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tv   Fault Lines The Big Gamble  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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it is a memorial park that has become the final home to many more statues of chang now and wanted. they want to don't public buildings and spaces, and the society where he's still reviewed by some, especially older people, but increasingly regarded as a brutal dictator and shunned in this vibrant democracy. that vibrance has been strikingly evident with the fee is political clash, insight, tiny ones. parliament, accompanied by my street protests outside. it's been driven by the, you know, your ration of new president lighting the seems determined for taiwan to continue on its own pos, breaking with the past. so you don't have to compile one. so long as we identify with taiwan, it belongs to a soul. all of the people of taiwan, regardless of it and the city, irrespective of when we arrived. watching with deep suspicion these mainland china, fearful of taiwan moving further away from its chinese roots. those fate seemed to
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be confirmed by annual polling over the past 30 years. they shows a cultural shift with the majority of the islands, 24000000 people now identifying as taiwanese and the record low of just 2 and a half percent saying they also leave chinese. and the latest military drills over the past 2 days. act as a reminder of aging is apparent. willingness to use force if taiwan shifting carrot to strays too far in the direction of outright independence run. mcbride autism era type a in mexico is keeping with extreme weather with parts of the country. freezing and other other areas see rec, with high temperatures, muskets it is reported as high as debit temperature of 34.7 degrees celsius. what a surprise? hail storm hit the city pueblo on friday. it was covered with a thick sheet of ice which damaged and a streets were transformed into icy rivers. with residents, shoveling both eyes on month to clear,
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locked roads. i knew as drama and nora has won the top of one of the con film festival. the palm to it goes to a nora. yes, the right picture on back it picked up the problem to the film follows the story, done through new york becomes involved with the russian on the got. so i'm in the rating filmmaker who escaped the country. i was off to be sentenced to 8 years in prison as one of the special jury prize mohammed residents film the seat of the sacred fake received the award for troy, attention to unsustainable injustice. it didn't feel make a pilot company. it is drama only imagine as light on the festivals, chrome pre award. and that's a very nicholas more coming up. often the an aide work i travels to vote on syria saying he's back to health. are you looking
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back? are you a fighter? no, i'm no fuss, but not in the eyes of his government. when my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. and you 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation. i'm innocent until proven guilty statements and syria coming soon on al jazeera the, it's friday night at madison square garden. one of the world's most famous fortune brings the new york mix. have a game tonight, and basketball fans are excited for, for different reasons. and you might think you're a lot of your friends for samples or comments. yeah. what do you guys about? any way, what all bets, you have to not read. i got, i go to the floor, it's one more time you got what else for 30 plus ever since i started,
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i have in stock on and it's starting to feel like the national pastime in america is no longer supports themselves. police events on the games. they've normal lives dealing for generation of young people today to watch a sporting event. you're not a sports fan anymore unless you're dealing on the game. there was a national ban on sports gambling into the supreme court over turned it in 2018. it's no legal and most of the country as the industry expands, it's easier than ever to place bets. 30 states now allow people to sports bet on their phones. if money is the substance, the problem gamblers abuse. and mobile phone is basically that the means of, of getting high. we're seeing the kinds of sports spinning now. it's not just unprecedented american history. it's unprecedented in the world. i got friends that i would say our admin, avid gamble is you know what i mean, i don't know why some of them are because some of them, i'm like, well you lose every time i do. what do you think they keep doing?
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it's, it's obviously addict, like, like in my it's the, it's just the why we scroll our phones. if you live within 50 miles of the casino, you're much more likely to become addicted with online gambling. any going onto phones that 50 miles becomes for all of us. 5 inches. you'll people who literally will gamble on their phones or on their computers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. people just press the button all day long. and we've turn this into a nation of visual, and on this episode of bulk wise, we look at the rapid expansion of both of them with us and the tactics companies use this to real gamblers it and then keep them there. they gave me a 100 percent, no stress that the 100 that they could give you. like if you lose this, the no stress, they give you rather 100 where they don't give you the money back. they give you a credit. so you can still take that a new $100.00 infinity. right? right. even though what they're giving you isn't money. what they're never knew
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where i definitely don't give you money. they want to keep you in action, correct? that's what the bonus though there's, there's not money is keeping you in at correct to keep you locked in. yeah. yeah, it's almost like is a set up. you think it's kind of scary. this conversation is making me on the americas, in the midst of the sports betting them, but that's not the only kind of gambling that takes place on thoughts at the psychiatric conference in pittsburgh, doctor could be the fisher's teaching conditions about gambling addiction, roughly one and 5 gamblers, all attempt suicide estimates go all the way up to 40 percent. problem gamblers. she's a licensed child psychiatrist, but in the last few years, she's becoming unwitting expert on problem gambling. i have gone through a pretty rough divorce. i was single and isolated during the pandemic,
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so i think that probably contributed a feeling lonely. she turned online gambling apps after her 2 young kids went to sleep, downloaded draft kings, were you looking to gamble and sports? no more on the online casino, i felt real. there were actual live dealers and other people playing that were on the chat. you can see them, but they're on the chat. so, mimics more of a social experience. it wasn't long before she started wagering serious money. sunday is i would deposit 1002000. so if you do the math that ends up quickly, she wrecked up $80000.00 and credit card debt. took out a loan from her retirement account and had to get a 2nd mortgage on her house. she says she lost more than $400000.00 gambling across several different apps. and just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on the table or actual cash into the machine. it just felt very, a felt like
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a game over the next 6 years. the american people are on course to lose more than one trillion dollars of personal wealth to commercialize cameras. and yet the momentum to legalize on like template, the speeding across the country. unabated state by state. well, the day is finally here. sports bedding is launching in north carolina the via our data. we came to north carolina and march just days after the state legalized online sports, gambling in just in time for one of america's most gambled on sporting events. march 9 is not, is, can date it is the last year the whole month, the country will turn into more than $130.00 college basketball games. over the next 3 weeks. americans are expected to legally campbell, nearly $3000000000.00 throughout the tournament. 2 and chief
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boomer is in his last year at the university of north carolina studying business. and today's the 1st day of march madness, how many. but since you have today a lot, i used all the promise today. so i don't know, maybe 1012 parlors and apparently multiple bits are rolled into one single wager with the larger ppo. you have 2 in every one of them. so there's a higher risk, but a higher reward amongst your friends. how many of of them would know immediately what a parlay is. uh, probably like 90 plus percent of them. 90 plus percent of your friends would know what a parlay is. yeah. like this is for different teens in this way. then i got like a lot on you and see obviously the legal age depend on sports is generally 21. but some fantasy sports apps allow gamblers is youngest 18. the online gambling industry has had young men and it's gone sides since the very beginning. so we've gone from collecting sports cards of your favorite athletes and putting,
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posted on the wall. and now it's all about poly bags in play. wagering. have you seen a lot of advertising for gambling apps? oh yeah, there's lot of advertising like every time i like any time you're watching the game on tv. anytime i open like instagram or twitter like there's an ad for vandal draft kings. we've got all the numbers in every time they check the status online. sports books spent $2000000000.00 on advertising and 2023 alone. you know, we know the youth are exposed to very high rates of gambling advertising. and whether or not it's intended or targeted, they're being exposed alex users you i but, and doing drugs easy out a little bit better lines m g m in that $365.00 for the signer balances. how important is it that you can do this through a phone as opposed to going to a sports, but it definitely makes me a lot more inclined if i do it from like my phone or laptop and then like physically going somewhere to place to that. how many times you've actually gone in place to sports, but something or maybe never as online sports,
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gambling becomes more mainstream. for spirit growing addiction crisis, cost again like helpline, a sky rocketed. we spoke with dozens of people who were in recovery for gambling addiction. most of them didn't want to speak about it on camera. my whole life is on my phone. i had instagram and facebook when i was 13. i got snapshot right around the same time. we spoke to one young man who's 23 years old. he asked us to can see it was identity for fear of losing his job. if it weren't for your job, would you feel? but shame about this, i would feel indescribable shame. what makes it so shameful that i would dedicate this much time and mental space to something that i wasn't even getting high or physically enjoying the group with a tight knit family of 4, in which supports play the key part and is operating it was the cornerstone of my relationship and my brother's relationship with our dad and brought an indescribable amount of meaning to,
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to my life. he didn't know anything about sports betting until he went to college. not long after arriving on campus. he places 1st ever sports, but did you ever have a like a you are up a lot of money. at some point. i want one a draft, kings pool for $6000.00 off of like the $20.00 entry. it must escalate it pretty quickly there. huh. you can only watch one game at a time, but you can bet on 30 or it was world soccer in general. it's on 24 hours a day. it would not be right. no. a regular for me to be in that on my phone from you know, call it 8 am to noon or even later for games on it. ones, bedding, all them bedding, you know bulgarian romania and he told us he lost more than $50000.00 gambling. you know, every deadline and stuff for myself, you know, start vetting when i turn 21. i mean i was a joke. stop vetting when i graduate college, stop that. and when i start working,
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stop getting. when i turn 22, i blew through every deadline. how does it affect your relationships? i wouldn't be visiting my girlfriend and i would just go in with my phone. sit on the toilet, rattle off 10. that's all of a sudden my girlfriend doesn't know. i have $2000.00 in, in, got embedding risk. those moments i would think to myself, in the corner, i mean like in my associated past, you have someone 18 even 20 to their ability to make the decisions. and the impulsivity still isn't fully developed. and then you put something like a, you know, a gambling app on a, on a phone and there's no speed bumps or guard rails. there's nothing to slow them down. it's a perfect storm. part of the addictive nature of mobile sports betting as a gamblers can wager on any sport anywhere in the world any time they want. we used
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to bet in america on american sports. now if you want to be inactive better, there are thousands of games available. each day, online gambling companies collect data on users to track who they've been on when they met in a host of other personal details, the tracking of your intimate data, even your health data, your menstrual cycle data, your financial data. so many things that happen on your phone are visible to these companies. hey guys. yes, yeah, that is here. finally, a sports book from your favorite sports brand algorithms and even artificial intelligence are used to make the apps very appealing, very sticky, very addicting. this is a laboratory for experimenting with people and their behavior. sports gambling operators break didn't nearly $11000000000.00 in 2023. but they still see room to grow with the i gaming space. gaming,
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as an industry euphemism for online casino gambling. my crew left for slot machines under recent earnings called the ceo draft kings referred to it as an unlocked gym for the company. a lot of people are sort of sleeping on it a little bit and maybe are just focused on how big the support side can be and not realizing the id and the site to make the business even larger. sports gaming gets people in the door. right, right. and why they make money from it, where they make the most money is getting to do to transition over to the online casino portion of it. so fan dual draft kings at their base. these are the online casino operators. if this was a new people lost $1700000000.00 in 2023 to casinos, the middle of wagering on mobile devices more than 3 times the amount lost on sports betting its want of only 7 states with this type of gambling is legal to beat us prefer game, it's called swing. go. a casino, simple game resembling bingo. think about it as
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a slot. machines been for few seconds. one second for $12000.00. i think there are days where i started gambling at 10 p. m. and at last to like $2000.00 by 11 and spent from 11 pm to 4 am trying to get that money back and failing. and then finally going to bed up for um, getting up and doing it again. the next day she was chasing or losses. for compulsive gamblers, it can be a vicious cycle. if you're a citizen that shows the likelihood of chasing your license, you know, which is the number one indicator of somebody who's an addictive gamble like your chase your losses. you don't, you are as a human operator like, you shouldn't be immediate check, but hey, we need to stop. this part of this is the person who shouldn't be marketing through draft kings took the opposite approach and assigned to her a v i. p. host to keep her an action, they would provide incentives for me and to make sure that i'm having a good experience online. there would be different things like tickets to
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stealers games. say about a woman a single mom and she's young and all of the site and she's got a v i. p person and reaching out to her and she's got someone giving her football tickets. she's thinking i finally made it like there's a hook to that. and there's a, there's a big price to that as well. to the game. her son noticed that something wasn't right. and i told him, oh it's for marketing said i didn't see any of your co workers here. and i heard a lot of people talking about gambling and draft kings. he's like, did you get this? could you use a draft kings at mom like this is coming from a at the time it was 12. yeah. and what, so what do you tell them? i was completely honest with them and i said yes and mom is going to stop using that up. but she couldn't stop. at this point, she was chasing more than just our losses. i just couldn't stop placing the bat for that anticipation for that rushed which came up short one month on our mortgage.
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she turned her draft kings via the host for help. there was a time where i emailed him and said, hey, this draft kings ever give out loans cuz i'm having a hard time paying my mortgage this month. he said no. and then he wrote back and said, do you have a problem gambling? and i said no, just asking, we took her e mails to a professor in new york university. natasha show is the author of addiction by design, and an expert and how the gambling industry. we'll send their clients to look at what's he asked. does draft kings ever give small loans? this is really concerning cuz she's voicing in her email that she short on her mortgage. also saying, probably this means i need to quit gambling. and it does seem like the 1st response is taking that seriously. asking if she's playing within her means budget, but then when she sends back this one liner, yes, i'm playing within my means. okay, perfect. you know, let's,
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let's give you 250 click the claim to get you back in action. and there's something about that phrase back in action, right? i mean that's, that's a term that gamblers use to describe that kind of rush, right? there's an amazing exchange here, but i guess i assume that it's par for the course and there's many more out there like this. oh, are you gambling beyond your means? you know, like it was something his email communications is, but they know damn well, you know, you don't need it. you don't need any knowledge of addiction science to know like this person's and out of control gambling. and even with a conscience, you know, knows this has, this has been probably wrong. what they're doing. we emailed draft kings about to be the story and they didn't respond. we called her v i p house directly. hey, my name is josh frustrating. i have
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a stroke of fault lines on address or english, and i'm working on an episode about sports gambling recovery and could be the fisher story. i was wondering if i could ask you some questions because he doesn't want to talk we could be to was deep in debt. she was throwing a lifelong. she started to win and win big. the game at such a high winning street like it wasn't like, oh, i lost in between. it was continuous winning for 48 hours. she wasn't nearly half a $1000000.00 enough to clear debts, but at this point it was more about doping me than dollars. i know nero biologically, it's extremely hard to stop because your brain needs that level of doping. mean that's already so high and you start having withdrawal symptoms. if you don't keep playing, she couldn't bring herself to withdraw the money that the end when i lost it all, there was also the sense of relief, which i can't explain. the majority of profits come from those players. the people
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who play to keep playing, who never are really going to take their money out of the game. in psychiatry, gambling addiction is classified in the same categories, cocaine and heroin. you can't really design heroin. it comes with its properties sort of already built in. but you can build whole companies with massive hundreds of people on design teams for every little element and aspect of these apps, right? but the pacing of the apps, what they look like, the little graphics that explode on them on the algorithms behind. it seems to me that the same algorithm that identified you as someone to give the ip service to the same kind of algorithm that could of let you to say to help, i think so. but why do you think it in wide and big pharma and tell consumers that open lines could be so dangerous. they made it sound like these
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are the new pain pills. and you know, there's no risk of getting addicted or having these long term effects. and here we are in an open way that the american how long is it going to take before we're in a gambling academic gambling has become so normalized in america. the nfl chose las vegas to states the 2024 super bowl. who was the most watched game in history and the most gambled on with americans wagering more than $23000000000.00 for decades. professional teams avoid it biggest because they didn't want to damage the integrity of their support times of change. you know, we are the exclusive official life of the nfl teams at the store. this is radio ro, through the world, media comes to cover the biggest game and it's always full of traditional broadcasters. but this year,
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2 of the sets getting the biggest present the biggest stars are both sports gambling. we have spindle and draft kings for on camera interviews, but they decline both companies, definitely known celebrities to help them market their platforms, the boys and girls, children of all ages. lampkin cowski was one of the greatest football players, multi destiny to excuse the star from the massive scene to a marketing campaign. all right, another question from fault line. why was it important for you to endorse vandal? particularly the time with a lot of concerned about the growing up a demick of a problem. gambling with young man, the kind of young men who look up to you as well as vans or the number one leading in sports park in america. and i'm a championship guy, i love when he championship, so i love being with the number one team outside of the field as well. and on top of a fam do it does a great job with responsible gambling. they're always representing, you know, bet,
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responsibly, don't go out there, but your paycheck, you know, on a weekly basis, go out there and just make the game more intriguing with a say that i just use fan jewels. responsible gaming tools like time and spending limits to manage my play. that's the system. the industry says they take responsible gambling very serious. is that the framework to approach this by that is absolutely a p r campaign. it is a total deflection away from any responsibility on the part of the designers who are spending huge budgets, manipulating every little color and sound and tweak on these things. you'll get a best in class experience with everything you want out of a sports book. and also a total deflection of responsibility away from the marketing practices that are just constantly trying to pull you back. pull you back, pull you back for someone in recovery, responsible. gambling is not an option, nor is living daily life without constant reminders that online gambling is just
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a click away. is it easy to avoid seeing casino ads these days? they're everywhere. i mean, any sports game, any, just driving home from this speech today. so now, oh, there were about 3 that i saw right on the highway. you mentioned in your talk today that one in 5 problem gamblers attempt suicide x, the financial desperation that eventually people see it as the only way out. i thought about it. i'm worth $2000000.00 if i'm not here and that could take care of all my debt. it could take care of my kids. the thing that prevents me from going any further than i thought is my children being there for them as mothers. very important a how long is your payoff plan? how many years we've been sending it off, 3 to 5. that sounds like a person,
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so that's $3.00 to $5.00 with their behavior. yeah, but it's good behavior. exactly unable to stop gambling online could be to registered with appropriate run by the state that prevents her from accessing gambling websites. but it turns out that wasn't enough. she found a loophole. a category of online games. they're not a strict campbell or by the state. i called them headed in handling apps like solitaire cash or bubble cash or any of those that literally look like game last 7 . and then like in the last 2 months on solitaire cash and bubble cash. in fact, at the end of solitaire cash, i was offered a v i p host, and 13 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes and 41 seconds. so, do you still felt the temptation all the time? the computer wasn't the only one who found a work around to keep gambling and all. let me open page, got
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a draft kings. the 23 year old we interviewed, installed an app that prevents it from accessing cam live websites out our website . but even that wasn't enough. what was the last time you placed about 9 days ago, i had a one day relapse after 2 months clean. i figured out that i could actually access these sites through my work phone. and so i brought my work phone to my coed soccer league that i, you know, was one of the alice and i've wanted to use for recovery. i was all sitting there, all my work, phone rattling off, you know, $500.00 to a $1000.00 worth advance. i'm definitely not in control. my heart breaks for people . you know, whether you're an adult or a young person like it is physically change your brain chemistry, like that, brain chemistry isn't easy to share, we change back, you know, i, so i used to be susceptible this really for the rest of your life. i really fell in love with sports. it's just such a important part of, of society and
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a culture and then dining just kind of kind of like a cancer just kind of latched on and spread. i honestly, i just don't see how it gets better until it gets a whole lot worse. the hundreds and then millions. stephens times does the delicacy value just as highly if i called cells in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different tribes with exclusive access phone lines joins the environmental. prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and its devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera, for the next generation in the united states, they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s.
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foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. a unique perspectives. it was a ship. this causes news, the average americans don't really trust mainstream news connect with all community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. artificial intelligence is doing all of these things that are going to be really disruptive towards the democratic process. and we also need a, i to fight a i the stream on out to 0. the
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challenges with the is ready forces kill at least $51.00 palestinians over the past 24 hours, including children shelter inside a primary school in japan, the around the clock. this is out there in life, and the also coming up the tensions in tennessee is really protesting space. so with police during anti government and humanitarian crisis and preferably getting thousands remains drawn to days after
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lunch like kills hundreds of people plus were live for the me. and my thing to this border as tens of thousands of i think it was in.


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