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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 3:30am-4:00am AST

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of using the photo, so i didn't. the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for his disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost soul of syria. now just the era it is, riley intensifies military operations in gaza that despite the un stop for ordering it to immediately hold fits, assault on dropbox is not the 1st time is ram has refused to comply with an order from the world port. so what's the point of these measures, and how can they be enforced? this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm for the back people. the international court of justice has ordered his route to stop. it's a sold on rafa. the order is one of 3 issued by the us top court in the genocide case, brought by south africa against israel, over its war on guys. israel has long declared it plans to intensify, sold on the southern city, saying it's necessary to dismantle from us. and it appears advance to follow through with that strategy. the i, c, j is readings final and legally binding, but it doesn't have a way to enforce them. so, does this latest sort of carry any weight? and will it affect events on the ground? and how will prime it is finished now manage increased pressure at home and abroad . we'll explore these questions what i guess in just a moment. but for us this report by continental past already on the it's a significant move for the us top court. a landmark emergency of ruling ordering.
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israel to stop it's assault on rafa, is it must immediately hold me to open and any other accident and did also have governors which made conflict on the but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life. that could think about it physical destruction in hold or input bought shortly after the international court of justice issued its ruling is really forces intensifying their attacks, wiping out entire neighborhood. the ruling is part of a wider legal case that began with south africa, accusing israel of genocide and gaza. many palestinians don't any of the court's orders will change things or stop the government of as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu from moving forward with the offensive man. i know if i hype is rel, will comply, but it hasn't cared about quotes, rulings, or even its allies in the past. so it was the middle of the image of user able to
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continue the massacres is why it is a state above the law and no one could stop it. as part of the ruling, israel was ordered to reopen the rough on the border crossing and allow aid into gaza. famine is already asserting parts of the north and the world health organization says it can spread across the strip fast as really, officials have condemned the i c j's ruling. the government says it's defending itself and fighting home us. and some is really agree. the fact that they're even having this conversation is quite ludicrous, to be honest, i think, said we have women, young women, we have men, we have elderly individuals that have been taken hostage. and while israel is a signatory to the geneva conventions, the i, c, j has no means to enforce its orders. many analysts now question whether the ruling like other legal motions will be dismissed by israel. and if so,
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if there will be consequences. states can choose to take counter measures against other states. a non violent counter measures would include things like economic sanctions, for example, in order to induce enforcement. all of that depends obviously on the political will in the situation. for now post. and he isn't gus a must wait to see if the i c j's court orders will extend beyond words. katia lopez again alj a 0 for insights story the while as now bringing a guess for today show joining us in the occupied east. jerusalem is mohammed dia, who's a lawyer and a founder of an east jerusalem law firm that practices in the is really in policy and legal systems. and kind of eve island, d l. a form is really diplomat who served as, as rise and boss that are to south africa. and in london, william sher boss, he's an international law expert, and a professor at middle 6 university german. thank you for joining us on inside. so
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a will welcome to all of you how to, how i can start with you a legally binding order from the international court of justice for israel to stop as offensive on a rasa. are you at all hopeful these relays will heat this call at some point in time so far? it doesn't seem to be the case. and yeah, it hasn't been the case, but i think the zeta government cannot continue to ignore international law. in this case, a specific international court order. this is a clear order of this time i need to fill out a specific area of the area. and i think that this time it was uh eh, one of the orders that i missed. the order is by the i c c. also waiting for the hold on god. i think the government will think twice this time when they decide on their future actions and drop off. so it's not,
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it is biting. it hasn't been following international law in the past, but i think with this kind of door, the big when are they, they will, they want to do it in a different rate? i don't think that is a gone. i can continue to and violate international can continue and not to comply with orders issued by the international court of justice, the highest born in the world and get away with it. i think this time they know that the time has come for his and really to comply with this or those i'm a to comply with the international law. and if they don't do so, then that is so for the rest once for the 2 gentlemen that you spoke about and maybe how does that risk is, is getting higher and higher. okay. alan neal, your thoughts? well let's now i will completely ignore this order. will be, is ready, government continue to defy the highest court of international law is the
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interpretation is the friend at least writing government has seized the order as to so the bottle is once use it gave, replacing damage. possibly the us the most, the day the angel casualties on the radio and the. ready in law a to these, whether it's a duplicate interpretation, it will be very cautious, especially when a dos to c. s 8, but i don't think is the best way to a welcome to the. maybe they have policies where to go. so he's getting these folders go there. you want a security council for vote and will lead to another american the don't.
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the new procedure we stopped. okay, i'll ask you a little bit more about what we can expect of the un security council in a moment. let me bring in william, shall i send to the conversation. william allen leo says there is or in israel that there's a very different interpretation of this law. but as mohammed douglas said, it's, it's a very clear order this time from the international court of justice, a very specific ruling on like the 2 previous ones. the court is ordering is around to stop the split, the military operation in rough. i to allow humanitarian agents through rafa and other crossings. how much weight does this rolling carry despite israel, ignoring previous rulings of the court? well, i totally agree. i think it's a really, and the order from the court couldn't be much clearer than it is. and the, the idea of the israel can interpret this in some way that allows it to continue with its military offensive, is quite pasto said, i think the whole world will see that of course it's clear. now that is real
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doesn't intend to comply with whatever whatever contract interpretation it develops about the order. and as, as everyone knows that. ready is not an enforcement mechanisms such as the and so what's the purpose then of these measurements, wendy? i'm sure boss if they're going to be ignored. but you don't know that they're going to be ignored until you order them. and i think that's the most countries have been on the receiving end of these orders historically they don't comply with them. and so software for guy has no alternative if it has to go to the court to get the orders. and then hopefully political pressure will be put on is real to get it to comply. already we're seeing the consequences on israel with many of its allies and friends. many of the countries that have been very supportive and friendly to is real, are losing their taste for this. partly because they also value and, and respect the international court of justice. they can't stomach israel's
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attitude of, of absolute disdain. for an order by a cord is real accepted. this israel never had to ratify the genocide convention. but once it did it open the door to orders from the international court of justice . and it is, it is obliged to respect them out of new. how does israel continue to justify rejecting these orders from the international court of justice? is israel above the law? oh, i slays how is that adjusted 5? is it? he thinks the issue may inflate and saw a box, the headlines in the, uh, the all that is the sheet in roswell, and this one created basically a crate. uh, mostly this is um, solely probably in anyone's best buy that way. i know the this international justice or the estate of the owners. oh,
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you love this place, zillow, things, etc. now, it is wise for relations. the palsy. lovely, quoted here. see molly pointed to the can. so allow me and these are as to why the agent the knows being sold in more mo, bombs of the world, especially, you know, you see this very important to us. yeah, certainly, alan neil, this has been a bad week for israel hopkins. certain guy is really is about this growing international pressure. in this growing international i sedation. it's not just to say to swing by the international court of justice. it's also the i c c seeking to issue arrest warrants against is really leaders. and also i'm ascii. does and some very important europe and countries, as you mentioned, who are now demanding that an independent palestinian state be established. how does this resonate with these really probably got launch in the
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sense a unfortunately the diesel was developed with them. most of these are in the body, but no matter what we do, the well, i wouldn't be against us as the world is by the issue. i'm just very big. so there is a tendency don't overload what's happening in the international. we want to gauge on the amenities why it is a really, really worried that a bad the we have the hallmark. and so what are this is the, is the in the body all live in the how we the one maybe he does the side one is on his own is probably that some is the say that's the way others are pushing for them either way. and he has to do this on.
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yeah. all right, a mom at the, you know, foster by the side of neo says they're a different interpretation of this late is really by israel and the israel views these decisions made at the international level as anti semitic. what do you make of this? what i think, or as you know, is that it has sent to a judge adult, the judge in the buck who is part of the international court of justice. and i think now does that just trying a basically to base its case on his descending opinion, a mental opinion, he tied to say that actually the international court of justice is not. busy or very uh, to the freeze of the military offensive or for in dropbox. but actually it, it does. so it would set the provisions baptist, they are mit events such as the show stopped well, but it should. but if it's a button and click this, if it's a go and damage to the scene,
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have invested in population, then the outpatient can continue. so that, that split explanation got there, but in his opinion, and when did you, i be sure that what do you actually present it to the is there any government that as the that the general basically didn't advise to the army yet? the reading the decision of the few judges in the court. they say that actually there is no way to the opening involved. and without inflicting this damage on disobedient population. they mention what is that has tried to do with the hundreds, but a senior vector. we could probably about 5 more senior, you'll have other areas of that port saves and it's ruling that those areas are not adequate for the vision. people connection is this. there are no houses, no water, no sewage, nothing. therefore, the interpretation given by this really is people not be accepted by anybody in the
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world, but that's the, that's how is the, the old side is that it has its own interpretation for international law, including the nice and human very law. and that was the only really the interpretation of is different from what the lord and scholars think of. often the last time you might know a briefly mom at donnelly, before i bring with him a back into the conversation, the routing also says israel has to allow you and investigators into guys uh uh, to, to investigate the genocide case. right. what was the likelihood of that happening, of israel allowing investigators into the territory a it hasn't the best suit uh you have the quality permissions to where they're supposed to come to the scene of the entries in the past, based on the front of it illusions of the machine, the general assembly. busy human rights the. busy bouncing for other committees and is a, in the past as being cooperative. and this time i don't think it's going to be any
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different is a, this is actually the show the case of gaza. gaza has the siege god, but it's been on the very need for your control from the feet from the air. i'm from the board. does that the borders? no, i'm come into the zone above. and it's really kind of a part of the consent. and design is the only one who decides who comes and goes out, does not bid for eh, our big leather green is, would not allow that. the investigators to come in so far we haven't been able to even get him getting on the the general guys, the seat was my favorite, the guys i only been shut off at that point, but he was not able to get it to get inside. does that, does it have been really good but seen inside his break, but he wasn't able to get inside the door. you got the information from either you i'm agencies, but anything in the guy that is i have to take
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a different story. so there's likely to have all the time in the, in groups on my case happen then william will a defiance of disorder. my understanding is that there's no immediate sanction for violating the provisional orders issued by the international court of justice. but does the voiding, have broader implications for the genocide case studies rel, is facing as well? in principle, it doesn't. it's a preliminary link about an urgent situation. and it's without prejudice, as we lawyers say to the merits of the case. but clearly the attitude and the violence it's we, we can sense the attitude of the judges already. i think israel's approach in reading this order in this very technical matter and suggesting that somehow it allows them to continue with businesses. huge. ready is really not a reading in good faith. you have to read the judgements. you have to mean what the
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other members of the car upset in their individual opinions. and 11 sense that this is a part that is getting more angrier and angrier is and, and more and more impatient with israel. so israel's not heading into a good place in this case. of course, there's going to be a great debate when this finally goes on the merits, but it's not, it's not working, but for israel, in terms of the future of the international court of justice. what about the international criminal court, while in defiance of this order by israel affect the pre trial chamber of the i, c. c, which is currently debating whether to issue arrest, warrants against is really need is so technically of course not because it as low as the the, the 2 are not directly related in any way. but again, what we can see here, listen, there are 13 judges of the court from all over the world, from countries that are friendly, the israel, as well as countries that are perhaps less from the day is real. and there you, none of us about this. we can expect the same kind of sentiment,
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the same kind of move amongst the 3 judges at the free trial chamber of the international criminal court. so we're going to have to rule in the coming weeks on the prosecutors application for the arrest warrants. of course, we can't foresee what they'll decide, but this sets the phone and i think we, we can anticipate those arrested warrants will be issued. and they're all kinds of other sort of soft effects of this to go outside and the legal sphere altogether. and we've made reference to them already, the fact that there's an increasing number of rolling momentum upstaged to recognize palestine as a state. and probably open the door is still the united states as an obstacle, but it's the last only the last obstacle admitting tell us it's a full member state of the united nations. right. and mom and at last care about about this to us being this obstacle. but let me just get out in the else thoughts about what william said there. i mean,
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what happens all and if these arrest warrants are issued israel as credibility has radically diminished within the course of this war. and guys are, there's a shifting perception today in the world of israel as a law abiding democracy. what would it mean for his route to lose that status and to be treated as a non democracy? oh as far as i remember the wow how they played the solo. com please members of the the national equipment of. ready the store risk. now when we got our and we have sold for the fast info on this issue. so this is why the boss man, then why the dog or a phone relations is one of the way trying to undermine j. legally. this is still being like a series of possible even spoilers wouldn't be issued because the united states is
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not a member of the i c c, this stage from all the discussion. the issue is the why is because my readers just to join the call. somebody called me as, as i understand the being, but as of this, the going to gospel cannot do a discussion. and this is joe with the golf to be very difficult. the stage all gas, they all the last, all just base. so in the way we are able to gauging the situation with united states if it was to get the list of june because of some way that makes one better street and then pay the invoice embarrassing to israel. i'm
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at the only the security council has the power to enforce these holdings by the international court of justice. but as we've heard from both william and alan bill that it's likely that the, the us will veto any moves at the security council. so what then should be done to enforce these warnings and, and how difficult deposition does is put the us and i mean, the fact is, well, throw in throughout this conflict. how difficult would it be for them if this gets to the security council? i think it puts that states in a very difficult position. i mean for how long can they they tell us to use the veto design from its robbins and from the trappings that they are putting down. i've stayed in, i swear to another cable guy says, you know, we all heard what this, these are asking by guy us. that'd be sufficient to do to the i see the apartment general down to the judges and to the and please advise and see the one been to
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sanction before we haven't him such a thing of our i mean, asking the super power to sanction. i think that our last, our board for is showing more for issuing a motion only for the time being it last for i know there's one for the war terminals. this is, i mean, i'm headed off, i'm think of it off, but now we're moving to the i. c. c advised to see is an order number, but i have nations. i'm the audit states as part of the. busy the about paying for the it's part of the i c. c. it's popular having issues. i lined up is 185 by c, j thailand to all right. yes. the west, which there i'd say it is not part of it. it's not part of the roles that you know, just the united states in the body, open position there. and basically saying that this uh you have a water board the 3 established after the 2nd world war, which includes the you, i'm trying to do anything to the international court of justice. and so many other
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. busy international governments and conventions and agreement, stuff i was suppose to relate relations between peoples between countries, between states. but those are actually not applicable and that gets to prison. okay, that was, this has been on the, i you to buy this one for a statement. it was right and can describe the conflict, not, not only but the use, right. and now it's really a very, very bad position if it continues to use that to people. because it's going to be clear for of the community that, that this move is against international law. and that gives intern. okay. let me get william thoughts about this william, how much does this heightened the costs for the bottom administration as it continues to be israel? so guarantor and defend and what are the next steps? as far as international know is concerned, i mean they, what are the obligations of 3rd states in this case?
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you know, why wouldn't the underestimate the ability of the united states to be hypocritical on new subjects the united states has been kingly, supporting the international criminal part. when that's investigating the russians in ukraine despite the fact that. ready changed the part has no jurisdiction over people who are in citizens of the members state. now of course they're raising that objection and they're going to be a trying to take measures, apparently to block the work of the court. so the 1st time they've done it, they try back in 2002, when it looked like the rome statute was born, the injured entering, the forest, which it did, of course. and then they tried on the trumpet ministration. but these are really quite a pathetic efforts that had no teeth and them, and in reality they have very little it in the way of practical consequences. and, and i don't see that they've brought up anything bringing them since then that could actually inflict pain. that's a noise and it's right volumes. disgraceful that they're doing it. but it's not going to stop the international criminal court proceeding with what. what did it
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set up to do? okay. uh, alan. yeah, is around and the is there any government likely to reevaluate its position in the face of intensifying international pressure and intensifying isolation? this is the question because i am, i know if this way will continue. but if a 2020, if both falls that i see and i see j wait and go with directions. if the security costs are when go on voltage is point 0 been compromised to recognize firestone. if it will end up with the amenities in this and die nosebleed to inc. and that is the i the conjunction if we do well on our international
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sandy the, our security. or if we go off the 100 percent security dash, because the pressure of the user name population and the sun is below. now the way. thank you gentlemen, for a very interesting conversation. thank you very much for joining us. mohammed dilate allan leo williams to boss. thank you to all 3 of you and thank you to for watching. you can always watch this program again, any time by visiting our website at all, jessie or dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside story. and of course you can join the conversation on x. i'll handle is that a j inside story for me, for the back to boy in the whole team here in doha. thank you for watching bye for now. the
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in japan, the voice also leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates japan's parental abductions on i will just the era you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for the p. use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the car . and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the caught on red crescent. and remember, it's a copy revised wells and increases systems caught on red chris of to 6 weeks. the final phase of india is general elections begins on seeing the
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fast prime minister now rent remote a is the key to increase has majority of low 10 out and economic concepts. and t cost is ruling b, j, p. follow india is general election analogies era the interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look the correct but so in the international community,
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can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the hello, i'm sorry i'm was in, doha was a quick look at the main stories this hour. is there any forces of killed at least $51.00 palestinians and attacks across gaza? that would children among at least 10 people killed while they were sheltering at the nozzler primary school and the giovanni a refugee camp. it was one of multiple attacks by his ready forces in northern gaza . is there any tags and troops are also advancing in the south, and rafa moving towards the cities densely populated west and district. meanwhile, the situation at the in the hospitals in southern gauze.


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