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tv   Witness Small Town Safe House  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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what is the international community? can we also say that deals? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process upfront without the hello, i'm sorry, i'm mazda in. doha is a quick look at the main stories this hour. is there any forces of killed at least $51.00 policy indians and attacks across garza, that would children among at least 10 people killed while they were sheltering at the nozzler primary school and the giovanni a refugee camp. it was one of multiple attacks by his ready forces in northern gaza . is there any times and troops are also advancing in the south and rough or moving towards the cities densely populated west and district? meanwhile, the situation at the in the hospitals in southern gaza is guessing was the director
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of quite hospital in rough size one. the medical facility will run out of fuel in less than 24 hours. the design is to question his own going against people in russia. these riley, scientist forces had more than half of the area of the world, still silent and unable to intervene without in the quite hospital, which is the only operating on splitting offer. and it operates as a reception point 247 was sounding the alarm and urging the international health organization to live up to its responsibilities and provide the hospital with the necessary fuel deposit generate to solve about we have an amount of fuel that's only for 24 hours, we want to every organization to live up to their responsibilities. the posting and people must not be left alone to face to face this hospital still operating and has never been evacuated. we will continue our efforts for the sake of the patients. and we're now trying to establish a field hospital as soon as possible. meanwhile,
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is riley protest is of fault with police and television during the now the night of demonstrations against the government's handling of the war. they use most account into this pass the crowds and arrested thousands of demonstrators, according on the government's view, more to secure the release of captives being held in gaza. and are all the headlines. at least 4 people have been killed and 40 injured in a rush and striking you cried 2nd since you har keys. it died kit, a crowded hardware store in the city. a 2nd strike hit a residential area, injuring at least 11 people. or q has been a target of russian attacks for months. as most goes, troops push to gain ground and then we'll face to region. there are huge rangel claimed this attack on hall. keith is another manifestation of russian madness. are only modern and like pretended capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a viable way. we already know that there are wounded and dead my condolences to the families and friends of those who have died. when we tell the leaders of the world,
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a crane needs sufficient at defense protection. when we say that we need real determination to allow us to protect the lives of our people in the most effective way possible. so that russian terrorists cannot even come close to a boat, as we are literally talking about how to prevent terrorist attacks, such as these and pop when you're getting a government ministers. as the number of people killed a landslide in a remote northern area has risen to move in 300 hundreds more efficient dead and cool media says the landslide and the my poorly tucker region on friday, destroyed more than a 1000 homes and damage 6 villages. road leading to a gold mining town has also been blocks. at least 47 civilians and soldiers have been killed in the latest violence. and it said on the city of al sasha, the governor of the duffel regions has at least a 100 others have been injured for you as a growing risk of genocide and farming in the region. so don's ministry has been fighting upon minute tre wrap, that support forces who are assessed for more than
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a year and the civil will that skilled thousands and force millions from that homes . it's picking a fast as june to lead a will remain in power until 2029. evelyn char ray was due to handle the leadership to so a civilian government in july of to staging a crew. but a new charge was extended the transitional period by another 5 years tories one, the holding elections will be difficult because of the lack of security in the country and to easy and present case site is sacked. the interior minister as part of the cabinet shuffle, is replaced color fecky with holland newly and also named a new minister of social affairs. so it has faced a series of protests and recent month. human rights groups are accusing him of ruling by decrease since he came to power in 20. 19 those, the headlines on alex's era to stay with us the
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hope you're seeing are real soon. see this selection of, of photos, just a small fraction of those that a brave man brought out of syria. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis. that number, don't any, and the shoot this over to the like that mean you have this one on one of the nice feel. i don't know what done a lot of home, but, you know, one for quite a lot of reasons that are you on the line we started investigating in may when we were contacted by people from the syrian a community in exile where desperately trying to find a way to seek accountability for the school for indices or for the across the
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hallways in charge. who is giving the orders, who's be fine. making sure that that takes place from the mornings through the afternoons and until that person is killed and then photo cross. we're not presenting tests coming into it as an estimated fact we, i let chang state tell her to so the
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blender said, what do you think live in dublin cdl. i wanted to send this to you on the executive level and love it out. i mean, you don't meet on sick off on sequentially and that's part this does it get us located? is the one that's one of the so when he died in the sands giving is actually getting easier as a context talking on the the
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this is abdul. this is that we understand that he was a delivery driver driving i believe, between the homes and come home. and he was picked up at some point in 2013 that's . that's when we believes that you just create a oftentimes we were picked up a chunk points because check points would have lists of people to look out for. the photos is just a list. so it's a check point. a guy stops. i would guess that his name matched somebody who, who was wanted for someone say legitimate reasons, but but who, who, who was a, let's say, a genuine opponent of the machine. i'm assuming it's in this case and if he does, what would it be settled? what the content of money cost to all of that, he says all over that when he has disabilities had of course the whole structure was geared towards hoover and massive numbers of people
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in accordance with directives that came from the central crisis management. so that's, i think you're going to be now that the, they said database those this the easily on this, the, to the, to the, the, it will see on this, on the central crisis management cell. the c cmc in english settle categories of people to be arrested. those who participate in demonstrations, those who finance demonstrations, those who speak to foreign journalists and march the name of syria in the international uh domain and so on and so forth. but the system was so inefficient and so brutal that once you arrested, you were comfortable in the mind of, of the system. this case when i was like this one isn't in the in now, and that's telling me it's because it's been the cmc,
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the central crisis managers, so established policy. so these were the key members of the central crisis management. so all this, the top leaders of the syrian state served on that committee meetings happened on a more or less daily basis then minutes from that meeting would be prepared and they would be taken to the presidential palace for approval for a correction or amendment bias on himself and president bush and as i said before, monday, the 1st session is going to be some of those reading tests to kind of a new ever colors to expand. so we're going to have to present this to spanish. josh, you guys know what those are, all of these things have what we've got to be able to pinpoint those individual. so,
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i mean, how hard we have a lot of documentation which sets out how to 48, fit in to the archipelago or the system of oppression. so from a legal point of view, it's fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility for what you're telling me is the unlawful feeling of mr. of do the system. so somebody and get it. if you get more study to factor in any way to do that the, the, the most amazing. and what was the,
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the lawyer he's on the unless he just give me the best one bulletin study, down to the nice and fishy nice office, are you some? so what about, go in each of these on form and walk you through what else you can do? so he's one of the keeps advanced the same result. you know, when i shoot, i don't know if it's because the date is reached, their capacity to see them as in. i don't know if i have to not to teach co creek or sit down, have to copy, do all mazda anything on them. it's all peaceful. it will repeat on mike's popular these warnings at dot c. i talked about shoot due to dickens bikes and also the diesel diesel knob. the people come on to me.
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let's see, sort of you for the, for the pencil. sounds good as long as you're not ready, i'll talk to you sooner to fix like, i don't feel bad and i know that this is what is wrong. the police have functions in 5 on st. foisted on the only don't x the problem is i the fusion the civil side to sell them because have something to the proceeds and the my tags, equity sound is you them from us on task see phone company, you've all seen. many of them do the packaging. did you have to assume or yeah, hopefully that will not push that feet. and as end of the
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table, you have to ask the dispatcher of 20 can't. we don't get into best employee. can you don't have to dentist said she was boss consistent with cindy or thoughts on the sheet of the 3. nice. so best for you, this will tend to be do this, you know, kind of solve the one that doesn't necessarily def office x t up tell me the run, i'm for people. so that produces poor with the point was that you did it was they planted. what did level what is your useful says don't you to see what is exactly who needs the vision to the shop? and i said, go to the people who told you about the field to the fair at the additional fees to do for who celia to what we did the or the college w celia on do because so it of course is awful. speak, if you don't please, we need to know the
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the investigation is starting now. the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for enforce disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity. and what is interesting in this case is that we know that they have been brought to them and say, investigative branch. and we know also that they have been arrested by the air force intelligence services to individuals once they are detained. and when they're being interrogated or often forced through physical violence, in many cases to give up the names of other individuals. and then with names of those individuals and up on one it lists. so that could potentially be the scenario that, that led to the detention. first of all, that some documentation
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will be key. we now holds over 600000 pages of reasoning documentation or they can support you that are relevant for your case. the most of the documentation was generated by the security intelligence alvarado the
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now the defects do something with the the or the receiver include a demo in these on 10 the survey, the security data, all send you much easier to only do monday c or into the on training on the about ticket as in no know about to do need you don't have the job. i have to find examples. johnson told you, don't forget, twice for uncle 20 dining special is your website doesn't really know the. no one is has dawson, you on the phone in the queue, most of what i'm doing in the faithful sabri all or my mom a. we don't live long drives best from way led to spice from the victory gym, as in the
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of the, the having in touch with the window of up to about leaving the country. evey know of a criminal case against member. so say, administration, remember that the security forces, in particular, we fear they may be some fatality ation. the
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goals of your company in london should be sending everything in as soon as we give them the green line, bbc, cnn, to 0. so since they run what i also wanted to actually all 1st time, if he wants to see the complaints, he can see the complaint of you know, the amount of the be great. sounds like it needs to be loose. and it can. i mean, he also was interested in knowing who would be the ones that are the perfect traders that are named pages 3 and 4 of the names because this is printed on both sides. so um can i say that? yeah. yeah. but uh, let's see. uh, do you mean test on that piece of to see has my uncle here is your uncle. okay. um so we can move about
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in the midst of the name is the name of the game. i misplaced a. yeah. and that's all that's going to. yeah. but then i put on the list and that, oh yeah, it's all over the last sent in the
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pay broke of by that book. a camino assembly with us only now. so good on on, but greater than me. anything. but i'm looking at what they look a little other and i know control is a folder. so it's telling me listen, i say not to be a stuff. i mean, i mean, what do you all have like a salad sort of in the anybody wants to be a human rights attorney. of course, you know. so the way that i'm still in the search of it by the noise that day, the most difficult thing is to be able to do when you tell the victims that you are going to do. so don't generate expectations where you can
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not deliver the arc. this one is lucila are like any other, you know, if you're not is fine, you're not going to under human cd o c o one. okay. yeah, for whatever reason, always tell us super good news here. it's of course don't have to put it unless you're not the sort of my no, it'd be the least him if you're not going to see good last have some serious comments. he, there's something called as soon as, i mean, there's the 1st one that's going to be honest with you. the just last week, a woman in spring syrian, i filed
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a lawsuit accusing 9 of your senior government, intelligence and security officials. the lawyers who have filed this accusing your government of human rights abuses. i have collected 3000 pages of evidence and over 50000 photographs taken by one of your former governments photographers. we'll verify the pictures with it verified that they're not edited in photoshop before. have you seen the photo, so i didn't understand the photos. the photos have you verify for those? i usually tell them because you have it in because you mentioned it in a yes. in front of your audience, there's a number of the audience or can not nation such a picture without verifying who are those and where and everything about that just
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to put it in front of the audience to the or the thinking by the ceiling. one moment who filed the lawsuit, the syrian woman who filed the lawsuit says she saw her brother in those photographs. in this on allegations we had spoke about concrete evidence, you cannot make judgement. it just felt like i'm just taking you was there once a day when i proceed in governments in every well, you can have any individual across the top and you know the words anywhere, but it's not the part of the level you left. what was on full amount, that is why the down is really want you to hold for them to see. i make sure it was on the comics. pay any of these all the products. these all of x is estimate you. one of the exemptions is loud, music will not be there to move that to receive it. what are you doing?
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you know, you usually need them in dues because i'm substituting it them and you get to also just want me to do it. i'm on jamie, less than not. there's all kinds of likes to do. some costs from the 100 is always to get some wind telling me about the gym as in, in the mall. um sure. where to send the new diet di these onto the new places, nickel said it was, you know what i usually best anymore. okay. from south to sort on getting you got me. there was no accidental. do this too fast. i've had with home phone. i just want a phones if i need to do that, that said no. it's yeah like that. so i don't want just call you randomly lose. i'm missing. i knew that off to the customer. fremont. that was just gonna move on the didn't has the kids that are going to send the whole sure these are these 2 guys from a c a i that is that i'm not going to send you the need her son and said, i'm not going to college to still don't, should have said you don't have any knowledge of them. and if that's connected to
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more than one. yeah, i shall see. there's nothing that was useful penalty based on this new bill say, well uh, but also she's one girl who needed keys with the foster though those you know, is always supposed to use the civil liberties for combat issues. and that's the case from that. sure. i follow have boxes, office i, let's go see the victim under delaware. just putting this is the deal is just for the zip code to solve, which it will say, hey, let's see. i said that i was not going to pay for the new assessments this season. is over with keys law firm, which is a 2 page. if you tell me that i'm actually too much, i to check for this is classic one that i'm just taking out. the novelist me see if it's by, since the kids are on the screen. looks like if i could work on that
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and then just say she say she would just go there like anything you can once you see you just shelter. wonderful. that's a that's a lot of true. there's also so wonderful from joining the always the the
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fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history with sports fights at the center. you're on a sports fan anymore, unless you're dealing on the game. phone lines examines the search infecting and the impact on those suffering from its addiction. just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. like again, we've turn this into a nation of visual gamers, definitely not in control. the big gamble on it, just the uta teens in the gaza strip as is there a lot continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect
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that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listening past, the to showcase of the best document truth films from across the network. on al jazeera, the hello marianne and lisay, and to have with a quick look at the main stories. now, is there any forces of killed, at least $51.00 palestinians and attacks across gaza that would children among these 10 people killed while they were sheltering at the nozzler primary school and the giovanni a refugee camp? this is one of multiple attacks my is ready forces in northern gaza. meanwhile is rainy tags and troops are also advancing in the south and rough uh, moving towards the says the cities densely populated weston district, us. now the developments his writing protest as
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a fault with police and tell of eve during another night of demonstrations against the government's handling of the war. when he sees what the account is to disperse, the crowds interested thousands of demonstrators, according on a prime minister, netanyahu to do more to secure the release of the captives being held in gaza. now, israel admitted tree has denied that any of its soldiers have been abducted during fighting in northern gauze. uh, this is of to how mazda is minute trailing, posted a video painting. it killed, injured and captured, is right. the soldiers in an ambush. i feel how they hit on the latest operation conducted by our soldiers on saturday afternoon. northern guys that was particularly complex and our troops learned enemy soldiers into an underground tunnel and trapped them inside with god's grace to engage the enemy, directly neutralizing them with explosives and torturing reinforcements. in all the news that these 4 people have been killed and 40 injured in a rush and striking you crane 2nd. since you have har keys, the attack hit
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a crowd that hardware store in the city. a 2nd strike hit a residential area and during at least 11 people or keeps been a target of russian attacks some months in popping you gimme a government ministers save the number of people killed in a line slide in a remote northern area has risen to more than 300 hundreds more a see a dead? local media says the land slide destroyed. move in a 1000 homes and south africa's ruling african national congress has held its final riley before wednesdays. elections, the pots he is expected to lose its absolute majority in parliament, which it's held since the end of a party 30 years ago. that might result in a coalition government. the news continues in about 25 minutes time. they'll be another full blessing for you. now we return to the law souls of syria.
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looks like an abundance prosecutors who are following a direct political order to no matter what oppose this kind of case. the case of the syrian victims is, is something that has been done some half, for lack of a better warbles to do. a vixen doesn't have any, any possibility to go anywhere else in tomorrow. because caesar's parties national students because there is no international macquarie's in the sequence for sure. so removing these opportunities for her to, for suitcase in the spring,
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her completely defenseless, to kind of a stomach virus. she has the cx, he's a victim of the crime, just to kind of go anywhere in the world super big. if the supreme cool takes an easy way out and just onto that in a very similar way to the on box, where does it go from the constitutional question? of course, going on the way the we got what we got. i am constantly fearful that my client is stops trusting me. my face
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is going to be the face that they see and remember the worst that happened to them in their lives. and that's something that eats me every single time we had bad news . the the, this is the mother of the, the house that the, that's not the photo stuff of the
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houses place. look for the lease of the med, the and then the mean husband and kind of disagree my, you know, my conduct can wait on that. but in a c sorted zip code, you can see, you know, mean that was your from somebody know me. i had to do this class and get enough stuff. i don't know what kind of special ed on some of the, the, the menus, some of the of the showed and not. but i'm just, i'm not gonna say what i would suggest we do now is listen to, to guests that are here. you will not be able to see them,
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but you will be able to hear them. so i would suggest we just this 123. 0, the us is that i go by the code name, caesar and boston, or what i'm not the police department. i'm sabina lucas. i'm not for the past 4 years. i left no door that we did not knock on and different people that we tried to reach out to the most of us walk home in order to bring the voice of those victim and looking at them off to come home with all the murdered in this machinery of death. are you able to hear us? hello? not hearing. nope. so, this is telling me this one, but i can try to open nothing.
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testing to see the can everyone here? yes. thank you very much. and we will hear from mr. semi with dispute and then you this to, sorry, the but then you will some people know you. i would like to reiterate that i'm not very happy to have to be present here today. but obviously with us and i think we don't need to have the modified be that for 2 years with cesar insights to get to document the work times that we have seen as low as possible. and then the other, the thing i promised and that we will research just this once we reach the international community, we're looking at the deal much will and then you have until the place. but today i
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feel that i have disappointed caesar. and living with the united nations has closed its doors in the face of the victims of identity with please open the doors of justice in your countries, tennessee, and we've done all these historic countries in europe. continue please open the doors, the chords so we can bring these criminals in front of justice, the caesar caesar caesar um because of by some, some of the be don't chief because there were many bodies and it was too small and
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use this garage. and this is incredibly close to the presidential palace for a full size the sites had they also to sort of, oh, how they are the s is a religious is just against me for in syria. so why is this happening? there's all these talks now about reconciling with us and raging. how does that make you feel a serious level when you move, initially, you doesn't have to do with have a minute for the middle of the week of monday. so you put in an application fee which is kind of vehicle is most of
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the lease of the use of the
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wisdom of the people you shall see as how you look at the the the
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oh the the the, the. 2 2 2 2 2 the
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shop the . 7 the what's the body shop, right? you have an amazing with
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a but the field of the, you know, i should have that for 5 for getting put even a while off. a lot of the executive, the say the lab has a right to to listen search images. he's the only thing
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a battery came as any he lives in processing just because of a deal and fits his entities. he will not do that practices to some of the ne, as long as you didn't get all the pull her veterans doing walk, has somebody's test room on november, detect parmesan, as any noticed is on on they don't. sure. will say ball on november. the mean does it, it looks like it didn't look away sort of saws that so so some of the source of the solar cells do to swing by now. we have them now and i've actually, and that's actually a little later today to him cause you've also model the the
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dealers discloses honestly of, of the easily the more than they have done us, you know, want over space. so because you, there's, you can see the accuser, do you see the, the team go to the menu? yeah, that's funny. so when i talk to you and i'm a dual assault, you cell phone could see me off the phone. i mean, it was uncle tv. if you do, i remember look, get tools you over to g like build, you'll be able to securely send us to another or print device on either side. northwood, you, i'm, you assign. it will show you. so he's also in your folder, allow me to ask you the and you just pick the remote controls collision to demo
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celeste told me that his own the was a social that's i said you like to ask you to meet those 2 of you because they really sort of mobile, if you're there, although you don't, don't want to lie, seems to me i got to switch out. this is the, an unprecedented trial resumed this week in germany to mentor on trial, their former siri and officials who are part of president bush charl offsets regime . they've got to germany with a wave of refugees and claim decide them there. and then last year, authority started looking into for these men, were interested them on charges of committing crimes against humanity during serious civil war. the
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hello michael wiley, consent almost with the lovely the says, but i need copeland services inside the underwater underwater. with that, what is your let down i took on uh i left for the clean the simple like i'm seeing the lawn uh comes the model i did to the higher 0 one model of the model base ought to be lacking, ma'am. the memory equivalence on this and i'm with one of the things that i did
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sort of that's not audible. and so what do you mind if i look into this stuff and there's an article in the lease that's good for you? well, the don't in the hopefully people would have, so she'll come set off the is picking up on this on both bundling disconnects itself. and i mean almost to unclick. i end up on a slow leak, deutschland devante alison d d sufficient. some of the senior sure good afternoon. understood, wasn't one of you seem to be still on the line. so your thoughts and body shop. and so let me 1st and this made it seem inches. good. ok,
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know how to unfair. think less than you. but as far as the hosting it stays out that time up could be a little east. these. it can miss the via almost insights out that tie and it'd be and then couldn't move list the ones that i need us to unplug them again. so i thought by the eh, i just feel there's some behind the instance to hear enough those sound good fish devolving with this weakness in these, this stays out that time for when so be steve, why did you say even so? couldn't log them for the fall. i'm getting items lopez, the women behind couldn't be avoided when when decent mention port robin voight and c vitally even less than you know, i'm going to of the some i was to print ruskin and dr. machine is to be avoided, single spa, malcolm, to qualify for them for these profitable ones. pop not, you know, a whole bunch of nice stuff, much the going to league and the internet sonata cost puts this
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the start of this workplace that on us, we didn't sushi sort of this and the thought of that as of so a place on top of the time uh, assorted to the him who shaheed for sort of the shift tuffy apartment here which best buy to do is you to click on apple store, for instance. i'm into that to the mazda or sheet that guides them. how that does even much about us. i mean that's definitely back. no, that's
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a who we monitor the who the head of the class. no. this should have to be on for now. i can be a debacle. so difficult while exhibiting you would have looked on it for 3 and while i to in you could sort of as 90 this. i combine or give you steve. oh that i'm, i'm not a for i just said i've ever been a when my phone number that if she's mad down couple of times if you have more which will attend for then say of call yes the and way as he'd, jeremy, let him continue to all shape so
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for me it was a no see a cover and moved it in to to see in the whole as a menu. jenny yeah, go ahead. just came on football . this moment, but they're not if allow me to see this with you when the how do you own your mouth? i mean, you'll have the, why you the, the, the com will be looked at, but i don't want to not to clock in to the pacific a minute. don't want to be in the front bedroom on the
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mattress is heading to the polls. well, what could be the biggest shakeup in the region? in decades for 30 years, the african national congress has held power, but now it faces its biggest election bethel sofa join. us says you bring you live updates from across the country. so that's the election. i know it is there, you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients. visit the cost on wordpress and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the hello because to this, the oldest and the full cost full the memorial day weekend across the us. we have
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go to this weather system here. that's producing some live to shower as long as spouse of right. and that's lot of heat in place behind that significantly cold us . so we have a 2 made top box where we are looking at the live vs whether once again as we go on through the course of this, we can separate this into the search. he's down to what was that se and kona here with the low twenty's, up towards the northwest side in between. this is the latest around the stones or show raffle way over towards the midwest across the mississippi valley, pushing up towards the great lakes as we go on through sunday, a few showers ahead of that swamp. this cheap one celsius in they say, looking at 37 left for the dallas mall, how sunshine coming through here that will continue the trundle its way through. for monday, you can see that extends its way up across a good spot to creep back into ontario. backup tools, the northwest possibilities of snow over the rock is west and possibly us,
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well dry, fine and hot. certainly pretty much something out. some dry weather coming back into the west side of the carpet and over the next few days with lot the showers by the east. a unique perspective. it was a shift of consciousness. the average american don't really trust mainstream news. connect with all community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. artificial intelligence is doing all of these things that are going to be really disruptive towards the democratic process. and we also need a, i to fight a i the stream announces era hearing this fact short populations is declined 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality like that and exploded reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out to do is teams across
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the world bring you closer to the house or the story the . ready is there any forces? can at least $51.00 palestinians over the past 24 hours, including children sheltering inside a primary school in giovanni? yeah, the so i'm marianne demise the. this is alger 0 life from dell and so coming up on the program, the retentions in tennessee. this is rodney protest. his fights with police during antique government protest.


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