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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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for the seller and then the, the sites in gulls, palestinian shelving and a school and the knowles come on the is really attacked at least 10 killed the thoughts or all but what you all just every log headquarters here in the also coming up on the news again, tens of thousands of palestinians for you to central guns. that's what makes shift tons of now reach the shoals of the mediterranean sea. a russian strike on
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a supermarket store and ukraine's car. keith city kills at least 2 people, dozens more reports of interest. and the death toll from a massive landslide and all of them pop. when you get a rise is to move the 3 hundreds. the welcome to the probably the beginning goals was ready for so killed at least 40 palestinians that a series of attacks across the strip in the north of school. and these of poly area has been hit. the bond is very trying, at least 10 people were killed. witnesses say, most of the victims of women and children, thousands of displaced, palestinians have been sheltering in the school. i don't know where i'm going. they all don't know where they're heading to. con. described the orders that are, you've seen, lot of the martyrs. and when did people we have suffered greatly from the number of displacements. i don't know how many times that was displaced and moved from one
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area to another. i don't know. we're a little bit away from here and all of a sudden messiah lender. there is no presence of how much to or any other faction. so why these realistic displacements, all those who lost their lives were innocent children and women people are leaving the schools without knowing where to go is really, are liars, is they advice you to go to a certain area. and after that, the target you there is any forces off once we get ahead with the ground defensive in, giovanni, which we've gotten more than a week ago, the thousands of displaced palestinians are sheltering. and what was once causes largest refugee come these by the i'll be had previously, you know, this is it created the regular palestinian sciences, but classes have since resumed and that's full tens of thousands of palestinians are free. once again, many have been displaced several times before just there was an unsolved sharif impulse, uh, from the jabante, a refugee camp. the,
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the changing the situation is very difficult for everyone here in japan, the refugee camp and in the northern areas of the gaza strip. these really military ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displace people to leave the areas. and i'll, i'll lose the law here. areas, the people who have left the east and pots of to buy the account, 2 of illusions paid last year, and now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of this. now treat ground operation and leaving without having a specific place to go. they have no shelter to result to and it's really forces have destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gunfire and non stop artillery shout like from these really forces what i what, another way. yeah, and how like, we don't know where to go. we have lost every thing. there is absolutely nothing left for us. we have committed no sense of how did i do is i'm gonna somebody not this lady is 80 years old. she's disabled. this is the 5th time for us to take her
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from one place to another. i helped her and walked with her while she was in the wheelchair for 4 kilometers to find a show. so we never found a safe place for her to stay. there was heavy guns by a hood as the palestinians were leading, develop the account of the study of a good deal is more than 1000000 palestinians are on the move from northern and southern gulls, especially from rough and they're all heading to the central areas of the strip now this is the scene in data. bella, what makes shift comes have reached the very end of the shoals of the mediterranean sea. there's no safe drinking most of very little food and basic supplies a whole but run out. so let's close eva to darrow paula and speak to our correspondent hitler who 3 who's standing by for us as this talk about the ongoing displacement crisis. we had that for one man who's been moving 17 times to unhealthy. and a 2 year old lady is a desperate situation. well,
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i'm not up to the hospital and this hospital has been a refuge for people who have been evacuating for more than 8 times. 9 times we meet every single day. a lot of people, we listen to their stories about their displacement. some people evacuated 5 times, 6 times, 7 times. some people started their evacuation journey from the north of gauze that and then to the center. and then to can you and this and then to the 4th, and then back to fun, eunice. and then back to the middle area. people are witnessing the most ties conditions because there is no have to water. there's little food and also there's no protection, there is no guarantee that if you follow is there as if actuation ordered that you won't be targeted in such areas. for example, the is there any forces asked the people to evacuate from drop off to the middle area, but the middle area has been constantly attacked by the is there any air strikes, palestinians are moving from a place to another,
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and nowhere is safe. so hed indeed knew it was safe because gets it another dudley strongly come to school sheltering displays. people it be as we've been talking about because they've got nowhere else to go. so just tell us about this recent strike, but we know who the school actually the, those people were so sitting in another school in most of our area, very close to japan. yeah. they were, it's striving to fill up their water guidance and is ready for us to start get to them. those people were displays recently a month to play the space and they were lately the space from somebody a refuge account. after the is really forces started there, found invasion, 10 palestinians have been killed. among them are children and women. we saw immersion videos and photos from the school and it's very obvious that this school has more than hundreds of this place. people there. people are trying to evacuate another time, but they don't know where to go. and anyone who is moving in to another in parts of
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the gaza strip is being targeted by quad copters. and by is really drugs. so people are trapped. they don't even have the option to evacuate because they're going to be killed and shot by that is really drones and glass captors. another problem that everyone seems to face, certainly what they come to us. but looking for help is that all fuel shortages, that's a huge issue for hospitals, including the wall and behind you. just bring us up to speed on what we know of anything that might've arrived in the strip to help these hospitals keep functioning well. so far, no one told us that the hospital is going to get more fuel. we have only 2 days of fuel, but as you see, the hospital is crowded. this hospital is one of the only facilitating hospitals left in that and but as you see it, people are, it's, it's, it's crowded. people are,
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are standing outside to get to like to get some fresh air to walk. but if you go inside the hallways are pucks you, it's very hard for you to move. and the old, the hospital also added an extension because there are a lot of people inside and the hospital is overwhelmed. actually, we have received a, a 20 injury. so are after the, is there any forces targeted a woman center affiliated to honor why in the past hour, and we are receiving more injuries right now. a saw hospital. this is only the courtyard. there is a background where it's a mix of times to hundreds of products and use that were displaced from different areas across of the gaza strip. so here's what keep in touch with you through the day for the moment in the country, that voice and data about us. thank you. it says the flexing dog off the coast of gauze that remains fully functional of the strong waves of coals, pos, with the pay to break off and drift into the sea. us crew killed the disconnected
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pos and brought it back a show. the exciting pay or is there any way to deliver it into gauze as land crossings remain shot by israel. that's cause i have a 2 high digit customer standing by in washington d. c. well, it's usable or it's not usable. the pictures that we're seeing at the moment share it sort of out of order. yeah, so hell, it's still a little bit confusing. what happened? but what we know, according to us central command, is that 4 pieces of what they call us army vessels, broke free from the moorings, due to heavy seas and drifted off to sea. now, what's unclear is whether these vessels were actually tied together to form the pier itself, or whether they were used for transport both or are possibilities. but they were drifting off to see and then 2 of these pieces, according to the pentagon, were recovered, but are anchored on the beach now, not an operation. well to other is drifted so far north that they went past the
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gaza strip and are now beach near the town of ash kalonde israel. and now that is really navy, as well as the u. s. navy are operating to recover those pieces. but as you said, the pentagon says that the peer remains, quote, fully functional. they said there were no injuries, and they emphasized that's the route this recovery operation. still no us boots on the ground in gaza. quote, no, us personnel will enter gaza. hi, j. castro with the update that for us in washington dc. thank you. the save option slike on the ukrainians to to kinda keep killed at least 2 people in just another 33 others. so let's try and talk to the high to markets in the residential area of the city talk. he's regional governance said to russian, going to vote instead of construction height, the market for the following, probably kind of over 15000 square meters. there are a huge range,
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he'll claim this attack on hall. keith is another manifestation of russian madness are only mutton and like pretended capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a vile way. we already know that there are wounded and dead. my condolences to the families and friends of those who have died when we tell the leaders of the world a crane needs sufficient ad defense protection. when we say that we need legal determination to allow us to protect the lives of our people in the most effective way possible. so that russian terrorists cannot even come close to a board as we are literally talking about how to prevent terrorist attacks, such as these yet, you know, well, it's all the help with this study volume for us. so the you creating capital with the very latest. so what do we know about this particular incident? i will search for what you cry me and authorities just saying that trying to update our upon hours of those to dead. and it was stuff from base and shopping center
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this high from all to 35 people moved that are in just so i thought they say that that still some people that are on accounted for you have from president followed them is the landscape of ukraine. the, the administrative interior is also saying, this was in the middle of the week 10 that happened. it was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon on the side. they, they're obviously going to be people inside of that high for market and presidents . a lensky said as well. it's obviously not a military objective. this was a civilian infrastructure. it's interesting that we were listening to him, and his sound bite was saying, the russian forces are managing to attack. one of the things he's been saying, especially recently, is the russian at force right to many street type from inside of russia. there's something called light bulbs here, which can be launched from brush and fight to jets. their old soviet bones with wings attached and they can then glide into crime. they can travel 60 kilometers plus on to an objective. and ukranian defense is called get so that he's boma is the,
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are in russian territory. usually partly pop sometimes because of that range. but also because they've been given weapons by the united states, but the united states, the sites then you can only use them within ukrainian areas. you can't use a russian territory. well, president below them is the landscape sign. well, those russian forces and brushing out across just inside russian territory that were attacking us. we want to be able to hit them that seem to bite that's going on in the united states administration right now. so that's the context of what he was referring to. then, but the immediate situation is this 5, it's ongoing ukrainian authorities the same that they put a control, but they're still worrying about the missing of course, car keith has been the focus of you might say the most recent of the offensive for the russians. why car keys? the the, what is the strategic? so 16 somebody's because of its crisis to the key where we are now where we're actually hearing a sorry of install if it's a fairly frequent factor in lives here,
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like this place is known as endangered and hockey because it's a defense is a much more robust but hard key is also a target because it's the 2nd largest city in ukraine. it's a huge prize just for the morales, the russian troops that a at, that are attacking the country and also to the training. and so just if that was the last or the population because of an aerial bombardment, for example, to leave it and it turn into a ghost town. i'm russian policies nice to the tub. people from living that that would be saved as a huge moral victory instead, the crime is the keys more of the fate of the point when it's right side on its hills, it stating with the new russian defensive in the north east of the country in the hall keep region itself, which is having to fight hard and died to die, but streets from the rest of the front lines and in the east as well as fresh russian attacks. the ukraine struck means of men in search for manpower struggling for weapons. and at the moment, it's
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a critical moment really in this fight and this war against russia. townhome. and thanks very much for the update that from keith. at least 47 civilians and soldiers have been killed in the latest violence instead on city of al sasha, the governor sit on the full regions says at least a 100 others have been injured. the united nations is also a warning that the region is facing a growing risk of genocide and simon. so dollars military has been fighting the power of military rapids support forces the all recess for moles and the in a civil war is killed files and full millions of others from the homes. now in pop, when you're getting a government minister says the number of people killed in the line side and the remote control of that area has now risen. timbales and $300.00 local media says the loan slide in baltimore. the tech out region on friday, destroys mold and $1000.00 homes and damage. 6 villages of road leading to gold, mining town is also sloped. christy ensign is the national director for the will
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vision. come to the organization and pop when you get a he says, the location of the land side. some express corporations extremely challenging. in this scenario is quite a long way from the capital city. it's 600 kilometers and it's in a fairly remote filings region with the state of graphy. we frequently have earthquakes this area or is fairly remote, even from the provincial center a while back. it's quite a long drive. and uh, so what we're saying is the tragic events take place at 3 o'clock 2 days ago or in the morning. so you can imagine buying in the dock and literally the mountain falling down on you. it is incredibly challenging to get access to these areas. so this is also hampered by the mind, finalize the tools and the land slide across it so they, they will be ongoing challenges and getting people in. and then also, once we've done proper assessments and we look at united,
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continuing search and rescue operations. so exactly how can we get assistance in now? i think that will obviously require helicopters and other aircraft and other things, but yeah it's, it's incredibly challenging just to get access to the side. we're hearing reports from the local people there and they obviously doing the best buy. i can helping the family members out and you can say some incredible for the job. i'm working in some very difficult conditions. so hot guy go out to those people at the stage, still a head here all just there after 30 years. the polity of nelson mandela is losing its grip on power. in south africa, one survey is now discarded. we visited memorial park and taiwan at the house of the divisions with mainland china, the
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hello there to call trusting picture across the south asia. we've got some very heart and why conditions to pockets dawn and north west in india, but things are getting wet. so down in the south and across the north, east of india and bangladesh, that's thanks to a fly code that's expected to make land full between india or bangladesh. we need some very heavy rain and strong winds. we have got some red warnings out for the west bengal whether continuing to move its way north, bringing a chance of flooding across most eastern areas of india on monday. the heavy rain continues across the south as well. we've seen flooding across the southern parts of the land is the threat of that is a heavy rain continues to pull into southern areas. places like carola in india on monday when someone about the heat across the north. we've seen temperatures pushing right top across, in provenance impacts down towards 50 degrees celsius. and north western parts of
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india will continue to swelter as we go into the new week. that's also being a story of heat across the north and central parts of china. you can see temperature is continuing to pick up across the move in china as weatherford pushes its way for the east taking the west of the wet weather across the korean peninsula . but it will remain very wet on sunday. across the southern china, the sectarian, this is terry. it seems that unity within india is vibrant tapestry as election for the sweeps, the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling as they pulled to opposing hope. can the friendship survive the political divide and the world's largest democracy? india is fractured. witness pulmonologist the
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in the total document you'll just bear with me. so robin don't remind to of all the top stories. but at least 10 palestinians have been killed that as strongly come to school in northern garza. 15 were injured witnesses said i drove and carried out the attack and most of the victims with women and children. he's really all we have continuing to attack ross on something gone. so ms. holmes that hit the on the shopping of refugee kind of where palestinians were shown for huge amounts of rubbish, with no means of remove lock intending to pilot the cost. cause a was thing, the spread of disease and exacerbating the desperate conditions across the strip to recover zoom has moved from the the is very well in the gaza strip,
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has linked to stuff that can dalia humanitarian condition, profoundly affecting the lives of 2200000 palestinians who are in a very desperate and useful dignified shelters. as you can see the sea, all clear results of this very ongoing operation in gauze at all has been selected . the devastation preapproved by to waste collection for structure and even excess of facing that were redesigning situation which will contend will x and the rate of spreads. often picturesque disease, used by the army as will prevent the goals of municipal cruise from transporting waves to the mainland. fields in the district areas of garza, 6 am con eunice alongside with the ongoing attached on the municipalities of the crews. the ground. according to the initial reports of the summation of the service of waste connection service right was completely free times of war. around 98 percent and during the has reduced and less than 20 percent as
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a huge amount of waste. and so that waste our 1st multiple areas and the goal is to close through shelter since is school hospital and even comparing left those to awesome. right. multiple areas across the charts we've talked about as of now just the ro, gary that i had a small south africa's routing african national congress has held its final while it before polls open on wednesday. the policy is expected to lose is up to the majority in parliament, which has had since the end of the pond sites that he has to go. that might lead to coalition governments with the n c potentially needing so strongly deals to keep the presidency. my kind of was that the valley and so what to in south africa? well, this is the final rally for the amc before the elections take place. some 13000000 votes. this will be decided they will go into the national assembly. the majority of the national assembly then becomes the governing party and let the president
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what i'm doing now by running the minister for justice. thank you very much for joining us. why is the i and see so confident that it's going to retain its majority? what would be improved the life of the people with the connection to put them is in terms of reorganization that includes outside up. it has to be in front internationally in reading the case of israel's will on the to the international stage. it has on the way the coming election issue in south africa. right. do you feel that you have the support of the majority of south africans in terms of pursuing this prosecution of israel? yes, because our internet is not included. is based on the construction in my
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2 buddies lay the foundation that human rights reports and business. remember that was another little bit pointless thing is intending to tell us that again, we are not asleep until they are also free. so we also will come to live this yesterday by the i do, we believe this is the internet is the most that internet or the must be based on the internet. and that the local a new phone business is inside is the flow to this isn't of admission at the global order that it must be on the web with the government. and believe it or not me. so it is not a the, so this is very important. it's all good. thank
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you very much indeed. good timing us. although we here, once again, a confident pain going into the selection of quality. that's a so confident of majority, south african support for its action to hold is really the tangible for it to attack its full in gaza. my kind of era. so it to be most of that because the full present jacob zoom, it has become a wildcard into campaign recent opinion. polls addressed as soon as possibly 9 by the acronym m. k could gain on 13 percent of the national vote and 25 percent in the former president's home provence. however, latasha reported from home and style before jacob's newman became the face of the n k parts. and he supported the governing african national congress and using timing is important that that is. and as you said, it means that he knows the a and the he knows the week of the a, the know the mistake he has made me save. a from there too much promising to create
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jobs, fixed the economy and deal with corruption, so that the gives, know that they are rough navigations against checking everybody supportive. say those allegations against them politically motivates. it's a continuation of persecution or prison zoomed by a to stage. and also to make sure that it is still presumably at his ideas the m. k parties. they must the new kid on the waiting to see how well it was to make 3 company boats getting kids away from the governing body and how well and out of pocket the v 6 done pendleton. but today's all of india general elections as though and it's more than a 100000000 voters,
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but eligible to vote in 6 states and to federally govern territories. the staging place the capital tally that same intense political drama in the run up to the vote . we remind you that the indian government has not granted visas to all just as jen . let's say we're covering the election from outside of the country, but we consume sharif reports on the voters praising the spokesman. he took costs that balance sap. these quotes in 50 constituencies into the northern states and the captain reaching at stake only some seats for the bachelor, for the region of delhi, the seat of national power is one of publicity. the total number of people who recite into these about 23000000 and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way, it represents how the country's thinking not just about how daily as a city is thinking, the kind of governments of the issue that it depends. a lot of laws be on, even the domestic on says back home. 6 6 political parties,
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let's use campaigns to vote in march that the chief, mr. osmond catered about, was arrested by federal crime agency on corruption charges. he was prompted the temporary bail earlier this month, which will end on june 1st. k 2 vall has accused prime minister moraine to move the oath weaponized and corruption investigations to this credit for that to provide those and distract voltage from real issues of to costing his palate. k to ball said the vote would be a judgment on the b. j. these governments i think people of voting in large numbers against dictatorship, growing costs and unemployment because they are really for straight to the k 2 balls a me, a call man's party has come from the capital since 2013, only a year of texas from it's also increase its presence and one significant
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poles in not less than put jobs in delhi. it's team doctor to come was to find the b j. b for the 7 seats in the lower house of parliament. in the novel length of deli slums. someone is supposed to say he is delivered on promises. hello, but if i need to be under the, we had to struggle for drinking water earlier. we would have to cold for a water tank go with the supply was caught since the teacher. well, his comments, can we get bullshit? pell supplies, also city, and we have 0 built funding from mr. moraine to moody seeking this tom and the national elections are seen as a test of his product. because dominance, his supporters credit to him for the successful tenure, the base at which we are able to go to the good, the be to help viewed and for such a view defense. it is mangled in it as it is truly one mentioned the voting for the
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remaining $57.00 seats on june. first, they wrap up a 6 week collection that votes being counted on june the 4th on the consumption of these on to see the chinese military is under 2 days of drills around taiwan. but i want is continuing to try to distance itself from his historical connections to china. let's pull it about the government has plans to work faster to remove almost 800 statues of chung shy check, who used to used marshal low to ruby oliver decades. what mcbride has most in type i the most c on any visit to type pay the changing of the god inside the collaborative pool to churn. kyesha, the father of the boston taiwan who brodis chinese nationalists to the island of to the 1949 defeats to china is coming out of the people that.


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