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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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was the 1st lab funky to be given any useful at lot then yet investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on that, which is era the times the whole romney watching now, does it renews online my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes, palestinian sheltering inside of school and northern goza, or hits find is really strongly to at least 10 have been killed. these right, the army continues its ground. defensive ingles of toxic areas and giovanni on the refuge account and no problems getting a into gone. so the floating bills find the u. s. is out of service after being hit
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by large waves. and whether or not below in mexico city, where the upcoming general elections have reviewed the debate over militarization. and the unprecedented role of mexico was armed forces and the country public service that's coming up is full month's justice fulfilling rivalry is playing itself bound to the english as a count funnel. it fits the verses united in the title, they sondra at london's wembley stadium. late to school, it is who now see a nice the welcome to the news we begin in golf. so what israel has intensified is a tax across the strip. at least 10 palestinians have been killed and i'm trying to think on a school in the us of poly area of northern garza 15 people injured witnesses, a most of the victims, all women and children. the school. well,
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is there the jabante or refugee come? why is there any forces pushing ahead with the ground? so operation, thousands of displaced, palestinians have been challenging that now with heavy fight, the entering, it's the week, tens of thousands of palestinians a being forced to flee. what was once goals of law, just refugee camp. many have been displaced several times before and in the south. the is right now i'm is continuing its a tax on rough uh month despite to binding older from the wins top gold to immediately stop its assault on the city. oh, just there is also, i'm sure he's begins on coverage with this report from the giovanni a refugee camp in northern cause of what is really a tax of intensified the the changing the situation is very difficult for everyone here in japan, the refugee camp. and in the northern areas of the gaza strip, these really military ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displace people to leave the areas. and i'll, i'll lose the law here. areas,
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the people who have left the eastern parts of to about the account to of allusions paid last year and now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of this. now treat ground operation and leaving without having a specific place to go. they have no shelter to result to and it's really forces have destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gunfire and non stop artillery shouting from these reading forces. what, another way. yeah, and how like, we don't know where to go. we have lost every thing. there is absolutely nothing left for us. we have committed no sense of how did i do is i'm going to come in on this lady who's 80 years old. she's disabled. this is the 5th time for us to take her from one place to another. i helped her and walked with her while she was in the wheelchair for 4 kilometers to find a show. so we never found a safe place for her to stay. there was heavy gun fire hood as the palestinians when leading to about the account of the study of
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a vehicle. a more than 1000000 palestinians are all the way from the northern and southern gaza strip, especially from rafa. and they're all heading to the central areas of the strip. so this is the current seen it did, or the butler, what makes shift come have reached the very end of the shows of the mediterranean sea. there's no safe drinking water, very little food and basic supplies. if not, we'll run out. so let's close eva to the bottom and speak to a correspondent, code 3 who's standing by for us. let's just begin with the displacement crisis. a deadly strike on yet another school sheltering display civilians with nowhere else to go. i mean, what are you hearing about this particular attack of the well, the people who were inside the school were actually people who evacuated from to body and be tenuous to of thought. we area, which is the closest for divide. yeah. they were filling up water guidelines,
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they were striving to find water to drink healthy water, and the is rate the air strikes target to them. 10 palestinians have been killed. among them are women and children. at least 16 policy news were injured. but again, some people are still in the hospital and they do not know where to go. we have been seeing footage that people are trying to evacuate to de la area in western sides of the kansas city, but they've got everywhere across the gaza strip. is being targeted so, and there is no where safe and people are being evacuated for more than 7 times a time since the beginning of the war on the causes of strip. and people do not know where to go, because simply there's nowhere sites and we know that continually talking to day or night. so the other issue at the moment is fuel. and i mean has been about speaking of a huge issue of 84 hospitals, especially the want behind you. yeah. like so, i mean has anything to arrived into the gaza strip from any direction to told just
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to keep them from functioning well, unfortunately, nothing arrived to unlock the hospital. the last thing that arrived with the 15000 liters appealed to arrive 2 days ago, and they said that word, their only enough for fossil is facing the hospital for days. so were 2 days away from another complete run, a like getting out of power for the hospital. but again, a k t director just released the video appealing and calling the w. s. o and the united nations to provide the hospital with fuel because it's the only operating hospital in central drop off with only age beds. but all of the hospitals are going through the same exact prices. there is no fuel, they are not being able to operate there, shutting down some departments in here in looks a hospital. this is the only hospital that there are kidney. dialysis patients
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receiving their treatments after this are hospice and has been taught by the is where the forces so that hospitals are overwhelmed are over the past. and the fuel is a month for all of these hospitalized hands to keep giving the medical treatment the policy and your needs. and let me mention here that there are 11000 palestinians that were supposed to evacuate to get their medical treatments abroad. but unfortunately, the crossing has been close since the is there any forces started there operations? so the palestinians are witnessing the most, collapsing have situations on all levels. and of course we'll continue to monitor events with you throughout the evening, but for the moment. so we'll leave it that hendo comes with that voice and data by the thank you. so the you in special russell to the on the occupied palestinian territories is cooling the sanctions against israel. in a post on ex francesca over, daisy said that as well as intensifying gets attacks. while the international court
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of justice is ordering it to stop. she goes on to say that israel will not stop this madness until member states make it stop with sanctions. an alms and ball going by suspending relations with israel earlier. my colleague elizabeth pearl, and i'm spoke to salton about accounts. he's a professor of public policy. it haven't been could leave the university here in denver to begin by asking him why the us is wants to get into putting pressure on his right. to reopen the roof of border crossing. as ordered by the i c j. and as opposed to pelting its military operations in rafa also ordered by the i c j. and i think that from their perspective, they are insistence on that. and they come us, both united states and israel and united states will do everything to try and not hinder the work of israel, in terms of finishing off how miles. so the alternative is to look at the humanitarian assistance and try and is that situation. and now what we have been
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told for many, many weeks, that cannot be done right, backing up the up and there many, many problems around it. egypt has issues as on. now that may cause i've tried to convince israel and egypt to try and relief the palestinians from the off point. ok . so by telling israel by once again, focusing on the order about opening up that off of border crossing. what does that tell us about how americans have been saying that they've been asking as well, i'm telling israel for months that they cannot have a large scale operation enough or, and yet with the, into the international court of justice, or does the same thing that's not the point that america is pressing as well on. so was it ever genuine about about, you know, those request as well that, that, you know, if you're off i would be a red line. i think by now of all established that they've never been genuine about this, but not the u. s. can also be implicated with dicey jays order because now the order is out as clear as it comes on the back of the i. c. c, ad request for
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a arrest warrants against nothing yahoo and guidance. and of course, it also implies that anyone who supports the genocide i digital side of the actions of israel is also a committing coming out. okay, and this is, this is really important because the wording of the or the, refer it again to the front us to use as a people, as an identity. that is under the right. as it doesn't mean that it has nothing now understood that he has to be kidding all. colors to me is for him to be held accountable, getting a group or civilians coming civilians. not avoiding them in his battle is equally to kind. yeah. so he will be held accountable for this regardless, and of course the rises again coming towards the elections and they're desperate to really turn the focus of the nation to the issue as far as their, as is concerned with this elections. and to now, following on from the campuses, just a tire rotation. this address address i'll assign is playing
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a much greater role within the elections then by the end would like it to be okay. one of the 1st reactions that we saw coming from as well when the i c j made it's voting. what's that? there was a phone call from little cabinet minister, a phone call between many gods and secretary of state. and to me blinking, why was the phone call between the us secretary of state, not with the prime minister. while it's interesting. so it's a bit like when gallant went to see by the, in, in washington, dc couple of months ago without notifying that to know. i think within the 3 member cabinet war cabinet. there is a joe king for the ultimate position of our prime minister. and the guns has never made, it has never hated his ambition to become the prime minister. and you know, of an recently who was deputy prime ministers in his desk desperately looking for nothing. yeah. his position. so maybe the ice age, the ice, you sees decision at to hold nothing,
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nothing. yeah. one gallon to responsible has given dance the possibility of looking different. so he is not painted with the criminal uh, the court, the bill that and he sees themselves maybe as the most appropriate now to put himself forward to despise a routing from the international court of justice stating his room as not blockade . very little continues to guys and he's a bi landel, the flexing pair, built by the us know, trucks event of the rock, the crossing since the force of this month and not a single one. since tuesday, most requested a missions into northern calls are being rejected, affecting more than 300000 palestinians. trump. the renewed is really offensive, and 97 percent of ground watering. clauses onset for human consumption. patriot hello is from the economy getting down one for international peace explains why the rough across thing is a delicate issue of the car, right? some of the junction perspective and i'm not
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a member of the egyptian government in order to speak on their behalf. but i think that they saw. busy the take over of the crossing by these really use a massive escalation, the, the presence of really heavy weaponry and artillery and tanks, a huge publication to palestinians, but also to egyptians along the egyptian border addictions where and are very concerned um and it doesn't help matters when you have is really spokes people, such as i believe, david mercer said this only a week or so ago that these radius hadn't an official request of the egyptians to open up on their end. so the positives could sleep. um and now maybe he smoke up the car if i don't know, but that's actually what he said on the record. and that was reported by reuters and i myself, listen to the audio when, when a junction officials here are statements like that. no doubt that concerned about this overarching fear of ethnic cleansing from gaza as i'm not surprised that the
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difference to a deposition. yeah, they've certainly, uh, being very upset since those is there any statements were made. we're hearing that the by an administration is trying to find an agreement for the opening of at least that off of that is agreeable to both the egypt sions. and that is, riley's, is the 3rd party who can administer at least to the alpha for the time being that both countries would agree to. well, there were these reports of the you somehow being involved. um i, i confess i don't see this is remotely likely. um, 1st of all, the, this really just has not been asking me to say, particularly enthusiastic of b, use official position on its conduct in a guy. so over the past 7 months, even though the, the repeated position of the e. u has been about international law um, but these varies are particularly happy about that. i'm also not sure that the you would want to take up that responsibility because it would essentially mean the while there is an occupation in gaza. but any external party that puts trips on the
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ground with a century be acting as israel's policeman on the ground. a 5000 injured palestinians have been evacuated for emergency treatments of roles ins as well, or just one garza amongst them. a young children brought to cancel with the patients and debilitating wins, and at least 10000 more patients for a waiting list hoping to be evacuated if to some dental triples. pushing through the pain after 3 months in this health care facility in guitar 11 year old doreen a by a can finally walk again on chassis good. good. i thought i'd have to stay for more than a year in the wheelchair. i was asking my aunt if i'd be paralyzed forever during couldn't move her legs after an air strike the killed 60 members of her family in gaza. casa for outside last night, the straight cutest. at 12 o'clock. me and my brother keen and we were on the floor,
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everything and everyone was under the rubble. she's one of nearly 20000 children that the un estimates have lost the parents and the war. this facility was filled for the 22 world cup. now it's been turned into a place were 500 patients to receive treatment, education, and psychological support. there's more room here, but no other patient has been able to leave because of strep, and more than 2 weeks before the war, 8000 patients cross that alpha and beta in crossings every month to receive treatment abroad. that number has dwindled to less than $5000.00 evacuated and 7 months of conflict. the need is bigger than ever before. hospitals and goes a lot critical supplies, stuff, and medicine, or simply destroyed. leaving thousands in need of complex surgery post up care and rehabilitation with little to no support. the guitar as among 12 countries that offered to receive the wounded and the sick from gaza. ibrahim
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nearly died when a strike hid his home on october 17th. what the doctor, even when i had the 16 m. m, between the moment i got injured and now i've had a round 61 surgery since the last the operation was yesterday and soon gone to a link that will get prosthetic clement at least 10500 patients are currently on the waiting list, according to god's us health ministry with no one has been able to leave on medical grounds, since is rarely troops to control a bit off crossing earlier this month. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again. and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. if this i'm going to it i'm to 0. well 1st of all or head here, all the news are including already displays. the finally arrived has hundreds of makes of shelters, causing the hanging of
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a few cheese in cox's basalt. but after 30 years is the policy of nelson mandela losing its great home power. in south africa, the inputting you're getting a government minister says the number of people killed in a landslide and the remote know that area has now risen to mold in 300100 small office that local media as as a landslide and them up and look that kind of region on friday, destroyed more than 1000 homes and damage 6 villages. road leading to a gold mining town is now blocked. cuz again, some is the national director for the weld vision in pop. when you get a he says the location of the landside makes rescue operations extremely challenging. in this scenario is quite a long way from the capital city. it's 600 kilometers and it's in a fairly remote filings region with the state of tennessee. we frequently have
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earthquakes this area or is fairly remote, even from the provincial center, a while back. it's quite a long drive. and so what we're saying is the tragic events take place at 3 o'clock, 2 days ago or in the morning. so you can imagine thing in the dock and literally the mountain falling down on you. it is incredibly challenging to get access to this area. so this is also hampered by the mind, finalize the tools and the land slides across it. so they, they will be ongoing challenges and getting people in and then also once we've done proper assessments and we look at united continuum search and rescue operations. so exactly how can we get assistance in now? i think that will obviously require helicopters and other aircraft and other things, but yeah it's,
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it's incredibly challenging just to get access to the side. we're hearing reports from the local people there and they obviously doing the best buy. i can helping the family members out and you can say some incredible for the job. i'm working in some very difficult conditions. so hot guy go out to those people at the stage. it's a fight has destroyed hundreds of makeshift buildings and they're kind of housing. the hang of refugees and talks, as all the thoughts that would be left without shelter, up to the vice quickly spread through time. the congested checks on friday, some people are reported to being in judge, but no one has donated local media reports that indicates that the fine and may be installed to the warehouse belonging to an m g o. some of the challenges, sounds more on that fine for me to come in coax, as bizarre in southern bangladesh, it's quite frequent actually, and many of them allegedly, our arson to attack. so, you know, by right both spectrum for one reason or other 2 of them are of course accidents
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due to liquid natural gas cylinder blast. and there's been casual this previously also. now there's also increasing number of gang violence related to drug smuggling . there's also political groups fighting for dominance within the camp, which leads to violence and that the can, this has been going on for almost a year now. and there are, you know, you're running as we're living with families are increasingly scared. they don't get out or ventured out in the evening because they're scared of this gang violence and other kind of fraction of fights. and there's also doing aid from the international community, which means cut in ration. there's a concern about malnutrition within the camp. and every year of nearly 35000 new children are bought, born here in the camp according to the baton with this government. that means that population is also increasing and the demand for aiden resource is increasing. and it's frustrating the buying of this government as well. now talking to some of their drawings in that time. the biggest frustration is that there is no hope or pretty practice and they don't see anything with the political climate. the way it
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is in me and my there is more than 50 percent of the population are children that don't have formal education. that means without a future, definitely informal education and learning center. so a lot of challenges while they agency is from the government and of course for the rank as themselves, without hope. they don't know where they will end up being staying here for almost 7 years now. to that one person has been killed after all, expedited in the syrian capital of damascus. the city and state news agencies as a device was designated in a car in the massage district and then also identified the victim in case any further details. at least 47 civilians and the soldiers have been killed in the latest violence instead of the city of al sasha, the governor, as it owns don't fully concerns. at least a 100 others have been injured. united nations is also a warning that the region is facing a great risk of genocide and foam. and most of those military has been fighting the power military rapids support full saves the recess. but more than a year in
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a civil war that's killed thousands and force millions from the south africa's ruling african national congress has held its final rightly before poles open on wednesday, the policy is expected to lose substitute majority in parliament switch. it's house since the end of a policy it's 30 years ago that might lead to a coalition government with the agency potentially needing just trying deals to keep the presidency. my kind of was up at raleigh and so went to in south africa. well, this is the final ready for the amc before the elections take place some 13000000 votes. this will be decided they will pull into the national assembly. the majority of the national assembly then becomes the governing party and elect the president. what i'm doing now if i run the minister for justice, thank you very much for joining us. why is the i and see so confident that it's going to retain its majority of the world?
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what would be improved the life of the people with the connection to put them is in terms of reorganization that includes outside over here as being full front internationally in reading the case of israel's will on gone to the international stage. it has on the way, become an election issue in south africa. right. do you feel that you have the support of the majority of south africans in terms of the suing this prosecution of israel? yes, because our internet is not included is based on the consumption. much later phone vision that human rights reports and business. remember that was another little bit pointless thing is intending to tell us that again,
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we are not asleep until they are also free. so we're also welcome to live in this city by the i do. we believe this is the internet is the most that internet or the must be based on the internet. and that the local, a new phone business is inside is the flow to business and of admission at the global order that it must be on the web with the government. and believe it or not me. so it is not a the, so this is very important. it's all good. thank you very much indeed with joining us. although we here, once again, a confident pain going into the selection of quality. that's a so confident of majority, south african support for its action to hold is really the tangible periods of time
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. it's full in gaza. my kind of era. so right now, one of the issues that isn't something i figured are most concerned about his crime robbery, right? 100 murder, right? silverlane high during the past decade. and then the last 3 months of 2023. an average of one person was murdered every 20 minutes. and you have us back. a group of women have been patrolling the streets to detect criminals. we spoke to one of them members, my name is dominic ramos, and i am fight though. we all do not abroad in jan as well. i'm a mazda and you know, i'm, it's a fish, and i saw the 14 years back to be part of the community safety community police for them. time is very bad for these sons. last say, last year there was a lot of shooting weak argument. ok, industries anymore. so at 6 o'clock, we need to be in the house. we need to come out as human and as,
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as the community stuffy goes at night, especially when we go. when we asked to push away at night as women, we don't have any with phones or anything that we can protect ourselves. we take off all these women, we take them home, we think that the kids federal slaves that nice to take them home as well. so we also have the domestic violence, these, the gangsters. it's that i could relate that. so yeah, and it's just the property. i think the government actually from us too much and then not doing what they supposed to do with, i mean a lot of unemployment when we go out. the 1st thing we do is price. and i know all families at home always fights with us and say, but why do you have to go outside? they use police sit in the system. but if you have the position,
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you don't think about anything else. we feel like vito's ideas, but also he is, he made a difference, but now was against us in the shooting that's taking place in the alpha. we're not sure is the woman safe at all to will still had held out 01 survey and now discarded. we visited memorial park and ty, one of the house of divisions with mainland china, uninstalled, i found a dial head and sent to you 10 on his retirement plans that story with n date of to the by the had low that let's look at the weather across the south american after another day of a heavy rain isn't good news for southern parts of brazil. the skies are starting to dry up. it's not going to be as wet for places like real grungy to sol as well as
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sent to caterina, bringing some relief to the areas that have been devastated by flooding. instead the what the weather starts to creep its way further north. the course eastern areas of brazil is not as heavy as what we think off across more northern areas. we found the stores for the likes of columbia and some heavy rain for venezuela in the days ahead. and what weather creeps, however, into southern parts of chile, we'll see some of those showers in santiago. it has been very cold here. if we haven't looked at the 3 day however, we will see temperatures picking up over the next few days, closer to the average. we're on the average on tuesday. it's much hot across more northern areas. temperatures here, continuing to pick up as temperature has come down in rio de janeiro and eastern areas of brazil and isn't. we've just central america. it continues to be a very hot picture from mexico. one of the world's oldest of the trees, the breaking is may record for the 3rd time. we'll see the seats continue across more northern and central areas as the country stuff is
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a severe drought. it's much wipe out east across his spend your la of the sick time. again, this is terri of the scenes of unity within india is vibrant tapestry as election for the sweeps. the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling as they pulled to opposing polls. can the friendship survive, the political divide and the world's largest democracy, india is fractured. witness pulmonologist. now let me tell you almost suffice. valley cold results the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only look, just very close here, like come in here, sits on within large tears face of
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a look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, restored to me and gone the the, [000:00:00;00] the look about you want to be able to 7 use all with me. single, rob, nevermind to have all told stories. at least 10 palestinians have been killed at a strong kind of school in northern garza. 15 were injured witnesses said a dry and carried out the attack. and most of the victims of women and children. these are the army is continuing to atomic ross or in southern gaza missiles. they've hit the outlet, shut boot camp,
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but palestinians with sheltering the u. s. military says lodge ways of coal is possible. floating dark off the coast of garza to break away and drift into the sea, it happened during the transport taste of humanitarian aid, the floating p or is the only way to deliberate into gone so his lunch crossings remain closed by israel. well, let's get more on this, my direct castro in washington dc. what was this us saying about this sort of multi $1000000.00 pay a to bring in limited a virus see route which is now out of old. all right, so and apparently it part of it broke apart in just under a week after it was it, it is that after it was constructed and we're getting a little bit more information about exactly what happened according to the us central command. there were, for us army vessels that broke free from their moorings. conceivably,
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they may have been part of the peer themselves now. safe loaded off to take off to sea to these high waves and the current status. according to the pentagon or 2 of the sections or vessels of here, are now anchored on the beach near the pier and 2 others, in fact, drifted further north of gaza and are now off the coast of ashville on is real. and the u. s. navy is as well as is rarely navy, are trying to recover those pieces. the pentagon said in that statement that still no us personnel will enter gaza and they say that the here, despite all of this remains fully functional. but as you mentioned, so this, this is not, you know, this is not what the us would have wanted. it's quite an embarrassment particularly coming just 2 days after pentagon officials, brief media about what they see is the limited success thus far of this. here it's delivered some 71 truck loads of food in this past week,
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which is still far below the 9 the trucks truck loads a day that was for seen and still far fewer, less than what the more than 2000000 people in gaza really need as they faced extreme hunger, and now for this to happen when this here was temporary, but at least to last till september, when these high waves were expected for this to have happen in just a week, is certainly not what the us would if we're seeing and a little bit lower and that's i'm show as the i was progressed to the movement, taja castro. thank you. a huge about and solve rubbish with no means of removal or continued to pilot the cost cause that wasting the spread of disease and exacerbating the desperate conditions across the strip time. a couple of them has moved from there in about a the is very well in the gaza strip, has linked to, i think, a stuff that can zoe, a humanitarian condition. profoundly affecting the lives of 2200000 palestinians who are in a very desperate and useful dignified shelters. as you can see,
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these seemed all clear results of this very ongoing operation. in gauze at all, has been selected the devastation, crippled by, to waste collection for structure and even excessive paintings. or we did the situation which will contend will x and array. the spreads often picturesque disease, used by the army as will prevent the goals of municipal crews from transporting waves to the mainland fields in the district. areas of garza. 6 am con eunice alongside with the ongoing attached on the municipalities of the crews on the ground. according to the initial reports of the summation of the service of waste connection service, right was completely free times of war around 98 percent. and during the has reduced to less than 20 percent as a huge amount of waste. and so that waste our 1st multiple areas and the goal is to close to shelter since as a school hospitals and even to inferring left those to awesome,
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right. multiple areas across the charts we've talked about as of oh, just the wrong. yeah. with that, i had a small in the notes of the strip is really false. is there advancing into your body of funding that was intensified during the past 2 weeks or the flute? the reports now from jamalia, these really forces are trying to have them hold a minute to get that over for to can. so i coming from 3 sports main to sports, which is nice to do better to camp in the 6th street and also the from the shelves, 8 area and the field with all these controls you by doing that for to the intensification firing here is increasing date of today, which makes people to evacuate ways with that these way the forces reach them or
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not. number 3 is where the forces in cash and and for you choose to the surrounding area of came out of the hospital. and this makes came out with this coming out of service, just like many other health facilities and nothing goes red and other things to be mentioned, which is of these resources. lots of allowing any entry you any kind of a minister in a to them, nothing goes straight, which makes the salvation in tango, no king l as to the, the 6th and 2nd, last phase of india's general elections has ended with more than a 100000000 votes. is eligible to evaluate in 6 states and to federally govern territories. the staging site is the capital of daily that seem intense political drama in the run up to the folks that were reminded of the indian government has not granted visas to elders. there was john list,
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so we're covering the election from outside to the country. legal, similar chief ripples on the voters praising the spokes when he took costs the balance, set these boats in 50 constituencies into the northern states and the captain region at say only some seats for the bachelor, for the region of delhi, the seat of national power is one of the states, the total number of people who reside in dougherty is about 23000000 and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way represents how the country's thinking not just about how daily as a city is thinking, the kind of governments of the issue that it depends a lot largely on even the domestic on says back home. 6 political parties, let's fuse campaigns to vote in march that the chief, mr. osmond catered about,
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was arrested by federal crime agency on corruption charges. he was prompted the temporary bail earlier this month, which will end on june 1st. k 2 vall has accused prime minister moraine to move the oath a weapon, those in corruption investigations to this credit for that to provide those and distract voters from real issues of to costing his palate. k to ball said the vote would be a judgment on the b, j. these governments i think people of voting in large numbers against dictatorship, growing costs and unemployment because they are really for straight to the k. 2 balls of me or whole month's party has come from the capital since 2013, only a year of texas. for me it's all to increase its presence and one significant folds in not less than put jobs in delhi. it's teamed up to the congress to find
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the b j. b for the 7 seats in the lower house of parliament. in the novel length of deli slums, someone is supposed to say he is delivered on promises. hello, but if i need to be under the we had to struggle for drinking water earlier, we would have to quote, for a water tank go with the supply was caught since the teacher while his comments could, we get more sense of how supplies, also, city, and we have 0 bill funded by the from mr. moraine to moody seeking this tom. the national elections are seen as a test of his product because dominance. his supporters credits him for the successful tenure, the base at which we are able to go to the good. the be to has viewed and for such a view defense, it does mind well the it is, it is truly one mention the voting for the remaining $57.00 seats on june. first, they wrap up a 6 week collection that votes being counted onto the full on the consumption.
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these are 2 things are just to remind you that the indian government has not grunted fees as to all just areas generally. so what coming the election from outside of the country now it russian strongly called the ukranian city of khaki was killed at least 2 people. an introduction small. the attack talked with a hardware store in a residential area of a city of keys. regional governor said to russian guided bowman's head of construction height the market. at the fall, i brought accounts over 15000 square meters drilled. holeman joins online from the ukrainian capital with the very latest, i mean just brings up to speed. what we think we know has happened in this particular area when you see the pictures, which i'm sure with playing right now. uh there was a big claim as somebody can. what authorities are saying they're in the city of hockey visit. they've got the fire under control in terms of that it's localized, but they're worried about the number of missing people. uh they said that there was hundreds of people in this hyper market,
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this big sort of shopping center space at the time when the 2 phones hit it from brush or at the moment the figures that they giving out. so those 2 people that at least 33 people injured and that there is at least 11 stuff from this center, the shopping center that they haven't been able to account for that they know on the phone. that long talking about the customers, perhaps in both the president followed them, is the end stage of ukraine and suicide. come out and said that this obviously was in a military structure. this was a civilian place. this was a shopping center. the context of bass is that the city of hot cave, it's the 2nd largest city in terms of population and you cry. i know that recent months he's been been bombarded fatty constantly by russian forces. i'm what so military, unless the said is this might be part of an attempt to get the population to try and move out to try and make how to keep into a as a type of ghost town in which the population has gone. that hasn't happened yet.
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but these have you called these a, a tax? these are real attacks and it has been quite constant to join. it has to be said the as you say, car keep has been targeted and being the focus of russian to tax these past few months. but won't so, so the significance of targeting car keyed strategically, in terms of its geography within ukraine. i think the biggest thing of this is morales, the city, the in 2022 russian policies go close to taking, but they did not. should be managed to do it. as i mentioned, it's the 2nd largest in you crazy. it's got too significant for this country if they did actually manage to get better than take it by a ground full switch, me let me try and let's assess that at the moment of russian traits, there's some way of having the capacity to be able to do that in terms of the numbers that they saw on that front. but if they managed to make a lot of people move out and they managed to make it into a time that wasn't really populated, that would definitely be seen as
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a moral base to for russian forces and would be authentic, devastating blood, few crites. obviously, there's also an offensive, there's broken out all, not ne, in part of ukraine, on the heart of ki region for the wave, russia, what president vladimir putin of russia, his cities. but he's trying to create a buffet, so that ukrainian forces count the type of belgrade, but uh, that's the russian city. on the other side of the buddha, they used to, well, when he said that a rushing above his r and b, he had no eh, efforts to attack, called key city as yet. and it's not would because, well, there were russian traits weights in scope without food or not just the but in the province along side that's consuming, which is also saying a bill to progression full of is that still going to be a worries for the crating and authorities especially that in how to keep and especially is this from bob and continues to help with that force and are you creating capital? thank you know,
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china is military is end to 2 days of drills around taiwan. bill island is continuing to try and distance itself from its historical connections to china. and this pulse of the government has pledged to work faster to remove almost 800 statues. as long as i check who used martial law to rule the island for decades from bride reports now from its capital tony pay. and i'm a c on that a visit to type hey, the changing of the god inside the collaborative whole to churn kyesha, the father of the boston taiwan who brodis chinese nationalists to the island of to the 19 $49.00 defeats to china is coming out of the favorite part of heading the long expected come on us invasion from the name, but then i was drive from taipei. is it memorial park that has become the final home to many more statues of chang? no one wanted they wants to don't public buildings in spaces and the society where
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he's still reviewed by some, especially older people, but increasingly regarded as a brutal dictator and shunned in this vibrant democracy. that vibrant says been strikingly evident with the fees political clash, insight, tiny ones, parliament, accompanied by my street protests outside. it's been driven by the, you know, the ration of new president lighting the seems determined for taiwan to continue on its own pos, breaking with the past. so you know, something from taiwan, so long as we identify with taiwan, it belongs to a soul. all of the people of taiwan, regardless of it and the city, irrespective of when we arrived. watching with deep suspicion these mainland china, fearful of taiwan moving further away from its chinese roots. those fate seemed to be confirmed by annual polling over the past 30 years. they shows a cultural shift with the majority of the islands,
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24000000 people now identifying as taiwanese and direct code low of just 2 and a half percent saying they also leave chinese. and the latest military drills over the past 2 days. act as a reminder of badging is apparent. willingness to use force if taiwan shifting carrot to strays too far in the direction of outright independence run. mcbride, autism era type a. this is just over a week. the mexico is due to whole general elections of h, as will elect the new president of those elections near the debates is go ahead and go over the role of the countries future leader and commending its military forces . so mike's best will that the military establishment wheels unprecedented influence and as alondra roland governance. but it's any time in the past 18 years from mexico city has moved rapidly in
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mexico's military force of some 335000 active duty personnel for president and this one way, lopez over that order. the armed forces have become a favorite tool for carrying out large infrastructure projects, particularly in parts of the country that have historically been seen as under developed in the political police spent the society, the general public have different opinions. but the majority have a positive opinion because of the places these projects are being implemented like the south eastern region of mexico, which considers itself excluded from major investment projects. policy experts say the military presence across public services that were once under civilian control is undeniable. i thought it would, oh my goodness. yeah, i've even said jokingly that if the military is now handing out textbooks delivering vaccines and patrolling the subway, all that's left is opening a nail salon and offering manicures. it's really quite something. but this also has another side to it, which is the issue of the budget data. and when it comes to the budget, the book doesn't stop here. the role of the military has been expanded to include
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management oversee ports, borders, oil refineries, even a civilian airline. as well as construction of a $5200000000.00 airport on the outskirts of mexico city, whose operations also fall under the mandate of the military. critics say that by outsourcing projects to the military that range from running airports and airlines to building trains, president lopez over the has used national security as justification to evade scrutiny over costs and contracts for years many award over the potential consequences of further militarization during the winter, the military doesn't face the same. accountability is at the institutions and not even in the mexican senate. the bicameral national security commission doesn't even allow the public to observe when they hold meetings with generals and admirals. that's the level of privilege they have with general elections going in. the military's influence expanding questions linger about where's the loyalty of the
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armed forces belie, after mexicans had to the polls on june, 2nd, will mexico's next president have the result to challenge the trend toward militarization? it's a question that policy experts say could shape both civil military relations as well as the future of mexican democracy. one was out below al jazeera mexico city. well, just ahead here on the news of charles blackwell style. it's at the front of the grateful sunday's mother kind of going freight and is home, right? so those details coming up with and the space of the an aide work i travels to vote on syria saying he's back to help. are you looking back? are you a fighter? no, no file, but not in the eyes of his government. when my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. and you 3 part series detailing the struggle is
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a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on innocent until proven guilty statements in syria. coming soon on al jazeera, i want people to look closer at the august side of this. i point my camera where all those prefer not to look. i'm right about what it means to be american, about the ordinary people who get caught up us worse filmmaker around tags and also via the time when on the power of political ok. what are the stories we tell sales about also? and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra sectarianism is tearing at the scenes of unity within india is vibrant tapestry as election for the sweeps. the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling as they pulled to opposing polls. can the friendship
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survive, the political divide and the world's largest democracy? india is fractured. witness on i wonder 0 the the fun life and use way. it will so in injury time as well, i believe in school. yes, absolutely, right. so if the english, as i taught funneled has proved to be eric 10 hogs funnel much as much as you know it, his monitor, he could go out on a high united a playing local arrivals and simulate champions. mom sits in the title disorder at london's wembley stadium sent home that when he looked set to be fond regardless of his results. that after his team finished down in a, in the league,
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they was sitting here looked of hon. and this much in the 1st off it offensive mix up allows a 100 go. not sure it's opened, the scoring seems to know before how sign coming. they need to come in the 1st english to united the score and the cut final mistake in oven full to use. it is coming up to full sign late to school. it's, you know, i keep 261 stephanie saying that you'll come home if marina some chance to become the agent champions league when is for the very 1st time how it's you'll sign up at the c. one advantage heading into the 2nd leg of the fun with ally. and if the united arab emirates elaine are at home for this much kick off, just a few minutes away, they're going to try and do it. i, they're going to try and make it loud. they can try and make it uncomfortable for us. we know that we know that about football. but again, we know what, what type of doing and we know that if you want to,
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when you have to face these challenges and we're ready to face these challenge, we're ready to upgrade. we're ready to put down names in history as well. but game enough for could say was last late and as for on supply and the 2nd like of the champions league final, it's goal us going into the roots and like in colorado, defending champions i'll say looking. so when the tournaments for a record extending 12 time, the chickens of featured and 7 of the last 8 finest, but be lose the one between the songs back in 2018 as prompts aiming for the 1st time. so in 5 years or michelle, i'm gonna just add, if i want, it's not going to be easy. you know, esperanza are a great team with great players and coaches. hopefully this match is going to be full of excitement and the funds will make it much better in the stadium to is. now the biggest game in europe in women's club football is also a bounce of k cost. barcelona taking on liam. and the champions league final thousands of firms gathering and feel bound for that one fall. so all the side to
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hold us while leading of one this trophy record 8 times boss on the beach. chelsea and the last 4 were lee and they go past the french rivals price on demand to reach the show. the clarence brought on in so much the stipends pole position dominance before i drive a finished 1st and qualifying at of sundays monica girlfriend. what is these hung? rice, not a good day for read both such a perez wellness rice in 2022. but for the secondary running it was knocked out early on, hailstones down. and i think us the most is fernando alone. so old. so i find to make it to the late to stages of qualifying for stuff and 19 consecutive polls going into this rice. but a customer state court must have hit clipping. the binary is on site and one defends to recover. to finish the sick, foster parent and all the clear, he's been impressive oh, we can, but he's now and so in his 1st the race is the homegrown pre occurrence of the pastor, he qualified in 2nd. now i know more from the notes in the past, qualifying his notes, everything as much as it helps
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a lot for sunday's race. we need to put everything together coming to sunday. and uh, in the past is we did amount us to do so. but uh we are showing it to you more than a stronger position and i'm sure we can achieve great things from oh and obviously the when is the target ruffin to dallas and said this may not be his last friend, sharpened the full of things on rolling down with jump, he's saying the 100 percent. sure this will be his final appearance, the 37 year old stuff with a series of career threatening injuries. and if previous go to the record to say he expected to retire at the end of the year. and i feel better now, i am not the guy that reacts because i lost there. i lost another place and reacts about my personal feelings. and my personal feelings are better now done one month and a half ago without a doubt. so in some way, i don't want to close 100 percent the door. the dallas mavericks, it's, i can see nothing late in the m. b, a playoff series with the minnesota set symbols down, it says car,
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you have in screen 20 points on to chapter 32, including a 3 points with just seconds left to help his team come back from an 18 point deficit game through the western conference finals. was coming up on sunday a, that's the play was a get loop with the ball and let lucre do what loop it does in those moments. and that's, you know, fee g e has trust with his teammates. if they were gonna come and help them, he, he knew who he was gonna find to, to knock down a shot. we talked about taking it to work. we're only down to. but when he got to dancing with go bear. you can see that the step back was coming in and, and the rest was history. and the, and i shall plaza. now it ranges level, the series with the florida panthers is when it renews. it's on sale that see one victory for the ranges. gang 3, at least in the conference final, that is on sunday and i can tell you the cup final has finished so you want to united we don't know how many people are. i think i believe it's for the moving to
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thanks very much on day and i'll be back with more news on the other side to present delivered on to me on the news on team here in general. like you for your time and your company. the in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was a rougher offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 2nd and return. and i want to stop inside story on al jazeera, investigating the use and abuse of power across the glass on that,
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which is era. climate play only is from one of the most of the bio diverse nations on your own interpreter. if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know it. we work with and within the cycles of the we not using office resources, we using them again and again. if we never from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen joining us. nothing grows river. the in
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the center i bet is due to the new with safe in goals, palestinian shelving and a school and the knowles come on. the is really attack at least 10 killed the thoughts or all but what you all just every log headquarters here in the also coming up on the news again, tens of thousands of palestinians for you to central guns. that's what makes shift


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