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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business leg just is free for you, i guess as an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this has been use online from start coming up in the next 60 minutes. the world's top court orders as well. just stuff, it's military operation and profit immediately saying the situation and causes something since he is disastrous. the international court of justice has also ordered as well to open the roof of land crossing to allow much be good to military
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and aiden's in kansas is diamond continues to scripts. but despite the ice, each eye rolling cause the southern city is hit again by a series of this variety strikes the ship or a refugee camp is targeted in central process. this troops, few remaining functioning hospitals are on the brink of collapse with severe shortages of fuel and medical supplies. and in other news, hundreds of 15 of them, you're getting up to a land slide sweeps through the district and the newest varying homes for many was sleeping and on piece of stems with all the day sports news, just one month also announcing he would stay on till the end of next season. also, luna, have sec manager chevy. the, the you installed court has ordered israel to immediately and effectively end is military offensive and gone to the southern city of ruffled the ruling was issued as part of south africa's genocide case against his right. and the international
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court of justice is also demanding israel open the raw for land crossing with egypt to allow life saving aid to get into the gaza step boss and begins down coverage from the hike. as the president of the us highest court now of salam did not mean so it's worth when describing the situation for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians trapped in the city of fafsa in the presence or the the quote notes that because a specific you may 30 and situation because a student which states it, it is, or that of january 26th, 2024, was a serious, serious over the period. it has the categories and has done so even further. and that there's many 30 and situation is now because they've got if that eyes as justice a situation so exceptionally great, according to the court that additional urgent measures needed in order to prevent
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possible acts of genocide on top of measures. the judge just had orders in january and march, the states shot immediately who submitted to offensive and any other action instead of a governor which may inflict on divided sidney and group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about physical destruction in holding or the and by the court also order as well to allow you in fact, finding mission into guys to investigate allegations of genocide, although the court did not fulfill so effort cost requests to order, as well as complete withdrawal from casa authorities. well, some to the ruling, because order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help it's military action in any area gather a major step forward. that's how the south african legal team responded to this landmark ruling. the case that started in december could last 4 years,
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and that's why these legally binding urgent mattress are important. so potential genocide o x can be stopped before all is lost in gaza. that is, if and when it's well advised by these orders, while this verdict will add to increasing international pressure, is where else dismissive response. the recent rulings handed down by this court suggests that for the people in gotcha phase and the international justice system is fading by the day to steps fast and elsie around the hate israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has criticized the judge. i see j rolling, his office issued a joint statement with a foreign ministry saying the charges of genocide proved by south africa against israel at the international court of justice in the hague of falls, outrages in morally repugnant. it goes on to say israel has not and will not conduct the military actions and profit that creates conditions that could lead to
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the destruction of the palestinian civilian population. israel has banned l just ever from reporting from this. so let's go to sort of hide us who joins us now from the jordanian capital. i'm on. so we heard that from pretty comprehensive segment. they from the prime minister. but what else are we hearing from is writing officials as well just to add also, i'd say that statement, he also had said that israel is maintaining international law and international humanitarian law. but just off to that, i see the j order was handed down the intense bombardment of rough off. a resumed, so really what we're seeing on the ground is very much difference. what these re, these all saying, and certainly the full v i c j had come out with this older, it said that it wouldn't affect the outcome of the rules that they would still continue with it. and that's exactly what. so if any guns,
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one of the war cabinet members said, he said that this stuff would continue, it's a just a necessary will and want to be able to return. those still held captive. we also heard from other is right, the ministers quoting the quotes m c. semantics. where do they go on from here? they certainly has a meeting. it seems the behind closed doors to discuss this order with the legal advice from the governments, the legal adviser. they had also at the time when it 1st came. awesome. and it says notes talk about this publicly. and they all, it seems and talks with the us because they know that it's this go on goes on to view and a security council that. 6 of us could be so any decisions moving forward against israel but is route is somehow having the holidays. 2 we close so that it's of a hot to face during this will as we see it tides change from people initially
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supporting israel and what it's doing and gaza. 2 countries coming out including several, the all recognizing palestinian statehood. indeed. and how is b is rarely public reacting to all of this as well, these are 80 top like is increasingly frustrated. we've been seeing this for months now that definitely a lot more vocal. and i'm, you know, coming out talking about how this governments and not only the government is failing politically, but militarily, as well, just of the are one of the local news channels. one of the family members of those still held captive in gaza, said that is ro said and promised that they would and so rough oh, it would end soon. but as far as the consent is still a $125.00 captive still housing garza, not sure if that dead or alive and also where israel had promised that they had
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with done with the notes that the gaza strip that back the 3 months later. even though they said that they had got rid of all the homeless combines as so there's a lot of public distrust in the government, in the prime minister and also in the military. and just to add to that 3 bodies was about to retrieve the by israel earlier this morning, and one of the fathers of one of those that was killed. yep. blanca, he said that some the, the government didn't even call him that. he didn't receive a single phone call from them to even let him know that his son supposedly had been retrieve and he found out through social media. so what, what he was saying by this and what the feeling is, is that even bringing back the bodies is, is astonished by the government to say that, you know, this is why we're still that. this is why we need to be in the north, the middle, and the south of rough off. and really when it comes to the interest of the families, it's not that i can think so much sought us out of high that for us there in amman
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. and just a reminder of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his government has banned al 0 from proposing an as well. that's why we have reporting from the to a dining and capital a mouse has expressed its approval all the i c j decision. it's spokesman us, i'm a 100 toto just there that it should spur the international community to action. a chris full, it's a very was come the decision from the seizure. and we believe we chose exactly clearly that to the i, c j. a. consider what's happening, this is the general side and so that it is comforting that you know side because everyone knows that to the human side there's the. yeah, i didn't that 5 degree it in the court. the 2nd issue, i believe, is this decision. it brings the whole international community and to kenny on their own responsibilities. everyone was waiting for this decision. and to understand was that a decision side or not?
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we believe as how much it was identified from the number one. but at least now everyone in the intellectual community has to understand it's a genocide and they have to work hard in order to make an informed them to step aside from going on for them. this issue. and i really can say like, a get a change for the international community manager, the amount of space. because for all the last around h wants is what is right, well supported to tell you by the, the united states on all the live is. if you want to talk about politically, but they were supported in the security council, they were supported then bought by you by the military a, the, they, they were supported economically and even they were defended by the us, administer fish. and that was what was happening because it's not that getting side now. everyone understands that shooting the size and everyone has to work hard to know doctors public. well, there is obviously increasing international pressure on israel to stuff is
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offensive and rougher in particular and allow more items. there is also more appreciate coming on a mouse to release the captives when i was young wants to do from the number one we have to create that you already have to do our best to send the the unmet attend to is it is a tool to to or they have time, it is a we have tried that the italy days as you will remember. and if anyone may maybe of them. but of that, we said to americans and didn't to me on said no hand off started and tenant patricia hicks it to that. so we sent to or the woman after that in november we have a seats for which was on the mine by that to me. a home said of, i do see that on the 110 know for those women and children and we, we said that you all the time to carry on is about to, to me on hold on. don't mind is that for the last 4 months or they negotiations and it to be honest just to have it is only without sending any but
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a state in order to be signed for the statements from the any chance we i've talked about doesn't hundreds of thousands of for this thing about talking about more than 10000, but a scene is in the gym and half of them they were, i just did in the last 5 months. so we were to clear it and didn't go she issues. we have to insist on 5 issues, which must work together to complete this file with the, from the old. it isn't, does the, the that is channel for the, for the students to the house is with the provide even with me today is to become so i think as a fair, the, but as i was exchange, indeed in a new system that i'm the last, the public charter was charles introduced by the medea i was, i mean, the cut that is on the edge of trends and it was endorsed by that many accounts. we've said yes, that was on the 4th of this month. but that's what it does, is it did that. so we are ready to go on. if they said yes,
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this should have been today. so they didn't have to get to, to make their mind down to decide. well, i'm not going back to the, to negotiations. there was an initiative act was accepted from her my son, they have to say now. yes. as well as the needs and goals are concerned that the world quotes order won't stop as well as for on gaza even as the international court of justice was handing down its ruling is really forces were attacking reference, southern cancer, and don't quarterly reports from dell bottle inter buddha comp, incentives or for civil defense crew tried to find survivors after is released strike into 10 city palestinians. here are hoping there is change after the court order because there's no where safe to go for displace policy means at this. make shift comp daddy, bela decisions of the international court of justice. don't go far enough. after 8
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months is where people buy them and they want decisive action to end. their suffering is not available in the head. we want this decisions to be implemented on the ground to stop the war, and not just to talk about rough best committed genocide the commit to master, cuz we went over to stand with us and for the well to stand with us and stop. so they shouldn't say one thing and do something different. every thing here in guys was completely destroyed. so the decision was, the funniest thing you need is immediately so we don't need the collaboration. we need application on the teacher. whether you inquire, delivered its routing. there was heavy. is there any bumping into for many pilots to new? remain skeptical. the court order for is raise to stop. it's a saw, a refund, will have an effect back up as a boot
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a come emergency workers puts out flyers in this residential area after is really strike. they're searching homes and telling people to leave as more bombs are expected to fall in the city as ita did, and better cause a palestine. the international court of justice is the united nations top code. and even though it makes independent decisions as the un security council, which has the power to enforce them, that means with this i just rolling the focus now tends to the united nations in new york. gabriel ellis also takes a look at how invested is reacted to the quotes order a re augments or palestine. jim bassett, or the united nations, was quick to welcome the icy jays. additional provisional measures announced friday and said they must be implemented. we expect the resolutions of the, the i c, j a to be implemented without hesitation. that's mandatory and is a,
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is, as i said, 5 to, to the convention. and the convention is crystal clear on this issue. so is that a, it has to abide by the decisions and the demands from the i c, j. one of the i, c. j. provisional measures issued by the world's top court is it is real, allow into gaza united nation teams to investigate war crimes. on friday, when asked about that un spokesperson said without a ceasefire, that's unlikely. there is what the court has decided where the court is called for, which we've always called for access, for investigative bodies. but obviously, unless the, the, the facts on the ground change. uh, it is not likely that anyone will be able to travel there. so at the u. n. view ambassadors wanted to comment on the i c j decision most saying
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they needed more time to thoroughly read it. but al jerry a, the only error upstate on the security council made brief comments. well speaking at a meeting on the protection of civilians and humana, terry and workers in armed conflict. the i c, g o. those are legally binding and that they're comparing is really power. sure. a by, by the or the you should to dish. it appears likely in the coming days, algeria will spearhead the effort on a new draft resolution on rough or demanding that is real, abide by the i c, j decisions. and that to put the united states, israel's main ally on another collision course with the rest of the council gabriel's onto, i'll just say to at the united nations in new york. read brody is a war crimes, prosecutor alia, he told my colleague,
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send me is ident that the st. joe's rollings is significant. we see through the 3, the 3 i c, j decisions. this is escalation at 1st. the 1st ruling was more or less, you know, be, hey, follow humanitarian lot, don't commit violations of the genocide convention. the 2nd gotten a little more specific and particularly in terms of humanitarian assistance is sure . humanitarian is not just, not just a facilitate. this one is very specific. um, you know, of their ordering israel to halt specific offensive military operations. as well as to open the raps for crossing other crossings to allow access to the un fact finding mission. it does give israel
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a lot of wiggle room here. so they're saying, you know, we are going to be very, very strict. now there's, there's been a, i've been reading actually be there been some separate opinions that interpret this and, and one of the opinions as well. they can, as well can ask defensively. but the key word in, in the, in the order is offensive at the military dispenser actions. and so we can now look and put israel on whether or not it is doing this. is it, has it stop offensive actions of has it opened the crossings? is it allowing fact finding emissions in, and i think the implication is, as you say, that they have not abided by the previous rulings. but this one is a, it's much more or less let me jump in read. if the implication is that they haven't abided by previous readings, and the implication is that the actions are
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a threat to civilian life. does that sort of find things that sort of ruling have implications for the broad a genocide case which is rarely is facing? absolutely, i mean these, in these inter rulings, these provisional measures are legally binding. so down the road, the fact when, when we get to the merits of this case, and as we've all discuss the merits of whether or not israel is actually violating the genocide convention won't be dealt with here for years. so there is no immediate sanction provide, at least that this court for violating provisional measures. but the fact that israel has violated these provisional measure is when going to prejudice it. when we come to the final ruling by the international court of justice. well, it's now here from milan to shower l g 0 senior political, and lucy joins us from paris and this is just come through in the last couple of minutes. my one, the white house has finally responded to the siege. i rolling,
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it says that it has been clear and consistent on rasa. but despite that really hasn't changed. support for israel since is ready for us as we intend to ralph. has it. oh wait, wait, wait, tom, it has not been clear and it has not been consistent. it has been vague and consistent over the past 8 months. in fact, every time it took a stand, just look back that stand because it is decided to walk all over it. but is there a negative way the united states afforded suit and it kept eating it towards the by the administration did not stick to any thing that it had committed to in terms of the humanitarian and terms of the land and vision. in terms of the invasion overall, in terms of the bombings of the hospitals and, and the bakeries and the schools and so on,
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so forth. so the united states were speaking out of both sides of its mouth. it was not clear, it was terribly ambiguous. and at the same time it was providing all the military financial i'm to provide to cope for israel. and do you think that's a deliberate tactic, bye button in the white house? oh, yeah, absolutely. i mean, but this, let's put it, this is do right. i mean, they know that they are supporting a wrong regime. they are stuck with it. uh they are also a bit of a hostage of these are in the lobby. is it a lot bigger? just want to explore those. so event jellicoe fundament that it's stuck out in control congress now. and so they had to do what they had to do it now that actually your speak out of both sides of their mouth. i'm the one, how do speak with the humidity of all the laws of war or international law? i know this is tom, violate all of these while support thing is right. as it got, it is general side. it goes up. this is, it is, it is the norm, right?
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and international politics, when a superpower supports its client stage, and given that time and how much of a sit back is this i c, j rolling, obviously as well, but to the us as well. because when it comes to its international standing really has been basses, it's a salut set back for the united states. it's certainly a big blow for it is right. and that, uh, sort of, uh, guy used to act with impunity. but now that we have just to solid rolling, they are actually rating and they are basically pushing is wrong and the united states and top corner and the responses from is right. i'm probably from the united states. eventually, it wouldn't be to turn their back on the united nations in the highest courts. but this is the way it is with the united states or international law is important when it has to do with pershing. but when it has to do with its online nothing,
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you know, i guess not so much. and what about the issue of complicity here? i mean, countries like the united states continue to as well, knowing that those with them to use in the killing of civilians without increasing their exposure to legal scrutiny. or again, like, let's look at that. for example, the example, the united states has committed something like god, i'm not like we're on the we lost track of course 90, then 26 anyways. more than $20000000000.00 of edition, limited to the assistance of israel to the $38000000000.00 provides over 10 years. and then it's suspended one shipment, 110th of new mission of 2000, found bombs that 2nd. and they say the need for a rough or so the, the complicity has been data the you with the has been data just as much, you know, by the united states to which is right. but at the same time,
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just look at what's happened is it's been reported today. we will see by uh, you know, sometime over the weekend or next week or how true that is, that congress is about to invite nothing, you know, to speak to the both houses. but what supposed to be, you know, the color of democracy around the world. us congress is going to host the, the war crime the, the politically corrupt. there is nothing you know, only simply to, to, to human data, international court. so the united states are spending more more isolated just as is, ryan is defending the back against the work committee. cannot their actual loss. but just as israel and united states to the world, to go to hatton, for the state, it goes around to go through that headache. mm. okay, well, have to leave it there. thanks so much my one now and the shower a senior political analyst. thanks so much o w h o has content images here with the
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palestinians in northern gaza are experiencing famine spokesman topic just rich told send me is ident earlier than the fit situation and gals are as disparate there is a clearly need 4 more florida. now with the rough, our crossing border being close to the situation where. busy we get to where was there wasn't now i see that was done by a number of agencies. a saying that the, the defendant is even in north of gaza. that the, the to children have been a, had been diagnosed with severe mild treason. we help to uh, health facilities to, to, to put up treatment centers for miles or as children. and there were a dozens of, of cases of heavy arrives with trisha will only gets worse. and again, just talking about a few we have heard about sue, it's really difficult choices that the uh, guys have to do now how to use the little fuel that it's, that it's there, it shouldn't go to bakery it shouldn't go,
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shouldn't go through to the so they should blast to have some water. so the go to hospitalized the shot of interest. i am going to be the pain headsets and the world food program that that is now finding a full blown famine. in other words, she used in northern garza, indeed, but there is a lot to me. what's happening is what we have been seeing all these months is that we would come to hospitals bringing medical supplies, but people would be asking for food. i would trust it would have been stopped and people were asking for, for that's why we need access. there has to be directed access to primarily land crossings to bring in what people and guys that need and they need what they need. few, they need medical supplies that they need, other humanitarian assistance, that is clear in the wake of the i, c. j, rolling diplomatic efforts to reach us, these 5 have intensified elders. there is one house corresponding kimberly helped get reports from washington dc. the following
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a phone call between the us president joe biden and egyptian president c. c. an agreement has been reached to temporarily since fuel and un humanitarian, a pruby, crab abu salem crossing. this is something that is only temporary in order to get the legal mechanisms in place. to reopen the rough up crossing on the palestinian side. the us president joe biden has pledged his full supported effort to help open the rock crossing under terms that he hopes will be amenable to both the egyptians and the is relays. in order to achieve that, he says he is sending a senior team to cairo next week to discuss. in the meantime, there are also efforts underway to revive cease fire talks. talks that the united states, in israel, se broke down after they alleged that her mos refused all of the offers that were
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presented to them. what we can tell you is us and void to the middle east. david satterfield says that efforts are underway to revive those talks, given the fact that the c i, a director william burns is going to be heading to europe. he will be meeting with the guitar, a prime minister as well as the is really intel chief. it's unclear whether egypt will also be included in those talks. the goal to get tapped is release from gaza. the hope is this will be a foundation for a future cease fire deal. kimberly healthcare l g 0. the white house was still a hit here on l. g 0 china holds for military drills surrounding tie one thing the war games i'm testing, they were for the 3 to seize power, back joking, which is white for fis tournament within 2024 continues. that's on the way
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refrigerants the on counting the costs, but us escalates its trade with china, but does it have the upper hand to the sugar industry is in crisis. all the pots of its full spring economy could also be effective. plus the moving shortage in critical minerals needed for the energy transition. counting the cost on al jazeera, there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to
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have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. israel's war on god becoming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stories for the ssl, the international court of justice as well that as well to immediately into some of the tree offensive in the southern because the city of rough of the world's top
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court says it's not convinced as well as evacuation plans. there are sufficient levy at the risk some palestinians are facing the world. codle's so ordered is wrapped up in the profit crossing into allow the unintended provision of basic services and humanitarian agents. cancer, as well as close your of border crossings with guns, i have severely the place of the volume is a reaching palestinians. in this, meanwhile, on the ground in guns, these ready army has been continuing to attack process. some of the strikes took place in the crowd of the l. a ship or a camp in the heart of the city. so they advocates case against as well filed in december accuses as well as h genocidal acts and gossip. these are fiercely killing palestinians. israel has killed at least $55800.00 pellets indians during it's for nearly half of them children. secondly, causing serious bodily and mental home. it's rarely strikes have injured more than
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$80000.00 palestinians. many of them have lost limbs. thirdly, mass expulsion. i see 5 percent of gauze as population has been forcibly displaced multiple times. then this, the deprivation of food and voice that is while impose to complete the siege of gaza blocking the entry level goods. it has also destroyed power lines and both assistance. the profession of shelter, hygiene and sanitation. many palestinians are living in flimsy tensile make shift shelters without access to clean bulls. that will toilets, deprivation of medical assistance as well, has targeted all of causes health care facilities, leaving only a few hospital, barely functioning, destruction of palestinian life, the case sites, the destruction of entire neighborhood, schools, religious science, and cultural institutions across the strip. and imposing issues intended to prevent beth the case calls out unsafe conditions for pregnant women and an increase in
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premature. that's what we can get more on this with it. with homage mitchell, he is national deputy director of the council on american islamic relations and joins us from atlanta, georgia. thank you very much for being with us here on al jazeera at festival. in regards to the c j. just how significant is it that one of the world's top cool, it says, all of the major with an ally to stop such a large military offensive. well, it's an important moment. you don't have to be a judge and the international court to recognize that these really governments is committed genocide and gaza. and then i'll doing the same in the city of raw for the last refuge for a 1000000 refugees. the icj. i really had no choice but history. this rolling basically is rarely government ignored their prior directives and is very intent on ignoring this one as well. so as important as this ruling is symbolically, it's not enough because the court can enforce its ruling. only countries on the world can force these ran the government to stop this genocide,
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especially my own nation, the united states. so the ruling is important, but the question is, what happens next year? just on the, you know, who says how big of a sit back is it for them on the international stage of the problem the by ministration has this vis. ringback spent years extolling the virtues of human rights and democracy in the international rules based or their whenever they criticize rusher for its wrongful invasion of ukraine. they know those about and yet those values gone completely out the window when it comes to these rarely governments, genocide and gaza and navigating the international court of justice, affirming that these really government is committed war crimes and must stop committing those work crimes. it puts president biden in a very difficult situation. does he really believe in international law? does he really believe in human rights? does he really believe in democracy in the value of all human life? if so, he should support this ruling and take steps to enforce it. for the promises ministration doesn't really believe in international rules based order,
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otherwise they would have stopped funding this genocide, 30000 palestinians ago. what about the issue of the complicity here? i mean, countries like the united states actually continue arming as well, knowing that they, the width is that they are supplying, are used to kill innocent civilians and gaza. i don't underestimate the ability of certain political leaders to completely ignore the suffering of the palestinian people. and to palestinian races and is a very real problem around the world, including sadly and many western countries. that's the only thing that could explain why governments would continue funding these really government as it blows up women and children and hospitals and churches and mosques, month after month, including for an aid workers from some of these western country. so i don't think that some of our political leaders in the west are gonna change of heart based on the suffering they're seeing. i think it's going to take pressure pressure from members of their countries from the american citizens here in our country, putting pressure on our government to change course. we've been doing that students
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acted as human rights groups, so we're going to keep doing that. and the i c j ruling provides even further evidence that we are on the right side of this argument. you talk about pressure and we have saying that really rand pop of the the, the last month or so, especially on university campuses. but it doesn't seem to be working, does it? well actually, if you look at president by his rhetoric, he has drastically changed his rhetoric from the beginning of this conflict when he was 1st a doubting and casting aspersions. but he hasn't changed. the guy said he has a right, that's what that's what i'm getting to. so the rhetoric has changed some of his policies and change, for example, holding up one shipment of weapons so you can see a gradual kicking and screaming change. but he hasn't funded mentally change what has to change, which is funding of the genocide, but i have no doubt that the pressure is working because his position is slowly, slowly shipped. but we need to go all the way to completely in doing his administration support from the genocide and we have to keep the pressure. we have
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no choice but keep the pressure until it succeeds and we're not going to conceive that it won't succeed. we believe it will, we just have to keep it up. okay, thank you so much. it would we really do appreciate your time and insight into this . it would i'm at mitchell national deputy director at the council of american islamic relations. thanks so much. thank you. well, any of my colleagues sent me side and spoke to alone papa hayes and is riley historian and a professor at the university of exeter. he doesn't believe any. is there any government would co price with the i c, j some members of the government get gave the ultimatum on to the 8th of june. that if he doesn't have any proper plan, they would ask for elections, which i don't think is going to happen. so no, i'm afraid the answer is that there is no way that any government in is uh, would cooperate with the i c j to the level. that is, will they by, by truly what about the us position?
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is the last president likely to change coles to put any more pressure on israel to end the roof, or have fences to on a, his own red line that he stated and spoke about on march the 9th of this year. there's a kind of an arrogant american position here. if it's the americans who are communicating with these re lease that insight that to us for them to stop. but no one else has the right to demand is for me as well to stop the rough or any other action. because in this case the united states accepts these way the narrative that this is done. so the wrong reasons. so its methods, not just what is what it is us to be done. that's who is demanding this from is that although the focus in terms of the i, c, j routing was on the roof or how different is these ready operation over rolling gone. so to what's happening in rough, i don't think it's that different. it's the same destruction of civil space without
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any regard for human life. with this idea that they can reach the underground tunnels, catch the mouse leaders or soldiers, and hoping to find the hostages. i don't see any of the different modes of action from any operation since the 8th of october until today. and i think that's why the i c j and the licensee had such a clear idea of how to frame these is very the next is as well cries. and even as a crime against humanity is one of the central gallons. as mine, hospitals i'll excite, has been handed a lifeline, just dallas before as generators were expected to run out of fuel. but these are the scenes inside the facility or the night when many departments were dock and us talk to is treating premature babies. use the lights from the mobile phones. the hospital has received some fuel, but it's only enough to last a few dies. the con is the spokesperson for the long, so hopefully told us the medical facility will collapse if more fuel isn't delivered. so
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a for the wheel i will call about this crisis that is all over the place and we saw a lot of them such a crisis. and 15 days ago, the crisis is it was the name and the, the crossings, uh close, including the crossing the amount of fuel. uh, the van related to that, the, uh, not enough at the hospital to walk even for one or 2 days on may. and before that, explicitly, it will sup, uh, and the stoppage of the gen the rate is we received only 3000 liters, which is not enough because the hospital needs at least 5000 liters of fuel every day. and this will lead to the death of so many sick as the one that paper and the hospital we resulted through the solar. but it's not enough
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and we suffer the lack of electricity, the hospitality, the equipment, uh, not the working. that's why when we started to do everything manually out of the hospitality and a lot was great the to us and the fuel arrived the next morning. that's why we have managed to save a lot of sick people in the hospital of the put to pumping. you doing a now with them, so i hundreds of people likely day enough to lend slide in a remote area with our he's in the northern in good provence, assessing the damage and when the number of casualties may be. hi, jessica washington has most of the opt amounts of the land slide in popping you can use north and ink of provence. it's drunk around 3 am. well,
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people are the hillside collapsed, burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below the levels on the ground. the boys right the back of me, they're telling me that these are submissive destruction to, to police more than 300 lives. where most right now is that those major coverage by the rocks and the deputies right now. yeah. and footage posted on facebook, people seen climbing over books and uprooted trees. most residents of this district, a small scale farm is. it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the population of the prime minister. james murphy says the defense force will help with a search and recovery efforts. authorities have sent emergency response teams to the area and described the land side as devastating and unprecedented. only of the provincial administrator held an emergency meeting with health authorities and
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police as well as a representative from the united nations. most of the community groups are collecting aid for families who have lost every style in this disaster life. so jessica washington, which is 0. china is military, has conducted the 2nd day of military exercises around taiwan. china says the war games are aimed at testing its ability to seize power there in response to comments promoting, tie. when he saw friends he made by a new president by to him to add his integration ceremonial monday. journalist via google on has the license from ty, pay us. the chinese males, 3 hours have started already the ministry of defense here and tie one does not give you details usually to later in the day. but on the previous days, they said the chinese p l. a vessels got between within 24 nautical miles and the water surrounding tie one. they had deployed about 50 military aircraft, 20 naval ships, and more than
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a 1000 postcard vessels that could be used in an invasion of china saying that it is a trying to test the ability of all join seizure of power joint strikes and control of territories. what does that mean? well, as, and essentially, it's a blockade of taiwan. and in particular, in these exercises where they're trying to do is block off the waterways that would be used by taiwan to allies like japan or the united states in the event of an invasion. now it's worth noting that has not been any live fire. these are mostly maneuver based on a lot of focuses being given to the name joins toward 2024. a defense analyst are trying to figure out whether this is the 1st of many exercises that are due to come for taiwan as well. this place he's still a, he's here, rhode island is here including india, i guess until the 6th phase of his general election will have more on the political fight to wooden box and the castle jelly and find out who has been premier league
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final. peter will have that to you shortly. and the these business uptake these voltage by this, the design growth partner of on the dash before he is
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the this business uptake. these roads thought no bundle dash football. he is the, is the school and his page. i don't thank you very much. buffalo to have sex, the manager chevy just a month off the persuading him to stay when he wanted to quit in january. chevy said the season wouldn't be. he's lost any full boss of president john lat pull to, to, to come in, sustain for chinese recent comments about the club financial problem. so thought to have and good luck with the and the board. you will be out of the sundays leave
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match against sylvia. full of fine munich, coach mc flick is expected to be named as the new man in charge. in the coming days earlier we spoke to spanish football cost the gym as the lead. and also if changing managers will fix some of boston loaners problems, i don't think so because the bucks the problem are a structural problem. so they kind of not fusing the physics profession, talk, bringing the best player. so they need to working in the bays which they have an amazing academy like lemme see it probably as the and the rest of the work. but they don't have money next season. they won't be having. then you come know yet we are expecting it for december. so you're going to be a very difficult i think the beginning of the season, especially in a domestic leaking in love, levi. they wouldn't be fighting against be to write any of those around them. agreed with probably the signing of and by peer but maybe um what the president of
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things is that bringing someone from outside the interactions about so now with a fresh mind, with a different look can put in this period of the probably difficult times of bucks or not another kind of perspective and probably if i had to click and it seems to be a good feeling, the regional citizen, he can continual all, they can find another coach more exciting like for example, recently get, or even pet board viola s thinking into seasons later as manchester united states local arrivals, man especially in the 8th, i can't find one set today with doubts. continuing to surround eric, 10 hug. and these future at the club. a wrinkled number of defeats, so united suffer. they was at the premium to finish, but they had the chance to when they 1st i think up to i mean 8 years at wembley in what is a repeat of last year's final, which sol city on the way to the travel, said he will be having the favorite to win a game, but then i will have other ideas for the future. at the club in the balance
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deduction says he's list with no choice but to guide the side to the tracy. well said, he would say one when his last season they can still do the domestic double up to winning the premium lead for an unprecedented full, straight time. if they do, they will be the 1st in the premium e era to achieve back to back doubles. good is a sort of give us the chance to be in front of something that done before wise and tried that with it maybe as an extra motivation for the praise the duty to speak of then it to have done back to why prime league if that happens because in a tizzy, so bunch, while we're here, we're going to her to london to, to, to perform well such as a, if a semi final induces the mindset, what do you have to do? best match kicks off a busy schedule of major cup finals. all taking place on saturday, including the german and french cup finals as well as the asian and african champions league decide is plus the way for women's champions league final. as the sun rises,
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hyderabad will play in sundays. i p l. find love to defeating the register on royals by 36 runs in the 2nd, qualify a bad thing. first the sunrise has posted 175 to 9 in may 20 o this. i'm just crossing the face, the batsman with exactly 50. but i just on fell short in the chase do. rose, i'm going to in 56. the basic school as they fell short on 139 for 7, the sun rises. we play the cold kind of the night, right? is in the final for already charlotte play. it has gone full system friday. second practice. they have the monica growing, pre, the racing monte carlo is widely considered to be the most glamorous on the form of the one canada. and it was the home tell a man who took the time sheets and assess today's qualifying 7th time will attend louis hamilton finish. second, hamilton will be hoping to be more competitive here, having not one of them for you since 2021. now that talk about your search for
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a tournament victory and 2024 continues the last 2, thomas, much in the geneva, open semi finals. and he's preparations for the french open jargon, which took an early break in the 1st st. but he's trick opponent full back. so when the 1st it's 6 full, the woman will want to appear to be struggling. but she had glimpses of his old self in the 2nd faith coasting through 6 love. but it's best that she will feature east 1st at the atp final between the 3 year old winning the 3rd states, $61.00 joking it's one outgoing. so it's all the fault type. right. and get us started with the 1st round match against piet and get of a they have been drama made it to korea. general d'italia stage wins on slide as type of the job closes in on the overall titled, been drawn a claimed the evidence 19 states in width conditions the 29 year old broke away with that. each of these has to go and off the 157 kilometers italian across the line. first from the chart leads by 7 minutes and 42 seconds with just 2 days,
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remaining red based champions comp. final takes place on sunday when irish powerhouse lane says a sprint joins to lose at the top of hospice stadium in london. but it seems that one is competition in the past. but the lens that i have lost each of the last 2 finals, they are aiming for title number 5 of the rule as well to news they are seeking. they fix the champions cup crown. i also have scrum hoff, and 20 pound in. they rent a man, many race as the based rugby player on the planets of i think the discipline is very important in the final stage. and the last year we, we went round with the at this point. so we have to focus on the, to all trust the 1st we have to focus on that to tomorrow enough. the way we play inputs, a lot of intensity. but to do for you, i'm not the supreme that would be a very, very health our supporters i've, i'm unable to sell to them in front of a lot of them who are traveling over would be would be unbelievable. so you've got
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that side of things pulling the floor, and then you've got the hearse and the toilet back to the dressing rooms over the last couple of years. and the feelings, waking up on that sunday and monday in particular. and you don't want to feel that again and then that's all the sports needs to them. thanks so much paid. well, preparations. i underlined in the full, the 6th phase of as general election voters in 6 states. 2 federal government regents and the capital new delhi will cause to balance on saturday. the reminder, the indian government has no grounds of basis to l just as general. so we're covering the election from outside the country and we consume sharif reports. 6 6 6 in the bathroom, so india is captain dudley's chief minister and leader of the of the common man's party has been holding back to back campaigns. the city has only 7 parliamentary seats. what is the center of political power?
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you have in case you bond to just support this adventures of risk and improvement by coming out to he's out on bill of to be detained by a federal from agency on charges of corruption. the south to the general elections were announced. k to valve says he's innocent, he's the 3rd member of the party to be arrested for corruption. his bill ends on june the 2nd days before the election results are due to be announced. k to fall to choose this from mr. moreno, m. o, d. o. recognizing corruption investigations to discredit political arrivals and deflect, voters attention from real issues. you don't want a condo, can i tell you? did they want to stop at work? if this is not good for the country, this is dictates a ship. and we need to fight against this. i'm fighting against the dictatorship, but i need your support. beyond all of the party responded more than
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a decade ago and has been in public entities since 2013. it's also increased it's footprint by been crucial for single best in punjab. bought it didn't win a single parliament receipt from the capital in 2019. so this time is showing the coordination of opposition parties. so my, let's say, k to mazda address has benefitted his campaign. when people saw that urban kids you was like, was, was filled. they believe that the bdc was actually dealing somebody who was a legitimate officer. who could legitimately take away their this jailing of kid to convince the b j. b? that's how popular how popular gives you all is the 3 the governing, talk to you, gentle party, has also had valleys across daily stop campaign a, the prime minister, the party one old 7 parliamentary seats in 20152019 the se daily is often
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a microcosm of national sentiment. the total number of people who recite into these are 33000000 and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way, it represents how the country is thinking, not just about how many of the city is thinking, the elections come full use of to some of the worst communities, violence in the capital in decades. vote to say they want the government that will ensure the safety and address basic issues of employment and development and the cos, i'm sure you've, i'll just see the, a variety and to rank them homage. russell off has received a 12 minute standing ovation at the cannes film festival after the premier of his new movie slid around earlier this month, also being handed in your presence. and so he has previously been child and around
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of his fillings, which often challenge the establishment. but so for me, tell me the price to this these uh but i will be back in just a moment. it was much more of the guys use. make sure you stay with us, the hard hitch. i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing, the f one is government with this is 5 digit. you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd, since the e you made weapons of being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he was signing a present as not that important factor. he had the story on told to how does era, i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his. i point my camera where all those prefer not to look. i'm right about what it needs to be american and about
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the ordinary people who get caught up us for us to make a round page and also via turn when on the power of political lot. what are the stories we tell sales about also? and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra full stem of the homes. and now i think from the huge, a group of displaced people sit in the shade. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee that village close to the town of coker. and they hadn't even arrived in the village before they start telling us. it's especially for the children, most schools being closed since the q 3 years ago and constantly moving is deeply onset 24 hours a day. there's a constant bonds in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a sponsor place. it's up the looking for targets front hillary, but also capable of jumping down on other basic services like health care scares to
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the clinic. a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning in pain, the sound everyone has been hoping to hit smiles and really for the family and the medical stuff for the new arrival in a very on system. well, the, [000:00:00;00] the pedal on some of the credit this has been useful in life and coming up in the next 60 minutes. do you ins, top court orders as well as stuff. it's military operation and profit immediately as well rejects the honest each a rolling and says military operation and cause is southern says he will continue


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