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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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and it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the, the world's top court orders, as well as itself, is military operation and profit. immediate leasing. the situation in kansas southern city is disastrous. the hello until mccrae. this adult is there. a line from also coming up. the international court of justice has ordered this round to open the roof of land crossing to allow much need is commanded. terry, an agent, the garza the. but despite the i c,
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j rolling causes southern city is it again by a series of is riley strikes the shapell or refugee camp is targeted in central rafa. and in other news, hundreds if it didn't pop in your guinea off to a landslide sweeps through a district and the newest varying funds for many was sleeping the the you ins. top court has ordered this round to immediately and effectively ended some military offensive and gone to the southern city of for off on the rolling was issued as part of south africa's genocide case against as row. the international court of justice is also demanding as well opened the wrongful land crossing with egypt to allow life saving a to get into concept save awesome begins coverage from the high of the presidents of the us. highest court now of solemn did not mence, its words when describing the situation for the hundreds of thousands of
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palestinians dressed in the city of fafsa, independence or the, the quote notes that because a specific you may 30 and situations, it goes us to the which states it, it is, or that of january 26, 2024 was a serious, serious, over the period. it has the categories and has done so even further. and that there's many 30 and situation is now because they've got if that eyes as justice a situation. so exceptionally grace according to the court that additional urgent measures needed in order to prevent possible acts of genocide on top of measures. the judge just had ordered in january and march, the states shot immediately who submitted to offensive and any other action instead of a governor which may inflict on divide a senior group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about physical
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destruction in holding or the and by the court also order as well to allow you in fact, finding mission into guys to investigate allegations of genocide, although the court did not fulfill so effort cost requests to order its routes. complete withdrawal from casa authorities. well, some to the ruling because order is groundbreaking. as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help it's military action in any area, guys are a major step forward. that's how the south african legal team responded to this landmark ruling. the case that started in december could last 4 years, and that's why these legally binding urgent mattress are important. so potential genocide o x can be stopped before all is lost in gaza. that is, if and when it's well advised by these orders, while this verdict will add to increasing international pressure,
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is where else dismissive response. the recent rulings handed down by this court suggests that for the people in gaza phase and the international justice system is fading by the day to steps fast and l just the rest. the hate is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has criticized the i. c, j, rolling his office, issued a joint silence with a foreign ministry saying the charges are to the side for by south africa or against as ro at the international court of justice in the hague. a false outrages and morally repugnant it goes on to say is around has not, and will not conduct the military actions and profit that creates conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population. israel has been delta 0 from reporting from this. so let's go to sort of high that who joins us now from the to a dining capital amount and sorry, we had the segment in from the israeli prime minister. but what else are we hearing from is ready officials to not very
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much the same sentiment inside. so before the order was completed and right doubtfully, we heard from the finance minister, best louse, smoke stretch, saying if anything, this is a reason to go further deeper in to rough, how we know the attacks on the roof or has been happening for the last couple of weeks and in fact, not long also the announcements, they actually attend stuff off heavily. uh, we seen this in every single day for the last few weeks and all so we heard from other members such as well cabinet men, but benny gans, he said, israel is committed to continue with the war. he called to adjust the necessary will to return the hostages. we had also from other ministers accuse the quotes of bank and c semester. it can, this is generally the consensus amongst the is rarely politicians and governments is the to, it's been a tough week. you have the i c, j o day, also have a i, c, c,
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c, king war a warrants against the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and one of the will cabinet members. and then you also had several countries recognizing palestinian statehood. so as far as his role is concerned, it feels that it's been coming incredibly isolated. and on top of that, they're all divisions within the governments, as well as a discrepancies between the ministry and a prime minister benjamin netanyahu with a minute treat just yesterday saying that they had warned the government including prominence to benjamin netanyahu 4 times last year. but divisions was making them look weak in front of the enemy as such as hum us. and so the hell is the, is already public reacting to this i c chat room while we had some, some of the family members that had been speaking on low cold c,
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the interest to give you a sense of the ceiling is one of the had said the so the is red is row has uh, we can do itself not just politically, but it's also, militarily, they said that they had been told a news, riley public was told that this was going to continue, but they would be moving from the knolls as they did onto the center and down into the south. when a few months ago, these really admitted sri headset it had killed how mosley does it has managed to eliminate how much, specifically from the north of the country, where we all 3 months later. and then back in the north in fact, and the strike just earlier on to bother you arrest the g. com. so it gives you a sense here that the public is spreads out. they've been protesting for a long time. and earlier, today's 3 bodies were brought back by these riley full since they see this as one of the goals to try and bring back as many of those campuses. but the facts of the
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matter is the sci fi deal came to a halt. those talks have come to a hole every time. there's no results. the last one was back in november, only see slide 0, the existed and it was then the, the 135 cops is right to be released in terms of the achievements by the minute 3, the bony managed to rescue 3 in total so far live on the rest of come back in body bags. okay, thank you so much. sorta sorta hot for us there in the dining capital. it was a moss as welcome to rolling by the international court of justice. but in the statement, it says that expect to the court to issue an order to stop the genocide against down people. and all of guys are not just in rough. well, joining us on the phone as senior mos spokesman or some a hampton. he joins us from by roads. now, 1st we can just give us your initial reaction to the c j rolling. how significant
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do you find us? it was for the full, it's a very was come the decision from the seizure and the would believe you chose exactly clearly that the i c j a considered what's happening. this is the general side. and so it is comforting that genocide because everyone knows that to the human side business there i didn't defy to create in the course. the 2nd of the show, i believe, is this decision. it brings the whole international community and to carry on their own responsibilities. everyone was waiting for this decision to understand was that a decision site or not? we believe as how may i say it was identified from the number one, but at least now everyone in the intellectual community has to understand it's a genocide, then they have to work hard in order to make an informed them to step aside from going on for them this issue, and i would have to say like, i get
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a change for the international community member to the amount of space. because for all the last around a 2 months is what is right well supported to 30 by the, the united states on all the live is if you want to talk about politically that they were supported in the, the security council. they were supported and about by the, by the military a, the, they, they were supported economically and even they were defended by they said ministration . that was what was happening is not the unified. now everyone understands that she's human side and everyone has to work hard in order to start with it. since the rolling was handed down by the i c j o, as it was handed down, we saw the israeli military staff operates it, strikes on the profit. do you think that there was any chance at all to the is where the government is actually going to comply with this role? and it was key that the initial not back to the decision that they
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they didn't, they bought, accepted. i knew the mission of the united nation or the i c j. this is the challenge with that is a, it is the com, 3, above the international or country is go have to accept the international. and we want it's talking about the some lawyers, one is talking about the justice. now there is a key of issue and everyone is supposed to on thought about that. how he percent consider the decision. i think if they, with the did like a sport time, they would continue. but if everyone's say enough is enough, and there was an action against is evaluated by cutting is a in addition, medical english is just a he and i think this sort of stop the war against my phone. little fast was be stopped against the for this payment. this we are under the collision for the last 75 years. the must have cars did lots of stuff today. the junior side did not stop today. stop is 1948 months. at least this is the 1st time there is
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a clear evidence that the, i'm not sure the community considering what's going on as a general side, the through that is in the ocean of the i, c, j. the part of the, the rolling was as well was to do with the opening of the roof of border crossing. how significant, how important is that getting a back into a back into the gaza. but it's very important because in the last 2 days, there is a clear signs in the north, some parts of goods, the about hunger situation we, we, we are facing given situation and most in parts of that uh uh, according to that. so abc age and according to the, the role general for the, the, both of them in the inbox. and so i believe this, this is, this is suppose to be or been, or they closed the chick boards. and i know the, the, the, the,
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the is to come inside because that wouldn't make it up in the sand, people sort of high. we need also me that kind of support we need or the, the, the essential issues from for, to me this and to me they can support from the everywhere. and i think this can open the door for the scene on to have the same and people because it's one of the, some of the, well, there is obviously increasing international pressure on israel. stuff is offensive and rougher in particular and allow more items. there is also more appreciate coming on a mouse to release the captives as well. i was just calling you from the number one we have declared that you are ready to do our best to send the, the unmet attend. to is what it is as to to, to their families. we have tried that the only days as you will remember, and if anyone may maybe of them, but of that,
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we've said to americans and didn't to me on said no, and i started and didn't push out here except to that. so we sent to or them, and after that then november we'd have a seats for which was undermined by that to be a home set of. and you sent that on the 110 of those foreman and children. and we, we said that you all the time to carry on about good to me on hold on. don't mind is that to the last 4 months or they negotiate issues. and it to be honest, has to have the it is only without sending any but his team in order to be signing put his payments from the agents. we are talking about the hundreds of thousands of for this thing. and we're talking about more than $10000.00, but a scene is in the gen potholes going to be what i just did in the last 5 months. so we were to create and didn't go she issues. we have to insist on 5 issues, which must to us to get off the complete this file with the, from the old. it isn't, does the, the, the channel for the,
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for the students to the house is always the, providing them with me today is to become so i think that's a fair the exchange indeed. and i'm a new system that i'm the last the part of southern was charles introduced by the me did. so i was, i mean, the cut that is under addictions and it was endorsed by the americans. we've said yes, that was on the for so affinity for this month. but it is, it did that. so we are ready to go on. if they said yes, they should have been today. so they, they have to do to, to make their mind down to decide, well, i'm not going back to, to negotiations. there was an initiative i was accepted from how much time they have to say now. yes. okay. so clearly a gulf between the 2 sides that is a senior. i'm a spokesman son of a 100 and speaking to us from virus. these are the military has carried out rides
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in southern guns, even as the international court of justice handed down its ruling missiles. talked with the crowns of the eligible or refugee camp in central rafa. the strikes have damaged some of the main roads in the area with a pellet sending and best of the to the you and says he's grateful for south africa's case of the i. c. j against as row and says the decision must be implemented immediately. we expect the resolutions of the, the i c, j a to be implemented without hesitation, that's mandatory and is a is, as i said, 5 to to the convention. and the convention is crystal clear on this issue. so is it a, it has to abide by the decisions and the demands from the i c j. for more on this, let's go to l, just here as gabriella alexander, who joins us from the human headquarters in new york and gave the palestinian and best of it really pushing to feel that this draft resolution on roscoe. can you
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just explain exactly with that if it is at the moment as well, jerry has been working on a draft resolution for the security council for a couple of weeks now. but you clearly see you see more urgency within the last 12 to 24 hours because of the i c j a decision. clearly i think you saw the era but group masters out at the stakeout speaking the journalist briefly today. and you can tell that they are talking now about taking that out, jerry, a draft resolution on rafa, which we don't have a lot of details about yet. but incorporating now in the i c j decision into that with the idea of perhaps getting something that they could circulate to the council members as early as this weekend maybe early next week is what i'm thinking. cuz there certainly is urgency and you say why was because the i c j clearly has
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jurisdiction. obviously clearly the decision is binding by the i c, j or the rulings are binding by the i c, j. but in terms of enforcement, the i c, j does not have any enforcement that is a job of the security council. and i think think that's why you're seeing the house standing in bass or now jerry and a bass through is the air representative on the security council right now. really pushing this forward to try to 1st, since the lack of better word, take advantage of this opportunity to really get something in front of a security council that can be voted upon the guidelines. you mentioned that the siege i rolling to actually be implemented. it needs to go through the un security council, which of course will depend on this, the u. s. veto its own, not if we got any idea of what they might do when it comes to that 5. whether us, it's a showed in the past that they will veto a security council resolutions that come in front of the account. so about guys that they've done it multiple times. in fact, after the 1st i c, j,
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provisional measures were announced in january, the security council took up the rest of solution that was a spear headed by al jerry as well trained to hold israel to account on the i c. j provisional measures. it had lots of votes except the us, vetoed it. so you can see that the us perhaps isn't going to be in a bad position, maybe that position that they put themselves in. if this goes to another vote again, but clearly the us to show that they will potentially veto anything that they don't like or that they perhaps state the, their biggest ally on it or israel as big as outright the us doesn't like. so what we watch them is very close in the days ahead. and dave, we will, thanks so much. gabriel. l as on the from the un headquarters in new york, a good. what is still a hit here on al jazeera, including india, is also the 6th phase of its general election will have more on the political fight
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to win votes in the capital. in new delhi, the had lower, they will start down on the by looking at western parts of australia because we seen a lot of the seasonal looms here. but temperature is all going to start to come down in part of the number of cold from the start to sweet through bringing some showers and storms with them. and some of the fee us wins as well. now the temperatures have been sitting rather low across the southeast. you can see the mornings coming up very blue here that shows the low numbers upon the afternoon. the sun has been a lot of that cold weather away from all in the way of sunshine and no be some sunshine across much of new zealand. but from what the weather started to creep in the course. southern parts of the south island temperatures are set to drop as we
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go into sunday, but it will still be some sunshine in christ church. now, despite the sunshine across the south, east asia was seeing more in the way of stormy weather across northern areas. a tropical depression is strengthening as it moves to the east of the philippines, talking some very heavy rain across move into areas here. we could see some flooding. we could also see some flooding across the north, west, the pots of indo china as a developing system in the bay of bang goals, thoughts to bring some very heavy rain across into thailand, me in my and the malay peninsula. over the next few days. the the
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the . ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you watching out is there a reminder about top stories, the sound, the international court of justice has ordered israel to mediately in the military offensive in the southern kansas city. a for alpha, the world's top court says it's not convinced as well as the valuation plans, the sufficient to levy at the risk palestinians are facing throughout court. also
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order this route to open the process of crossing and to allow the unintended provision basic services and humanitarian aid to cause that as well as close your of border crossings. because i have severely depleted the volume of a reaching palestinians in the, in the way of the i. c, j, rolling diplomatic. if it's to reach us, the spot had intensified on 2 zeros. whitehouse corresponding company healthcare reports from washington, dc. the following a phone call between the us president joe biden and egyptian president c. c. an agreement has been reached to temporarily since fuel and un humanitarian, a pruby crab abu salem crossing. this is something that is only temporary in order to get the legal mechanisms in place to reopen the rough up crossing on the palestinian side. the us president joe biden has pledged his full support
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and effort to help open the rock crossing other terms that he hopes will be amenable to both the egyptians and the is relays. in order to achieve that, he says he is sending a senior team to cairo next week to discuss. in the meantime, there are also efforts underway to revive cease fire talks. talks that the united states and israel se broke down after they alleged that her mos refused all of the offers that were presented to them. what we can tell you is us and void to the middle east. david satterfield says that efforts are underway to revive those talks, given the fact that the c i director william burns is going to be heading to europe . he will be meeting with the could tarry prime minister as well as the is really intel chief. it's unclear whether egypt will also be included in those talks. the
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goal to get tapped is release from gaza. the hope is this will be a foundation for a future ceasefire deal. kimberly healthcare l g 0, the white house, the w h o has confirmed to l just or the palestinians in northern garza, are experiencing famine spokesperson terracon, just to revenge, told my colleagues seventies ident earlier that the food situation in casa is desperate. there is a clearly need 4 more florida now with the rough, our crossing border being close to the situation where. busy we get to where was there was it now i see that was done by a number of agencies. a saying that the, the defendant is even in north of gaza. that the, the to children have been a, had been diagnosed with severe mild treason. we help to uh, health facilities to, to, to put up treatment centers for miles or as children. and there were a dozens of, of cases that heavy arrives with trisha will only gets worse. and again, just looking to about to see what we have heard about. sue,
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it's really difficult choices that the uh, guys have to do now how to use the little fuel that it's, that is there, it shouldn't go to the bakery shouldn't go, shouldn't go through to the so they should blast to have some water. so the go to hospital, somebody say a shot of interest. i am going to be the pain headset from the world food program that that is now finding a full blown famine. in other words, she used in northern garza, indeed, but there is a what to be. what's happening is what we have been seeing all these months is that we would come to hospitals bringing medical supplies, but people would be asking for food. i would trust it would have been stopped and people were asking for, for that's why we need access. there has to be interrupted access to primarily level crossings to bring in what people and guys that need and they need what they need. few, they need medical supplies that they need other humanitarian assistance that it's clear to pop and you're getting now with some say,
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hundreds of people are likely did after a landslide in a remote area with our attorneys in the north and in good provence are assessing the damage in bold, the number of casualties may be high. cisco washington has more. i see often most of the land slide in popping you can use north of enterprises. it's drunk around 3 am. people listening or the hillside collapsed, burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below the levels on the ground. the boys right? the big of me, they're telling me that this is missy destruction. the 2 police more than $300.00 lives with most right now is that most makes it covers by the rocks and the deputies right now, you include each posted on facebook, people who seen climbing, brooks and uprooted trees. most residents of this district, a small scale farm,
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is it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the population or prime minister james murphy says the defense force will help with a search and recovery efforts. authorities have sent emergency response teams to the area and described the land side as devastating and unprecedented. earlier, the provincial administrator held an emergency meeting with health authorities and police, as well as a representative from the united nations. nice community groups collecting aid for families who have lost avery style in this disaster life. so jessica washington, which is 0. china is military, has conducted the 2nd day of military exercises around ty, one showing this is the war games that aimed at testing its ability to seize power . there in response to comments promising time and the suffering team made by a new president by june to add his integrations. there are many on monday preparations underway in india for the 6 phase of india's general elections vases
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and 6 states to fit really government regions. and the capital new delhi will cost the ballots on saturday. a, and a reminder, the indian government has no grounds of visas to l. just there is your list, so we are covering the election from outside the country. let me cool, sim sharif reports. 6 6 6 in the bathroom, so india is captain dudley's chief minister and leader of the of the common man's party has been holding back to back campaigns. the city has only 7 parliamentary seats. what is the center of political power? you have in case you want to just support this adventures of risk and improvement by coming out to he's out on bill of to be detained by a federal crime agency on charges of corruption. the south to the general elections were announced. k to out says he's innocent,
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he's the 3rd member of the party to be arrested for corruption. his bill ends on june the 2nd days before the election results are due to be announced. k to fall to choose this from mr. moreno, m. o, d. o. recognizing corruption investigations to discredit political arrivals and deflect, voters attention from real issues. you don't want a condo, can i tell you this? can you say want to stop at work? if this is not good for the country, this is dictates a ship. and we need to fight against this. i'm fighting against the dictatorship, but i need your support. beyond not the party responded more than a decade ago, and it's been in public entities since 2013. it's also increased it's footprint by been crucial for simple question punjab bought it didn't win a single parliament received from the capital in 2019. so this time is showing the coalition of opposition properties. so my,


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