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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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which is 0 dollars to find suggest is through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and the lawyers space a terrible deal in the search for the truth, the lost souls of syria. well, now, just the era, the, [000:00:00;00] the little intel mccrae, this is been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes is rarely tax across the gaza strip. at least 51 palestinians, a killing strikes over the past 24 hours. the pension in tennessee is really purchased as by self with police during antique government protest. rehabilitating the
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children of concept will have the story of one of the 10s of thousands of children severely injured and is rose for us. the russians drunk on a supermarket in new kinds hockey, pacific hills, at least 4 people, thousands oranges. the we begin in gaza, we is ready forces, have killed, at least $51.00 palestinians in the series of attacks across the strip. both of them were killed, the northern gauze of which is seen intensifying from bob and find these where the and is ready strike. here's a school with this place, palestinians of sheltering. you have that your body of refugee can in northern gaza, killing at least 10 people in the country begins out coverage from down by like, gallons of and the blood still hasn't dried after is or is it this refuge for
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civilians and the deposit refugee come unable to find safety anywhere in causal, it's the result of intensifying operations in the area where is rose military has once again told thousands of people to evacuate, and we were sitting peacefully, then boom, there was a boom. a missile from a controlled drone or a regular drone, but it did massive damage in the school yard. there were a few people who were dismembered and cut into pieces. i do not know how to explain, but they were in pieces. i am here where they make bread. the arabic flat bread. here was a child who was murdered and a woman was injured badly. and there were 3 or 4 children who were also murdered here. so many of them. for nearly 8 months, palestinians have repeatedly been displaced on my watch just what we have suffered and we have been forced to go. 6 6 or 7 displacements, winter shoes are here,
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then to all schieffer and many other places. continuing is where the talks in the north of the causal strip means thousands are being forced to flee a gun. a william uh plan uh the drop leaf lives and called us on our mobiles asking us to leave jamalia camp and other areas and moved towards the west of gaza. we didn't move on the 1st day because we thought they were not serious. but then the bombing and shooting started and the culture of the continuing is really a talks and the north of the causal stripping in thousands are being forced to see a gun. the roads line with policy news clustering was over the carry, but they live with the constant fear that more is ready to talks are never far behind as know where is safe in gaza and the city just eda, the gaza palestine. israeli forces are advancing into your valley of trying to take control of gauze as largest refugee. you can find me, it has intensified during the past 2 weeks. how does there is on
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a sol sherry for points from there as hello the same team? the situation is very difficult for everyone here in japan, the refugee camp, and in the northern areas of the gaza strip. these really military ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displaced people to leave the areas in that i'll lose a lot here areas the people who have left the eastern positive to buy the account to of allusions paid last year. and now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of this now tree ground operation and leaving without having a specific place to go. they have no shelter to result too. and these really forces have destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gun fine and non stop artillery shouting from these running forces. what, another way. yeah, i think we don't know where to go. we have lost every thing. there is absolutely nothing left for us. we have committed no sense. how did i do is i'm gonna somebody,
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not this lady is 80 years old. she's disabled. this is the 5th time for us to take her from one place to another. i helped her and walked with her while she was in the wheelchair for 4 kilometers to find a show. so we never found a safe place for her to stay. there was heavy guns by a hood as the palestinians were leaving jamalia camp of the city of i was just beautiful the to the situation at hospitals and southern gaza is daya the director of quite hospital. and rafa is will, the medical facility will run out of fuel in less than 24 hours. the design is to question his own going against people in rasa. these really scientist forces had more than half of the area of the world. still silent and unable to intervene without in the quite hospital, which is the only operating all splitting offer and it operates as a reception point. 247 was sounding the alarm and urging the international health organization to live up to its responsibilities and provide the hospital with the
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necessary fuel to pump to generate to solve that, we have an amount of fuel that's only for 24 hours. we want to every organization to live up to their responsibilities, the posting and people must not be left alone to face to face this hospital still operating and there's never been evacuated. we will continue our efforts for the sake of the patients. and we're now trying to establish a field hospital as soon as possible, said rose, as director of planning it to unreal. he says the situation in for also remains tens despite the i c. j rolling us. we've not seen any immediate changes on the ground in terms of impacts on the lives of a policy. it is what we have seen as a commitment for goods and fuel to start flowing again from egypt. tomorrow. we see this is a positive development of very positive development. it's something that we've been calling for for a long time,
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but and so we're able to get those supplies in and distribute them around because they're only then will be able to resume distribution of flour. and other food commodities to the population. that remains inside rafa other parts of garza. the reason for that is the difficulties in getting the supplies in through the car. i'm sure i'm crossing since the 6th of october, at which point the area in which we're working, that has become a not super complex. so in it, it's on the safe. it requires a detailed and in depth coordination with, with these rarely all thirds is what kept to check points are holding points for a long time and link to that. we also need to coordinate the entry of fuel into, into, for, for the same crossings as well. and without the fuel, of course we con, run our trucks, we can't run the generates is that power the water wells, the hospitals, the, the, the intensive care unit, stylus machines, etc. we have a,
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as under a low thousands of trucks of a, either inside uh, inside egypt or in our store in israel. so the 8 is that, you know, bedroom, i'm not far away in the case the vast of times of kilometers away. and in case of other reach a bit further, but is that on the boundaries close by? well, so population in gauls, it gets close. it's a problem in this is riley par testers, have thoughts with the police and tell of aids during and other not have demonstrations against the government's handling of the war on gaza. the space used water cannons to disperse the crowds and the rest of the thousands of demonstrators, the protest as a cooling on the government to do more to secure the release of captives being held in guns. and it comes up to the military, announced the recovery of the 334, these captives in northern gallons. a loose rail has banned l g 0 from reporting from this. so it's not
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a hi. this is the following. those protests from the genuine capital a mon, as it turns quite violent. actually when the is ready, the police to end up with the war to kind of that you just mentioned. uh they started spraying the crowds at the time they were singing a song to cold, bring them back home, parts of the come pained by the families to bring back the remaining a $125.00, a cap to still left in the gaza strip. and then also we saw police on full spot and there's plenty of videos certainly that's being shared amongst these riley's on social media is saying that the violence is unnecessary. whereas some of the of some of the video shows the purchase is being cornered against the wall against defense as well. and then also just to be full that you had family members, some of those including the sister of one of those captives who was returned yesterday that you just also mentioned. one of the 3 bodies that came bought,
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where the is riley forces manage. they said to find them in devali, a refugee come to us in the north of the gauze and strip of the sister said that she will be brought burying her brother tomorrow, and a mazda of another captive saying, and pleading to the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but not just the prime minister, not just these riley war cabinet or a minute treat, but also actually pleading it to mediates is that includes egypt, sin task. so i was saying that if your daughter's was stuck in gaza trap the could, you would do wants to see more done to ensure that the negotiations of votes box that a ceasefire takes place to be able to ensure that those classes are assigned as parts of the deal and let's remind of yours. there was only one c spar that was agreed upon in november and the last 10 days. uh, when is relevant, accuse him us of changing the terms and conditions of what was agrees which at the
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time how must have rejected this is riley is coming on the increasing glenville criticism for his month long war on gaza. friday's on a c. j decision added to its growing isolation. the ruling came just as opt of prosecutors at the international criminal court, another international tribunal, the seeking risk lawrence office roles, prime minister and defense minister of the same week 3 european countries islands, new way and spine took the coordinated step of recognizing pel assigned as a states about 2 weeks ago, the united nations general assembly bank to tell us any and bid to become a full union member. it is the security council to reconsider the matter and really isn't sold. integrity with palestinians continue to grow across the world. despite widespread condemnation against, as well as for on gals that there has been no sign of it slowing down. then you'll libby is the president of us middle east project and he wasn't as writing negotiator explains why he thinks the only change i have only one has any impact on
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israel's actions and casa these are significant steps. the international criminal court in the international court of justice in particular, those unfortunately a low self in forcing. so this is not going to provide the continuation of what we've just been looking at in terms of what's going on in the process. and that will swear. in gaza, but the, all the steps we've taken, yes, there were supposed to probably pressure, but they still for mostly in the symbolic route. robins within the tangible route as well that says to me, is the layers and layers of impunity that his route has build top of being slowly chipped away. at this stage, it is slowly in other words, recognition fine box, good, active solidarity. but what are we seeing in terms of the flow of weapons?
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what are we seeing in terms of trade? what are we seeing in terms of israel's participation, continued participation, then it's not your fault. for instance, the somebody that picks your opinions, full, etc. so what i think this tells us is this may be a week a month, but we look back on and say, this was the beginning of a real shift, the pressure. but right now the pressure needs to maintain the maintain. i'm really intensified because inside what you have is, 1st of all, you have to do base inside the tablet, inside the coalition. oh nothing yahoo! where the 2 wings are. um, should we be populate, ethnically, cap plans of resetting causal or just continue to military up to 5? i say just somewhat ironically, of course. and then you have the plans of guns which uh, the front top fantasies about having a european arrow and palestinians. but we don't know that exist helping manage all that is true,
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but in the public and you're showing those images alongside me that in the public there is more confusion. there was more questioning of how this is going on. there is a sense that yes, they pay the whole range because policy needs have been so di, humanise, but they know this isn't going well. really. i spoke with them and stuff. like i said, the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. he says he's all surprised that as well as the 5 the i c, j is rolling and has intensified. it's on the operations and gaza. this is what i am for the, for the, for the dictates how's going to the, that sense above the little above, international and accountable to international law. and what's changing now is that, that impunity is gone. not only that i see here, but also the i c c, r, intervening. and you'll hear this very important step and his leg, the one from the defense minister of spain. so they're saying that there's,
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there is committing a genocide for security and the crimes, even the vice chancellor of gentlemen is saying that there's a, there is a breach in good faith national. this is a new situation, but is there and is not listening to the there is an early autumn. he could up to this moment, 46 pedestrians and gaza and enjoy the motor done. 132, most of the form of children and women. so nothing you know is proceeding, how with this kind of, how can this but the main country in the world could stop as an under this 3 and image immediately is diana states of america. and i think there are 2 methods that need to be used. the 1st one is to go to the national, took it to the security council of the united nations and immediately take a decision that is to, for us is it or to stop the world just to, to respect that, that is addition of the international court of justice, but i don't think is that i would listen without
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a change in the american position or without the sanctions. i believe now it's time to impose sanctions on is what i have to force it to stop being a being so very well lifting of all these international laws. you to rest agents who needs to cool for those sanctions. where do they need to come from the united states, presumably, united states, europe. that's the big question here to do. we live according to understand the stand this one standard for the rest of the world, the standard for israel. and uh, i think uh uh, well, what was said, the w money responsive of people, the new special advisors and put in who said, who said its need that now respect of the rule of law or support is that of the
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a crowded hardware store has been building caves and you kinds northeast region leaving full did and another for he injured a 2nd strike in a residential area entering at least 11 people keeps being the target of rushed into tax for months. now john holman reports from case they came on saturday afternoon to bum slamming into this hardware hype to market in hot case when the smoke cleared, this result was left alone with dozens of injured some dead. the cranium president called it and all the a civilian objective, the owner of a neighboring store. so it was pulled at the top of the entire system, both the, it was set to the lunch time and the gardening season. uh overall. and so there were lots of people in many cars with the children, and the parking lot is russian troops across the border into north east of ukraine
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in the past 2 weeks. the city of hot a key ukraine, 2nd most populous, has been relentlessly bombarded to ukrainian president. below them is the landscape spoke almost immediately off to the height. the monkey was hit the renewal grange. he'll claim this attack on hall. keith is another manifestation of russian and madness are only modern and like pretend and capable of killing and terrorizing people and such a vile wave. we already know that there are wounded and dead, my condolences to the families and friends of those who died when we tell the leaders of the world, a crane needs sufficient defense protection. when we say that we need legal determination to allow us to protect the lives of our people in the most effective way possible. so the russian terrorists cannot even come close to afford, as we are literally talking about how to prevent terrorist attacks, such as these just a day before this attack, he been in how to keep to inspect, to destroy printing pub, is it ministration is repeatedly also us to be allowed to use weapons,
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it's provided to attack targets within russia. us president joe biden, the sofa band that fearing escalation, but russian fight to jets military unless launching bly bones from within the territory. those clogged bonds then trouble tens of kilometer is the hit targets within you cried ukraine. the officials said that's what happened on saturday while it's emergency services can do little bold and clear out what's left on home and how does it keep? or at least 47 civilians and soldiers have been killed in the latest violence incident in city of al sasha, the governor of students, doubtful regions, is at least 100 others have been injured. the united nations is also voiding that the region is facing a growing risk of genocide and famine. so don's military has been funded the paramilitary rapids support forces for more than a year in a civil pool that's killed thousands and fulls millions from the heart. the u. n estimates, the conflict ongoing for more than
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a year has created the world's largest displacement across us about 9000000 people . well, thirty's in chad, expect the number of food in these refugees in the country to rise by about a quarter of a 1000000 to move the 900005 december, about half a 1000000 sudanese eval safely to egypt. nearly 140000 and south. so down and just have a $23000.00. it's a central african republic. they have been more than 14000 people too, since the conflict began in mid april last year. but alex, the well as the executive director of the world peace foundation at the fits your school of lauren diplomacy, at tops university. he described the warrants it on as one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. sedona is the biggest 5 and on the epi center of that, simon is off for region, which is been ravaged by the rapids. support forces us. they've rampaged across it,
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and now they are besieging insect and tightening the grip on the last remaining garrison. city of this and on forces which is faster. i'm attacking it to stopping it. and it's reckoning yet another is all stuck in this terrible sofa. sure is. is significant for a number of reasons. it's really the last stronghold of the internationally recognized government on the sit on to call me in the for so. so a place where many of the, the, the, of the groups that are now allied with the government or in the some loosely, some very tight hold of many tens of thousands of internal refugees of flood 12th show for safety. so if it went to full to the the are itself, not only i'm afraid,
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would we see the kind of massive rampage and root looting that we've seen elsewhere, but probably also not large scale in mexico, all of civilians and the just recently the r as f was credit pre accused of genocidal atrocities and we may see more of that so that because rolling african national congress has held this final really before wednesdays elections the potty is expected to lose its absolute majority of holland in which it has held since the end of a par 530 years ago that might lead to a coalition government through the amc potentially needing to trying to to keep presidency. mike hannah was that, that i n. c rarely and so we have in south africa as well. this is the final ready for the amc before the elections take place. some 13000000 votes. this will be decided they will pull into the national assembly. the majority of the national
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assembly then becomes the governing party and let the president what i'm doing now . if i run out the, the minister for justice, thank you very much for joining us. why is the i and see so confident that it's going to retain it's the majority of the wordpress and deluxe web. improve the life of the people with the connection to put them is in terms of reorganization that includes the most i've ever, it has been pay front internationally in reading the case of israel's will on gone to the international stage. it has on the way the coming election issue in south africa. right. do you feel that you have the support of the majority of south africans in terms of pursuing this prosecution of israel? yes, because our internet is not included is based on the consumption. in multi
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buys later foundation, that human rights reports and business. remember the way the way and others started a little bit of this thing is intending to tell us that i didn't, we are not the city and to the also for the. so we also will come to live yesterday by the i do. we believe this is the internet is the most that internet or the must be based on the internet. and that the local, a new phone business is inside. it's, they're listening to this is an open vision of the global order that it must be order on the web with the government and believe it or not me. so it is not allowed to prevent. so this is very important. it's only for the children.
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thank you. very much indeed put to anything us. although we hear once again a confident pain going into the selection of quality. that's a so confident of majority, south african support for its action to hold is ready to tangible periods of time. it's full in gaza. my kind of era, so by to meanwhile, south africa's for the president, jacob's whom, it has become a wild cards in the campaign. recent opinion poll suggested in his pass, you know, and by the acronym in k could gain around 13 percent of the national vote. and 25 percent and the full of president time problems are in the task. so reports from hostile before jacobs numa became the face of the m k party. he supported the governing african national congress. and using timing is important that that is an advance. he said it means that he knows the a, the, he knows the week of the a, the know the mistake he has made and he said he's. a from there too much promising to create jobs,
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fixed the economy and deal with corruption. so that gives know that the rough navigation is against checking everybody's supportive. say those allegations against them optimistically motivates. it's a continuation of persecution or prison zoomed by the states and also to make sure that it is still presumably at his ideas. the m. k. parties day must thing new kid on the waiting to see how well it was to make 3 comedy votes. getting kids away from the governing body and how well another part of this, but he's still a hit here on al jazeera. we'll live in the us city of detroit, home to the largest arab americans community with thousands of gatherings in silverdale received with palestinians.
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the, the hello, the high pressure remains very much in charge of the good parts, australia, so several, and quite to present still some missed and phone problems down towards the se for a time. but some nice that sky to be a case of some present sunshine, some lovely, awesome days over the next few, we have got the few showers just housing that east coast. nothing too much to speak up to. also some shabby ranges, clipping the fall south of australia, something positive w i. seeing a little bit of wet weather from time to time. but essentially, as you can see, it as long as the several and 5 don't want it to choose and you can see more of the same, less than what the weather coming back was past. at that stage, the weather will say, heading this way towards the saying that at that stage, a lot of wet weather. meanwhile, making its way across the cramping,
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inch less central pots of china, and also into southern areas of china, say further funding problems. a concern here over the coming days will have funding consent to across the current financial if the sunday northwest thing some very heavy. right. and a split its way into south korea. not a little further east with as we go through monday. so some showers longest spells of rain across the good pots of japan drive with it coming back in behind. when we got once again, the paging of the, i want people to look closer at the ugly side of this. i point my camera where all those prefer not to look i'm right about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up us worse filmmakers around tags and also via turn when on the power of political ok. what are the stories we tell sales about also?
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and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra, the the to what you know to 0 reminder of our top story is the cell,
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at least 10 palestinians have been killed and, and as for any attack on the school, the sheltering despised people in jabante, a refugee camp in northern gaza, is ready for us as have killed at least 51 palestinians in the past 24 hours is ready. protesters have faults with police and tennessee during demonstrations, against the government's handling with the logo and gaza. the cooling on the government's to do more to secure the release of captives being held in the strip. hundreds of thousands of palestinians in gauze i have been trying to survive as well as of a link list for the now trash piles and a lack of sanitation that also trending their lives. tons of ways to piling up across the gaza strip contaminating moser, polluting the air and spreading disease. terror composer reports from dia, i'll fall off the guns as a trip. more than 2000000 people. austic only thing with little security and
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limited shelter. many families also like basic sanitation needed to safeguard against the disease. you know, so why the, the streets are strewn with raw fish as well as a standing water that risk infections for months. now waste has volumes up of course. going so including here on the age of my goal is the rescue decals. before the war, 98 percent of it was collected successfully. now exploits, say that number is close to 20 percent of the hills. consequences. ok, perfect for people long. see how deep and even on the world i need digit done. i suffer from so many diseases. i also suffer from plaza mosquitoes. we can't sleep properly at night time because of the massive numbers of mosquitoes. several kinds of problems including shortness of breath, have stomach and intestinal infections due to being the other waste them. this is a will tell him, landfill,
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municipal authorities say these bodies on making their job impossible. wireless, i was going to be that we go to the municipality and they tell you that vehicles and garbage trucks have been targeted by these ratings. so we cannot provide any garbage collection service. the united nations development program has truly to supplement and sometimes replace the damaged or destroyed companies, fleets, you know, my goal is the one you on the truck, go talk as it totally and loads the drawings. i desperately attempts to restart it . while i am child speaks his way through the steaming pile, searching for something, anything to eat. the destruction of waste connection vehicle citizens has left crumpling to cope with the ongoing, escalating crisis the and to be says if the shift so the waste did not result.
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wilks excessive pays the suffering of palestinians in the goddess, but sorry about that, which is 0. there is that i have a strong 5000 injured palestinians, had been evacuated for emergency treatment abroad since the bulb again. among the young children felt the comfortable with amputations and debilitating boons, at least 10000 more patients that were on the waiting list, hoping to be evacuated into some getting foot reports. pushing through the pain after 3 months in this health care facility in guitar 11 year old doreen a by a can finally walk again on chassis good good. i thought i'd have to stay for more than a year in the wheelchair. i was asking my aunt if i'd be paralyzed forever during, couldn't move her legs after an air strike the killed 60 members of her family in gaza. casa for outside last night. the straight hit us at 12 o'clock me and my
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brother keen and we were on the floor. everything and everyone was under the rubble . she's one of nearly 20000 children that the un estimates have lost the parents and the war. this facility was built for the 22 world cup. now it's been turned into a place with 500 patients to receive treatment, education, and psychological support. there's more room here, but no other patient has been able to leave because of strep, and more than 2 weeks before the war, 8000 patients cross the alpha and beta noun crossings every month to receive treatment abroad. that number has dwindled to less than $5000.00 evacuated and 7 months of conflict. the need is bigger than ever before. hospitals and goes a lot critical supplies, stuff, and medicine, or simply destroyed. leaving thousands in need of complex surgery post up care and rehabilitation with little to no support. the guitar is
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a month 12 countries that offered to receive the wounded and the sick from gaza. ibrahim nearly died when a strike hit his home on october 17th. what the doctor, even when i had the 16 m. m, between the moment i got injured and now i've had a round 61 surgery since the last the operation was yesterday and soon gone to a link that will get prosthetic clement at least 10500 patients are currently on the waiting list, according to god's us health ministry with no one has been able to leave on medical grounds, since is rarely troops to control a bit off of crossing earlier this month. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again. and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. if this i'm going to it, i'm to 0. well, thousands of pellets done silver. there's the activist meeting in michigan to plan
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the next stage of the campaign to people's conference for pell assigned friends for 3 days, and his hearing from thousands of contributors as they were account strategies to highlight the client of the palestinians. philip fell, joins us now from detroit. and so can just give us an idea of how large this conferences and, and exactly what the planning is a next step to try and keep the pressure out. yeah, it's pretty big. i mean, the official number is not that we're moving 3000 registrations people from detroit, people from across the us, people from all over the world. although we know from organizes and some people are really struggling to get visas and thought we were told originally that a son obviously top who usually will remember was the british pound of sydney and such. and he treated people in gauze of a $43.00 days, and we said refused entry to france and germany, people supposed to be here. he's one of the ladies who was not able to get a visa. and that was a problem that many from at least in countries we have told facing. but nevertheless, there are still lots of people here. and i'm just gonna give you
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a quick sense of where we all, this is the central area. this is where people can come and they can look around, they can share ideas, they can find merchandise from local businesses that support the people have promised funds and they can talk about what it is that they love, denise kindly, which sections these workshops that are so many, but so can you about is ready defense that talking about the media? that's what you ask you to protest. i'm not talking about labor unions. i'm going to be to august here. this is from the, from the community to a guess where you would like to ship it. right? yeah, let's stop. it's got to do with all those. well, i mean, starbucks itself, like we came out with the solidarity statement for palestine in the starbucks response to that from our union, to sue our union. and to try to intimidate workers, silence that on silence or opinions on how side. and what was the response to that was the house and you move made coming together and starting a boy on starbucks. and it has what led us to being able to bargain with the company. the next upcoming months is put the company in crisis and is allowing our
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union to actually be able to negotiate and have an opportunity to change the working conditions of like fast food workers up, sorry about your pins to wear these of work as well. right? so when customers come in, i may see what kind of messages will be given to you i've, i've actually experienced like positive mostly interactions from like, oh, i live in a very era based community. so a lot of the era people are really happy to see the house and you might be like supported and like more now at the, at the store, especially from someone who like, looks like me and probably normally wouldn't be supporting, co signed in that way. and i mean there's some people who are not happy about it, but they're the minority and they're usually not willing to, they usually will just ignore me and look, give me a dirty, lucky walk away. but one of the things that people are really pushing for some people are pushing force for change in us policy. and this is a real example. i guess it's up to the individual person who isaac. so if you can make it a big difference, is that the sense that you get that?
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yeah, like a 100 percent. this is like a collected movement that like even every day i where the hell i, where my pulse and you've been at work, it inspires the people that i work with to support it. and it inspires the people around me and, and my community to like, want to see that change and fight for that change and it keeps them energy. going to know that we're all standing and together to support like an opportunity to self funding. israel in south bombing children in gaza and instead, you know, support the workers and support us back here at home to actually be able to continue doing that work and continue like preventing any genocide from happening and trying to stop the dentist that's currently happening. thanks very much appreciate it to this is like packed schedule and this event runs and started on friday. it runs through all sorts of like and it drops off lights on sundays. and so again,
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thanks so much phil. phil lavelle for us the in detroit the full, the us prison told trump is back on the campaign trail. he's addressing the libertarian national convention in washington dc, trying to attract support from a group of boxes that have often been skeptical of him, which 100 is in washington dc and joins us now. john, understanding has been incredibly teams. they can you just run this through exactly what is happening and what a fix at donald trump is having on that conference. the right. well, if you look behind me, excuse me, i was being left. you can see a sprinkling of those red mega hats. what you see and every trumpet that most of those people have just arrived for this event alone at the convention itself. there are a number of people who are not happy that donald trump is here because he's not deliberate . terry in parties candidate for president. so there's been some back and forth between people here and i've got just the right person to address this with me. this is brian mcwilliams. he's
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a communication director for the libertarian party. and let me 1st just ask you, why is donald trump will donaldson's here? because he understands the libertarian party and our what do you see what we believe and what we think is actually what the majority of americans are coming to think. so he wants to be here. in fact, they've reached out and they said, we want to speak eventually. we value what you bring here. so we said, okay, we'd love to have these as you can see, and you just, you can hear by looking around you, you can hear and see how many people came out to us about the excitement of media coverage just generated, introducing us to a, the amount of people that we really don't have a chance to reach almost any time in the history of our party. well, i got to give you credit because you have filled the room here in a way that i'm guessing doesn't happen at every convention annually speaking, like you do have maybe half of the crowd that are pro donald trump as the crowd are here for the libertarian convention, and many of them are not fans. what's gonna happen tonight?
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it's going to be faster than you see because the on so i'm just taking it seriously . he's going to tell us what we want a q is my belief. now the question is, whether or not you can tell us what you want to hear exactly the way that's going to be believable, or we're going to go along with it is going to be convincing to us, considering his practice. and we are going to hold him to account. but knowing that half the proud here is in fact maga, they may take umbrage with us if we do, decided to pull. and i could almost assure you there's going to be a time and you're going to hear some boots. so there may be a little bit of back and forth in the crowd to try to keep it for life. but you never know. and as you point out to you and the ability to pick the topics for donald trump to talk about, we don't know if he's going to stick to those or not. but last night we, we heard from robert f. kennedy junior, another non libertarian candidate. but somebody who would very much like to get the votes of the people here at this conference. what did you take from? yeah, well i mean are up to being here, i think is something where he is like, naturally with trump, you're seeing people come to the autopay has to come,
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even though he's a lot leading guy. he's a former democrats, he's coming to us from coming to us, and his speech addressed our issues head on once he cared about. now. he glanced over a lot of things that we disapprove of. he glanced over things like his beyond the human support of is the address. when he spoke to the point, we care about the constitution, the bill of rights, freedom and speech stance a censorship into your health freedom. so incoming here speak. you know, it's got a warm reception because he knew what we'd tear it out and he spoke to him for trump may not. right. trump may know that lucy, i think he's going to try to stick to the point is that there's one thing donald trump does not enjoy, is being booed. it's being somebody the portal for the say i have to defend themselves and we're going to put them in that position. now, i'm not saying that it's supposed to leave. there's no plan to do donald trump, but we without a doubt, will be on the watch to see if you get this please, and choose dotted. i guess it's easy to use, right?
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and we'll see if he sticks to the scripts or if he goes way off into a piece of space. all right, brian mcwilliams. thank you very much. he's the communication director for the libertarian party. and you can hear events getting under way and we fix this might get a little spicy as brian just pointed out. okay, thanks so much on will certainly be keeping a close eye on that in the next few hours. don't engine for us in washington dc. but for more or less air time, it joins us. i is a former congressional stop and also all of that. you a piece of war inside the baffle for the soul of the republican party. he joins us from washington, d. c as well. and i'm sure you were listening in there to that interview. i mean, it sounds like it's been quite cadillac at the convention of sort of 5, especially in comparison to previous years. that's been before donald trump's face has been in the fall. i think of the parties candidates invited. what do you may see if it'll as well, i think it's pretty bizarre that donald trump actually accepted. but i think the
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reason why donald trump is there is because we know donald trump right now has cash on hand $49000000.00 compared to nearly $200000000.00 cash on hand for president joe biden. and this is an easy way for donald trump to reach out to voters, to engage with them, to also get some of that free media that he needs without actually having to expend those very precious resources that he has that we know continue to be use for his many legal entanglements. so and also to, because we're talking about libertarian voters, it's not like this is actually going to expand the base that donald trump needs when you're looking at many of those key battleground, states like michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. and some of the others that said potty independent candidate like a robot. if kennedy is never won the presidency, often described as spoilers taking votes of the main republican and democratic candidates. which of bod, no trump,
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is most at risk of that happening to well, many, ideally a many things that rubber can, and he would perhaps take both away from joe biden because he has been identified as a long time democrat. however, what we are now seeing and what some of the polling data shows is that he actually pulls both away from donald trump. and we know that right now he is on the ballot in the state of michigan. so he could have an impact on the outcome in the state of michigan, which could of course have an out an impact on the outcome of the entire race. but right now, that's the only state that he is on the ballot where he could actually have an impact. and one of the key battleground stays now. he's hoping to get on some of the other ballots across the nation. but right now, a many of the other battleground states are still just a 2 person race between donald trump and joe biden. and it's also important to note that when joe biden was actually making his demand in terms of what would take
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place with the upcoming debate, he made certain that it would only be a true person debate between him and donald trump and that no other 3rd party independent candidates would be on that stage as well, but this almost from risk of losing the same to if the skews to fonts are the right . do you think? well, i think donald trump has never even attempted to to win the center at least not yet . what we are saying from donald trump is he is doubling down on a lot of issues that is seen as red meat to his mag, a base. and right now moving to the center where you're attracting many of those important suburban soccer moms. donald trump hasn't gone there yet, and it's question of whether or not he actually will, between now and november. if you read the book that you're a piece of wood inside the battle for the soul of the republican party but isn't done with donald trump 41 that was even in spite of all the legal challenges he is
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bicycle, that he has certainly one that he has certainly one that war, and donald trump absolutely control was the republican party. but what we're saying now is the republican party has only won the popular vote one time in this century . and in addition to that, what we are saying is, many of their policies just simply are not being seen as popular nationwide and, and also that's becoming a problem, particularly when you're looking at many of those down valid candidates being able to, when they are racist statewide and so the question is, can, can donald trump actually find lightning in a bottle once again at 10 he actually deliver for the rest of his party and remains to be seen if he actually came one of the big issues that we have saying a sofa, even month to months out from the election is the, the issue of cancer and especially how joe biden is handling that. how big a problem is that the joy button right now?
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oh, it's a huge, huge problem. in fact, if you look at states like michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin states that joe bought an absolute will be needs to when you see very large watts of uncommitted boulder supporting joe biden. and this is becoming an issue that i think is continuing to dog him in those race. but also we know donald trump is not someone who is c as perhaps a more sympathetic figure to the palestinian twice. so i, and i think that's an issue that will become more clear to voters when they begin to actually tune it. like i will have to leave with david to thank you very much for your time and insight into this. eric ham for us from the congressional stuff. uh and also thanks so much. i a thank you. the to 6 and 2nd, last phase of india's general elections has ended. hold on 100000000 voters were eligible to vote in 6 states and to fit really govern territories. and this
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includes the capital daily that's seen intense political drummer and the products of device. and just to remind to the indian government has not crowns and phases to l, just as journalist. so we're having to cover the election from outside the country . we consume. sherry has more a lot on the voters braving the spokesman. he took costs that balance sap. these boats in 50 constituencies into the northern states and the captain reaching at stake only some seats for the bachelor, for the region of delhi, the seat of national power is one of the states. the total number of people who reside in dougherty is about 23000000, and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way, it represents how the country's thinking not just about how daily as a city is thinking, the kind of governments of the issue that it depends. a lot of laws be on,
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even the domestic on says back home. 6 6 6 political parties, let's use campaigns to vote in march that the chief, mr. osmond catered about, was arrested by federal crime agency on corruption charges. he was prompted the temporary bail earlier this month, which will end on june 1st. k 2 vall has accused prime minister moraine to move the oath a weapon, those in corruption investigations to this credit for that to provide those and distract voters from real issues of to costing his palate. katie ball said the vote would be a judgment on the b j. these governments i think people of voting in large numbers against dictatorship, growing costs and unemployment because they are really for straight to the k. 2 balls of me, a call man's party has come from the capital since 2013, only
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a year of texas from it's all to increase its presence and one significant poles in not less than put jobs. in delhi, it seemed up to the congress to find the b j. b for the 7 seats in the lower house of parliament. in the novel length of deli slums. someone is supposed to say he is delivered on promises. hello, but if i need to be under the we have to struggle for drinking water earlier, we would have to call for a water tank. go with the supply was kept since kindred. well, his comments can, we get was health supplies, also city. and we have 0 bills funding from list and rent a movie is seeking this. tom and the national elections are seen as a test of his political stone. and his supporters credit him for the successful tenure, the base at which we are able to go to the good the be to help viewed in for such a view defense. it does mangled in it as it is truly one mentioned the voting for
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the remaining $57.00 seats on june. first, they wrap up a 6 week collection that votes being counted onto the full on the consumption. these are just things are also a hit here on the l g 0 ones revered. now the scott is revisiting memorial park and taiwan at the heart of divisions with mainland china. the climate is probably only is from one of the most bio diverse nations on there. if you're interested in the nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to say why, as we know it, we work with and within the cycles of the we're not using our past resources, we using them again. and again, if we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen doing nothing grows
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forever. so board winning programming from international. so make yes, we've just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking a long and difficult to explore an abundance of world class programming every time we do an interview, web. net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on allergies in the china is military, has ended. 2 days of drill was around taiwan. the other this continuing to try and
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distance itself from its historical connections to china. it was part of that the government has pledged with foster to remove almost $800.00 statues. and she own car shack who used marshal war to rule the island for decades. troubling prize reports from ty a i'm a c on that a visit to type pay the changing of the god inside the collaborative whole to churn kyesha, the father of the boston, taiwan, who brodis chinese nationalists to the island of to the 1949 defeats to china is coming out of the people that part of heading the long expected coming us invasion from the mainland. but tonight was drive from taipei is a memorial park that has become the final home to many more statues of chang now and wanted. they want to don't public buildings and spaces, and the society where he's still reviewed by some, especially older people, but increasingly regarded as
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a brutal dictator and shunned in this vibrant democracy. that vibrance has been strikingly evident with the fist political clash inside. ty, once parliament accompanied by my street protests outside, it's been driven by the you know, the ration of new president lighting the blue seems determined for taiwan to continue on its own pos, breaking with the past. so you know, some compile one, so long as we identify with taiwan, it belongs to us. so all of the people of taiwan, regardless of ethnicity, irrespective of when we arrived. watching with deep suspicion these mainland china fearful of taiwan moving further away from its chinese woods. those fate seemed to be confirmed by annual polling over the past 30 years. they shows a cultural shift with the majority of the islands 24000000 people. now identifying as ty, with ease and the record low of just 2 and
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a half percent saying they also leave chinese and the latest military drills over the past 2 days. act as a reminder of badging is apparent willingness to use force. if taiwan shifting carrot to strays too far in the direction of outright independence run mcbride, autism era type a for us drama. nora has won the top award at the cannes film festival to come to it goes to a nora direct issue and they get picked up the palm deal between $21.00 other films. so follows the story even down. so renewal becomes involved with the russian oligarchs, son, and, and a rainy and filmmaker who escaped the country l is up to being sentenced. he is in prison. as one of the special jury prize. how much russell, assume the seed of the sacred fig received the award for drawing attention to an sustainable injustice?
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a lot. so from 8 till mccrae for this news out of my colleague, sorry i'm democracy will be here in just one with much more of the do the of the news to stay with us the israel's war on ga. so be coming in forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line,
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the former film and for you to stop traumatized by eastern few knows more of independence, but determined to turn tragedies to commer. this comic genius concealing his own more scholars, creates a fictional character that uses happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is the reality on that jersey in the next generation in the united states, they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational,
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or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the at least $51.00 palestinians killed over the past 24 hours among them. children who had been sheltering inside a primary school. the hello, i am the my 0 contagious era. my from don't also coming off on the program. the retentions intent of eve is ready,
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protest is the thing. so with the police during anti government process rehabilitating the children of gauze that will have the story of one of tens of


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