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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest. the world's top court orders as well to stuff is military operation and profit immediately setting. the situation in the southern city and gaza is disastrous. international court of justice also does as well to open the ground for land crossing to allow much needed to minute terry and i didn't. the guys are the little intel mccrae, this is all just here alive from the whole. so coming up the
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despite the i c, j, rolling kansas southern city, is it again by a series of israeli strikes the ship or refugee camp is targeted in central process and an oven? use hundreds, feed data and pumping. you're getting up to a landslide sweeps through a district in the north. during homes for many was sleeping, the, the you installed, court has ordered as well to immediately and effectively ended some military offensive and gallons of southern city, a for alpha. the ruling was issued as part of south africa's genocide case against as ro. the international court of justice is also demanding as well opened across the land crossing with egypt to allow live saving a to get into cancer, step boss and begins out of coverage from the hike. as the president of the us
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highest court now of salam did not mean so it's worth when describing the situation for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians, trapped in the city of fafsa, independence or the the quote notes that because a specific you may 30 and situation because a student which states that it is, or that of january 26, 2024, was a senior citizen over the through the it has the categories and has done so even further. and that there's many 30 and situation is now because they've got if that eyes as justice a situation. so exceptionally grace according to the court that additional urgent mattress needed in order to prevent possible acts of genocide on top of measures. the judge just had ordered in january and march, the states should immediately hold familiar to offensive and any other action instead of
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a governor which may inflict on the by the sidney and group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about physical destruction in holding or the and by the court also order as well to allow you in fact, finding mission into god to investigate allegations of genocide. although the court did not fulfill south africa as requests to order, as well as complete withdrawal from casa authorities. well, some to the ruling, because order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help if military action in any area guys are a major step forward. that's how the south african legal team responded to this. denmark ruling the case that started in december could last 4 years and that's why these legally binding urgent mattress are important. so potential genocide o x can be stopped before all is lost in gaza. that is if and when it's well
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advised by these orders. while this verdict will add to increasing international pressure is where else dismissive response. the recent rulings handed down by this court suggests that for the people in gaza phase and the international justice system is fading by the day. step 5 from l just sierra, the hate. it says rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has criticized the i. c . j, rolling his office, issued a joint statement with the foreign ministry saying the charges of genocide bro. bye . so therefore, care against his royal, at the international court of justice and the height of false outragious and morally repugnant, goes on society as well as not. and will not conduct to military actions in the rough area which may inflict on the palestinian civilian population as well. has been delta 0 from reporting from this. so let's go to sort of how to joins us now from the to a dining capital amman, and saw that we had the statement that by the front of the so what else that we hearing from is ready officials as well. just to go
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through what you were just saying about the prime minister statement. this reflects this rating perspective on the if it hasn't agreed with the i c, j from the saw, it has an agreed with what south africa was doing in the 1st place. and as he said it quote, it falls outrageous, and even disgusting. also, i think that the roof i campaign will lead to the destruction of the palestinian population and that it will continue to allow age in accordance to the low. we've also been hearing from other ministers, the cold uh the uh i c, j o the and c symmetric. and then we also heard from the wall cabinet minister benny guns, cooling it, saying that to israel is committed to continue with the will, the just unnecessary war. he closed it and to return the captives. now in terms of very action before this order came out, before everyone knew what the i c,
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j would be revealing. israel said that it wouldn't change its course of action a tool, and it wouldn't really take any notice of it. but it seems it does care because as soon as this came out, that would talks of them having a me thing such and even between the prime minister himself and the legal advisor to the government, as well as the foreign minister. and will cabinet minister any guns in, sorry, can you just give us an idea of how these ready public is reacting to this rolling as well? so the weeks now we've been seeing protests against the prime minister himself as well as the government. this is a most small right government, the israel has ever had, and there's a lot of anger amongst the public sites and leave from the families of those hells captive. 3 bodies were returned by this morning by these rady forces from northern gauls, or they managed to retrieve them,
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those included the french mexican national. but when it comes to the families, they've been speaking on tv already, one family member had said the israel has failed politically. but it has failed militarily, and if it continues that, you said that the concept wouldn't be returning the words about the lives if this will continues. and so to me with the offensive and drop off, but also they added that the soldiers won't be doing very well because even though israel says that it's winning this war, the number of casualties are rising amongst his rating soldiers asserts, and in areas that israel had said that it had clear dival homos fights as an one of the hamas leaders like the roles of gaza. but now it's back there again 3 months later. and this has been criticized by many people in these republics. saying if we're winning this war according to the government, then why are we not seeing the results as far as the consent? like i said, a 125 of those captives are still in gaza negotiations that have come to
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a complete standstill. okay, thanks. so much, oh that, that sort of hide it for us there in a month. just a reminder that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government has banned delta 0 from reporting in israel. and that is why we were pulling from, from the georgia dining and capital. but my boss has welcome to bowling by the international court of justice, but in the statement, it says it expected the code to issue in order to stop the genocide against our people and all of guys that not just in rough, a leisurely military has carried out rides in southern gaza, even as the international court of justice handed down its ruling missiles time because of the crowd it i'll issue about a refugee camp and central rafa. the strikes have damage. some of the main roads in the area risk you with side of the lodge crisis had prevented them from reaching the injured in del country isn't uh, i'll follow up with the licensed on the situation and russell it has been and 10
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supplying it's an air and ground grades on dropbox since the, the i c j hearing, we're talking about different air threats across it of law and to buddha area of refugee camp and yep. now, and the so now neighborhood in all the areas in center and brooklyn, and there's something very important i need to highlight, is that anyone who's trying to evacuate or trying to seek refuge or need their house are being targeted by either quad copters or by the is really drones, so that's why people are trapped in their houses and they could not leave. also, there's only one hospital still operating in drop off, which is the way to hosp. but this, the only has 8 beds. and it's, i'm units is a, have been having a lot of difficulties to go and to transfer these injuries. and it's not only in dropbox that is there any forces, ask people to evacuate to come units, but in the past hour,
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is there any horses targeted as it attends in the mix of tents, where people do not know where to go? they're trying to evacuate from reflect to a safe area, but unfortunately there is no safe area across the cause of the trip. it's the story a thing we're talking about more than 2 weeks without, without crossing open. no one is allowed to enter and no one is allowed to a to exit. and not only that, cut him up beside him is not entering any aid. only a few. and then within a few and entered is through current beside him in the past couple of days. but other than that, nothing is entering on opposite hospital where i am right now turn off all of its power last night because there was no fuel w. s or provided 15000 meters of fuel to the hospital. but again, this fuel is only going to keep the hospital going on for 4 days only, and there is no guarantee that they will give them more fuel
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a fellow sending an ambassador to the u. n. c is he's grateful for south africa's case of the i. c j against as rilen says, the decision must be implemented immediately. we expect the resolutions of the, the i c, j a to be implemented without hesitation. that's mandatory. and is a, is, as i said, 5 due to the convention. and the convention is crystal clear on this issue. so is that a, it has to abide by the decisions and the demands from the i c j. ok? let's go to images here as gabriella l as on dog, who joins us live from the un headquarters in new york as we, who did tell us in the, in, and best of the really pushing to get a draft resolution on ross. i can just give us an update on where exactly that is right now as well. a jury has been working on a security council draft resolution for
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a couple of weeks now focused on wrap up. but there certainly is now in the last, really 12 to 24 hours a lot more urgency because of the i c j rolling. so i think what you heard there when the posting and bass are, we augment sewer was speaking. it's use basically saying over the next coming days we will be looking at al jerry is draft position sort of modifying it if you will, to take in some of the i c, j decisions, particularly on rafa. now there is urgency, so i would expect that they're going to try to move this as quickly as possible. i'm thinking days, i think we could probably get some more clarity on this by early next week, maybe even sooner. because clearly they see, this is a key opportunity right now to really take this to the security council, circulate a draft, and get this moving down forward because it's key because while the i c j, you know, their decisions are binding. there's no real enforcement mechanism by the i c j
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that falls to the security council. and that's why you see the urgency now. yeah. and just on that point, for the honestly juggling to actually be implemented, it actually needs to go through the un security council as you mentioned, which of course will depend if the us will use it's v to a pallet. if you got any idea of what, what might happen in regards to that or what we asked to us and basset, or early on friday when he was going into a security council meeting that exact question. he said, which i haven't had time to read the entire i c j decision. i need to talk to washington one more comments on this later. so he didn't really want to comment much on it, but really what you're seeing here is a potential collision course with the, with the united states being is real, some main ally, and a collision course with the rest of the security council members. because we've seen in the past to the us is willing to use their veto power to protect israel. we saw that multiple times. so over the last 678 months or so. so the us is really
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much in a difficult position of maybe a difficult position. they put themselves in based on previous votes. because clearly there is a consensus to try to get some sort of draft resolution on rafa moving forward in the coming days. it will be up to the us to decide if they decide to veto it, or perhaps support it. of course, we'll be keeping a very close eye on that. thanks so much, gabriella ellis, on the line for us from the human headquarters in new york, are here with this play the slate here on the al jazeera, including the us in egypt site. i will try to send live saving items fuel into casa, to the account of asylum crossing. and india, it goes up for the 60 phase of its general election, will have more of the political fight to win votes and the capital daily. the
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handler that is more wet weather to come across the europe this weekend, i'm afraid. but despite the heavy showers across areas, we're still going to see a lot of rooms, particularly across the north for case of like scandinavia, with temperatures sitting well above the average. here, but as of which is whether across most central parts of europe on saturday and area of low pressure tracking its way for the east bringing some heavy showers across pots of the in the mediterranean. it's anything the heavier rain, the balkans to behind that we single pulls into wet weather for the likes of fraud stretching down in spain and portugal and southern pots of england. but some heavy rain stops to move in on saturday into island. that area of low pressure tracking its way for the spring more blustery conditions across the north west on sunday, some heavier raynichol southern parts of france as well went to weather intensifying for norway across more northern areas. scandinavia still managing to cling onto the woods, the thames as well pick up across the south,
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west for spain and portugal on saturday. and we'll see the heats continuing to build for western parts of russia. in particular, for moscow before a dramatic drop in the temperature by monday, the,
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the, the be what you'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the salad. the international court of justice has ordered as well to mediately in this military offensive and southern kansas city of ralph of the world's top court says it's not convinced as well as evacuation plans . they're a sufficient to lady at the risk palestinians are facing well quote, also ordered is round to open the prophet crossing and to allow the unattended provision of basic services and humanitarian a to gaza, as well as closure of border crossings. because i have severely depleted the volume of side reaching palestinians and disc, brittany's. okay, well let's go to white house correspondent, kimberly kelkins who joins us from washington, dc. and as i understand it can be is no official reaction from the white house. yet
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the president part of has been on the phone to the egyptian president. can you just fill us in on what they discussed? yeah, that's right. there was a phone call that took place a few hours ago between the us president joe biden. and the agents and presidency, seeing what we know is essentially the phone call is about humanitarian aid and also trying to release a captive. but in the midst of the call, what was agreed upon was that there would be a temporary agreement to get you an aide and fuel through the chrome as a salem crossing. now this is just temporary, this crossing to have this opened in terms of laying the groundwork in order to have the legal mechanisms put in place to have the reopening of the rafa crossing on the palestinian side. so what the bible administration is pledging to
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do is to have a senior team go to cairo next week to try and discuss that. so what somebody administration is clutching is that they will have the full support effort to help re open the raw for crossing. and to get that done in essentially terms of both israel as well as egypt can try and agree to. so this is kind of laying the groundwork if you will, to try and get that going. move that ahead, try to get the robert crossover on the policy side, but in the interim, make sure that that flow of a is getting in and distributed throughout data get. thanks so much. so what was that? kimberly, kimberly falcon the for us at the white house. with w h. r has confirmed to l g 0. the palestinians in northern guns are experiencing famine spokesperson. tara could just re, which told my colleague sammy's ident earlier, that the food situation in cancer is desperate. there is
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a clearly need for more food and now with the rough, our crossing border being close to the situation where. busy we get to where was there was it now i see that was done by a number of agencies as saying that the, the defendant is even in north of gaza. that the, the to children have been a, had been diagnosed with severe mild treason. we help to uh, health facilities to, to, to put up treatment centers for miles or as children. and there were a dozens of, of cases that heavy arriving with trisha will only gets worse. and again, just talking about a few we have heard about soon. it's really difficult choices that the uh, guys have to do now how to use the little fuel that it's, that is there, it shouldn't go to the bakery shouldn't go, shouldn't go through to the sewing. they should glass to have some water. so the go to hospitalized somebody say a shot of interest. i am going to be pain. has said from the world food program that, that is now finding a full blown famine. in other words,
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she used in northern gauze. indeed, but there is a what to be what's happening and what we have been seeing all these months is that we would come to hospitals bringing medical supplies, but people would be asking for food. i would trust it would have been stopped and people were asking for, for that's why we need access. there has to be interrupted access to primarily level crossings to bring in what people and guys and they need to what they need. few, they need medical supplies that they need other humanitarian assistance, that is clear. okay, well let's now hear from them all on the shower. i'll just share a senior political and let's see joins us from paris in the mail. and if we can begin with the i c j rolling from earlier today, how significant is this to have the world's top called tutor a, with an elijah stults, such a major military offensive, a set of late important. it's a historic day for palestine for is for the united states and yes for south
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africa. and she started uh, in order to dimensions um, it's the 1st of its kind for an american online interesting before it is right. and it's important for the front of cities because for a long time the kind of seniors have bent on international law and they always feel betrayed. now that there is some bit of good news, like uh, the is optimist. they are, they think that may be so some bad news behind the good news. i last uh, they're not viewed item. they're skepticism. yeah. it mon, what is, what is your take home? why the quote on it as well to end. it's rough it offensive, but didn't go further with putting a stop to, as well as military actions in the home of the gaza strip, because it was a mazda is response to this role. and as well, 1st of all, because best buy stopped after because we're asking this ask and we're very pointed
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in the demands the, the latest one for which the court has ruled. it was about the immediate necessity of halting the offensive. they can start and i think they got that, but the court did underline it's previous provision, the orders of the past 2 rolling. so i think on an own this was meant to be for christmas watch focus. i think the downside does x square is downside is, is what happened? what was written at the end of that part, our graph, which now these rainy's, including the judge to hey, is interpreting as, is there a good continue to do with ones to do in draw far? as long as it does not consider to be destroying the front of things on guys as an whole, or in part, meaning that they perhaps could choose to continue in a more pointed and a more selective way. what's happening is it will continue the same and interpret
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this as if it was texting, says williams, of course. but enough for me to be honest, since i wrote in tags, so you'd be implemented, it needs to be un security council, which of course is going to depend on if the useful use is vito or power, how difficult a position does this puts the united states and right now to hi, it's definitely does put us in a difficult position. i think it's the, i'm not embarrassed to should be. i think the wheels of justice are turning down, accelerating and disrupting the core. and nothing is right. and, and the united states, it's main enabler. if you were in garza now, the united states has tried over the past several months to take a bit of a distance. while at the same time you stop applying is are and with all the arms and the financial aid and the to provide that protection needs to carry on with this genocide and guys. so it is complicit. now that the i, c j has made sure it gets, will probably try to distance itself slightly, but certainly it will not enforce anything punitive or even resembles trinity i
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guess as well. it just in regards to complexity can countries like the united states and germany continued in his realm knowing that they most likely goes with ins being used to kill civilians and ruffin. now they win and they will give it to all kinds of justifications. we know that they are frozen one particular shipment or by munition, but i think best just on order to impose whatever they wanted to, of course and is right. i don't think that helps very much because according to at least one assessments in the washington post this week, the by the instruction has finally agreed to israel's plans for rough or so in so many ways the united states continued to back is there as well. 10 civic instructor, even though only several weeks ago these to say that we don't, we're not on board now. it seems they are on board and i think they, we've turned it back against the national. no, that wouldn't be the 1st time. okay. no one will have to leave it there,
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but as always, we really do appreciate your time and your insight. thank so much. i a lot of pumping. you're getting with some say hundreds of people that like they did after a land slide in a remote area. well, sar, he's in the northern in good province assessing the damage and boom, a number of casualties may be high. just for washington has more the optimal length of the land sliding, popping, you can use north and in the province. it's drunk. around 3 am. people listening or the hillside collapsed, burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below the levels on the ground. the boys, right, the back of me, they're telling me that these are submissive destruction to 2 police more than 300 lives. where most right now is that those major is covered by the rocks and the deputies right now you include each posted on facebook. people who seen climbing
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brooks and uprooted trees, most residents of this district, a small scale farm, is. it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the population of prime minister james murphy says the defense force will help with a search and recovery efforts. authorities have sent emergency response teams to the area and described the land side as devastating and unprecedented. earlier, the provincial administrator held an emergency meeting with health authorities and police, as well as a representative from the united nations. most of the community groups are collecting aid for families who have lost a personnel in this disaster like so. jessica washington, which is 0, which honda is military, has conducted a 2nd day of military exercises around taiwan. china say is the what kind of is that? i'm to testing its ability to seize power, the written response to comments promising tom when he saw friends a night by a new president slide turn to. it is an old gratian sermon on monday. journalist,
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the google on has the latest from ty, the chinese males, 3 hours have started already the ministry of defense here and tie one does not give you details usually to later in the day. but on the previous days they said the chinese, p l. a vessels called between within 24 nautical miles and the water surrounding tie one. they had deployed about 50 military aircraft, 20 naval ships, and more than a 1000 postcard vessels that could be used in an invasion of china saying that it is a trying to test the ability of all joints, seizure of power, joint strikes and control of territories. what does that mean? well, as, and essentially, it's a blockade of taiwan and in particular in these exercises. but they're trying to do is block off the waterways that would be used by taiwan to alice like japan or the united states in the event of an invasion. now it's worth noting that has not been
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any live fire. these are mostly maneuver based on a lot of focus is being given to the name joints toward 2024. a defense analyst are trying to figure out whether this is the 1st of many exercises that are due to come for taiwan. selection officials in india have been making preparations for the 6 and pendleton mid size of india is general election. the vases and 6 states and 2 federal government regions will cost the balance on the satellite, including in the capital deli, a new reminder. the indian government has no crowns and faces to l. just areas jolissa we are covering the election from outside the country. move close. i'm sure a for points. 6 6 6 in the bathroom for india is captain dudley's chief minister and leader of the of the common man's party has been holding back to back campaigns. the city has only 7 parliamentary seats. what is the center of political power?
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you have in case you want to just supporters to eventually addressed an improvement by coming out to he's out on bill of to being detained by a federal crime agency on charges of corruption. the self to the general elections announced k to out says he's innocent, he's a 3rd member of the party to be arrested for corruption. his bill ends on june the 2nd days before the election results are due to be announced. k to fall to choose this from mr. moreno, m o, d o. recognizing corruption, investigations to discredit political arrivals and deflect, voters attention from real issues. you don't want a condo, your dish can you, they want to stop at work. if this is not good for the country, this is dictates a ship, and we need to fight against this. i'm fighting against the dictatorship, but i need your support. beyond not the party responded more than
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a decade ago and has been in public in denise since 2013.


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