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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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michael, ralph and the last of the time when on the power of political ox, what are the stories we tell sales about also? and how do we base our past to change our future studio? be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra the video and tom court's orders is realtor immediately suspend its military operation of alpha and allow aid into vasa, the rock. this is alta 0. lie from the also coming up and the files. it'd be international courts of justice. israel continues to attack roof off targeting a crowded refugee camp plus israel's military surrounds the cool waiting hospital and by hitting the facility with air strikes as gauze as health care system
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collapses. and rescue teams begin arriving at the sight of a massive landslide and pop on him getting where hundreds of people are feared that the the ones top court has ordered israel to immediately and effectively. and it's military offensive and cause of southern city over off by the ruling was issued as part of south africa's genocide case against israel, the international court of justice, also demanding israel open that off land crossing with egypt to allow life saving aid into god. so the process begins our coverage from the hague. the president of the us highest court now of salam did not mean so it's worth when describing the situation for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians trapped in
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the city of fafsa. in the presence or the the quote notes that because i still think you many 30 and situation because us to, to which a state it is or that of january 26, 2024 was a senior citizen of a dispute. it has been completed and has done so even further. and that is you many 30 and situation is now because i got expedited as just a situation. so exceptionally grace according to the court that additional urgent measures needed in order to prevent possible access of genocide on top of measures . the judge just had ordered in january and march, the states should immediately who submitted to offensive and any other action instead of a governor which may inflict on divided sidney and group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about physical destruction in holding or the and by the court
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also order as well to allow you in fact, finding mission into god to investigate allegations of genocide, although the court did not fulfill so effort cost requests to order, as well as complete withdrawal from casa authorities. well, some to the ruling, because order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help it's military action in any area. guys are a major step forward. that's how the south african legal team responded to this landmark ruling. the case that started in december could last 4 years, and that's why these legally binding urgent mattress are important. so potential genocide o x can be stopped before all is lost in gaza. that is, if and when it's well advised by these orders, while this verdict will add to increasing international pressure, is where else dismissive response. the recent rulings handed down by this court
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suggests that for the people in gaza phase and the international justice system is fading by the day to steps fast and l just the rest. the hate. well, as the international court of justice was handing down its ruling is really forces intensified their attacks on alpha missiles. target with the crowded l should bore a refugee camp in the center of the city and of who the reports not from there. and by the inter buddhist comp, incentives of law, civil defense crew tried to find survivors after is really strike in the 10 city palestinians. here are hoping there is change after the court order, because there's no where safe to go for displace policy means at this make shift comp, daddy bela decisions of the international court of justice. don't go far enough. after 8 months is where people buy them and they want decisive action to end. their
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suffering is not available in the head. we want this decisions to be implemented on the ground to stop the war, and not just to talk about rough or they have committed genocide. they've committed master cuz we went over to stand with us and for the well to stand with us and stop . so they shouldn't say one thing and do something different. every thing here in guys was completely destroyed. so the decision was, the funniest thing you need is immediately so we don't need the collaboration. we need application on the beach you while the you and quite delivered its routing. there was heavy. is there any bumping enough many pilots to new? remain skeptical. the court order for is raise to stop. it's a saw, a refund, will have an effect back up as a boot a come emergency workers without fires in this residential area. as to is where the
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strike there's searching homes and telling people to leave as more bombs are expected to fall in the city. does ita that is the cause of palestine. well how mos how's welcome to ruling by the international court of justice. but in the statement, it says that expect that the court to issue in order to stop the genocide in all of gaza, not just out of i don't use it or spoke to him. i spoke sports in the summer. i'm don, who says the international community is failing to pressure is real to comply with international law take it was a chris full. it's a very was come the decision from the i see here. and we believe we chose exactly clearly that to the i c j a considered what's happening. this is the general side. and it's right, it's comforting that you know side, because everyone knows that to the human side business there are going to try to
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create in the costs. the 2nd issue, i believe, is this decision. it brings the whole international community and to carry on their own responsibilities. everyone was waiting for this decision to understand was that a decision side or not? we believe as how message was identified from the number one, but at least now everyone in the international community has to understand as to genocide and they have to work hard in order to make an informed them to step aside from going on for this issue. and i really can say i can get a change for the international community manager to the amount of space, because for all the last around h wants is what is right well supported to tell you by the, the united states on all the live is. if you want to talk about to politically, that they were supported in the the security council, they were supported and about by you, by your military a, the, they,
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they were supported economically and even they were defended by they said ministration. that was what was happening because it's not identified now everyone on the sentence should use size and everyone has to work hard in order to start. it was really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, or criticize the ice age when his office issued a joint statement with the foreign ministry saying the charges of genocide, broad bar, south africa, against israel at the international court of justice. and the hague. are false outrageous and morally repugnant. it goes on to say israel has not and will not conduct military actions at all 5, that creates conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population. while israel has bound alger 0 from reporting from there. so, so the higher ups has, is really reaction now for you from the jordanian capital amman. this is randy
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consensus amongst ministers as well as the prime minister is that the i c j is and c symmetric and that they will continue with the goals they will continue. as they have said many times to eliminate how much they said from the whole of the gaza strip and retrieve those still held captive as a $125.00 captive still in the gaza strip. also to ad so that you had been against the wall cabinet members saying that israel is committed to continue the just unnecessary rule as well as returning those. how is captive venue has the far right ministers such as the national security minister. it's a mob been given, i think the, the early on, so it's a, this is to invade and occupy rough off. and then you also have the best law, smart trip. so that's the finance minister who was the fast to respond to the i c j or the. and he said that this is a going not just against israel,
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but also against the jewish people. and its very existence is route will be concerned. and they have, even though they have the us as an allied to box them up. but the international consensus is role needs to stop this will as soon as possible and also to accept to cease 50 that would bring back those held captive from the gaza. strip and bring them back client. this is something that the families have been protesting and calling on the government to make and to prioritize the return of those. they have a still stuck in the gaza strip above any will goal. many of them believe that despite is roll saying that it is winning the will, they have lost trust. no early in the prime minister, but many have less trust in the ministry as well. so i will fight out. i'll just, sarah, i'm on as well. my one bizarre is out, is there a senior political analyst?
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and he says, israel has made it clear. it's in no way to turn by the i. c j's ruling within the hour is right. intensified it's bonding, go from within the hour. i mean, nothing says go to has done such a reaction at a very historical decision on the crossing the i c j. but as one minister and these are all said, the, the foreigners uh will say what they want, but these are, i will do what it must. and hence dozens more palestinians were killed in guys. today. i think more would probably be killed in the days to come as in the previous days and months and hence is that it will continue on the same path. it seems abated, unconcerned with what the world is saying. but uh, this is
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a very sad situation because now they are boxed in. they know that their goals and guards out the water goals have not been achieved. they have destroyed much of the place. they have killed tens of thousands, including tens of thousands of women and children, and basically, uh, destroyed the entire civil life within the, within the gaza strip. and still they're continuing with the war because have mass continues to exist as it did before. all these really military continues to attack hospitals in the gaza strip. chairs strikes targeted the vicinity of the crate hospital at off on friday, and were multiple injuries as showing and gunfire rang out around the besieged facility as well. central guys as main hospital, while ox all has managed to obtain just enough fuel to last 3 days just hours before its generators were expected to run dry. and these were the scenes inside
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the facility over night. many departments were in dark and that's doctor's treating . premature babies are using lights from their mobile phones. the hospitals director has been warning of a moving health catastrophe. on the health care system and gaza is on the verge of collapse because medical infrastructure has been destroyed. the world health organization documented for 150 attacks on healthcare facilities there between october the 7th and may the 15th. not including this week's siege at our top. it says it's really forces have killed 723 help for workers and injured 924, including civil defense teams and ambulance crews. not one of guys us. 35 hospitals is fully functional, and more than 100 ambulances have been damaged. some hospitals managed to offer basic 1st aid, but they don't have enough medicine or supplies to treat the number of patients. in
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addition, the people injured and is really strikes. doctors are treating people for infectious diseases. well, the w h o has reported nearly 1500000 cases of infections of chicken pox, giantess diarrhea, respiratory infections. meanwhile, b, w h o has confirmed palestinians in northern gauze, are experiencing from the agencies spokesperson tart to just service. she says, the food situation is desperate as well. there is a clearly need for more food. and now with the rough crossing border being closed, that is adjacent literally get to where was there was it now i see that was done by a number of agencies. a saying that the, the defendant is even in north of gaza. that the a, the to children have been a, had been diagnosed with severe mild treason. we helped a uh, health facilities to,
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to, to put up the treatment centers for miles or as children. and there were a dozens of, of cases that heavy arriving with trisha will only gets worse. and again, just talking to about a few what we have heard about sue, it's really difficult choices that the uh, guys have to do now how to use the little fuel that it's, that is there, it shouldn't go to the bakery. should it go, should it go through to the selling, they should blast to have some water. so the go to hospitals, and i think no society should be basic. those choices so have here on al jazeera, thousands of palestine solidarity activist, gather at a conference in michigan to announce their next move against us government policy plus from be worse to buy, got thousands pay their respects to the late iranian president. even though you see the
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had low, they let slips north america and for russia. storms across central parts of the us have produced some devastating tornadoes. not just in texas. and i was also in oklahoma. this one last thing, finale one hour. now we all like you to see more of the storms over the next few days as that one that blows up from the gulf of mexico. it meets with some very cold air, from wintry conditions across the rockies. and of course, we get those storms of the west affected areas are likely to be kansas missouri as well as illinois. we're talking very large hail damaging wins. and of course a threat of further tornadoes. it has been a lot hotter across the east coast of the us will see that went to weather start to bring its way in over the next few days and some very wet weather will continue to link around eastern areas over his spine. your la, it's much dryer across cuba,
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a mixture of showers and some storms. but lots in weight is sunshine and the heat continues to build across much of mexico, especially across the north. monterey, sing 42 degrees celsius, the laundry hot and dry picture. as the country stuff was from a severe drought, but west of weather across the south of the in japan divorce often leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grant sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates japan's parental abductions on i will just sierra with all simply focus on the politics of the conflict, is the human suffering that you report to us? we brave fullest in bonds, and we always include the views from all sides of the
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the you're watching elda 0 reminder now of our top stories. this, our, the international court of justice, ordered israel to immediately, at the end. it's military offensive, and the southern gaza city of the world court ordered israel to open the fi crossing and allow humanitarian aid into gaza. and is really army is continuing to attack about 5. despite the i c, j ruling missiles targeted the officer bore a refugee camp in central, not far from minister benjamin netanyahu criticize the i, c j, and says the military operation will continue as early forces surround the
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cool lady hospital and off the air strikes, hit the vicinity of the hospital, the w h o documents to 150 is really a tax on health care facilities. since for the gas. okay, let's stay with our top story b i c j order to halt the offensive off of the un security council has the power to enforce the ruling. a gabriel elizondo takes a look now at how investors as to you when reacted to the court's order to re augments or palestine. gem bassett or the united nations was quick to welcome the icy jays. additional provisional measures announced friday and said they must be implemented. we expect the resolutions of the, the i c, j a to be implemented without hesitation. that's mandatory and is a, is, as i said,
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5 due to the convention. and the convention is crystal clear on this issue. so is that a, it has to abide by the decisions and the demands from the i c, j. one of the i, c. j. provisional measures issued by the world's top court is it is real, allow into gaza united nation teams to investigate war crimes. on friday, when asked about that un spokesperson said without a ceasefire, that's unlikely. there is what the court is decided where the court is called for, which we've always called for access, for investigative bodies. but obviously, unless the, the, the facts on the ground change. uh, it is not likely that anyone will be able to travel there. so at the u. n. view ambassadors wanted to comment on the i c j decision. most saying they needed more time to thoroughly read it. but algeria,
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the only error upstate on the security council made brief comments while speaking at a meeting on the protection of civilians and mandatory and workers in armed conflict . that the i, c, g or those are legally binding. and that they'll combine is really power should abide by the or the you should to dish. it appears likely in the coming days, algeria will spearhead the effort on a new draft resolution on rough or demanding that is real, abide by the i, c, j decisions. and that to put the united states, israel's main ally on another collision course with the rest of the council gabriel's on to, i'll just say to at the united nations in new york. right, let's bring up to speed now with the other world news. the and, and pop on you,
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jenny. hundreds of people are fear dead in a landslide rescue. teams struggle to access the remote area and in the province. just like a washington reports. i see often most of the land slide in popping you can use north of into provence. it's drunk. around 3 am people listening or the hillside collapsed, burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below the levels on the ground. the boys, right, the back of me, they're telling me that these are submissive destruction to, to police more than 300 lives with most right now is that those major is covered by the rocks and the deputies right now you include each posted on facebook. people who seen climbing brooks and uprooted trees, most residents of this district, a small scale farm, is. it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the
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population. a prime minister james murphy says the defense force will help with a search and recovery efforts. authorities have sent emergency response teams to the area and describe the land side as devastating and unprecedented. earlier the provincial administrator held an emergency meeting with health authorities and police as well as a representative from the united nations nice community groups collecting aid for families who have lost avery style in this disaster. my so jessica washington, which is 0 for the players. and chris johnson is based in papa new guinea, where he is the national director for world vision is as location makes the rescue operation extremely challenging. in this area is quite a long way from the capital city. it's 600 kilometers and it's in a fairly revised filings region with the state of graphy. we frequently have earthquakes. this area is fairly remote, even from the provincial center
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a while back. it's quite a long drive. and so what we're saying is the tragic events take place of the 3 of so the 2 days a guy in the morning. so you can imagine buying in the dock and literally the mountain falling down. when you, it is incredibly challenging to get access to this area. so this is also hampered by the mind by why the tools and the land slide across it so that they will be ongoing and challenges and getting people in. and then also once we've done proper assessments and we look at time united, continuing searching of rescue operations. so exactly how can we get assistance in there? i think that will obviously require helicopters and other aircraft and other things, but yeah it's, it's incredibly challenging just to get access to the side. we're hearing reports from the local people there and they obviously i'm doing the best i can helping the
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family members out. and you can say some incredible for the job. i'm working in some very difficult conditions. so hot sky, i go out to those people at the stage rallies commemorating relate iranian presidency room where you see have taken place and several countries in iraq, thousands gathered into the off mama do i have has more, you know, you have city in central iraq is the religious that swimming over a city of for say almost them across the world and people from blue cross iraq out of here today to pay their condolences to pay the respect for the late your one year and president and his companions and military commanders would this lennox resistance, iraqi popular and mobilization forces are here today, and they have a message. they say that the death of but they run you and president and his
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companions as the does as they consider them. leaders of the stomach of the axis of resistance and the region does not mean the end of but it is distance. in fact, they say they will continue on the 4th of steps they will continue on the past is this thing. there is a few patient powers in the region named the israel and the united states military commanders here with the stomach resistance of iraq. also say that they blame that the u. s. sanctions for the desk of the iranian late president abraham bracy, as they say, those sanctions have prevented the long from maintaining its headache ups or fedex or the stomach resistance combined is here today. you say they targeted it is radiate post of hyper on thursday and also the,
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the occupied goal on heights did well i hate to just do it on national center in the lock while 0 barton and donald trump pursue the american presidency on behalf of the 2 major political parties, members of a 3rd party, the libertarians are picking their own leaders. john 100 has now more for you from washington. dc of this theme for this year's libertarian convention has become ungovernable, with a party saying that's what americans need to do to regain their basic rights and freedoms. however, it began with a keynote speaker, who's not a member. every power government takes it will ultimately, it uses the ultimate x and possible on saturday, continues with a speaker from the arrival party, whose goal it is to steal votes from the libertarians. former republican president, donald trump, the user patient of the party is many libertarian. c,
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it has some seeing read in the 53 year history of the libertarian party as an independent political entity. this is the biggest betrayal that's ever happened from leadership where you would actually give our stage our time. trump will enter a room fits do with signs like this reading. let's deny trump inviting victory on election night. personally, i don't like it. but i'm also rational enough to say, if this draws attention to what we're doing here, maybe it's worth it, but i'm skeptical that it is for his part independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy junior would like to earn the endorsement of the party, which could put them on the ballad in all 50 states, many party members who planned to vote on their presidential candidate this weekend . say he's welcome, but he hasn't put in the work. i would say that for our of k to actually have a shot, he would have had to have camera. so delegates, he would have had to been here the entire time, talking to people really getting out there to individual conventions if he wanted
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to have any shot at this point, it's almost a foregone conclusion that, that's an impossibility. libertarians are a big party. they have several candidates of their own. there's an email congress, that's a real thing. some of them like, some of them like trump, for the one thing they all have in common is they believe the government, the government lease governs best. kennedy, who recently said a worm 8th part of his brain and died is unlikely to become the libertarian standard bear. but on friday he earned the applause of many of its members. may be a brain more, 8 that part of my memory. i don't recall any part of the united states constitution where there is an exemption or behind amex is that the kind of country that you ought to live in for a 3rd party and a system dominated by 2 other parties. the gamble is that using big name candidates to draw attention to libertarian values might be the price for losing votes to them
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. thank you all very much. and john henry and l g 0. washington. let me check your back now to the fall out from the war in gaza and thousands of protesters in your state of michigan are planning the next stage of their campaign. the people's conference for palestine runs for 3 days and we'll hear from dozens of speakers as they work out tactics and strategies to stop the killing of more palestinians from detroit. phil laval, reports the holders in garza are 10000 kilometers and a welder way from detroit. but israel is will on the strip and how to ended is driving the conversation in the motor city this weekend. 3000 people, a half for the people's conference for palestine, 3 days of workshops and speeches and play the recessions. the points raised
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people that are attending this conference so that all of us come out of the.


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