiations have
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broken down. but samsung says that we keep the door open for dialogue. the fire as an apartment building and vietnam's capital handler has left 14 people dead . the play store so that a cool child that was being used as a guides for repairs of electric motorcycles. at least 6 of the people were injured with them out in stable condition. at least 5 people have been killed in iowa. tornadoes has swept through the us state. well, the 200 homes were destroyed and 1st responders still searching through the wreckage. the hospital in the town of green fields was among the buildings damaged . 3 separate tornadoes had the stays on tuesday, causing widespread power outages. this was my house. and we were and this was the basement. and it picked my house up and dropped it right there. that's what's left of my home. all this was houses as well if it's about right the center of where the tornado here. i think there's, there's this line right here because you see go around town,
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there's lots of damage, but the right, this trail right here is where you see all the houses that have just disappeared. authorities and mexico say 9 people, the dead and at least 70 injured off the strong ones, top of the stage a new able le on stage model. while dropping the reports from the capital, mexico city. the horrifying moment a stage collapse over a crowd in sun. pedro garza, the accident left at least 9 people dead and several dozens more injured in what was otherwise expected to be a peaceful campaign event for the movie me and those 2 that i know party ahead of mexico's upcoming general elections in demo splish, we send our condolences to the families who lost their lives. we are very sorry. we also expressed our solidarity with a political organization citizen and its leaders,
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its candidates among and its members idea. images shared on social media show the towers supporting the stage, holding against the force of a sudden gust of wind and the giant screen falling on the platform where he was. but his mine is one of mexico's 3 leading presidential candidates was standing. mine is, has since announced a temporary suspension of upcoming campaign events. i believe you can understand at this moment the most important thing is to provide support to the victim and stay focused on the issue. this is not the time to think about any of the political or electro activities. experts of describe the weather conditions that lead to wednesdays accident as abnormal as of thursday morning 12 people remain hospitalized following that stage collapse in level they own mexican government officials say an investigation into the deadly accident is now underway. when rid
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of that little al jazeera mexico city, that's it from the elizabeth put on him for this news alvin stay with us. and that's last, it's back to all the latest developments and just a few minutes. the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump with flood photos to try to win over black voters . these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly real. it on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream announces era to interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continues to corporate israel, affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit to the genocide challenge. the rhetoric. yes,
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they look that correct, but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without what you're looking at now is low. the slope from the nearby to pile landfill garbage has reached a height as more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity, mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the world's top contributes has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool, a plastic waste crisis, the most common plastic pollution in engine asia. a single use sashes, which environmental group say are small,
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but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the israel before the i c j. u. n's top court is a jew to rule on south africa's request for jordan and, and to meet you information to the rough stuff 5. so reporting from the international court of justice in the hague, for churches are about to ruled on south africa request to order is route and stuff . it's military operation in gaza.
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