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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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one name is obviously proud also is when we covered the fullness quakes of 2016, at the terrible match, all the facts and a story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time the phaser any falls this talk, the sol sheltering palestinians in the north of gulls or at least 10 people have been killed. the thoughts of robin don't you know? cuz they were like, what headquarters here in the hall falls to sleep. once again, tens of thousands of palestinians at the central gauze. what makes you have 10? so now reach the shoals of the mediterranean, a russian strike on the seat of august, a new crane's khaki city kills at least 2 people. from the desktop, from
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a massive lunch line to northern popcorn, you can eat rises to more than 300. the beginning goals are whether is there any falls of killed at least 40 palestinians and a series of attacks across the strip in the north of school. and this is probably the area was it, find is what i need, right? at least 10 people killed. witnesses, st. most of the victims where women and children, thousands of displaced, palestinians have been sheltering in the schools. i don't know where i'm going. they all don't know where they're heading to. i can describe the orders that are, you've seen, lot of the martyrs. and when did people we have suffered greatly from the number of displacements. i don't know how many times that was displaced and moved from one area to another. i don't know. we're a little bit away from here and all of a sudden the messiah lended, there's no presence of how much, or fucked up,
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or any other faction. so why these realistic displacements, the oldest, who lost their lives were innocent children and women people are leaving the schools without knowing where to go. is really our liars is they advice you to go to a certain area. and after that, the target to their this is very false, is all pushing ahead with the ground defense. and jabante always be gotten more than a week ago. thousands of displaced palestinians a shelf and you what was what's called as long as the refugee camp. now these really all we had previously analysis had said the area of palestinian sciences, but clashes have since resumed about souls, tens of thousands of palestinians to flee. once again, many have been displaced several times before. i'm just there is of a function of the fulls though from jabante account. like i said, i know the situation is very difficult for everyone here in japan, the refugee camp and in the northern areas of the gaza strip. these really military
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ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displaced people to leave the areas in the alpha, lucia, the law here areas, the people who have left the eastern parts of 2 by the account, 2 of illusions made law here. now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of this now treat ground operation and leaving without having a specific place to go. they have no shelter to result 2. and these really forces have destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could. the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gunfire and non stop auxilary shelley from these when the forces were another way. yeah. and how do we don't know where to go? we have lost every thing. there is absolutely nothing left for us. we have committed no sense. how did i do is i'm going to send me and this lady is 80 years old. she's disabled. this is the free time for us to take her from one place to another. i helped her and walked with her while she was in the wheelchair for 4 kilometers to
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find a show. so we never found a safe place for her to stay. there was heavy gun fire hood as the palestinians were leaving devali account of the study of a good deal, a multiple millions palestinians and that all the way from northern done, southern gulls, especially from rafa. and they're all heading to the central areas of the strip. now this is the scene in depth and about what makes shift comes. i've reached the very end of the shoals. often mediterranean is nice, safe drinking was have very little food and basic supplies the whole, but then out. so let's cost eva to hint at hud 3 who is standing by for us in the ballot. and that's just begin with the just the displacement crisis. the, the pictures are quite as strong as she was not listed in use for more than 7 months. now have been being month to play this place every single time israel decides to invade a certain or particular area in the past couple of weeks there is really forces up
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ask or for is the millions of policy news to evacuate from roof off to the central area and also people from the north to buy the in between. and we're also force to evacuate to western side of the gulf of strip. we have been meeting policy news who are currently seeking refuge here and unlocks the hospital and they're telling us that the displacements situated ation is very hard specified that there's very bits in food. and there is barely clean water to eat. and palestinians have been displaced for more than 7 times 8 times. and every time they it's, they moved from a place to another. there is no guarantee that the is there any forces when at target this, that area of let me do give you an example just right now. and is where a new air strikes targeted. i the rage area in the central gauze as to where hundreds of palestinians evacuated from rough off to the area. and yesterday,
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the is there any forces also start getting a mix of tense income units. so wherever you go or wherever you seek refuge to, you are also a target and there is no safe place to head. oh, that's cool. so another definitely strongly cut out of school sheltering display civilians being that we talk about the subject of no where else to go, what do we know about this particular attack? okay, so let's 1st mention that this is not the 1st time we're reporting on an air strike on a school and not the 1st time we're reporting on a school that has displaced palestinians. another school in most of our neighborhoods, very close to japan. yeah. was targeted earlier today, byron is randy straight. this school had a number of displays people from to body and they tend to and after that is really forces started. they're not encouraging that palestinians were trying. we're striving to fill up their gallons of water and that's one. that's where the forces
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targeted the us please send policy needs, have been killed, that these 15 have been injured among them are children and that gotten this is not the 1st incidents. we have been reporting on this continuously for more than 7 months right now. and they'll kind of do that for their obama. thanks very much for holding. so this says the fighting dog off the coast of guns that remains fully functional, up to strong weights, cause damage to positive appear age groups. war. the project is not considered a substitute for land deliveries that could bring in food and water and much needed to fuel into the strip hydrate, castro, it has more from washington dc. supporting to us central command is that 4 pieces of what they call us army vessels. broke free from the moorings due to heavy seas and drifted off to sea. now what's unclear is whether these vessels were actually tied together to form the peer itself,
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or whether they were used for transport both or are possibilities. but they were drifting off to see and then 2 of these pieces, according to the pentagon, were recovered, that are anchored on the beach now, not an operation. well, to others drifted so far north that they went past the gaza strip and are now beach near the town of ash. kalonde is real. and now that is really navy as well as the u . s. navy are operating to recover those pieces and they're gone says that the peer remains, quote, fully functional. they said there were no injuries, and they emphasized that throughout this recovery operation, still no us boots on the ground in gaza, quote, no us personnel will enter gaza. it's what he says it will resume funding the united nations palestinian relief organizations. oh wow. you know i was when came during palestinian prime minister mohammed most office visits, it will provide about $38000000.00. hon. it's the, it was one of
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a number of countries that suspended funding fund rule after is right there because ations that some of the agencies stuff were involved in the october the 7th the time. but no proof was provided for testers, all gathering intensity to demand that the government prioritize is getting the captives back alive after the military. announce the recovery of 3 more captives bodies from northern gauze and the government valleys also planned for later. well, israel has bound dollars over for reporting from the so let's go save it to cyber climate, who joins us from the jo damian capital of mine and excited to be said more protests on the streets of tell of even other parts of his route mean will pressure on the prime minister. yeah, absolutely. so slicing, huge pressure more so now then since the beginning of the war with the i c j. yes. today. and then also with the i c. c. and issues that and the recognition of a part in front of sydney and rather state to protest,
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not just by the families of those held captive in tennessee, but also in haifa, as well as outside of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. these residents and protests to the government and quoting also early elections just to give you a sense of the situation at the moment you have the head of the c, i a, the head of most side as well as the cuts re prime minister. the adjustment in paris, one of them came back at the most on she's saying that it seems that when successful they pool agreed that the tool needs to review. and it's being reported at the moment that those talks will start off again. next week it's not clear when exactly it's not clear what either, but with again the mediation of cuts off of egypt and the involvement of us. but the families of the cap says know that the trunk is a this going through a minimal. there has been a cell made for months now. those are the ones the spot in november and that was it . and that's when the majority of those hills caps it will pull back. now in terms
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of those coming back, they coming back as bodies free yesterday were brought back by the israelis, they've been found in the north of the gaza strip. and also we're hearing from the families of those house comp. so we just heard from a mazda of the opening, dr. riley today, and then it, she said that if the government doesn't sign the deal now, she said in the end, israel be forced to end the will without the return of those. the duck fits and we will lose them forever. stop this will and bring them from now. and will that quoting for is an end, a complete end to the will to ensure that the loved ones are brought back as soon as possible, whether it's dead or alive, but they won't closure. they say, well, the service side of the car reporting for us the on the as rail lines from a man in jordan. the
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ocean strike on the ukrainians, do cocky who has killed at least 2 people in injured mold and 35 others. let's try to talk to the high markets in the residential area of the city of regional governors. the 2 russian guided phones at the markets and the 5 broadcasts over 15000 square meters rahile grange. he'll claim this attack on hall. keith is another manifestation of russian madness, are only modern and like pretend and capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a viable way. we already know that there are wounded and dead my condolences to the families and friends of those who have died. when we tell the leaders of the world, a crane needs sufficient at defense protection. when we say that we need real determination to allow us to protect the lives of our people in the most effective way possible. so that russian terrorists cannot even come close to a boat, as we are literally talking about how to prevent terrorist attacks, such as these yakking on hold moving fault. so for me,
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you creating capital force and joins us. john just brings up to speed what we know about this particular incidents and how it unfolded. of the well, it's happened about 2 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and you can actually see and see the video from around the hyper market. this hardware hyper markets, the 2 buttons slamming into it, won't police of the same have, like i said, is that because it was a hardware store and that was so much pain and tens of varnish and that's why the far off to that was so big. they still trying to find some of the people that were missing in the store and a miss. and also the, the owner of an a o. some of the was a neighboring store was talking about the amount of people that he's saying it's saturday afternoon at the web. it's just getting warm here off to the winter. a lot of people that were in gardening season trying to go shopping for the 1st time, so it was full and the call part was full. so a president followed him is the landscape. you probably know,
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so he's saying that this was a civilian objective. that wasn't anything that was military about it. it's interesting. we were listening that at what he will say said when he's talking about defences and decisiveness to let you cry and protect it. so here's what he's really talking about is something that he's been mentioning recently, which is that the united states at the moment doesn't allow the weapons. it started native to you, cried be used for attacks within russian territory for what you're crying, saying is the russian fight to just a sitting above russian territory and then the launch and what's cool light bulbs. and these have wings on the light into ukrainian territory. sometimes tens of kilometers and can then attack targets. and that seems to be what's happened in the case of this hardware. superstore, what you crime is arguing for is the united states, let it use weapons and also from other countries to go off the thirty's flooded jets and let it go off the targets in russia to try and stop this sort of attack.
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well the, some of these, i just say was a civilian target, but what's the military strategy for targeting the call key? the area to yeah, it's not just the caps unless you mentioned that to be so there's been another, a type of a hockey man mentioned about 7 pm in the center of the city, another residential area that got hit and he said, so for 11 people injured so that gives you a sense of base from bob, but we were in hall keep quite recently, and it is quite relevant this we talking every day, air ride sirens and different hits different parts of the city or around it. but it will. so going to your question is not just in the city itself, in the north east of ukraine, the border of the hockey region, russia just a couple of weeks ago, launched an offensive which is pushing into that territory. well, president vladimir putin of russia says, is that that's trying to create a buffers, so that ukrainian missiles,
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ukrainian attacks caught hit the russian city of belgrade. it's just over the russian side of the food ukraine space is a freshman forces can push on a bit of especially in part to from the talk. then they'll be within artillery, reach of hockey city itself. so there's definitely pressure coming in, squeezing you crying low for that 1000 kilometer front lines. but especially right now in the hall t region showed home with that with that update. thanks for the show. still head here. so the, i'll just have to put it to you. this is the apology of nelson mandela, losing its grip on power in south africa. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2 times frank assessments. this is
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a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages. october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera, the award winning program from international assuming exploring the funds with weld clause program programs that open your eyes to tennessee if you are on
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alex was here the the book about you want to, i'll just bear with me, so he'll run into a reminder of all top stories. at least 10 palestinians have been killed and a strong kind of school in northern garza. 15 were injured now. witnesses said to try it and carried out the attack. and most of the victims, old women and children. these are the armies continuing to attack raw southern southern gauze missiles of hit the shut boot of a few t come with palestinians with sheltering underbrush and strike all the ukrainians to view car. can you feel that these 2 people are then just molten and 35 others? the strike talk to the height, the markets, and the residential area of the city and pop on you get
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a government minister. it says the number of people killed in the lunch line to the remote northern area has not risen to mold and 300 local media says the land slide in the map when they talk of agent on friday, destroyed mold in 1000 times and damage 6 villages now, road leading to a gold mining town is also blocked for stansen is from weld vision in pop, when you're getting he says the location of the land slide makes rescue operations extremely challenging. the scenario is quite a long way from the capital city. it's 600 kilometers and it's in a fairly revised filings region with the state of graphy. we frequently have earthquakes this area or is fairly remote, even from the provincial center a while back. it's quite a long drive. and so what we're saying is the tragic events take place at 3 o'clock
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2 days ago or in the morning. so you can imagine buying in the dock and literally the mountain falling down on you. it is incredibly challenging to get access to this area. so this is also hampered by the mind, finalize the tools and the land slides across it so that they will be ongoing and challenges and getting people in. and then also once we've done the proper assessments and we look at um united, continuing searching of rescue operations. exactly. how can we get assistance in now? i think that will obviously require helicopters and other aircraft and other things, but yeah it's, it's incredibly challenging just to get access to the side. we're hearing reports from the local people there and they obviously i'm doing the best i can to helping the family members out. and you can say some incredible for the job i'm working. it's a very difficult conditions. um, so hot guy go out to those people despite in south africa's moving african national
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congress has held its 1st rally before pulse open on wednesdays. find a rally, pardon me, a party. the policies expected to lose substitute majority in parliament which it's held since the end of a positive that he has a good that might lead to a coalition government with the n. c potentially leading to strike deals to keep the presidency by kind of has more on this from. so what to in south africa? well, this is the final rally will be amc before the elections take place. from 30000000, both will be decided they will both go into the national assembly. the majority in the national assembly then becomes the governing party and, and that's the president. what i'm doing now. if i run the minister for justice. thank you very much for joining us. why is the i n c so confident that it's going to retain its majority? because the deluxe web improved the life of the people with
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the connection more to put them is moving in terms of the and we are the vision that includes no sort. everything has been front internationally intriguing the case of israel's will on the, to the international stage. it has a new way become an election issue in south africa. right. do you feel that you have the support of the majority of south africans in terms of pursuing this prosecution of israel? yes, because our internet is not included is based on the construction lay the foundation, that human rights report and business. remember the way the way that they started a little bit for this thing is intending to tell us that i didn't, we are not asleep until they are also free. so we also welcome to live
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a few cities i, i do. we believe the engineers, the low, the intern, this, the, or the must be based on international move and the bed, the local, a new phone business. 6 inside, it's really listening to this is an open vision of the global order that it must be on the web with the government. and believe it or not me. so it is not allowed to simply be so this morning it's very important. it's all good for the children. thank you very much indeed for trading us. although we here once again, a confident pain seen going into the selection. i know quality, that's a so confident of majority, south african support for its action to hold is very the tangible for at the time it's full in gaza. my kind of era,
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so at least 20 people mostly children have been killed in a fire with an amusement park in western india is good dropped states. it's the home states of the prime minister, new and remove the officials say that bodies were taken to the hospital for examination. firefighters rushed to the scene, is huge. smoke plaza, seen rising from the fire at the gaming arcade. and the city of raj, cold investigation, has been launched as the wireless, the 6th and pen notes in that phase of india's general elections. and it's now and it's more than a 100000000 voters, are eligible to vote in the 6 states and to federally govern territories. the staging plates the capital tally, i'm not seeing intense political drama in the run up to the voters. and we'd like to remind you that the indian government has not granted visas to alger. there was
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jen, let's say we're covering the election from outside the country when michel same should be for pulse on the voters, braving the sweltering heat to costs the ballots. sap, these quotes in $58.00 constituencies into the northern states and the captain reaching at stake only some seats for the bathroom, for the region of delhi, the seat of national power is one of 50. the total number of people who recite into these are 33000000 and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way, it presents all of the countries thinking, not just about how many of the city is thinking, the kind of governments of the issue that it depends a lot largely on even the domestic lenses back home. 6 6 political parties, let's use campaigns to vote in march that the chief, mr. osben k to developed was arrested by federal crime agency on corruption charges
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. he was prompted the temporary bail earlier this month, which will end on june 1st. k 2 vall has accused prime minister marine to moody of weaponized and corruption investigations to this credit for that to provide those and destruct voltage from real issues of to costing his palate. katie ball said the vote would be a judgment on the b j. these governments i some people of voting in large numbers against dictatorship, growing costs and unemployment because they are really for straight to the k 2 balls a me, a call man's party has come from the capital since 2013, only a year of texas from it's all to increase its presence and one significant folds in not less than put jobs in delhi, it's team dot to the congress to find the b j. b for the 7 seats in the lower house
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of parliament. in the novel length of deli slums, someone is supposed to say he is delivered on promises. hello, but if i need to be under the we have to struggle for drinking water earlier. we would have to quote for a water tank go with the supply was caught. since the kids are well, his comments can we get most of the pel supplies, also city, and we have 0 built funded by the from the stand bring to movie seeking this tom and the national elections are seen as a test of his product because dominance his supporters credit to him for the successful tenure, the base at which we are able to go to the good, the be to help viewed in for such a view defense. it does main building it as it is truly one mentioned the voting for the remaining $57.00 seats on june. first, they wrap up a 6 week collection that votes being counted on to the 4th, the consumption of these things. all of us needs to be on the backend hall with the
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news of the weather is next to the inside story will examine what do the provisional mattress on costs and by the you install code. really mean israel refuses to comply with the, to stay with us here on the high low the heat is the feature across much of north africa and the middle east and event we're seeing temperatures pick right top across some of the gulf states where it is a launch the hot and dry story is shamal, wind is expected to blow down the gulf and that will pick up some lift of sand affecting the disability and causing some hazy sunshine. there is that heats coming in places like katasha though ha, see 47 degrees celsius. the on sunday i think is all set to come down slightly as
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we go into monday. they'll still be above average, of course many areas here and they'll be picking up across the event. the heat is the dominant feature on monday, and it's been very dry and hot to cause the north of africa with record heat for places like l. g area as well as libya, sunday into monday, it'll be each, it's time to st. very high temperatures. cairo seemed 41 degrees celsius. that on monday we should be around $33.00 for this time if. yeah, it's what, across that central band of africa with some thunder storms rumbling across the central african republic. the good news is for kenya, is that where the system pulls away. it is gonna look a lot. dwyer, around coastal areas. it's largely hot and dry for much of southern africa. little bit cooler in cape town on saturday. on the i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where all
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those prefer not to look. i'm right about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up us worse, filmmaker, ralph, and also viet time when on the power of political lot, what i'll just stories retail sales about also. and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted to pot one on i will just sierra israel intensifies military operations in gaza. that's despite the un stop for ordering it to immediately hold. fits. assault on dropbox is not the 1st time is ram has refused to comply with an order from the world port. so what's the point of these measures and how can they be enforced? this is inside story, the .


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