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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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always come 1st of a sweet 100 on luis heavens, had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry say that this is the news live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes . well, top cold old is israel to stop it submitted 3 operations off. i immediately think the situation in the southern city in gaza is disastrous. on the genocide convention is that it must immediately hold me to open and any other action instead
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of a governor of the international court of justice, also orders israel to open the off off line crossings to allow much needed humanitarian agents have gone. so the, despite the i c j routing gauze is southern city is his again, by series of israeli strikes the shovel and a refugee camp. targeted incent folder offers and districts to remaining functioning hospitals on the brink of collapse with the visual to use a few. and medical supplies the we start with the latest routing by the you and the top coats, which is ordered as well to immediately, and it's made free, offensive, and off in southern gone. so the international court of justice says the situation is disastrous and could cause irreparable damage to the rights of the palestinian p
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. people also did as well to open the roof off the border crossing to allowing urgently needed to mount a tarion aid. the order is legally binding of the i, c, j is no power. it's when schools that living can south africa, filed the case, and it accuses this right of carrying out genocide against palestinians. the routing add to increasing international pressure on his right to end this war on garza such as killed more than 35800 pallets in. you're looking for a long and widespread because it's considered is that in conformity with obligation under the genocide convention, it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense and any other action instead of a government which may inflict only by assuming a. ready garza conditions of life that would bring about it physical destruction in hold or influx the quotes which just emphasize that'd be measured,
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indicated in paragraph 51 to a office or that of march 28th, 2024. the whiting, i quote, the, and the vision at scale by old concerns of us. and we need the basic services and to maintain the assistance. and of course, mississippi space that is funding meant in open lead crossing phones. and in particular that off across the step boston has the latest on the international court of justice. the hague, in south africa, responded quietly, least after this uh, quite important ruling by the international court of justice. it's also called to the ground breaking ruling because for the 1st time now it's route is order to hold it's operations in at least a part of guys, south africa order to or i requested the court earlier to stop a all the if so probations and guys and withdrawal altogether now the court has decided not to go this far,
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but to say that the military operation in rough or has to stop and that international observers should be allowed in to investigate crimes. and also that israel has to report back within a month, according to south africa, is also very important. step forward in this a 4 month long process already in the genocide case that south africa has filed against is route. so now the question is, what is israel going to do? this is a binding, legally binding or to buy the highest court in the world. but we have seen that in the past 4 months, these by new orders have been simply ignored by israel. so it's now a much higher process of the un security council that has to give the answer to the question of is the court's orders here will have a real result for the people it and gotta step 5, some elses era they take. now,
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israel finance minister has treated his reaction to the i. c. j routing saying the state of as well is that was for its existence, those who demanded stop the war on demanding a decree itself to cease to exist. we will not agree to that unless royal has bind, i'll just say or form revolting from the ass. and let's go to sort of highlights who joins us now from the jo, damien castle, i'm uninstalled or what else? so we hearing from his right, the officials now. so that will definitely a message of defiance, believing that this late this order of words affects its oppressions in the gaza strip incessantly notes in a rough we've just been hearing from many guns. so it's one of the war cabinet ministers on it. he says the israel woods continue, it's just, he said, a necessary will against some us, of course, or it's on the hostages is something that they've maintained throughout and to
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ensure the country security. he also adds that, so that's whereas whenever necessary, including russell, it's as committed to continue the fights. always surprised by the know, israel has definitely is certainly responded in the last few weeks. and suddenly in the last few months with impunity against people in garza. and also defying uh, the an ally view was saying that it will still continue to move further in the printed and fax since that order was issued. 8 it's actually intensified, it's a tax on roswell. another thing that happened diarrhea today is that they manage to retrieve 3 bodies of those held captive. there are a 125 remaining captives in the gaza strip. we also know that so it cuts off is meant to be meeting the c i chief as well as the most of the chief in europe to try
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and review those negotiations. but we've also been hearing from some of the ministers in the is ray, the government's cooling, the quotes and see some metric. they believe that this isn't just against israel, it's against jews across the world. and certainly they believe that such an order is allowing or giving an excuse for any terrorist organization. they said to act the way they once and how they ones. but the facts of the matter is, is the israel right now, still one and says that it needs to continue with this war. the timeline is still unclear and as well there are reports that an emergency meeting between prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as well as the legal advisor to the governments, benny guns included as the will cabinet minister, as well as the is writing foreign minister is due to take place we haven't heard more on that yet, but certainly i'm sure we'll be hearing reaction more reaction from as. 1 as well
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as whether any conversations have taken place between israel and the us. so we seen strains within these riley cabinet, any indication of how these legal moves are impacting the stability and unity of the cabinet. the most ami actually just see us today through a freedom of acts installation. 2 the all me release documents saying that they had gone to the government and once a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but the divisions that had been happening within the government, the government process, especially against the judicial reforms. israel had been seeing up before the war was allowing other groups, for example, how much to see a weakness. and certainly since this war has started israel and then just facing international pressure. but it's also facing domestic pressure, including from the families and relatives of those health concepts who all have reached vase at the end and in trusting the government and trusting it's the prime
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minister himself. i want to see results and thought they had released the video just a couple of days ago of, of 5 is really female soldiers of when they would take 10 and kid not since the goal is on october the 7th. and they said that they did this to put pressure on the government to ensure that there isn't a stalemate on the move results and more negotiations take place to ensure that those cottages are returned time. so the government is facing a lots of pressure. and of course, as we have seen, it's not really facing pressure from the i. c. c, a different international quotes, but also with the several countries recognizing palestinian statehood. right. thanks so much that sort of hire last time and just a reminder that prime minister by any means nothing else, government is banned down to 0 from reporting and as well. that's why sar is reported to us today from the jordanian capital i'm mind now masters welcome to
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ruling by the international court of justice. but in the statement, it says it expected the quote to issue in order to stop the genocide again, stop people in all of gaza, not just and off of these right. the minute tree is carried out raids in southern gaza, just as the i c j 100 down that latest rulings with these strikes. targeted the crowd is a boat, a refugee compton, central gaza center of i should say, actually they attacked full terrified people to seek shelter at a nearby hospital. but let's get more now with him the whole day in day of the ballot in central garza. so any sign that israel might be beginning to wind down this offensive and rough and comply with the icy j routing and well, sammy, i think nothing's holding is road back. it's sense the court started is where it
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has been intensifying their raids under foot. we're talking about all the areas across the river and the neighborhoods were talking about as a boot or fiji. com kept there a fidget campus and i'm neighborhoods. and all of these areas that are densely populated. we also knew that they targeted a residential areas by carpet bombing. we're more than 5 intense air strikes targets, a certain area in the same exact time where it's very terrifying for a lot of people who have been witnessing this for more than 7 months. right now, and not only that, we need to mention that there is only one hospital with only 8 beds and dropped off, which is receiving those injuries. it's, it's end to intensifying and it's escalating and refund. and it's obvious that is where these are continue their ground operation and not only continue and get but
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also expanding. get sammy you mentioned one operating hospital take us through the conditions that the medical facilities are facing right now. take us through the humanitarian conditions, the access to food, clean volta and of the semi because the strip is on the brink of collapsing, according to the hospitals, we're talking about, according to policy and even the ministry of health. they said that's $33.00 hospitals run out of service. all of the hospital yesterday was threatened to stop . it's all it's of it services because they had no fuel. but the w at o provided $15000.00 a few liters of fuels that were only enough for more than 4 or 4 days only in the north of gaza. it's only one, hospices that is supposed to latex,
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and in the south there's only equity hospital. we're talking about only 4 or 5 hospitals that are currently working on a very no capacity come on at one. and then our, the hospital has been under a is really by evaluations and raised in the past couple of days. palestinians do not have their basic rights of receiving their medical treatment. when we come to talked about water, people are striving every single day to look for clean water to feed their kids. food after road has been closed for more than 2 weeks. now there's no aids is entering an order was halted all of its distribution points and dropped off the situation every single day is getting worse. and the situation are very dire, tommy. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much in the hopefully right now let's go. let's go over to the white house. we've got our correspondence. kimberly how
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could joining us live from washington d. c. a. we started to get some us reaction to what's happening yet as well. the us president is set to depart any moment for uh, wilmington, delaware, that is where his home is located and he's not going to be using marine one because of the state dinner that occurred on thursday with the canyon president. the 10th were still in the south one of the white house, he's going to be motorcade. and so was trying to see if he says anything he is set to get into his motorcade. any moment is possible, he could react in the interim. sammy, we do know that is really minister, but he gets has called and spoken to the secretary state and to the blanket, but we've not had any sort of read out just yet about what was said on that particular phone call. only that this was about the i see j ruling on rasa,
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but no specificity with regard to that. what we have heard is very strongly worded a statement on x from the formerly known as flitter uh from the secretary, or rather the senator, the senior senator republican lindsey graham, who i will paraphrase because it's lengthy. but it starts to basically say that as far as i'm concerned, the i c j can go to hell. and he ends that this will and should be ignored by israel in terms of what the findings were. and what we can tell from all of this is that, so i'm support, particularly the republican party and on capitol hill for israel, the, the guidance there too simply ignored. i can tell you that in the lower house, the house of representatives live by speaker mike johnson would be very much the same. given the fact that they are in the process of inviting the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to speak in the coming weeks for
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a joint session of the us congress. the bottom line. and all of this is that they even a, this is sort of shows a wrist if you will, between repub attends and some democrats in terms of how this war on garza has been proceeding. what i can tell you is that right now, for the case of the president himself, he's walking this very fine line. he does not support the offensive into rasa, but at the same time it says his support for israel is iron clad. and we can see that in terms of the weapon rate that has been supplied to israel. for example, he has halted the shipment of bombs that are offensive in nature some 3500 in the last couple of weeks, but then allowed for the shipment. that was uh defensive in nature uh to continue. and so this is going to continue to be a problem for the us presence
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a particularly again as well is the security council. when the fact is that some of what has been ruled on at the international criminal court is some the but. c the by the administration is calling for they do not support the military offensive into rafa and have been saying just that at the same time they still continue to support israel's were in gaza. so the box and registration has found itself in a very complicated position. so while some top us politicians are wishing v i, c j, that's the you and top judicial body, the world's top judicial body to go to hell. is there any sign that they're concerned or thinking about the implications of isolation for the us? there is no question that there are some top democrats that are concerned about this. and i are talking to the us presidents about that. particularly some senior
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senators who have been appealing privately to joe biden, especially in an election year. how this may impact his re election bed, but at the same time, it's clear that right now joe biden may not be listening and this could her him come november. and you see this played out sammy in just the last few days. for example, we saw spain, norway, for example, declaring palestinian palestine is an, as a state and making that declaration, we immediately saw the white house coming out and condemning the saying that, well, the us president is firmly and supportive us to say solution. and the joe biden has advocated for that throughout his political career. he does not endorse this as a unilateral declaration and instead believes that this should be achieved through negotiation between the 2 parties. so the us president is increasingly along with israel, finding himself in
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a fashion that is increasingly isolated. and so this is going to be a problem for the us president. and that's kimberly how could outside the white house for us, the palestinian ambassador, the to the you and says he's grateful for south africa's case of the i. c, j against israel says the decision must be implemented immediately as we expect the resolutions of the, the i c, j a to be implemented without hesitation. that's mandatory and is a, is, as i said, 5 due to the convention. and the convention is crystal clear on this issue. so is that a it has to abide by the decisions and the demands from the i c j . with regard to our efforts in the security council, we've been working as an out of group through a lot of representative and julia. and in fact we had some elements so you can call it
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a draft resolution regarding that alpha. so then we can see collaboration between what the i c j did and what we, the ups have been engaged in, in the security council for a lot of representative. we are grateful for south africa and those were supported them for going back to the i. c j asking them for additional probably do another my just and the we welcome these probably generate my drugs, including a stop in, you know, the military operation in bluff. i. we believe that the probate, you know, my dad is of i c. j also previously aust for stopping old military operations in the gaza strip and stuffing these crimes and the potential crimes of the genocide. i guess a lot of people in the gaza strip. and we also welcome the fact that
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they called for the opening overall 5 crossing for providing humanitarian assistance to scale. and to continue fighting against the crime against humanity of mass grantsville, including the pushing of $800000.00 of palestinians on, on the alpha to move to other parts of the, the gaza strip. we will make everything possible in our capacity as a group with other groups, though i see none of the african group and others to see the implementation over his illusions over the security council of the general assembly and the i c j that the calls among other things for an immediate cease fire to take place to save lives, and to allow a lot of people to start attending to the wounds inflicted upon them by this aggression of israel, and particularly in the guise us through cover. now to l. just the arrows gabriel,
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amazon the joins us live from the united nation. so as we had that the policy i was talking about getting a draft resolution together on the raw file, where is that effort standing at this point? well jerry has been working on a draft resolution for well over a week now almost 2 weeks actually about rafa. and i think what you heard there from the palestinian and bass or we had meant serious. he's basically saying, in no uncertain terms that now the decisive decision has come down there. now, going to talk amongst themselves in the era group and other members of the security council, perhaps incorporating the i c j's new dis, provisional measures into this new draft resolution. and updating it, if you will. so that could happen fairly quickly. i think there's certainly some urgency by some council members. and so we'll be watching that very closely. but
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it's very clear the i c j decision. it's pretty straightforward. so incorporating that into the new, a new draft resolution and starting to circulate it should be a process that could happen fairly quickly, perhaps even with a matter of just a few days. of course, to clarify for view is gabriel. for the i c j routing to actually be implemented the needs the security council, right? and for the security council to do anything, it needs not to have a u. s. v. to have an idea on what the us position might be as well. we asked the us deputy ambassador to you and as he was going into a security council meeting this morning, exactly that question. he basically said was, and i haven't read the full i, c, j rolling yet. let me read it and we'll get back to you. i need to talk to washington that sort of in the consensus by many investors here. so we haven't heard specifically what that will be, but you are right. the i c, j rulings are and decisions are legally binding. there's no question about that,
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but the i, c, j has no enforcement mechanism that falls to the security council. and that's what will be watching the council very closely. this council likely will come up with some sort of a resolution, like we just talked about. but of course, the us being one of the 5 permanent members has a veto power and they've showing that they will use that just in, on february 20th, about a month after the i. c j's 1st provisional measures released the security council. that by all jury is like a jury sponsored resolution, came out with a draft resolution calling for a cease fire calling for a scaling up of a calling for the release of captives. and the us be told that because it did not specifically because they weren't satisfied with it. so us to show no user veto power in this situation and potentially could again and that's gabriel alexander from the united nations. let's take
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a closer look at what the quote actually rules. well, they sold it as well to immediately hold its military offensive and off and any other action in the southern garza city that causes destruction to the palestinian people. says israel must open got off the board of crossing for the provision of urgently need the basic services and humanitarian assistance. take effective measures to ensure fact, finding missions have unimpeded access to the gaza strip. and finally, the quote once his route to submit a report on all the meshes, it's actually implemented the code, the code that's on may 7, 2024. it has begun immediately or offensive in the following weeks of instance, 51 bar. and that as it is approximately 800000 facing you web display. so i'm going off off as at may 18 2024
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on the basis of the information for the quote is not convince that the reputation efforts and related measures that is the funds to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians because of split. and particularly those recently displaced from that of a government that is sufficient to live yet immense. it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media through offensive and that of the core. consider that in conformity with the obligation under the genocide convention, is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to events and any other action instead of a governor, which may inflict on by assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or info to. hi, joining us here on site is eli and he's in this right, a historian and
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a professor at the university of extra to in the united kingdom. good to have you with us. so do think there's any chance this is why they concentrated government is going to implement and comply with what the i c j is asking as well to do? no, i don't think so. i don't think they will comply. and i think that we already seen the reaction on the ground. there are intensifying via tech and rough. this is a kind of a need to agree action of as well to such readings. uh, for the domestic base festival of the prime minister. to show that he's not giving in, and that's why they wouldn't be unfortunately indexed to secure enough as a cation of the what the options on the ground. but the old and old uh, there is a consensus unfortunately, and won't, will these really political forces. and so this web doesn't have to comply with these kinds of readings. what is the sentiment when you, when you look at the opposing about the,
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the military operations going on the threat to life of palestinians? is there any understanding of the dangerous nature of what israel is doing in gauze? it's about assuming life. what physical? most of these riley's view, these very televisions? i mean, that's the main source of information. and since the 8th of october, it hasn't shown them any picture eclipse a video of what really goes on and goes and how it affects the, the people who does it. and i wonder that even, even if they would have been exposed to such a picture, whether they would have shown the compression, at least, you know, the basic human compassion. know, i'm afraid that the there is no way at this moment in time that the vast majority of these are the jews will feel any compression or will be moved by the kind of destruction that the army inflicts on the civilians on the country. i think that
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they as far as the consent, the army should have no inhibitions, no moreland emissions, and its actions and whoever is the victim, as long as the status on gaza, that is fine. i wonder how much they are aware of the position and support or criticism sometimes from the rest of the world, particularly from its allies. and maybe it'll be interesting. now to put a little bit of this in context, if we look at some of as well as the biggest ministry supplies the us of cost by far the largest provider it's giving as well. these ready ministry aid was $3800000000.00 every year. germany, the 2nd largest supply, accounting for 30 percent of all of his ralph's weapons. impulse lost in germany, approved um shipments to israel with more than $350000000.00. well, since 2015 the case contributions amount to more than half a $1000000000.00 and include components for us $3055.00 subjects. and in the past
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80 is kind of the same military equipment was $84000000.00 to his ro it suspended. um, sec sports though in february, as we start to see the legal pressure right to top on as well from the i c j from the i c. c. a we likely to see great the questions raised about complicity of some of the west and back as and supplies of arms twist around not immediately. but i think within the long run, we will see that, i think this is the moment of truth, particularly for the why fi in the western european countries? because in the united states, as you know, the congress is fully behind these very policies. it was criticize the president, even if he thinks of suppressing or limiting with supplies to as well. that was a big question is countries like germany, france and britain who are more likely to abide by international than the united states. and that will they be able to continue supply arms and be


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