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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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via the narrow be don't say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello you are watching algebra, i'm elizabeth put on them and we're bringing you special coverage. the ssl from the world court in the hague, which is voting on as well as military operations. and then a hot and southern gaza, south africa accuses israel of carrying out of genocide against palestinians. it says as well as hold on with off what is the last step and the complete destruction of the palestinian people in gaza. these are live pictures from inside the international court of justice and the hague. with the president of the quote is about to announce any additional measures on israel. the court has the way to
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enforce its orders, but the case has put increasing. international pressure on as royalty showed move was trained, and it's warned garza in january the court issued provisional measures ordering as well to do everything in his power to prevent acts that could amount to genocide. all that and finally to genocide and to allow humanitarian agent to gaza. in march, south africa filed another appeal saying israel had ignored the early avoiding. the humanitarian situation in gauze i had wasn't. and the un warned palestinians were on the brink of famine, lakes, and march. the court ordered additional meshes, telling israel to ensure the basic services and the open moorland crossings to an out urgently needed humanitarian aid and to gaza. earlier this mountain south africa approached the course again at once as well to immediately and its military operations and the offer and withdrawal from the off of crossing, which it described as
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a lifeline to palestinians to let's bring in our correspondence step voss and she's joining us life on the hagen step talk us through what we're expecting at least procedurally at the court. any minute now. yes, any minutes? the president and now off. so all the i, c, j will come out with all the other charges and announce the ruling that said they have decided on at least 15 judges who have been willing on this case. we have been told not 16. and these 15 are the original charges of this last last one at home, george from a friend who was allowed to participate in this case. because if i'm doesn't have a c in the core, then what's it all i'm looking out for is it's the 4th will we with what south africa has been arguing that additional matches on necessary us looking at the dire situation and rough. uh, so that's the guys side,
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if not for falls guys off falls and what south africa has us to sort is to order israel to stop. it's a sold in rafa and withdraw from guys off all to gather. so this is what everyone is looking out for. the 2nd thing that sells are for guys us, is to allow international observers and also journalists into the assets. and also for intro to re forward on a weekly basis, the steps, steps, steps that they're going to take. so these are the 3 and 4 to measure of south africa as us before now. so will on it, i have to say this to proceed just. i'm really seated off now because it was only last week around south africa, and israel were having their oral presentation. it's rel, defending itself. i'm going to interrupt. you says, i'm sorry to interrupt you, but we are hearing from the president of the course. i believe i've seen the judges take their seats and let's say we're listening with regarding pro vision of the
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measures submitted by south africa on may 10. 2024 indicates concerning application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide in the gaza strip. south africa versus is a for these ends made known to me, judge is able to show a and b want. so would you would the bus to be that visitation, and the final thoughts are not in a position to stick their seats on the bench to day charge as well. but also judy, bye to base a integrations. that'd be fine. involved as unable to join us today for the time of the reasons. i record that on december 29th, 2023, south africa. finding that i just see over the goals and application and situating proceedings against is
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a concert named alleged by with their sons and the gaza strip of obligations under the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide which i should be for as the genocide, convention the application of south africa contains a request for the indication of probation been measured, often heating the boxes, the quote indicate this provision in measures by an order to issued on january 26, 2024. by a letter dated february 12th 2024, south africa be forwarding to quote, the developing circumstance in the far end of codes caught up on the card. it's in the regular size of spyware. on the article 75 paragraph one over there was of course the registrar informed the boxes of course decision and to respond to
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that communication by left the on 16 february 2024 on march 6th, 2024 south africa and requested the good i quote to indicate funds difficulties and it measures n o. from what defines provision and measures indicated on january 26, but the by and all the of march 28th, 2024. because the f of the provision in measures indicated in the order of january 26, 2024 and indicates a 2nd edition to provision impression on may 10, 2024 south africa submitted to the quote what it describes as n, as in request for the modification and indication of the vision and measures by suing for article 41 of the statute and dr. cuz 75 and 76. 0,
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there was of course in accordance with usually the practice, i should not read the introduction of the but i just or the old which set with the procedure is pretty good. i said also, or meant or summarize some of the fact that i shared that for begin by reading or the french because begins by noting that in its view. so i think us present request is the request for the mean. do you think, what do you think ition over the order of march 28th, 2024? for the season. the quotes must be tournament whether the conditions set forth in article 76. but i guess one of the roots, of course, had been fulfill that product godfrey's as for michael at the request of your party. oh roughly almost to the quote may at any time before the finance argument indicates people or what defy any,
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this isn't going. so i mean, for the vision and measures, if it's opinion and some change in the situation justify such and such simple cation buttonwood, speakers, and so forth. the quote must 1st, since it stains, whether taking into account the information that the boxes have provided. with respect to the current situation that is easily conclude that distribution, deflood them to the decision set out and it's, or the of march 28, 2024 has changed since that time. that time. if the quote find that there was a change in the situation since the delivery of it, so i did, or the it was in have to consider whether it's such a change justified modification of its audience decision concerning provision and
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measures. any such modification would be appropriate only if the gender conditions let down an article $41.00 over the subject of the. ready with votes select, in this instance, the quote, the begins by determining whether that has been a change in this situation. that's one of the dishes and a set of and if the order of march 28th, 2020 for the quote, the quote that it's order of january 26th, 2024. it's not the that the many to a petition on that to buy insulated. following the 3rd of october, 72020 city had been dissolved in cost, a large number of this and injuries, as well as the massive destruction of homes, the force of the displacement of the vast majority of the population. and extensive damage,
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passivity and infrastructure. and of and this decision to communicate with the bosses by lessons of 16 february 2024. because noted, go think united nation sectors underneath that. the developments indigo, the split and broke off in particular i quote, would explain, then surely increased. what was, what it did is you might have had a nightmare with on the beach and the consequences and the 4th because the records that then it's all the of march 28, 2024. it's always up with the regret that to get the stuff the living conditions are due by the seniors and you guys have had the february that further since january 2024, especially as you already put along and widespread, pretty vision of food as all the basic necessities flush the by the sinews and
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because i stayed at being subject in the presence or the the quote notes that because i sort of like you many 30 and situation because as to which i stated it is or that of january 26, 2024 was a serious, serious competition with it has the capability and has done so even further since because adopted this order of march 28th, 2024. disregard the cause of the concern that it expressed in decision communicate with the boxes. on february 16, 2024 with respect to the developments in that i've had my 3 allies and that did you many, 30 and situation is now because i got expedited as your sources. as of
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2 weeks of intensification of minutes, even by the minutes of off with more than a 1000000 palestinians had fled as a result of his ready to give occasion orders governing more than 3 quarters of gauze as entire 33. on may 6th, 2024, nearly 100000 palestinians with orders by is an event create the eastern photo and video kit to and my wife seen and con eunice areas ahead of the plan. many 2 of us the military get out of the offensive enough, which is what i started on may 7, 2024 is still ongoing and has led to new investigation. hold this. as it is, i, i quoted being to united nations a boards nearly 800000 people have been displaced from alpha as
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a may 18 2024. the quote considers that the aforementioned device which are exceptionally grave in particular they may need to offend, sit in the far end. the resulting piece of large scale is deflect displacement, afford at the extremely vulnerable by city and for prediction. and because i said it constitute a change in the situation within the meaning of articles $76.00 of 0 is of course the court is also over to you that the measures indicated in his order of march 28th, 2024. as well as those of yeah, from that and do not fully addressed the consequences. i think from the change in the situation previously explained. the justifying the
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modification of these measures. it was an older 25 study of decision concerning me for the vision and measures because my students at the thought it says that there's general conditions that down, you know, before the, one of these factors over the course of met indicating single situation because next to the conditions for the integration of provision investors it's pretty close that and it's orders of january 26th, 2024, and march 28th 2024. it's concluded that pretty my function it had showed eviction. but when to, to get 9 with the genocide convention to in 15 degrees, the quotes he's no reason to revisit the conclusion for the purposes of decide the
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on the presence request. and the order of january 26, 2024 because of the phone that's at least some of it i've screened by south africa on the vigilant and thoughtful invention and ford, which it was seeking protection with fluid. namely that i thought would be by the students in gaza be protected from acts of genocide and related prohibited as mentioned to dr. can see that either of south africa to see is it as compliance with that that is on vacation under the convention. because so no reason to revisit this conclusion and it's older of march 28th, 2024. the quote likewise sees no reason to do so. for the purposes of deciding under present request. it is further considered that
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by the very nature of at least some of the provision and measures sort pursuant to the present request of and as present things that ice cream by the applicant that the good has found to be closer. but the good must next consider whether the current situation in phase it is of a reputable venture. this for the plausible lights clean by south africa and whether that is urgent, see the quote to the codes and disregard that it has previously concluded. that the interview over the fundamental value is so to be protected by the general side convention. the plausible lies in question in these proceedings of such a nature that the address is for them is capable of causing his reputable heart the quote, the cause that's on may 7,
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2020 fourth. it began many to offensive in the following weeks, of instance, 5 going back and that as it is approximately 800000 facing you. where the space from of off as estimate, 182024. the quote notes that senior united nations officers have consistently underscore the events that is associated with the many, 3 offensive enough for instance, on may 3, 2024. these books person over the office for the coordination of you make that enough is ward and that, and i sort of uh, would put, i quote, hundreds of thousands of people at immune and physical best and of to and will severely impact the humanitarian or buddies and diagnosis,
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which is that on, but i'm going to be out of it all on may 6, 2020 for the united nation citizens. fun indicated that about how over the approximately 1200000 by the sinews chested and the data with children and doing this, maybe 3 or patients that and with the results. and i quote, the few remaining basic services an infrastructure. they need to survive, being totally destroyed. and the do not the nation sources indicate that they offered mentioned, risks has started to make video lines and would intensify even further if the operation continues. for instance, on may 8th, 2024. divide it for general over the world type organization. 5th and the shop
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hospitality. one of the last remaining medical facilities in the governor was no longer functioning due to the ongoing cost. it is and is received on may 17, 2020 for what for the program. or that it had been able to access if warehousing enough for it hasn't been able to access it's what housing for over a week and obviously the best i could the incursion into alpha is a significant set back to this in modest, modest pro. but it's on axis and on the basis of the information for the quote is not convince that the irrigation efforts and the related measures that is a lot of times we have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians in regards to split. and particularly those recently displaced from bit of a government
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a sufficient to live. ready immense, that is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and that of the quote of the, for instance, that according to the states and by the permission, engender of united nations that are deep and deluxe agency for it. by this time, if jeez, and any of these stood for the plus a on may 18 2024. i quote. the areas that people are seem to know do not have c for the supply or sending station for city to my what i see as one example is a send the 14 squared because i'm going to get a card for the land with people left out in the open, with bitten to know these things or it lacks the minimal conditions to provide
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emergencies and ways that assistance is safe and dignified. and because of that is as has not provided sufficient information concerning the safety of the population during the evaluation process. or the, i figured, i believe in my y c area over the next see i'm out of the 4 to 70 station food medicine and says the for the 800000. but it's in units that have eva created the fund. consequently, because it's up to you, but it has not sufficiently addressed and dispelled the concern. but if i explained it through open enough slide, the conservation sets out and the proceeding sections of the old and taking accounts or the provision of the measures indicated. and it's, or those of january 26, 2024,
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and march 28th 2024. the court finds that the current situation, i think from is as many to offensive in the fall in fees. if the service i'll forget about the budget is pro supervised screen by south africa, and that is such and see in the sense that that exist, it'd be an imminent risk. that sorts of prejudice with, because before the court is find the decision, the court confuse on the basis of the aforementioned conservation, the circumstances of the case required to modify his decision said with this order of march 28th, 2024. the quote, the quote that the quote is arctic of $75.00 paragraph 2 of his fluids. where they request for the indication of version of measures has to be made. it has the power
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on the start to indicate measures that are not in whole or in part of the, the request. in the present case. i mean consider the terms of the provision and measures requested by south africa. and the typical i'm sense of the case the good find that the measures to indicate the need must be identical to those requests. the court consider that in conformity with the obligation under the genocide convention, is that it must immediately hold. it's mainly to offense. and any other action in verified governors which may inflict on the by assuming the. ready garza conditions of life that would bring about physical destruction in hold or influx of the quote. because that is that it's all good of january 26th, 2024. it's more that is an inter area to i quote,
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the effective measures to prevent destruction and ensure that but as a division of evidence relates to allegations of acts within the scope of article to dr. can city of your dental site convention. and of course, independent consensus because there's also a view that an older piece of evidence related to allegations of facts for him within the school of odd to st. oh, just doing side convention is that it must be effective measures for insured b and b that access to the guy, the script of any permission of inquiry. fact finding mission, or as an investigative body mandated by competent organs of the united nations, to investigate allegations of genocide. the court thoughtful,
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conservative that'd be catastrophic situation and go so confirm the need for the immediate and the effective implementation or the measures indicated in its orders of january 26th, 2024. ready and march 28th, 2024, which was a click of a civil out because of the, including in the fall. in these circumstances, the code finds is necessary to the measures indicated in those orders. and so doing the quotes, which is to emphasize that's the measure indicated inside of glass, $51.00 to a office or that of march 28th, 2024. the whiting, i quote, the, and the provision at scale by old concerns of simply need the basic services and to maintain of assistance. and of course, mississippi space that is funding meant in open land crossing points. and in
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particular that off crossing in view of the specific provision and measures, it has decided to indicate the quotes. consider that is a must submit a report for the court on hold measured sticker in effect with his own within one month from the date of this or to very poor. so provided was then view for many kids of south africa, which shouldn't be given the opportunity to submit for the course. it's comments that on the quote because that if or this on provision that measures on the article $41.00 of the statute have binding effects. and thus created international legal obligations for any party, the home of the provision and measures, address the quote on the line that the present order is without prejudice to
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any findings concerning the respondents compliance with the orders of january 26, 2024 and my friend is 2024 and it's orders of january 26, 2024. and march 28th 2024. the court express. it's a great one. so over the face of the hostages, abducted joining the tax, and it says on october 7, 2023 and 10 cents and buy from us. and all that i'm gonna do and quote, for the immediate and unconditioned that is, stick or signs is deeply troubling. that many of these hostages remain in captivity . and if it is scored for the immediate and unconditioned it is, i said now what is i would be open at this part of the order for these reasons. because by so dean votes to,
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to any of the pro vision and measures indicated in his orders of 26, january 2024 and march 28th 2024 which would be immediately and effectively implement in favor. but as in sort of judges able to use of choice bundari us, our monthly charge was but i'm going to is it only to cleveland? oh, that's cool. glad again 5, but i didn't simple thing. they judge a dog by 2 indicates the following provision in measures the states of visitors shot in conformity with his obligations under the convention on to provide prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide ends in view of the worst and conditions of
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life face by sea but even that on 5 government, a body, so as the invoice to, to immediately hold it's committed to offensive and any other action, instead of going to which may in 6 on the, for the sidney and group and got the conditions of life that would think about physical destruction, and holding or the influx in favor that has been set up. the judges eva uses suite, but it was all no charges. but i'm so glad to cleveland what a school plot against vice president sit within the judge. i talk about my 13 votes, the to maintain open bit of crossing for and the provision at
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scale of since we need the basic services and humanitarian assistance in favor has been set on judge was able to use a sweet body. it was, i was not charged with, but on coming through blade to evening would escal blood against vice president singleton the judge. i talked about a seat by 13 volts to, to the effective measures to ensure the and b, the access to the guy. that's clear of any inquiry fact finding mission for the other investigative body mandated by competent organs of the united nations to investigate allegations of general side in favor. but as the
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judges able to use of sh way, one diety, us our, was the charge was but on commands are believed to cleveland. what a school plot against, by spread between the charge of the city this by 13 votes to, to decide that the state. is it a try to submit a report to the code on or the measure of state going to be able to set for this order within one month, as from the date of this all in favor? and so i'm just able to home use of suite one diety. it was i will not be charged with brand remains the cleveland with that school club against vice president. simple. can they judge?
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i talk about how i should now quote on the i just of 3, the opposite of thought of the old, the in french, it's about sigma t's. yeah. cool. both ways work on to do that. i have family and as you can say about 12. so we have been listening this and the president of the international auster johnson now and has been, you know, issuing provisional orders. additional professional measures is to, as well, at the request of south africa. he has, among other things, ordered as well to immediately hold its military offensive and any other action and date it off the governor of it. let's go to our correspondence. step boston. she's joining us live on behavior and and, and step the judge went to great mens to explain how and why the court would make
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this decision. he talked about how much the circumstances have changed since the provisional measures that were ordered in january and march. you know, notion that this is, of course not the 1st time that south africa has gone to the international court of justice. why they have changed the risk, the very real risk that they posed to the palestinian people and gaza before issuing those orders took us through them. yes, it was very clear that the 13 a judge is off. the 15 were all agreeing on the fact that the situation in wi fi is wrapped lines. the situation has changed desperately. he said he was using words as a serious, exceptional guy or a situation he sat especially the fact that so many people are now this place a ton of the thousands. and he also said he doesn't believe the word that it's ro side that they were all given enough safety and humanitarian access to these people
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that are being brought to the so called contractual ation. so he said he just simply didn't see that there was no evidence of that. so that's why he has now make this very, the strong orders. that is all should stop. it means it's nice. it's offensive that it's military operation in alpha, and we brought its troops from there. it also, he also ruled on the border crossings that day needs to be opened as soon as possible. so get 2 minutes area, aiden. and also interestingly, he said that the observers from the united nations has to also get access as soon as possible to make sure that no evidence of any possible war crimes is going to be disappearing. so they need to get that access as soon as possible to do these investigations. and if so, has to report about all these steps within a month next to the courts step. thank you very much for that. no doubt we will be coming back to you very soon, but for now, let's bring in our diplomatic editor james base who has been watching the quotes, proceedings with us and
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a lot to unpack it. just before we get to the nitty into the, in the secrecy, how significant just of a weight and what do you make a very, very strong order from the court on this occasion. they've had to previous orders provisional measures. they call them where they've told israel to let the 8 in and stop some of these measures that could plausibly be leading to a genocide. but now they've followed south africa's lead, which is, was, was asking for this, south africa, very specific. this time they talked and the focus to the roof or offensive, and the orders are really clear. stop the roof or offensive. now open the roof of border crossing. now, unless any investigative body and you and body into, into gaza through the roof across the very, very clear orders that israel and he said, made a point to the end. the says, binding effect. there was an international legal obligation. this is the top court
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and the un system. it's elected by the 193 member states of the united nations that joined collection that takes place in the security council and the general assembly . it's israel isn't meant the state of the united nations on the international law . israel must do what it's told. and, but since it's being told the 1st time in january did not come at any acts that could amount to genocide, among other things as well, has killed more than 15000 people in gaza. i know that you're saying searching the very strong orders. but if we look at perhaps the most important one, the one that south africa was asking for more urgently, most urgent need to immediately hold up the military offensive. if you look at the wood in james, i wonder if as well, will find room to maneuver here because it says it immediately holds its military offensive and any other action and offer which may inflict on the palestinian group and gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction and whole or in part, could israel argue that it's all probations, don't inflict on palestinians and gaza, you know,
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the conditions of life that would bring about the destruction. how do you see the agent with it? i'm sure israel will again say we gave everyone warning and they were evacuation orders and people should just follow them. but the court talked about that and it's pretty clear it doesn't accept that. yeah, israel has to comply with this, but the 2nd part of it is israel will not. we know how israel operates. we know there are numerous security council resolutions that israel is not complied with. i have no expectation that israel is going to suddenly put prime minister netanyahu on television an hour and say we're in the, in the roof or offensive. which means that this court has done its bit. but this court has no enforcement power whatsoever in the u. m. system, the enforcement power goes back to new york can extend the question of the security council and the general assembly, particularly the security council, because that has the power under the un charter to put in enforcement measures. if
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the security council decided that it could send an international force, make israel do what it wants. so the pressure is on the security council, but in particular, the pressure is on, you know, did states, as we sold the outrage in the us earlier this week, when the international criminal court on a separate court in the hey, of came up with, with recommendations from the prosecutor, jeanette then have to go to judges of the provinces, invest in yahoo and defense minister deland should face select arrest warrants for crimes against humanity and war crimes that have taken place in gaza. it's hard for the us when it comes to this and this is the international court of justice. the old member states must abide by this and yes, the us is saying the same thing is this called the us week. so spring siding, the roof of crossing must be open and they shouldn't be around for offensive. us doesn't disagree with this. so when someone brings this up in the security council and i have no doubt that this will be the basis now of a resolution. yeah,
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towards the security council probably out you area. they have a current are a member of the security council. how is the us going to be to is that when do you expect us to come up in front of the un security council? we'll have to ask our colleagues in new york, there's actually an interesting um security council vote coming up soon on the whole issue of international humanitarian law, which is what israel is clearly defining here. not specifically about garza but about international humanitarian law and how people are not a bang it and how to strengthen it. so i'm boss is going to be meeting shortly. i think give it, given that these measures here are so strong. you could come up with a security council resolution that isn't actually a few a few, a few paragraphs long, because it's simply could say the security council did. mom, elizabeth, israel abide by the provisional measures put in place by the international court of justice. i suspect the, the way the security council works and i spent a lot of time in new york, fully met and abrasions,
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they'll be back and forth on this. the us will try and moderate others want to do. but it puts, i think, the bite and administration in a very difficult position and puts, is route in i think, one of the most difficult weeks, it's had it both diplomatic police can legally because we've had that r u. c. c. prosecute to say, and the prime minister and the defense minister should face arrest warrants. we've had this very, very strong ruling body as, as a court of justice. and we've had fresh momentum and the recognition of the posting in state by 32 european countries. and when you look at the orders and judge salon went through, who's in favor and who's against breaks down as previous orders that we've seen from the international court of justice, with 15 in favor to against the, to being the ad hoc is why the judge and the you can't and judge how much does this once again highlights what the world wants to see happen and how isolated the israel and the united states are on this?
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absolutely. um it, yes is, was telling you who that you, camden judges, julia said within the she also voted against of the majority of the court in previous discussions around the court on previous professional measures. she's, you've gotten to know actually she since become the vice president of the court since the 1st ruling of back in january a. but the, i mean, i mean, i mean the other person joining us is a judge. bach, who is just the pointed for this hearing, the way it works is you have a set of judges with that permanently. i mean, if a country is on, is, is on the of it is being discussed in the court is facing proceedings and the court, and they don't have a judge already on the court. they're allowed to have their own idaho judge. and so as these really judge who is joining to in these rulings, it's worth telling you that these, all of these judges of the international court of justice, as i say, elected by the security council. i'm the un general assembly for 9 year terms. they
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are people at the peak of the legal profession, some of them actually go beyond the legal profession. i can tell you a know 2 of them and the vin, to the 2 of them, the president of the, of the colts. i know because he used to be the lebanese on bass, so that the united nation see simple but presidents with un security council, a form of vice president, to the general general general assembly and another one of the judges of the book book. i know russ school is the form up. power in minnesota is a, is a lawyer and the distinguish lots is a full before i'm going to start over. maybe it's a paper very well qualified to be undertaking. these were people that you can wonder how they're going to create a narrative that these are anti semites because you're going to here's that sidney . james, thank you so much for now. that side diplomatic editor james base read abroad is a real cons. prosecute as an author of the book, to catch a dictate to it, and he's joining us live from new york. thank you very much for your time, mister brody. your reaction firstly,
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to the court ruling and what you've heard. well, i think this, this is just huge. um, this is a v i c j has really stepped up to confront the reality of the escalation in, in the gaza strip. i mean, these are very specific orders and stop be offensive. and rafa open the raft for border crossing allow in fact, finding emissions. there's not a lot of wiggle room here. i was really impressed about, 1st of all, by south africa's tenacity and perseverance in keeping coming back to the court and folding their feet to the fire and saying this is not enough. this is no longer good. and the court has responded and responded almost unanimously,
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including all of the western judges on the court who have really been has as, as radical as, as, as reality. i mean, it's south africa has been asking since day one for an order for, for israel to stop it's military offensive. the court has always said, well, you know, we can't do that because you're because on us, because spouse is not before this court, we cannot only order one side to stand down. and that's what they have finally chosen to do here. and it's a testament to a, this court, it's a testament to south africa. and it does, i think, together with the decision by the i c. c. prosecutor. earlier this week. it is a real one to legal punch. that's really interesting. of course, the international criminal court and the international court of justice all
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separate. but can they influence what the other is doing? and so i have no doubt i, i don't know how much the, the, this court has been influenced by the i c. c. but i, i do feel like the i c, c has been, the prosecutor has been influenced. i mean, we have, you know, the, the, the, the question of palestine has been on the desk of 3 successive icbc, prosecutors for 15 years. and no one wanted to really bite the bullet and do something even this prosecutor who came in there was a lot of speculation. i was with him at the i c c assembly. and in december, i've seen his body, his, his, his rhetoric and all that, many people felt he would not do anything. but this was a red line in the eyes big, but the political constellation at the i, c, c and the i, c,
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j is different. and it, we always assume that that there was a red line that the prosecutor of the i, c, c would not cross and that was inciting, and it was rarely official. and i think it's the, the, the, the continued honest lot by israel, the international consensus around the criminality of israel's activities. but also this case before the other court before the i c j in which the i c, j has been saying that south africa essentially has a case to answer us. and that as well as the case, the answer on genocide made an untenable for the i c. c. prosecutor, not to act, mr. voted using that, that continuing on. sloan by israel, that you mention that the latest orders by the international court of justice can have an impact. because since the international court of justice ordered the 1st set of provisional measures in january, israel has killed more than 15000 civilians in gaza. so does that makes us ruling
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put more pressure on israel and more importantly doesn't put more pressure pressure on the united states. and i think that i think that's what it does. i be israel has not been impressed with anything that the i c j. yeah. judges have done yet, but i think it's to the rest of the world who now have in front of them very specific. this is not a question of are you doing? are you behaving? are you not behaving? are you complying? the 1st rule in was to comply with the genocide convention, allow your military and the 2nd ruling was strong. in sure, you might have certain things, but this is very specific. you are are, you are not stopping your military offensive. you are, or you are not opening the raf for crossing you are or are not allowing, in fact, finding missions and, and, and the like. and i think that this quote,
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which obviously the united states uh, in a very, very difficult position. this, the us judge of voted for these measures. uh, all the us judges. i mean, again, these judges are elected in their personal capacity. they're among the most distinguished tourist in the world, but it is indicative that all of the western judges voted for these measures. mister body, i want to go go back to one point that you made at the beginning of the interview where you said that the orders are so clear, they leave no wiggle room, but i do want to speak to you ask you, you know, it's because you are required to prosecute that you have so much experience about the wording of the most important order, which is that is what it has to immediately hold as military offensive. any other action which may inflict on the palestinian group and gaza conditions of life that could bring a balance of physical destruction in whole or in pass code as well argue that it's operation and gaza. don't bring about the destruction of the palestinian people. you know, i,
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i actually haven't seen where the com is to be honest. i haven't seen where the com is, are in that settings and, and, and what does it stop immediately halt. it's military defensive in the rapids, governance and other and other actions which may create these conditions. and i don't know whether that which create these conditions modifies paul all your military actions, right, or other actions. so i don't, i don't want to answer that without see where the comments are in that sentence. ok, let's ability we will be speaking to you over the next few hours. so we'll give you time to get your head around the exact wording of that for now. that is will cons. prosecution, read brody. thank you to now let's get more on this with him. the whole city and the law in central garza hens as
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a being any reaction get to this very significant orders from the international court of justice specially pertaining to the alpha and the situation and java. well, unfortunately there is no reaction besides most of the people here where i am right now. do not have any connection to the internet or to any cause. only journalists are well aware of what's happening. again, people here in the gaza strip are currently striving to feed themselves to find clean water to drink, to find the spot to live after the continuous displacement. so people are not very well aware of what's going on there, asking journalist, and they're knocking our doors and asking us if there's anything positive button at actually we're waiting a little bit to see what this is going to turn out. we really don't want to tell people news, and to, to give them hope because we have been witnessing
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a couple of times where we told them positive news, but it's turned out like, no, it's not. so we're waiting a little bit to tell people in this situation and defies very intense. there has been carpet bomb being for a couple of residential areas in a to buddha refuge account in the center drop off. according to our sources. there's a set that a couple of injuries made it to the quite the hospital, but again of quite the hospital is a very small medical point. they do not have ice use. they do not have a if they only have a couple of beds, and they do not have a lot of doctors because most of the doctors were evacuated to the middle area. so the situation is at still a m escalating that is where the tanks are expanding their land encouraging and there are only 400 meters away from the jar hospice and drug such a word sources are telling us that airstrikes did not stop our tend to reach telling did not stop,
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and we're also talking about to 800000 palestinians that evacuated from rough uh, 2 of them in the area and to have units in the past couple of weeks when that is where the forces ordered power to send these to back. you a but there, there are at least 300000 palestinians been to this point in the fall and judge salaam of the president of the international court of justice mentioned exactly those numbers when issue and those provisional order is full as well. to start as ministry operation in alpha where you are and what is happening a lot to the hospital behind you. because we've heard uni set say that the lives of more than 20 new bones at that hospital. a freshman because oxygen will stuff as not enough. fuel is delivered as well. it was a very hard night for the hospital last night. all of this building turned off because the hospitals run out of fuel. but uh uh,
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thanks god. the world has organization gave the all acts of hospitals, 15000 meters of fuel. but unfortunately these, this number is only a, it feels up the hospital for 4 days only because of the hosp, but the needs at least 4000 meters per day. we're talking about hundreds of of uh, kidney dialysis patients who made it all the way from the far to the hospital. we're talking about more than 700 patients that are receiving their dialysis treatment every single day. we're talking about premature babies. we're talking about people connected to the oxygen machines. we're talking about surgeries where every single day, month to quote and dozens of injuries make it deluxe a hospital after they have been targeted by that is ready forces airstrikes. this is the one of the only hosp, but those still standing on a it's, it's feet. and if anything happens, if we don't have consistent fuel, there's going to be
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a dire situation in the middle area in the cause of him. thank you very much for that. handle that he lives in, they don't belong that's bring it in. wrong. com. now it reminded 2 of you was a prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his government, his band, alger 0, and as well, which is why we have a portion from the jordanian capital amman. and, and ron, i hear that you've already seen some reaction from israel to the building. that's right. what we're hearing from diplomatic. so do so we'll say is to is really channel a 13 uh the tv channel apartments. and then you know, who is going to convenient emergency meeting in the meeting will be the farm is the, is all cats, woman is the many guns and the government's judicial advise that that's how seriously they taking this route. but the 1st reaction has actually come from the finance minister, bentonville, smoked ridge, one of the governing one of the members of the hot right part of the coalition. he says the state of his are eligible for his own existence. inside terms of history, we could not stand on our own today,
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the jurors people have the independence ability to protect our lives. it's a lengthy statement, but he ends with we continue to fight for ourselves in the entire free world. history will judge the who today stood by the nazis of how mass and isis. now we're also hearing from the political soul says the speaking to local media in is rep. um, they being told that as well is not going to respond to the decision of the quote uh by politically o. militarily it's already holding under the table talks with america. those folks have been ongoing since this, this ad decision was about to take place and they expect washington to veto the resolution right and wrong. thank you for that. and ron con, joining us live from amman. let's bring in a white house correspondent company how it, cuz she's joining us live from washington dc. how was the us viewing the proceedings of the i c. j. kimberly well,
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we know that the binding administration is very likely viewing and has been watching. but in terms of reacting well, we haven't had an official statement just yet, but we certainly had statements all week in reaction to just the anticipation of the events on friday. and the idea that there would be the pursuing of the arrest warrants and what we know is that the white house has been are from happy. in fact, the us president has been angry and he has said as much she as the white house has repeatedly said, it does not recognize the jurisdiction of the i c. c. and the us president has also said there's no equivalence between israel and her moss. now, on capitol hill? speaker johnson has said that the congress has even pursuing perhaps the potentiality of sections for events. some of the members of the i, c. c from entering the united states. so it's clear that there is no support for this. and there may even be potential consequences as a result. kimberly thank you for that. that is our white house correspondent,
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kimberly how could live in washington dc. no doubt we will be going back to kimberly, when we have some reaction from the white house to the latest news from the international court of justice. that is the you wens, quote, the wells top course, in fact, in the hague, in the netherlands, which has ordered israel to halt its military operation. and also among other measures, which have been requested by south africa, which is accusing as well of genocide at the will's top court has returned to the international court of justice. return to the international court of justice 2 weeks ago for the 4th time asking for additional provisional measures for the protection of palestinians and gaza for the protection on the day of rights. under the just in genocide convention, all of which the court has ordered is round to do. we will have ongoing coverage of this rolling in just a few minutes. we will continue on coverage. thank you for watching
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the unique perspective. a deep fake image of donald trump with flood photos to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly real. it on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream on al jazeera, a meeting of minds with israel committing genocide before our eyes, and none of our mainstream politicians across the board seem to have a problem with that campaigner andrew fine. stay and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis against each one of us. these are with this,
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and this is upon us. as with this is to be able to validate for the seeing around the studio will be on script part to own disease. so we news of eunice goes world press freedom prize, were announced a collective award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war wrong. does one of the recipients alj a z or is guys a bureau chief? why i sent a message of appreciation. he says palestinian terrorist and guys i need justice and protection. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bumps before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalist have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalist covering the environment. the number of attacks against the terminal is to us specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts
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say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable. the the world court orders as well to immediately hold its assault on the law fight in southern gaza with hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been sheltering on the sides. is it, it must immediately hold. and any other action ended up in a government which making 6 garza conditions, the nice thing about physical destruction in


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