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tv   Up Front  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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is in hospitals spain is experiencing its worst drought in decades scorching temperatures and the lack of rain full have left the countries most popular tourist spots. looking for ways to conserve water, catalonia is the worst defective region as sonya guy, i go report from my uncle if the situation has now reached a critical point. a dying cyrus rest of was drying out and the whole region falls to adapt to the new normal of hot temperatures and less wilson. alex villa is the mayor of montana, a village that relies on agriculture and tourism. but there isn't even enough room for the residents, let alone. how do they make? cuz i'm farmers and the entire village is using emergency supplies of bottled water drinking or data me data from the moment that we model with going through a really bad time. here we can use water for alfonso,
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we can't guarantee drinking water either, and we've had to really hustle to bring water in from wherever we can. well, i know, but at the most for the, the, the sol reservoir shows the extent of the drought, scorching temperatures. show to rainy seasons and less snow full on the surrounding mountains has left it dangerously low levels. at the height of summer, only the top window of the tower behind me here is supposed to be visible, but it's the middle of may. and already the entire building is above the water. now this reservoir is only 15 percent capacity and it's a major source of water for buffalo as metropolitan area. despite emergency measures being put in place that severely restrict will to use. it remains a major challenge for its tourism sector and its growing population. we are close to a community on thing, $1000000.00 more people that be a problem and perhaps we have to go to another system of developing which we plan
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better with the tv these on the lead me to the really don't the limits of the situation as a sum of draws on those limits will be acutely tested, at least half of the woodland is dead or dying, creating a tinderbox for forest fires and deepening an already critical environmental problem. so many diagonal i'll just say era, my god of spain. and that's it. somebody elizabeth put on, but you can find more information on all the stories we're covering on our website . and i'll just say, i don't. com. so head rahman will be here in around 13 minutes with a new sound to stay with us upfront. and that's coming up next. thank you for watching the the, the
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challenges with the spain, ireland in norway have all promised to recognize the palace, the namespace and the latest diplomatic glow to israel. what will this mark a significant shift in the west position, or is it a somebody said, a case of too little, too late? that conversation is coming up, but 1st, the international criminal court requested arrest warrants for leaders of both israel and from mass charging them with war crimes and crimes against humanity. the court has long been criticized for only going after leaders from the global cell. so does this decision signal that it is now willing to prosecute western powers and their close allies will ask that question to the ice is 1st, chief prosecutor is weeks headliner, luis moreno a company. the
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reason why i didn't know a couple thanks so much for joining me on upfront. know my friend in my possession . i like to discuss these issues properly. absolutely. let's start with what happened on monday this past monday, the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court. kareem khan said that he had requested arrest warrants for war crimes and crimes against humanity for is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his really defensive minister you'll have the lot as well as 3 members of him as these warrants against israeli leaders would be the very 1st time and at the icbc is ever indicted. a close ally of western powers. tell me about the significance of something like this. what it provides some siding did not make to the 2nd thing that was kind of had to do with the legal limits and let me finish the process the but the but the good that was collecting evidence. now he presented them into the judges, so that was why we will be decided by the judges. none of us think that the,
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the judge account decided not to do it. so it's a process now that the 3 judges, one is maybe from romania, one from beginning, one from france. they would debate that with this site. and they can be cited in the months like important case on a months. so that, that process, one of the arguments that has been made by israel and by the united states is the question of legitimacy and jurisdiction in particular. israel's not pointing to the i c, c. they say we don't recognize the authority of the i, c c. well assigned, it has yet to be formally recognized as a state by the un. so there is not a you went to go, no, no, no, i'm sorry. you my time was in my time by the time request to be that intervention for 3 and they were briefing me and that the and i said i'm talking to you another state. but after that of october 20 to us, the un general assembly decided that by the time if they know the member of the un, but just state and therefore an incentive thing by saint beginning they passed the
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organ. tasha in the court. i am friends with the one. the court accepted the 50 gigs which will be done in the pipe and category, meaning gatzo, westbank. i need to tell him that why the court have not use the current if i have, but how much gonna be the crime standing in gas that went through. if i come back to guess that was even hostages does why? the particulars are, has jurisdiction on how much the crime committed allegedly let me do by then. yeah . cool. happening, gas that many times. why the basically the it doing die. so it was it not investigating things has happened in the fire. he proceed with in k, who kind of going to from got that on a or in get there isn't a risk for or it is granted. any country that's a signatory to the icbc would have not just the right, but really an obligation. yes. to arrest. and that's in yahoo to arrest. you'll have the lar, if they ever step foot inside of their countries, that's a yahoo!
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had an interesting response to that reality when he was asked about potential travel concerns. he stated, i am not concerned about traveling. i'm not concerned at all about our status. the prosecutor should be worried about his status. so the 1st thing i want to ask is, how likely is it, in reality that nothing yahoo would be arrested when visiting a foreign country. where the judges do what they tend to have no issue decisions then the police implement them in the, in the us. if the police, if the i go on implement things, there's no, i'm going to be i. so the judge isn't that just need the pin on states, right? i'm, for instance, for is stuff i forgot to say to me through machine. you cannot come here, but then one day they accept it. okay. you come visit now because it's a big meeting. but then the south african judge's orders that raise unless you have to escape, he ran out right? yeah, right, right, the back door. so that's why, but the input, the,
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the trying to go just off of after the got, i'm to go to receive even the latest that you can come. they the not because they the, the, like to the galleries. so this is a, that's the read by the, the issue we should do more than that in that's just about but event and then to profit. that's ok. we should more the problem for this situation. i look that you cannot. the c panel is using war gem increase got nothing human right? guy in general, increase the who conduct operations and everybody's done. i knew that he did better what he called the insurgency. much, you'll kill your 10 terrorist. you kill 2. how many of the main 20 then minus 2 equal to print the why? because some of the of the friends be contemporaries. but in fact, how much lead is, all of them are victims. are family who it for this place? they have mostly they have kids killed, so all of them are also victims that committed the crimes in the same time. so it's
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time to stop the revenge cycle that to protect the i. t is offering and opportunity develop form in more input just as a patient. how much things are differently though. arrest warrants more requested for their leadership. yeah, we know. yeah, yeah. us and wire the leader and gallagher from us leader and guys. and my name is dave, who was the commander of the cuz i'm a big gauge of the military we have from mass. and is maya honey, who's the head of the from as a political bureau? yeah, they've been accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. they've demanded the withdrawal of these allegations. and they say that the i c c prosecutor was quote, equating the victim with the execution or their argument is they have a right to armed resistance. yeah. but okay, go and the judge, a plane that go to do that. yes. do you have this argument? go to a judge is make the argument, the best thing it does not charging him to come forth. can you show or to do with
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assistance. they charge then to go to his right. thank you for the 100 civilians and to, to run the hostages goodman kids. this been a combatant. so you are, you are, if you don't fight that, you cannot can civilians. so that's why if they'd be the one that the that's why they shouldn't go to the dentist if then the other way. because it, by the government vision. yeah. also called kareem khan. again, the prosecutor, one of the quote rates and seen some mites in modern times and he likened him to judges and nazi germany who helped to enable the holocaust. was a pretty heavy accusations. what do you make of that? didn't you come on? one of the 6 in the motion of the little advice, so he review and the evidence is they have a few other mid on warning then instead of the was never in then they are not able to able comp. and he was a victim 100 because i there, he came to the go,
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the vice of these, right, i'm the us, he's not friends, it may take, he's a victim of, he's in survival auto cause he say these are perfect valid requirements to request . so come on the button, i don't think that's the business. any hard to say got responsibility. what he did, he was there this explain you, you'll believe you're not, you're providing them when they actually don't explain the he can do that. and in fact, it is right as they don't like it, they who go into the high seat, the pressing goodly. if i can stop these, got the investigation. if it is right, i think you'd those definitely mitigation. that was the case. but i have to be a genuine investigation. i don't know if there's a who is more afraid of it. he's very particular done or that's typically the island. what do you think of i am not sure about my job to determine that i can't get into nothing. yeah. whose brain and figure out what he's afraid of. he appears and not be afraid of much. he's afraid to come on. he's still getting the last for the month of, of the, of the bread. yeah. but you can go to what is what he talks
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a tough. he says, look, i'm not getting the rest of in fact, of the ice cream around the position. worry about his bed if you want to prosecute when that happens right. when you're a prosecutor, if nothing. yeah. who it said? a couple needs to be worried about his status, not my boss usually died, but he said that all the time the but when they talk about you is because the i'm a, the freight and the fact that he was very, a friend and a huge of what right, because they didn't j not getting that to see but even jail. yes. when you die the you have a big problem that way and if i yeah with what did about it and is what you talking about the for the last month. you really, if i mean, is there a been so many the take a comforting why you're looking so much about that to see if you don't care about that and see of course he cares. of course he gets okay, well the white house had some commentary about the icbc as well. uh, they say i see doesn't have jurisdiction. the conflict. an arrest warrant is outrages as we've already discussed. but in late april, prior to these warrants, a group of republican senators issued
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a threat to the i c. c. and specifically to the prosecute of green cross. that's what he said. he said target is real and we will target you if you move forward. we will move to end all american support for the i, c c section your employees and associates and bar. you and your families from the united states. you have been born in the us, the beach present nixon to effect justice on the beach done on pump for the site for all protecting, just double time. yeah. yeah. so is it us and going to affect the measurement draft? is that what they are doing? that's gonna leave if it was doing this like this thing isn't unfairly targeted and you don't have the jurisdiction, but the incentive to not national senate child, she's not back in the gosh darn core for doing something with us with the profit because the jurisdiction is provided by palestine, nobody's right. under the case they've come on us is building
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a port in these in gas that because there is no more than a system coming from a rise. come a how that goes a good night. the problem i'd say, of course, is that go to crime hook. i have friends, international law professors for me is right. everyone recognize it. you can not testify. the stop in the my, the, i see the what, the food to gas that it, this obviously the a crime, starving is a crime. it's a crime coming to against armenians. is the guy coming to always is a crime so they have to ignore the crimes. i'm pretending that probably is not the those who meet the crime, the front of the person who does that is a big mistake. do us, gives billions of dollars to israel. we have from, we have enabled israel in every way imaginable. money weapons, uh, shielding them in for from account ability at the un. uh, is there a moment with the us will be deemed complicit? not just in the court, a public opinion, but in an international legal binding. read it legally. yes. if,
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if they so easily, the case is confirmed, man, and these are crime committed to providing, waiting for the contributions of this crime could be a crime. but yeah, that could be a crime. so that's would be something for then you're a veteran and an expert. how likely is it, do you think that the us, i think the in cases the bind is, know, should be respected, not just by judges to hear those law should be primarily respected by lead that's need. it's got an offset, is okay to stop too many young people always okay, how much go on came to evaluate? now we have to stand for the victims, evaluated victims, biased him victims, your desktop for the, for the killers. you have a problem, that's why and then us, many students are making revolts because they don't, they, they don't see the russian with this. how do you kind of drop crimes, how the us authorities cause that back with you? but i think it didn't all be ascribes, is it time sort of think, you know,
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there are people who believe that i'd be as crimes should be investigated by the i c. c, just not obvious crimes in every country. earlier this week, a prosecutor con did an interview with cnn's christiane and for yeah, and he stated that in a named senior leader told him that the ice and sea was actually quote built for africa and for thirds like clinton. israel also urged, quote, nations of the civilized world to oppose the icy seas request for arrest warrants. what do you make of statements like these? the idea that there's a dichotomy between the civilized world and the global. so the idea of the agencies for those people over there not for us and how that squares with the fact that this is the 1st time that a close ally of western power is being indicted. whereas lloyd for everyone, no,
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no one has ever below. and the fact that the faculty got it demanding also the case before the j showing. okay, the lawyer you nothing that has of us, the stuff i for god bless ceiling and the countries in the files come to mind rule because low. either way to put the, the low is where the particular weekend you have the weapon, you're gonna need to know. you need to know when you're on the web once. and that's why it's so important to confirm. there's always important, i like it. the judges are from been in romania. okay. frenzy the so small. so yes, i say it's a good experiment. is it done formation and these are good on moment. not just 45 of them, but the students for the was luis berto a couple. thank you. so much for joining me on upfront. thank you. the norway, ireland, and spain will formerly recognize an independent palestinian state on may 28th. the
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coordinated announcement comes amid international outrage of the mounting death toll and the humana terrier in crisis and gaza. israel continues at the saw these countries hope others will follow in order to revive peace talks with formal recognition of a palestinian state has been unattainable for decades. so will this move actually make a difference? here to speak with us about the matter is marine or benny. he is co editor of jelia and previously senior middle east analyst and special adviser on israel palestine with the international crisis group. mine that good to see you up on been to do more than 140 countries already recognize a palestinian state. that includes a few european countries of course, but no major western powers, ireland, spain and norway have long advocated for palestinian state. so what is different now? what's the significance of this move from these countries at this moment? and i think it's significant in several respects. it's of course,
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politically symbolic. and i think it's certainly politically important in the context of been consistent is really position opposing genuine independence and genuine palestinian sovereignty over the occupied territories. but i think it's also significant in the sense that it's really too little too late on these 3 countries. in addition to sweden, which recognized posting in the state of a few years ago, represent 4 out of 30 plus members of the european union and european economic area. they've said they've taken this move in order to promote the 2 state of uh, settlement. now the time to have done that would have been is either in the late 19 eighties when the palestinians 1st proclaimed statewood or at the very
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latest. during the 1990s, when israel's relentless settlements expansion under the oslo agreement, it's made clear that unless is rarely, expansion isn't, was resisted through political and practical measures. there could be no 2 states settlement having waited until 2024 to do this again. is in my view too little, too late, particularly talk about the about the little part 1st i get into late part right there in the eighty's and ninety's, who would've been a much more impactful choice. but when you say it's too little, isn't, is it to inductive to say that it's now just a symbolic measure, or is there an actual practical value to this recognition? well, i do think there is practical value, but what i meant by to little is if you know these western states, and not only those who have now recognized tossing statewood, but also all the others who claimed to be in support of the 2 states settlement. if
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they genuinely believed that to be the case, then there should be all kinds of practical measures they should take. for example, banning settlement products on to the european market, which is the main factor in making is rarely settlements to legal is really settlements a viable economic proposition. you can have a to state settlement without ending the occupation. and unless they take forceful, practical measures to end the occupation then of steps such as we've seen yesterday will be made to appear to be symbolic level. and that's what i mean by it being too little. when we think about the 2 state solution, uh, as you pointed out, these 3 countries see this as a step on the way to that long standing. i'll say at least express goal that i'm not always convinced that it's a real commitment as much as it is and articulated. the gold. 1 many countries in
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the it, many cards around the world and united states have expressed that same goal to stay solution. but they say it can be achieved through other means it can't be done. now . they need to be direct negotiations between israel and palestine. in order for that to happen. uh, the concern many people have myself included is we've been saying this for decades now, the oslo accords with the opportunity to get their eyes. you're pointed out all these different chords throughout time, whether it's a clinton accords, whatever it is, we keep trying to get there. there haven't been direct negotiations for 15 years between the 2 countries. so, is this now the time for a new approach? you mean is the approach at least an alternative, an alternative to just taking the ball down the field every year? thing to stay solution with no negotiation. that, that certainly appears to be the case, especially when one party to the solution has the state of israel has demonstrated itself to be a new, rational genocidal apartheid state that has reached the point where it can no
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longer distinguish between from the full that thinks every political challenge can be resolved with overwhelming force and violence, but i would just like to say in response to your earlier correct interpretation of, of those who on the one hand claim to be in favor of a 2 state settlement and at the same time, say it can only be achieved through by lateral there's really posted in negotiations, but they're essentially saying is that a palestinian state and the unalienable rights of the past and in people to self determination can only be implemented on the basis of his really approval. in other words, the negotiations are intended to give israel the right to veto, over the establishment of a policy named state over the form of the past and in states and over the substance of such a state. and to anyone who has been observing this issue over the past decades,
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it's clear as day light that is real simply has no intention to end the occupation . so when, on the one hand you give this unconditional support to isabel by making its on by making pulse. and he writes, dependent on is rarely consent. then statements in support of the 2 states settlement are really just performative and not more than smoke and mirrors . after the announcements, the u. s. again reiterated that it does not support unilateral recognition of a palestinian state and no surprise there a while. then you in general, assembly over womanly supports the palestinian state. the us unilaterally blocked a bid for, for you in membership earlier this year. this is all of this meaningless. this entire push for a palestinian state recognition is not meaningless. if the u. s. and other major powers won't change their longstanding policy. i wouldn't go so far as to
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characterize it as meaningless. again, i think it's politically significant in the sense that it demonstrates once again how thoroughly out of touch the united states is with the will of the international community. we often think of, of, of the west as providing leadership to the international community in the united states in particular performing battle. i think what this crisis has demonstrated does that we're really dealing with 2 separate entities with an ever growing child in between the, the west leg by the united states on the one hand. and the international community representing the will of the vast majority of governments and states around the world on the other hand. and what the us is really saying is it doesn't want palestinian statehood on less than until israel agrees to it. and in addition to us will exercise no pressure on israel to consent. how does the israel's outrage play
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into this? i mean, after the recognition of these 3 european states was announced, nothing. yahoo said that this was a move that rewards terrorism. other members of israel's hard line government, even people who don't like netanyahu, echo the sentiments historically, those kinds of statements, those types of claims have helped to mobilize support for israel in the global community. are we still in a moment where that's possible or has that train left the station? i think that train has left the station. i should, that i almost feel sympathy for these are, is real leaders in terms of the outrage that they have expressed. their problem is that they have enjoyed total impunity for so long on any issue relating to the palestinians. they're used to getting their way and being coddled by the west in the united states, in particular on everything over the decades. that to them even the slightest challenge to their unilateralism and dealing with the palestinians is seen as an
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affront against the entire state and its very existence. and i think that explains why, as the, as, as you noted, even is really leaders who are most opposed to the attorney who is a leader on stand shoulder to shoulder with them on this issue. just as a do with respect to the international court of justice. the international criminal court and really any other initiative on that suggests that there's going to be any challenge to israel's ability to deal with the palestinians on the use a lateral basis with western support with total impunity. right. and remind me, thank you so much for joining me on upfront. thank you very much for having me. right. everybody that is our show upfront will be back. next, the
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in japan, the voice often leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grant sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody 11 east investigates japan's parental abductions on i will just sierra of the . ringback the
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now scientists, the prime needs remain crucial for biomedical research the but some of being given new lives beyond the body. on the outskirts of virus is nothing in the century for all kinds of found a move, including those ones used in scientific research. the century houses 22 retired lab monkeys from across europe. this female recess mcgarr cause can survive 19 joseph experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to
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be given a new form at lot. then yet, the investigating the use and abuse of power across the glass on that which is 0. the the, the colors, the whole raw, many watching now, does it renews online my headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes, palestinian sheltering inside the school in northern garza or hit find is really strongly to at least 10 have been killed. these are the army continues, it's ground, defensive in gaza. talk to gary is in giovanni and the refugee camp. no problems getting 8 into gone. so the floating builds find the us is out of service after
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being hit by large waves. and whether not below in mexico city were the upcoming general elections.


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