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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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always an attempt to same as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the . the no, we're safe in guns that tell us any and sheltering in the school and the noise come under. as for any attack, at least 10 people were killed. the ultimate cried, this intelligence they were on line from time. so coming up on the move, once again, tens of thousands of palestinians play the central kansas. the nature of tents have now reached the shows for me to training and see thousands of anti government
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purchases gather across as well as major cities demanded the return of captives housing, gals. of russians struck on a height of mike as a new cranes keeps, it kills at least for people and thousands on injuries and fears. clashes in the last night just throwing hold of the sudanese on me and stuff for at least 2. he said and done the we begin and gone so weird is ready for us. have killed at least $45.00 palestinians and a series of attacks across the strip. northern gauze. i have seen heavy bombardment by these rarely ami. it is rarely strongly to the school with this place, palestinians of sheltering if the 2 body of refugee camp in northern gowns are killing at least 10 people in dallas color begins coverage from del butler and counsel. and the blood still hasn't dried after is, or is it this refuge for civilians and the japan did refugee come unable to find
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safety anywhere in causal. it's the result of intensifying operations in the area where is rose. military has once again told thousands of people to evacuate, and we were sitting peacefully, then boom, there was a boom. a missile from a controlled drone or a regular drone, but it did massive damage in the school yard. there were a few people who were dismembered and cut into pieces. i do not know how to explain, but they were in pieces. i am here where they make bread. the arabic flat bread here was a child who was murdered and a woman was injured badly. and there were 3 or 4 children who were also murdered here. so many of them for nearly 8 months, palestinians have repeatedly been displaced on my watch just what we have suffered and we have been forced to go. 6 6 or 7 displacements, winter shoes are here,
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then to a chief, into many other places. continuing is where the talks in the north of the causal strip means thousands are being forced to flee a gun. a william uh plan uh the drop leaf lives and called us on our mobiles asking us to leave jamalia camp and other areas and moved towards the west of gaza. we didn't move on the 1st day because we thought they were not serious. but then the bombing and shooting started and the culture of the continuing is really a talks and the north of the cause of stripping in thousands are being forced to see a gun. the roads lined with policy news clustering was over the carry, but they live with the constant fear that more is ready to talks are never far behind as know where is safe in gaza and the city just eda, the gaza palestine is ready, forces are advancing into into japan, they are trying to take control of gauze as largest refugee camp. now finding the it has intensified during the past 2 weeks. i'm just,
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there is also sharif reports from their the the, into the situation is very difficult for everyone here in japan, the refugee camp and in the northern areas of the gaza strip. these really military ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displaced people to leave the areas in the alpha lose a big law. here areas, the people who have left the eastern parts of 2 by the account, 2 of illusions made law here. now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of this mail, treat ground operation and leaving without having a specific place to go. they have no shelter to result 2 and these really forces have destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gunfire and non stop auxilary. shelley from these reading forces were another way. yeah. and how do we don't know where to go? we have lost every thing. there is absolutely nothing left for us. we have committed no sense. how did i do is i'm going to send me and this lady is 80 years old. she's
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disabled. this is the free time for us to take her from one place to another. i helped her and walked with her while she was in the wheelchair for 4 kilometers to find a show. so we never found a safe place for her to stay. there was heavy gun fire hood as the palestinians were leaving devali account of the study of a good deal more than 1000000 palestinians are on the move from northern and southern guns are especially from profit, and they are all heading to central. kansas launch is a debt. i'll fall on and make shift camps have reached the very end of the shows of the mediterranean sea. there's no safe drinking water, the whole food and by supplies of oil, but run out of the situation that hospitals and southern gaza is also dire. the director of quite hospital and verify has more of a medical facility who run out of fuel in less than 24 hours.
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the design is the question is ongoing against people in russia. these riley scientists forces had more than half of the area of the world, still silent and unable to intervene without in the quite hospital, which is the only operating all splitting offer and it operates as a reception point. 247 was sounding the alarm and urging the international health organization to live up to its responsibilities and provide the hospital with the necessary fuel to pump to generate to solve about we have an amount of fuel that's only for 24 hours. we want to age every organization to live up to that responsibilities. the posting and people must not be left alone to face to face this hospital still operating and it's never been evacuated. we will continue our efforts for the sake of the patients. and we're now trying to establish a field hospital as soon as possible the same role as director of planning it sooner. he says the situation and rather remains tense, despise the i,
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c. j rolling. we've not seen any immediate changes on the ground in terms of impacts on the lives of power. steering is what we have seen as a commitment for goods and fuel to start flowing again from egypt. tomorrow . we see this is a positive development, a very positive development is something that we've been calling for for a long time. but and so we're able to get those supplies in and distribute them around because they're only then will be able to resume distribution of flour. and other food commodities to the population. that remains inside rafa. out of the office of garza. the reason for that is the difficulties in getting the supplies in through the car. i'm sure i'm crossing since the 6th of october, at which point the area in which we're working, that has become a not so complex so that it's on the safe. it requires a detailed and in depth coordination with,
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with these rarely all thirds is what kept to check points are holding points for a long time and link to that. we also need to coordinate the entry of fuel into, into, for, for the same crossings as well. and without the fuel, of course we con, run on trucks, we can't run the generates, is that power the water wells, the hospitals, the, the, the intensive care unit, stylus machines, etc. we have a as on route alone, thousands of trucks of a, either inside uh, inside egypt or in our store in israel. so the 8 is that, you know, bedroom, i'm not far away in the case the vast of times of kilometers away. and in case of other reach a bit further, but is that on the boundaries close by? well, so population in gauze it gets closer to finding. so the protesters have gathered until of age to demand. the government prioritizes getting captives held in gaza back home alive. and these recent pictures from tel aviv with those protests of
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tuned into scuffles between the purchases and police and security forces. there is a live fix is now from tele vapor, we see a police mounted on this is trying to control of the cells use of people that have taken to the streets. and the government protests has been joined by the families of captive for the health in gaza. that being explicitly a frustration with a government's inability to free the remaining captives who are health in the district. we've seen these prices of weight, see very, very nice. now for months, even if he says that i not know we haven't seen them as violence as this for quite some time with police. have really had to step in to try and get control of the situation. this is a live picture from timothy right now. of probably just as clashing with police, we will keep a close eye on development. there are the next hour who's rel is coming
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on to increasing global criticism. for its months long war on garza fridays, i. c j decision added to its growing isolation. the ruling time just dies off to prosecute us at the international criminal court. another international tribunal is taking a risk lawrence of israel's prime minister in defense minister and the same week 3 european countries. island snow white in spain took the coordinated step of recognizing palestine as a state. and about 2 weeks ago the united nations general assembly has back to tell us to the and bid to become a full union member. it is the security council to reconsider the method favorably rallies in solidarity with palestinians continue to grow across the world. despite was freed condemnation against, as well as war on down. so there has been no sign of slowing down. so daniel levy is president of the us middle east project and he wasn't as rarely negotiating,
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explains why he thinks the i c c risk warrant and the ice age i rolling. what would have an impact on israel's actions in gaza? these are significant steps. the international criminal court in the international court of justice in particular, those unfortunately all not self in forcing. so this is not going to prevent, it's the continuation of what we've just been looking at in terms of what's going on in rough. uh, and that was where in gaza the this test he's taking yes for response to public pressure, but they still do mostly in the symbolic rep, robert for many times as well. well, that says to me, he's the layers and layers of impunity that he's route has build top of being slowly chipped away. but on the stage it is slowly, you know, the words recognition fine, thoughts, good,
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active. so there are 2. what do we see in terms of the flow? what? what are we seeing you terms of trade? what do we see? tons of israel's participation, continued participation in international support, for instance, the summons that may fit your fee and full, etc. so what i think this tells us is this may be a week a month that we look back on and say, this was the beginning of a real shifting pressure. but right now the pressure needs to maintain the maintain . i'm really intensified because 2 sides. what you have is, 1st of all, you have to do based inside the tablet, inside the coalition, or nothing yahoo with the 2 wings or should we be populate, ethnically, cap plans of resetting causal or just continue to military? i think just some when i run the key of course, and then you have the plans of guidance, which uh, um, fantastic fantasies about having a european arrows and palestinians. but we don't know the exist helping manage
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costs each tooth and in the public. and you're showing those images alongside me. the publisher is more confusion. there was more questioning of how this is going on . there is a sense that yes, please repeat the range because palestinians have been so d humanise. but they know this isn't going well as well. has banned al jazeera from reporting from this. so let's go to sort of high that who joins us now from the to a dining capital amman, and saw that i know you, we've been keeping a close eye on these protests throughout the evening. intel of these but in the last half hour or so, they've turned from what was relatively peaceful to quite violent clashes between purchases and police. yes, that's right. so i'm just looking at the pictures here. obviously, as you were saying, we caught reports from that because we've been binds, but we have been covering these process right from when they 1st started to it's
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certainly when the families of those held captive will gathering and what's known as false disquiet. in tennessee, we were that all of the time that we were covering those price system stocks today . they started off relatively peaceful and certainly this is, this is the 1st time. if you're looking on your screen now, you'll see the whole says turning out they've already taken out routes out the will to does he watch night? is some water as well times. and also we've been seeing some prior testers of being arrested and not because the block blocking one of the maintenance is sections in tel aviv in central time of even 5. so not something else to be on to government protested. and those are protesting against the prime minister it and start calling on him to immediately resign. they said because of the handling of the will, because hall for those that will take contemptible most a $125.00 of them are still stuck in the gaza and their families don't know whether
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that's still a life or that many of them have been speaking today, one of those is a mother of one of those that was killed in that body's bull fox. yes. today saying that enough is enough. we need offices and we need to see the rest of those still start that to be brought by this. as we're seeing, and it seems that they will be towards taking place next week is ray, the media is been reporting that it will possibly take place in capsule. how mazda goes to come out with a statement saying that it won't be held on, choose a country to is ray, the media is reporting. so the details are still very much unclear. but the tensions that you're seeing in those pictures that sets in the desktop, from what we've been seeing in the last few weeks, i and from the side of the protesters and go from the sides of the families, the stalemate, they steal, the there's not, they're not getting anywhere with this will some of the families of also have been speaking on public see the saying that they were told by the x ray,
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the minute tree that they had finished. and the news of the gaza strip that they eliminate to thomas in the fights is i'm the come on to come all the raw, the in fact in the north. and that's why they moved on to the center of the gaza strip and then onto the south and drop off. well there they are again in jamalia. now today is the 14 full thirty's day even since the israeli troops have returned. yes, a minus to retrieve those 3 bodies, but the biggest concern, the families, all those captives have, is that they will come back to that and not said biggest worries. and on top of that, just today as well, no real keeps coming from let the known in the northern parts of the country. so a lot of those families also use those hotels in and around that square that you will see or housing, those that have to be full spouse of their homes from the northern border and from the border with because district and they're losing money. they want to go back to
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their lives and they're seeing no results so far. and that's why the angry, but they're also being met by what seems to be some form of force. if you look on social media and if you look at those are speaking out there saying that this kind of forces absolutely on necessary and they will continue, they say, to protest until they see those results. tom. yes. so you're talking about tension overflowing into and go the just the frustration often months and months of this whole going on with the newton, yahoo governments, as the war cabinet. these protests are obviously designed to try and put as much pressure on the front minister in his cabinet as possible. is there any sign at this stage that that pressure is actually working of the quote um i might just keep looking through. so i do, i'm looking at the pictures as we speak, thoughts prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it seems, has a meeting
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a few days ago with some of those that are in the know on the negotiations. and it seems, it was a result of some of the pressure that the families had put on the whole cabinet. and that was also, they had to release a video showing 5 females as the male soldiers that had been kidnapped and taken across the gospel on october. the 7th. it was very great. it was quite detailed. and in fact, today they've been showing that in front of the kiddy on the defense ministry on a massive screen. and they said that they could cite spies showing not video that it would put pressure on missing yahoo and also on the government. this assets, when israel is also facing huge back class, obviously we saw the i c j or the yesterday, and then this is so i see see, posted to prosecute to the seeking an arrest warrant full prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as well as the defense administer. you ask a lot,
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so on the international stage they can see that is rather is coming under a lot of scrutiny. now when you hear from the families, well then now starting to say is that they feel that every decision that's being taken isn't with the captain. in mind isn't with the families in mind. what's, what's in it for the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu and such. and these are those within the spa, right? government is that he, they say that the decisions are politically motivated and to save themselves when we talk about saving themselves. why is that? because prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing a trial within his country. the 3 guys before he even got elected to become the prime minister, our prime minister through this coalition government. and also on top of that now with the speak of an arrest warrant, it could potentially mean some points, it would be taken further. so the concern, say all this is personal and politically motivated and the, when it comes to the interest of the families and those health concepts,
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they say they want an immediate end to the rule and that they feel that bad government isn't representing them and doesn't have the interest so how so some really quite remarkable things that we have watching on solid on the streets of tell us eve. now the police clearly moving in and trying to dispense this large group of protesters that i, that of trying to hold the ground at this point in time. as you say, the stuff that out is it just peaceful protests that we have seen every saturday evening in tennessee for months now. but we've never seen them uh, escalates to this level in recent times. so yeah, it takes a little bit about how politically most advisor um oh the, the, the, the cabinet, the whole cabinet is this like basically just going to save themselves, save their own political nicks at this point in time. can you talk a little bit about how fractions that cabinet is right now between the decisions to
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and isn't yeah. who's making on the grounds and the pressure that clearly is coming on them from is riley's themselves the yes, absolutely. when you look at the divisions, vice fractures didn't pay rights in the beginning when a prime minister, benjamin netanyahu phones, a small cabinet. so it's included people with previous experience and they said united but over the weeks over time, you start to see some cracks to pay. and suddenly a couple of weeks ago. and if i remember correctly, one of those will cabinet members came out with this. saving a speech against prime minister netanyahu and really cooling out those divisions. and then just a few days ago, a through a freedoms of i a,
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it was revealed that the is really ministry has it seems, wound the prime minister more and the government, those divisions that existed in the country because of them wanting to introduce traditional reforms was weakening them in front of what they said with the eyes of the enemy for them, for these ratings, for example. so how much and those warnings it seems, want just internal, but it seems also egypt for example, had a few months ago said that they had also indicated that they could be some potential of a security breach. uh so you know, the people, the leaders of this country was so busy with these the anti government, protested traditional reforms before the war, and not just slots home busy by sending over a troops to the occupied territories. for example, to place the west bank every day we see res, daily day, every single night people are arrested families, mothers,
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people's homes are demolished in those occupied cherry trees unoccupied. east jerusalem for example, and that's exactly why on october, the 7th, wherever. all the forces when they need them on that border with garza. lots of them were in the west bank and that's exactly one of the reasons why lots of those families of those types is plain prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the army. because they said that they had dropped the ball, they put that focus elsewhere. and what was the warnings that something may be brewing? now that's in terms of the divisions when you also look, for example, the i c j order that we heard yesterday. the discussions all happening in israel law at the moment is that they believe of the, the supreme court, which is independence in israel, should be looking into the situation. and these like keys ations and looking into whether the military has created to breached international humanitarian. know which
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could potentially then help them if they are, if this is taken further on the international stage, but they're not doing that. they say they're investigating some of the comments made by ministers far right. ministers, for example, it's not been to very, this is ray, the national security minister, or the finance minister who's also in charge of the legal settlements and occupied westbank got so the best law, smart church, they've made incredibly inflammatory remarks which could amount to incitement of genocide for example, they have repeatedly said that they welcome anyone from gaza volunteering to leave . the goal is, is strickland. i pulled on egypt many times to open their borders to allow palestinians to leave. another example is the, they want the resettlement. let's remind you is the israel, who don't surprise cause are and withdrew in 2005. they won't. 8 the uh illegal is
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riley settlers to read assess to garza. so those remarks on being investigated internally. and that is also one of the causes of consent for many is re nice. but when you look at also divisions within these writing societies, they do support uh that being a role because they believe that the only way to have security in his role is to eliminate how much. but at the same time, they know the priorities is to bring back those costs. it's not for them as a priority. and they said many times, if it means anything, the will, they won't pick up the, the government raw, the n prime minister benjamin netanyahu to go for that option. one more thing, we seen a video release today from from us the showings of the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, the defense minnesota, as well as the gar regarding her garvey is ready spoke to ministry spokesman. and then also back cause that you see brought out pictures or videos rather of one or
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maybe more than one hostages. i mean, it's a message, but it's directed to the families of those campuses saying all school lead is who they all they'll be able to on. so you the time is running out. that's the message . and they know that the only way to get a deal done and sealed is to put pressure on the families. and they how much knows that that is the only for the way to then put pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. good. so the view is that it's a might have just a change in what you are watching, visa life pictures from the streets of tennessee, with a protest as the purchase of really rammed up for the anger the frustration that the purchases have with the knitting yahoo governments have really spilled either into violence in clashes with police in the last half hour or so. we have, we've really seen things stiff up there with police on horseback. we've seen was
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a cannon used and people standing up to that defiantly. they demanding the government prioritize is getting captives, health and gaza, back on the live of priority to dice, things that the nation yahoo, lead government has completely forgotten about at this point. the items into who it seems at this stage like this is a simpson, at least since i live a lease of regain some control lows at the prices. we will, of course, to the very close i own the moving situation in tennessee. we have same prices every sunday evening for me smells and tell us have but nothing of this nature with police and violently clash with protesters in quite some time.
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we will have much more in this story and this is alexis from garza. and around this time it's to me told me the price of the moment isn't so much more on our website till 12 to 0 is up next through stay with the the high, the high pressure remains very much in charge of what's a good pots, australia, so several, and quite to present still some missed and phone problems down towards the se for a time. but for most it sky to be a case of some present sunshine, some lovely awesome days. over the next few, we have got the few showers just housing that east coast. nothing too much to speak up to also some shabby ranges, clipping the fall south of australia,
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something positive w i. seeing a little bit of wet weather from time to time. but essentially as you can see, it is lost. the several and 5 wanted to choose. and you can see more of the same, less than what the weather coming back was past. at that stage, the weather will say heading this way towards the saying that at that stage, a lot of wet weather. meanwhile, making its way across the cramping, inch less central pots of china, and also into southern areas of china, say further funding problems. a concern here over the coming days will have funding consent to across the cream financially if the sunday northwest thing some very heavy right. i will split this way into south korea, not a little further east with as we go through monday. so some showers long, the spells the brain across a good part of japan drive with it coming back in behind. when we got once again, the paging the, the
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. ringback the on the and the phones move on to the local stage. the video is in the process of joining a combination of countries and a significant diplomatic initiative. the recognition of the palestinians, such as the shadows of the would be familiar with israel's compartment escalating daily. and no truce inside the international communities since defined all major european powers like germany continue to support as well with.


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