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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the know is safe in johnson city and sheltering at a school and the noise coming to is ready to get tech at least 10 people with him. the, until mccrae, this is out to say we're live from will. so coming up on the move, once again, tens of thousands of palestinians fleet of central kansas. the nature of tents have now reached the shores of the me, the terrain,
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and see the thousands of anti government protest as gather across israel's major cities, demanded the return of captives held in garza. russian strike on a hot market in new kinds ha keeps as he kills at least 4 people, dozens more injured the beginning and goes away. is there any forces have killed at least 45 palestinians and a series of attacks across the strip golden gauze that has been heavily bombarded by these riley army. and this riley is trying to the school with the supplies palestinians of sheltering. you know that your body of refugee camp in northern guns are killing at least 10 people. and that will cut already begins out coverage from dell by la garza. of the blood still hasn't dried after is or is it this refuge for civilians and the japan did refugee come unable to find safety anywhere
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in causal. it's the result of intensifying operations in the area where is rose. military has once again told thousands of people to evacuate, and we were sitting peacefully, then boom, there was a boom. a missile from a controlled drone or a regular drone, but it did massive damage in the school yard. there were a few people who were dismembered and cut into pieces. i do not know how to explain, but they were in pieces. i am here where they make bread. the arabic flat bread here was a child who was murdered and a woman was injured badly. and there were 3 or 4 children who were also murdered here. so many of them for nearly 8 months, palestinians have repeatedly been displaced on my watch just what we have suffered and we have been forced to go. 6 6 or 7 displacements, winter shoes are here, then to
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a chief or enter many other places. continuing is where the talks in the north of the causal strip means thousands are being forced to flee a gun. a william uh plan uh the drop leaf lives and called us on our mobiles asking us to leave jamalia camp and other areas and moved towards the west of gaza. we didn't move on the 1st day because we thought they were not serious. but then the bombing and shooting started and the culture of the continuing is really a talks and the north of the causal stripping thousands are being forced to see a gun, the roads line with policy and use clustering whatever they carry. but they live with the constant fear that more is ready to talks are never far behind as know where it's safe in gaza and the city. i just need a video but gaza palestine more than 1000000 palestinians are on the move from northern solve on guys or especially from rossa. and i all heading to central kansas law just as he del bala and make shift camps have reached the very end of
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the shows of the mediterranean sea. there's no safe drinking water level food and basic supplies. have old run out the situation of hospitals and southern guides or is equally di, the director of quite hospital in rafa has one of the medical facility will run out of fuel in less than 24 hours. the design is to question his own going against people in rasa. these riley scientists forces head moving parts of the area of the world, still silent and unable to intervene without in the quite hospital, which is the only operating on splitting muscle and it operates as a reception point. 247 was sounding the alarm and urging the international health organization to live up to its responsibilities and provide the hospital with the necessary fuel to power to generate, to solve about we have an amount of fuel that's only for 24 hours. we want to age every organization to live up to their responsibilities, the posting and people must not be left alone to face to face this hospital still
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operating and it's never been evacuated. we will continue our efforts for the sake of the patients. and we're now trying to establish a field hospital as soon as possible, and that will be probably the same role as director of planning it doing well. he says the situation of ruffled remains tends to spot the i c, j rolling. we've not seen any immediate changes on the ground in terms of impacts on the lives of power. steering is what we have seen as a commitment for goods and fuel to start flowing again from egypt. tomorrow. we see this is a positive development, a very positive development is something that we've been calling for for a long time. but and so we're able to get those supplies in and distribute them around because they're only then will be able to resume distribution of flour. and other food commodities to the population. that remains inside rafa. out of the office of garza. the reason for that is the difficulties in getting the supplies in
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through the car. i'm sure i'm crossing since the 6th of october at which point the area in which we're working, that has become a not so complex so that it's on the safe. it replies detailed and in depth coordination with, with these rarely all thirds is what kept to check points are holding points for a long time and link to that. we also need to coordinate the entry of fuel into, into, for through the same crossings as well. and without the fuel, of course we con, run our trucks, we can't run the generates is that power the water wells, the hospitals, the, the, the intensive care unit, stylus machines, etc. we have a as on route alone, thousands of trucks of a, either inside uh, inside egypt or in our store in israel. so the 8 is that, you know, bedroom, i'm not far away in the case the vast of times of kilometers away. and in case of other reach a bit further, but is that on the boundaries close by?
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well, so population in gauze it gets closer to finding. so far, testers have gathered and tell of h to the amount of the government prioritized as getting captives held in gals a back home to live up to the military announced the recovery of 3 more captives bodies from northern cancer, and the government rallies office are taking place as well has been to l. just arrow from reporting from this. so it's got us out of high that who joins us now from the jordanian capital amman inside of it. now the large demonstration will protest without actually having any impact in putting pressure on netanyahu at this point, it will raise price. so, so just getting bigger and bigger and the longer their reg, no, they said the going to persist and take this. so a step further, so for example, what started off as gatherings on site today is without any protests turned into
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mass pro test. so not just of families of those health captive coming together, but anti government parts has the same process. does that we, sol protesting we comb, week against did you destroy over forms before the war started? but there is so incredibly vogue who they meet with us officials. they have done the full of $83.00. it's a catch all one time to speak to the cast remediate, says who apparently going to be holding according to his reading media that says these negotiation tools next week. it's still not clear when we've had no official confirmation from the categories themselves, but as well seems to think according to a report say that that will be happening off a paris meeting between cas, all of us, the head of the c i a as well as the head of israel is most sides to at least try and bring a box the ca, sions, which uh, completely stops
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a couple of weeks ago. now in terms of the families, as you mentioned, the 3 bodies were times yesterday and just a few hours ago, a cosigned brigade, the minute shooting, of how much released a video showing a dead what seems to be at least a dead cap says and, and sending a message directly to the families of those captive st. you should be all skin your lead is who this person is not revealing which kind of services and it's them who have the offices. of course, that will definitely stress the families. and that will put more pressure on the government, whether the government or the will cabinet or the prime minister will listen. well, that's another thing because they say that they all determined to continue with this will. and the families say they want to an end to the will to bring. right. so the types of times and dates, thanks so much, sought us out of high that for us. this in a month for us is the floating don't cost the cost of gas. it remains fully functional, optis wrong wives, cause damage to part of the peer groups formed the pay of project is not considered
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a substitute for land deliveries that could bring in all the food holes and fuel needed in kansas city. castro has more on the us reaction from washington d. c. according to us central command is that 4 pieces of what they call us army vessels, broke free from the moorings, due to heavy seas and drifted off to sea. now, what's unclear is whether these vessels were actually tied together to form the peer itself, or whether they were used for transport both or are possibilities. but they were drifting off to see and then 2 of these pieces, according to the pentagon, were recovered, but are anchored on the beach now, not an operation. well to other is drifted so far north that they went past the gaza strip and are now beached near the town of ash. kalonde is real. and now that is really navy as well as the u. s. navy are operating to recover those pieces and they're gone says that the peer remains, quote,
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fully functional. they said there were no injuries, and they emphasized that throughout this recovery operation, still no us boots on the ground in gaza. quote, no us personnel will enter gaza of 5000 injured palestinians. have been evacuated for emergency treatment abroad since is right. launched its for on gaza. among them the young children felt comfortable with amputations and debilitating boons. at least 10000 more patients are on the waiting list, hoping to be evacuated, to some good food reports. pushing through the pain after 3 months in this health care facility in guitar 11 year old door reno. but you can finally walk again. good, good. i thought i'd have to stay for more than a year in the wheelchair. i was asking my aunt if i'd be paralyzed forever during couldn't move her legs after an air strike that killed 60 members of her family in gaza. plus
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a foreigner outside last night the straight cutest at 12 o'clock. me and my brother came in. we were on the floor, everything and everyone was under the rubble. she's one of nearly 20000 children that the un estimates have lost the parents and the war. this facility was filled with a 22 world cup. now it's been turned into a place with 500 patients to receive treatment, education and psychological support. there's more room here, but no other patient has been able to leave the gaza strip in more than 2 weeks. before the war, 8000 patients cross the alpha and beta noun crossings every month to receive treatment abroad. that number has dwindled to less than $5000.00 evacuated and 7 months of conflict. the need is bigger than ever before. hospitals and cause a lot critical supplies, stuff, and medicine, or simply destroyed. leaving thousands in need of complex surgery post up
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care and rehabilitation with little to no support. the guitar as among 12 countries that offered to receive the wounded and the sick from gaza. ibrahim nearly died when a strike hit his home on october 17th. what the doctor, even when i had the 16 m. m, between the moment i got injured and now i've had around 61 surgery since the last . the operation was yesterday and soon gone to a link that will get prosthetic clement at least 10500 patients are currently on the waiting list, according to god's us health ministry. with no one has been able to leave on medical grounds since these rarely troops to control a bit off of crossing earlier this month. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. if this i'm going to, it was a 0, was still
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a head on al jazeera. once for of age now discovered we visited a memorial talk in taiwan, the hottest, the divisions with mainland china. and dr. susie gee, is the potty of nelson mandela losing its grip on power in south africa? the hello. we have plenty of showers long spells of brian coming in across the western pa, solve here a pack them. i mean say the areas of plaid up towards the low countries, another little one. 0, but if lee at present and then we'll see some wet weather coming in across the northwest as we go through the next complex di, spell the reset sunshine, high pressure in child. so i settled, i'm sunny it with a women's around that high, maybe in the clockwise direction, we drawing some very well mass still across the good pots of scandinavia is 20 to
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install comp 26. and also we and seeing these numbers in past days, really warm weather will be just around that jeremy pushing across into power. let's push through sunday, going on into monday and see the pockets of warm are up towards the baltic states by tuesday, 21 in august. lemme back down to 20. as we go one through, why does they notice cooler act coming in with a higher ground here? but a 27 still in place, the full stop cold for the middle parts of next week. so it does play pretty warm across set to move the parts of europe out towards the northeast as well as some what's, what's coming into the western side of russia. plenty a shower as long as spell's a frame moving across the bridges house as we go one through monday and still some showers. the central box, the you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use
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a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the, [000:00:00;00] the you watching on to 0 reminder about top storage. the cell, at least 10 palestinians have been killed in this try come to school in northern
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cancer. 15 were injured. witnesses said to try and carried out the attack. and most of the victims who women and children in the us is the funding don't cost the cost of cause. it remains fully functional after strong wives cause damage to part of the peer. i'd groups willing to pay a project is not considered a substitute to land deliveries that could bring in all the food also and fuel needed and gaza. probably testers have gathered in some of age to demand the governments prioritize this given captive, held him gaza back home to live up to the military, announced the recovery of 3 more captives bodies from northern causes and the government release out. so taking place on this stuff i because he is secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and joins us now here. thank you so much for being with us here. and they'll just say are english festival, or if we can begin with the i c. j rolling that came out a little up to 24 hours ago. we've seen since that israel has stepped up. it's offensive when it comes to profit. a you festival,
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surprised by the response at all, and do you think that there was anyone that netanyahu and his government will listen to at this point in time? well, i'm not surprised because those are in for the, for the, for the kids has gone to the 10th above the little above international. and i come to the international. and what's changing now is that, that impunity is gone. not only that i see here, but also the i c c, r, intervening. and you'll hear this very important statement as leg though one from the defense minister of spain. so they're saying that there's, there is committing a genocide, basically. and the crimes, even the vice chancellor of gemini, is saying that there's a, there is a breach in good faith national. this is a new situation, but is there and is not listening to the there is an early autumn. he could up to this moment,
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46 pedestrians and gaza and enjoy more than 170 most of the form of children and women. so nothing you know is proceeding. how with this kind of, how can this but the main country in the world could stop as an under this 3 an image immediately is diana states of america. and i think there are 2 methods that need to be used. the 1st one is to go to the international to get to the, to the security council of the united nations and immediately take a decision that a to for us is it or to stubs, or just to, to respect that, that is a notion of the international court of justice, but i don't think is that i would listen without a change in the american position or without the sanctions. i believe now it's time to impose sanctions on is it have to force it to stop being a being so very with lifting of all these international laws you to rest
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agents who needs to cool for those sanctions? where do they need to come from the united states, presumably, united states, europe. that's the big question here to do. we live according to understand the standards, one standard for the rest of the world, the standard for israel. and uh, i think uh what, what was said, the w money responsive of people, the new special advisors and put in who said, who said it's need that now. respect of the rule of law or support isn't it? that is what we see here. but i sure was it was was so it's subjected to $11000.00 sections in less than 2 months. not a single section yet against. is it a guess? what does that this key is? what is at stake is not only the issue is it is, depends on what it's about, whether this one has international law or it doesn't fit in the last 24 hours since the only c j. well, and there has been quite
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a lot of discussion of bouts complicity, especially with united states providing billions of dollars with a, with ins to as ro, knowing now that they have been used and presumably will continue to be used to kill innocent civilians within gaza. what about the risk of exposure to legal scrutiny and legal consequences? and do you think that is going to have any sort of impact on the u. s. position and into a bond at this point some time. and instead of way to put pressure on the us to put pressure on this rep, of course, there wouldn't be consequences to what's happening die, i'm sure the i c j eventually will come to the poor. the conclusion that what's happening in gaza is una site. and if that happens, then not the united states gentlemen, it would have to that consequences. united kingdom would have to bear consequences because anybody who is complicit with these is there any effects would also be
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accountable and wouldn't be judged the it as being about this event in the act of human side. this is very serious, but you'll still hear crazy people, like, uh, a lot of the american center thought is the saying that the codes then thought i saw the criminal court should go to help me. i think piece of good to him because this kind of language means that there is no, it is fixed whatsoever to international or to international humanitarian little or to people whom i'd like to leave it there. but as always, we really do appreciate your inside of this. thanks so much my stuff. thank you. well, huge amounts of rubbish, with no means of removal. continuing to pile off across because we're sending this period of disease and exacerbating the disparate conditions in the strip. teracon resume has more from de paula, as the is very well in the gaza strip, has linked to stuff that can dalia humanitarian condition,
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profoundly affecting the lives of 2200000 palestinians who are in a very desperate and useful dignified shelters. as you can see, you do see a clear results of this very ongoing operation in golf at all has been selected by the devastation, quickly by to waste collection infrastructure and even excess of placing that were redesigning a situation which will free time will ex and the rate of spreads often pictures. these are used by the army as well, prevents the goals of municipal cruise from transporting waves to the mainland fields in the district. areas of garza. 6 am con eunice alongside with the ongoing attached to the municipalities of the cruise on the ground. according to the initial reports of the summation of the service of waste connection service, right was completely free times of war, around 98 percent. and during the has reduced to less than 20 percent as a huge amount of waste. and so that waste our 1st multiple areas and the goal is to
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close through show to sense as a school hospitals and even to for a laptop. so awesome, right, multiple areas, of course, the charts we've talked about as of algebra. yeah. with that, i had a small the, the russians drawing on the ukrainian city of hockey is killed, at least full of people and injured dozens of others, destroy targeted the hardware store and the residential area of the city. hockey's regional governess into russian got involved this fits of john store and the fire broke out as of 15000 square meters. rahile grange claim. this attack on hall, keith is another manifestation of russian madness. only my man, like pretend and capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a vile way. we already know that there are wounded and dead. my condolences to the families and friends of those who have died. when we tell the leaders of the world,
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a crane needs sufficient at defense protection. when we say that we need real determination to allow us to protect the lives of our people in the most effective way possible. so that russian terrorists cannot even come close to a boat as we are literally talking about how to prevent terrorist attacks such as these. yes, john holman, has moved from the ukranian capital case. president below them is the landscape here talking about a defense. there is now a $61000000000.00 miller tre package was held up in the us, but some time was approved in april. and those supplies are starting to arrive in ukraine. obviously, she wants to see them get here as soon as possible. he especially wants patrick systems. these are missile systems that he says to protect part of keeping the hockey region. but he was also speaking there about the ability to ukraine to what the gains russian. busy targets on russian soil and the name of the united states is saying no to that. he says it says that the weapons is 30 nights, are only full of things that are happening with within ukraine. presidents related
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skis, argument as well. some of those are attacks of being north from just over the other side, the border. we're going to be able to hit those visuals. so this offensive that happenings in the hockey region in the northeast, just tons of columbus has away from haul. keep city that was bombarded at today. russian forces have been heading across the the last couple of weeks that offensive started on the 10th of may. and they've taken about $200.00 square lumens of territorial russian policies. claim today. did they taken the to the village of out of town hills skate, which is the end of the next screech, and it'd be a. so that seems to be at the moment a line that ukraine is just about, but struggling to hold together all the way down. it's lacking manpower. it's also lacking wherever we're at the moment to be able to do that. we're getting into some went off to the winter's fighting season,
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is when russia will be seeing that it can make gains and be trying to use this window to do so. at least 47 civilians and soldiers had been killed in the lights as violence incidents, city of el sasha. the governor of then stopped for regions is at least 100 others have been injured. united nations is also warning that the region is facing a growing risk of genocide and famine. so the africans, ruling african national congress has held its final really before polls open on wednesday. the policy is expected to lose its absolute majority in parliament which it has held since the end of a positive. this is years ago that might lead to a coalition government with the amc potentially needing to strike deals to keep the presidency. mike, hannah was at that really. and so with that in the south african well, this is the final ready for the amc before the elections take place some 30000000 votes. this will be decided they will go into the national assembly. the majority
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of the national assembly then becomes the governing party and let the president what i'm doing now by running the minister for justice. thank you very much for joining us. why is the i is the so confident that it's going to retain its majority of the wordpress and deluxe web improve the life of the people with the context more to put them is in terms of reorganization. that includes the most i've ever, it has been a front internationally in reading the case of israel's will on gone to the international stage. it has on the way the coming election issue in south africa. right. do you feel that you have the support of the majority of south africans in terms of the suing this prosecution of israel?
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yes, because our internet is not included, is based on the consumption in my 2 buddies lay the foundation that human rights reports and business. remember, it's a better way of the way that it started a little bit to, to me for this thing is intending to tell us that i didn't, we are not until the also for the so we also will come to live yesterday by the i do. we believe this is the internet is the most that internet or the must be based on the internet and that the local, a new phone business is inside. it's very listening to this isn't of admission at the local order that it must be order on the web with the government and believe it or not me. so it is not
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a allowed to prevent. so this is very important. it's only for the children. thank you. very much indeed with treating us. although we hear once again a confident pain going into the selection of quality. that's a so confident of majority, south african support for its action to hold is read a tangible for it to attack its full in gaza. my kind of era, so way to turn this military has ended 2 days of drills around taiwan. the island is continuing to try and distance itself from its historical connections to china. and it was part of that. the government has pledged with phones to to remove almost 800 statues of chung kind of shake who use martial law to rule the island for decades. but mcbride reports from ty i'm a c on any visit to taipei, the changing of the god inside the collaborative whole to churn kyesha, the father of the boston, taiwan, who brodis chinese nationalists to the island of to the 1949 defeats to china is
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coming out of the favorite part of heading, the long expected come on us invasion from the name. but the now is drive from


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