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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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always come 1st of a sweet humphrey developed, louise, heavens had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the new as top court orders, israel to stall, fits military operation, and rough immediately the hello, i'm sorry, i mean, why the welcome to alex's here. i live from dough also coming off on the program. israel rejects the i c j ruling and says it's mid a trail, pricing and causes southern city will continue. meanwhile, on the ground inside rough uh said he continues to be hit spies. variety strikes,
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a crowd in refugee camp in the center of the city was targeted as causes he remaining functioning. hospitals are on the brink of collapse with severe shortages of fuel and medical supplies. the welcome to the program. the ones taught courses, ordered israel to immediately and effectively ended submitted tree offensive and gaza. southern city of rasa ruling was issued as part of south africa's genocide case against israel. international court of justice is also demanding. israel opened the rough uh land crossing with egypt to allow life saving aid into gaza. i'll just here is that voss and begins i'll coverage now from the hague. the president of the us highest court now of salam did not mean so it's worth when describing the situation for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians,
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trapped in the city of fafsa, independence or the the quote notes that because of specific you may 30 and situations it goes us to the which states it, it is or that of january 26, 2024 was a serious, serious over the period. it has the categories and has done so even further and that there's many terry and situation is now to because they've got, if it eyes as justice a situation. so exceptionally great, according to the court that additional urgent measures needed in order to prevent possible acts of genocide on top of measures. the judge just had ordered in january and march, the states should immediately who submitted to offensive and any other action instead of a governor which may inflict on divided sidney and group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about physical destruction in holding or the and by the court
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also ordered as well to allow you, in fact, finding mission into guys to investigate allegations of genocide, although the court did not fulfill so effort cost requests to order, as well as complete withdrawal from casa authorities. well, some to the ruling, because order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help it's military action in any area gather a major step forward. that's how the south african legal team responded to this landmark ruling. the case that started in december could last 4 years, and that's why these legally binding urgent mattress are important. so potential genocide o x can be stopped before all is lost in gaza. that is if and when it's well a bytes by these orders. while this verdict will add to increasing international pressure is where else dismissive response. the recent rulings handed down by this
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court suggests that for the people in gaza phase and the international justice system is fading by the day to steps fast and l just the rest. the hate. meanwhile, he is writing 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. his criticize the i. c. j willing. his office issued a joint statement with the farm industry saying charges of genocide brought by south africa against israel international course of justice in the hague of falls, outrages and morally repugnant. goes on to say israel has not and will not conduct submitted reactions and rough uh that creates conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population as well as bound to algebra from reporting inside the country. so. so high right, has the reaction now on what's happening that from the draining capital a month, this is randy consensus amongst ministers as well as the prime minister is that the
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i c j is and c symmetric and that they will continue with the goals they will continue, as they have said many times to eliminate how much they said from the whole of the gaza strip and retrieve those. still held captive as a 125 captives still in the gaza strip. also to add so that you had been against the wall cabinet members saying that israel is committed to continue the just unnecessary will, as well as returning those. how is captive venue has the far right ministers such as the national security minister. it's a mob been given, i think the, the early on, so it's a, this is to invade and occupy rough off. and then you also have the best law smart for it. so that's the finance minister. who was the fast to respond to the i c, j or the. and he said that this is a going not just against israel, but also against the jewish people. and its very existence is route will be
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concerned. and they have, even though they have the us as an allied to box them up. but the international consensus is role needs to stop this will as soon as possible and also to accept to cease 50 that would bring back those held captive from the gaza. strip and bring them back client. this is something that the families have been protesting and calling on the government to make and to prioritize the return of those. they have a still stuck in the gaza strip above any will goal. many of them believe that despite is roll saying that it is winning the will, they have lost trust. no early in the prime minister, but many have less trust in the ministry as well. so the height of all g 0 a month, a mass as welcoming by the international courts of justice. but in the statement,
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they also said it that the expectation was that the court would issue in order to stop the genocide and own of cause or not just and rough. uh, am i colleague, tom mccrae spoke to him last spokesman a summer home done. he said that the international greet communities, he's failing to pressure israel to comply with international law. a chris full, it's a very was come the decision from the seizure. and we believe we chose exactly clearly that to the i c. j a considered what's happening. that's the general side. and so i just continue to genocide because everyone knows that to the human side, there's the, there i didn't to 5 degree it in the cost. the 2nd issue, i believe, is this decision. it brings the whole international community and to kenny on their own responsibilities. everyone was waiting for this decision. and to understand was that a decision side or not?
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we believe as how my 6 was identified from the number one, but at least now everyone in the intellectual community has to understand it's a genocide, then they have to work hard in order to make an informed them to step aside from going on for them. this issue, and i really can say i get a change for the international community manager, the amount of space. because for all the last i don't, a wants is a is right. it was supported to tell you by the, the united states on all the live is if you want to talk about support is the company that they were supported in the, the security council. they were supported then bought by you, by your military aid, the they, they were supported economically and even they were defended by the us to administer the issue. and that was what was happening because it's not that insight. now everyone understands it should use size and everyone has to work hard in order to start. well, there is obviously increasing international pressure on israel to stuff is
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offensive and rougher in particular and allow more items. there is also more appreciate coming on a mouse to release the captives. when i was clear from the number one we have declared that you already have to do our best to send the, the unmet attend, to is what it is uh to to, to or they have time it is. so we have tried that every days as you will remember, and if anyone may maybe of them, but of that, we've said to americans and didn't to me on said no hand off started and tenant patricia exit to that. so we send to or the woman after that in november we have a seats for which was on the mine by that to me. a home said of do since i don't 110, no, for those women and children. and we, we said that you all the time to carry on is about to, to me on hold on. don't mind is that for the last 4 months or they negotiations and it to be all is just to have the it is only without sending any but his name in
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order to be signed. he put his payments from the image is we are talking about doesn't hundreds of thousands of for this thing as we're talking about more than 10000, but a scene is in the gym and half of them they would, i just did in the last 5 months so we would have cleared and didn't go she issues, we have to insist on 5 issues, which must was to get off the complete this file with the, from the old. it isn't, does the that is channel for the, for the students to the house is with the providing was needed is to become so i think it's a fair the but as i was exchange indeed, and i'm a new system that i'm the last the public charter was charles introduced by the medea i was, i mean, the cut that is under adoptions and it was endorsed by that many accounts. we've said yes, that was on the 4th of this month. but that's what it does. is it did that. so we are ready to go on. if they said yes, this should have been today. so they,
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they have to get to, to make their mind and to decide, well, i'm not going back to the, to negotiations. there was an, a shift differential is accepted from how much time they have to say now. yes, just as the international court of justice was handing down its ruling. is there any forces were carrying out major strikes and rough or missiles targeted the crowded, eligible, or refugee camp in the center of the city? and the other who do reports now from there all by law, inter boot of comp, incentives of law, civil defense crew tried to find survivors after is really strike in the 10 city palestinians here are hoping there is change after the court order because there's no where safe to go for displace policy means at this make shift comp. indeed, bella, decisions of the international court of justice don't go far enough. after 8 months
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is where people buy from and they want decisive action to end. their suffering is not available in the head. we want this decisions to be implemented on the ground to stop the war, and not just to talk about rough or they have committed genocide. they've committed master cuz we went over to stand with us and for the well to stand with us and stop . so they shouldn't say one thing. i'm do something different. every thing here in guys was completely destroyed. so the decision was, the funniest thing you need is immediately so we don't need the collaboration. we need application on the beach you while the you and quite delivered. it's routing, there was heavy. is there any bumping enough many pilots to new? remain skeptical. the court order for is raise to stop. it's a saw, a refund. will have an effect back up as a boot a come emergency workers without fires in this residential area. after is where the
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strike they're searching homes and telling people to leave as more bombs are expected to fall in the city as ita did in the cause of palestine. so let's take a look at the i c j's ruling, then it's owned israel to immediately hold it to minute tree offensive and rough uh and any other action in the southern city that causes destruction to the palestinian people. it says israel missed open the roof of border crossing for the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance. take affective measures to ensure a fact finding mission of unimpeded access to the strip. so finally, the court wants to israel to submit a report on all the measures it has implemented. international court of justice is the united nations top court, even though it makes independent decisions. that's the one security council,
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which has the power to enforce them. that means with this latest ruling, the focus now tons to the united nations in new york. okay. but i was under, takes a look at how on boss is that the one are reacting to the quotes or to a re augments or palestine. jim bassett, or the united nations was quick to welcome the icy jays additional provisional measures announced friday and said they must be implemented. we expect the resolutions of the, the i c, j, a to be implemented without hesitation. that's mandatory and is a is, as i said, 5 to to the convention. and the convention is crystal clear on this issue. so is that a, it has to abide by the decisions and the demands from the i c, j. one of the i c j provisional measures issued by the world's top court is it is real, allow into gaza united nation teams to investigate war crimes. on friday,
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when asked about that un spokesperson said without a ceasefire, that's unlikely. there is what the court has decided where the court is called for, which we've always called for access for investigative bodies. but obviously, unless the, the, the facts on the ground change, uh, it is not likely that anyone will be able to travel there. so at the u. n. view ambassadors wanted to comment on the i c j decision most saying they needed more time to thoroughly read it. but al jerry a, the only error upstate on the security council made brief comments. well, speaking at a meeting on the protection of civilians and humana, terry and workers in armed conflict, the i c, g, or those are legally binding. and that they're
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comparing is what i really power should abide by the or the you should to dish. it appears likely in the coming days, algeria will spearhead the effort on a new draft resolution on rough or demanding that is real, abide by the i c, j decisions. and that to put the united states, israel's main ally on another collision course with the rest of the council gabriel's on to i'll just say to at the united nations in new york. well, these writing ministry continues to attack areas. now. hospitals in gaza is really strikes target to just outside quite tells typical in russell on friday. so multiple injuries are struggling and gone, firing out around the procedure facility. and then central gauze as main hospital locks as managed to obtain enough fuel to last 3 days. just hours before the
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generators were expected to run dry, these were the scenes inside the facility of a night when many departments infections, when darkness doctor's treating premature babies used the lights from the cell phones. the hospitals director has been wanting a moving health catastrophe. in the outer there i still have for you on the program we look at rescue efforts which are ongoing officer, a massive landslide and pop. can you give me hundreds of people a fed dead? i'm sonya guy. yeah, go out the saw, the rest of wire and catalonia were a major drought is the rest of the water supplies spain. second biggest cities also loaded on the, on counting the costs, but us escalates its trade with china. but does it have the upper hand to the sugar industry is in crisis. all the pots of its full spring economy could also be
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effective. plus the moving shortage in critical minerals needed for the energy transition. counting the cost on al jazeera, i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where others prefer not to write about what it means to be american. and about the ordinary people who get caught up in the us. worse, filmmaker around peck, and also viet turn when on the power of political ok. what i'll just stories we tell ourselves about also. and how do we base our past to change our future studio, be unscripted on one on i will just sierra the
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the welcome back. or reminder of our top story. the sale of the international court of justice has ordered israel to immediately and it's military offensive in the southern cause and city of ross ok, well quote is also on israel to open the roof of crossing to allow much needed humanitarian aid into the strip. meanwhile, these righty on me as continuing its attacks on the city despite the ice each. a warning missiles targeted the l shipper, refugee camp in central, rough on the and is there any forces is running quite deals,
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special in the city as strikes at the vicinity on the hospital. world health organization is documented. $450.00 is riley attacks on health care facilities since the war began. well, the health care system in gauze as old book collapsed on the israel's relentless bombardment. and w. h o is documented 450 attacks on healthcare facilities that between october the 7th. and may 15th, that doesn't include this week's agent allowed to. it says, is there any forces of killed $723.00 health work as an engine? $920.00 full, including civil defense teams and ambulance crews. not one of gauze has 35. hospitals is fully functional. more than a 100 ambulances have also been damaged. some hospitals managed off of basic 1st aid, and they don't have enough medicine or supplies to treat the number of patients. on top of this, people getting injured and his writing strikes,
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doctors are also treating people for infectious diseases w i chose recorded meaning one and a half 1000000 cases of infections like chicken pox, joined us diarrhea and respect tree infections. and the w, i chose also confirm the palestinians in northern garza, are in finding the agencies spokesman topic just or is it just that the food situation there is desperate? well there is a clearly need for more food now with the rough or crossing border being close to the situation where. busy we get to where was there was it now i see that was done by a number of agencies. a saying that the, the defendant is even in north of gaza. that the a, the to children have been a, had been diagnosed with severe mild treason. we helped a uh, health facilities to, to, to put up the treatment centers for milder as children. and there were a dozens of, of cases that heavy arriving with trisha will only gets worse. and again,
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just talking to about a few what we have heard about sue, it's really difficult choices that the uh, guys have to do now how to use the little fuel that it's, that is there, it shouldn't go to the bakery. should it go, should it go through to the sorry they should blast to have some water? so the go to hospitals, and i think no society should be facing those choices of thousands of people in yeah, men's capital, son of how the solidarity riley and support of people have caused the demonstrations. how flags they called for an immediate end to the ongoing bombardments of the siege stripped loosely, officials of organize demonstrations. every fridays since israel launched its assault on cause up in uh, new york toe by john listed and focused on southern center. provence has died of his wounds off to being shot earlier in the week activists and calling. so if necessary, like a donny say he was targeted for his criticism, a civic issues. and those in positions of power and send has been no time of
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responsibility for his death by its groups of health, protest, demanding justice donnie is they've the 5th john lis now to be killed in pockets. don, since this dog the, to me while preparations on the way in india for the 6 phase of the general election voters in 6 states, 2 federally governed regions. i'm the capital you dally will cost the balance on saturday. a bit of news from pop when you can us some say hundreds of people are likely to have died after a landslide and around the area forties in the northern angle, proven to assessing the damage that a warning. the number of casualties is probably quite high. jessica washington reports, i see often most of the land slide in popping you can use north of into provence. it's drunk. around 3 am. people listening or the hillside collapsed, burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the
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village below. the levels on the ground, the boys right? the back of me, they're telling me that this is missy destruction. the 2 police more than 300 lives with most right now is that those major is covered by the rocks and the deputies right now you can put each posted on facebook people who seen climbing books and uprooted trees. most residents of this district, a small scale farm, is it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the population or prime minister james murphy says the defense force will help with a search and recovery efforts. authorities have sent emergency response teams to the area and describe the land side as devastating and unprecedented. earlier, the provincial administrator held an emergency meeting with health authorities and police, as well as a representative from the united nations. nice community groups collecting aid for
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families who have lost a personnel in this disaster. my so jessica washington to 0. spain is experiencing is, was in drought, in decades, scorching temperatures, lack of rain full is left for countries. most popular tourist spots. looking for ways to conserve water, catalonia is the worst effected region. so when i get go, reports dying forests, rest of why is drying out, and the whole region falls to adapt to the new normal of hot temperatures, and less. for some, i, alexia is the mayor of montana, a village that relies on agriculture and tourism. but there isn't even enough room for the residents, let alone. how do they make cuz i'm farmers. and the entire village is using emergency supplies of bottled water drinking mendota from the moment that we model with going through a really bad time here, we can use water for alfonso,
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we can't guarantee drinking water either. and we've had to really hustle to bring water in from wherever we can. well, i know, but at the right one of them the most pulido, the sol reservoir shows the extent of the drought. scorching temperatures show to rainy seasons and less snow full on the surrounding mountains has left it dangerously low levels. at the height of summer, only the top window of the tower behind to be here is supposed to be visible, but it's the middle of may and already the entire building is above the water. now this reservoir is only 15 percent capacity and it's a major source of water for buffalo as metropolitan area. despite emergency measures being put in place that severely restrict will to use. it remains a major challenge for its tourism sector and its growing population. we are close to a community on thing, $1000000.00 more people that be a throbbing perhaps we have to go to another system of the beginning,
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which we plan better with the tv these on the lead me. so it'd be a need to have the lease of the situation as a sum of draws on those limits will be acutely tested. at least half of the woodland is dead or dying, creating a tinderbox for forest fires and deepening an already critical environmental problem. so when did i? yeah, go, i'll just say era, my god of spain to the wrong and the right to him. i'd wrestle says received a 12 minute standing ovation at the cannes film festival officer, the premier of his new movie. the said iran any of this month of to being handed an 8 year prison sentence. he's been fine for making films that and made his latest one in secrets without the government's approval. he has previously been jailed in iran, of his films,
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which often challenge these foundation and that's it. for now, you've got counting the cost. that is the program coming up next, but one is off to that in about 25 minutes time the on the pad that like flips north america and for russia. storms across central parts of the us have produced some devastating tornadoes, not just in texas and iowa. but also in oklahoma, this one last and finale one 0 no. we don't like you to see more of the storms over the next few days, as that one that blows up from the gulf of mexico. it meets with some very cold air, from wintery conditions across the rockies, and of course,
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we get those storms of the worst affected areas all likely to be kansas missouri, as well as illinois. we're talking very large hail damaging wins and of course a threat of further tornadoes. it has been a lot hotter across the east coast of the us will see that went to weather start to print its way in over the next few days and some very wet weather will continue to linger around eastern areas of his span yoga. it's much dryer across cuba, a mixture of showers and some storms. but lots in way is sunshine. and the heat continues to build across much of mexico, especially across the north, one to raising $42.00 degrees celsius, the laundry, hot and dry picture. as the country stuff was from a severe drought, but west of weather across the self, the israel's war on gossip be coming a forever was across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine
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being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, holding the powerful to account as we examine the us as role in the world on which is the era, the, the hello i'm adrian said again, this is counting the cost on ultra 0. you'll, we can look at the world of the business of the comics. this reach ratcheting up the trade war with china. the us slips massive terrace on chinese goods. aging launches its own empty dumping inquiries.


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