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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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up with and within the cycles of the we not using office resources, we use them again and again, if we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen doing nothing grows forever. the . the hello on elizabeth put on i'm and this is the news, our life from the coming off in the next 16 minutes defying the world called as real steps. soft strikes on southern gaza testing the ocean, the refugee camp. supplies with palestinians and knowles, and guys of lessons as is rarely a tax for hundreds of thousands. but unless one can know supplies
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and 100 refugees of fleeting, the filing in the me, on the between security forces and rebel groups and in sport, matched to united face man city in the ethic have the final and wembley, man united, have a chance to win their 1st as a cup titling 8 years with their managers future at the club hanging in about the it is 10, g m t 1 pm and gaza is widely strikes to continue across the strip, including in the far as the main says in the south with hundreds of thousands of displays, palestinians have been sheltering. the you and the top court has viewed as relish and stop as offensive in the city. the international court of justice also ordered israel to open the at off a border crossing to allow an aid that says hospitals of running office supplies showing and gunfire has also been reported near the crazy hospital in the offer.
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and the missiles have hit the crowded, i'll shoot a refugee camp. and the facility begins coverage from the law. the inter boot of comp, incentives of law, civil defense crew tried to find survivors after is really strike in the 10 city policy means here are hoping there is change after the court order because there's no where safe to go for this place. policy means at this make shift comp indeed by decisions of the international court of justice don't go far enough. after 8 months is where people buy from and they want decisive action to end. their suffering is not available in the head. we want this decisions to be implemented on the ground to stop the war, and not just to talk about rough or they have committed genocide, the commit to mass because we went over to stand with us and for the well to stand
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with us and stop. so they shouldn't say one thing and do something different. every thing here in guys was completely destroyed. so the decision was defined is the, me and me is immediately so we don't need the collaboration. we need application on the teacher was the u. n. court delivered its ruling, there was heavy, it's really bumping into for many policy and you remain skeptical the court order for is raise to stop. it's a saw, a refund will have an effect back up as a boot come emergency workers without fires in this residential area. as to is where the strike there's searching homes and telling people to leave as more bonds are expected to fall in the city does ita that is the cause of palestine
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correspondent, honey. my oldest joining us live from the blind central gauze on honey. there will be an attack spot justin, java, but it's a rapidly deteriorating situation in the north to the the yes. so within the past 12 hours, the looking at this is really monetary scaling all but talks across the gaza strip of from further southern part of the strip and right by city where there's really monitor has expanded his military operation beyond the central part of the city. of right now operating within the refugee camp, that's a shipple refuge account where the last remaining, the only remaining operational hospital now running at the lowest capacity possible is under fire. and the majority of the public facility route in the roads leading to the hospital being either completely destroyed or severely damaged, preventing paramedics and ambulance from being dispatched and bringing back
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injuries. and then those are need to be saved from targeted areas in the central area. and the northern part is really a military continue to attacks across this trip. coming more people inside the residential home trapping people inside evacuation center as it's happening in the northern part of the milly in the valley of refuge account where it force further internal displacement for the remaining population. all of this happening while the you and top court has ordered israel to hold is offensive on the, on the is a city overall 5 just to get better, a broader context on what's going on. we are joined by my i'll say need a strategy director from the your mid. 5 human rights monitor. my thank you so much for joining us. thank you. and i the you on top chord just uh issue that dramatic ruling ordering. israel do hold. it's offensive on dropbox, city and increase humanitarian. and what does that mean for college?
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this is a very important crucial step that the lot of the world has long awaited for all 4 decades. not just since the beginning of this genocide, the got a substance, the some of the still works. this is fine on the discussion why the international community that has long resorted, and it's only a should team its statements about as well as my nation. got what israel is going and the gotten the trip is fox has actually cross old limits since the beginning of this policy and catastrophe in back in 1948, for example, when fussing has had been forcibly expelled from their homes and villages. and when the international community has continued, not only to set them defense, but also to support is read by providing arms that have been used against the positives and have been involved. and we're trying to, i'm friends against humanity. our students have a lost face and humanity as they have felt that they were abandoned and failed by
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the international community. this is not a milestone, but what is more important now is to ask what's next? uh, will this be just uh, ink and paper light palestinians have long witness. will this just be the orders that was not actually be pressure on as read to abide by international law? they shouldn't the most important question. we are now with missing a genocide that the world is watching on their screens. and why do we are we are witnessing, i'm leaving the soonest. i bet there's no much time left. we do not have a time every hour every minute. if there is a new soul that is lost, there is a new life that has to be seated and we need to take action. now, this is really important. it takes me to the mix. the question, a question of applicability. this is not the 1st time we see resolution decision at the international level has been made the junior assembly, the on security council. but again, the question now how applicable is that on the ground? well, unfortunately, successive is where you governments have failed to comply by international orders
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and international laws including convention as well. so signed on i've got to fight . so of a including bikes out. for example, the i few days for the general mentors which have been, uh, it should uh, a couple of months ago. uh, it's been, has failed also to a year and comply by these orders only yesterday following a couple of hours flowing. but the subject of the icy day is ryan has continued to uh, bump rough us. and also they have carried out on this event. it is route you the air strikes on the center of rough. uh, including by preventing uh, medical crews and ambulance isn't for meeting vis area preventing or also targeting every moving thing in the center of rough estimate. so this is actually a sign that is red is also failing to adhere by these action by these decisions. and this is also a sign that the international community is now more than ever, needs to take tangible steps to impose these decisions and to pressure is read to
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adhere by them, including by imposing diplomatic economic and political sections. when he's ro, all right, now is this really government, almost everyone in the work cabinet came out and the mentally denied of the that the ruling is based on, on allegations basically denied all the accusation to say these are the south african made up allegations and the not all that in your work, what you doing the ground, your document basically for the past months everything happened on the ground, the genocide, the lack, the practice is the ongoing failure of providing a what. what do you, what is your response of these? i like this denial to the ruling. well, this is very important to highlight because this is not only a classic of the genocide, but these look and sequences as well as black out in porcelain deposit indians on the gods strep, including by example preventing and binding international crews, including u. n. teams and investigative teams and also international jobs from covering the
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events and the reality on the ground in gaza. the is where you officer lp chose since the beginning of this genocide have long talked about their adherents by international law and really got a few of their actions. but when talking about genocide, we cannot talk about legality. these are 2 concepts that are diametrically opposed . we are talking about word crimes and prize against humanity is where it has almost violated every provision or before the geneva convention and their own statute and conventions. date of themselves have rectified on signed on. for example, since the beginning of business fact, we have documented several neutrons and friends against money to being committed against the palestinians and the gods strip. 2 days ago, we have issued our report, a detailed report of 42 um forms of torture and humane and degrading treatment. i practice by the way, the army against policy and prisoners and uh, the tvs and from because of strep, including 6 was all fits of rape, expecting you to think on the tvs, etc. so the is where you,
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the army actually in gaza is not only a following orders from is where you the options to, to gets and kills everything that is cool side of simians or everything. that is probably see me. but they are also given a green light to improvise new kinds of crimes. and i kind of torture against palestinians just for being policy is in regards to which is part of the general's type being practiced against these policies. so what we are talking about is it drives against humanity being uh, documented, not only by our organization, but also by you in organizations. you wouldn't, experts and international organizations working on the ground. and these crimes are not denial. not thank you so much. so as we heard of from how the strategy director at the euro made of human rights monetary the, the concern right now is not the ongoing that is really failures to abide by these rulings, but also the lack of mechanism to put pressure. and is there
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a meaningful pressure, whether it's an american or at the international level, to actually forces drugs to stop all the genocide, all accent in practice is on the ground and, and in the door. honey, thank you for that honey. my whole joining us live from the lot in central gaza in the north of the strip is really forces of advancing into jabante and trying to take control of the camp fighting that has intensified during the past 2 weeks on the assault. today's reports from jabante a, the hello the same team. the situation is very difficult for everyone here in japan, the refugee camp and in the northern areas of the gaza strip. these really military ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displaced people to leave the areas in that i'll lose the law here. areas. the people who have left the eastern positive to buy the account of illusions paid last year. and now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of
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this now tree ground operation and leaving without having a specific place to go, they have no shelter to resort to. and it's really forced, as i've destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could, the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gun, fine and non stop artillery shouting from these running forces were another way. yeah, i think we don't know where to go. we have lost every thing. there is absolutely nothing left for us. we have committed no sense. how did i do this? i'm gonna somebody, not this lady is 80 years old. she's disabled. this is the 5th time for us to take her from one place to another. i helped her and walked with her while she was in the wheelchair for 4 kilometers to find a show. so we never found a safe place for her to stay. there was heavy guns by a hood as the palestinians were leading to about the account of the study of a vehicle from us as welcome to avoiding by the international court of
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justice. but in the statement, it said he didn't expect the court to issue in order to stop the jetta side and one of gaza, not just in java. i'll just do a spoke to him. i spoke spanish on the home. don, who says the international community is failing to pressure as well, to comply with international a chris full, it's a very was come the decision from the i see here. and we believe we chose exactly clearly that the i c j a considered what's happening. that's the general side. and so i just continue to genocide because everyone knows that to the human side, there's the, there i didn't to 5 degree it in the cost. the 2nd issue, i believe, is this decision. it brings the whole international community and to kenny on their own responsibilities. everyone was waiting for this decision. and to understand was that a decision side or not? we believe as how about 6 was identified from the number one. but at least now
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everyone in the intellectual community has to understand it's a genocide, then they have to work hard in order to make an informed them to step aside from going on for them. this issue, and i really can say i get a change for the international community manager, the amount of space. because for all the last around h wants is a, is what it was supported to tell you by the, the united states on all the live is. if you want to talk about support at the company that they were supported in the the security council, they were supported then bought by you by your military aid, the, they, they were supported economically. and even they were defended by the us administer fish. and that was what was happening because it's not that insight. now everyone understands it should use size and everyone has to work hard in order to start. this is where the problem is to benjamin. nothing else who has criticized the i. c . j building his office has issued a joint statement with a foreign ministry saying the charges of genocide pro twice south africa against is
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right at the international court of justice in the hague, of false outrages and morally repugnant and goes on to say israel has not. and will not conduct military actions and the offer that create conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population. israel has band elders era, so a correspondent and one causes joining us now from jordan's capital amman and, and run to cost through the reaction and as well. and how much is media the public opinion in the last step? would that statement from nothing. yahoo! well that statement from the problem is to actually cable after an emergency meeting, held with the foreign minister is real caps. we had been against the woman and stuff, and the government's top, a legal advisor. and it wasn't the only reaction that was a much stronger reaction from the far right minutes step, but still smote judge. who is the finance manager that he said, the state of his role is a rule for its existence. in fact, times in history,
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we couldn't stand to writing today. the jewish people have independence and the ability to protect our lives. also heard from one of the key politicians he in his world. rather, i think don't leave them on the quote to the justice. a decision problem proves that the united nations organizations of turn into aiding terrorist in the world. that's the kind of statement that we're hearing a lot of right now. the u. n. a is simply empty is right, is anti semitic, and it's aging terrorist. but whilst all of that reaction was coming through and going on, the united states had a phone call with their egyptian counterparts where they agreed to open the roof across like that's a key to mind of the i. c j. the rafa crossing the open for humanitarian aid. remember, israel has to report back to the i c. j on the steps that they've taken in a months time. now listening to all of the analysts on the media and reading is reading newspapers. this is the misstep as seen as one of the things that america
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will do to come to israel's 8 like the way that these right of the egyptians opened profit crossing. that's a little check in the textbooks uh for the is raise when it comes to this rolling. uh, and so this is being seen as the americans and the instructions in some way coming to as well as 8 am on thank you for that. that is m on con. joining us live on the jordanian capital, i'm on and with as now as sometime bought a cat professor of public policy at home. i've been felicia university. always good to have you with us on the i'll just say i'm just on the cab. so we were hearing from one correspondent and long con, talking about how and now okay, is now talking to israel once again, putting pressure on israel to open that off of border crossing as ordered by the international court of justice. why is it that point that the americans are 1st to look into israel about because the 1st thing and perhaps the most urgent thing that the international court of justice order is for israel to hold some of the tree
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authoration and any other action in the off or that can hurt the palestinian people . well, that's the logic that you and i believe. and that's, i think that from their perspective, they are insistence on ending time us both the united states and israel and the united states will do everything to try and not hinder the work of israel in terms of finishing of how most. so the alternative is to look at the humanitarian assistance and try and is that situation? and now what do we have been told for many, many weeks that cannot be done rough. i cannot be opened there many, many problems around it. egypt has issues as on. now the americans, i've tried to convince israel and egypt to try and relief the palestinians from the off point. okay. so by telling israel by once again, focusing on the order about opening up that off of border crossing. what does that tell us about how americans have been saying that they've been asking as well, i'm telling israel for months that they cannot have
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a large scale operation in golf are. and yet with the into the international court of justice orders the same thing. that's not the point that america is pressing as well on. so was it ever genuine about about, you know, those request as well that, that, you know, is it off? i would be a red line. i think by now of all the stablish that they've never been genuine about this, but now the u. s. can also be implicated with the icy jays order, because now the order is out as clear as it comes on the back of the icpc ad request for uh, rest warrants against 10, yahoo and government. and of course it, it also implies that anyone who supports the genocide digital site, the actions of israel is also a committing criminal act. okay? and this is, this is really important because the wording of the order refer it again to the palestinians as a people, as an identity that's just under the right. and it doesn't mean that it has nothing, no interest to that, that he has to be kidding or palestinians for him to be held accountable. kidding.
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a group of civilians coming civilians, not avoiding them in his battle. is equally a crime. yeah. so he will be held accountable for this regardless, and of course the rises again coming towards the elections and they're desperate to really turn the focus of the nation to the issue as far as yours is concerned with his elections. and to now, following on from the campuses, just a quotation, this address address i'll assign is playing a much greater role within that actions then by then we'd like it to be okay. one of the 1st reactions that we saw coming from israel when the i c j made it's voting . what's that? there was a phone call from little cabinet minister, a phone call between many gods and secretary of state. and to me blinking, why was the phone call between the us secretary of state, not with the prime minister, a while as interesting as a little bit like when the guidelines went to see by then and washington dc couple
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of months ago without notifying the to know i think within the 3 member cabinet war cabinet, there is a joking for the ultimate position of a prime minister and the guns has never made. it has never had in his ambition to become the problem is, and you know, i've been recently, he was the deputy prime ministers in his desk desperately looking for nothing. yeah . his position. so maybe the ice age, the ice, you sees decision at to hold nothing, nothing. yeah, hold on. go on to responsible has given dance, the possibility of looking different. so he is not tainted with the criminal uh the court to build that and he sees themselves maybe as the most appropriate now to put himself forward. okay. but of course for him, he still hasn't. theories hasn't received the commitment from the thing now for his 6 conditions if put on their conditions on that then you know, yeah. including the important condition of bringing the hostages by. yeah. and
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you can see that it's impossible to bring them back without a prophecies fire. yeah, it's nothing. you all have very much stuck again between, you know, who seems more moderate compared to him and the hotline is in his coalition. should i want to bring to your attention? we have the un special wrap or to on the occupied palance to the entire trees. is quoting for sanctions against israel on her post on x. francesca albanese said israel is intensifying its attacks while the international court of justice is ordering it to stop. she goes on to say, israel will not stop this madness until the member states make it stop with sanctions and arms. and by the and by suspending relations with israel incredibly cool, strong by the un, a strong cool weather un special russell to she has said some of the things about israel and his actions. when can we see this come up in front of the you when you're in front of the un security council?
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low and she's obviously feeling a little bit more involved in the moment because access to half of the monitors is also part of the judgment of the i c j that the guy subject calls for the un monitors to have free access to investigate genocide on the ground so and she's, she's right, them, she's been, she's been saying the same thing for a long, long time. and obviously without the international community taking a clear position. nothing that happened. now when it comes to the security council again, we will face the same obstacle of what the united states will will do. will they upstate as they did on the 26th of march, when there was a code for us, these 5, i'll be a to short term cheese fire, or would they actually veto the call to stop the war? now, almost in force. stop at the end of the conflict, but that again goes back to the internal politics as well. it's very important whether the dance has reached an agreement behind that in yahoo and extremist
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within his coalition to somehow rescue the situation. he does hold the potentially put hold of majority sees indignation. yeah. if he does have domestic politics, both in israel and united states shaping so much of what isabel is doing and gas, i must have bought a car. thank you. as always feel analysis. we really appreciate. thank you so much . i are going to move on to other news now. did you want his warning of the risk of move audience and me on mas, western voc on stage? it estimates 40. $5000.00 people will be full from the homes. the muslim minority behind trying to escape fighting between the military and rebels and it says in west and me on my eye witnesses have told one to act of us the size of aging across the town with the don't they accused the rebel out of town. army of austin and losing the arms with, accuses me on mazda with the tree of salting the fires. the volumes, as forcing thousands of were hanging up to flee across the border to buying
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a dish with little food or medicine. more than 1000000 wrangled refugees of fled, rock kinds of the crack down by the men between 2017, the vin force to live in crime. to make shift camps and clocks as odd some season pallet in a groove and 2021 young mazda by the tree, has been back in rebel groups across the country. the high commissioner calls for an immediate end to the violence and for all civilians to be protected without any distinction based on identity prompt and on him to to monetary and relief must be allowed to float and all parties must comply fully unconditionally, with international, including measures already ordered by the international court of justice for the protection of the hinge. and the fire has destroyed hundreds of make shift buildings of the cab housing, the hang of refugees and cox's bizarre thousands will be left without shelter after the blaze quickly spread through tightly congestive checks. on friday, a few people are reported to have been injured,
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but no one has died. local media reports indicate the fine may have started as a warehouse belonging to an n g o funds. the chelsea has more on that file from a captain. cox's bizarre and it's quite frequent actually, and many of them allegedly are honest and that tax, you know, buy right both spectrum for one reason or other fee of them, or of course accidents due to liquid natural gas cylinder blast. and there's been casual this previously also. now there's also increasing number of gang violence related to drug smuggling. there's also political groups fighting for dominance within that time, which leads to violence and death in the camp. this has been going on for almost a year now. and there are, you know, you're running as we're living with families are increasingly steroids. they don't get out or ventured out in the evening because they're scared of this gang violence and all that kind of fraction of fights. and there's also dwindling aid from the international community, which means cut in ration. there's a concern about malnutrition within the camp. and every year of nearly $35000.00
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new children are bought. born here in the camp, according to the barn with this government, that means that population is also increasing and the demand for aiden resource is increasing. and it's frustrating the buying that as government as well. now talking to some of their drawing as in the can, the biggest frustration is that there is no hope or for the past year and they don't see anything with the political climate. the way it is in me and my there is more than 50 percent of the population are children that don't have formal education. that means without a future yesterday, informal education and learning center. so a lot of challenges, while the agency is from the government, and of course for their rank as been so without hope, they don't know where they will end up being staying here for almost 7 years now. as to the head on the new south pots upon castanan, india continued to swelter and a deadly heat wave. that's so disrupted education and listen, don't touch leads to dallas mavericks to a game, to win and dan laces and be
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a playoff series that's coming up and call us the as hello. they let sketch a weekend weather across europe and it's a pretty unsettled picture across many areas. you can see the dense shower clouds from the satellite image, some more heavy reading to come across central and southern parts of europe. another area of low pressure will move in off the atlantic re some heavy range, the likes of island and person over the next few days. but there is still some sunny in room whether to be found for the south west for spain and portugal across the eastern areas of europe. we're seeing lots of fine and dry weather for ukraine moving into the west and pots of russia. they have use of the rain on saturday into
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sunday will be of course, easily moving across the bulk into the adriatic, seeing those lively showers some heavy rain as well for eastern pots of turkey around the block c. and there is that heavy rain running across into germany, poland, denmark, and further north battery writing comes back in on sunday for britain and islands. blustery winds, as well moving into west and pots of france. but it is a story of heat, not just for the library and put into that, but also for eastern parts of europe will. so sing 20 degrees celsius the on sunday . lots of hates coming back into spain, madrid at 30 until tuesday. the 27000 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo so that in the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series,
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which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria, one l, just the era, the hearing disliked sharp populations is declined. 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that floated reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out to do is teams across the world. bring you closer to the house of the story. of the
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the be watching the news out of me, elizabeth put on and don't have a mind to about told stories. the sound is where the army is continuing to attack it off on southern gaza. must also have hit the all should boot of refugee can, were palestinians of sheltering in the north of gaza flashing. and giovanni is entering, it said week, is there any forces or trying to take control of the refugee camp attack? something's upholstered me the come on of one hospital and the u. n. estimates 45000 of the hang of a fleeting young law for clocks was bizarre in front of the dish. members of peebles, the minority community have been displaced by fighting between military and federal sources in the west. the
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pulse of living in india for the 6th phase of its general elections, both as an 8 states to fed, only governed regions of the capital, new delia costing the ballots from the bodies. b, j. p has won over to national elections in delhi, in the past. since he is reminded of india and government hasn't ground to these as 2 ounces, 0 is joining us. so we are covering the election from outside the country when we consume. chevy reports voters brave this function key to cost the balance. the preston's and separate politicians on some of the early voters in denny political parties have campaigned hauled in the back to india as capital. 6 6 the, the dentist, chief minister and leader of the all me of common men's party, held back to back ronnie's, the city has only 7 parliamentary seats, but it's a center of political power. you
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have in case you don't need supporters of inches arrest and imprisonment by coming out to vote. he's out on bail of to be detailed by the federal from agency on charges of corruption base of to the general elections announced katie. well says he's innocent, he's the 3rd member of the party to be arrested for corruption. his bill ends on june, 2nd, a day after the elections. h revolve has accused prime minister and random will be opened up in the eyes incorruption, investigations, to discredit political arrivals. and deflect, voters attention from real issues. you don't want a condo, can i to your dish? can they want to stop at work? if this is not good for the country, this is dictates a ship. and we need to fight against this. i'm fighting against the dictatorship, but i need your support. beyond all of the party responded more than a decade ago and has been in public entities since 2013. it's also increased its
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footprint by been crucial for single best and punjab bought it didn't win a single parliament receipt from the capital in 2019. so this time is showing the coalition of opposition parties. so my, let's say k 2 balls of rest has benefitted his campaign. when people saw that urban kids you was like, was, was filled. that they believe that the bdc was actually dealing somebody who was a legitimate officer. who could legitimately take away their this jailing of kid to convince the b j. b? that's how popular how popular gives you all is the governing party. a gentle party also has valleys across delhi, with its still campaign, or the prime minister, referring to moody is seeking a search term. let's say there is often a microcosm of national sentiment, the total number of people who reside in dougherty zillow, 23000000,
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and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way, it represents how the country's thinking not just about how daily as a city is thinking, the elections come full use of to some of the worst communities. violence in the capital in decades. vote has said they want the government that will ensure the safety and address basic issues of employment and development across some charities . hunter, caesar is all of them. saudi is a political analyst and he's joining us live from the capital. knew that a good to see you, mr. ansari. so as the report mentioned, delhi chief minister advocate, you all's call them, man. policy has been in power and the capital for more than 10 years. when in regional elections, the beach, if you when's a national but do you think that jalen category well, could have an impact on how people version, denny, in the bashful election? yes, it possibly can have an impact. because traditionally, in those words,
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in seen as being victimized by government or at the receiving end of the government's high hand, goodness often get a lot of somebody from the electric and that farmers decades about 40 be a beneficiary of that. especially amongst the classes that are benefited from as see what the fee in addition to these games that his health clinics and his are and it seems to provide for you is your patient's id education of target. and so that task plus the fence sitters could not seem to be varying towards mr. kids involved in, in betty and the officer center in general across the country. and by that logic, there will be a loss of opposition for those who do well in this election, given that this government has been known and has been criticized for going, using federal agencies like the tax and spend, you know, the tax director to go off to it's a plan and schedule while the rest is seen as part of that much. why the campaign
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do things, the opposition has had a level playing field and the selection was no, it hasn't to sit in chief but it says perhaps for the 1st time in india's history i've been june in multiple opposition. lita is facing fridays from investigating agencies. brothers protects apologies for the enforcement records and i, and i are significantly all those who read previous cases, which i've now drive to the front door and coordination are suddenly investigations against them. i've stopped, so in that sense it's certainly not to bring feed and number. and sadly, the election temperature for this conduct has also left much to be desired vice. and one of the reasons why this election is widely believed to be a full long conclusion is because of the criticism that it hasn't been a level playing field for the opposition. but i want to, you know, as
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a political analyst and who has compet indian politics for so long these things the election is as much of a full going conclusion as, as widely predicted. or is this something to play for here? when they're available before the elections, everybody believed including myself, but this was a foregone conclusion. but now reports i'm editing from the ground. and i like to kind of again, seem to suggest that practice certainly not the case. there's the several issues which are from the heart of the top, but which to which the routing party was trying to pay for it or what they had for almost $20000000.00 jobs. so yeah, yeah, no jobs. there's with the number of you unemployed. jute is increasing and there's anger, there, there the problem a. hey jay, dave, what's the, what the, what is the believe that and there's a very, very good on the play by some strides have been made. but one must also bear in mind that i'll talk to 1400000000 of all the. then there's $1400000000.00
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population each $100000000.00 after and divide it so your actions by the government . so that's the story short you need relations between it is majority carrier beach and the minorities is, is victoria too. we will be once lived in i was born and grew up in a debt that was far more startling and far more and do say that sadly is not the case, no less on saturday. thank you so much. as always for your insights. job is on site in new delhi. my pleasure. thank you. a and a reminder that the indian government hasn't gone to the visas to alger 0 is joining us. so we are covering the election from outside the country that stay in the region and look at the severe heat that's affecting tens of millions of people . at least 11 have died in west and india from suspected heat related causes and neighboring pockets, thumbs. thousands of being treated in hospitals for
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a heat stroke pockets. tom's government has closed schools, postponed exams, and declared emergencies and hospitals or whether present a car leg is joining us now in college. just how unusual is this heat? well, it is unusual and is more. this is going to get less space to go for at least another week. now, pakistan and india are used to seeing the pre monsoon hate, but not at levels like this. we've temperatures so to well above the average about $5.00 to $8.00 degrees celsius. and of course, that quote, india to declare a heat wave, they do that when temperatures rise to above more than $4.00 degrees celsius. now the end of the week on friday, we for the highest temperature in india this year with fulton, 9 degrees in rock just on. that's when we sold those heat to relate to depth. but pockets dawn has continued to sizzle, particularly in the south east. we saw 50 degrees celsius and your cover band, the hottest date so far this. yeah. and temperatures are expected to continue to
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rise. people doing what they can to say out of those hots conditions. and we've also had widespread power outages of up to 15 hours across pots of pockets down as people use a lot of electricity to power air conditioners and fans. now it's really simple problems in the southeast. it's going to see tough. just push up into the early fifties to a couple of bad is expected to see if the degrees through to choose a, which should be around $44.00 degrees celsius at this time. if yeah, just to remind you, the record here. we said about 26 years ago, we have 51.9 degrees celsius. so the attempt is sitting very a high now from so say we had at least 26 districts affected. these heart conditions are expected to continue to lease the end of the month, and we could see to further heat waves some more of this heat to come next month. thank you very much for that.
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to south africa now with one of the issues facing voices in the upcoming election is that they are concerned about crime robbery rate. murder rates have remained hide you in the past decade. and in the last 3 months of 2023, an average of one person was murdered every 20 minutes. and had this book as a group of women has been patrolling the streets to the to criminals. we spoke to one of its members. my name is dominic, rama could. i'm fight though for you. i'll do 9 o'clock in janice. well, i'm a mazda and you know, i'm, it's a fission. i started at 14 years back to be part of the community safety, the cpa community police for them. time is very bad for these sons. last say, last year there was a lot of shooting week argument, oil industries anymore. so at 6 o'clock, we need to be in the house. we need to come out as human and us as the community,
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stuffy, cold at night, especially when we go. when we have to push away at night as women, we don't have any with phones or anything, the best we can protect ourselves. we take off all these women, we take them home, we think that the kids federal slaves at night to take them home as well. so we also have the domestic violence, these the gang stuff. it's not related. so yeah, and it's just the poverty. i think the government actually promised too much and then not doing what they supposed to do with, i mean a lot of unemployment when we go out. the 1st thing we do is pray. and i know all families at home always fights with us and say, but why do you have to go outside these police sit in the system. but if you have the position, you don't think about anything else. we feel like vito's ideas, but the also he is,
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he's made a difference, but now was against us in the shooting that's taking place in the alpha. we're not sure. is the woman safe at all? as to the head on al jazeera and full brennan at wembley stadium for the old manchester cup, final one seem locates a crown that sees on the other team looking for salvage this the sick time. again, this is terry. at the seats of unity within india is vibrant tapestry. as election for the sweeps, the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling. as they pulled to opposing poles. can the friendship survive the political divide and the world's largest democracy?
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india is fractured. witness on i will just sierra brew cool motors the take 9 to the country and k o l g 0. well, goes to gammon with political schools in the 1980s was settled by assessment was there was a big black hole coming in a battle in which south humans president was positive with debt to be gay. i refused to give them my head, will give up power the killing of south him and the politicians during a routine cabinet meeting. a 1986, an estimate of an assassination on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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time of school she is barbara elizabeth. thank you so much, man to see united face our travels, man city, and the as a cup final at wembley stadium. later on saturday. united are heading into this match on the back of their worst advert premier league finish. but they have a chance to win their 1st f, a cub title, and 8 years their manager, eric and hug will have his future to worry about with reports, saying he will be sacked, no matter the outcome. this will be a repeat of last year's final, which city one word l a side or know aiming for domestic devil after winning the premier league for an unprecedented 4th street time. well i'll just say it was paul brennan joins we now live from outside, wembley stadium, paul, that match kicks off at 14 gmc, so still pretty early where you are. but what's the build up been like so far? was pretty calm here at the moment. so that you can hear probably the helicopter
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over my head, and we've heard coming from inside the stadium, the testing the for the p a system. and that we've had the, the june of the national anthem, and also the him that they play before the final takes place. the him, applied with me outside, that obviously is very calm. they are awesome. early arrivals of funds. they are. so they're looking at the stadium that taking selfies and photographs, but the big crowd, of course rooms arrive and so much light. so we're more than 3 eyes from the kick off at the moment. so there's a lot of opposite yet to build it up from the mount just to city funds. there's a sense of expectation from the manchester united funds that we've been speaking to a certain sense of trepidation. they realize they're up against it against the city team. well, what is ultimately at stake here for both sides because as you say, they each had very, very different seasons. yeah, i mean there's a girl with some out of state. first of all, it's a, not just adobe, of course,
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the rivalry between the city and the united sides of that particular city. uh, those across the tracking rights that match up the city looking to crown an extraordinary season. uh, this would be the well, the 3rd time that they would ring the double the cup and domestically double as a manager. and it would be the 1st time ever that the coupling double has been done and consecutive seasons if they do when at the end of today. manchester united have a europe at stake if they lose the hours of europe for the 1st time. i think since 1985 say that if they went today they will make it into the your rowe probably, but lot to lose would be unthinkable for united friends who have been so used to competing in europe over so many past seasons. so there's a lot at stake for both sides, but for very different reasons. all right, well, we'll catch up with you a bit later. paul brennan reporting live for us from outside wembley stadium. thanks for now. all that match, it takes off
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a busy schedule of major cup finals all taking place on saturday, including the german and french, a cup finals, as well as the asian and african champions league deciders. plus the way felt women's, a champions league final mark flow. and i have sacked their measure chevy just a month after persuading him to stay when he wanted to quit. and january. chevy said the season would be his last only for bar for president juan le portez to talk minutes of state, which have these recent comments about the clubs, financial problems are thought to have angry, left ports. huh. on the board, he'll be out after sundays lead match against the former buyer in unit coach on safelite because expected to be named as a new man in charge. in the coming days or earlier, we spoke to spanish football broadcast, which i'm a solaire and asked her if changing managers will fix some of the bar slowness problems. and i don't think so because the bus, the problem are
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a structural problem. so they kind of not a few the physics professions or bringing the best player, so they need to working in the bays which they have an amazing economy. like, lemme see, it probably is still the rest of the work, but they don't have money next season. they won't be having the new come know yet we are expecting it for december. so it's going to be a very difficult i think um, beginning of the season, especially in, in a domestic leaking in love, levi. they will be fighting against be to arrive on the surround madrid with probably the signing of and by pay but maybe um, what the president of things is that bringing someone from outside the international above. so now with a fresh mind, with a different look can put in these periods of uh, probably difficult times of bucks or not another kind of perspective. and probably if had to click and it seems to be a good 15 uh, regional citizen, he can uh,
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continual all they can find another coach more exciting like for example, recently get or even pet board viola s thinking into seasons later for ari shaw. so claire has gone fastest and friday, 2nd practice i had of the monica crown pre. the race of monte carlo is widely considered to be the most glamorous on the front of one calendar. and it was the hometown man who talked the time sheets the head of saturdays, qualifying 7 time world champion louis hamilton finish. second hamilton will be hoping to be more competitive here. i mean, i don't want to grow increase since 2021. definitely more enjoyable. right. at the previous last 2 years and you know, i think the 2nd session, i don't know whether we, we, we approved or not, definitely of the long runs. we still have a lot of work overnight to try and make sure that we can make it to you the right. the sun rises, hydra rod will play in sundays ill. final, after defeating the raj,
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signed royals by 36 runs in the 2nd qualifier. batting versus sunrise was posted, a 175 for 9 and there are 20 overs 100 class and the best of the batsmen. exactly 50 projects on file. short in their chase drew to rouse on being 56 the best scores they fall short on a 139. for 7 sunrises will play the coal cut and night riders and now that jock images search for a tournament victory in 2024 continues. he lost the thomas of my chuck and the geneva opened the semi finals in his preparations for the friendship and jock ridge took an early break and the 1st step for this check opponents thought back to when the 1st step 6 for well, number one appeared to be struggling, but showed glimpses of his old self in the 2nd at coasting 36 gloves. but it's my check who will feature in his 1st ever atp final, the 23 year old winning, the 3rd set, $61.00 drunken, which will now go in search of a 4th title at rowland girls, starting with
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a 1st round match against pierre hughes. he batt to the dallas mavericks of taking it to nothing lead and there and be a playoff series with the minnesota timber wells. dallas is kyrie irving square 20 points before i leave at dosage. have 32, including a 3 points and we just seconds left to help them out as a race and a 2 points deficit to meet the timber all by just a single points. game. 3 of the western conference finals is sunday in dallas. the play was a good look at the ball. and let luca do what lou for does in those moments and that's you know, fee g e has trust with his teammates. if they were going to come and help them, he, he knew who he was going to find to, to knock down a shot. we talked about taking a to work well only down to but when he got to dancing with go bear, you can see that the step back was coming in and, and the rest was history. and the on a child in new york ranger is
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a tie. there's sound like a playoff series against the florida panthers. barclay, good row as for the winter and overtime to seal it to one victory for the rangers. game 3 of the eastern conference finals is on sunday and for that. okay, that is all your support for now. back to you, elizabeth, very much for that of china's military has wrapped up 2 days of rolls around taiwan . the man who was a meant to signal a warning to the islands, new governments not to pursue independence badging. regardless, taiwan is a renegade province value to return it to its control one day by force if necessary . and the slaves dispatch once again. hi lives. how many in taiwan i'm moving away from the mainland. from the drive reports from taipei. i'm a c on that a visit to ty, pay the changing of the god inside the collaborative hole, to turn kyesha the father of the boston taiwan who brodis chinese nationalist to
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the island of to the 1949 defeats to china is coming out of the people that have heading the long expected coming us invasion from the mainland, but tonight was drive from. ty pay is a memorial park that has become the final home to many more statues of chang now and wanted. they want to don't public buildings and spaces, and the society where he's still reviewed by some, especially older people, but increasingly regarded as a brutal dictator and shunned in this vibrant democracy. that vibrance has been strikingly evident with the 5th political clash, insight, tiny ones, parliament, accompanied by my street protests outside. it's been driven by the you know, the ration of new president lighting to who seems determined for. ty wants to continue on its own pos, breaking with the past, so you know something from taiwan, so long as we identify with taiwan, it belongs to us. so all of the people of taiwan, regardless of it and the city,
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irrespective of when we arrived. watching with deep suspicion these mainland china, fearful of taiwan moving further away from its chinese woods. those space seemed to be confirmed by annual polling over the past 30 years. that shows a cultural shift with the majority of the islands. $24000000.00 people now identifying as time went, ease and the record low of just 2 and a half percent saying they also leave chinese. and the latest military drills over the past 2 days, act as a reminder of badges, apparent willingness to use force. if taiwan shifting carrot to strays too far in the direction of outright independence run mcbride, autism era type a and that stuff in the end as was put on them for this new cell. i remember you can always keep up to date with the old relations to the stories recovering, as by his analysis of programs and document fees on our website. the address for
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that is on to sierra dot com. stay with us re max and us back in just a few minutes and more of today's news. thank you very much for watching the an aide where a car travels to vote on syria saying he's back to health. are you looking back? are you a fighter? no, i'm no fuss. but not in the eyes of his government. when my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. a new 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation. i'm innocent until proven guilty statements in syria coming soon on al jazeera hod. huge, i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing, the f one is government with this is 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. nonsense. the
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e you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he was signing a present as not the need for the effective he of the story on talk to how does era one of the biggest selections of 2024 in the general election will administer now render moody's b t p, increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and use some employment swaying, focused in key states, and will the media be able to cover the reading unfairly, ongoing coverage. but in the, as an action on out is the area. i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where all those prefer not to look i write about what it means to be american. and about the ordinary people who get caught up us worse, major rally,
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and also viet turn when on the power of political ok. what i'll just stories we tell sales about also. and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra the the defying the world towards israel steps upside some southern guns, a hitting the auction boat, our refugee come, the madison. this is all 0 life from del, have also coming up. your monetary in crisis in northern guys like gets worse because there's really a tax for the hundreds of thousands of people to move or hanging refugees free the


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