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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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to boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while, syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. the israeli forces kill at least $51.00 palestinians over the past 24 hours, including children shelter inside a primary school into the around the clock. this is out. is there a line from the holes to coming up? survivors of is really a tight space disease. and famine in overcrowded refugee camps and guns, plus the tensions in tennessee of it's really
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protest is faceoff with police during anti government demonstration. and a humanitarian crisis in popular and you get a 1000 to remain stranded days after land slide kills hundreds. the so is ready, forces of killed, at least 51 palestinians, and attacks across garza, there were children among at least 10 people killed. while there was sheltering of the nozzle that primary school inch by a refugee camp. that'd be multiple attack spies, ready? forces in northern johnson is ready. tanks and troops rule. so advancing in the south and roughly moving towards the cities densely populated, the western district. and doctor 3 begins are coverage from drop by and costs, and the blood still hasn't dried after is or is it this refuge for civilians and the deposit refugee come unable to find safety anywhere in causal? it's the result of intensifying operations in the area where is rose,
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military has once again told thousands of people to evacuate, and we were sitting peacefully, then boom, there was a boom. a missile from a controlled drone or a regular drone, but it did massive damage. in the school yard, there were a few people who were dismembered and cut into pieces. i do not know how to explain, but they were in pieces. i am here where they make bread. the arabic flat bread here was a child who was murdered and a woman was injured badly. and there were 3 or 4 children who were also murdered here. so many of them. for nearly 8 months, palestinians have repeatedly been displaced. on my watch, just what we have suffered and we have been forced to go. 6 6 or 7 displacements, winter shoes are here, then to a chief, and many other places. continuing is where the talks in the north of the causal
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strip means thousands are being forced to flee a gun. a william uh plan uh the drop leaf lives and called us on our mobiles asking us to leave jamalia camp in other areas and move towards the west of gaza. we didn't move on the 1st day because we thought they were not serious. but then the bombing and shooting started and the culture of the continuing is really a talks and the north of the causes stripping in thousands, are being forced to see a gun. the roads line with policy news clustering was over the carry, but they live with the constant fear that more is ready to talks are never far behind as know where is safe in gaza and the city. i just need a video but gaza. palestine is ready for us. is there a volunteer in to jamalia trying to take control of jobs is long just refugee come fighting that has intensified during the past 2 weeks, i was just arizona, i saw sharif reports from the of the
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situation is very difficult for everyone here in japan. the refugee camp and in the northern areas of the gaza strip. these really military ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displaced people to leave the areas in the alpha lose a big law here areas. the people who have left the eastern parts of 2 by the account of illusions, bade la here, now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of this mail, treat ground operation and leaving without having a specific place to go. they have no shelter to resort to and these really forces have destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gunfire and non stop auxilary shelley from these, when the forces were another way. yeah. and how do we don't know where to go? we have lost every thing. there is absolutely nothing left for us. we have committed no sense of how did i do is i'm gonna somebody not this lady is 80 years old. she's disabled. this is the free time for us to take her from one place to
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another. i helped her and worked with her while she was in the wheelchair for 4 kilometers to find a show. so we never found a safe place for her to stay. there was heavy gun fire hood as the palestinians were leaving jamalia camp under the study of a vehicle a memo hospitals in southern cause we're dealing with power outages. well, sick and wounded patients face sudden death. if medical supplies aren't allowed in the directory of q 8 hospital in rough or has the medical facility will run out of fuel in less than 24 hours, the design is to question is ongoing against people in russia. these riley scientists forces had moving parts of the area and the world still silent and unable to intervene without in the quite hospital, which is the only operating all splitting offer and it operates as a reception point. 247 was sounding the alarm and urging the international health organization to live up to its responsibilities and provide the hospital with the
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necessary fuel to pump to generate to solve about we have an amount of fuel that's only for 24 hours. we want to age every organization to live up to that responsibilities. the posting and people must not be left alone to face to face this hospital still operating and there's never been evacuated. we will continue our efforts for the sake of the patients. and we're now trying to establish a field hospital as soon as possible. some roses, their rights are planning it or the you an agency of, of palestinian refugees and nations more lights on. what people in rough are going through, right. as we've not seen any immediate changes on the ground in terms of impacts on the lives of power. steering is what we have seen as a commitment for goods and fuel to start flowing again from egypt. tomorrow we, we see this is a positive development, a very positive development, something that we've been calling for for a long time. but,
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and so we're able to get those supplies in and distribute them around because they're only then will be able to resume distribution of flour. and other food commodities to the population. that remains inside rafa. out of the office of garza . the reason for that is the difficulties in getting the supplies in through the car. i'm sure i'm crossing since the 6th of october, at which point the area in which we're working, that has become a not so complex own it. it's on the safe. it requires a detailed and in depth coordination with, with these rarely all thirds is what kept to check points are holding points for a long time and link to that. we also need to coordinate the entry of fuel into, into, for the, for the same crossings as well. and without the fuel costs, we con, run our trucks. we can't run the generates is that power the water wells, the hospitals, the, the, the intensive care unit, stylus machines, etc. we have a,
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as under a low thousands of trucks of aid, either inside uh, inside egypt or in are stored in israel. so the 8 is that, you know, some veterans not far away, in the case the vast of tons of columbus is away and in case of other reached a bit further. but is that on the boundaries close by wealth of population in gauls, it gets closer to comment. when israel's managers denied any of it sold just to being abducted during fi to northern browser. as of to have massive ministry wing pasted a video, play me it killed and didn't catch it is ready. so just in an ambush, i feel how they get how many. uh, so they just operation conducted by our soldiers on saturday afternoon. northern guys that was particularly complex and our troops merge enemy soldiers into an underground tunnel and trapped them inside with god's grace to engage the enemy directly neutralizing them with explosives importing reinforcements is ready, protest as a fault with police in tennessee during another night. the demonstrations that gates the government's handling of the war and garza protest as aconia on the
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government to do more to secure the release of captives being held in garza israel has bound out to 0 from reporting mess ups. our heart followed this report from the jo, dining and capital of a ma. attempts to break up a 16 by pro testers demanding an immediate c 5 deals that would ensure to hand eva more than a $120.00 captives still housing. the goal is to strip police push crowns on the and use words counting against it demonstrates is blocking of right junction. several people who are right the this video showed on social media show nice pushing a member of parliament. she tried to verify the identity of the officer.
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tens of thousands of his re, these protested across the country on the south today, including and televi high from west through this is through was one of the 3 guys captives for 5 on friday. why is ready for us is supposed to those guns, intel of these and the hearts of hon. then i am headed on sister in just a few hours. i will bury my 42 year old brother who was murdered on october 7th, and his body was kidnapped to gaza. this is something we learned, but recently it's only now or beginning to understand what happened to that morning . i had great hope that i would see my brother again, but not at the cemetery families all angry and in pain and say they can no longer stay silent, said use the government as a bonds, being the caps is by prioritizing the political divisions and personal interests with some quoting on the prime minister to resign a ton,
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you are my best friend. i haven't told you for 232 days. i don't hear you asking what to eat. to a 132 days that the prime minister and the cabinets are obstructing the deals and preventing me from he'll give you officer a complete style made. there are also si fi tools could resume as soon as next week . the results of the meeting in paris between the cheese to the c, i a and the most sides, and the caps re prime minister, just by international condemnation. israel says it will continue. its rule and garza from us on the other hand, says it will only accept to deal if the war is ended permanently. meanwhile, the families of those hills captive se they'll continue to put pressure on the government. so the height of algebra, a man is ready for us as a rated janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank.
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yes, guns could be heard throughout the town. there has also been reports of explosions, at least 30 minutes. you've vehicles advantage you need is ready. snipers have been deployed on rooftops around the camp, which has been a frequent target of large rates in support. and johnson began in october. the a crowded a hardware store as being bomb didn't talk even the cranes northeast region, leaving at least 6 dead. and another 40 injured a 2nd strike hit a residential area entering at least 11 people talking is being a target of russian to types for months. john home and report style from keith. they came on saturday afternoon to bomb slamming into this hardware, hike to market in hot a case when the smoke cleared. this was what was left alone with dozens of injured some dead. the cranium president called it and all the a civilian objective,
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the owner of a neighboring store. so it was pulled at the top of the entire system, both the, it was set to date the lunch time, and the gardening season overall. and so there were lots of people in many cars with the as the children and the parking lot is russian troops across the border into north east of ukraine in the past 2 weeks. the city of hot a key ukraine, 2nd most populous, has been relentlessly bombarded to ukrainian president. below them is the landscape spoke almost immediately off to the height. the monkey was hit the renewal grange. he'll claim this attack on hall. keith is another manifestation of russian madness . only man, man like pretend and capable of killing and terrorizing people and such a vile wave. we already know that there are wounded and dead, my condolences to the families and friends of those who died when we tell the leaders of the world, ukraine needs sufficient defense protection. when we say that we need legal
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determination to allow us to protect the lives of our people in the most effective way possible. so the russian terrorists cannot even come close to afford, as we are literally talking about how to prevent terrorist attacks, such as these just a day before this attack, he been in how to keep to inspect, to destroy printing pub is administrating, is repeatedly asked us to be allowed to use weapons. it's provided to attack targets within russia. us president joe biden is so far behind that feeling escalation, but russian fight to get a military analyst a launching lloyd funds from within the territory. those blog funds then trouble tens of columbus is the hit targets within you cried ukraine. the officials said that's what happened on saturday as well as emergency services can do little mold and clear out what's left on home. and how does it s t? i said i had here in out 0 called full international intervention of to $47.00.
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people are killed in fighting. and the last major stronghold of the student is army in the full and off to city is, is the part of nelson mandela using it. script. hello hello, whether it looks pretty quiet now across much of the middle east allows the clear sky, lots of all sunshine getting up into the forty's full many then as we go through the next couple of days, a little bit of a, a brisk when. so some lifted off the side of possibility, central pa for saturday, maybe even here and console, but nothing too much to speak of. less pushed further north where a soul about the wet toilet making its way across the pots of duck. yeah, we got some showers coming through here. warm enough around the live and to be
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touching so to celsius and garza on sunday could well get to 38. that's 1051 height as we go on into monday night. st pocket of 8. that is a freight tank at northeast and corner of egypt, car, right? $37.00 celsius and a rising 5 a. so a few shala's just tugging the south coast of west africa would expect them to be little more widespread than they up to one or 2 rumbles, certainly a possibility and you push a little further a still well, but if it does have showers coming for here but there are some around see some west, the weather just coming across the democratic republic of congo. they all show it to its eastern areas of kenya, maybe into times in the south africa. and the other hand, stay as long as you try and sunny that fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history with sports 5 at
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the center. get on a sports fan anymore, unless you're gamely on. the game fault lines examines the surgeon setting and the impact on those suffering from its addiction just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. that like again, we've turned this into a nation of visual gamers, definitely not in control. the big gamble on it just the, you know, the, [000:00:00;00] the other day you're watching out 0 or might have a top stores or so at least 10 public killed in on. it's really, it's not going to school sheltering displays. people that you probably ever come in
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northern jobs or at least 51 people have been killed in multiple strides over the past 4 is ready for i test as of 4 with the police in tennessee, during demonstrations, against a couple to try and think of a 1000 coding on probably mr. benjamin netanyahu did you move to secure the release of kansas being held in guns. one is not just more than 5 and threatening the lives of palestinians and johnson. the treasury is also facing a public health catastrophe. tons of waste a piling up right across the strip contaminating more to polluting the and spreading disease. target boom has this report now from darrow, by last of the, the goal is this for more than 2000000 people. honestly, the only thing with little security and limited shelter. many families also like basic sanitation needed to safeguard against disease. you know, so why to the streets,
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us to in with raw fish as well as the standing water, that risk infections for months. now waste has filed up, of course, going so including here on the age of mckenzie refuge account before the war, 98 percent of it was collected successfully. now exploits, say that number is close to 20 percent of the hills. consequences. ok, perfect for people long see how deep and even on the world i need it done. i suffer from so many diseases. i also suffer from plaza mosquitoes. we can't sleep properly at night time because of the massive numbers of mosquitoes. several kinds of problems including shortness of breath, have stomach and intestinal infections due to being me of the waste of this is a will tell him, landfill, municipal authorities say these bodies on making their job impossible. wireless, i was going to be that we go to the municipality. i may tell you the vehicles and
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garbage trucks have been targeted by these ratings. so we cannot provide any garbage collection service. the united nations development program has truly to supplement and sometimes replace the damaged or destroyed companies. fleet you know, my goal is the one you on the truck, go talk as it totally and loads the drawings. i desperately attempts to restart it . while i am child speaks his way through the steaming pile, searching for something missing to east or the destruction of waste collection vehicles um facilities has left the crumpling to cope with the ongoing escalating crisis. so you want to be says if the shift, so the waste did not result wilks accessed it pays the suffering of palestinians in the garbage, but sorry about that, which is 0. yeah, with that i had
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a spot in other news agencies and preferably new, getting a warning of a desperate humanitarian situation. days after landslide in a remote area, most of 300 people are reported to have been killed in anger. providence, on friday, 6 villages have been affected. roads have been blocked, thousands of people in the impact. terry have been totally cut off and receiving help. just monitor in the pipeline. you get a country is the happening in the country to write to full cat australia. and she says, such a risk reference are extremely challenging. as the land slide occurred at about 3 am on friday morning, which many people, why sleep in the high we understand that at least 60 homes that seem very lovely. authorities estimates that the numbers my tie them at the provincial and the national government reacted very quickly and conducted
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a preliminary assessment and more assessments going on as we speak. i believe that some preliminary relief assistance. so her id been to believe that i understand that the main, the main road leaving, leading from the financial town to pull garage, which is the next town, is cut off by about 200 masons. so that's definitely will have the relief effects. and now the consideration is that the ground is still quite unstable, so it makes it quite difficult for the risk he was to get in. but at the same time, the authorities a quite desperate to get out the survivors and relocate them to can the most urgent need at the moment is food shelter, a hygiene center, taishan psycho social counseling, which will be certainly required on the next 2 weights because of
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a traumatic experience by the paper. but i think the absolute immediate need that the authorities have indicated apart from those is that they need to recover the survivors and move them to cycling. for at least $47.00 people are being killed in the latest 5 minutes and sit down since you have another session and offer the you and special adviser on the prevention of genocide says there's a growing risk of genocide funding in the region. students, ministry has been fighting a permanent to rapid support forces for more than a year, and it was, it's kills thousands and his falls. millions from the homes. as well as the executive director of the world peace foundation. and he's a painting for urgent international sedona is the biggest firm and, and the at the center of, of simon is the for region which is being ravaged by the rapids. support forces us. they've rampaged across it, and now they are besieging in circling,
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tightening the grid on the last remaining garrison city of this and on forces which is faster. i'm attacking it to stopping it. and, and it's reckoning yet another exhaust stuck in this terrible. so centuries is significant for a number of reasons, just really the last stronghold of the internationally recognized complement on this account in the for so. so a place where many of the the of the groups that are now allied with the government or in the some loosely, some very tight hold up and many tens of thousands of internal refugees of flood 12, sasha, for safety. so if it went to full to the the r itself, not only i'm afraid, would we see the kind of massive rampage and root looting that we've seen elsewhere
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. but probably also not large scale in mexico, all of civilians and the just recently the r as f was credited pretty and choose to genocidal atrocities. and we'd nice see more of that to begin a fast says june to lead. it will remain in power until 2029. abraham troy was due to handle the leadership to a civilian government in july of to stage a coup in 2022 bought a new child. so i was extended the transitional period by another 5 years to museum president chi side has signed the interior minister as part of a cabinet, re shuffle is replace it, come on franky with a holiday notary, and also named a new minister of such the 1st sight let's face a series of protests, of recent months of rights groups accusing him of rooting by decrees since coming to pass in 2019 to south africa where the ruling african national congress is held as final rally before wednesdays. elections,
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the policy is predicted to lose his absolute majority in parliament switch. it's held since the end of a policy like 30 years ago that might lead to a coalition government with the and see potentially needing to strike deals to keep the presidency. my kind that was that and see right. and so i to, in south africa as well. this is the final ready for the amc before the elections take place some 13000000 votes. this will be decided they will go into the national assembly. the majority of the national assembly then becomes the governing party and let the president what i'm doing now, if i run out the, the minister for justice, thank you very much for joining us. why is the i and see so confident that it's going to retain its majority of the wordpress and deluxe web improve the life of the people with the context more to put them is in terms of reorganization. that includes
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the most i've ever, it has been a front internationally in reading the case of israel's will on gone to, to the international stage. it has on the way the coming election issue in south africa. right. do you feel that you have the support of the majority of, of africans in terms of the suing this prosecution of israel? yes, because our internet is not included is based on the consumption in my 2 buddies lay the foundation that human rights reports and business. remember, it's a better way of the way, and others started a little bit to, to me for this thing is intending to tell us that i didn't, we are not asleep until they are also free. so we also welcome the yesterday, by the i do, we believe this is the internet is the most that internet or the must be based on
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the internet. and that the local, a new phone business is inside. it's, they're listening to this is an open vision of the global order that it must be on the web with the government and believe it or not me, so it would allowed to prevent. so this is very important. it's only for the children. thank you very much. indeed put to anything us, although we hear once again a confident pain going into the selection of quality. that's a so confident of majority, south african support for its action to hold is read a tangible periods of time. it's full in gaza, my kind of era. so i to tony's personality tongue has arrived and so for a trial, actual summit with south korea and japan need is are expected to discuss
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a range of issues including taiwan at both japan and south korea have warned, against any attempts to forcibly change the state is quote, in the taiwan straits. john has criticized the decision by both countries to attend time and he's president ly at g, cuz integration last week. the one on saturday telling is ministry in the 2 days of drills around taiwan. the island is continuing to try and distance itself from its historical collections to china. as part of the government has pledged to what file sits, remove almost 800 statues of china kite shak, who used marshal low to rule the island for decades from mcbride report. stuff from taipei. i'm a c on any visit to ty, pay the changing of the god inside the collaborative whole to churn kyesha, the father of the boston, taiwan who brought his chinese nationalist to the island of to the 1949 defeats to china, is coming out of the favorite part of heading the long expected come on us invasion
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from the name with an hours drive from taipei is a memorial park that has become the final home to many more statues of chang. no one wanted they wants to don't public buildings and spaces. and the society where he's still reviewed by some, especially older people, but increasingly regarded as a brutal dictator and shunned in this vibrant democracy. that vibrance has been strikingly evident with the fee is political clash, insight, tiny ones, parliament, accompanied by my street protests outside. it's been driven by the, you know, if you ration of new president lighting the seems, determined for taiwan to continue on its own pos, breaking with the past. so you don't have to compile one. so long as we identify with taiwan, it belongs to a soul. all of the people of taiwan, regardless of it and the city irrespective of when we arrived. watching with deep


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