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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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that india is affected. fond witness on i will just sierra the and it's very strong. it's a school where displays, palestinians of sheltering in northern gaza. at least 10 people have been killed the, the put on them. and this is elena 0. live from dog hop. also coming up as well, steps up, it's another tree offensive, and jabante a intensifying thing is taking place near a refugee cab or hang of refugees. the fleeing flashing and beyond. mount between security sources and rebels. loops on the 6th. and 2nd to las vegas of india, in general, elections has ended more than
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a 100000000 versus what eligible to take cost and 6 states and 2 federal government territories. the is rarely strikes to continue across the gaza strip. despite an order from the u. n's top cool to hold authorizations and offer. in the past few hours is being intense. fighting and central and northern areas. at least 10 palestinians have been killed in the strike on a school in the north. 15 people are injured. witnesses said it was a drawing attack and most of the victims of women and children. the school is just outside jabante. a refugee camp is really forces are also pushing ahead with a ground operation. they're trying to take control of your body a with heavy fighting, entering the 3rd week. tens of thousands of palestinians have been forced to flee to bother you. on the south cities, reports from the refugee can hello the
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same team. the situation is very difficult for everyone here in japan, the refugee camp, and in the northern areas of the gaza strip. these really military ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displace people to leave the areas. and i'll, i'll lose the law here. areas the people who have left the eastern positive to buy the account to lose and paid last year. and now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of this now tree ground operation and leaving without having a specific place to go, they have no shelter to result 2 and he's really forces have destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gunfire and non stop artillery shouting from these reading forces were nowhere. yeah. and how like, we don't know where to go. we have lost everything. there is absolutely nothing left for us. we have committed no sense. how did i do is i'm gonna somebody not,
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this lady is 80 years old. she's disabled. this is the 5th time for us to take her from one place to another. i helped her and walked with her while she was in the wheelchair for 4 kilometers to find a show. so we never found a safe place for her to stay. there was heavy guns by a hood as the palestinians were leaving jamalia camp under the study of a vehicle. so joined now by corresponding 10. dallas was a date and then a lot in central does on hand terrible details. imagine about how the people sheltering at the school were killed. ok, so these people were actually feeling, watch, or guidelines as the is where the forces targeted in them were talking about 10 policy needs been killed amongst them is women and children. at least 15 others have been injured. what we know about this school, it's in us of thought we neighborhood very close to divide europe. we do come. it
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had hundreds of palestinians that were seeking refuge there after they were forced to evacuate under is ready fire and ground invasion injured by the big penguin. people started evacuating after this is ready to start, but people do not know where to go, especially the best. anyone that is moving in the area is being a targeted by the is there any quad copters and the is right? 80 drones, not only this school and into bad. yeah. had been targeted earlier today, also another you and shelter has been a bomb by that is ready for says it bit, handle it. and also, at least i'm a product and these have been killed. among them are also children. it's getting more intense in the north. and the situation is varies all you're supposed to do that. people do not have any place to go everywhere across the gaza strip. is start being targeted, elizabeth, including hospitals and what are you hearing about the situation at all,
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or the hospital, the is where the sees the hospitals in general and how they're functioning. are they receiving any more of the fuel that they desperately need unfortunately, allowed the hosp to put and come on at one the 2 hospitals that were operating in the another in gaza strip completely, uh stopped operating the last night because 1st there have been a lot of is riley raids and they were the seats by the time. and also there has been no fuel for the the, the hospitals, the to operate and also the medical staff were forced to evacuate from those hospitals. so there is no hospitals working in the north of gaza, there's only one in the city of garza, which is a heavy amount, but then the and all of the injuries who are having a lot of challenges from a to get transferred to the hospital. this is the only hospital ever still operating in the gaza city in the central area. it's an old
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deluxe, a hospital where i am right now, and they only have 2 days of fuel left. there's no guarantee that they're, they're going to have more fuel. but they have been calling the u. n. w at all to provide them with with more fuel because there are hundreds of kidney dialysis patients. there are hundreds of of injuries and patients and also there's premature babies. and not only that, there are hundreds of displays. people the complete 3 right on the electricity in this hospital. and the hospital here is the one of the only hospital working on a full scale. and roughly there's only one hospital which is a crate and it's only have 8 beds. and we know that our 5 is currently going through a very intensified is right, the ground and the air operation in hun eunice. unless it is trying to stand up on
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their feet and to operate. but they're also calling for more fuel as no fuel has been reaching them. the how situation is deteriorating and is on the verge of collapse. elizabeth, and thank you very much for that. that is him. them who the joining us with an a says live in bed on the line, central gaza as a moss, as welcome to the international court of justice as decision to order as well to stop it's offensive on that offer. but on the statement, it said as expected, the court to issue in order to stop the genocide an order of gaza and not johnston . java is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu has criticized of living by the i . c. j. his office has issued a joint statement with the foreign ministry saying the challenges of genocide ruled by south africa against israel to the international court of justice and the hague falls. and molly repugnant it goes on to say israel has not and will not conduct when that reaction actions and that offer the create conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population as well. also cool,
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the ice age i order to solve its assault off of outrages and disgusting as a band alger 0. so our cost one of them on con, has this update from the jordanian capital. a mon, as that reaction from primary step benjamin netanyahu, who came as a direct result of an emergency meeting that he called with the foreign minister is ro cancer. also with many guns, he's a member of the war cabinet and the government's top uh, judicial advisor. that's how seriously they taking this. i c j ruling also we heard from the finance, but it's a bit of a smoke church. he said, the state of his role is, is, is a will for its existence in sad times in a strict we couldn't stand on our own today, but jewish people have the independence and ability to protect their lives. we also heard from, i'd go leave him and he's the leader of these ro, at big bay tain policies. as the quote decision proves that the united nations organizations of turned into aiding terrace in the world. and we've been hearing
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that would add that to a lot aiding the you and his aiding terrace. and that's really likely to be a lot of the thrust of the other reaction coming through from his role. but was still that reaction was coming out at the was a know the key move by the united states. a had a phone call with the egyptian leadership, where they agreed to open the rafa voted, crossing for humanitarian a. that's a key part of the i. c j ruling. is it cause a co incidence? well, if you're listening to is ready political commentators, what they say is this is america coming to israel's rescue. this is the 1st part of the matter of america. turning round to the i, c. j inside. okay. the things that he's real can do it will do, remember, is, well, has to respond to the i c, j within a month. if rafa is open, that certainly one strong response is ro will have, uh, the. so if you're taking a look at all of this, then it seems to me that the americans are actually trying to force these ladies to
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at least take this seriously. but they don't stop giving them weapons, don't know, still giving the money. indeed, the americans been absolutely eclipse is, has the right to defend itself, and it has the right to go off to how this. and that's something that will put them on a collision course with the international court of justice. but you in special raffle to or on the occupied palestinian territories is quoting for sanctions against israel. on her post on ex francesca alban is a said israel is intensifying its attacks while the international court of justice is ordering it to stop. she goes on to say, israel will not stop this madness until the member states make it stop with sanctions and arms and ball go on by suspending relations with israel. a component of the us built floating pit and gaza has been washed away by strong waves. is there any media says that a vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships and onto the p. it was found
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washed off on the is really close to the ash dog. the p a system as a us project were $320000000.00 as an alternative to increasing age through border crossings. the, the un is warning of a risk of move items and young mas weston rock on stage. it estimates $45000.00 people who be full from the homes, the most. the minority behind trying to escape flashing between the military and rebels forces in west of myanmar island. this is have told, well, hang out. activists, the fires of raging across the town of the bone. they accuse the rebel, our con, ami of austin, and loosing beyond the group accuses me on mazda military of stockton, defies. the bottom says, forcing thousands of were hanging up to flee across the border to bottom. the bush, with little food or medicine, more than 1000000 behind the refugees have fled from rock on since
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a cracked on by the middle trait in 2017. the vin force to live in cramped, make shift camps and cox's ballade. some sees in power and improving 2021. young mazda military has been battling rebel groups across the country. the high commissioner calls for an immediate end to the violence and for all civilians to be protected without any distinction based on identity prompt and on him to to monetary and relief must be allowed to float and all parties must comply fully unconditionally, with international law, including measures already ordered by the international court of justice for the protection of the hinge of a file has destroyed hundreds of makeshift buildings and a cap housing behind the refugees and cox's bizarre thousands to be left without shelter after the blaze quickly spread through tightly congestive checks on friday, a few people that reported to have been injured, but no one has died. local media reports indicate the fine may have started at
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a warehouse belonging to an n g o. v child today has more on that file from the caps in cox as bizarre. so it's quite frequent actually. and many of them allegedly are, are assume that tax, you know, by right both spectrum for one reason or other fee of them, or of course accidents due to liquid natural gas cylinder blast. and there's been casual is previously also. now there's also increasing number of gang violence related to drug smuggling. there's also political groups fighting for dominance within that time, which leads to violence and death in the camp. this has been going on for almost a year now. and there are, you know, you running as we're living with families are increasingly steroids that them get out or venture it out in the evening because they're scared of this gang violence and all that kind of fraction of fides. and there's also dwindling aid from the international community, which means cut in ration. there's a concern about malnutrition within the camp. and every year of nearly $35000.00
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new children are bought. born here in the camp, according to the bank with this government, that means that population is also increasing and the demand for aiden resource is increasing. and it's frustrating the buying that as government as well. now talking to some of their drawings in the time, the biggest frustration is that there is no hope or for the past year and they don't see anything with the political climate. the way it is in me and my there is more than 50 percent of the population are children that don't have formal education. that means without a future guessing, formal education and learning center. so a lot of challenges while they agencies from the government. and of course for their rank has been so without hope. they don't know where they will end up being staying here for almost 7 years now. so government administer says the number of people killed in a landslide and the remote part of northern publishing guinea has risen to more than 300 hundreds more fee. a dead local media says the last slide of the might. we talk a region on friday, destroyed more than 1000 homes and impact of 6 villages. a road leading to
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a gold mining town is blocked. of course, jensen is the national director for world vision and pop. when you get a, he says the location of the land slide makes rescue operations extremely challenging. this area, or is quite a long way from the capital city. it's 600 kilometers and it's in a fairly revised filings region with the state of graphy. we frequently have earthquakes this area or is fairly remote, even from the provincial center, a while back. it's quite a long drive. and so what we're saying is the tragic events take place at 3 o'clock, 2 days ago or in the morning. so you can imagine thing in the dock and literally the mountain falling down on you. it is incredibly challenging to get access to this area. so this is also hampered by the mind by why the tools and the land slides across it so that they will be ongoing challenges and getting people in. and
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then also, once we've done the proper assessments and we look at time united, continuing search and rescue operations. exactly. how can we get assistance in now? i think that will obviously require helicopters and other aircraft and other things, but yeah it's, it's incredibly challenging just to get access to the side. we're hearing reports from the local people there and they obviously i'm doing the best i can helping the family members out. and you can say some incredible for the job working in some very difficult conditions. so hot sky i filled out the revised paperwork despite still ahead on elijah sarah. hi, rob mcbride in taiwan struggling as always, with its trouble in china relationships. i grappling increasingly with the legacy of a controversial figure from its own to mulch was past the
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the hi lo there. it's a contracting picture across the south asia. we've got some very heartened why conditions for pockets done and north west and india, but things are getting wet. so down in the south and across the north, east of india and bangladesh. that's thanks to a fly code that's expected to make land full between india or bangladesh, bringing some very heavy rain, some strong winds. we have got some red warnings out west bengal, whether continuing to move its way north, bringing a chance of flooding across most eastern areas of india on monday. the heavy rain continues across the south as well. we've seen flooding across the southern parts over from atlanta is the threat of that is a heavy rain continues to pull into southern areas. places like carol out in india on monday. but as the one about the heat across the north,
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we've seen temperatures pushing right up across, in provenance in pakistan towards 50 degrees celsius. north western parts of india will continue to swelter as we go into the new week. and that's also being a story of heat across the north and central parts of china. you can see temperature is continuing to pick up across the move. in china as that weatherford pushes its way for the east taking west of the weather across the korean peninsula . but it will remain very wet on sunday, across the southern china. ok . foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed. and we all
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turning jo, donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence is the the you're watching. i'll just say around me, elizabeth put on him and don't ha romando of all top stories to sell. at least 10 palestinians have been killed and a strong on a school in northern garza 15 people injured witnesses said it was a drawing attack. and most of the victims of women and children that is really on these continuing to attack and i'll fight in southern gaza must also fit the i'll show who the refugee can. the palestinians of sheltering on the you on estimates. $45000.00 behind us being young mazda congress presided and found
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a dish. members of the most and minority community have been displaced by fighting between the military and rebels of the west. the . the 6th, and 2nd to last phase of india is general elections has ended. more than a 100000000 volts was eligible to take part and 6 states and 2 federally golfing territories. the state includes the capital w that seen intense political drama in the run up to the board. reminded the indian the government has not granted visas to l. just the it was journalist, so we're covering the selection from outside the country. let me close whom city for polls on the voltage reading the sweltering heat costs that balance sap. these boats in $58.00 constituencies into the northern states and the captain region at stake only some seats,
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but the bathroom for the region of delhi, the seat of national power is one of the states. the total number of people who decide internally is about 23000000 and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way is represent all the countries thinking, not just about our daily as a city, is thinking, the kind of governments of the issue that it depends, a lot of laws view on even the domestic guns as back whole. 6 6 6 political parties led views campaigns to vote in march that the chief, mr. osmond k through 12, was arrested by federal crime agency on corruption charges. he was prompted the temporary bail earlier this month, which will end on june. first, k, to bol has accused prime minister marine to move the oath weaponized and corruption investigations to discredit further to provide those and distract voters from real issues of to costing his pilot cage evolve, said the vote would be
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a judgment on the b, j. these governments i think people of voting in large numbers against dictatorship, growing costs and unemployment because they are really for straight to the k. 2 balls of me, a call man's party has come from the capital since 2013, only a year of texas from it's all to increase its presence and one significant poles in not less than put jobs in delhi, it's team dot to the congress to find the b, j b, for the 7 seats in the lower house of parliament. in the novel length of deli slums . someone is supposed to say he's delivered on promises. hello, but if i need to be under the, we have to struggle for drinking water earlier. we would have to cold for a water tank go with the supply was caught. since the kids are well his comments can we get bullshit? pell supplies, also city,
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and we have 0 built from list and range of movie seeking this tom and the national elections are seen as a test of his product because dominance. his supporters credits him for the successful tenure, the base at which we are able to go to the good the be to help viewed in for such a view defense. it does mind building it as it is truly one mentioned of the voting for the remaining $67.00 seats on june. first, they wrap up a 6 week collection that votes being counted onto the full on the consumption of these single and reminded of the indian government hasn't granted fees as to, i'll just say it was joining us. so we are covering the election from outside the country, south ask because winning party has held its final valley and so went to head of next week's general election. tens of thousands of supporters attend to the ask a national congress event. the party has gone in the country for 50 years and hopes
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to retain power invoices cost a balance on wednesday. let's have a poll suggest the amc will for the 1st time lose it's problem entering the geography. my kind of has moved from that value of the township also has. so went to india has to get the last thing migrate being with us
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that we have enough to wake up. also a place breaks and come between united be the image includes ridiculous television. now you also tricity, and one of the big issues in south africa has painted tricity, which has become a major government n c a o t. kennedy risk. this issue like when we didn't, i mean we have made them been expedited, say the place they need to reduce the image action plane in july of to which was a comprehensive these phones. there is obviously the difference. they would be the waiting on the back of that, that'd be perfect for the 60 days or so with
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a big white visiting i believe the weight and the
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china is mandatory has wrapped up 2 days of jose. around taiwan. the minutes is a meant to signal a warning to the islands, new government, not to pursue independence badging regards. taiwan is a renegade, providence, valid to attend to its control one day by force if necessary. and this latest pass is once again highlighted how many in taiwan and moving away from the mainland, from the bride reports from ty, pay of the i'm a c on that, a visit to type, pay the changing of the god inside the collaborative whole to churn kyesha the father of the boston taiwan who brodis chinese nationalists to the island of to the 1949 defeats to china is coming on. but people are part of heading the long expected coming us invasion from the name. but to now is drive from taipei, is a memorial park that has become the final home to many more statues of chang. no
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one wanted they wants to don't public buildings and spaces. and the society where he's still reviewed by some, especially older people. but increasingly regarded as a brutal dictator and shunned in this vibrant democracy. that vibrance has been strikingly evident with the 5th political clash inside. ty, once parliament accompanied by my street protests outside, it's been driven by the you know, if you ration of new president lighting the seems determined for, ty wants to continue on its own pos, breaking with the past. so you know, tons on taiwan, so long as we identify with taiwan, it belongs to us. so all of the people of taiwan, regardless of it and the city irrespective of when we arrived. watching with deep suspicion is mainland china. fearful of taiwan moving further away from its chinese woods. those space seemed to be confirmed by annual polling over the past 30 years
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. they shows a cultural shift with the majority of the islands. 24000000 people now identifying as taiwanese and the record low of just 2 and a half percent saying they also leave chinese and the latest military drills over the past 2 days. act as a reminder of badging is apparent willingness to use force. if taiwan shifting carrot to strays too far in the direction of outright independence run mcbride, autism era type a. as i said, the a heat wave is affecting tens of millions of people across south asia. at least 11 people have died in western india from suspected heat related causes a neighboring pockets on thousands of being treated in hospitals for hate. stroke focused on government has close schools, postponed exams, and the climate emergencies and hospitals. spain is experiencing its worst drought in decades, scorching temperatures and the lack of rain full have left the countries most
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popular tools. spots looking for ways to conserve will to california is the worst defective region. as sonya guy, i go report from monica. this situation has now reached a critical point. dying forests rest of was drying out and the whole region falls to adapt to the new normal of hot temperatures and less will sub alex villa is the may of monica left. the village that relies on agriculture and tourism, where there isn't even enough room for the residents, let alone holiday make cuz i'm farm is and the entire village is using emergency supplies of bottled water drinking or data me data from the moment that we model it . we're going to a really bad time here. we can use water for.


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