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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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a list of those what tax tax and silence journalist to be held accountable the the world court orders as well to immediately hold its assault on the law firm and southern gaza, with hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been sheltering on the side. is that it must immediately hold me to events and any other accident which may inflict. ready guns of conditions or nice things about physical destruction in the the put on them. and this is i will just be around live, some don't hot. so coming up the i,
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c j judge has ordered israel to open that up for border crossing to allowed desperately in need of humanitarian assistance. and to gaza with hundreds of palestinians waiting for treatment. one hospital receives fuchs, but only enough for a few days, we will be live at all on the hospice within the central garza, the we begin by breaking news. the us top court has ordered israel to immediately and military offensive in the fight in southern gaza. the international court of justice says the situation is disastrous and could cause irreparable damage to the rights of the palestinian people. it's also ordered as well. to reopen that off a border crossing to an hour and urgently deeded humanitarian aid. the order is legally binding, but the i, c, j has no power to enforce it in south africa which fall the case accuses israel of
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carrying out genocide against the palestinians. the ruling adds to increasing international pressure on israel to end. it's warmed, also, which has kills more than $35800.00 palestinians. the quote, the quote that's on may 7, 2024 is the gun immediately offensive in the following weeks of instance, 51 bar. and that as it is approximately 800000 facing you where display. so i'm going off off as estimate 182024 on the basis of the information for the quote is not convince that the recreation effort and the related measure that is the funds to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians and because of split and particularly those recently
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displaced from that of a government is sufficient to live yet immense. it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and that of the court consider that in conformity with the obligation under the genocide convention is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense and any other action instead of a governor, which may inflict on but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or info. we have a team of correspondents covering the story when get reaction from inside gaza, amman, and washington dc shortly and in the hague, with step boston. but 1st, let's get some analysis from mazda of domestic edits, a james base, and james, incredibly strong, willing from the international court of justice, judge salon went to the exactly how and why the court believed that it has the
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pallets what the additional provisional measure is. and why he has to order the court had to order as well, just stop as military operation. and there's also a most noticeably yes, i mean, i've had a bit of explanation about how the circumstances are changed on the ground. how they've got much, much worse on the ground since the previous 2 orders in january and in march. and then he's all to itself will the court's order itself, which is relatively brief. it has only 3 main points. stop the roof offensive, open the roof of crossing. now, unless any un investigated bodies that want to go in, in the right now to see what's going on on the ground. this coming from the highest court in the u. n. system of the to one of the main organs of the united nations. and he made it clear that this has binding effect on the as an international legal
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obligation. or any policy that's mentioned in this order in the porter is basically direct to this row. you must comply with this of course, we know from the past that being to provisional measures by the school to ready to be in a security council resolution. and israel is ignoring all of it so very much i think . we look now into how this could be enforced and who it could be enforced by. so when can we expect us to come in front of the un security council, which is the only ability that can influence that drives? yeah, the un security council. interestingly, this has come down in the last out of the un security council, as we speak is convening, have a session, and it's focusing on the resolution. i have it here, which is not about going so specifically it's a switch resolution. but the title is protection of humanitarian personnel, and united nations and associated personnel and the premises and assets. so it's talking about you and personnel in was very, very relevant here. when you remember that a 193 now is to configure
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a 193 un stone off of loss that lives in gauze, 193. maybe a familial number, 193 is the number of member states of the united nations. so there's one un personnel for every single country in the world, but it's an unprecedented number as input chatham, e. conflict, any conflict since the start of the united nations? it is, it is an amazing in, in this timeframe, an amazing figure. and so the security council, i think, could come up with a, a, any member of the security council come up with resolution. he's most likely to be out here with the con, arab member of the security council. i've been speaking to the diplomats on the phone like cutting gave, has been speaking to them on the floor. i think we could see some pretty swift action on this. i think at the end of what has been, i think, diplomatically, illegally a terrible week is or help. because remember, the, all the cold in the, hey, the international criminal court that prosecute is referring the idea of arrest warrants
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to these ready prime minister and these, right? the defense minister to a pre trial panel of crimes against humanity and war crimes. they are accused, all wheel says, so 3 prominent european countries of recognizing palestine was saying they're about to recognize, protest dot in the next few days. and so i think israel is more isolated than at any points since, since october, so particularly bad week for as well. we had the bite and administration in president biden, cole, b, i. c, c's developments at the international criminal court seeking a response for nothing. yahoo and gland outrages. but how do for coal to position does the latest i c, j international court of justice board and put the bite and administration? and given that the quote is ordering what the bided administration has been asking as well to do? yeah. button, the ministrations repeatedly said. raffle crossing needs to be open to find the ministrations repeatedly said it didn't want a right for offensive. so the court is simply backing up and tale what the us
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administration has been saying. and it's more difficult than the i c. c. i think for the, for the, for the us, because the us isn't to submit treat to the rome statute to the international criminal court. the us never want to be positive and cool because it's always word the one that us military personnel could be put before the court. but the international court of justice that's existed since the stats of the united nations . in fact, it's actually a we named devotion of a court that existed in the print assessor the league of nations there in the peace process building in the, in the hey, it's the justices that you saw on the bench that they are elected by the un security council and the un general assembly is a single chain. usually they have to majority and both bodies in order to get on that court. they are renowned legal, so it goes, eliciting on that cold, it's going to be very, very hard for the bite and administration. i think to say that this is in some way biased because the vitamin ministration. remember when it comes to ukraine says
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you've got to trust the rules based international load or will this is the top of the tree of the rules based international mold. yeah. and we have seen them say those sorts of things at different un officials. i'm thinking of, you know, the un special reputable for the occupied palestinian territories. and the kinds of things that the by that and ministration have said about to the court of the us accepts the court's jurisdiction. it's like you say, even had a judge on the court. and yet it has said, members of the us state department have said that they don't believe that what as well as doing could amount to genocide in gaza. yes. but the, and that's who's the, oh, the rule case that is bit that south africa's bringing a genocide case. but this old reason is not specifically about genocide this or to is a provisional about the circumstances on the ground. the fact that the circumstance on the ground potentially could lead to genocide and the specific points that making here are specific points that the bite in ministration agrees with the
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certainly the, the open, the roof of crossing and stopped the rough or offensive. and you mentioned francesca albanese, the special russell to for human rights and the policy the entire truth. well, the 3rd point in this order would allow her to go on the ground and investigate. and now they play who has a commission of inquiry against that top by the human rights council of the united nations. those people wouldn't be allowed to go on the ground under this order and investigate. if israel complies i have no doubt israel will not comply is just the question of what the security council does next. and given the way the security council works and 5 members having the veto of everything, the one that could veto the one that is key to all of this is across the united states. james, thank you very much for now. that's honda for medic edits a james face. well, let spring in step loss and she is joining us live from the hague. and so step has the court ordered everything that south africa us for judge salon did say that the
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court orders don't have to be exactly what the applicants cost for. i know the court actually didn't fulfill all the requests that south africa has. and i just spoke to the south african team and they weren't quite release and they said it's a major step forward. but the one thing that the court didn't follow through with was the complete withdrawal from guys that south africa also has requested in this additional professional and mattress. uh, one of the lawyers said maybe that was a bridge too far. at this stage. of course they were hoping for that order as well, but they're very relieved to hear at least that the it's now this order to completely stop the military offensive in that house. and also very important for south africa is the fact that observers can be let in and actually do some investigation there. that's something that the south african team has really been the calling for desperately in the last couple of months. and of course,
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it's clear now to see that's a also the judge just found it. it's kind of frustrated with the fact that in 4 months time and after us we binding or this basically as well has to continue to breach these. busy the so this is also the reason i think that the court now came up with this quite firm or to, to stop this offensive immediately. and also said that we're not convinced by israel, so statements that we heard to you last week in the hague, that they were doing everything to provide safety to people, to the so called evacuations. owens to judge a simply didn't by that and said that people are really in a very dire, exceptionally grave situation, is how he called it. absolutely. he notion that since the 1st professional orders for original measures have been ordered just how many more people have died, how much more destruction this being destruction and displacement step to the south african delegation,
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say anything to you about what the next steps will be given that as well as very unlikely to comply with these measures as well, they didn't. and one of the reasons for this is that for them, for the south african team, it was also a surprise that this ruling would come today so quickly. so the team was simply not complete, they were basically represented here today by the ambassador, was based here in the netherlands. and he said he needs to, of course, reconvene with the complete team and also with the delegation from south africa, from the ministry of foreign affairs to discuss further steps. but they said to me, it's a major step forward to a meeting. also there will be more steps to follow steps. thank you so much for that for now. that is step lawson joining us live from the hague as well as finance minister who's just tweeted his reaction to the i. c j ruling saying the
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state of israel is that wolfowitz existence, those who demanded to stop the people demanding it to create itself to cease to exist. we will not agree to that well, the government to benjamin netanyahu has banned elder 0 from the fulton from israel . so let's go to saw high rock who's joining us from the jordanian capital amman and, and expected response from the is where the finance minister saw what more we hearing from israel. yeah, we had that immediately before the orders had been completely right. doubts and facts and this uh, some of us are smart trips in finance. minnesota is one of the most extreme ministers in government. so that didn't come as a surprise, but local is really media has been reporting that the prime minister himself has orders and emergency meeting with the government's traditional advisor as well as
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some of the ministers. that's all the only just in the wood cabinet. one of those being many guns up, but it's also the foreign. minnesota is around cats who has been incredibly outspoken against the recognition of the palestinian statehood. now in terms of reaction, it's also being reported the bend bit small. ben deville that's the national security administer has also responded to this, and he's a party has said that the n c symmetric quotes decision, that's what he's calling. it must be to occupy rougher and increase military pressure. he said on how much on. so we all victorious now in terms of israel's position, obviously is james was saying it's been an incredibly difficult week for is right on the international stage, but not already on the international stage because of domestic. 8 a probably tests as well against the government, and certainly also splits within the whole cabinet are becoming increasingly vocal
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against the prime minister himself. so a very difficult week, but is ro now in terms of its relations with the us, it seems that behind closed doors, they're all me things. and there certainly has been, it seems right until these orders were right to out today. israel says that it won't be a binding by it, but it will ignore it. and also there are reports that. 6 ministers have been told to be quiet at the moment if there are thoughts despite those too far, right? ministers speaking out, but that's because of the sensitivity as well because they probably know anything they say could be held accountable against them. now in terms of those orders that we've just been talking about when we talk, for example, when the, when the i c, j has said that they need to allows you and observe is to go in and monitor and assess the situation and see if genocide is happening in garza, well, even ourselves, john let's no one has been allowed in since the war starts it apart from
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a select few. so even when it came to international journalist or domestic journalist, it's under the supervision of the as riley's, they're insuring, but no one can move in or out. and as we have been seeing as well with the aids and in fact, it's also been blaming all the countries, including for example, egypt which had spoken out yesterday and the day before yesterday. say that any roommates or anything but is saying that they are suffering. any c spot do, or preventing aid from entering into the gaza strip will be met with them pulling out of the negotiations. but regardless of all of this is rel, notice that it's at the moments under incredible scrutiny was wides. this isn't the fast will that israel has car adults on gaza. it's the most ferocious and the largest number of tests. but we have seen sale now, but many countries, including public members across the walls on now seeing the destruction and the
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numbers of desks are increasing no matter what p r campaign is, riley is using. this is clearly not going to be good for them. and even though they say they don't care what the world says, another yeah, continue with that goals. they actually do cap. well that's exactly what i was going the about. so they won't believe that they're doing the right thing. that's exactly what i was going to ask you solve because we have is, you know, we've heard them say that there was no pallet that can stop them. but we, you know, they have telling them ministers not to speak out about this. that's why the government has, is convening a wood cabinet meeting, which shows that they also septal to what's happening on the wall stage. the turning tide against what as well as doing in gaza to is there a 100 of very strong p all campaign? they've invested some many years in ensuring that their policies are accepted around the walls of it seems to not charlotte side has been changing when this war
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started. when we 1st spoke to covering this will last of the western world box israel completely. that's even a refuse to meet with the palestinian authority. they'd refuse to even listen to any policy unions on what happens on october 7 and such. and it took a very long time for the palestinians to put that thoughts across. and that message across as to what was happening in garza, but even the european and western countries assaulted to speak out. and now there's a change inside. you have germany that has stood by israel and even they said that they would accept whatever the i c c decides, and not a big part of the israel. so it's in the for any of those allies. but it does need at the moment as it finds itself under our lots of international pressure, not only to n z, a offensive and dropbox, but to end the war entirely. now in terms of what i was just saying to domestically as well, you have the families of those still held captive,
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3 bodies were retrieved today this morning. there are plenty more people. a 128 cops is still in gaza, alive or dead. still unknown, but best families are putting pressure on the government every single day to end the war because they know that if something isn't done soon, those family members, those friends will be coming back in body bags. and they have been protesting every week. not just every stop today is we have seen as a custom throughout the last 2 months. but every single day, just a few days ago, they has a bone fire outside the defense ministry. and they also released a video of 5 of females. soldiers on the day that they were captured on october, the 7th. they said ahead of a me say, so try and put pressure on the government to go back to the negotiating table to go back to agreeing to whatever the terms and conditions that thomas has put forward.
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i'm the media, it's is increasing. catch all, which speaking of cats or the moment it's being reported that they all in europe at the moment some meets with most sides dot c a is riley, secret service as well as the u. s. i. c, i a c troy and bosh out something to ensure that deal does come back to the table. now another thing, lots of people forget is that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is actually on trial way before he came into power. through this coalition, government sees the longest southern prime minister. israel has ever seen bots. increasingly, people all spreads out. they blame him as well as the ministry for october, the 7th. just yesterday, the minutes released adult human saying that they had warned him, i was one to the government before october, the 7th. that this attack could happen. but divisions within the government on the anti government process, but well happening, what we can them in front of the likes of how much so a lot, hey, it's
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a pick and i'm sure we're going to be receiving much smaller reaction that we'll be hearing. not just from the is riley officials, but on the international stage. so thank you very much for that. so now that a saw highlights reporting from the to damian capital. and that is because the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government has banned alj a 0 from reporting in israel. so we have a porting from amman instead come off as welcome to voting by the international court of justice. and the statement, it says it expected the i c j to issue a decision to stop the aggression and genocide against all people in all of casa, not just in, at alpha. let's get more now with hendo who, that is. she's joining us live from data a lot in central gaza and so reactions from, from us welcoming the decision on that off of that saying that they really wish that the court has ordered israel to stop this operations and of gaza, which is one of the things that south africa was asking for and tell us about the
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situation in adolfo, which the, the strongest of the provisional measures that the court order a court order apply to. because judge salon, the president of the international court of justice did take note that more than 800000 people have fled alpha in the past 2 weeks. because of as well as evacuation orders and operations on the well as we are speaking right now and reference as being a witnessing intense r talerie selling in the 10s air strikes. we're also talking about carpet bomb bang for residential buildings. what is carpet bonding is when it is rarely strikes targets the same area with more than 5 or restricts. in the same exact minute. we're talking about a carpet bombing in as a boot, a refuge account where it's very densely populated. uh, but with that density population, people, yes. evacuated,
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but we're talking about more than 200000 palestinians sent in roughly. and they are residents of roof. where there are also a tank station, 400 meters away from on ms. jar hospital in odessa. and we're also a hearing from eye witnesses and our sources and verify that the air strikes does not stop, are totally restarting, did not stop, and multiple injuries were transferred to escalate the hospital and in a flash. and it's the only facilitating hospital in that area. and it's not really a hospice, and it's a more of a medically point where there's a know, i see you new units and most of the doctors there evacuated. so it's still escalating. and the situation is not guessing any calmer and drop off. and the world health organization and has been speaking in the past week about the number of medical points, hospitals and health care centers, which are all different things is how many of them have been affected by, as well as, you know, evacuation orders, they call them and unicef,
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the u. s. children's agency is saying that the lives of more than 20 newborns where you are at unlocks the hospital. a threatened because the lack of fuel at that hospital because the oxygen supply that they are on will run out should move. few isn't delivered urgency well yes, yes to day that the hospital turned off because it's literally run out of fuel. i talked to one of the hot officials and they told me they use punches to take everything that's left out of the fuel tank. they get called the international community and they called the united nations to give them and if you and yes, the w h o provided 15000 liters of fuel to the hospital because we're talking about premature babies. we're talking about kidney dialysis patients. we're talking about surgeries that are being has every single hour or 2 palestinians are injured. but
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unfortunately up the hospital needs 4000 meters of use every single day to keep this hospital going on. and, and the point is if this happens, it's going to be cut fast or freaked because this is one of the only hospitals that still facilitating. it's not only having patients injuries, and it's also having hundreds of the space people that completely rely on the electricity sources. and now this hospice, it is also a hub for journalists that are both costing to the world, but the hospital stays that there is no consistency. they, there is no guarantee that they would receive more fuel in the next upcoming days. and thank you so much for that, that is our correspondence. and l was it able to very legs, since she's lived for us from outside. i like saw mazda is hospital in bed, all blah, in central. doesn't spring in our white house correspondent, kimberly how could she's joining us live from washington, dc. and kimberly,
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just in the last few minutes with seeing us media reporting that is really minister benny gods, who was of course, administered in the wood cabinets that he has spoken on the phone with the us secretary of state anthony, blinking about that i c. j going on and off. of course that's not expected. we know that the as riley and officials and us officials was speaking to each other. so i suppose to figure out a plan which ever way the i c j. well was, i mean, how is the us been viewing the proceedings of the i c j, especially coming off to what's happened to the international criminal court this week? as well all week the united states has been watching this from the monday on were there has been angry statements coming out of the bible ministration with regard to just see a to is a patient of what was ahead from the outset of the announcement that there would be the pursuing of arrest warrants. we've had an angry statements from not only the
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us president, but also the secretary of state. in fact, i looked back on my notes of what the statement was from at to the blinking. and it was extremely detailed where he said it was very clear in his view that the i c, c has no jurisdiction. and he went on in a statement to say that the court rushed the pro. 7 in terms of its investigation and the charges and the feeling of the binding, the ministration but of and to be blinking. the secretary state himself is that israel's legal system is the one that should have been investigating whether it was genocide, whether it was the israel's war and gaza and how is proceeding, or even the military offensive, baldwin rasa. that this is where the legal process should be. that is where the jurisdiction is and it was doing so and should have been allowed to have time to proceed. so the prep it rather be secretary. so it goes on to question the
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legitimacy of the i c. c in terms of jurisdiction and also the credibility of the investigation. and he further went on to say that this could call into question how things play out in terms of ceasefire efforts. and also what this could mean in terms of the future of getting a captains returned and also humanitarian aid for the palestinian. so he sort of indicates that this could have some dire a fax in terms of how this plays out. we should also tell you that the us presence it himself has been very, very clear as has the national security council spokesperson, john kirby and the national security advisor jake sullivan. when it comes to be is the latest of comments and rulings by the international criminal court with respect to investigating genocide, the white house does not believe that there is
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a case of genocide to be investigated. they have been very clear. in fact, the us presidents saying what is happening is not genocide. they do not believe that this is something that is being committed by israel. i'm really thank you very much for that. that's all white house correspondent, kimberly help it live in washington dc. we will go back to company later on, of course, over the next few hours, but we're going to take, you know, nations where the united states deputy invested it to the you wanna speaking that's wrong with words. let's listen in putting the lives which monitor and work is at risk as a work to stave off famine and provide by saving assistance. since the start of the war, sedan is become one of the most dangerous places in the world, freaking out of terrance. we mourn the loss of 2 icrc, the staff in south dot for just this month. and we fear what horrors lie had. if the parties plunged further into the spiral of death and destruction as we speak the r as.


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