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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy say them. this is the news live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes . the world's top cold old is israel to stop it, split it for the operation is off immediate. and the same situation in the southern city of gaza is,
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is off for us the international court of justice also does this real to open that off the land crossing to allow monks needed the amount of terry and aid into golf. despite the oxy gabriel and golf as something hits again by a serious of his writing strikes, shovel or refugee camp is targeted in central rough on the news. hundreds feed david pop. when you're getting off to a land slide sweeps through a district in the north varying homes on monday, was sleeping on p to send the roll the dice, bolts and use just one month off through announcing he would stay until the end of mixed season boston letter sex manager chevy the we begin this news with the routing by the you and the top code ordering is route to immediately, and the fact simply and it's better to be offensive in kansas southern city overall
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. now the provisional measures, the issued as part of south africa's genocidal caste. that aside pays for all the gains israel. the international court of justice describe the situation in gaza as disastrous. $800000.00 palestinians have been forced to flee it off since the ground defensive. that began earlier this month. well, the quote says as well as evacuation plans for civilians are not sufficient. the court consider that in conformity with the obligation under the genocide convention, is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to events and any other action, instead of a government which may inflict on the by assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx the call. it also rule this rule must to open that off the lines crossing and allow in life saving
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a to reach garza israel shot border crossings into the strip severely limiting the amount of humanitarian supplies reaching college students. while the w i chose toll down to 0, simon is funding in northern garza, the i, c. j, also called on as well as a given unimpeded access to investigate is looking into allegations of war crimes. in garza, the older is legally binding, but the i, c. j has no power to enforce it. almost 36000 palestinians have been killed since the war began in october. the boston has the license from the international court of justice in the hague. in south africa responded quietly, least after this uh, quite important ruling by the international court of justice. it's also called to the ground breaking ruling because for the 1st time now is trial is order to hold its operations in at least a part of guys,
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south africa order to or i requested the court earlier to stop a all the if so probations and guys and withdraw altogether. now the court has decided not to go this far, but to say that the military operation in rough or has to stop and that international observers should be allowed in to investigate crimes. and also that israel has to report back within a month, according to south africa, is also very important. step forward in this a 4 month long process already in the china side case that south africa has filed against is route. so now the question is, what is israel going to do? this is a binding, legally binding or to buy the highest court in the world. but we have seen that in the past 4 months, these by new orders have been simply ignored by israel. so it's now a much higher process of the un security council that has to give the answer to the question of is the court's orders here will have
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a real result for the people it and gotta step 5, some elses era they take now, as well as prime minister ben, you mean nothing? yeah. how is criticize the i c j ruling. his office issued a joint statement with the foreign ministry saying the charges of genocide ruled by south africa against is ryan that the international court of justice in the hague all falls, outrages morally repugnant, goes on to say, israel has not and will not conduct much reactions and that off area which main slicked on the palestinian civilian population. as the statement clients, as well, is making efforts to enable humanitarian assistance into casa, and says this route will reduce hom, close to the civilian population in gauze or as much as possible. and his route has banned algae 0 from reporting from that. so let's now go this out of hire through joins us from the jordanian capital
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a man. so we had the statement that issued by the mean that's in yahoo. and the following. this white house is playing out in the rest of these very cabinet, as well as close as ro has responded with many ministers. actually quoting, quoting the i c j n. c symmetric. they believe that it's almost a witch hunts against israel, and that it's actually not carrying out a genocide fall from it. many of them have said that they've been considerate to the fact that there is a population and it's a dense population and a small area. however, what we see on the ground is different because assumed as the or the was read out. the intensification of the is really bombing on rough sconces. and also other than the problem is the statement that you just read out the assign me. we also heard from benny guns, one of the wood cabinet members who said that israel committed is committed rather
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uh to the rule. and he says is justin necessary and to re over time the hostages, 3 parties came by. israel had managed to retrieve them of some of those captives this morning, but the point is, is the families of those held captive wants result. so say, now increasingly that is right of the government isn't reaching those goals. the feds up some of the one mother said yesterday, she's fed up with staying silent and now is time for action to be taken. and that's why many of those protests is that we've been seeing on soft today's. all right, and she calling for the prime minister to resign. interestingly, also, we've heard from a family member just on local tv speaking is a, was a basing this i, c, g i, c, j ra, the order. and just to give you a sense of what that is saying, this, preston says that the states of israel has spelled on the minute treat. i'm for the school level as well. he said is right,
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expelled forces 3 months ago. and of course, excuse me. he's referring to the nose of gauze because israel said that they had moved on down to the alpha. and now they all a back in the nose and so many is riley is the same. then what goals are you achieving? because sorry, fox, you're back again and you're saying now, but how much is still in the noise when you said that they've been eliminated? so there's a lot of distrust to and such and the much more pressure now on the prime minister himself and the government, not just from the international on the international level, but also domestically and that's out of higher author. and just to remind the issues reporting to us from my mind, jordan, because he's very private as the new mean that's now is banned out, is here from reporting inside israel. now massa as well come the routing by the international court of justice and the statement. it says that expected the call to issue in order to stop the genocide, the game style people in all of casa,
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not just in the off is right. imagery is carried out rates in southern gaza, even as the i c j 100. down at the slightest routing the strikes targeted the crowd is a subordinate refugee camp in sun. for rough off the attack falls terrified people to seek shelter at a nearby hospital. its got more with him to hold it a indented battle in central garza. so following the i c j routing. any indication that israel might be moving towards complying with that quote or winding down the offensive opening up or off crossing but suddenly it has been and 10 supplying it's an air and round grades on drop off . since the a, the i c j hearing, we're talking about different air threats across it of law, and it's a boot, a area of refugee camp and yep, now,
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and that's in that neighborhood and all the areas in center and brooklyn and there's something very important i need to highlight is that anyone who's trying to evacuate or trying to seek refuge or need their house are being targeted by either quad copters or by the is really drones. so that's why people are trapped in their houses and they could not leave. also there's only one hospital still operating in dropbox, which is the way to hospice this. the only has 8 beds and i'm units is a, have been having a lot of difficulties to go and to transfer these injuries. and it's not only in dropbox that is there any forces, ask people to evacuate to come units, but in the past hour. is there any forces targeted as it attends in the mix of tents, where people do not know where to go? they're trying to evacuate from reflect to a safe area, but unfortunately the,
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there is no safe area across the cause of sammy until it goes through the situation right now, the humanitarian situation with medical supplies with food, few, the drinking was actually the same. it's the story thing we're talking about more than 2 weeks without, without crossing open. no one is allowed to enter, no one is allowed to a to exit. and not only that cut him all beside him is not entering any. it's only a few. and then the 10 of you entered is through current beside him in the past couple of days. but other than that, nothing is entering on opposite hospital where i am right now turn off all of its power last night because there was no fuel w as oh, it provided 15000 meters of fuel to the hospital. but again, this fuel is only going to keep the hospital going on for 4 days only, and there is no guarantee that they will give them more fuel. we're talking about
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according to the policy administer, because at least $33.00 hospitals ran out of service center. uh, october 7th and everything is collapsing and doctors are saying that they need more fuel in order to keep working and to keep providing all of these patients and injuries with the medical treatment they need. so, i mean, i'm in the, the giving us an update from the ground, the in gaza in south africa's case against israel filed in december accuses this route of 8 genocidal acts and godson these out. firstly, killing palestinians is ro, has killed at least 35800 palestinians during its war. nearly half of them all the children. secondly, causing serious bodily and mental home. it's rarely strikes have injured molten,
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80000 palestinians. many of them have lost limbs. sadly, mass expulsion, 85 percent of gauze, this population has been forcibly displaced multiple times. then this being the deprivation of food and water is riley imposed a complete siege on guns are blocking the entry level goods. so also destroyed power lines and walter systems, deprivation of shelter, hygiene and sanitation. many palestinians are living in flimsy 10, so making shift shelters without access to clean walls or toilets. the probation of medical assistance as well as talk said all of gauze us health care facilities, leaving out of the a few hospitals, barely functioning destruction of palestinian life, k sites, the destruction of in time, neighborhood schools, religious science and cultural institutions across the strip and imposing measures intended to prevent buff case calls out, say,
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unsafe conditions for pregnant women and an increase in premature books. for the i spoke to latin pop a, he's and this right of historian and professor at the university of x. it's a, in the united kingdom, you know, somebody that is why the government would cooperate with the i c, j. some members of the government get gave the ultimatum until the 8th of june. that if he doesn't have any proper plan, they would ask for elections, which i don't think is going to happen. so no, i'm afraid. the answer is that there is no way that any government in is uh would cooperate with the i c j to the level that it would advise lights. really. what about the us position? is the last president likely to change coles to put any more pressure on israel to end the roof, or have fences to on a, his own red line that he stated and spoke about on march the 9th of this year. there's a kind of an arrogant american position here. it fits the americans who are communicating
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with these re lease their insight to, to ask them to stop. but no one else has the right to dement it for me as well to stop the rough or any other action. because in this case the united states a accepts, these are the narrative that this is done from the wrong reasons. so its method is not just what is what it is us to be done, but who is demanding this from is that although the focus in terms of the i, c, j routing was on the roof or how different is these ready operation over rolling garza to what's happening in rough? i don't think it's that different. it's the same destruction of civil space without any regard for human lives. with this idea that they can reach the underground tunnels, catch the how much they need is or so just and hoping to find the, the hostages. i don't see any of the different mode of action from any operation says the 8th of october until today. and i think that's why the i c j in the ice,
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se had such a clear idea of how to frame these these way. the x is as well cries and even as a crime against humanity. it's a policy and them boss of the to the you and says he's grateful for south africa's case the i c j against israel and the size of the decision must be implemented immediately. we expect the resolutions of the, the i c, j a to be implemented without hesitation. that's mandatory and is a is, as i said, 5 to to the convention. and the convention is crystal clear on this issue. so is it a it has to abide by the decisions and the demands from the i c j? well, that's go towel, just arrows gabriel, as on the joins us live from the un headquarters in new york. so we've had the talk
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about, out of the for months, trying to put together a resolution to try and enforce a situation and trusted with ease and dropping, perhaps help actually in full set i c j ruling. why did those f at spend? well, i was curious, been working on a rough draft resolution for a couple of weeks now, but i think there's definitely more urgency after this. i c j rolling that's a sense you got from and sure. and others in the era group they really want to in the coming hours and days put together or update this draft resolution that's been being worked on to really take in specifically the, the rulings by the i c j. put that in a draft and get it in front of the security council, get it circulated for comments for a potential vote as soon as possible because it's important because the i c j. well,
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their decisions are binding, the i, c, j has no enforcement mechanism that falls to the security council. and that's why there's so much are see right now to get a draft out there for a potential bo. and in order for the i, c j routing times to be implemented, this means we need the security council to get involved, which raises the question, what will the position be of the us? well the us is going to be in a difficult position after say, have been or as they have put themselves in, perhaps i would say uh, overly over the guys issue. it's unclear what the us would do. but i asked the deputy us ambassador as he went into a security council meeting earlier this morning about the i c j ruling. he said listen, i still have to read it. we still got to talk to washington. he was non committal.
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but the us, as shown there, been willing to use their veto power and the security council previously, they used it back in late february to veto a draft resolution that would have put a other i, c, j, a provisional measures into a draft resolution, ahold israel accountable so essentially the us would potentially have to use their vito, a get however, to port to point out that the things are mentioned in this i, c j ruling, stopping the aggression on rafa opening up the roof of border crossing for more 8. for example, those are all things that the us says they support. so the big question will be on the council. if it comes to vote, would they also supported their or i think so much gabriel as on the a lifestyle. gov as well. white house correspondent, kimberly how could joins us now from washington,
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dc. so i understand there's been some consultations between us officials and some of them, at least and allies take us through that and that's right. we've had a read out now from the us presidents and his phone call with the egyptian presidency. see what we know is that that call consisted of a number of topics. so not only the effort to get capitalist release from gaza, but also addressing the humanitarian crisis. but the real headline coming out of this phone call, sammy was the agreement between a biden and cc to temporarily get you in a fuel to the chrome advert salem crossing. now this is something that is temporary until there can be a legal reopening of the rafa crossing. what president biden is saying is that he has pledging full support to help get that rock or crossing reopened to other terms
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that would be acceptable to both egypt and israel. and in order to achieve that with the us president saying is that he is sending a senior team to cairo next week to get those discussion started to try to achieve that. but in the interim, because of the great concern about the humanitarian crisis, how that is affecting palestinians, there is that agreement in place temporarily to have the crew was sailing crossing open to get temporary aid. un aid as fuel through and distributed throughout garza and we're here to go some indication of progress on was you being told to try and reach a deal? what are you hearing about that? oh yeah, that's right. you remember that things broke down a couple of weeks ago, but we were reporting. but even as the major players left cairo, there were teams on the grounds that continued to work and discuss and try to get through some of the obstacles what the us and,
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and israel were saying. the obstacles were, is that her mouth was refusing all offers well. now what we're hearing, according to us envoy to the middle east, david satterfield is the efforts are underway to revive the seas firefox. what we're hearing is that the ca director william burns is headed to europe in the coming days. apparently what he's going to be doing is meeting with the guitar a prime minister, and because really entail cheese, we're not sure at this moment whether or not egypt will be involved in these talks as well. but the goal and all of this is to try and get captives out of gaza. what we're also hearing is that the hope is, is this that can be achieved. this would be sort of the foundation if you will, to build upon a, getting some sort of a cease fire in addition to that. okay, and that's kimberly how it gets from outside the white house. but it's here now from model one to shauna. i'll just hear a senior physical unless joins us now from paris. first of all, model on,
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let's take a step back and look at what happened today with the i c j. and let me ask you how significant a moment is this to have a major legal body like the i c j. all of this kind of ruling to a major west and allied to stuff in offensive. one word. it's historic. it's, it's a started both for the i c j as well as for is read and the united states. and it's who started because it has been part of a long process. this is not a process that's going on for on you few weeks or months. in fact, uh, it's just a to store 1st the guns as the sun, but as you were with the south africa presenting its case. and i think the more sitting of the situation and guys of the mass graves that were discovered thing
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guys are really making. so much worse that the judges of the i, c, j, could not turn their backs on what is going on, and hence the language was pretty clear. the order to hold the officers on graphite immediately. i think that was clear. now since this is happening in the context of all the things this week, a clue do that or b, i c c, the international criminal court and attempt to by it's prosecutor to indict uh, is there any leaders on war crimes and so on? i think caught in or you could say, this is also a story creek model on the big question though. is enforcement. do you see a version of this in any of the power of universes which ends with these ro actually complying? all the us forcing israel to comply with the i. c. j routing. it seems everything
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in the world today it is a process sight, a case. we know that there is progress then request because the kind of sitting is how i've had that. there's chance that there that, um, as you know the bit of, uh, reverse for so many years, they're not even used to good use that you know, they, they are, is often mistaken or good news is a bit the bad news. so this is a process and i think it's important that there's such an issue and i think it's important that it's binding and would it be putting pressure on western leaders, particularly european leaders to are in force because the on or off to, to talk about you know there's one important um i would say uh, the downside to all of this sunday is what these ranges are. what are you talking about? and what judge brock has wrote at the end of the rolling and i suggest we all read that,
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but the is really judge has ruled on what these right is. i'm not saying that they could in fact, continue with their offensive and off on it does not lead to the destruction of the city and people in hold or them for believe it or not, they are talking about the fact that over the past few days and was a compromise. in fact the, the, the we have do of that by the particular paragraph about halting the offense that immediately was follow. i sort of come up with if it lead store, it may lead to a, the destruction of the 1st thing you guys are enrolled in part. so nowadays really is i say, why we can't continue and self defense. we can continue in a certain way that does not violate our obligations under the german by convention . so we. busy seeing some, you know, downsides the dark by these relays on probably the americans, but more one, i think the listening to what the i c, j said they,
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it was quite clear that they felt that the measures which as well as taking so far have not being sufficient to protect palestinian life and now we go to one. the, the question of complicity here when it comes to some of his roles, biggest minute treat supplies because as we know, the us is by far, the largest provider it gives as well military aid was 3.8 $1000000000.00 every year. gemini, the 2nd largest supply, accounting for 30 percent of all these rails weapons imports lawsuit, germany approved on shipments to as well worth more than $350000000.00. and since 2015, the u. k is contributions amount to move in half a $1000000000.00 and include components for f $35.00 fight to jets. and the policy is kind of the st military equipment was $84000000.00 to as well, although it suspended on sex sports in the fabric model on countries like the us,
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germany, d, u. k. go on supplying weapons which they know will likely be used in off without increasing their exposure to legal scrutiny. it, stephanie was going to put them in a bind, and certainly a lot of them are already discussing what must they do. and now in the face of the state you live, i think the americans are already covered and got their backs bar say where we wanted the limited operation in cars. so we don't want to is trying to get it genocide. we insisted that this should be a protection of civil names and then we could continue to send arms as long as the operation of dropbox is such and such and such. so once again, one thing for the resolution to be binding. another thing for us to be enforceable, especially on world or credit western powers, who especially the americans, are tended to turn their backs on international law when they are the ones who are
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under scrutiny. but it appears wouldn't be more impressionable. i think the europeans would be more under pressure to do something got in queued up in general and beautifully and public opinion would be at all if their governments continued ship arms such as are in that sense the wheels of justice foster and the audit accelerate thing and they are pushing to the corner is right, and it's all lives around the world. i'm not smaller one big shot, all see me, a political analysts. thank you so much. i is still a head on al jazeera, causes few remaining functioning hospitals. on the brink of collapse and severe shows and use a few and medical supplies and know by jumping to choose white for
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a 1st tournament, when in 2020 full continues best on the way. with pizza, the had a low that. let's have a look at the weather across the middle east and live band with a gulf states a set to civil over the next few days, we have already had a heat wave warnings out for a month. as temperatures peak up close and into the forty's. it will come down slightly on saturday instead, we'll see a shamal wind kick up that's going to blow a lot of the heat for the south is the luxury horton drive picture. but have a look at that. doha, in katasha, is set to pick up to 48 degrees celsius. if you look at the 3 day, it's about maybe 10 degrees above the average where it should be at this time. if yeah, that was, we had to north africa. it's been a story of excessive heat across the north east for libya as well as egypt. lots of hot and dry conditions to be found here, but we'll see the numbers starting to come down here over the next few days. it does remain largely hot and dry, just
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a few showers coming into northern areas of morocco and l. julia. it's west uh around the gulf of guinea. notice what does it has to be nowhere it could be. we're going to see the tropical storm, the remnants of that start to move away from kenya, but still some way to weather coming into the south west the lodge, the dry across southern parts of africa. it is looking cooler in cape town on saturday at 19 degrees celsius. an age where a car travels to vote on syria saying he's back to hell are you will come back. are you a fighter? no, i'm no fuss. but not in the eyes of his government. when my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. a new 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on
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innocent until proven guilty statements in syria. coming soon on al jazeera, the of the, you're watching out just the time to recap, ha headlines now. the international court of justice has ordered israel to immediately,
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and it's meant to be offensive in the southern guns. and since you have it off, well the top cold says it's not convinced as well as back to ration plans that are sufficient to alleviate the risks, palestinians, all facing guy c. j also did as well to open that off crossing and allow the on in the provision the basic services and humanitarian aid to golf. as well as the closure of the border crossings with garza has severely completed the volume of a breach and the palestinians. meanwhile, on the ground in gauze are these right, the army has been continuing to a time cross off. some of the strikes took place in the crowded subordinate camp in the heart of the city. so from all of this i, c j reading that's now talk to glen call. he's a former deputy national intelligence officer at the c. i a joins us from boston, massachusetts. so 1st of all, how much of a set back is this?
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to not only israel brought to the us terms of its international standing, well, it's certainly boxes is israel in a little bit. and as you were discussing with your guests in the previous segment, the countries that we conduct business, which with israel, particularly on defense related issues and aligned themselves politically and militarily with them, the also will have or a narrower scope of action that doesn't raise hackles, create problems possibly legal and the provider. so yes, the decision is, is, is consequential. the but as we can, we know it is unenforceable. well, the us position change towards encouraging israel to comply because we do know this does have leverage, right?
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well i, i, i think the answer is that the us already has, i think from very early on from before the attack into gaza, who's the use of the us. uh, i know was saying don't do this. you cannot succeed. however, you have to find your objectives, which have always been fuzzy for israel, fragile, frankly. and then has it progressively increased pressure on israel to stop the show and that sense it won't change, change to the ice. each a decision won't change you as policy the in, in a way it, it adds to what u. s. has been arguing for but has not taken the ultimate ultimate step of the pulling material aid from israel. and i don't expect that to happen. i'm glad you mentioned the material a to as well. let me read on a couple of quotes from the us precedent. joe biden, and he said, 1st of all in december, israel security can rest of the united states. so right now it has moved in the us
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. it has the u. europe, most of the world, supporting them, starting to lose that support by indiscriminate bombing. now he went on on may to say civilians have been killed in gauze or as a consequence of those bonds, referring to us bonds. and then he added and all the ways in which they go off the population centers. now glenn, when you have somebody saying, we know that this bombing campaign is indiscriminate. and yes, we know that us weapons are being used in it and we know that they killing civilians and you have the i c j saying you've got to stop the alpha offensive for us. and now the allies continue supplying weapons. is that not increase the risk of complicity against compose the charges or allegations against the u. s. and germany? and so i, i think the answer is, is yes. the, the,
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the bind for united states is not new, which existed has been the case that various levels and was of intense frustration the higher or lower. but for decades for longer than my career and my career goes back to the early 19 eighties. the us is committed to losing israel's sovereignty, survival and, and the success is the state and also committed to a 2 state solution. and then domestically has a challenge challenge because no government and no society ever speaks in one voice . and so the us pulled in conflicting directions. so ultimately it is can consistently decided and it will continue to, i'm sure, does that. whatever the frustrations that we have with israel united states does for a, for anger, of the us may feel at errors that israel is making. that if it has to come down to a binary solution of support israel so that it can,
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it can survive. so that's what will happen. all right, thanks so much glen, call the one of central garza's main hospitals along so has been handed a lifeline. the salts just dallas before its generates is, are expected to run out a few. these are the scenes inside the facility overnights. many departments working in darkness, doctor's treating premature babies with the lights from the mobile phones of the hospitalized, receive some fuel. but it's telling me it off the last a few days. the health care system in gaza is old but collapsed as a result of as well as relentless attacks. the world health organization documented $450.00 attacks on health care facilities and gaza between october the 7th. and may 15th, that excludes this week siege allow the hospital, it says is riley false is,
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is killed. $723.00 health work has an inch of $924.00, including civil defense stains and ambulance crews. not one of gauze has 35 hospitals is fully functional anymore. more than a 100 ambulances have been damaged. some hospitals are able to offer basic 1st aid, but they don't have enough medicine or supplies to treat the number of patients. in addition to people injured in this way, the strikes doctors are treating people for communicable diseases of w. h o is recorded at any one and a half 1000000 cases of infectious diseases such as chicken pox. joined this diarrhea and respect, treat infections, and the w h o has confirmed to, i'll just say era. palestinians in northern garza are experiencing farming spokes person target shot of edge told me area. the food situation is desperate. so there is a clearly need for more food and now with the rough are crossing border being closed . did he suggest a little we get to where was there?
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was it now i see that was done by a number of agencies saying that the, the defendant is even in north of gaza. that the, the to children have been a, had been diagnosed with severe mild treason. we help to uh, health facilities to, to, to put up the treatment centers for miles or as children. and there were a dozens of, of cases that heavy arrives with trisha will only gets worse. and again, just talking about a few we have heard about sue, it's really difficult choices that the uh, guys have to do now how to use the little fuel that it's, that is there, it shouldn't go to bakery. should it go, should it go through to the, sorry they should blast to have some water? so the go to hospitals on the shot of interest. i am going to be the pain headset from the world food program that, that is now family, a full blown famine. in other words, she used in northern garza, indeed the reason what, what's happening is what we have been seeing all these months is that we would come
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to hospitals bringing medical supplies, but people would be asking for, for double charge, it would have been stopped. and people were asking for, for that's why we need access. there has to be directed access to primarily land crossings to bring in what people and gods that need and they need what they need. few, they need medical supplies, that they need other humanitarian assistance that it's clear to pop when you get a way of hundreds of people are likely died off for a lance live in the remote area authorities and the know the manga proven so wanting the number of casualties may be higher. jessica washington reports, it's the optimal. so for landslide, in popping you can use north of anger, provence. it's drunk around 3 am. so people were thinking, i mean, or the hillside collapsed, burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below the levels on the ground. the boys, right,
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the back of me that telling me that the submissive destruction the 2 police more than 300 lives with most right now is that most major covered by the rocks and deputies right now. yeah. footage posted on facebook. people seen climbing over books and uprooted trees. most residents of this district, a small scale farm is. it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the population or the prime minister. james murphy says the defense force will help with the search and recovery efforts. authorities have sent emergency response teams to the area and describe the land side as devastating and unprecedented only of the provincial, administrative, health, and emergency meeting with health authorities and police, as well as a representative from the united nations. nice community groups. collecting aid for families who have lost every style in this disaster might. so jessica washington to
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0. like china is med tree as conductor. the 2nd day of minute tracks and sizes around taiwan. china says the war games are aimed at testing its ability to seize power in response to comments. promoting time when these sovereignty may find new president lighting to a spoken easy. no gratian ceremonial. monday, john list the vehicle upon as the nicest and taiwan or the chinese know 3 hours have started already the ministry of defense here and tie one does not give you details usually to later in the day. but on the previous days, they said the chinese p l. a vessels called between within 24 nautical miles and the water surrounding tie one. they had deployed about 50 military aircraft, 20 naval ships, and more than a 1000 postcard vessels that could be used in an invasion of china saying that it is
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a trying to test the ability of all join seizure of power joint strikes and control of territories. what does that mean? well, as, and essentially, it's a blockade of taiwan. and in particular, in these exercises, what they're trying to do is block off the waterways that would be used by taiwan to allies like japan or the united states in the event of an invasion. now it's worth noting that has not been any live fire. these are mostly maneuver based on a lot of focus is being given to the name joints toward 2024. a defense analyst are trying to figure out whether this is the 1st of many exercises that are due to come for taiwan. but you and these wanting of the risk of increased violence in me and mas, west and right kind state home to the minority. we're having good community do and says that receive reports of were hanging, being killed in an area captured by a level group known as the arrow con. um it says 45000 ringing of flights and
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neighboring bangladesh revel good denies. the allegation, the high commissioner calls for an immediate end to the violence and for all civilians to be protected without any distinction based on identity. prolonged and on him to to monetary and relief must be allowed to float. and all parties must comply fully unconditionally, with international, including measures already ordered by the international court of justice for the protection of the hinge, a boston presidents so that they may have foods and has been holding talks and batteries with the countries president, alexander lucas jenco discussions understood to have concentrated on security issues and minutes, we exercises involving tactical nuclear weapons. mints is most goes closest ally. it set to take pots and drills aimed at increasing the readiness, smaller baffle field, nuclear warheads. the still ahead on al jazeera india,
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it goes up to the 6 phase of his general election will have more than the physical fight. so when vote so the tap sort of them and the big torch relay makes its way through the famous vineyards of bordeaux. that's on the way. 830 school the business latest is brought to you while i guess, as i live slowly on,
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one of your lives makes modern pleads. the business latest is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates the the world finds this. find out what's going on in the brain savvy. thank you very much for letting i have sexton manager chevy. just a month of to persuading him to stay when he wanted to quits in january. chevy said
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this season would be he's law. so any for boss of president, join lat pull to, to talk and sustain. but chevy's recently, comments about the clubs, financial problems also to have angered level to end the board. you will be out soft to sundays, lead match against sylvia format buying you munich. coach c slick is expected to be named as the new man in charge in the coming days earlier. waste management. bobo costa, generous to lead and off to if changing manages will fix some of boston and his problems. i don't think so because the bustling problem are a structural problem. so they kind of not the fuel, the fuel, the exploitation, talk, bringing the best player. so they need to working in the bays which they have an amazing economy like, lemme see, it probably is still the rest of the war, but they don't have money next season. they won't be having. then you come know yet we are expecting it for december. so you're going to be a very difficult i think the beginning of the season, especially in
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a domestic leaking in love, levi. they wouldn't be fighting against be to arrive on surround madrid with probably the signing of and by peer but maybe um, what the president of things is that bringing someone from outside the international about. so now with a fresh mind, with a different look can put in these periods of uh, probably difficult times of bucks from uh, another kind of perspective. and probably if had to click and it seems to be a good feeling, uh, regional citizen, he can continue. oh, they can find another coach more exciting like for example, loose end of the game or even pet board viola s thinking into seasons later. manchester united face local arrivals. man says he in the cup final on saturday with doubts continuing to surround every 10 hog and these future at the club. a regular number of the feet. so united stuff with a worst ever premium leak finish. but they have a chance to when they 1st,
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if they come so i mean 8 years at wembley. and what is the repeat of last is final, which so city on the way to the table. so he will be having his favorite to win a game, but then hug will have other idea of the future at the club in the balance. the dutchman that says he's left with no choice but the gaiety side to the trophy. so i asked the guy came in to bring trophies, so today i have the next opportunity and we achieve this. we own this opportunity as a team and now we have to go for it and in the mean in the industry time in the last 2 years, of course. so up to after season you review it. and then you will see where we are in the project. and things what we have to change in the same time, we have such a big opportunity to in the next trophy. so he went to one. when is last season, they can still do the domestic devil of to winning the pray meeting for an unprecedented straight time. if they do, they will be the 1st and the premium. they give it to achieve back to back doubles
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. good is a sort of give us the chance to be in front of something that done before wise and tried that with is it maybe as an extra motivation for the praise to do the speak of that need to have done back to what premier league if that happens because in a tizzy, so bunch, while we're here, we're going to or to london to, to, to perform well such as the effect of semi final indeed has a mindset. do i do have to do that match? kicks off of busy showed you a lot of major cup finals all taking place on saturday, including the german and french cup finals as well as the asian and african champions. the decide is plus the way for women's champions. league final ac milan have confirmed that the head coach stefano p only will leave at the end of the season of the 5 years with the club. purely still decide to they 1st city outside leading live in using 2022. but the results have been since then, despite securing 2nd the season,
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they are 19 points of champions and local rivals into midland. ac host southern they tonda and they finally game of the season on saturday. i know that you all can fit your search for 2 of them in a victory and 2024 continues. the last 2, thomas massage in the geneva open semi finals and he's prep. ringback agents for the french open drug, which took an early break in the 1st place, but he's check opponent for fact to win the 1st $66.00 full. well, member one appear to be struggling, but you're glimpses of the old self in the 2nd 6 hosting through 6 love of the products of muscle, actually the feature any solution of atp fine on this with the 3 year old winning the food said $61.00 chocolate which will now go in search of a full time blood run and carol's starting with the 1st round match of gays, p a. okay? and the event that i'm a made it to, to re agility tonya stage, wins on friday as time they publish all closes and on the overall title bended on
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a claim. the events 19 stage in which conditions the 29 year old, broke away with betsy kilometers to go and off the 157 team. and he says, tell liam across the line. first. fall this out leads by 7 minutes and 42 seconds with just 2 days remaining reg, these champions couple final takes place on sunday when irish will set today, at least when the irish powerhouse lanes to face french joints to news at the top them hospice stadium and london, both teams of one, this competition in the past, atlanta have lost each of the last 2 finals. they are aiming for title number 5 over the role. as for tuesday, i'll see can they, 6th, champions, cup, crowns. they also have scrum health. i'm to him to point in the ranks a man many rates as the based rugby player on the planets of. i think the discipline is very important in the final stage. and the last year we, we went round with the at this point. so we have to focus on the,
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to the of trust the 1st we have to focus on that to tomorrow enough, the way we play inputs, lots of intensity. but to, if we, on the supreme that would be a very, very help. and we'll finish with some standing pictures from the olympic torch relay currently making its way through the bronze. it was carried on horseback through the famous vineyards of bordeaux way, 900. a 1000000 bottles of red wine are produced annually. the tool which will arrive in paris by mid july for the games, which begin on july, the 26. all right, we'll leave it there for now. i'll be here again in a few hours of most votes necessary. thank so much pizza. now preparations were all around the way in india for the 6 phase of india is general election. both is in 6 states to 5 really government regions and the capital knew that it will cost that balance on saturday. to remind you that the indian government has not granted visa,
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so i'll just as doing this. so we're covering the election from outside the country, looking at some chevy supports. 6 6 6 in the bathroom, so india is captain dudley's chief minister and leader of the of the common man's party has been holding back to back campaigns. the city has only 7 parliamentary seats. what is the center of political power? you have in case you bond to just support is adventures at risk and improvements like coming out to he's out on bill of to be detained by a federal from agency on charges of corruption. the south to the general elections were announced. k to valve says he's innocent, he's the 3rd member of the party to be arrested for corruption. his bill ends on june the 2nd days before the election results are due to be announced. k to fall to
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choose this from mr. moreno, m. o, d. o. recognizing corruption investigations to this credit political arrivals and deflect voters attention from real issues. you don't want a condo, can i tell you, did they want to stop at work? if this is not good for the country, this is dictates a ship, and we need to fight against this. i'm fighting against the dictatorship, but i need your support. beyond all of the party responded more than a decade ago and has been in public entities since 2013 that's also increased it's for and by when you close your full single question punjabi thought it didn't win a single parliament receipt from the capital in 2019. so this time is showing the coordination of opposition properties. so model, let's say k 2 balls of rest has benefitted his campaign. when people saw that our vintage, it was like, was, was filled. they believe that the bdc was actually jailing somebody who was
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a legitimate officer, who could legitimately take a, with this jailing of kid to convince the b, b, that's how popular how popular gives you all is the 3 the governing, talk to you, gentle party has also had radi zip castelli, did stop campaign to the prime minister. the party one old 7 parliamentary seats in 20152019. and let's say delhi is often a microcosm of national sentiment. the total number of people who recite into these about 23000000 and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way is represent all of the countries thinking, not just about how many of the city is thinking, the elections come full use of to some of the worst community violence and the capital in debt gets voted, say they want the government that will ensure the safety and address basic issues of employment and development,
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and the consumption of i'll just see the well that's it from me. but the good news is tell. mccray is in next has another full show. stay with us. the, the hard hitting intervenes is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking nonsense. the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not
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that important effective. he had the story on talk to houses in the last 2 weeks. so the kind of something, content you will see a duty in the grove using for p use
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a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on wordpress. and remember, to cut purifies wells and increases systems. cost on red chris the world's top court orders as well. just stuff is military operation and profit immediately setting the situation in the southern city and gaza is disastrous. international court of justice also does as well to open the ground for land crossing to allow much needed to minutes carry an agent to gaza. the


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