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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this is been use our lives from dell. how coming up in the next 60 minutes? well, the top cold old is ralph. this stuff is ministry operation. and off i immediately saying the situation in southern city in gaza is disastrous. international court of justice also is israel to open the offline crossings to allow much navy to monetary and age into gauze. dire situation. the strips,
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few remaining functioning hospitals on the brink of collapse. this severe shows that use of fuel and medical supplies the beginning and use uh with the latest routing by the world's top cold ordering israel to immediately ended smooth tree offensive. and ralph in southern garza, the international court of justice says the situation is disastrous and could cause irreparable damage to the right. so the palestinian people. it's also old of israel to open that off on the border crossing to allowing urgently needed humanitarian aid. the order is legally binding by the i, c. j has little policy when false that south africa, which filed the case accuses, is relative counting out genocide against the palestinians. the routing adds to increasing international pressure on israel to end this war on gaza,
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which has killed more than $35800.00 palestinian listed facing the court. consider that in conformity with the obligations under the genocide convention. it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense and any other action instead of a government which may inflict on the by assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx. the quotes wishes to emphasize that'd be measured, indicated in paragraph 51 to a office or that of march 28th, 2024. the whiting, i quote, the and the vision at scale by all concerned of us. and we need the basic services and to maintain the system. and of course, mississippi space that is funding meant in open land crossing phones. and in particular that off across all we have
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a team of correspondents covering this story. we'll get reaction from inside gaza. a mind, washington, dc, and the un shortly. but we start in the hague with step by soon she joins us live from outside that cold. so 1st of all, step, we're getting reaction. i'm hearing from south africa to that routing from the cold behind you take us through what's well they saying? so yeah, south africa, sony quite we leased. uh, we got a statement, the saying that they call it a ground breaking decision because this is basically the 1st time uh the i c j. and as for months, long process already in the genocide case has not ordered israel to at least hold it military operations in one part of god. so we know that south africa last week actually asked for military withdrawal from the whole of gaza. so the court didn't follow, that's a request, but they did say, you know,
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hold all the military operation in alpha, a withdrawal from that and also left very important the observers in to investigate possible war crimes being committed there. because of course, this case is based on the genocide convention. and also the court said that any genocide or potential genocidal acts as the court has ordered before to its route should stop immediately. and the whole of guys are so very crucial, a ruling and a south africa side. it's basically a ceasefire because it's calling on one of one major party in the conflict to stop it's hostilities. step the code is given this route a month rhonda that in a week which is what i think south africa was asking for before it has to report back. i'll take us through that process of what happens next and cool as well. we know it's
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a legally binding order that the court now has imposed on israel. we also know that the last 3 orders in this case has basically been ignored. so the question is now what political pressure will be put on is around looking at the un security council where this order can be brought to. and the interesting thing also about this reporting back because south africa asked indeed for a weekly weekly report back from as well on steps the data display king. now the court has denied that the that the request from south africa say a month is enough. and of course that's the, that's the raises questions because a lot kind of course happened in the months. and this reporting back pro says that we've seen in the last 4 months has been very unclear. it's also not a public process. so we don't know what is wrong is responding, but they have been sending laptops to to for the last couple of months saying that they have been taking steps. now the court has now today ordered that this steps
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were not clearly enough. all right, we'll leave it the thanks so much. step foster as well as finance minister is just tweeted his reaction to the i. c j routing saying the state of as well is that will for its existence. those who demand it stops the war on demanding it to decree itself to cease to exist. we will not agree to that. let's try it as being banned by, as well as bands. all that out is 0 from the full thing that so we're going to have an outside of fight on who joins us from the joint damian, capital a man so. so i ran out the statement that some one is right, the official understand. they have been meeting where is that meeting going? of hello, sorry. well, we know that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has caused an emergency meeting with the legal advisor to the government, as well as will cabinet administer,
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as well as the foreign administer as road caps has been very vocal in the last few days against the recognition. all palestinian statehood by the way, island and spray. now it seems that some of those me things are going to be happening soon as they haven't started already. there's also reports that so the israel is speaking darkly with us at the moment since that budget, but also ministers have been told not to speak out because anything that's being said they need to comb through the legal a wedding, all these orders and they want to make sure it seems that people don't make them liable to anything they say, but also to ensure that if any action is taken later on, but they all in the, in legally, in the right. so clearly they are warriors. clearly they all can sons. having said that, so it seems since those orders were puts out by the i c, j,
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b strives and raphael have intensified and that's exactly what some of the ministers that have been speaking out and cruising national security administer. it's a mob been because they all saying is the actually, if anything we should go into the alpha, even honda, but this will won't be any ending any time soon. it's not surprising. know, israel has maintained throughout all of this, despite international objection, including from it's because a lot of us to come back, it's operations and then also a 100 by some countries saying that they should stop all together. it says though that it needs to achieve its goals. it wants to get rid of him us entirely. it believes this is the only way forward, and also believes that the only way it can bring back those comp says is a 120 sizes in still house in gauze. it is by continuing with the military movement in rough or how as well as the across the whole or because the
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strip not just wanted to go through some of that reaction. we've heard from these riley settlements minutes. the art struck saying that israel is fighting it, they full it's life. and that's the kind of language that using saying that it's nothing more than an m. c. symmetric fits of upsets in, in products. bank of it also cause it an to symmetric quote to they kept much they do in some ways because of the tide and the type of change his where israel is on the much scrutiny. but they still still say that they will go ahead with its will on garza. all right, thanks so much to sort of hide then just to remind everyone that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is government has banned al just here from reporting in this role. that's why i was speaking to sort of today from the jordanian capital a mind? well, joining us on the phone now is seeing the how my spokesman osama come down. he joins us from by root. so 1st of all,
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let me get your reaction to the routing from the i c j today. okay, let me try again, mr. him down. if you can hear me, i was asking for your reaction to the routing from the international court of justice, which is just come out a few hours ago. all right, i think what we're going to try and do is maybe try and establish contact that lights instead. lights go to the un headquarters with the policy them by. so there is speaking we all the months or let's listening. so i might have said had just the eps the 50, and i eat so much worn out of the side of my you turn the for may just thought i'd let the and the image will make the resolution that has been committed in those of others go to it out,
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so the god then protection of the civilians and then the month to talk to you then much more that'll be and the road my girls are confirmed in a sense of the protecting the civilians and other military and working when united nation employee and stuff and the weight announce all attacks like in this, the civilians and when it comes to guys and the violation was committed by the is riley forces, again as the humanitarian workers and the civilians are we take this opportunity to make sure that the, the main principles and the minute interest is to stop quiet thing and guys that particularly in rough and to deliberately meditative enabled necessary for the different guys and to stop the plans that went out of the out of room. the welcome to the procedures, template procedures of the, the international court of justice. and the issue is of an old that to stop
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immediately. this really minutes a operations in rough uh the rules and to confirm the necessity of committing is right to do this without any delay. how do you his next and let's see the month. so it's up to you sure can uh, a fee and well, how much? thank you. my brother mohammed, let me let and thank you for my legs and bass of those a lot of the, of the out of countries body. we decided this to day in a meeting to have these press sort of this press conference and as said by my brother mohammed line that up to the top. that was the out of extremely importance. first for them, the endorsement, all the skilled accounts of the government with is illusion. we should know exactly, but he may need a, a full and how much or again this the rule till the
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practices of this really focuses and guides. the in more than one paragraphs. they pull full stop and the solution protection of the civilians, protection all the amenities in the world because protection of the mass of nations, employees, and that those 12 by those and then those 5 uh, committed by the some is really 5 shows and we need to respect to the amount of tavian internationally the national low and all that limits mentioned in this is illusion. glad important. and we'd like to thank switzerland and i'm of the of a conference who so folds of this was an ocean from inside and outside this security council in the united was voting was blades full. teen country is with a full that i've sent to you against the illusion behind the solution is another solution that is
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a must be committed to duplicate of the civilian from all the international workers and the monetary and stuff to provide the necessity of life. so our people in guys that insufficient the amount was very wiggly, and on top of everything to stop a fighting and to reach us is fine to protect, to this with billions and to say is live as of the innocent people in guys. this is our 1st and top priority as an auto group and then that the nation's and we have done that through the a, the last month, a certain lab. the other important topic that happened today is the resolutions. yeah. all the decision, all this, all the international court of justice, look, i'm being a decisions and we welcome the, the procedures that the, the eyes, the g had was leslie to abide by on top of the everything,
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the stop minutes rate and actions in rough. and we said that there are certain of the procedures on the, the, by the i, suzy, that us, the stop, every minutes a, a russian in guys that again, is the policy union. people say i'm of the guys this 3. and this, the opening of the draft that gloss and allowing the humanitarian aid to be provided to the people in needing guys it with enough amount to solve the problem that i could move around 80000. they've been forced to leave rough, and this is not acceptable as we welcome. these are the decisions we look at these procedures and we suppose the eyes of the mice and we insist that the, as a result is month to be committed. must be respected by israel
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and by everyone who are interested in stopping the genocide in guys. this trip is really has nothing to do but the committed satisfied to all these decisions on the, imposed by the i at the national court of justice. and we would like to affect in this regard, the, in the country of south africa and every other country who as opposed to the requests of south africa and we need more decisions by the i said the to protect our, our people in guys the from was they got an g and aside, and we will continue our efforts here in new york. the out of group will continue its efforts together with other groups. and it's good to counsel, not the general assembly. me then old the to see, these are the resolutions and business solutions on my uh,
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being respected and implemented that we are here as a invest the doors addressing the media. we are grateful to you. we speak to you all the time to tell the truth to tell the story that should be told to an audience in all the corner of the globe. to things of extreme importance happened today wasn't in the security council. we are grateful for switzerland and all those hooks corresponds to the draft resolution and those who voted in favor of the resolution in which no single country voted against it, that there was in the ocean is tailor to god's without necessarily mentioning goes up by name with regard to the protections of civilians, whether it got to the protections of international affairs. so not including you and personality and specifically on order. what person on condemning that killing of hundreds of international that. so now in the human field, a po,
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uh, condemning incitement by is that i, the officials and getting large number of a lot of people in the sense, a genocide against a lot of people. and according for opening old crossings, providing humanitarian assistance, a scale, and comfortability of those that are responsible for these crimes to face the justice that they should face. and we are uh, satisfied that the security council adopted this resolution. it would be greatly helpful. and hopefully, having seized by are definitely stopping this onslaught and preventing the invasion overall. the other uh, the subject to that uh, we uh, want to share with you is the, the provision of the my job is adopted by the i c,
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j. we are grateful for south africa and those were supported them for going back to the i c j asking them for additional probably do another my just and the we welcome these probably generate my drugs, including a stop in, you know, the military operation in bluff. i we believe that the pro budget and my dad is of the i c j also previously aust for stopping old military operations and the gaza strip and stuffing these crimes and the potential crimes of the genocide. i guess a lot of people in the gaza strip and we also welcome the fact that they called for the opening overall 5 crossing for providing humanitarian assistance to scale. and to continue fighting against the crime against humanity of mass rumsfeld, including the pushing of $800000.00 of palestinians on,
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on the rough uh to move to other parts of the, the gaza strip. we would make everything possible in our capacity as a group with other groups that oh, i see none of the african group and others to see the implementation over his illusions over the secure to console, the general assembly and the i c j that the calls among other things for an immediate cease fire to take place to save lives, and to allow a lot of people to start attending to the wounds inflicted upon them by this aggression of israel, and particularly in the gaza strip. we are grateful to the auto group for stay and standing together strongly united to uh, to push for all these things. we are grateful to a lot of representative in the security council of brothers from the juliet who are in the forefront. working with everyone,
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including in this case with switzerland to see the success and the adoption of this draft resolution. thank you for being with us. do you expect action and the security council? will you ask for action? and the security council resolution endorsing the i c j decision or the in training it some way. and secondly, do you really see the i c j decision today? changing the situation on the ground. will israel implemented? we expect the resolutions of the, the i c, j a to be implemented without hesitation. that's mandatory and is a, is, as i said, 5 due to the convention. and the convention is crystal clear on this issue. so is it a, it has to abide by the decisions and the demands from the i c j
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with regard to our efforts and the security council. we've been working as an out of group for a lot of representative and julia. and in fact, we had some elements so you can call it a draft resolution regarding that alpha. so then we can see collaboration between what the i c j did and what we, the ups and you have been engaged in, in the security council through a lot of representative to see full consultation and work with all members of the security council that, that these decisions to be implemented. thank you very much. we need more rulings from the i c j to protect people from genocide, the woods that'd be kind of soon and by so to the united nations who went on to say we expect readings of the i c. j to be implemented is riley said,
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had to abide by the minds of the i. c. j also indicated that we're working on a draft resolution on the drop off and working through consultation to see how i can much that's with wants just happened at the i c j. let's go over now to i'll just here is gabriel. amazon though, joins us live from the un headquarters, gave a lot to get through them. that's 1st of all, start with what happened to the i c. j. we've heard now from the, our group of diplomats of view and what are we hearing in terms of reaction and rumblings from the why the diplomatic community there in the un as well. they're basically saying, let's wait and see. i mean, there was a security council meeting this morning and the i, c j decision came down about half an hour before that security council meeting began. so there wasn't much time for a masters to really digest it. nevertheless, we stood right outside the security council chambers, as advisors were going in, i asked robert would the deputy us ambassador to the un, his reaction, he basically said, i haven't read it yet. give me some time to read it before i can react to it. we
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asked the same with the french in bass, or he gave me the same answer. let us read it. we haven't had time to really digest it yet. again, this was a little over an hour ago. so this news is still being digested here by investors at the un, quite frankly, i'm sure they're talking to their capitals. they've gone back to their offices and sort of crafting messages here. so this is essentially what's happening so far. i think what you heard there though, from rad manser, the palestinian and bastard, the un was pretty significant there at the end when he was asked by a journalist about the security council, he said we are already talking to l. g area about the draft resolution that involves rafa. why is this important? because out, jerry, is the era group representative on the security council right now? it would most likely be out, jerry, or that would come up with some sort of resolution on or off the why is this
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important? this is important because the i c j while the decisions are very much binding. and israel is under international law, is obligated to follow the decisions of the i. c j is really shown in the past that they won't and likely won't. but the i c j does not in have have any sort of enforcement mechanism. what does have enforcement mechanism is in this building that i'm in right now? you and have quarters in new york and specifically the security council. so the thought is the security council now potentially could come up with a resolution uh, basically demanding that to israel, or by, by this decision, these provisional measures by the i c j. and that's exactly what you heard there from re add manser e r a say without hesitation, like a job and i talking to out jerry
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a to maybe come up with that draft resolution. but the key question is going to be what will be the position of the united states on any resolution that they're trying to they are group and algae are trying to put together on ruffle and it's, there was some mention, i think maybe you can clarify this about another resolution to try and enforce the c's fine. and there's certainly a lot of talk about a ceasefire. and there's been multiple security council resolutions about as these far that have been mostly rejected by the united states or be towed by the united states. what will the us do here if this draft resolution goes to about? i can't say at this juncture, but i can tell you the 3 key things are stopped, the rock offensive, the i c j is asking for that demanded that of israel. the us has been saying publicly that they don't want a rasa offensive to go forward. i opened up the roof of border crossing, the us just been saying that they have signaling they want the roof of border crossing open. so the us has been signaling me so the us is very much in
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a difficult position here because if this goes to a draft resolution and it goes to a vote, they would actually have to potentially abstain or veto something that they've already been calling for here so this and these are things for the us to work out moving forward. but clearly we've seen since, since the i c j 1st issue there, provisional measures back in late january, at least on 2 occasions. the us as user veto power to block any security council resolutions that would hold is real accountable. all right, thanks so much that is gabriel ellis, on the updating us on the diplomatic scene from new york. let us not forget that we need to talk about what's actually happening on the ground in gone so we can go to him to the whole the issues and veterans by in central golf so. so in the last few hours in does, i'm sure you've heard, we've had this ruling from the international court of justice saying is role should
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hold it's offensive and rough i immediately and the roof are crossing should be open to any sign of either of those things happening well, actually it's and it's getting intense in drop off after the i c j's add decision . the is there any forces are engines deciding the rates we're talking about why it into a tiny reselling it near and on the use of an a jar hospice and we're not. is there any sense are 400 meters only away at station there were also talking about sort of a denied this we're talking about on the street as being a street. you've never refugee camp. we're also talking about it's a boot or refugee time, but you've never fidget cancel all of these areas in center, the rest of her being actually targeted. and it's very important to mention that there, there's only one hospital only in a rough one, which is the quite the hospice and it's not
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a re and hospital. it doesn't have an i c unit and it doesn't work on a very high capacity. there's only a couple of doctors and this is the only hospital that is receiving dozens of injuries sense the morning up to day today is one of the most violent and the most at 10 today in the sense that is ready for says, started there operations there all right, thanks so much and the whole the ok. let's go over now to our white house correspondent kimberly how good joins us from washington dc. so kimberly, i understand. so any officials have been reaching out to the 2nd secretary of state anthony blinking. and the idea of what's coming up and those conversations. yeah, we are still working to find out what is being said in those conversations. there hasn't been a formal statement as of yet, but you're right. we are hearing that there are conversations that are ongoing. we
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know that is really prime minister benny gats has been speaking with uh, with the officials at is really minister rather. and we also know that there are other conversations that are ongoing. what we can tell you though, is that there are a number of things that has been relayed in terms of statements. and i'm just trying to pull one up here on my phone because there's a strong statement coming from senator lindsey graham and reaction to the i. c j's . and what he says, as far as i'm concerned, the i c j can go to hell is long past time to stand up to the so called the international justice organizations associated with the you and their anti is real bias is overwhelming. the i c j's ruling, the israel should stop operations that are necessary to destroy, for battalions of him, off killers, who use palestinians as human shields is ridiculous. this will, as should be ignored by israel. now of course he is one of the more hawkish members
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of the us senate, but certainly he has strong support, particularly in the house of representatives. and to that. and we should point out that republicans on capitol hill are in fact working to invite these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to speak at a joint session of congress in the very near future. so in terms of support, there certainly is support that we should also point out that when it comes to the, by the administration and to add to the blinking self, which leads the know there are conversations that are ongoing with this really officials. he has said earlier in the week that he was outraged by just the mere fact that the i c c was in fact even pursuing any of this. he in fact he's made very clear that he believes there is no jurisdiction. the court rush, this process, and the fact that should be the is really a legal system that pursues any sort of claims of genocide, something that we should point out that the us presidents a very clearly he believes there is. it is not happening. the national security
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advisor jake sullivan, backing this up this week as well. and further the secretary state entity blanket, also say sammy, but this put in many ways jeopardize efforts to get humanitarian aid in. and also sees fire efforts in efforts to get tapped out of gaza. all right, thanks so much. oh, actually kimberly, let's talk a little bit about the implications of this. i see j routing not, not in terms of isolation for israel. what, how much concern in washington dc is about how this increasing legal movement might be causing more isolation for the us position? well, you know, we heard the one reaction on the one hand by some of the hawkish members like republicans like lindsey graham and speaker mike johnson. another very hawkish
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republican in the us congress. but there is a real fraction in washington right now. and even within jo by this democratic party and gave alexander touched on this a little bit because right now what is happening is the, by the way, they've ministration is walking a very difficult and fine line. uh, for example. uh gabriel is andras saying that the at the un security council of the united states might find itself now having to abstain or even find itself as grappling over whether to veto for the very things that it is itself calling for calling for the opening of the roof across and calling for the to the, the, the, for the military offensive, not to enter roof and not to, to go for something that we know that joe biden as opposed to. and that's why we saw him halting the shipment of 3500 bonds to israel because they were offensive in
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nature. these are rad lives for joe 5 and, but at the same time, the hot, the iron clad support for israel remains. and so this is where joe biden has got himself into a bit of a job. so there is isolation and it is increasing and very, very quickly also the there is further isolation. the fact that the united states is not supportive of the 3 european countries. this week, recognizing the palestinian state unilaterally the united states, saying that should be done through negotiations by the parties. so the united states is certainly further isolated. i believe that kimberly, how could outside the white house. now, re brody is a war crimes prosecutor and author of a book to catch a dictator. you joins us live from new york. good to have you with us. first of all, how significant a moment is this that a major weston ally is ordered to stop on the offensive as well. this is,
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this is really an historic decision. um, i think the i c j has taken the measure of the escalating rapidly of the situation in gaza and it's crossed the threshold. this is the 1st time in this case uh that south africa has brought that is ordered israel to hall specific military operations. and as well as to open the raf for crossing and other crossings allowed access to un fact finding mentions. this isn't as you know, this is really an escalation and, and this legally binding and very specific ruling, i think leaves israel and his supporters with very little wiggle room. i'm curious what your take is on why the court ordered only an end to the roof or offensive, and not the wind a war which is what south africa was asking for a well,
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they've been refusing to do that from the very beginning. and their last rulings, they said, you know, we can't really do that because we don't have, um, we can, we can issue a binding order to you israel. but the other people involved in this conflict or not before the court. and so we can issue a wrote a, an order only to one side. and that's why it's actually, so it's a so what not it's read just to clarify for me, how does this differ then from the situation that happened on march, the 16th 2022 and the ice j. o. did russia is a stop. it's operations in ukraine as a whole. well. ok, because that was very different. the context there was very different. russia was, nobody was being accused. russia was not being accused of genocide and that's it. russia, russia was being accused of having a ledge, a ukrainian genocide, as justification for
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a military action. right. and the, the, the i, c, c i, c, j in that case said there is not, there is no evidence that there is a genocide going on in ukraine. and you cannot violate international law by invading another country from in violation of the un charter and some of the bank to the or coming back to this or that. it doesn't clarify this is binding, right? even if it's not in full stevens a security council doesn't and acts on it. oh, absolutely, and the courts, i mean, but the statute of the i c j makes it clear that this is binding. the court has said, on repeated occasions that a preliminary measures are binding, and the court said that it's ruling today that this is legally binding. so again, even if it's not enforced. uh it is, it is israel would be in, in,
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in breach of it's a this order and therefore of the law if it refused to stop fall specific military actions that could lead the worst thing of a situation and wrapped. but if it refused to open the wrap in other crossings, if it refused to allow access humanitarian assistance if it refused to allow access to you and in fact finding mission. so israel as a plate is played with is placing himself outside of the law. clearly, all right, it's a good to get your thoughts and analysis on that. thanks so much me brody. well, joining us here now on set is a line pop pay. he's in his right, a historian and a professor at the university of x. it's a in the united kingdom good to have you with us. so thank you. so, and i think it's probably not a surprise to anyone that few think is ro will actually implement this, right?
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this order by the i c j. yes. probably within the is there any version? is there any scenario in any of the panel universe is that you can see what israel actually stops to this government. a change in government is that it stops to work with, with the i c j or is that or not this government, right? as you know, some members of the government get gave and it's in the i will alternate them until the 8th of june. that if he doesn't have any proper plan, they would ask for elections, which i don't think is going to happen. so no, i'm afraid. the answer is that there is no way that any government in is uh would cooperate with the i c j to the level that they've will they provide lights really . what about the us position? is the last president likely to change coles to put any more pressure on israel to end? the roof will have fences to on a, his own red line that he stated and spoke about on march the 9th of this year. there's
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a kind of an arrogant american position here. it fits the americans who are communicating with these re lease their inside that to us for them to stop. but no one else has the right to demand it from as well to stop the rough or any other action. because in this case the united states accepts these are the narrative that this is done for the wrong reasons. so the method is not just what is what it is us to be done, but who is demanding this from? is that over the focus in terms of the i, c j routing was on roof a. how different is these ready operation over rolling gone? so to what's happening and rough, i don't think it's that different. it's the same destruction of civil space without any regard for human lice. with this idea that they can reach the underground tunnels, catch the how much that leaders or soldiers and hoping to find the hostages. i don't see any of the different mode of action from any operation says
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the 8th of october until today. and i think that's why the i c j in the i c. c had such a clear idea of how to frame these these way. the x is as well cries and even as a crime against humanity. i think we've got to look at the wider implications as well and what this might mean for some of the suppose as those who send alms, alms transfers to israel from israel's allies. the us of course, as we all know by fall, the largest provider and it gives this round the tree 8 was $3800000000.00 every year. now germany is the 2nd largest supply, accounting for 30 percent of all of these rails weapons impulse lost in germany approved um shipment 2 is well worth more than $350000000.00. well, since 2015 the case contributions amount to move in half a $1000000.00 and include components for f $35.00, fight to jets. the past 80 is canada has sent me
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a tray equipment with 84000000 dollars to his route, although it suspended um, sec, sports in february ilan. do you see a scenario here as we get requests for arrest warrants from the icpc? another ruling that is far from favorable to as well from the i, c j in the country, supporting his row, got to start thinking about what that means and the consequences that might be for them. yes, i think that it's very clear that there are many countries which are complicit in these in these crimes, but i think we're listing here for victory in the process. they were just seeing the beginning of it. and this is really a clash between the american and some of it's a life perception was, is international. what is international justice and the rest of the world? so i see where we have here in historical moment, which is the young doesn't, isn't i think you're right. it is the 1st time that the west and it's main ally in
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the middle east of being tested by the same principles of justice that the west has only imply thoughts of russia and the global selves. so i think this is a long process, but the complicity of the countries you have mentioned i seen will come to the light if indeed the icy j and the icpc would be able to represent the international community and not just western interest. or i want to draw upon your background as a historian and looking at this ready policy towards the palestinians is being described by various notable figures. for example, the one special rough or tool for palestine on october, the 14th described it as ethnic cleansing, or is this an operation among the policies of his re, the governments? is it an operation of the general direction of design this movement historically, or is this what has been happening for a long time in your opinion? well, as you know, it wasn't one of my, my books in school,
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the ethnic cleansing of palestine. and it focuses on 1948. so obviously 19, these really extremely 9048 has to be had to be framed as ethnic cleansing. in fact, i would say that since and 19 twenty's, both of the objective of designs moving and later as well as to her is to have as much of father starting as possible is with you for this thing is as possible. and one of the main means the methods of achieving it is ethnic lindsay, either massive ethnic cleansing as we have seen in 48, and now or more increment of what they have seen over the years between 48 and 2 days. so definitely i think that for many, many years this is one of the preferred methods but as well for imposing itself on the still recon father stein and preventive understanding from freedom and so with the when a non profit is a pleasure to have you and thank you so much for coming. think of something? well, nice thing. now to had a straight them. he's a professor of international law at the university of johannes to
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a good to have you with us. so do you think the team, south african will be celebrating the outcome of this action or the i c j? uh secondly, i mean, uh, over the months past months, i think they've done an extremely well in bringing to the, to the quotes. evidence showing very clearly that this conflict is escalating and the states against the but a scene in civilians is also an escalating. and that is what the court found today in this rounds for preliminary measures and actually allows it to live. i just want the need many people expect what the options does south africa then have kind of take this any further only if he does the evidence to that extent. so it has to, it has to justify it's crazy. just gone, you know, come to court and ask for another round of informations. and so the others also
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advocates to mike out this on the case and for today's reading, it has done so. all right, let's talk a little bit about the implications for others because of what we have seen the i c j rule today. the idea of complexity now, going back to, if we remember what the us president said in december, he said israel security can rest on the united states. but right now it has moved in the u. s. it has the e u. europe, most of the world supporting them, they're starting to lose that support by indiscriminate bombing. and that off to that, he said civilians have been killed in gaza as a consequence of those bombs referring to us funds and other ways in which they go off the population centers. and he made that statement in may looking at those 2
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statements, a worldly, the thing. we know that using us funds when we know that they are being used to kill civilians and we know the attacks are indiscriminate. and looking at where the i c, j is going to think legal grounds of building for cases against world pals like for us, for combusting. and yeah, certainly. so it's, it's, it's possible, but that is something for the i c c. for this article while it is investigating the of the violations of international humanitarian. though, in fact, the court today bite is very clear the i t j 90 the and that the, the building has implications. all my most of the international community. and especially for those who are members of the, of the genocide convention. so every time there is a round of into a nation as being, being granted, it is also something that the rest of the,
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of the international community should take account of for. and so the responsible in the actions and stop doing something to see that the initials are implemented and the scene of pleasure is put on this rob to comply. thank you so much. have a for sharing your perspective with us. thank you. good evening. on the ground, these right emetrius carried out raids in southern gall is on the same day as the international court of justice handed down and slices ruling on casa, the strikes targeted, the crowd did a show boat, a refugee camp in central off the attack force. terrified people to seek shelter to nearby hospital. one of the central valves was main. hospitals of ox has been handed a lifeline dis dallas before his generations were expected to run out a few days with the scenes inside the facility over night. and many departments when darkness docsis treating from it to a baby's,
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use the lights from the mobile phones, the hospitalist received some fuel. but it's only enough to last a few days. the facility withheld spill on the verge of collapse. a little of the crown is the spokes person for our locks the hospital. he says the medical facility will collapse if more fuel isn't delivered soon. if the who i will call about this crisis that is all over the place and we suffer a lot to them such a crisis. and 15 days ago, the crisis is it was the name and the, the crossings, uh clothes, including the dressing, the amount of fuel, uh van, related to that the, uh, not enough a total for the hospital to walk even for one or 2 days. and before that, explicitly, it was shipped. uh, and the stoppage of the gen the rate is we received only 3000 leads,
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is which is not enough because the hospital needs at least 5000 liters of fuel every day. this will lead to the death of so many sick and the one that people in the hospital we resulted through the solar. but it's not enough and we suffer the lack of electricity, the hospital, the equipment, uh, not the working. that's why. when we started to do everything manually out of the hospital and a lot was great the to us and the fuel arrived the next morning. that's why we have managed to save a lot of it was sick people in the hospital and thought of get shot of which is a spokes person for the world health organization who joins us now live from geneva . good to have you with us. so 1st of all,
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let me get your reaction to the routing that we've had from the i c j ordering and the media holt to as well as offensive and off as well. we were always saying that the military operations in the raf i would have a far above cost expenses and this is what we are seeing. we haven't heard from your reports on the ground talking about cool ways. the still being the only one having a little bit of a capacity to trade space. and so we have hospitals that have been shutting down in the recent days. we have not been able to bring in the medical supplies. we just heard about fuel not being available anymore for, for dos us to that still barely coping to provide some services. we are not able to move across across gazda. so it's edition is, is really catastrophic. and what we also think it is more lives being bloss smoke people being being cured. high right corner of that it's done by health workers
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will be, will be really in wayne unless again, there is a ceasefire. there is a, there's a how to operate that would allow us and health workers and guys, a to review a re reopening self services in a hospital. so just to clarify, since we've had this i, c, j routing come out. we know it's, it's still very fresh, but you've had no indication of any change in the military operation that would allow you to do your mission. you've had no indication of any opening of that off crossing which the icy jays opened. this is that right or so there really is a, it has just arrived but, but what you have seen, sees a see seems may a, that we are unable to bring in supplies. we had the, we had situation a come out of the hospital and a hospital in north of guys have both of them have been under siege both of them
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closed. now we have situation in the rafa where all of our hospital as close out of us. those i strongly do. so really good. there's a, there's a more than urgency. it's very difficult to find the words, but so many lots are being lost and even worse. so more if there is, if there is no creek or excess creek association or facilities. does this rooting from the i c, j give you any hope that this will helps you to try and deliver vital supplies into gaza? really, it's really difficult to say for the last 8 months, we have been doing go with besta alongside other partners and health workers inside guys. every time there was a window of opportunity, we would have a bringing supplies that would be some services review being comfortable with coming back to work. so it was really up and down. but clearly we are not able to move people out. big bones constantly, but it's, it's, it's, it's one step forward,
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2 steps back. and it's, uh, we can only hold but it gets deeper feelings. but unfortunately this has been going for way too long. and then let me ask this question because this was unimportant legal point to grounds for why the i c j rule, the way did rules. so let me ask you the question this way without, i'm not trying to drag you into into any kind of legal analysis, but from a humanitarian perspective. if nothing changes going forward as the rights of palestinians to enjoy security and life as far as you can see, will not be protected. if the states, as quote continues, is that your understanding will for us there is really no hell to doubt fee. so there is no peace without health and health is one of the basic cracks and right now, but listing is don't have a right to help. not only those who are injured but also be pregnant to be my people with chronic diseases. those who have to be ever created people who are
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getting infected with infections, these, all these people do not have services. so obviously their right to health is being compromised heavily. that seems to since last age months. all right, thank you so. no. all right, let me, i think i'm, i'm being a little more time with you. so let me ask you then about the, the situation, particularly with food in garza, in order to keep people healthy, you know, and you have to give the medicine. they need to be able to eat properly. now have you seen, we know they've been seen un officials that have spoken about funding? maybe you can tell us what your understanding is, condition and state of famine right now in garza or well there is a clearly need for more food and now we dropped our crossing border being close to the situation literally get to where was there was it now it says that was done by
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a number of agencies, a saying that the, the defendant is even in north of gaza. that the, the to children have been, had been diagnosed with severe mild treason. we how to uh, health facilities to, to, to put the treatment centers for miles or as children. and there were a dozens of, of cases that heavy in arriving with trisha will only gets worse. and again, just talking to about a few we have heard about sue, it's really difficult choices that the uh guys have to do now how to use the little fuel. that is, that is there, but it shouldn't go to bakery shouldn't go, that shouldn't go to do so it is a glass to have some water. so the go to hospital. so i'm gonna say a shot of it was the site. do you agree with the mccain? has said from the world food program that, that is now finding a full blown famine. in other words, she used in northern garza indeed the reason what, what's happening is what we should be seeing all these months is that we would come
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to hospitals bringing medical supplies, but people would be asking for food. our trucks would have been stopped and people were asking for, for that's why we need access. there has to be interrupted access to primarily land crossings to bring in what people and guys that need and they need to what they need. few, they need medical supplies, that they need other humanitarian assistance that it's clear. all right, thank you very much, tonic, a shot of ej. we appreciate your, your sharing your perspective on what's happening on the ground. the thank you. all right, let's just recap now. the important events that have happened in the last few hours . we've had a routing from the u. n's top court ordering is round to immediately end. it's meant to be offensive in that all fine southern gospel and the i,
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c j also ordering israel to ensure the opening of the crossing and unpainted access full commission of inquiry and investigators parties for back to the top for you to stay with us the interrogate the narrative is the us has, contains corporate israel, affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes. say look, that correct. but so in the international community, can we also say that deals the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic approach upfront. what helps businesses latex to be sponsored by interlock tuck?
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he's real estate consultant. the business relations to be spends said by intellect, stuckey is real, estate consultant has some direction. is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects. we insure
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beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis covent that goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning jo, donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the the hello, i'm sorry. say that this is the news live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes . well, the top cold, old as well, the stop it's minute, 3 operations are off. i immediately thing the situation in the southern city in gaza is disastrous. under the genocide convention is that it must


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