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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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and then a total does not contain the, [000:00:00;00] the pedal on elizabeth put on, and the system use our life from door hawk coming off for the next 16 minutes and is really strikes that the school displays house to the in the shelter right into body of refugee camp in northern dasa, at least 10 people account is ready. um it says it's making gains and giovanni a attends finding this taking place in different areas, including near the refugee time the 6th and 2nd,
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last phase of india is general elections has ended. more than a 100000000 voyages were eligible to vote in 8 states and to the federal government territories. and were 100 refugees of leading the sizing and beyond law between security forces and veterans. and in support. manchester, united face mens city in the f. a comp final at wesley stadium, united have the chance when their 1st uptake had tied only 8 years with their managers future at the club hanging in the balance. the 13 g m t 4 pm and gaza is rarely strikes a continuing across the strip despise an order from the un stop quote, to hold to operations and offer in the past few hours. this being intend slicing and central and northern areas. at least 10 palestinians have been killed in the strike on
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a school in the soft valley area. 15 p for the injured witnesses that it was a drawing attack. and most of the victims of women and children. the school isn't jamalia refugee camp and is really false, is also pushing ahead with the ground operation. they're trying to take control of jamalia with heavy fighting into its 3rd week. tens of thousands of palestinians have been forced to flee giovanni a on a soldier. these reports from the refugee camp along the stream. the situation is very difficult for everyone here in japan, the refugee camp, and in the northern areas of the gaza strip. these really military ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displaced people to leave the areas and i'll lose the law here. areas the people who have left the eastern parts of 2 by the account, 2 of illusions paid last year. and now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of this. now treat ground operation and leaving without having
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a specific place to go. they have no shelter to result 2 and he's really forces have destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could. the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gunfire and non stop artillery. shelly from these reading forces were nowhere. yeah. and how, like, we don't know where to go. we have lost everything. there is absolutely nothing left for us. we have committed no sense. how did i do is i'm going to send me not this lady is 80 years old. she's disabled. this is the 5th time for us to take her from one place to another. i helped her and walked with her while she was in the wheelchair for 4 kilometers to find a show. but we never found a safe place for her to stay. there was heavy guns by a hood as the palestinians were leaving jamalia camp under the study of a good deal. let's come over the correspondent handle for the day. she's joining us live from the law in central garza and hens,
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dudley strikes yes from now. the school sheltering display civilians with nowhere else to go. what are you sharing about what's happened and those law school or well, we knew that the group of college didn't use that were targeted by the is really forces in another school. and we're actually filling up gallons of water. they were striving to fill up water. when the is ready, forces start get to the woods or at air strikes up to the 17 palestinians have been injured. and that's, that's good isn't most of our area in the now during causal strip. and we know that the, the ambulances were, has very lots of challenges to reach that school. because there has been no fuel and have situation completely collapsed in the another, in a gaza. strip only one hospital which is in my dining is the only hospice and that is working and not only and the school, there was also a, an elementary school. i know this,
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i just want to mention that and the school is an elementary school and it had hundreds of, of, of refugees. people who were displaced a couple of times and went back to bad. yeah. and to the another in parts after the is ready, forces withdrew, but now they re occupied the end. they're expanding their ground operations. they're also 7 palestinians were killed in bed, new and as the is ready forces read it the house, 5 of 7 of the killed where children. and also that is where the forces targeted the group of people in why the says the ends of the central of the cause of the strip at please send palestinians were also reported killed. it was a very, it's very intense uh today. absolutely. and then incredibly violent scenes and days and weeks given that the israeli army has said for months that it's cleared the north of sizes. and what is the situation and hospitals including ok,
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so behind you, are they receiving any more of the fuel that they desperately need to keep functioning of the okay, so i have to mention that deluxe a hospice that is one of the only hospitals that is fully operating so far across the hall of the cause of strip, they receive $15000.00 elixirs of fuel 2 days ago, but half of them are finished and there's no one told them that they're going to provide them with more fuels or the the hospital is still calling for more fuel because the fuel that they have right now will is only enough for 2 more days. and then again, the hospitals may run out of fuel and i would come at one as you saw, the pc or us, all of the hospitals in the another in gaza strip are completely out of service. in drop off, there's only one. i'd go at the hospital and they have been also calling for the
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international community. i'm the native nations to provide them with fuel there's. there's actually like 3 or 4 hospitals, only working in facilitating so far in the gaza strip on all of these hospitals are on the verge of collapsing because there's no fuel, they're packed with injuries. and it's that they're working on a very low scale of doctors to him. thank you very much for that. that is a holiday with the latest live and then all of a lot in central gaza that you on special level 2 are on the occupied palestinian territories is quoting for sanctions against israel. on her post on ex francesca albany. se, said israel is intensifying its attacks welding international court of justice as ordering it to stop. she goes on to say, israel will not stop this madness until member states make it stop what sanctions and alms and bottles. and by suspending relations with israel as well,
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the health care system in gaza is on the verge of collapse because medical infrastructure has been destroyed the world health organization documented for 150 attacks on healthcare facilities. they have between october the 7th. and may, the 15th, not including this week seizure of the it says is really false is have code 723 health workers in june, 924, including civil defense teams, ambulance crews, not one of gauze. 35 hospitals is fully functional. more than 100 and the lenses have been damaged with some hospitals managed to offer basic 1st aid. but they don't have enough medicine or supplies to treat the number of patients. in addition to people injured and is really strikes, doctors are treating people for infectious diseases. the w. h o has record of 91500000 cases of infections such as chicken pulse, joined us, diarrhea, and respiratory infections. meanwhile,
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the w h o has confirmed palestinians and northern gaza are experiencing found in the agencies, folks to us and thought it keeps the image says the food situation is desperate as well. there is a clearly need for more food and now with the rough crossing border being closed, that is adjacent literally get to where was there was it now i see that was done by a number of agencies saying that the, the defendant is even in north of gaza that the uh, the 2 children have been, uh, had been diagnosed with severe mild treason. uh we helped, uh, uh, health facilities to, to, to put up treatment centers for miles or as children. and there were a thousands of, of cases that heavy arriving with tricia will only gets worse. and again, just talking to about a few what we have heard about sue, it's really difficult choices that the uh, guys have to do now how to use the little fuel that is, that is there, it shouldn't go to bakery. should it go uh, should it go through to the selling agent glass to have some water?
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should it go to hospitals? and i think no society should be facing those choices. a mazda is welcome, the international court of justice is decision to order as well to stop it's offensive on the far less than the statement said, expect of the court to issue in order to stop the genocide and own of gaza and not just in java or 0 spoke to ha spokesmen, osama homes on it says the international community is failing to pressure as well to comply with international. it's chris full, it's a very was comes the decision from the seizure and we believe we chose exactly clearly that to the i c. j a considered what's happening that says the general side and so that it is comforting that you know side, because everyone knows that to the general side business there identified to create in the costs. the 2nd issue, oh, i believe is this decision. it brings the whole international community to carry
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on their own responsibilities. everyone was waiting for this decision. and to understand was that a decision side or not? we believe as how mass it was identified from the number one. but at least now everyone in the intellectual community has to understand that said genocide and they have to work hard in order to make an informed them to step aside from going on for within this issue. and i really can say i can get a change for the international community member to the amount of space, because for all the last around h wants is what is right wants to 4230 by the, the united states on all the live is if you want to talk about to politically that they were supported in the security council. they were supported then by you, by your military aid. the day they were supported economically and even they were defended by the what i said ministration. that was what was happening is not that
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insight. now everyone understands that she's human side and everyone has to work hard in order to establish it is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has criticized the building by the international court of justice. his office has issued a joint statement for the foreign ministry saying the charges of genocide both by south africa against as well as the international, fulfill justice of the hague, a falls and morally repugnant. it goes on to say israel has not and will not conduct military act actions and alpha that create conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population as well. so cool the i c j order to start with the thoughts on java, outragious and disgusting. it's banned ultra 0. so a corresponded and one kind of has this update from the jordanian capital. a mon, a lot reaction from primary step benjamin netanyahu, who came as a direct result of an emergency meeting that he called with. the foreign minister is ro cancel. also with benny guns, he's a member of the won't cabinets. and the government's top uh, judicial advisor,
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that's how seriously they taking this. i c j ruling. oh, so we heard from the finance visit, but the smoke troje. he said, the state of his role is, is, is a will for its existence in sad times in the streets. we couldn't stand on our own today. the jewish people have the independence and ability to protect their lives. we also heard from out of go, leave him and he's the leader of these ro, had big maintaining policies, as the quote decision proves that the united nations organizations of turned into aiding terrace in the world. and we've been hearing that would have that to a low ating the you and his aiding terrace. and that's really likely to be a lot of the, for the rest of the other reaction coming through from israel. but was full. that reaction was coming out that there was a know, the key move by the united states. a had a phone call with the egyptian leadership, where they agreed to open the rafa voted, crossing for your monetary an 8. that's
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a key part of the i c j ruling. is it because a co incidence? well, if you're listening to is ready political commentators, what they say is this is america coming to israel's rescue. this is the 1st part of the matter of america. turning round to the i, c j inside. okay. the things that he's real can do, it will do. remember, israel has to respond to the i c, j within a month. if rafa is open, that certainly one strong response is ro will have uh, the. so if you're taking a look at all of this, then it seems to me that the americans are actually trying to force these ladies to at least take this seriously. but they don't stop giving them weapons of the still giving the money. indeed, the americans been absolutely eclipse. israel has the right to defend itself, and it has the right to go off the m. s. a. and that's something that will put them on a collision course with the international court of justice. 5000 engine palestinians
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have been evacuated for emergency treatment abroad since the stalls of as well as war and gaza. among them, a young children brought to contact with severe amputations and debilitating trauma was at least 10000 more patients on waiting list, hosting to be evacuated. if to some getting fed reports pushing through the pain after 3 months in this health care facility in guitar 11 year old door reno, but you can finally walk again on chassis good. good. i thought i'd have to stay for more than a year in the wheelchair. i was asking my aunt if i'd be paralyzed forever. during couldn't move her legs after an air strike that killed 60 members of her family in garza casa for outside last night. the straight cutest at 12 o'clock me and my brother came in, we were on the floor. everything and everyone was under the rubble. she's one of
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nearly 20000 children that the un estimates have lost the parents in the war. this facility was filled with a 22 world cup. now it's been turned into a place were 500 patients receive treatment, education and psychological support. there's more room here, but no other patient has been able to leave because of stress in more than 2 weeks . before the war, 8000 patients cross the alpha and beta noun crossings every month to receive treatment abroad. that number has dwindled to less than $5000.00 evacuated and 7 months of conflict. the need is bigger than ever before. hospitals and cause a lot critical supplies, stuff, and medicine, or a simply destroyed. leaving thousands in need of complex surgery post up care and rehabilitation with little to no support. guitar is among 12 countries that offered to receive the wounded and the sick from gaza. he nearly died when a strike hit his home on october 17th. what the doctor,
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even when i had the 16 and maybe between the moment i got injured and now i've had a round 61 surgery since the last, the operation was yesterday and soon gone to a link that will get prosthetic clement at least 10500 patients are currently on the waiting list, according to guys as the health ministry. but no one has been able to leave a medical ground since it's rarely troops to control a bit off crossing earlier this month. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. if this i'm going to, it was a 0. the a government minister says the number of people killed your landslide and there were
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a large part of northern and pop while you're getting has arisen to more than 300 hundreds more affiliated like a medias. as a matter slide in the my will you talk a region on friday, destroyed more than a 1000 pounds and impacted 6 villages. a road leading to a gold mining talent is blocked. christianson is a national director for will division and pop one your guinea. he says the location of the land flies makes rescue operations extremely challenging. a decent area or a spot a long way from the capital city. it's 600 kilometers and it's in a fairly revised filings region with the state of graphy. we frequently have earthquakes. this area is fairly remote, even from the provincial center, a while back. it's quite a long drive. and so what we're saying is the tragic events take place at 3 o'clock 2 days ago or in the morning. so you can imagine buying in the dock and literally
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the mountain falling down when you it is incredibly challenging to get access to these areas. so this is also hampered by the mind by why the tools and the land slide across it. so they, they will be um, ongoing challenges and getting people in and then also once we've done the proper assessments and we look at time united, continuing search and rescue operations. so exactly how can we get assistance in there? i think that will obviously require helicopters and other aircraft and other things, but yeah it's, it's incredibly challenging just to get access to the side. we're hearing reports from the local people there and they obviously doing the best buy. i can helping the family members out and you can say some incredible for the job. i'm working in some very difficult conditions. so hot sky, i go out to those people at the stage to you and was wondering of a risk of move islands and beyond laws west and what kind stayed it estimates 40.
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5000 people will be full from the homes and most the minority behind trying to escape fighting between the military and rebel forces in west and beyond. law. eye witnesses have told, well, hang a activists that finds a raging across the town of booky. don't. they accused the rebel auto, con, ami of austin and looting the ongoing for fuses, neil mazda, the tray of staffing the fires, the volumes as forcing thousands of or hang up to flee across the border to bangladesh, with initial food of medicine, more than 1000000 behind the refugees have fled from of all kinds since a crack done by the ministry in 2017. the vin folks to live in cramped, make shift camps and cox's bizarre since season pal and the crew in 2021. we all mazda military has been battling ripple groups across the country to the high commissioner calls for an immediate end to the violence, and for all civilians to be protected without any distinction based on identity prompt and on him to to monetary and release. must be allowed to float,
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and all parties must comply fully unconditionally, with international, including measures already ordered by the international court of justice for the protection of the hinge. and the 5 has destroyed hundreds of makeshift buildings, so they have housing behind the refugees and cox's bizarre thousands of be left without shelter. off of the blaze quickly spread to tightly congested checks. on friday, a few people have reported has been injured, but no one has died. local media reports and to indicate the fine may have started at a warehouse belonging to an n g o. and finally, chelsea has will on that far from a camp and cox's present in bung division. it's quite frequent actually. and many of them allegedly are, are some that attack, so you know, by right. both spectrum for one reason or other 2 of them are of course accidents due to liquid natural gas cylinder blast. and that's been casual this previously also. now there's also increasing number of gang violence related to drug smuggling
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. there's also political groups fighting for dominance within the camp, which leads to violence and death in the camp. this has been going on for almost a year now. and there are, you know, you're running as we're living with families are increasingly scared. they don't get out or ventured out in the evening because they're scared of this gang violence and all that kind of fraction of fights. and there's also dwindling aid from the international community, which means caught in ration. there's a concern about malnutrition within the camp. and every year of nearly $35000.00 new children are bought, born here in the camp according to the garden with this government, that means that population is also increasing and the demand for aiden resource is increasing. and it's frustrating the buying of this government as well. now talking to some of their drawings in the can, the, the biggest frustration is that there is no hope of free practice. and they don't see anything with the political climate. the way it is in me, on my there's more than 50 percent of the population are children that don't have formal education. that means without a future yesterday,
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informal education and learning center. so a lot of challenges while the agency is part of the government and of course for their annoying has been so without hope. they don't know where they will end up being staying here for almost 7 years now. because explosion has killed one person in the civilian capital, damascus. the so reinstate news agencies has an explosive device designated in a caught in the most a district and did not identify the victim and gave no further details. south africa's wedding party has held its final valley and so went to a height of next week's general election. tens of thousands of support is attended the african national congress event. the party has gone from the country for 30 years and hopes to retain pals and voters cost a balance on wednesday. several polls suggest the amc will for the 1st time lose its paula mentoring majority. mike, hannah has moved from that routing manager has the,
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the the way thing migrate being gross with the white piece of paper and just be the
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image image ridiculous on television. now you also tricity, and one of the big issues in south africa has painted tricity, which has become a major government and see if he can address this issue because he didn't, i mean we have made them been escalated to the place they need to reduce the image action in july to which was a comprehensive these phones they wouldn't even waiting on the back of that. that'd be perfect for the 60 days or so with a vintage craig whyte visiting. i mean it,
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the big boat of payment to some nice way to resolve the sun for a weather updates. he has car the hello. the heat is the feature across much of north africa and the middle east and event. we've seen temperatures pick right top across some of the gulf states where it is a launch,
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the hots and dry storage shamal wind is expected to blow down the gulf. and that will pick up some lift of sand, affecting the visibility and causing some hazy sunshine. there is that heats coming in places like katasha though. huh. see 47 degrees celsius. the on sunday i think is all set to come down slightly as we go into monday. they'll still be above average across many areas here. and they'll be picking up across the event. the heat is the dominant feature on monday, and it's been very dry and hot to cause the noise of africa with record heat for places like l. g area, as well as libya. sunday into monday, it'll be each, it's time to sing very high temperatures. cairo seemed 41 degrees celsius. the on monday, we should be around $33.00 for this time. if. yeah, it's what a close that central band of africa with some thunder storms rumbling across the central african republic. the good news is for kenya, is that where the system pulls away. it is gonna look a lot. dwyer, around coastal areas. so logic, hot and dry for much of southern africa,
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blue with cooler in cape town on saturday. still ahead on the news l. i'm rob mcbride in taiwan and struggling as always when it's trouble trying to relationship . i grappling increasingly with the legacy of a controversial figure from its own smoke. she was passed the dawn chechnya. t doubtless netflix to the games for sale that's coming up. the 5 star, the fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history with sports fights at the center. get on a sports fan anymore. unless you're gambling on the phone lines examines the surgeon painting and the impact on those suffering from its addiction just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. that like again, we've turned this into a nation of visual gamers,
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definitely not in control. the big gambles on it just so you know. now let me tell you about safari, you called result the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now, able to practice what the now be used, only elected very close here, like coming here, sits on to a large stairs place with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also somebody probably equal, restored to being gone the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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to watching the news out of me, elizabeth put on them and doha romando about top stories to sell. at least 10 palestinians have been killed in a strife on the school in northern garza 15 people inches. witnesses said it was a strong attack and most of the victims of women and children. that's why the army is continuing to attack it off on southern gaza. must also have hit the all shovel, whatever she can for palestinians of sheltering. and the north of the strip is where the forces are advancing into jamalia fighting that has intensified during the past 2 weeks. malott's out of color with reports from giovanni a. there's really forces of trying to hold a minute to get that over for to can so i coming from 3 sports main to sports, which is used to do better to camp and the 63,
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and also the from the shelves, 8 area and the few all these controls you back over to the intensification firing here is increasing date of today which makes people to evacuate ways with that. these way the forces reach them or not. number 3 is where the forces in cash and and for you choose to the surrounding area of came out of the hospital. and this makes came out with this coming out of service, just like many other health facilities and nothing goes red and other things to be mentioned, which is phase resources. it's not allowing any entry you any kind of a human to train a to them. nothing goes straight is which makes the salvation and hunger know king l as to who as president joe divided and egypt president of the father of stacy
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have agreed on and facilitating the movement of fuel and un 8 and the gaza, through the kind of asylum crossing by dint has also expressed his commitment to get the at off across and reopened on to him. is that acceptable to both egypt and israel? a lighthouse correspondence company, how it get reports from washington dc. following a phone call between the us president joe biden and egyptian president cc, an agreement has been reached to temporarily since fuel and un humanitarian, a pruby crab abu salem crossing. this is something that is only temporary in order to get the legal mechanisms in place to reopen the rough up crossing on the palestinian side. the us president joe biden has pledged his full support and effort to help open the rock crossing under terms that he hopes will be
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amenable to both the egyptians and the is rarely in order to achieve that. he says he is sending a senior team to cairo next week to discuss. in the meantime, there are also efforts underway to revive cease fire talks. talks that the united states, in israel, se broke down after they alleged that her mos refused all of the offers that were presented to them. what we can tell you is us and void to the middle east. david satterfield says that efforts are underway to revive those talks, given the fact that the c i director william burns is going to be heading to europe . he will be meeting with the can tarry prime minister as. 6 well as the is really intel chief, it's unclear whether egypt will also be included in those talks. the goal to get captives release from gaza. the hope is this will be a foundation for a future ceasefire deal. kimberly healthcare alger 0, the white house ha, how the a is
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a scholar and middle east and security studies at the carnegie endowment for international peace is joining us live from london. thank you. as always for your time as to how they are, we do appreciate that there are agreements in place exactly how these border crossings should operate. so what is the bottom administration doing? by having these discussions with egypt, we heard from our white house correspondent that opening up kind of most solemn financial legend fuel is temporary. so does that mean that we can expect the previous agreements to be put back in place? the 1st thank you very much for having me. i think those to get through to the root of the issue. there are currently 9 border crossings that lee that connect garza to be outside world. one of them is it off. um, the other eights are completely controlled by these varies and have always been completely controlled by these various 4 of them are closed again. una luxury by
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these reviews are off off was under partial palestinian egyptian control, and partial is rarely control even before this latest change over the last couple of weeks. because nothing went in or out except that these rubies have to have veto power over it. um, so i think what you see right now is that the egyptians are very reluctant to become what they see as complicit. india is really take over of the border crossing buildings on the policy and inside. and they want to see a reversion back to the original status quote, where palestinians were responsible for the building. and i think that the do so again, that agent is right to close that off or border crossing on it side. if it is, is way it is controlling the other side, because that's not part of the agreement, dr. so it's not part of the agreement that these revenues are on that other side in that sense. anyway. um,
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so i think that again from the egyptian perspective and i'm not a member of the egyptian government in order to speak on their behalf. but i think that they saw. busy the take over of the crossing by the is rarely use a massive escalation, the, the presence of really heavy weaponry and artillery and tanks, a huge publication to publish simmons but also to egyptians along the egyptian border objections where in our very concerned um and it doesn't help matters when you have is really spokes people, such as i believe, david mercer said this only a week or so ago that these radius hadn't an official request of the egyptians to open up on their end. so that as soon as could please. um and now maybe he spoke up the car if i don't know, but that's actually what he said on the record then that was reported by reuters and i myself, listen to the audio when, when a junction officials here are statements like that, no doubt that concerned about this overarching fear of ethnic cleansing from does
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as i'm not surprised that the difference of deposition, okay. yeah, that's certainly been very upset since those is where any statements were made. we're hearing that the by an administration is trying to find an agreement for the opening of at least that off of that is agreeable to both the egypt and send the israelis is the 3rd party who can administer at least to the alpha for the time being that both countries would agree to as well. there are these reports of the you somehow being involved. um i, i confess i don't see this is remotely likely. um that 1st of all the, this really is, has not been actually say, particularly enthusiastic b e use the official position on its conduct in ga. so over the past 7 months, even though the, the repeated position of the e. u has been about international law. um, but these rates are particularly happy about that. i'm also not sure that the you
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want to take up that responsibility because of what a century means. while there is an occupation in gaza. but any external party that puts troops on the ground with a century be acting as israel's policeman on the ground. that i'm not sure that the you want us to be in the predicament because it would put them in harm's way, i think. but if you had an agreement that these are, these were to withdrawal and to allow for palestinians to govern the strip as well as they owe to that that could be very different then. all right, you could have not only the other powers come in and help govern as well, at least until the thousands are able to do it on their own. all right, just a ha and they are joining us live from london. thank you for your analysis. as the,
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the 6th and 2nd to last phase of india's general elections has ended. more than 100000000 voters were eligible to vote. and 6 states and 2 federal government tower trees. the stage includes the capital, denny, which has seen intense political drama in the run up to the vote. a reminder, the indian government hasn't ground to visas 2 islands as it was joining us. so we're covering the election from outside the country. we consume. chevy supports on the voters, braving the sweltering heat to cost the balance sap. these quotes in $58.00 constituencies into the northern states and the captain region at stake, only some seats, but the bathroom for the region of delhi, the seat of national power is one of the states. the total number of people who recite internally is about 23000000, and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way is represent, how's the countries thinking? not just about how did the of the city is thinking,
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the kind of governments of the issue that it depends a lot largely on even the domestic guns as back on. 6 6 political parties, let's use campaigns to vote in march, the chief mr. osmond k through 12 was arrested by federal crime agency on corruption charges. he was prompted the temporary bail earlier this month, which will end on june 1st. k 2 vall has accused prime minister marine to move the old weaponized and corruption investigations to this credit for that to provide those and destruct voltage from real issues of to costing his pilot cage evolve, said the vote would be a judgment on the b j. these governments i think people of voting in large numbers, again, stick to sure you're growing costs and unemployment because they are really for straight to the k to bones. um, all me,
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a call man's party has come from the capital since 2013, only a year of texas from it's all to increase its presence and one significant poles in not less than put jobs in delhi. it's teamed up to the congress to find the b j. b for the 7 seats in the lower house of parliament. in the novel length of deli slums, someone was supposed to say he is delivered on promises. hello, but if i need to be under the we had to struggle for drinking water earlier. we would have to cold for a water tank go with the supply was caught. since the kids are well has comments, but we get most of the pel supplies, also city, and we have 0 built funny buckets from list and range moody seeking us. let's tell them the national elections are seen as a test of his project because dominance, his supporters credit template, a successful tenure. the base at which we are able to go to the group,
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the b to has viewed and for such a view defense. it does main building it as it is truly one mentioned the voting for the remaining $57.00 seats on june. first, they wrap up a 6 week collection that votes being counted onto the full on the consumption. these are just single and reminded the indian government hasn't grounded visions to oranges here as joining us. so we are covering the election from outside the country. as china's ministry has wrapped up 2 days of drills around taiwan. the move was a meant to signal a warning to the islands, new government, not to pursue independence badging the laws taiwan as a renegade province, valid to return it to its control one day by force if necessary. and this less dispatch once again, highlights how many in taiwan are moving away from the mainland. rama drive reports from type pay. i must see on any visit to taipei, the changing of the god inside the collaborative hole,
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to turn kyesha the father of the boston taiwan who brodis chinese nationalist to the island of to the 1949 defeats to china is coming out of the favorite part of heading the long expected coming us invasion from the name. but to now is drive from taipei, is a memorial park that has become the final home to many more statues of chang now and wanted. they want to don't public buildings and spaces and the society where he's still reviewed by some, especially older people, but increasingly regarded as a brutal dictator and shunned in this vibrant democracy. that vibrance has been strikingly evident with the fist political clash inside. ty, once parliament accompanied by my street protests outside, it's been driven by the you know, if you ration of new president lighting the seems, determined for taiwan to continue on its own pos, breaking with the past. so you know, tons on taiwan,
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so long as we identify with taiwan, it belongs to us. so all of the people of taiwan, regardless of ethnicity, irrespective of when we arrived. watching with deep suspicion these mainland china fearful of taiwan moving further away from its chinese woods. those fate seemed to be confirmed by annual polling over the past 30 years. that shows a cultural shift with the majority of the islands, 24000000 people now identifying as taiwanese and the record low of just 2 and a half percent saying they also leave chinese. and the latest military drills over the past 2 days. act as a reminder of badging is apparent. willingness to use force if taiwan shifting carrot to strays too far in the direction of outright independence run mcbride autism era. type a the still ahead on the news out. i'm sonya guy. yeah. go at the saw rest of wire in catalonia, where
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a major drought is wrestling water supplies the spain 2nd biggest city, barcelona and full brennan at wembley stadium for the old manchester, half a cup finals. one same locates a crown that sees on the other team looking for salvage this, the climate is probably only is from one of the most of the bio diverse nations on there. if you're interested in the, the nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know it we work with and within the cycles of the we not using our past resources, we using them again. and again, if we newer from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen towing. nothing grows forever. so that for this heading to the polls, what, what could be the biggest shakeup in the region? in decades for 30 years,
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the african national congress has held power. but now it faces its biggest election bethel sofa join. us says you bring you live updates from across the country. so that's the election. i know to there the bold and i'm told stories from age and the pacific on out just sierra of the the time for today as far as elizabeth. thank you so much matches. so united face arch rivals, man city, and the comp final at wembley stadium. shortly united are heading into this match
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on the back their worst over premier league finish. but they have the chance to win their 1st f a cup title in 8 years. their manager or 10 hi will have his future to worry about. with reports saying healthy side no matter the outcome. this will be a repeat of last year spinal, which city one pep, cordial aside, are now aiming for domestic double after winning the premie league for an unprecedented 4th street time. i was there as paul brent, as joins us now live from well wembley stadium and pulled that match, kicking off in just a few minutes time. what's the build up? been where you are? oh it's. it's been, it's been a really good build up. i mean, 1st of all, the rather is fabulous here in london today, a real spring summer's day, half miles. uh just exactly what the football fans will ones will. the players probably won't. once it was on the, on the regular pitch, i suspect it'll be very fast for them playing that game kicked off in less than 15 minutes to build up has been good as well. fans cheering up, know,
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good natured. i haven't seen any trouble whatsoever. despite the bits of rivalry between these 2, mount just the sides. um, both teams know that there isn't a huge amount of steak here on the funds i've been going in. but the, the bus outside is calm down a little bit because of a safe place to, to kick off. most people are tickets not already on the stadium, but we spoke to some of them just before they went to. it looks, i can listen. the same positive, positive fingers crossed. you know, i can do it in the a 120 minutes. we just come on with the tech trophy in the slim chance. i think it's a big game. so and i think and often enough in with the old school itself and last year so, well, i think it's a lot he bought, we go hope we don't have anything that might be easy for me. it's 2 times this season or so. probably for the times and not be easy for them by the one that's right above the goodness. mazda them,
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easy map how both of these teams have had polar opposite seasons. what exactly is at stake for each of them? that's very different things that stay for both of them for much of the city. it's a honda of history. if they win this game, they will be the only team habits of one consecutive league cup doubles here in the u. k. for manchester, united if they lose this game, then they are out of europe for the 1st time since the since the 1980s. it will be the 1st time that they lose this game, but they will not compete on the european stage which are a huge pub, like manchester united is, is going to be a real kick in the teeth full of them. so in most of the stakes on the pitch also takes off the pitch. those talk that the mattress united, a manager, eric on hawk is going to be sacked after this game. regardless of the results, pep, ready, all of the mattress to city manager. it's very secure. in his position,
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he's looking forward to yet more success leading mattress to city. all right, that match, kicking off in just a few minutes time. paul brennan reporting live for us from outside wembley stadium . enjoy the game as well. that much takes off a busy schedule of major cup finals all taking place on saturday, including the german and french cot finals as well as the asian and african champions league deciders. plus the way for women's champions league final barcelona have sacked their manager choppy just a month after persuading him to stay. when he wanted to quit in january to ivy said this season would be his last only for bar as the president and one la port tats talking in the state. chevy's recent comments about the clubs financial problems. our thoughts have angered laporte to an board. he'll be out after sundays, leak match against the former barn. munich coach on c flick is expected to be named as
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a new man in charge. and the coming days at early we earlier we spoke spanish football broadcaster and jemma solaire and asked her if changing managers will fix some of our as long as problems or i don't think so because the bus, the problem are a structural problem. so they kind of not the fusion, the physics professions or bringing the best player. so they need to working in the bays which they have an amazing academy like lemme see, it probably is still the rest of the work, but they don't have money next season. they won't be having the new come know yet we are expecting it for december. so it's going to be a very difficult i think the beginning of the season, especially in, in the domestic leaking in love, levi. they will be fighting against be to arrive on the surround madrid with probably the signing of and by peer but maybe um what the prices and things is that bringing someone from outside the enterprise of love. so now with a fresh mind,
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with a different look, i can put in these periods of uh, probably difficult times of bucks from another kind of perspective. and probably if had to click and it seems to be a good 15 uh at least you know, a season he can continue or they can find another coach more exciting. like for example, recently get, or even pet board viola as thinking into seasons later rather than a dial has hinted that this might not be his last french open. and his funding, you turn the 14 time rolling girls champion so that he's not a 100 percent. sure. that he won't play again at the grand slam tournament. the 37 year old has met much of the last 2 seasons because of injury. and this was to be his last, but in his latest press conference, a spaniard warrant people not to assume anything and says he's feeling good. i am good and all my buddy's better. so even rome was not with the event,
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but i am feeling better in always, you know, so i am happy the way that i, i am practicing here and i know i have to put it off so as well. uh, one of the toughest possible. but that's, that's what, that's what happens when, when you are not see that for are you shall. so claire has gone fastest and friday, 2nd practice, the head of the monica grand prix. the race in monte carlo is widely considered to be the most glamorous on the form of one calendar. and it was the hometown man who top timesheets the head of saturdays, qualifying 7 time of all champion louis hamilton finish. second, hamilton will be helping to be more competitive here, having not one of ground for you since 2021. definitely more enjoyable. right. at the previous, last 2 years degree. and you know, i think the 2nd session, i don't know whether we, we,
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we approved or not definitely of the long runs. we still have a lot of work overnight to try and make sure that we can make it to the end of the right. the dallas mavericks have taken it to nothing lead and their n b a playoff series with the minnesota timber wolf. dallas is kyrie irvings for 20 points. slow leak advantage have 32, including a 3 pointer was just seconds left to help maps, race and 18 points upset and beat the timber was by just a single point. came 3 out of the western conference finals is sunday in town. and in the any trial the new york rangers of leveled their playoff series against florida. panthers barkley good rose for the winter and overtime to seal a 2. 1 victory for the rangers. game 3 of the eastern conference finals is on sunday in florida. okay, that is all you support for now. back on the list you very much for that. spain is
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experiencing it's was drought in decades. scorching temperatures, under lack of rain have left the countries most popular tor spots. looking for ways to conserve water. catalonia is the worst effect and region of sonya geiger reports from mancha list. the situation has now reached a critical point. dying forests, restive, wise drying out, and the whole region falls to adapt to the new normal of hot temperatures and less wilson. alex villa is the mayor of montana, a village that relies on agriculture and tourism. but there isn't even enough room for the residents, let alone. how do they make cuz i'm farmers. and the entire village is using emergency supplies of bottled water drinking mendota. from the moment there were some we model with going to a really bad time here. we can use water for alfonso, we can't guarantee you drinking water either. and we've had to really hustle to bring water in from wherever we can. well, i know, but at the right one of them the most for the the,
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the sol reservoir shows the extent of the drought. scorching temperatures show to rainy seasons and less snow full on the surrounding mountains has left it dangerously low levels. at the height of summer, only the top window of the tower behind to be here is supposed to be visible, but it's the middle of may and already the entire building is above the water. now this reservoir is only 15 percent capacity and it's a major source of water for buffalo as metropolitan area. despite the emergency measures being put in place that severely restrict will to use. it remains a major challenge for its tourism sector and its growing population. we are close to a community on thing, 1000000 more people that be a problem. but if obviously if i have to go to another system of the evening, which we plan better with the tv these on the lead me. so it'd be the lease of
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the situation as a sum of draws on those limits will be acutely tested. at least half of the woodland k is dead or dying, creating a tinderbox of forest fires and deepening an already critical environmental problem . so when did i, jago algebra? my god of spain and the audience on director has received a 12 minute standing ovation at the cannes film festival. following the premier of his new movie, the. the lead roddy of this month also being leveled and sentenced to a t as in prison, is being bad for me, making films that i made his latest one and sleep for us was previously jailed. and yvonne over his films that often challenged the establishment that's it for me, elizabeth put on for this news out of do stay with us, be on back in just a few minutes with all the license developments on,
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on top stories. thank you for watching the interrogate. the narrative is the us has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. no question about the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge. the rhetoric? yes. the correct but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy, is having a free and open democratic pro upfront. what else were you looking at now is move a slope from the nearby to pile landfill. garbage has reached a heights of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity, mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the, well, it's
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a top contributing as of plastic, waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of to come to where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool. a plastic waste crisis, the most common, plastic police, an inch. these are all single use sashes, which environmental group say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities has government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problems and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. sectarian, this is terry of the scenes of unity within india is vibrant tapestry as election for the sweeps. the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling
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as opposed to opposing polls can the friendship survive, the political divide and the world's largest democracy, india is fractured. witness pulmonologist the and is very strong. it's a school where displace palestinians of sheltering and northern gaza. at least 10 people have been killed the, the, the put on them. and this is elena 0,


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