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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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so that is afflicted by conflicts, police collapse people. we try to balance the stories, the good, the bad. i've been asking the people allow us into their lives, dignity and democracy. asked me to tell this story is the define the world court to israel steps of strikes on southern gaza getting the also bought a refugee camp the time about the center. this is on to 0. live from bill have also coming off the plight of palestinians in northern gauze. it gets worse, as it is really attacked sports hundreds of thousands to move with little to no supplies. the rescue seems
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beginning, arriving at the sight of a mass of lun, slide and pot for new guinea. hundreds of people feared that impulse open and india is capital is free. 6 national elections gets under way. the 9 g m t, that's 12 am. and guys, over it is very strikes are continuing across the stripe, including in the rough i that's the main city in the south where hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been sheltering. now the wines top court has ruled that israel should stop it's offensive in this city. the international court of justice has also ordered israel to open the rock for border crossing to allow in aid and backs. as hospitals are running out of supplies. shelly and gun fires being reported near the kuwaiti hospital and rafa and miss also fit. the crowded also bought a refugee camp and all called 3 begins are coverage from den obama, the inter boot of comp, incentives of law,
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civil defense crew tried to find survivors after is really strike in the 10 city palestinians here are hoping there is change after the court order, because there's no where safe to go for this place. policy means at this make shift comp indeed by decisions of the international court of justice don't go far enough . after 8 months of is really bombardment. they want decisive action to end. their suffering is not available in the head. we want this decisions to be implemented on the ground to stop the war. and not just to talk about rough or they have committed genocide, the commit to mass because we went over to stand with us and for the well to stand with us and stop. so they shouldn't say one thing and do something different. every thing here in guys was completely destroyed. so the decision was
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defined is the me in me, is immediately so what we don't need the collaboration. we need application on the teacher whether you inquire, delivered its routing. there was heavy, it's really bumping into for many policy and you can remain skeptical the court order for israel to stop. it's a saw, a refund will have an effect back up. as for buddha, come emergency workers without fires in this residential area. after is where the strike they're searching homes and telling people to leave as more bonds are expected to fall in the city does ita that is the cause of palestine. well, honey michael is joining us from daniel about a in a central guy. so despite that, really from the international court of justice, the fighting continues talk us through what's being happening, honey. of the yes, rob,
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well this is not the 1st time we're seeing this public defiance. by the way, the politicians and the occupied overseas on the ground just publicly defied almost every single resolution decision on the international arena. storage in the talk across robust video. because at the same time, the court was in session with being almost a bond de dropped in one residential lock, destroying the vast majority of the public facilities that residential building is granted. military stated the art that was targeted killing. but so far the results are clear. as of the pos hours, it's been through the hours of this morning. there's really another expanded it's artillery shilling. again pushing deeper into the central part of robot city on around the vicinity of the kuwaiti hospital. that's a shop where are you count for the hospital is located with operating at the lowest capacity possible right now on medical this stuff hard. preventative from
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dispatching ambulance to targeted areas. the hospital as it gradually push it, being pushed out of service soon enough. as the bombing is getting close are just one is 3, it's how we from the hospital right now, pushing the vast majority of the residents around the area. and the further internal displacement, meanwhile, is really military. continue to bomb and kill and maim palestinians in the northern part and the body refuge account. and in that area, close to why they use the southern part where people normally get together in that area and larger group waiting for a truck. it's coming off the loading dock or trying to get back to their homes, but they're being shut out either by the talk of drawers. the doctor didn't choose to belong to close to what? so far, we're looking at 6 people reported kill fairly are more like 3 people were killed enough tackled at home and dropped off city. the past 24 hours was due. 56 people have been killed according to
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a statement by the health ministry of the government media office in the gaza strip . hi me. thank you very much. just as you were talking to us. i'm just looking at a line here saying that that floating peer that you were talking about on the waves have swept parts of it the way this is the filters here that was built by the us and to get 8 into guys that and it's linked to the shores of ice dog, we understand the parts of that up here is now being regained and is being pulled back. well, in the meantime, in the north of the strip is honey was saying, is there any forces that are advancing into jamalia trying to take control of the count? fighting day is intensified during the past 2 weeks on a socially for reports from jamalia, the hello, the changing the situation is very difficult for everyone here in japan, the refugee camp and in the northern areas of the gaza strip. these really military ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displaced people to leave the areas and i'll lose the law
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here. areas the people who have left the east and positive to buy the account to of allusions, paid law here. and now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of this. now treat ground operation and leaving without having a specific place to go. they have no shelter to result to and it's really forces have destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could. the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gunfire and non stop artillery shouting from these running forces. there was heavy guns by a hood as the palestinians were leading devali account of the study of a good deal. is there any problem is that benjamin netanyahu is criticized that relating to the international criminal court? his office is issued a joint statement with the father administrative saying the charges of genocide brought by side of africa against israel at the international court of justice and the hague. are false outrages and morally repugnant, goes on to say, as well as not, and will not conduct the military actions involved,
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but create conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population. as you'll cause the ice age a order to stop its assault on those off, out of ages, and disgusting. now it's bind, i'll just see it. i saw a corresponded immune con as this update from the germanium capital on a lot reaction from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. who came as a direct result of an emergency meeting that he called with the foreign minister is ro cancel also with benny guns, who's a member of the won't cabinets. and the government's top uh, judicial advisor. that's how seriously they taking this. i c j ruling. oh, so we heard from the finance, but it's a bit so the smoke church, he said the stage of his role is, is, is a will for its existence inside times in the streets. we couldn't stand on our own today. the jewish people have the independence and ability to protect their lives. we also heard from out of go, leave him and he's the leader of these ro at baker bay tan policies. as the court decision proves that the united nations organizations of turned into aiding terrace
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in the world and we've been hearing that would add that to a low eating the you and is eating terrace. and that's really likely to be a lot of the, for the rest of the other reaction coming through for me as well. but was still that reaction was coming out that there was a know, the key move by the united states. a had a phone call with the egyptian leadership, where they agreed to open the rafa voted, crossing for your monetary an 8. that's a key part of the i c j ruling. is it because a co incidence? well, if you're listening to is ready political commentators, what they say is this is america coming to israel's rescue. this is the 1st part of the matter of america. turning round to the i, c j inside. okay. the things the israel can do, it will do. remember, israel has to respond to the i c, j within a month. if rafa is open, that certainly one strong response is ro will have. uh, the. so if you're taking
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a look at all of this, then it seems to me that the americans are actually trying to force these ladies to at least take this seriously. but they don't stop giving them weapons the still giving the money. indeed, the americans been absolutely eclipse. israel has the right to defend itself, and it has the right to go off to have this. and that's something that will put them on a collision course with the international court of justice. how much is welcome to ruling by the international court of justice. however, it released the statement saying it expected the court to issue in order to stop the genocide and all of guys are not just in your office. i just spoke to it and spoke to i'm a spokesman or someone from the besides, the international community is failing to pressure israel to comply with international law. a chris full, it's a very was come the decision from the seizure and we believe the tools existed. it can be that the i c j a considered what's happening. this is
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a genocide. and so i just continue to genocide because everyone knows that to the human side business they're identified to create in the costs. the 2nd issue, i believe, is this decision. it brings the whole international community and to kenny on their own responsibilities. everyone was waiting for this decision to understand was that a decision side or not? we believe as how about 6 was identified from the number one, but at least now everyone in the intellectual community has to understand that set genocide, then they have to work hard in order to make an informed them to step aside from going on for what then this issue, and i would have to say like i get a change for the international community manager, the amount of space. because for all the last around h wants is a, is what it was supported to tell you by the, the united states on all the live is if you want to talk about to politically that
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they were supported in the, the security council. they were supported then bought by you by your military aid, the day they were supported economically and even they were defended by the us to administer sion that was what was happening because it's not that insight. now everyone understands it should use size and everyone has to work hard in order to start. the pulls that are open in india for the 6th phase of india is general election voters in 6 states, 2 federal government regions and the capital in new delhi, a costing their balance by most another. and the remote is b, j. b has one all but 2 national interactions in del, in the past 3 decades in 5. and you're getting hundreds of people to, for your dad in a line slide. but i seems a struggle to access the remote area in english province. jessica washington
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reports one of the optima of the land slide in popping you can use north an anchor provence. it's drunk around 3 am, or people with sleeping on the hillside. come up, start and burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below the levels on the ground. the boys right the back of me, they're telling me that these are submissive destruction. the 2 police more than $300.00 lives with most right now is that those major is covered by the rocks and the deputies right now, you include each posted on facebook, people who seen climbing, brooks, and uprooted trees. most residents of this district, a small scale farm, is it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the population of prime minister james murphy says the defense force will help with the search and recovery efforts. authorities in and go have sent emergency response
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teams to the area and describe the land side as devastating and unprecedented. earlier, the provincial administrator held an emergency meeting with health authorities and police, as well as a representative from the united nations. nice community groups collecting aid for families who have lost avery style in this disaster life. so jessica washington, which is 0, a 100 to demonstrate as a valid engineers. he is capital in protest against the space of a rest under a presidential decree, it comes days up to 2 media commentators with each job for the year after being convicted of spreading false news. apologize says accuse president how you side of user we needed to target his opponents. gymnasium journalists use has at least 60 journalists, lawyers, and opposition. politicians have been prosecuted since i signed the law in 2022 sides. describe the criticism as for an interference. go ahead and i'll just eat up
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fighting escalates and me a mazda rock. i in state the u. n. ones, fives, those over here. muslims, on address the to tell her that we've got some very active weather across south east asia at the moment. and that seems to a cycle in the bay of bengal that's talking some very heavy rain across pots of indo china, me in mountain time. and i'm going to see those heavy falls as we go through the next few days. another system to the east of the philippines is a strengthening tropical storm. it's moving its way slowly towards the northeast, but it is pretty stagnant. it will have some strong winds with it, but it is a heavy rain that is of concern here. we've already seen flooding in the valley. we
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could see further flooding as it moves its way across more northern areas towards the more north east on monday. so some very whether it's coming from manila, but it is a constructing picture across australia. lots of hot and dry weather as we head down on the high pressure remaining in charge. it's been cooler in the south east with some frosty and foggy stops to the morning, but we will see temperatures starting to recover here. instead, they'll be coming down across southern parts of w a. in particular for past as increasing showers come into play. we're lucky to see 20 degrees celsius the on choose day. we should be around $22.00 with those showers increasing. it will, however, be more in the way of sunshine on sunday, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the, you want to go to 0 reminder, what top stories this are. these are the on this continuing to as i cut off in southern gaza. marseilles, i've heard the ocean bought a refugee camp for palestinians, the shelter, and then all the guys are fighting and jamalia is entering. it's 3rd week. is there
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any forces or trying to take control the refugee camp attacks are being reported new to come a ongoing hospital and in pop or new guinea. hundreds of fear to have died in a massive lens slide rescue teams and struggle to reach the sides of the incidents and then the boats in the from this place in the us of arrested a teenager for attacking policies and install the divers. he protesters of the university of california and the subsidies. they say he was seen in a video between people with a wooden pole during the salt last month. the suspects reported to be an 18 year old high school student supporters of israel, the tax protesters who were calling for the university to cut ties with companies that do business with israel. the sizes of processors in michigan in the us are planning the next stage of their account in support of palestinians. the peoples conference for palestine moved one for 3 days. it's going to hear from dozens of speakers as they walk out tactics and strategies to try to stop the cutting of more
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palestinians engaged from detroit level reports. the holders in garza, or 10000 kilometers and a welder way from detroit. but israel is, will, on the strip. and how's it ended is driving the conversation in the motor city this weekend, 3000 people, a half for the people's conference for palestine, 3 days of workshops, speeches, and play the recessions. the points raised because people that are attending this conference so that all of us come out of this with a higher and better understanding of the current moment that we're living through and fight that we're going to continue to age until our but this event is taking place here is no coincidence. michigan has a huge most of the population. it has the largest most in all of north america and vehicle and which is only a few minutes drive from detroit. last year became the 1st arab majority city in
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the whole country. the plight to the palestinian people is being felt acutely here and it will be highlighted heavily in the coming dies. speakers will include the surgeon who spend weeks treating causes wounded. that'll be sessions on is really technology and it's used by state security forces. absolute overnight and are key for media on the dominant narratives. it projects students on the recent university protests, even coffee with hundreds of starbucks workers, representing some of the thousands in a labor force, making the difference a clever. they took advantage of labor loss, permit them to where union to as well on shift in may, june and things that have like published thing and flags on it and brought that struggle really to the workplace. and so the residents of gaza do what they can and just to stay alive as thousands of columbus as a way the movement to bring them peace continues to grow. feel, well,
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i'll just say era detroit's view and is warning of a risk of more violence in me and most western kind state that estimates 45000 people will be forced from their homes. the most minorities on him of trying to escape fighting between the military and rebel forces in west and me and my eye. witnesses of total virginia active as the fires are raging across the tunnel bush at home. and they accuse the rebel icon, army of austin and losing their own groups. accuses me of most military, i'm starting. defiance providers is forcing thousands of bringing you to free across the border to bangladesh with little food on medicine more than 1000000 ro here. refugees, a federal kind since a crack done by the ministry in 2017. they've been forced to live in crime to make shift counseling cox's bizarre since using power and a 2 and 2021. memos military's being bossing level groups across the country. the high commissioner calls for an immediate end to the violence and for all civilians
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to be protected without any distinction based on identity. prolonged and on him to to monetary and relief must be allowed to float. and all parties must comply fully unconditionally, with international, including measures already ordered by the international court of justice for the protection of the hinge of as far as the started. hundreds of makeshift buildings in a camp husband. go ahead and give refugees in cox's bazaar. 5 minutes i'll be left without shelter off to the blaze quickly spread through tightly congestive shacks and friday. a few people are reported to being injured, but no one has died. local media reports indicate the fine may have started at a warehouse belonging to an n g o doctor charges. good morning, i fired from a campaign. cox's bizarre in bundled ex, it's quite frequent actually, and many of them allegedly are honest and that tax, you know, buy right both spectrum for one reason or other fee of them, or of course accidents due to liquid natural gas cylinder blast. and there's been
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casual this previously also. now there's also increasing number of gang violence related to drug smuggling. there's also political groups fighting for dominance within that time, which leads to violence and death in the camp. this has been going on for almost a year now. and there are, you know, you're running as we're living with families are increasingly stead they don't get out or venture it out in the evening because they're scared of this gang violence. another kind of fraction of fights. and there's also dwindling aid from the international community, which means cut in ration. there's a concern about malnutrition within the camp. and every year of nearly $35000.00 new children are bought. born here in the camp, according to the bank with this government, that means that population is also increasing and the demand for aiden resource is increasing. and it's frustrating the buying that as government as well. now talking to some of their drawings in the can, the biggest frustration is that there is no hope or for the past year and they don't see anything with the political climate. the way it is in me and my there is
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more than 50 percent of the population are children that don't have formal education. that means without a future yesterday, informal education and learning center. so a lot of challenges while they agency is from the government and of course for their rank as been so without hope, they don't know where they will end up being staying here for almost 7 years now. and so it's not for many folks. so there's a focusing on its foreign policy ahead of general elections next week. the country 2nd, a strong stance against the war on guys i'm, i'm taking israel to the international court of justice, accusing it of genocide. some of those who say what's happening thousands of kilometers away, will determine who they vote for at home. from the miller reports from cape town, the whole months, the organization murals for garza has been conveying the realities of israel's war and gaza through its outlook and through these walls, calling on people to act. and we're actually trying to mit back the community just to show them that, you know, we can be late,
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we come from struggle and why not to the ignite, that struggles through, through far less being through guys. so i mean, if there's anyone that needed fight this right now, do remember where we came from? it's, it's given this moment. so let's, let's do it. which point that the boys speak football as being dozens of murals and book up and other areas often touch the eyes of both taurus and local people. centuries ago, broke off was way people from asia and other parts of africa report as slaves and south africa's experiences of oppression and a part dates have not been forgotten despite the distance between them. many here save a situation in gauze. who influence how they'll vote in general elections in may basically is effective. we will remember those who support us and our brothers and sisters in palestine. and we will not forget those that supports in the side is this emissions is very much influenced by the global issues that we are facing and mainly the palestine issue that i mean, but i'll definitely, itself comes from. and upon a faith system, you know, it is your cell,
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but they still really finishing the minds of all people. the wisdom k providence is one by the democratic alliance. it's also being criticized for taking unambiguous stones on the wall and goes off. well, the party says it supports a 2 state solution between israel and palestine. some voters don't think that goes far enough. of course, i always get worried if voters don't want to come and support a government to re election because of outside extraneous issues. and i do get a good concept, but i personally, i am not going to flip flop and say or odd. well, now what of a sudden, i'm going to change my cutters, and i'm not going to be trying to be balance between his teeth, because i'm worried about the outcome of the next fall. some boat is a critical of the governing african national congress has performance and power. it's a pulse of palestinians has been welcomed by others. civil organizations have signed
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an agreement urging people to costs the vote in favor of parties that supports palestinians. for the 1st time ever, the issue of a free palestine may influence the votes of some south africans in the selection. so meta miller ultra 0 cape town as well. my kind of joining us from around the time shape of so what so the and seems holding it's final election event. it's being said, mike, that the answer is facing his greatest challenge. yeah, i just the and so you feel about that the, there's a di, da and see speeding paula for 3 decades now. each time getting a majority of willow to 60 percent. i live on this occasion. some polls indicate that it's going to struggle to do that. 50 percent majority of the reason according to many is because of its place to deliver. so mostly for the agency, the selection is actually pretty cool. the way it works is that some of the many
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amenities will be choosing members of the national assembly who will in turn elect a president. which of the amc is the majority? will again be sort of run my post through the crowd or wait to arrive at the ready here. but members of the a and c. i've spoken to including so around the posted within the last 24 hours are absolutely adamant that they are going to get set majority at that the opposition parties own about noise is very important and they offsets and then when these results come in the agency, we have is the majority of over 50 percent in the national septic yeah, mike, you find it sounded correctly if it doesn't get that there is speculation that might have to enter into a correlation or you might have to do that anyway. tell us more about how that's going to work, the goal, there's an expression and i'll be gone to solve that for good, no time people. but what that means is that that's also going to be done. seeing if the i n c doesn't get the majority,
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because then it's got to forward to cover the sion with one of the major parties. now note those major parties are really to be a and c test and certainly some of them, one of them in particular be economic freedom quite yet. this would certainly push the amc pharmacy to the left, which is severe of many. then you have i pulled the amc member jacob, zoom a, b c 's way, party intake now with the it wouldn't be a lot back into the holes in the global competition. very, very unlikely. so it wouldn't be hard to be amc to find a suitable combination block that members of the organization. absolutely adamant that they don't have to do. so my going to, we're going to be coming back to you of course, as the events on sold for you of a, my kind of in. so i, so thank you very much. and the other social media john match as being sued by the families of people killed in a school shooting in the city of all day in the us states of texas. the move comes
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as a community marks the 2nd down of us of the, of the attack. the nature of the video game, a call of duty by the u. s. gun manufacturer also facing lawsuits. the families accused the companies of helping to promote dangerous weapons. 19 children and 2 teachers were killed by a teenage gunman at the rob elementary school in 2020 to $3.00 christian mission ways, including 2 americans are being killed in haiti's capital polls will print to be named as natalie and davy lloyd, and the daughter and son in law of a strange representative in missouri or us group called missions in haiti. so the 2 were killed by a gang and an ambush, any of this week as we left the church, who's the purse country and the american cities in jordan months of escalating violence, gangs out of control, much of the capital, at least a 1000 police officers from the game you are expected to arrive in the country in a few weeks time as part of a u and approved emission to restore order during your visit to the city of khaki,


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