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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric yet say look the correct but so is the international community upfront only without the . ready the hello i'm about as in this is the news, our life from dell. how coming up in the next 60 minutes is really strikes. it's southern gaza also about a refugee comes being targeted on hospitals are wanting out of supplies. this is the international court of justice, orders israel to suspend its military operation, and were off on the low aid into a gas hose open in india is capital is phase 6 of national elections gets under way
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and rescue teams. begin arriving at the size of a mass of lands live in tough when you get a for hundreds of hundreds of people of, for your sense the . so it's 70 m t that's 10 am in gaza and that's where we're going to begin. this news is really strikes continue across the strip, including in the rock. that's the main city in the south where hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians have been sheltering. b u n's top court has ruled that israel. it should stop it's offensive. and ralph or the i c j as also wanted israel to open that off a border crossing to a low age in and that's as hospitals are once again reporting they're running out of supplies. there's also shunting and gun 5 at borders near the kuwaiti hospital. and rafa and ms. ailes have targeted to cry to the arshebra refugee camp. and ultimately begins our companies from dental bombing
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into a boot of comp, incentives of law, civil defense crew tried to find survivors after is really strike in the 10 city policy means here are hoping there is change after the court order because there's no where safe to go for this place, policy means at this make shift comp indeed by decisions of the international court of justice don't go far enough. after 8 months is where people buy from and they want decisive action to end. their suffering is not available in the head. we want this decisions to be implemented on the ground to stop the war, and not just to talk about rough or they have committed genocide. they've committed master cuz you want all the apps to stand with us and for the well to stand with us and stop. so they shouldn't say one thing. i'm do something different. every thing here in guys was completely destroyed. so the decision was,
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the funniest thing you need is immediately so we don't need the collaboration, we need a publication on the beach or whether you, any court delivered it's ruling there was heavy. is there any bumping enough many pilots to new, remain skeptical. the court order for israel to stop, it's a saw, a refund, will have an effect back up as a boot of comp, emergency workers without fires in this residential area. as to is where the strike there's searching homes and telling people to leave as more bombs are expected to fall in the city does ita that is the cause of palestine. the timing was done, your 1000 down or about are in a central guys and as we have just been hearing, as most palestinians in gaza have been feeling the continuing fighting still going on despite that i c j really
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yes. rob button. this is not a surprise that we see this pattern of the savior bites this really military where they're at. in fact the behavior of the political flat form or the military on the ground in across the gaza strip. there is a, an in dense and intensity off of a toxin, aerials environment across the street, almost at a storage and the tax. the while at the, the court was in the session. there was massive berlin plus the tax that costs rough by city, including the eastern and the central part of the city and the sites. then 5 minutes as this way. the military stated old was 9 bonds were dropped on one area and then what seemed to be an attempt by this really military, to assassinate and one of the targets in dropbox city. however, the, the results of this a taco still on the clear whether it was cheap or not. but we see and also an
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expansion of the, of the military incursion of the city further. busy to the western party, the surroundings here. yeah. the vicinity of the way to hospital. that's where i should refuge account. that has been a major side of the relentless fear attacks within the past month. more of the residential homes in the public facilities, including roads leading to the kuwaiti hospitalizations vicinity have been severely damaged by the tax and what is causing right now. it's preventing the hutch with the from functioning and it was seen a gradually another health facility being pushed out of out of service and preventing the medical staff from ending in the hospital, an ambulance to from and permit. it's it from the and dispatch and getting through areas they've been targeting and electing injuries. and bodies from the, from the streets with this hospital is out of service that increase the uh, the problem across the, uh, the god as to when it comes to healthcare facilities. uh, meanwhile,
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in the new part is really military. it continues its just fights across the valley, a refugee camp targeting more residential buildings and the vast majority of public facilities, including privately own institutions and clinics and schools, then uh, on what facilities have been able to view either. and that is completely destroyed or severely met. a damage is pushing people into more in force displacement and the right now we're looking at the entire visit as of devalue around cuz you kind of been pushed out of out of the account for the western part of gauze and city with the exception of people are trapped inside the evacuation center. these are on or what schools and for the past 17 days with no food. so food or medical or water supplies, there is an actual famine going on at these centers and people are prevented from leaving these centers, as is really monetary in circling these areas that are quite cap. theirs are deployed at a very dense level right now with chasing people inside these. uh is that question
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center is preventing them from leaving at the moment that anyone who tries to get out of the, the gates of the, the recreation center they're being shut out either by the west copper. these are the talking drones or by the time shells on a separate attacks is really military overnight attack. target at a residential building. got a 3 story building and iron. what seems to be a target. it's at killing 3 people, reported killed women and children and several other injuries all transferred to allow the hospital then we're going to be seeing, as we were told by a primary care of the hospital that the injuries are going to be transferred from the hospital. all the way to a long as a hospital given that to allow that is a very small size health facility unable to deal with this large number, huge influx of injuries poured into it for all the transferred here to along to the hospital. finally, thank you very much for talking to us and demo bottom to hold on fine to view on top court ordered israel to immediately and effectively and it's military offensive
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in gaza. southern city of off or the ruling was issued as part of south africa's genocide case against israel. the international court of justice is also demanding . israel opened the roof of gland crossing with egypt to a life saving age into gaza. save us some reports from the hague. the president of the us highest court now of solemn did not mens his words when describing the situation for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians dropped in the city of fafsa independent or did the quote note that because of specific you may 30 and situation because a student which states it, it is or that of january 26th, 2024. was a serious, serious over the period. it has the categories and has done so even further. and that there's many 30 and situation is now to because they've got if that eyes as
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justice a situation so exceptionally great, according to the court that additional urgent measures are needed in order to prevent possible acts of genocide on top of measures. the judge just has orders in january and march the states or visit a shot immediately who is submitted to offensive. and any other action instead of a governor, which may inflict on defense didn't mean group and gaza conditions of life. that would think about physical destruction in holding or the, and by the court also order as well to allow you in fact, finding mission into guys to investigate allegations of genocide. although the court did not fulfill so effort cost requests to order its routes, complete withdrawal from casa authorities. well, some to the ruling, because order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help it's military action in any area, guys, or
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a major step forward. that's how the south african legal team responded to this landmark ruling. the case that started in december could last 4 years, and that's why these legally binding urgent mattress are important. so potential genocide o x can be stopped before all is lost in gaza. that is, if and when it's well advised by these orders, while this verdict will add to increasing international pressure, is where else dismissive response. the recent rulings handed down by this court suggests that for the people in gaza phase and the international justice system is fading by the day. step 5 from l. g sierra. the hate to this very probably most of benjamin that's in yahoo has criticized the i. c, j, moving his office as issued a joint statement with the foreign ministry saying the charges of genocide brought by south africa against israel at the international court of justice and the have are false outrageous and bodily repugnant. that goes on to say israel has not and
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will not conduct military actions and rough or that create conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population. israel has bind all to 0. so our correspondence cons, don't you just not from jordan's capital. i'm on so we heard about the reaction from the foreign ministry and benjamin netanyahu, whose office, what other reaction is coming out of israel this morning to well, that reaction from primary step benjamin netanyahu came as a direct result of an emergency meeting that he called with the foreign minister as well, a cancer also with benny guns, who's a member of the war cabinet and the governments to. busy a judicial advise at that time, seriously that taking this i c j ruling also we heard from the finance, but it's a bit so that i will smoke troje. he said, the stage of his role is, is, is a will for its existence inside times in the streets. we couldn't stand on our own . today, the jurors people have the independence and ability to protect their lives. we also
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heard from out of go, leave him and he's the leader of these ro at big bay tany policies. as the court decision proves that the united nations organizations, i've turned into aiden terrace in the world. and we've been hearing that would add that to a law aging, the u. n. is aging terrace, and that's really likely to be a lot of the, for the rest of the other reaction coming through from his role. but was still that reaction was coming out at the was a know the key move by the united states. a had a phone. ready with the egyptian leadership where they agreed to open the rafa, vote of crossing for your monetary and a that's a key part of the i. c. j. roland. is it because a co incidence? well, if you're listening to is ready political commentators, what they think is this is america coming to israel's rescue? this is the 1st part of the matter of america. turning round to the i, c j inside. okay. the things the israel can do, it will do. remember, israel has to respond to the i c, j within a month. if rafa is open,
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that's certainly one strong response, is ro will have uh, the. so if you're taking a look at all of this, then it seems to me that the americans are actually trying to force these ladies to at least take this seriously. but they don't stop giving them weapons. don't gonna stop giving the money. indeed, the americans been absolutely eclipse. israel has the right to defend itself, and it has the right to go off the homeless. and that's something that will put them on a collision course with the engine are so uh, quote, adjusted in your mind con in jordan's capital m on m on thank you. or how much is welcome the running by the international court of justice. it has some of our risk to statement saying it expected the court to issue in order to stop the genocide and all of guys and not just a new offer on does it. and spoken to, i'm a spokesman ocean. i'm a honda who says international community is failing to pressure israel to comply with the international law. chris full, it's
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a very was come the decision from the seizure and we believe we chose exactly. it can be that to the i c j a considered what's happening, that's the general side. and so i just continue to general side because everyone knows that to the general side business, there are going to try to create in the costs. the 2nd issue, i believe, is this decision that brings the whole international community and to kenny on their own responsibilities. everyone was waiting for this decision. and to understand was that a decision side or not? we believe as how message was identified from the number one. but at least now everyone in the intellectual community has to understand that set genocide and they have to work hard in order to make an informed them to step aside from going on for within this issue. and i would have to say, i get a change for the international community manager, the amount of space,
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because for all the last around it's once is a, is ready to us to force it totally by the, the united states on all the live is if you want to talk about to politically that they were supported in the the security council. they were supported done by you, by your military aid. the day they were supported economically and even they were defended by they said ministration. that was what was happening because it's not that insight. now everyone understands it shooting aside. and everyone has to work hard. you know, doctors, thomas, with his own citizens sold on, bought a cottage besides that, are public policy at home. i've been to california university good to have you with us again. same as our correspond with connie was telling us from, from guys or ally everyone. there is no a belief amongst the palestinian people and gaza. that really, this kind of ruling isn't gonna make any difference to the way the israel is going to behave as it makes its way through gods. and particularly, of course, with regard to the alpha. well, i think they probably ride,
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given that experience over the last few months, but the overall long term it will make a huge difference, right? so this is not something that is where a come take. likely, if you look at the concept of the sequence of events starting from maybe the 26 of march with the united nations security council resolution to stop the war. then we had the, the, the recognition of palestine passed through the united nations general assembly. then we have the issue of the i, c, j is a continuous so, so the south african is going back to die. seizure and the result that came out a couple of days ago, then you have the i, c, she's called for a warrant arrest, warrant against departments, said the minister of defense. and finally, the recognition of 3 important states within europe with this of the states of, by this time. so clearly the tide has turned and is rather than i, the receiving end of really a very considerable pressure, even if they would like to deny it. it is considerable and in
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a way they have done in 7 and a half months, what the generation has built in 75 years, you know. so we have to take it very, very seriously. and i understand that, but as soon as are frustrating because there is no immediate stop of kidding. but in the medium long term it is significant. and i want to ask you about the back and talk to all of this with regard to geo politics. a lot of say that we're starting to see the governments that have strongly supported israel, and it's response to homeless and know facing elections in their own country. and then you k, for example, the as a mass, it appears to be a mazda about people. and one would imagine they are by no means the only ones around the world. one would imagine that is good to have a bearing on the way the amount of pressure that is brought on israel, or indeed perhaps the obviously the amount of support that israel finds is being pulled away from that. of course, i think they will see that and it's a valid so the political support will add wendell new to the support would come from the traditional allies. they're all facing elections started with breton,
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but the nice stays with many others. and this is why i think the icy jays and the isis useful rigs are very important because those last long, then not they have no type any toys empower today. and one day someone will come into power in those 3 countries and will request to hold this route to account. so this is, this is an a significant shift on all over. and i mean, maybe the biggest mistake, nothing you know has done is not to accept the last round of a ceasefire. had the accepted and exempted or at least stop the killing based on this is why he would have saved face. and he would have at least presented the more dignified position of things really than this present in this war. but he refused a novel has a new chance coming up with the pi stokes. now luckily, so he knows what the palestinians are willing to agree to because the policy knows have already published and talked about the last agreement, that conditions,
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etc. so he knows deposition clearly there nice days, no the knows the position clearly. and he still has a chance, i think, to, to exit this, a very messy situation where i 0 have behind us use fire. and if he does this within the, before the need to report back to the i c, j that's within the 30 days. then there may be a chance for some change of directions. we appreciate that sort of kind of thank you so much indeed for being with help as well. thank you again. of all 5000 injured policies have been evacuated for emergency treatment abroad since the start of israel's war on gaza. among them, a young children brought to contact with severe computations and debilitating trauma was at least 10000 more patients that on waiting is hoping to get evacuated from this dr. according to guys as health industry as a single foot reports pushing through the pain after 3 months in this health care facility in guitar,
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11 year old or reno by you can finally walk again on chassis good. good. i thought i'd have to stay for more than a year in the wheelchair. i was asking my aunt if i'd be paralyzed forever. during couldn't move her legs after an air strike the killed 60 members of her family in gaza. casa for outside last night. the straight kid is at 12 o'clock me and my brother keen and we were on the floor. everything and everyone was under the rubble . she's one of nearly 20000 children that the un estimates have lost the parents and the war. this facility was filled with the 22 world cup. now it's been turned into a place with 500 patients receive treatment, education and psychological support. there's more room here, but no other patient has been able to leave the cause of stress in more than 2 weeks. before the war, $8000.00 patients cross that alpha and beta noun crossings every month to receive treatment abroad. that number has dwindled to less than $5000.00 evacuated and 7
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months of conflict. the need is bigger than ever before. hospitals and goals are like critical supplies, stuff, and medicine, or simply destroyed, leaving thousands in need of complex surgery post up care and rehabilitation with little to no support. the guitar as among 12 countries that offered to receive the wounded and the sick from gaza. he nearly died when a strike hid his home on october 17th. what time could have been? why had this is tina and maybe between the moment i got injured and now i've had around 61 surgery since the last. the operation was yesterday and soon gone to a link that will get prosthetic clement at least 10500 patients are currently on the waiting list according to god's us health ministry. but no one has been able to
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leave on medical grounds since he's rarely troops to control a bit off of crossing earlier this month. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. if this i'm going to, it was the 0, the video, and his warning of the risk of increased violence in me and laws west of what kind states and it's home to the minority of walking you community. but you and it says it was really received report, so for him to being killed in an area captured by a level group known as the icon on a bit as 455 isn't working yet fled to neighboring bangs, a dash rebel group denies the allegation. to the high commissioner calls for an immediate end to the violence and for all civilians to be protected without any distinction based on identity. prolonged and on him to,
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to monetary and relief must be allowed to float, and all parties must comply fully unconditionally, with international, including measures already ordered by the international court of justice for the protection of the hinge. meanwhile, the fires destroyed hundreds of mixtures structures that are comp, housing, or heated refugees. and the time of cox's bizarre and southeastern bangladesh buys us will be left without shelter after a blazing friday, quickly spread. throughout the tightly congested shacks, bangladesh authorities say a few injuries have been reported, but no fatalities. local media reports indicate the fire may have started at the warehouse of an n g o, or at least 1000000 ro here you have already flagged me in bodies, skipping and military electronic down in 2017 and they've gathered in refugee camps in cox's, was autumn, bangladesh, but i'll just say it was time for chandra, is live for us, not time here. we can see the rows of tents that are behind you and i know that is only a small part of the camp itself. tell us about what things are like and to come to
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of the while, as you have mentioned, the increasing number of fire incidents in the camp, it's quite frequent actually. and many of them allegedly are, are assume that tax, you know, by right both spectrum for one reason or other fee of them, or of course accidents due to liquid natural gas cylinder blast. and that's been casual as previously also. now there's also increasing number of gang violence related to drug smuggling. there's also political groups fighting for dominance within that time, which leads to violence. and that been the time this has been going on for almost a year now. and there are, you know, you're running as we're living with families are increasingly said they don't get out or ventured out in the evening because they're scared of this gang violence, another kind of fraction of fides. and there's also dwindling aid from the international community, which means cut in ration. there's a concern about malnutrition within the camp. and every year of nearly $35000.00
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new children are bought. born here in the camp according to the baton with this government. that means that population is also increasing and the demand for aiden resource is increasing. and it's frustrating the buying of this government as well . now talking to some of their drawings in the can, the biggest frustration is that there is no hope, are pretty practice and they don't see anything with the political climate. the way it is in me and my there is more than 50 percent of the population are children that don't have formal education. that means without a future guessing, formal education and learning center. so a lot of challenges while they agency is from the government and of course for their learning has been so without hope. they don't know where they will end up being staying here for almost 7 years now and done very we were talking about the increasing violence in washington state. the fact that that when you of course are caught in the middle of that, what are you hearing from your sources of, of the fighting in me a more the, the well we've been talking to some of the people, a young man actually who crossed from the other side,
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and one of them was actually recruited by the me and my army. we've talked in a month back in a game. and this is a situation that is increasingly becoming common with in the northern right kind states. they're either recruited by the kind army or by the me on my army, so they're cross in between. if that don't do you mind if at the burned at home, the family will be in harm's way and many of them are actually forced to leave their village just now we have a hard reports from the you. and as you have said in your report, as well as the us state department on thursday, i was raised concerned about the increase in violence in the northern drug kinda insight, thousands of people that already been displays displaced in that area. the un space field rep or to our fi running a human rights tom andrews. say that all the science or how many assigns that there . that'd be another blog. but in that area, unless the international community intervene very soon, there's also a class of into bothering me and martin and bang,
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read this by rabble and the me and my army mines are all across the board. are many villages are hard, frequent, fired, or for artillery. martyrs shot with machine guns are common in the broader area. it's a very 10 situation, even in the broader area. many pots have been taken over by the rebel army, and many of the me on my office is from brother gods, and military has crossed into bangladesh and reese and whigs. unless more than 500, they've been taken now and to me and by navy both recently. so the whole situation is becoming climactic more and more. and if it is been out of ford cars, because of all the prices that are in the world, you have here is one of the largest group, rob stage, less people, shannon what he is now, the largest refugee camp stuck in limbo, denver, thank you very much. indeed, proud shadae talking to us from cox's about him. bizarre in bangladesh. well issued a co lot is the head over here, crisis program, i have legal action worldwide, and she's joining us live from cox's bizarre in bangladesh. thank you very much
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indeed for being with us. we're just hearing from tundra. they're there because of the vitamins, but as have been happening in little rock and state, we seem to be an increasing number of people that are coming over the border towards places like cox's bizarre, given the circumstances he's been describing, one can only imagine this is going to put tremendous pressure in this situation, which is already extremely difficult, a new team 100 all of the on going to have loved ones that are kind of the they, are they planning on coming to still fighting, such as having agreed on the beginning. but you can the nation, the villages of that would be don't function, but also because of a dent or 2 issues. i mean, that are in virginia. so conflict, we'd be off the window of an estimate just $45000.00, all the copies of the place because of the ongoing hygiene and they are seeking
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protection on this is indeed cycling and disturbing us to you and just type that in which he comes across mostly just to give you the context of i think has been going on through november the oh not deal. i'm oh, you're the, you're in that movie man, mark. and for the off was fiction law which has a gig or after the minority vocation because the do not have all been traits within the dates of the o. estimated by independent of all the $5000.00 in your per g o. on and on to 40 for do so all the ministry of indeed the situation is, is concerning, continues to be concerned with all and so yeah. what do you know more
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about the got to yeah, i do want to ask you about that. it gets to done very was referring to the fact that even if people managed to make it to the columns then life there is a still extremely difficult as you've just been been outlining. but of course, part of the problem is significant part of the problem on the, on groups, the level of crime that's going on there doesn't appear to be any effort to try to have to make this more secure. how difficult is this for organizations like yours to deal with when you are faced with what appears to be uncontrolled and fighting between on groups and account in the, in the, the johnson has been with the, the, for the sedation of these trimming those offices. i'm for the month for getting so it's not something that you're seeing just for the last few weeks or so, but it has no, not the top of it actually all on for the oh, to shop you declining a security situation against install since leave 2020 to all that,
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to groups has to be engaged in cost ivy change a file even during the daytime and that continued for the last year. 2023. i didn't have both the boys to drive so i can guess what that is like the job. and so there have been trying to get to, she had to do what we have the the, with the last to be in the issue of the month of me, which is the 1st thing to do. the one thing i was just thinking about is shop trends. and the number of adoptions that, that we go from capitalism, to chrome, and these adult. she's got an interesting things to source recruitment for, for a young man to take him to the other side. i'm just confirming that the reviews on this all are i'll be talking to the community has been trying to put the connective for this to the, to the, to the new which has
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a d a that's too comfortable to fix it. these kind of issues as they're trying to do is to the situation is indeed challenging or there are other things. so i appreciate some time to come to try and do the trip. however, all the show for the sedation of the johnson, this is not just of 2 guns, but the magic mission which the adoption are taken please. it's uh, it's a big challenge for the, for the government officials to come are, we appreciate you being with us and i'll just say i'm thank you very much indeed for your time. i the show still ahead on all the 0. i'm so new guy. yeah. go at the saw rest of wire in catalonia, where a major drought is wrestling was the supplies, the spain, 2nd biggest city, barcelona, the,
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had a low that is more wet weather to come across the europe this weekend, i'm afraid. but despite the heavy showers across areas, we're still going to see a lot of rooms, particularly across the north for places like scandinavia with the temperature setting well above the average here. but as of which is the weather across most central parts of europe on saturday, an area of low pressure tracking its way for the east bringing some heavy showers across pots of in the mediterranean. it's me seeing the heavier rain, the balkans too. behind that we seem to pulls into wet weather for the likes of fraud, stretching down into spain and portugal and southern parts of england. but some heavy rain stops to move in on saturday into island. that area of low pressure tracking its way for the spring move blustery conditions across the north west on sunday, some heavy rain across southern pots of france as well, went to weather intensifying for norway across more northern areas. but scandinavia
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still managing to cling onto the woods, the thames as well pick up across the south, west for spain and portugal on saturday. and we'll see the heats continuing to build for western parts of russia in particular for moscow before a dramatic drop in the temperature. by monday of the of an aide work i travels to watch on syria saying he's back to hell. are you looking back? are you a fighter? no, no fuss, but not in the eyes of his government. when my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. and you 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on innocent until proven guilty statements in syria. coming soon on, al jazeera,
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over 27000 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo so and in the prosecutor alton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0, follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria, without just sierra the the the what you want to 0 reminder about told stories. the side is where the armies continue to attack of offer in gaza. miss also targeted they'll support
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a refugee camp in central roughly there's also shouting and gunfire. fortunately, other, some ways. your hospital in the off of the w h o has documented 450 is very, a tax on health care facilities since the war began. the international court of justice is ordered as realty immediately, and its military offensive and southern guns and cities. often the icing j also ordered israel to open that off a crossing and allows you monitor you in a into gaza. within the north of the strip is really force is a pressing ahead into jabante. a fighting there has intensified in the past 2 weeks . was i'll call it reports from jamalia and johnson. there's really forces of trying to have them hold a minute to get that over for to can. so i coming from 3 sports main to sports, which is used to do better to camp in the 63, and also the from the shelves a to area. and if you all these controls you back over to,
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the intensification firing here is increasing date of today. which makes people to evacuate ways with that these way the forces reach them or not. number 3 is where the forces in cash and and for you choose to the surrounding area of came out of the hospital. and this makes came out with this coming out of service, just like many other health facilities and nothing goes red and other things to be mentioned, which is phase resources, lots of allowing any entry you any kind of a human to train a to them. nothing goes straight is which makes the salvation and hunger know king l as to the holes of opened in india over the 6. the phase of the country is the general
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election voters in 6 states, 2 federal government reasons, and the capital in new delhi, accosting their balance. find this online is remote, is b, j, p. parties, one, all the 2 national elections and data in the past 3 decades. now, let me just remind you of indian government hasn't gone to the visa, so i'll just say this journal. so we're covering the election from outside the country on closer actually, for posts, voters brave this function key to cost the balance. the president and separate politicians on some of the early voters in denny political parties have campaigned hauled in the back to india capital. 6 6 6 denise cheese, mister leto, because of me, a common man's party held back to back crowley's. the city has only 7 parliamentary seats, but it's a center of political power. you
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have in case you don't need supporters of inches arrest and imprisonment by coming out to vote. he's out on bail of to be detailed by federal, from agency on charges of corruption days after the general elections announced. katy well says he's innocent. he's the 3rd member of the party to be arrested for corruption. his bill ends on june, 2nd, a day of to the elections. pay to ball has accused prime minister and random will be opened up in the eyes, incorruption investigations to discredit political arrivals and deflect. voters attention from real issues. you don't want a condo, can i to your dish? can they want to stop at work? if this is not good for the country, this is dictates a ship, and we need to fight against this. i'm fighting against the dictatorship, but i need your support. beyond not the party responded more than a decade ago and has been in power in denny since 2013. it's also increased. it's
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footprint by been crucial for symbols best in punjab. bought it didn't win a single parliament receipt from the capital in 2019. so this time is showing the coalition of opposition parties. so my, let's say k 2 balls of rest has benefitted his campaign. when people saw that urban kids you was like, was, was billed. they believe that immediately it was actually jailing somebody who was a legitimate officer. who could legitimately take away their this jailing of kid to convince the b b that for you, how popular, how popular gives you all is. the governing party agenda party also has valleys across daily, with its talk campaign, a, the prime minister ring to moody, seeking a search. let's say that is often a microcosm of national sentiment. the total number of people who recite into these are 33000000 and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way,
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it represents how the country is thinking, not just about how many of the city is thinking, the elections come full use of to some of the worst community violence and the capital in debt gets voted. say they want the government that will ensure the safety and address basic issues of employment and development. i'm a close, i'm sure these hunting season. charlie is director general of the jen, jen dot india institute is joining us live from. so we thought in india, very good to have you with us and i'll just do that. thank you very much. indeed. one of the key elements in any election, of course, has turned out to turn out in previous elections has been comparatively low. there is a possibility that it's going to be lower than this one. i hope concerned is not on the remote is government that a might to get backend, but it might get in with a much smaller majority than i had before as yeah. well, the last selection 2019 it was every car turn open as close to 70 percent at the
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national level. so uh, this time some of the phases uh, we have seen uh, have shown uh, relatively lowered donalds of $2.00 to $4.00 percentage less than last time. but um, some of the phases guessing hired. so the final county is yet to be out the maybe lower overall than the 2019 general election by a few for specific points. but the actual number of orders is also increase, you know, by its almost 970000000. all those these time as opposed to 890000000 last time. so we may end up seeing, you know, more number of people. i'm guessing that most of overall but maybe percentage wise uh, slightly lower. as for the bigger concern, you know, every body has its calculation to get the load out to make sure the cost of borders show up on the day and the cost the ballots. so it's not only mr. moody, so we're going to be giving people almost already to the bodies. there are some students, i mean the also that there is some concern that, you know, they are hard poorly. so maybe you can place and, or because of the heat,
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or because some of the solutions that are not coming out as much as they should be . so best to trying to mobilize people in these last few phases to ensure that you know that they're offering every move account. and of course for the parties, it's completed due by somebody called the democracy in india and sometimes the margins of small. so why don't, because you don't, did you know, swing the election one way or the other. so i think they're all working on making sure that they're a lawyer. they send the base as they say it's all come out. so we never see working, but it has on the outcome and on the thoughts of the individual parties, names them all these party. he is now working on this and the team that they finish on a high end with just one more business. mm hm. i mean credit, so i'll try mr. marty. say that is we can federal institutions is cracked down on press freedoms and the freedoms of the opposition parties within india as well. india is muslim communities reports to be feeling very striking by this. if mr.
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mart in his government feel so confident that they are going to be re elected. why is it necessary for them to have such a tight grip on these elements of the country as well? you know, india is um, you know, wrong because democracy in the opposition always makes southern plains and, you know, and then that account cleans uh, even i remember that before missed a movie wasn't followed by the congress party, was in power and therefore addiction. then also, critics used to alex that, you know, they're using the state and machinery and are trying to swing the election in their favor to the following means and so on. so this goes on, i would say you know, um they are relatively confident of winning some of these bodies and most of the bones does pretty that the majority. i think they're really aiming for a few and the last leg victory are hoping for. and all of the marginal be due to be massive so that they can implement major reforms and can push through big changes. and that's, i think really what is upstate? here is a competitive election, but it does look like the heck the medium b,
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c. c. i don't think there was telling you any or trickery. simply tools because they're insecure or anything like that. just want to make sure that it's a comfortable and a big victory. so the, the changes, some of the fonts can happen on a big scale. we don't even says and constraints at the level of a stage, because he has a big federal system, you know, and every state has to say something or the other in the constellation. so they want to have a, you know, a tumbling majority. and really that is the question, how big the majority with some of these insecure this election is slightly different from the ones in 20142019 because there were 2 significant issues in each of those. and in 2014, that was and go over obligations of corruption and the government led, which at the time was led by congress and 2019. the main issue of the elections was security. there had been a deadly attack on, on indian troops this time run. there isn't anything. any single issue like that
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hope concerned is the more the government. but this is going to turn into essentially a referendum of the popularity of mr. moody. i'm part of that might allow his critics to start highlighting or focusing on what they see is flows and mistakes and editors, and possibly corruption by the multi government. well, let me clean double mind. there hasn't been any scandal far series that has really captured the waters imagination. but you're right that there is no. there's not like a we have election center on one issue. it's not like the blood just, you know, according to the election, the warning centers saying, you know, my security is at stake, or i've seen the countries in a big crisis. so there is a kind of a what be called a pro incumbency, you know, mr. movies likely to win so to that extent of, you know, some of his followers may also be taking it for granted that it's a bit more to women. you know, we don't have to really show up when big numbers and that's why they are concerned
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as we spoke about. but i think this is not a single issue. election is not going to be defined by any one thing. so it's going to be an overall assessment of the performance of mr movie and his body in different states across the country. and uh, i think um, overall i think the economic growth and the nationalism and the welfare schemes that they have delivered to the for if you add these 3, they have the upper hand over the 9 months because they have delivered them a lot of the promises of course, the video always be disappointment or the solution might have been some sections of society. what do you know? democracy is a numbers game. and last time, you know, they bought a little more than 40 percent of the go to low chair and the prostate get into over $300.00 seats on the bottom. and so i think you big of something close to that are better. i think the be able to be happy to have done their job. so enjoy it. we appreciate it. thank you very much. indeed for being with us on the 0. let me just remind you again that the indian government has not gone to the easiest to
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obviously this journal. so we're covering the election from outside of the country . i know it says the advocate foreign policies animating voters ahead of general elections next week. the country is taking a strong stance against the gauze of war and it's taking israel to the international court of justice, accusing it of genocide. some voters say what is happening, thousands of kilometers away. not has enough to determine who's available for a home. but the miller reports from tape ton, the whole months the organization murals for garza has been conveying the realities of israel's wound garza through its outlook and through these walls, calling on people to act. and we're actually trying to mit back the community just to show them that, you know, we can be late, we come from struggle and why not, if any ignite that struggles through, through far less being through guys. i mean, if there's anyone that needed fight this right now to remember way we came from, it sits in this moment. so let's, let's do. it explains that the boys speak football as being dozens of murals and
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book up and other areas often catch the eyes of both tourists and local people. centuries ago, broke off was way people from asia and other parts of africa report as slaves and south africa's experiences of oppression and a part dates have not been forgotten. despite the distance between them. many jo, save a situation in garza who influence how they'll vote in general. elections in may basically is effective. we will remember those who support us and brothers and sisters in palestine and we will not forget those as supports in the side is this emissions is very much influenced by the global issues that we are facing and they need a better style issue that i mean but i'll definitely itself comes from and i find a faith system, you know, and who's your cell, but they still really finishing the minds of all people, the wisdom teeth, provinces one by the democratic alliance. it's also being criticized for taking unambiguous stones on the wall and goes off. well, the party says it supports
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a 2 state solution between israel and palestine. some voters don't think that goes far enough. of course, i always get worried if voters don't want to come and support a government to re election because of outside extraneous issues and i do get a good concept. but i personally, i am not going to flip flop and say or odd. well, now one of a sudden i'm going to change my colors and i'm not going to be trying to be balance between this 2 because i'm worried about the outcome of the next fall. some boat is a critical of the governing african national congress has performance and power. it's a pulse of palestinians has been welcomed by others. civil organizations have signed an agreement urging people to cost the vote in favor of parties that supports palestinians. for the 1st time ever, the issue of a free palestine may influence the vote of some south africans in the selection to
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meet a miller ultra 0 cape town. the impact on you're getting hundreds of people if you're dead in a land slides rescue teams have struggled to access the remote area in, in the province. jessica washington reports one of the opt amounts of the land slide enveloping. you can use north an anchor provence. it's drunk around 3 am on people with sleeping on the hillside collapsed and burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below the levels on the ground. the boys, right, the back of me that telling me that the submissive destruction that to police more than 300 lives with most right now is that most major covered by the rocks in the deputies right now. yeah. and footage posted on facebook. people who seen climbing over the rocks and uprooted trees. most residents of this district, a small scale farm, is. it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the
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population of the prime minister. james murphy says the defense force will help with the search and recovery efforts. authorities in and go have sent emergency response teams to the area and describe the land side as devastating and unprecedented, only of the provincial administration of health and emergency meeting with health authorities and police, as well as a representative from the united nations. nice community groups collecting aid for families who have lost every style in this disaster life. so jessica washington to 0 just saying is experiencing is worst drought in decades. scorching temperatures and lack of rainfall is left. the country is most popular to spots. looking for ways to conserve water, catalonia is the most affected region. so yeah, go reports from longer or less, the situation is now reached a critical point. dying forests, rest of why is drying out, and the whole region falls to adapt to the new normal of hot temperatures and less
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wilson. alex villa is the mayor of montana, a village that relies on agriculture and tourism. but there isn't even enough room for the residents, let alone. how do they make? cuz i'm farmers and the entire village is using emergency supplies of bottled water drinking or data me data from the moment that we model with going through a really bad time. here we can use water for alfonso, we can't guarantee drinking water either, and we've had to really hustle to bring water in from wherever we can. well, i know, but at the most for the, the, the sol reservoir shows the extent of the drought, scorching temperatures. show to rainy seasons and less snow full on the surrounding mountains has left it dangerously low levels. at the height of summer, only the top window of the tower behind to be here is supposed to be visible, but it's the middle of may and already the entire building is above the water. now
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this reservoir is only 15 percent capacity and it's a major source of water for buffalo as metropolitan area. despite the emergency measures being put in place that severely restrict will to use. it remains a major challenge for its tourism sector and its growing population. we are close to a community on thing 1000000 more people that v a probably perhaps these have to go to another system of the evening, which we plan better with the tv these on the lead me. so it'd be the leaves of the situation as the sum of draws on those limits will be acutely tested. at least half of the woodland is dead or dying, creating a tinderbox for forest fires and deepening an already critical environmental problem. so when did i, jago algebra? my god of spain. how does the demonstrators have valid in the capital changes here
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to protest against a speed of advice under a presidential decree? and comes days of to to media figures were jailed for one year each. they've been accused of spreading false news. the post test was accused president's crusade of using the agent to target his opponents. let's. okay, let's go back to the sides of the war in guys. thousands of protesters in michigan in the us are planning the next stage of a pro palestinian campaign. the people's calling funds for palestine runs for 3 days. and it will hear from dozens of speakers as they walk out tactics and strategies to try to stop the killing of more palestinians from detroit. so level reports the whole reason, garza or 10000 kilometers and a welder way from detroit. but israel is, will, on the strip and how to ended is driving the conversation in the motor city this weekend 3000 people, a half for the people's conference for palestine,
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3 days of workshops, speeches, and play the recessions. the points raised. people that are attending this conference, so all of us come out of this with a higher and better understanding of the current moment that we're living through and fight that we're going to continue to age until our but this event is taking place here is no coincidence michigan has a huge muslim population that has the largest most in all of north america and vehicle and which is only a few minutes drive from detroit. last year became the 1st arab majority city in the whole country. the planks of the policy to people is being felt acutely here, and it will be highlighted heavily in the coming days. speakers will include the surgeon who spend weeks treating goals as wounded. that'd be sessions on is really technology and it's used by state security forces. absolute overnight and are key
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the media on the dominant narratives. it projects students on the recent university protests, even coffee with hundreds of starbucks workers representing some of the thousands and a labor force making their own difference clever. they took advantage of labor allows it permits them to wear union to as well on shift and major defense to have like publishing and flags on it and brought that struggle really to the workplace. and so the residents have gone to do what they can and just to stay alive as thousands of columbus as a way the movement to bring them peace continues to grow fairly well. i'll just say around detroit and running and direct. and mohammad officer last has received a 12 minute standing ovation, can film festival off to the premier of his new movie and also a flight of run alley of this month, off to being 108 year prison sentence, as well as a floating is previously being jailed and yvonne because of his films which often
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challenged establishment. i'll be back in a couple of minutes with me on all the stories and robots and stay with us and on the a pod. his aim interviews is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza? no doubt. it should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up, present as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to al jazeera, the
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. ringback the, the we news of eunice goes, world press freedom prize, were announced a collective award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war on gaza. when does the recipients out his ears, guys, a bureau chief, why i sent a message of appreciation. he says palestinian target list and guys need justice and protection. his wife, children and other relatives were killed by his really bumps before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalist have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalist covering the environment. the number of attacks against the journal this to are specifically covering the
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environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable. or the define the world court, israel steps of strikes on southern gaza facing the also the refugee camp. the . this is our to 0 life from don't have also coming up the flight of palestinians in northern jobs. it gets worse there's, there's really a tax force, hundreds of thousands to move with little to no supplies. all is open in india is capitalist, very 6 of national elections.


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