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tv   Witness Small Town Safe House  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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a place that floated reporting from peaks or whatever happens next, the students are from the university, have already made history out to see who is teams across the world. bring you closer to the house of the story. the hello, my name is donovan dore. have of the top stories on alex's era. in the next few hours, the international court of justice will vote on whether israel should end its military operations. new off are in southern gaza, south africa accuses as well as carrying out genocide against palestinians. it says israel's assault on that off, what is the last step and the complete destruction of the palestinian people in gaza? the court has no waste and faith is owed as box. the case has put increasing international
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pressure on israel to show a more of a strange and it's long, gaza. since october. the 7th is very forces have killed more than 35800 palestinians. step boston is at the hague, following the story. these are professional measures, these are urgent measure that of course this course can impose it meanwhile, waiting for the longer case. this job, besides the case that south africa filed against israel to unfold and that could take years. so these urgent mattress, this is not already the 4th time that south africa is asking for these urgent mattress. uh they do have binding uh consequences. but yes, as you say, there is no way to enforce it. but as we have seen this week, this is already the 2nd fairly crucial ruling. we are expecting in the hague because the article or the international criminal court. i was asking for a rest or once earlier this week against nathan, you all his minister of defense and 3 how must need to. so the pressure is definitely going off,
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depending on what this ruling will be. one of the central gallons of main hospitals alex, on the law, has been given a lifeline just hours before it was expected to run out of fuel. these were the scenes inside the medical facility of the night when many departments were forced to operate and complete darkness. doctors tending to premature babies using the lights on their phones, unlocks the hospital, has received some fuel to save it from collapse. but it's only enough to last a few days to hello alex island is the sports person for alexa. and he told us the medical facility will collapse of move fuel isn't delivered. so if the who i will call about this crisis that is all over the place and we suffer a lot from such a crisis. and 15 days ago, the crisis is it was the name and the uh, the crossings, uh clothes including the dressing, the amount of fuel. uh the van related to that the, uh, not enough,
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a total for the hospital to walk even for one know, 2 days. and before that, explicitly, it was shipped. uh, and the stoppage of the gen the rate is we received only 3000 liters, which is not enough because the hospital needs at least 5000 liters of fuel every day. this will lead to the death of so many sick and the one that people in the hospital we resulted through the solar. but it's not enough and we suffer the lack of electricity at the hospital. the equipment, uh, not the working. that's why. when we started to do everything manually out of the hospital and a lot was great the to us and the fuel arrived
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the next morning. that's why we have managed to save a lot of it was sick people in the hospital and avenue is a major land slide, has struck a remote village and pop when you get a dozens of people are fed dead in the northern province of and we've all been to says boulders, the size of cause came tumbling down hills, crushing homes below the villages of trying to recover bodies from under the rubble and mont. the chinese military has launched a 2nd day of exercises surrounding taiwan, chinese forces, say the war games and testing their ability to seize power and control key areas. it comes days off of the swearing in of president launching day that has promised to defend time when a sovereignty, but china considers the island to be part of it's todd tree. those other headlines on elders 0 to stay with us. witness is coming up next.
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the . ready ready me committed to name is a shift for dollars to obtain an invoice in miss von raped dissembled, and left for dead at a nearby construction sides. the 17 year old was walking home from the local cabin when she was mad at 3 specimens have been arrested. perfidious has been described as an incident that has cost the cloud over the entire nation. i forget has some of that with cases of tended based findings against women and children in the will of a big is reading with sugar. following the middle of a 5 year old go cater williams was found buried in the bushes, listening to columbus from the home to us off to the cruise to murder on an invoice
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for da story town. because it gave me wrong about the matter. a 14 year old out of jeff, allegedly by the hands of a 27 year old boyfriend, the incident spot and national out prime the spotlight. the . it goes as a people to say today they may fee is may receive a that is the may see
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you monday the of the whole, the new literacy, but they would know dog the genuine is some good news on the device that the key because you know my
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number is better and this is much more i know, but i'm on the mute. put them on the site, but you'll find that you select the mattress. you're not the same as the common shaquita now because she's under the influence now just do the inc. but we're not going to do any town sitting on the last thing
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because she has to get in the boss to must get something to eat too much sleep. so we're going to close so fast. these people that's motion full is just the wash a gaming laptop. mm. 9 months the more of the of the i was a can you more on the name that i make? this is not able to name you see, my mom does, how much is that this set to you that took you the dental more awesome. does he voskus lucky. so smoky slootsky
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was my piece. candy of my here i see was barely for this is not you my most and the seal must be i look forward to see that how you didn't even see on the most us, but the you most and designate for your what associated or a mode. so no one is allowed to have money in the house and is elma may 2nd name of the the school at the campus on the own sounds on the the don't feel welcoming this stuff.
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i think it's because of my what i do with this thing said they don't want it, but it's also fine. i'm not the a to satisfy everyone. i me a 3 of the speaker. most of them most of the major will speak to. 6 6 6 feel um let's see in the. 2 2 comments, it could still be needs to be mean it's fast forward, it could be it the envelope to be out and ma and to play in a phone and you look a little. 2 yeah my is what,
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what. 2 are you more of a clinical and then for me, if i knew clinic of honey, for me, think fast. if somebody see funded us and that he thought him along with funded could us know who feel for is school asian saw me because that sound like you're with a number. he looks great. collect probably to be really fast. be able to know david huntsville. 6 6 to honey this know for come see me says that all i know that i give it the kids running into it's me leaving the company is delana humphrey. you let us like best pray that it will not be passed as a whole month to get along because you know, you, so i'm going
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to be lonely or for a single. yeah. okay. not as evil at risk. so be it's okay for so 6 in the office does all these might you send them? it's in the or a computer frontier that i have at the you provided me with a few setting. india, in my opinion, let's just assume that the company, se, and these moines it cannot be, it can, i was kind of on this for being on the, on the, on the internet then. and this may, yeah, but i am, it's funny key elements of that i would go to y'all's time. no the. 2 the different content now is that the 5
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that's supposed to suspend the quote to states. you know, more than like you should do. you mind the pictures? yeah. what are you guys? well yeah, i'm just trying to get a nice oh yay. yeah. she left. it could, it can took me, is it got to have some honey enough because theater was definitely smith's coupling could be i could send them to the steve and they have most of both the as a most make it come take a look at the sun has and its face has totally different number does with us, what are the i said, okay, that what? so some of the comes up as a knuckle k, a nicholas and expenses on the computer. my new me, the boyfriend, empty net. i've seen him in
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the last maybe i mean the the gave it under the but it says he never did. i don't mean say the local me, the home schooling is your lease money. so give the,
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if i understand the problem, the say fast the media did not enough, i'm a lot of the right to send a safe pass to come, and i to be owned and i left you. now, bye bye bye. you're the cool service. as i'm doing it because i know it's a fight. i know what i've been sort of what 51 years. and so i gave myself the
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the, the, the the, the let's see. do you not report
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a problem? it was all my hold on hold on. yeah. oh, but this is marie as, wow, mary jane and kind of let them know that the
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the the the, the, the key to produce their city mando the 2nd monmouth. sure. it was like we did not know that i know that you know
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the old speak out of the old at the sun. that's a 3 every couple months. so it's easy for us here for tomorrow. most it now come you know, definitely set up a lease. okay . and all she was when she was going on like that at, at the hospice of the brands that i'm from as they shut that thing down when she
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was a baby and need someone to sort it says that and and as it reminded me to do something with that, the last step, susan, nice in front of a deal with this stuff with the substances and the social is contingent upon sleepy. if she can do something like this. what do you think is a phone call to nice piece of body lying at the muscle industry? right. and what do i do? when do i draw the line? now let's go. so this is my concern. i don't know what to do. i'm clear on this. and the social work even seems to me she must go up for the sake of the other. my personal view. really
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yes. yes, that's correct. so the confidence in the i flip the surface on this a lot. so ok by that, get those 10 by 10. this of the 50 stuff in means
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the, the people do not discriminate against the fact that say suddenly for the means kevin is saying is the only person in the gate or most to combine
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it as a sign. this is also said that i may or may find this whole fucking to ask because it asks me in service, so as to be some of those. okay. beautiful. the
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the, the you the bike, michael. mommy. a lindsey yeah. yeah. i mean, as he could come here, this goodness,
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i'm in the in the safe side. so be traveling more and more. so maybe you need a new task. one maki people
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do you see the space is pretty key in bowie. lindy's history. so the okay for the inside the printer. yeah. so say that no big deal. we'll put that in to send over here. so that's kind of researched in what you use. backside code says not in the age of 2070 science and photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo? so i didn't. the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of this series, which is 0,
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follows the frank for justice through the courts. it's fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and the lawyers face a terrible deal in the search for the truth, the lost souls of syria. well now just the era brian as well, um, once it gets too soon to know if this new currency, symbolic gold was big, will make a difference to his daddy like, like millions of other people living in a country with one of the highest deflation rates in the world he wants to bobby's economy to improve physic, replaced this and bobby and donna and his that i go to says and find cars. commodities such as inputs you tease, rent and fuel a paid with us dollars. that means and bobby, and still have to change the $6.00 the police to being the racing, a legal money changes operating without a license. undermining the current government. he does want people to change their money back and not many here. haven't seen the big notes yet.
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people are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the years is be more stable. that's always money. to use the currency, doesn't these value rapid clicks change? take them into the i know i'm elizabeth put on them and don't have of the top stories on challenges. 0 in the next hour. the international court of justice will vote on whether israel should end its military operations and draft and southern gaza. south africa accuses as well as carrying out genocide against palestinians. it says as well as assault on that off as the last step and the complete destruction of the palestinian people in gaza. the court has no way to enforce its oldest bond. the case has put increasing international pressure on as well, to show a more of
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a strength and as one garza since october, the 7th is rarely forces have killed more than $35800.00 palestinians, set voss and as at the hague, following the story. these are professional matches. these are urgent matter that of course, this course can impose it. meanwhile, waiting for the longer case. this job, besides the case that south africa filed against israel to unfold and that could take years. so these urgent matter of this is not already the 4th time that south africa is asking for these urgent mattress. uh they do have binding uh consequences . but yes, as you say, there is no way to enforce it. but as we have seen this week, this is already the 2nd, sorry, crucial ruling. we are expecting in the hague because the article or the international criminal court was asking for arrest or once earlier this week against nathan, y'all is minister of defense and 3 how must lead to so the pressure is definitely
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going up, depending on what this ruling will be an avenue is amazing, land slide has struck a remote village and pop on your guinea. dozens of people to fee a debt, and the northern province of and the governor says, a bold as the size of cons came tumbling down hills. crushing homes below is villages of trying to recover bodies from under the rubble and mont. the time is military has launched a 2nd day of exercises surrounding taiwan chinese full so say the war games are aimed at testing their ability to seize power and control key areas. it comes days off to the swearing in a president, launching the law, has promised to defend time when they saw from t. so china considers the island to be part of its territory. well, those other headlines on elders 0 would have the news out for you in less than 13 minutes. stay with us. witness continues. next. a
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lane. this team that i should ever look at the main, how did they get out of the licensure? i mean, if you look at this should be, i think that should be thing we have in front of our children. and while we under the influence of any substance, why do we do we find that infant in children? why do they think it is? no, no. so there's a misty file and it's like that says the people must just come to get, get out of the like city home. as long as the community say,
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it's not my problem. state problem, they want to be like that. you're always going to have another like one hasn't met chuck presidents gather outside your d peters house. and now somebody is seen in this community to come in from per dollar store for wasted and appeared in quote then on the to the penny kip tech. now this is the price we have body was found may so they couldn't actually identify. yeah, because to us that i and she was put on fire and that's a could only identify how on the face of the, of the late the
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i mean how many times the 3 people to get involved, especially the church as all of the churches in town every what, but they don't come forward. i think they christianity is it seems like except that the best rate in the yeah yeah i just know of but yeah, yeah. okay. the more a landlord, i'm more than 2 for this on this. so can you make pharaoh mean so the month to mean
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so i see no see the i'm going with space cohort. oh, that's just what i mean. so sustain the oh good for a lot of the phone so you don't send those in no contents and it also fits stuff going on. and then somebody owns a new same file screen whom i just pulled up. stuff just comes right in the next put in for like 10, that's the sides custom, but not as a sense of what we are in full went on as a fund guardian, as government made to communities next to name like isn't that a much city that like it does this by you the
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same with the my good morning. you can listen to us this morning. it's time for us to start doing something, child welfare. we are, you know, off each and every child who's being abused every night for the why do we having this community? we have a nice day wednesday, but this so i'll come and what type in san jose. so these families here, the she's got it is monday easier, but it's all those. and then we saw and then we these nice funerals. what happens often that your lives mean? so what i am with props is where the say false command to follow the system. some kind of a new mind load. it's the style organizations that on my own skin. i yacht as
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i'm station city or near city in bed on a mon observation of costs done because they sent that on fund i see on the field to the field. the community for the same issue as own seat, open the fund. oh no expense by a man, because the only so i'm going to read a memorandum out to you. so do we expect a minor time in life at night? and the legion boy, you say, told us that the grave has already been dark pharmacy and low level of education plays a huge house. and how are we going to fix this? they put the not the municipality and this council only. but the community has
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a huge house in flight from this wants to camping surrounding area clean behind those areas. we heard the plots, months of to safety, city minus in and out section of use a legit a soul. and they come in that say false beaten. bottom line is something has to be done to empower goals, line, and goals, and women prevention and intervention. the federal grants need to be implemented now. yeah, the face, a woman and mine a go should be able to defend himself in that the moment. even if the, this abuse of main, regardless municipality from a women later go to standing in front of you. i promise you, i'm making a promise. i'm putting my head on the block. yeah. if i may say,
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i'm going to do everything in my powers to ensure that what is investment model on them is going to benefit our community. i think yes, back. this is how is yours to only receive about 10000 that yeah, we increase that. now we never received anything. $15000.00 was only for the last set of cut off, which is next on the screen. so to cut off this, not the i, when this console came in, we said you cannot, we cannot let law not know. it's a shame on us as administer. kind of like, um let me get this. someone set is doing such fools less. so i accept this on a very positive note to say, i'll do everything in my powers to ensure that what is it that we didn't do? i accepted. okay, so it was san francisco via duncan, sophia is out the display of good mondanca. i agree with you
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a securing for us to an i. i also know that you can sold to a point thinking type time. it's just me know, so thank you for that. um, but the main thing i want to run this by the 14th of september, we run thirty's phones, and the response is not going to be another meeting or flip sits. and on this table we set that on to tables for yes, i pretty much off the phone and our community. thank you. and so i want you to sign, i will sign and i need a copy of that. can you be so you're listening for me then specify the
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of the 250 maya, the meeting is a follow up from a much that organizations had come into the paper and the most important, the request that these organizations have lots of pieces for women in go what we'll have basically saying we stop boats, we will give you funding by what we want. we want to roll it out for the 1st 3 months. then we see, what is it, or in how easy it was, the novel communities. i just wanted to say thank you there 50. thank you. my a, this is a very, very go show me thing. they were good for people, callous for i've. i've done is mocked,
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isn't loaded down. let me get a moment. is it reasonable to say it? and do it because i know you said it's going to be lot of companies like, you know, all the info i can understand and this, that the kind of making good people. so, you know, i decided i'm coming. yeah. it's not about it. i know it was safe on the was it will people who say it's a good one. we want to do, i know what the charge i'm so interested just to do something can i on some that that, that, that the name of the animal was for women and girls. so this is what the memorandum off and what is it that they all his full name. and that is an amazing but i'm just kinda yelling and the other notes, i just want to tell you i,
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you know, law now law non not i'm a product and it's as somebody so only like view com and ends with it. it's certainly it's okay to and, and it is, it's a utility and some kind of a snap as a suitcase and that's, that's what they just send differently. not honey, and leave a miss you. i'll say some documents of the look will communicate that somebody to see me on people missed a 6. see, this is my passion. i was molested but i had people was the boat that me, that was the defendant and not i really thank god for this my and you well, i ended up doing really well and they cannot send me out of stuff or size in the appeals
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the things then so the younger, desolate, the beautiful thank you very much for coming and enjoying the cup of tea with me so that we can have a nice discussion. so we can find this document and added over to as you see it coming in. thank you. before for opening our eyes and seeing, you know, i don't forget about the other issues. it's also about the social lives in our community. thank you. thank you. thank you very much. i the,
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you know, fairness, you know, even mind this is dakota. yeah. don't you? well, 100100 to the printer, just by invoice, for ne, as buying it just by in face the oh, it's my old school. i said something about us. i think it might be tomorrow. so 3, thank you. so the aspect of studies students to and that's, that's what you see the notes here on some of it was appropriate and what i how
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that's all right, so 2036. thank you. i some know of a slight some with mark and even with 50 us call volt with us is because someone see no develop momma so like an empty so like constant waterfall circumstances, the as that's concerned that attend the c l. c. as in your speak telling foreman on, let's say, i'm pretty open, it all says, sometimes like the home and the can say no, i'll get a mob these. so yet it kind of was, he always picked out the $51.00. know what to, to like, simple salon, not all of a know really is built in no food my day, much whole affiliated with the whole with want to that and this stuff. this is a to my you still find the i still is it okay to, to like it and can i snap or some, some of them. so there are so
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right today i got the most time. but you know, when you live outside, but i see no, no. okay. as i see the the
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speech which is basically a big items, particularly in the experience with the poles to testify facility where it's read age and to the
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whole cut off. and what on the front of you all can come up with katie itself, but not necessary to be safe with the the it test pages on with the on cuz it can still take which will be honest
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with you on my end here to be my friend with an invite senior director process um disability to see um how the lady the the investigation, any sock and ended that the i took the card for it. so i mean, voice seems with any bad or come to the, the software for the bill in open pages as well. the case may i received all, let's see it. so that means it means that no 2 for mocking dislikes. next we have problems with the exact way we trying to make sure nothing to do that. so if you need to meet with us, let us know and we will meet. and when we, when we have this, the nice thing with a different role says i'd like to be there because you'd have a general understanding of the
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for me i, i never followed it when it's one of those that slipped through. so that's why i'm saying i need to make sure that now this issue, i need to make sure that it is happening. how fi is it? when must it be done? and why is it not done? so that because at the end of the day, people are going to sit there for to me, are you light to as. so i don't want to be remembered as attempted to manage mix promises and never for food stamps. they was in lodge, i had to do something, i had to promise something and nothing became of that promise
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is just i had to promise something to get to my cheese. can i stay away while i get out of this price? that's not once close a just want to keep the one thing i'll have a minute actually to watch. ok. now they only concentrate on non seems they don't concentrate on the sides to the mexico in the town. it is i don't know what to say, but i'm fighting
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a losing battle. but i also know i can fight the losing battle because the one there's an i e l. o as in the hospital or goes to the or anything. it's the one this was getting abuse. the keep it it's too much the
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there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. a pod, his i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece of i think that the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities you're running. mean,
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what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the effective use of the person as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era had low the significant heat is still the story, of course, parts of central america in particular for mexico. we'll get that in a moment for us to south america and this front you can see on the satellite image is a dividing line between excessive heat across the north of the confidence a much cooler conditions. in the south we put temperatures well below the average for this time for southern parts of chile as well as argentina, not as logic hots and dry here, much west across southern parts of brazil. once again, areas that don't need that heavy rain continuing to see it. thanks to a front that's pulling its way further out to see move still bring some heavy rain as well as thunderstorm stretching across into the likes of paraguay as well as
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bolivia over the next few days. lots of wet weather across the north of the content . but still some heat warnings out for equity to as temperature as rise here. and this is the heat as we get to central america on the car, being for nolan and central parts of mexico. in particular, the country is suffering. a severe dropped and conditions remain largely hot and dry. you can see that on friday 3 to saturday. but as well to weather further out east. in particular, his spun yolo, with blustery winds were trinidad and tobago. the of the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow that down. it doesn't look like margins covered by what
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the highest says when it all bus knows the what comes to that, how is this? the problem in that ruby has been watson by pull drainage and he's taken the bill. settlement people's beeping in near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. the the hello you're watching algebra, i'm elizabeth put on them and we're bringing you special coverage. the ssl from the world court in the hague, which is voting on as well as military operations. and then a hot and southern gaza, south africa accuse israel of carrying out genocide against palestinians. it says as well as assault on that off of the last step and the complete destruction of the
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palestinian people in gaza. these are live pictures from inside the engine.


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