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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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and add to the countries environmental button entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the israel before the i c j. u n's top court is a jew to rule on south africa's request for jordan and, and to meet you information to the rough stuff 5. so reporting from the international court of justice and they hate for churches are about to ruled on south africa requests on israel system. it's military operation in gaza. the
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don't mean o'clock this is out of their own life. and uh, also coming up with hundreds of palestinians waiting for treatments. one hospital receives few, but early enough for a few days we live at l. x. a hospital in central dallas. the major landslide hits remote village in possibly getting more than 100 people to fit that and unable to rebuild their lives by hundreds of thousands of south africans, are heading to the polls. the, the next couple of hours, the international court of justice will rule on by the israel should end its miniature operation to the reference of in gaza. south africa accuse this is relative carry out genocide against palestinians. it says that is relative salt and reference the last step in the complete destruction of the palestinian people. the court has no way to enforce its orders, but the case has put increasing international pressure on israel to show more strains in his war and gaza. since october,
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the 7th is ready for us to have killed more than $35800.00 palestinians. in january, the court issued provisional measures, ordering israel to do everything in its pallets, prevent, exit good amounts of genocidal insight genocide, and to allow humanitarian aid into garza. in march, south africa filed another appeal saying israel, who had ignored the earlier ruining the humanitarian situation in gaza had wesson's view and warm palestinians were on the brink of famine. later in march, the court ordered additional measures telling israel to ensure a basic services an open more line crossings to allow urgently needed humanitarian aid. and to cause any of this month, south africa approach. quarter game it once israel to immediately end its managerial operations. in rafa and withdrawal from the roof of crossing, which it described as a lifeline dependents to use. so let's go live now. step vast new joins us from the hague. so step just focus through the procedures is what we're expecting today.
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and so our, from now the president's off the court, the now about asylum will a re read the ruling that said the 15 plus one judges have decided on this. plus one is an is for a judge which has been added to the core of the country. that doesn't have a judge come at one when it's an adult in this case. so the big question now is, will the court decide that as south africa has requested, this situation has changed and seriously due deteriorated and guys, on a specifically in the how far south africa sat, if a half of falls and the whole of guys are full. so they asked the court to order israel to immediately stop it's military operation, not only and guys about to not only and that also, but in the whole of guys, but also ask international a surface to be logged in. and also journalists to look into a possible crimes happening there. and also that is where i'll shoot the reports
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every week and back to, to florida. but any steps that it has been taken to us a solo with this order. it's not a, it's a binding order. but the thoughts cons, unfortunate, it doesn't have a police force, but it will be fairly significant to hear what the ford is going to decide. and the consequences will a ruling on provisional measures have since a cold cannot enforce them and reliance on the security council. exactly. i have to explain that these are professional matchers. these are urgent measure. that's a core of this course can impose it. meanwhile, waiting for the longer case this genocide case that south africa filed against israel to unfold and that could take years. so these urgent mattress, this is not already the 4th time that south africa is asking for these urgent mattress. uh they do uh have binding consequences. but yes, as you say,
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there is no way to enforce it. but as we have seen this week, this is already the 2nd start. we crucial ruling. we are expecting in the hague because the article or the international criminal court was asking for a rest or once earlier this week against nathan, y'all is minister of defense and 3 how must lead a so the pressure is definitely going off, depending on what this ruling will be step thing, so that's uh, keep the clothes on it. but with you as things get underway there at the hague step ration whatever i'm con is following reaction. tell me out of is read on this and just reminded 2 of you as a prime minister netanyahu, whose government has found out is there in his round. that's why he's reporting from the jo, dining capital of a ma, or we're hearing from several different political sources. and there is precedent as roles behavior towards the quote from things that happened in the past. the initial response will be just simply dismissed this and say that this is a legal ruling. and you some sort of diplomatic,
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a legal language to try and full price on his allies to just don't pay attention to it. that will be the initial reaction. and then what we're hearing is the is, or at least worried about this, the, they are expecting a complete, a cool for a complete succession for the bottle of wrap up. they also say that they're not going to respond to the decision of the court of justice or politically, well, militarily. and they will, they're already holding under the table top to the america. and they expect to, uh, washington to veto the resolution if and when it gets to the un security council. so that will be the initial reaction coming out there already talking to that partners in the us. now the us is, is quite key in this because they loan supported as well, but they've said to israel very clearly. there are different ways you can go into profit. you don't need to mount this massive ground incursion, as well as rejected washington's position and said we are going to fight this will have, however, we see fits and america has certainly so has to support
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a site that's like cable. we're gonna see once that rolling comes out in just about 3 hours time. and the reminder that it brought was reporting that from the dining capital of him on because i've been given that the, all his government has banned out 0 from reporting in israel. again, let's take this on without it for months ago as a james base james, it was just under 2 hours time, the president of global read out the court or that now the scenarios for us, if you as well, um, basically they can take recommendations of south africa for these professional meshes and south africa. this is the 3rd attempt of south africa, which initially went to a c spot ordered by the court in south africa, this time around as tight and it's focus. i'm very much looking at rough. uh, there are other things in that, but i think the, the, the south africa wants most out of this is an order to stopping the roof or operation. the court has the option to adults everything,
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the south africa once or it has the adoption, the option to put food costs of what south africa once or come up with its own provisional meshes and put those in places the quote sort of. okay, so and then it measures all brought in by the quote. and if israel does a disobey is what is the world quote to quote the war or its military operation in rafa as well, then what could happen the well the, this is not a body that has it. so no me but can go and enforce its measures, but it is a cool that is the highest court of the will system. it's a, it's one of the main organs of the united nations. 193 countries of the general assembly are bound by the schools. so i think what is likely there's no will to mastic referral to the security council. i think one is likely if they're all strong professional measures and israel does not comply, is that someone on the security council? i think most likely allergy area, which is the current. i remember the security council would propose a resolution saying that this is not good enough and these provisional measures
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should be enforced right now. course that puts the pressure on one country in particular. the country that's always supports israel on the security council using esvito pallet is one of the 5 permanent members. and that's, of course, is the united states. and could that pressure yield anything? well, i mean, you're in a situation now what this week in one week, you've had 2 of those top chords discussing the situation in gaza. the decision from the i c. c, prosecutor, that's the international criminal. cool. that's the other cool. his suggestion that probably minutes in this, in yahoo and defense minister galant, should face arrest warrants that now has pre trial tre bass. look at that, i that coming at the same week as the i, c, j. if the i c j does come up with professional measures, it's 2 separate and constituting international court. i think it becomes harder for the us to, to, to deal with this double barreled legal assault from international lawyers who will
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say, we're only doing this on the basis of little and this round is doing something wrong in terms of what, but of course, we need to wait to see what the short of the justices decides, but if they decide against is around, is it what are in the eyes easy does as well. then you add on the un security council virt or on rough uh, then of no way spain in the island. gonna recognize the palace, the palestinian state. it's been quite a week. you couldn't have had a worst week, i think, legally and diplomatic leave israel. and in terms of israel standing in the world, it's isolation in the world. and you know, even germany, which is one of the few countries that has been supporting israel much more than any other european countries. 8 said if international criminal court does decide on arrest warrants for prime minister netanyahu and germany will arrest prime minister netanyahu. so it is, i think, pretty sobering for those in israel. but of course, they'll be able to side the us picture of the problem to send us know who i'm about
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to be invited to address a joint session of congress. the us does not seem to be in the same places as nearly every other country on the right where we will lead a whole lot more in just under 2 hours with the i c j and the strength of the time . bring thanks a lot. thank you. well, the only c j will make that really, as i say on the goals ward, 1500 g m t will have full coverage right here on al jazeera on everything that happens says, well, one of the social goals is main hospitals. i'd see alexa in the file that has been given in lifeline just hours before it was expected to run out of fuel. these are the scenes inside the medical facility over nights where many problems are for so afraid and complete done. that's pretty well. adults has tending to premature babies using the light to the phones. i like the hospital has received now enough fuel to say this in class, but it certainly enough the last just a few days. and then i'll decry is the specs person for alex hall and he told us the medical facility could risk collapse again. if more fuel is not delivered. see
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if the wheel i will call about this crisis is all over the place and we suffer a lot from such a crisis. and 15 days ago, the crisis a is, it was the name and the uh, the crossings, uh close including the crossing the amount of fuel. uh van. related to that, the, uh, not enough, a total for the hospital to walk even for one know, 2 days on may. and before that, explicitly, it will sup, uh, and the stop the, the, the, the rate is we received only 3000 liters, which is not enough because the hospital needs at least 5000 liters of fuel every day. and this will lead to the death of so many sick and the one that people in the hospital we resulted through the solar. but it's not enough
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and we suffer the lack of electricity at the hospital. the equipment, uh, not the working. that's why. when we started to do everything manually out of the hospital and a lot was the rate the to us as the fuel arrived the next morning. that's why we have managed to save a lot of it was sick people in the hospital. and let's get the large picture down from target resume, who's in the ballot in central gods, right, and target. this is such a familiar story. this hospital story of the whole 7 months of the war does have it . things ready now and the break of the yes uh, in fact uh hospitals have been idly um, deliberately targeted by the is by the army. we've been dealt with operations in the gaza strip. they have been focusing on raising
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a storming the hospital through and it gets departments forcing medics to flee from these hospitals and no longer provide medical treatment for thousands of palestinian families in the north in the middle. and even in the southern part of the gods, this trip the reality in the north. this trip really is really grand mass. we have been hearing from medics that they were forced to feed the hospice of leaving patients behind. some of the medics refused to leave due to the critical injuries that these patients and more people have been suffering from until they could be afforded a safe evacuation to the are possible so or to the western side of kansas city by hospitals were barely also functional in the north, under these very on coming in terms of abutment are struggling with the fuel shortage, medical supplies as well as the now the intent to be met at 3 basis for these very young p in the middle of the situation is not quite different from the situation of the northwest locks the hospital is the only remaining hospital in there about us
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providing a treatment now for thousands of palestinians, as it's a grappling with the a few short days today, i only have 15000 liters that will be, you know, for a couple of days then, like you said, the problem will to and again, to be brought to the table at the same time it hospital, it's been a rough off are completely out of service except to hospitalized queasy majority hospital, which could be fairly functional in terms of the ongoing expansion of the fighting into rough districts, given how difficult things are in the know topic, how people testing that well, people next being 3 really horrific and on humanitarian conditions square are talking about yeah, a big truck for more than 12 days right now in the valley of refuge attempts that been forced to flee from devalue to the western side of jars of 60, alongside that there are 2 hundreds of families being trapped in bay tunnel and talk surrounded by these ladies in country and military troops are on april,
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even to get down from the evacuation centers as they are completely deprived from getting access to food that is completely now starting to run out from the palace, the new market. alongside that, there was no new sign of a getting into the news of this trip in light of the ongoing minutes reparation in the valley. or if you did come soon, it'd be just a complete siege, the mid italy, and even humanitarian seats being imposed on those people who have been appealing the international community to afford them protection for definitely without any practical step being taken to them. now, in order to at least mitigate and to reduce the numbers of casualties amongst civilians, which according to people and locals seem to value they are still doses of buddies being thrown in the streets of devalue and no one can get them close to them. but due to the intent is very bombardments as families right now, top priority is to guarantee the safety and later looking for sources of food in order to feed on such a grim situation. a tower thanks to reporting a target,
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presume that during pilot and central grocer still ahead here announces 0. china begins as secondary admitted to drills surrounding taiwan, saying the war games arrange testing their ability to seize power. the in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was a rougher offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera, on counting the cost for us escalates trade war with china. but does it have the upper hand to the sugar industry is in crisis. all the prompts of its full spring
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economy could also be effective plus the moving shortage in critical minerals needed for the energy transition. counting the cost on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the probably gonna be watching out from under the top storage. and so, and in the next 2 hours, the international court of justice will, of who own with it is real. it should in this minute reparations in reference of him does. it says israel's assault on route for the last step and the complete destruction of the palestinian people in one of the central causes main hospitals o x a has been given in life and just hours before it is expected to run out of fuel. many departments are forced to operate in complete darkness over night while the facility has received fuel to continue functioning. it's only enough to last few days. to popular new can with some major reports just up to a 100 people. if you're dead offer landslide in the remote area, well, so ortiz in the northern and the province are assessing the damage and when the number of casualties may arise. jessica washington, as this report of the optimize of the land slide in popping you can use north an
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anchor provence. it's drunk around 3 am. so people were thinking, i mean, or the hillside collapsed, burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below, mingled and broke the phone. and when we come down and the don't come down, what are some those, what i'm sleeping on a need to molten. if you come, don't know who teach posted on facebook, people who seen climbing over books and uprooted trees. most residents of this district, a small scale farm, is not clear how many are instructed as there is no recent feature on the population of the prime minister. james murphy says the defense force will help with a search and recovery efforts. authorities have sent emergency response teams to the area and describe the landslide as devastating and unprecedented. only of the
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provincial administrator held an emergency meeting with health authorities and police, as well as a representative from the united nations community groups collecting aid for families who have lost everything in this disaster. jessica washington, which is 0 to join his ministry as long as the secondary, the exercises running taiwan. a chinese forces, save the war games that aimed at testing their ability to seize power and control key errors. it comes days off to the swearing in the president like today. ally has promised to defend time in the 70 journalist captivate component. it's the latest, not from the chinese males. 3, ours have started already the ministry of defense here and tie. one does not give you details usually to later in the day, but on the previous days they said the chinese, p l. a vessels guard between within 24 nautical miles and the water surrounding tie
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one. they had deployed about 50 military aircraft, 20 naval ships, and more than a 1000 postcard vessels that could be used in an invasion of china saying that it is a trying to test the ability of all join seizure of power joint strikes and control of territories. what does that mean? well, as, and essentially, it's a blockade of taiwan and in particular and these exercises. but they're trying to do is block off the waterways that would be used by taiwan to allies like japan or the united states in the event of an invasion. now it's worth noting that has not been any live fire. these are mostly maneuver based on a lot of focus is being given to the name joins toward 2024. a defense analyst are trying to figure out whether this is the 1st of many exercises that are due to come for. ty, one will type ones parliaments is discussing controversial bill expanding the electric power in the country. the bill would in theory, ground legislatures the pallets of question,
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investigate will. to mon documents from any government official manager general, the president protested, gather outside the legislature on choose day during its 1st reading government pride reports from these demonstrations the thousands of protest as well as well taking to the streets of taipei because of what's being taking place in a couple of streets away from here in the light just sort of view um that's the ty, once a pall events in the passage of controversial legislation which has led to angry seems confrontations inside the chamber and even fist fights between lawmakers. it all revolves around to the it'll get ration of a new president to your liking. good, who's democratic progressive party won a 3rd consecutive term in elections at the start of this year. the d. p. p has taken a tough sun when it comes to a closer ties with a james that will though they held on to the presidency, they lost the majority inside the parliament. what we have seen is the opposition groups like by the powerful woman talking,
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the can see which favors friendly relations with beijing. trying to introduce controversial legislation to increase the parliament's power over the government, which the supporters of a new president to protest is here. the least unfairly claimed as his control of a taiwan also in some respects, hinders. ty, one's ability to trust its own pos, okay. you this really quickly in, but once democracy and fundamental human rights. so, but i don't think you feel like this bill's policy might end up being like completely aligned, more movies turn and stones the, the, all of this is coming at a time of increased tension with mainland china, conducting large scale military drills all around the island of taiwan and also state control media in mainland china, being highly critical of president ly, describing him as reckless. but then this protest is here,
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who's supporting will tell you that the mold in aging is seen to be apparently cajoling or bullying. taiwanda dable. it didn't policies that view that they should be keeping that distance from like china rubber, broad. i'll do there. i thought i saw that because government has promised to build hundreds of thousands of low income highways, but it's far behind its target. these people head to the polls, those who are homeless, a more desperate than ever, made a minute reports now from cape town. this is one of thousands of informal settlements in south africa museum a year to 1st run up near cape town. more than 50 years ago. of to some here were forcibly removed from a neighboring area. since then it's estimated that at least $40000.00 people have both make shift homes. yeah. using corrugated iron plastic sheets and we possible breaks confidence that he's lived here for nearly 20 years. no, no history as well. so like the past that leads to a home is also we're the only toilets,
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all the smell of sewerage and waste can't be avoided. she blames the provincial governments led by the opposition democratic alliance, or d a, a month. the waters 13 the grades are production and the toilets of everyone, and no one from the municipality comes while the government is building homes for the poor. there's a backlog of at least $2300000.00 homes, and that number grows each year for me file. i can say, i said, we've also been looking with some debt, but 60600000 people. that is on the waiting list. these are a lot of options there this afternoon, these projects and also there's no accountability residents. yeah. explain. this area was marked for development, but it's stalled and they don't know why. in cape town, the number of people without homes worse and during the cold, but 19 pandemic people lost income, and the economy struggled. an estimated 14000 people lived on the streets of the greats of cape town area. while the government does provide shelters,
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there aren't enough bids to accommodate everyone, the needs know. so there are some who say they don't want to sleep in child because the democratic alliance is the influx. has people from florida provinces? is one of the reasons for the high demand for housing. the national government, aided by the african national congress, says the d a is not using the budget. it's been allocated to build homes, housing budgets, and infrastructure budgets on the plan ending in long term. and when you're done a specially end of the finances on a municipality to deliver housing, you then give, given a month or 2 to deliver on that budget. it's not possible. but the amc too, has been criticized for not providing enough homes in the 8 provinces. it runs a south africa hits to an election. the last of housing for the flow remains a major problem, often influenced by politics, corruption,
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and the lack of money to meet them in a ultra 0 cape town. and with that, that's it for me, the clock anymore. of course, on a website out, is there a dot. com is the address or the news recovery. write that plenty of comments and analysis as to whether it's coming up. let me go inside story examining the implications of china is late this minute you get sizes around time want. i'll see you soon plus the now what's the satellite picture with the client devolving of the sea of japan as a proper little storm is built up there and that's moving north and they take is west and windy weather out through northern home. she and her car during friday, leaving fine weather behind their water to shaft, may be in china, but otherwise it's a warm and sunny picture there where it's been very wasting ground on run g. recently the rain has backed off to united,
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but i think we'll see more channels working the way in, in an organized frontal system. i'll look at it so it's heading towards how come on comes weather, therefore, will change. the chances are you'll get from the storms, water to the next 2 or 3 days attempt just hanging around the 28 mock and a huge here with the breeze. probably out of the east the most the time. the same is happening. it india, the heats giving way to she made and went, whether it is a cost likely to happen because the monkey and trucks not far away, i suspect is english has been sent me giving heavy radians for like so many evans, the southern tip of india knox attempt she's back because humanities coming up with the catch coming up, but it's still halting the know up in new dahlia, 4445 degrees and the wind isn't particularly strong here. so air quality is currently not very good and it will stay much the same way and the same heat, possibly equity exists in pakistan of the
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oh, for young women, the south african town play by poverty, great baby. yet, despite all community workers determined to provide refuge, long as the communities say, not my problem is always going to happen. like one small town safe house. and with this document on the jersey to china, or is conducting military exercises around taiwan, just dies off that lie to him to was sworn in as the islands, new president vision has cooled, lie a dangerous separatists with the chinese actions main for the region. this is inside story, the


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