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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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a city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tai and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the at least $51.00 palestinians killed over the past 24 hours among them. children who had been sheltering inside a primary school. the demising wall contagious era life from del also coming up on the program. the retentions intent of eve is ready protest this thing. so with the police during anti government process
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rehabilitating the children of gauze that will have the story of one of tens of thousands of children severely injured in israel. also coming out of this out of russian strike on a hyphen lock in your price for keys, for c kills. that means people thousands of also have been injured. the hello and welcome to the program is riley forces have killed at least 51 palestinians and attacks across gaza. that with children among the 10 people killed, well sheltering up the nozzle at primary school in the giovanni a refugee camp that has been multiple attacks supplies ready forces in northern gaza. is where the tax troops also advancing in the south and rough uh, living towards the cities densely populated west and districts that i'll just, there's end of quarter re, begins coverage now from daryl by law. and it's central gaza,
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of the blood still hasn't dried after is or is it this refuge for civilians and the japan did refugee come unable to find safety anywhere in causal. it's the result of intensifying operations in the area where is rose, military has once again told thousands of people to evacuate, and we were sitting peacefully, then boom, there was a boom. a missile from a controlled drone or a regular drone, but it did massive damage. in the school yard, there were a few people who were dismembered and cut into pieces. i do not know how to explain, but they were in pieces. i am here where they make bread. the arabic flat bread here was a child who was murdered and a woman was injured badly. and there were 3 or 4 children who were also murdered here. so many of them. for nearly 8 months, palestinians have repeatedly been displaced. on my watch,
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just what we have suffered and we have been forced to go. 6 6 or 7 displacements, winter shoes are here, then to a chief, and many other places. continuing is where the talks in the north of the causal strip means thousands are being forced to flee a gun. a william uh plan uh the drop leaf lives and called us on our mobiles asking us to leave jamalia camp and other areas and moved towards the west of gaza. we didn't move on the 1st day because we thought they were not serious. but then the bombing and shooting started and the culture of the continuing is really a talks and the north of the cause of stripping in thousands are being forced to see a gun. the roads line with policy news clustering was over the carry. but the live with the constant fear that more is ready to talks are never far behind as know where is safe in gaza. and the city just eda, the gaza palestine. it was right, he forces are continuing their yvonne's into finally trying to take control of
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causes largest refuge account fighting that has intensified in the past 2 weeks after there's on us a chevy for points from then. now the into the situation is very difficult for everyone. here in japan, the refugee camp and in the northern areas of the gaza strip. these really military ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displaced people to leave the areas and i'll lose the law here areas. the people who have left the east and positive to buy the account to of allusions paid last year and now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of this now tree ground operation and leaving without having a specific place to go, they have no shelter to result to and it's really forces have destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gunfire and non stop artillery shouting from these reading forces were another way. yeah. and how, like,
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we don't know where to go. we have lost every thing. there is absolutely nothing left for us. we have committed no sense of how did i do is i'm gonna somebody, not this lady is 80 years old. she's disabled. this is the 5th time for us to take her from one place to another. i helped her and walked with her while she was in the wheelchair for 4 kilometers to find a show. so we never found a safe place for her to stay. there was heavy guns by a hood as the palestinians when leading to about the account of the study of a vehicle. this meanwhile, of a situation at the hospitals in southern gaza is getting was director of the crate hospital in rough as one that the medical facility will run out of fuel in less than 24 hours. the design is to question his own going against people in russia. these really, scientist forces had more than half of the area of the world,
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still silent and unable to intervene without in the quite hospital, which is the only operating la splitting offer and it operates as a reception point. 247 was sounding the alarm and urging the international health organization to live up to its responsibilities and provide the hospital with the necessary fuel to power to generate, to solve about we have an amount of fuel that's only for 24 hours. we want to every organization to live up to their responsibilities, the posting and people must not be left alone to face to face this hospital still operating and there's never been evacuated. we will continue our efforts for the sake of the patients. and we're now trying to establish a field hospital as soon as possible. i have no idea we had from some run as director of the timing at the united nations where the from works agency. he shed more light on the conditions facing palestinians inside rough on we've not seen any immediate uh,
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changes on the ground in terms of impacts on the lives of power. steering is what we have seen as a commitment for goods and fuel to start flowing again from egypt. tomorrow we, we see this is a positive development. a very positive development is something that we've been calling for for a long time. but and so we're able to get those supplies in and distribute them around gauze. they're only then will, will be able to resume distribution of flour and other food commodities to the population. that remains inside rafa other parts of garza. the reason for that is the difficulties in getting the supplies in through the car. i'm sure i'm crossing since the 6th of october at which point the area in which we're working that has become a not super complex. so it's on the safe. it requires a detailed and in depth coordination with, with these riley all thirds is what kept to check points are holding points for
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a long time and link to that. we also need to coordinate the entry of fuel into, into, for the, for the same crossings as well. and without the fuel costs we con, run on the trucks. we can't run the generates as the power of the war to wells. the hospitals, the, the, the intensive care unit, stylus as machines, etc. we have uh, as under a low thousands of trucks of a, either inside uh, inside egypt or in our store in israel. so the 8 is that, you know, bedroom, i'm not far away in the case of stuff times of kilometers away. and in case of other reached a bit further. but is that on the boundaries close by? well, so population in gauze it gets closer to finding. and other developments has rarely protest as a fault with police and tell a v of during the northern i have demonstrations against the government's handling of the war on gaza. the police force academy to disperse the crowds and arrested thousands of demonstrators. they
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all cooling on the government to do more to secure the release of the captives held in gaza. comes off the ministry, announced the bodies of 3. capt. has it been recovered in northern gaza ways rel his band out as they are from reporting inside the country so. so i right brings us this update now from the jordan 8 through any and capital amman, it turned quite violent. actually when the is ready, the police turned up with the war to kind of that you just mentioned. uh, they started spraying the crowds at the time. they were singing a song to cold, bring them back home, parts of the come pained by the families to bring back the remaining a 125, a cap to still left in the gaza strip. and then also we saw police on full spot and there's plenty of videos certainly that's being shared amongst these riley's on social media is saying that the violence is unnecessary. whereas some of
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the of some of the video shows the purchase is being cornered against the wall against defense as well. and then also just to be full that you had family members, some of those including the sister of one of those captives who was returned yesterday that you just also mentioned. one of the 3 bodies that came bought, where the is riley forces managed. they said to find them in devali, a refugee come to us in the north of the gauze and strip of the sister said that she will be brought burying her brother tomorrow, and a mazda of another captive saying, and pleading to the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but not just the prime minister, not just these riley wall cabinet or a minute treat, but also actually pleading it to mediates is that includes egypt, sin tasks are saying that if your daughter's was stuck in gaza, trop, the could, you would do, wants to see more done to ensure that the negotiations are brought box that
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a ceasefire takes place to be able to ensure that those captives already signed his parts of the deal. and let's remind of yours. there was only one seas. 5 that was agreed upon in november and the last 10 days. uh, when is relevant, accuse him us of changing the terms and conditions of what was agrees which at the time how must have rejected are now bit of all the news to bring you these right. the minute tree has denied that any of its soldiers have been adopted during fighting in northern gauze. this comes off to how mass is military when posted a video claiming that it had killed, injured, and captured, as riley soldiers in ambush. hit comedy uh the latest operation conducted by our soldiers on saturday afternoon in northern guys. it was particularly complex and our troops learned and even soldiers into an underground tunnel and trap them in size with god's grace to engage the enemy, directly neutralizing them with explosives and porting reinforcements. the
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so we turn to cry. now the crowd did hardware store has been bonded hard key. this is the country's a little feast and region leaving for people dad and all the force he has been injured has been a 2nd strike, which had a residential area of this injured. at least 11 people keeps been at the targets of russian attacks for months. now, john holland reports from keys they came on saturday afternoon to bum slamming into this hardware hype to market in heart of keith. when the smoke cleared, this result was left alone with dozens of injured some dead. the ukrainian president called it and all the a civilian objective, the owner of a neighbouring store. so it was pulled at the top of the entire system, both the, it was set to the lunch time and the gardening season. overall it, so there were lots of people who were many cars with the as of the and children,
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and the parking lot is russian troops across the border into north east of ukraine in the past 2 weeks. the city of hot of ki ukraine, 2nd most populous, has been relentlessly bombarded to ukrainian president. below them is the landscape spoke almost immediately off to the height. the monkey was hit. the renewal grange will claim this attack on hall. keith is another manifestation of russian madness. are only modern and like pretend and capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a vile way. we already know that there are wounded and dead. my condolences to the families and friends of those who have died. when we tell the leaders of the world, a crane needs sufficient at defense protection. when we say that we need real determination to allow us to protect the lives of our people in the most effective way possible. so that russian terrorists cannot even come close to a board as we are literally talking about how to prevent terrorist attacks, such as these just a day before this attack, he been in how to keep, to inspect,
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to destroy the printing plant. these administration has repeatedly asked us to be allowed to use weapons. it's provided to attack targets within russia. us president joe biden is so far behind that feeling escalation, but russian fight to get a military analyst, a launching lightbulbs from within the territory. those clark bones then trouble tens of columbus has to hit targets within you cried ukraine. officials said that's what happened on saturday while it's emergency services could be little mold and clear out what's left on home. and how does it keep out ensued on at least 47 people and soldiers have been killed in the latest violence in the city of al flasher. the governor of saddam's del 4 regions has at least a 100 of those has been injured. the united nations is wanting that the region is facing of rolling risk of genocide and famine. so don's military has been fighting
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the power of military rapids support forces will are assessed for more than a year now. and a civil war of its killed. thousands of people enforced millions from their homes without a 0 life. although i was told to bring you on the program once revere now discarded, we visit a memorial park in taiwan at the house of divisions with mainland china, the color we got severe stones in the full cost full, the memorial day weekend across the us. we have go to this weather system here that's producing some live to shower as long as the spouse of right. and that's a lot of heat in place behind that significantly cold us. so we have a 2 made top box where we are looking at the live use weather once again as we go
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on through the course of this, we can temperatures into the thirty's down towards that se and kona here with the low twenty's up towards the northwest side in between, this is the latest around histone, so show roughly away over towards the midwest, across the mississippi valley, pushing up towards the great lakes as we go one through sunday, a few showers ahead of that swamp this keep on celsius in they say look about $37.00, the $4.00 more hot sunshine coming through here that will continue the trundle its way through. for monday you can see that extends its way up. of course, a good spot to come back into ontario back up towards the northwest possibilities of snow over the rock is less than positive us about dry fine add hot. certainly pretty much sums it out. some dry weather coming back into the western side of the carpet and over the next few days with lot to show us by the east or the
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the the combined unsolved story this out at least 10 palestinians have been killed and on
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his right attack on a school sheltering displaced people in giovanni, a refugee camp in north and gaza. at least 51 people have been killed in multiple strikes over the past 24 hours. meanwhile, is ready, protest as force which of police and tell him he's during demonstrations against the government handling over the whole, according on that governments do more to secure the release of captives being housing garza. or hundreds of thousands of palestinians in gauze are of been trying to survive. what has been in 8 months for now trash is piling up as a lack of sanitation and all this is threatening that lives on top of the war and violence. tons of waste off a field gauze and it's contaminating the water, polluting the spreading disease target? i was doing reports from darrow bala. the the, the goal is this for more than 2000000 people. austic only thing with little security and limited shelter. many families also like basic sanitation needed to
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safeguard against disease. you know, so why to the streets us to in with raw fish as well as a standing water, that risk infections for months. now waste has filed up, of course, going so including here on the age of mckenzie refuge account before the war, 98 percent of it was collected successfully. now exploits, say that number is close to 20 percent of the hills consequences. ok, this profit for people likes the unable and even on the world i need it done. i suffer from so many diseases. i also suffer from plaza mosquitoes. we can't sleep properly at night time because of the massive numbers of mesquite task. several kinds of problems including shortness of breath, have stomach and intestinal infections due to being me of the waste of this is a will tell him, landfill,
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municipal authorities say these bodies on making their job impossible. wireless, i was going to be that we go to the municipality. i may tell you that vehicles and garbage trucks have been targeted by these ratings. so we cannot provide any garbage collection service. the united nations development program has truly to supplement and sometimes replace the damaged or destroyed gall this fleet. you know, my goal is the one you on the truck talk as it totally and loads the drives i desperately attempt to restart it. while i am child, fix his way through the steaming pile, searching for something missing to east or the destruction of waste collection vehicles, citizens has left the company to cope with the ongoing escalates in crisis. so you want to be says if the shift so the waste did not result it's wilks accessed it
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pays the suffering of palestinians in the goddess, but sorry about that, which is 0. yeah, with that i had a spawn some 5000 injured palestinians have been evacuated from the agency treatments abroad since the war began. among them, a young children who were brought to cats are with potations and debilitating wounds. at least 10000 more patients on the waiting list hoping to be evacuated and some guns that reports pushing through the pain. after 3 months in this health care facility in guitar, 11 year old doreen, they can finally walk again. good, good. i thought i'd have to stay for more than a year in the wheelchair. i was asking my aunt if i'd be paralyzed forever. during couldn't move her legs after an air strike that killed 60 members of her family in gaza as possible 4 or 5 hours at night. the strict cutest. at 12 o'clock,
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me and my brother keenan, we were on the floor. everything and everyone was under the rubble. she's one of nearly 20000 children that the un estimates have lost the parents in the war. this facility was filled with a 22 world cup. now it's been turned into a place with 500 patients to receive treatment, education, and psychological support. there's more room here, but no other patient has been able to leave because of strep, and more than 2 weeks before the war, 8000 patients cross the alpha and beta and crossings every month to receive treatment abroad. that number has dwindled to less than $5000.00 evacuated and 7 months of conflict. the need is bigger than ever before. hospitals and goals are luck, critical supplies, stuff, and medicine, or simply destroyed. leaving thousands in need of complex surgery post up care and rehabilitation with little to no support. the guitar as among 12 countries
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that offered to receive the wounded and the sick from gaza. ibrahim nearly died when a strike hit his home on october 17th. what the doctor, even when i had the 16 m. m, between the moment i got injured and now i've had around 61 surgery since the last . the operation was yesterday and soon gone to a link that will get prosthetic clement at least 10500 patients are currently on the waiting list, according to god's us health ministry. with no one has been able to leave on medical grounds since these rarely troops to control a bit off of crossing earlier this month. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. do some good food, i'm to 0 the
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for me, you as president, donald trump is back on the campaign trail. he's addressing the libertarian national convention in washington, trying to attract support from a group of roses that have often been skeptical of him. john henry and isn't washington dc. he's that now john, i don't know if i can smell a few red maga hats behind you in point say that there are people who are not happy about trump's presence at that convention. why is he that the it's right. if you look behind me, mary, you are correct. there are a few, but not a lot with all of those mega hatch seem to have come just for this event. we have not been seeing them at the libertarian convention. so now it looks like the crowd is about half her a 3rd from trump supporters and then have people have just been attending
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a libertarian convention. and the question you asked me is the question. it's so many people here have put to me there. like why is donald trump, the republican candidate for president? speaking of the libertarian convention, and i put that to the communications director of the libertarians, and he said, we wanted to raise the profile a visit. we want more people to come in. you can see them. he's filled the room, i mean, they've been effective at that. what we don't know is what's gonna happen when he starts speaking and i suspect it will be blues and there will be shares because you've got people on both sides. what i don't know is if it's going to get some attention, donald trump is going to have any reaction to what is going on here. he doesn't tend to live jeers go by quietly. he tends to respond to them. but he's going to need to remember this event. this is not one of his rally. this is the libertarians event, and they're not respond the way they're going to respond in the that might get just
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a little bit spicy. robert f. kennedy spoke just a day before and he was taunting trump with this. this isn't chicken. it's his way of saying, debate me, which donald trump has declined to do. and that's been the conversation. these people who are not candidates for the libertarian party headlining its main advance, i as in say, i don't, as the chickens and booze will the tub full president at this writing. maybe we can catch up a bit later on about this. thank you, john. let me take you to south africa where the ruling african national congress has held its final riley before wednesdays. elections, policies expected use absolute majority in parliament, which has had since the end of a policy 30 years ago. well, this might need to a coalition government, but the amc having to strikes and deals in order to keep hold of the presidency and thoughts on your guinea a government. minnesota is saying that a number of people killed in a landslide in
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a remote northern area has risen now to move into 300 hundreds more of a dead. local media are saying that the landslide and my poorly talk of region on friday, destroyed move in a 1000 homes and damage 6 villages. a road leading to a gold mining town is now blocks at least 24 people. most of the children have been killed in a far, at an amusement park in western and is good europe. this is the home stay of prime minister to run to moody. officials say the bodies have been taken to a hospital for identification. 5 flights as rushed to the scene is huge smell. smoke. clouds was seen rising from the fire, a gaming arcade, and the city of branch caught investigation is on the way. is also a fi, has destroyed hundreds of makeshift buildings and account housing wrangle refugees and clocks as bizarre and bangladesh. thousands of been left without shelter of the base. quickly spread through tight and congested shacks on friday. some people are
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reported to have been injured, but no one has died. a bring bangladesh has time to around a 1000000 rang many of whom fly to 2017 minute re crackdown unless the minority in man, mom john is minute trees ended 2 days of drills around taiwan. the island is continuing to try distance itself from its historical connections to china. as part of that, the government has pledged to what foster to remove almost 800 statues of chunk tie shack used marshal to remove the island for decades. open driver pulls from taipei unless see on any visit to ty, pay the changing of the god inside the collaborative holes to turn kyesha the father of the boston. taiwan, who brodis chinese nationalists to the island of to the 1949 defeats to china is coming out of the people who are part of heading the long expected coming us invasion from the mainland. but tonight it was drive from taipei is a memorial park that has become the final home to many more statues of chang now
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and wanted. they want to don't public buildings and spaces in a society where he's still reviewed by some, especially older people. but increasingly regarded as a brutal dictator and shunned in this vibrant democracy. that vibrance has been strikingly evident with the fist political clash inside tiny ones. parliament accompanied by my street protests outside. it's been driven by the, you know, the ration of new president lighting the blue seems determined for taiwan to continue on its own pos, breaking with the past. so you know, something from taiwan, so long as we identify with taiwan, it belongs to a soul. all of the people of taiwan, regardless of it and the city, irrespective of when we arrived. watching with deep suspicion these mainland china, fearful of taiwan moving further away from its chinese woods. those fate seemed to
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be confirmed by annual polling over the past 30 years. they shows a cultural shift with the majority of the islands, 20 full 1000000 people. now identifying as tie when he's a direct quote, low of just 2 and a half percent saying they also leave chinese. and the latest military drills over the past 2 days, act as a reminder of badges, apparent willingness to use force if taiwan shifting carrot to strays too far in the direction of outright independence run. mcbride autism era type a supplies hailstorm at the mexican city of pamela on friday. streets were covered with a fick sheets of ice. streets were transformed into icy rivers. with presidents jungling both ice and mud to clear, blocked roads. damage was also forwarded to many homes and trees. what roost at by the storm.


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