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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the colleges when the is ready for this kill at least $51.00 palestinians over the past 24 hours, including children sheltered inside a primary school in japan, the around the clock. this is out there in life. and also coming up the tensions in tennessee is really protest his face off with police during 90 government humanitarian crisis and preferably, getting thousands remain strong to days after lunch like 200 people. plus we live
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for the minimum of buying this border as tens of thousands of rincon wisdoms, fleet, escalating violence in regards the . so is there any forces of killed at least 51 palestinians and attacks across concepts and sought today? children were among at least 10 people killed while they were sheltering at the nozzler primary school in the jeep on the refugee camp. it is one of a series of attacks by his ready forces in northern cause is ready times and troops are also advancing in the south. and rafa, moving towards the cities densely populated western district. hundreds of thousands of policies have already flights itself in the country, as alexis, from delphi. as the blood still hasn't dried after is or is it this refuge for civilians and the japan did refugee come? unable to find safety anywhere in causal?
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it's the result of intensifying operations in the area where is rose, military has once again told thousands of people to evacuate, and we were sitting peacefully, then boom, there was a boom. a missile from a controlled drone or a regular drone, but it did massive damage in the school yard. there were a few people who were dismembered and cut into pieces. i do not know how to explain, but they were in pieces. i am here where they make bread. the arabic flat bread. here was a child who was murdered and a woman was injured badly. and there were 3 or 4 children who were also murdered here. so many of them. so nearly 8 months, palestinians have repeatedly been displaced on my watch just what we have suffered and we have been forced to go. 6 6 or 7 displacements, winter shoes are here, then to schieffer into many other places. continuing is where the talks in the
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north of the causal strip means thousands are being forced to flee a gun. a william uh plan uh the drop leaf lives and called us on our mobiles asking us to leave jamalia camp in other areas and move towards the west of gaza. we didn't move on the 1st day because we thought they were not serious. but then the bombing and shooting started and know how much of the continuing is really a talks and the north of the cause of stripping in thousands are being forced to see a gun. the roads lined with policy and use clustering whatever they carry. but they live with the constant fear that more is ready to talks are never far behind as know where it's safe in gaza and the city just eda did it. but gaza palestine is ready, forces are advancing into your body of trying to take control of guns is not just reference, you can fight to that has intensified during the past 2 weeks. out 0 is on us of the roof, reports from the to hello the into the situation is
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very difficult for everyone here in japan, the refugee camp and in the northern areas of the gaza strip. these really military ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displace people to leave the areas and i'll lose the law here. areas, the people who have left the eastern positive to buy the account to of allusions paid last year and now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of this. now treat ground operation and leaving without having a specific place to go. they have no shelter to resort to, and it's really forces have destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could. the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gunfire and non stop on tillery shelling from these reading forces were another way. yeah, and how like, we don't know where to go. we have lost everything. there is absolutely nothing left for us. we have committed no sense of how did i do is i'm gonna somebody not this lady is 80 years old. she's disabled. this is the 5th time for us to take her
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from one place to another. i helped her and walked with her while she was in the wheelchair for 4 kilometers to find a show. so we never found a safe place for her to stay. there was heavy gun fire hood as the palestinians were leaving jamalia camp under the study of a vehicle in southern dogs of the conditions facing hungry displays, palestinians of getting west by the day some roses director, plenty of to enroll the you and agencies of palestinian refugees and he explains what people and rafa a going through, and we've not seen any immediate changes on the ground in terms of impacts on the lives of power. steering is what we have seen as a commitment for goods and fuel to start flowing again from egypt. tomorrow we see this is a positive development, very positive development, something that we've been calling for for
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a long time. but and so we're able to get those supplies in and distribute them around because they're only then will be able to resume distribution of flour and other food commodities to the population. that remains inside rafa out of the office of garza. the reason for that is the difficulties in getting the supplies in through the car. i'm sure i'm crossing since the 6th of october at which point the area in which we're working that has become a not so complex so that it's on the safe. it requires a detailed and in depth coordination with, with these rarely all thirds is what kept to check point holding points for a long time and link to that. we also need to coordinate the entry of fuel into, into, through the, through the same crossings as well. and without the fuel, of course we con, run our trucks, we can't run the generates is that power the water wells, the hospitals, the, the, the intensive care unit, stylus machines, etc. we have a zone run alone,
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thousands of trucks of a either inside uh, inside egypt or in our store in israel. so the 8 is that, you know, bedroom, i'm not far away. in the case the vast of times of kilometers away. and in case of other reach a bit further, but is that on the boundaries close by? well, so population in gauze it gets closer to common. israel's ministry has denied any of it, so i'll just repeat it, talk to during fine to northern garza, earlier the ministry wing from us, posted a video online saying it had killed, injured, and captured is rarely sold. isn't in an ambush, a hit on many yet. so they just operation conducted by our soldiers on saturday afternoon in northern guys. it was particularly complex and our troops learned and even soldiers into an underground tunnel and trap them in size with god's grace to engage the enemy, directly neutralizing them, with explosives and toward him. reinforcements is there any protest is of fault with police until it be during another night have demonstrations against the
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government's handling of the people on cause a protest as a cooling on the government to do more to secure the release of caps is being held in the strip. israel has bound houses here from reporting from the so is there a hard to follow this report from the jordanian capital of a month attempts to break up a 16 by pro testers demanding and immediate c 5 deals that would ensure to hand data more than a $120.00 captives still held as it goes, the strip police push back crowds on full spots and use war to counting against it demonstrates is blocking right junction several people who are the this video shed on social media show nice pushing a member of parliament. she tried to verify the identity of the officer.
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tens of thousands of his ravings protested across the country on the stuff today, including and television high from west through. this is through the one of the 3 days captive full fine on friday by is ready forces spoke to those gathered intel of these and the hearts of hon. then i am headed on sister in just a few hours. i will bury my 42 year old brother who was murdered on october 7th, and his body was kidnapped to gaza. this is something we learned about recently. it's only now or beginning to understand what happened that morning. i had great hope so that i would see my brother again, but not at the cemetery families all angry and in pain and say they can no longer stay silent, said use the government of advancing the caps is by prioritizing that political divisions and personal interests with some quoting on the prime minister to resign
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a ton. you are my best friend. i haven't told you for 232 days. i don't hear you asking what to eat. 232 days that the prime minister and the cabinets are obstructing the deals and preventing me from he'll give you officer a complete style made there. i'll show you the slide to could resume as soon as next week. the results of the meeting in paris between the cheese to the c, i a and the most sides and the cats re prime minister, just by international condemnation. israel says it will continue. its rule and garza from us on the other hand, says it will only accept to deal if the war is ended permanently. meanwhile, the families of those held captive se they'll continue to put pressure on a government sort of height of allergies. era, a man is ready for us, is a rated. you need refugee camp in the occupied westbank. yes,
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gun 5 could be heard throughout the city. the have both be reports of explosions. at least 30 minutes. the vehicles event that you need is really snipers have been deployed on rooftops around the camp just being at a frequent talkative major rate since of will and draws began. and i'll try to of the thousands of or hanging refugees is struggling to cope without shelter. after 5 destroyed the camp in southern bangladesh, hundreds of makeshift buildings were destroyed in cox. this bizarre on friday, bangladesh is home to around a 1000000 wrinkles, and many of whom fled that 2017 minutes you cut down on the moves the minority. in the law, well, the rank of people who me am are facing another threat, which is a conflict between the ginger and the revel group called the our account ami formed in 2009. the group is based in north hines dates and is believed to have between
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15013005 just. it won't. so to me for buddhist icons, a direct line, which is also having to tons of thousands for dominique. muslim rang, the united nations has about 45000 rang being full from the home since fighting between the military and the rebel group started in november, a time of charging, drawing just now on the banks of the not river at the bangladesh, me a month or so time to just describe the situation on the board right now. the fall you can see right behind me is not free by and all those other side is me on my with the hills and the green or is well today. bangladesh has a storm warning, but rather a fight. blunt storm were on a game of danger and signal number 9, which is quite the same yet. so there is no bullets or fishing boats, you can see in a typical day like this, no reference this ro hang rather from the other side, will make any attempt to cross through that a. but normally this is one way that take
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a fishing boat. our thing is and cross on this side of the bar that if that car though that prevent that from coming or lending and bangladesh, because bangladesh will not allow any to hang us to enter bangladesh right now under the current circumstance that loads by another sent me on march at about 270, i me to a bought a most stuff. it is land and $67.00 killing me. there is this right. but now what we know from our so says in the camp and on the other side of the brother, there's like thousands of people are taking shelter in the florida state in the mountains on the hills. wanting to move into buying the batch because they don't want to go back to northern dry kind of where they said that under a side by boat, the but they saw kind of rebel army and the me on my military houses, i've been burned. many people have been killed. we actually met a family member who has brought it in on couple of cale just about 30 days ago. the
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situation is quite dire that you and, and the us both res, concerned on says that, that the situation in northern dyad could be at possibly a potential for and live the blood, but animal lives, the international community act on it quickly. this people living on the other side of the border do not have food. they don't have access to any kind of a. the agency is providing them food after 5, basically on the land, whatever they can get, which happened in 2017 up also for a lot of people, potentially good faith starvation, unless something is taken care of by the international community and talking about what's being the official response from both governments a snake while the body shop government has been consistently saying that they've had dish and process to should started immediately. last week. basic of the foreign minister said that the conflict in me and my cannot be an excuse to stalled every path creation process.
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and there should be in a collective backward made by the man my to start 30 punctuation process, just to the principles sector data. that's prime minister site. anybody progress from doesn't, science stops immediately. there could be a region of shred because of that conflict going on between both sides of the broader what i'm saying. you're good to hear and artillery machine got even mark or shot leave in 2 weeks that going business. a heavy conflict going on and saw that on the side of the border, the outcome grab alarm is dominating the situation. that basically more than 500 military office, i bought a guy, it often serves when. so just actually took shelter environment that the eventually to return on to me on my project does to funding delegation to bank of america. and they want the bidding process. and they said, we'll take 5 piece new bypass mail that is that they're willing to allow volunteers even un member as part of the u. n. i seem to be present during the partition
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process. nothing concrete really initiated 5, most of the don't want to leave without proper security by the u. n. r of the international problem. all right, sounds good. thanks for that. so in terms of challenges reporting though, thank you. at least 27 people. most of the children were killed in the fire and amusement park in the west and west in india's goods or at state the home state of the prime minister and promoting officials say bodies have been taken to a hospital for identification. 55 has rushed to the scene on saturday. that's huge . smoke clouds, we'll see rising to the floor. and it gave me okay to the city for a wrench called an investigation has not been launched so that they are now to 0, a russian strike on a busy store and ukraine, 2nd largest city, kills at least 11 people. does. the pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece?
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i think that the new thing you have one is government with this is 5 digit. you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons of being used in guns? no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not the need for the fact that he had the story on told to how does there being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge risk both we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working about just the right enables me
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to make the other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the the other guy you're watching out 0 reminder of our top story. and at least 10 pub students have been killed and is ready to tack on a school sheltering displaced people into probably a refugee camp in northern cancer. at least 51 people have been killed in multiple strikes after the past. 24 is really protest as a fault with police in tennessee, during demonstrations, against the government's handling it before on gaza. the company on prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu to do more to secure the release of cap just being held in the crowded hardware store has been bumped in khaki, ukraine's northeast region, leaving at least 11 dead. and another 40 injured a 2nd strike at a residential area, enjoying another 11 people talking is being a talkative russian and talked to months. john holborn has this report now from keith. they came on saturday afternoon to bum slamming into this hardware hike to market in hot a case when the smoke cleared. this was what was left alone with dozens of injured some dead. the cranium president called it and all the a civilian objective, the owner of a neighboring store. so it was pulled at the top of the entire system, both the, it was set to the lunch time and the gardening season overall. and so there were
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lots of people in many cars with the as the young children in the parking lot. is russian troops across the border into north east of ukraine in the past 2 weeks. the city of hot of ki ukraine, 2nd most populous, has been relentlessly bombarded to ukrainian president. below them is the landscape spoke almost immediately off to the height. the market was hit. the renewal grange hill claimed this attack on hall. keith is another manifestation of russian madness . only modern and like pretend and capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a vile way. we already know that there are wounded and dead. my condolences to the families and friends of those who've died. when we tell the leaders of the world, ukraine needs sufficient defense protection. when we say that we need legal determination to allow us to protect the lives of our people in the most effective way possible. so the russian terrorists cannot even come close to afford, as we are literally talking about how to prevent terrorist attacks,
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such as these just the day before this attack, he been in how to keep to inspect, to destroy printing plant. he's administrating is repeatedly asked us to be allowed to use weapons. it's provided to attack targets within russia. us president joe biden is so far behind that feeling escalation, but russian fight to get a military analyst, launching bly bones from within the territory. those blood bones then trouble tens of columbus has to hit targets within you cried ukraine. the officials said that's what happened on saturday while its emergency services can do little mold and clear out what's left on home. and how does it keep agencies in papua new guinea, a warning of a desperate humanitarian situation. days after land slide in a remote area was a 300 people are reported to being killed in anger. providence. on friday, 6 villages have been effected. a roads have been blogs, thousands of people,
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and the impact area have been cut off from receiving out. testing that mine is the popular new guinea country director for cal straight here. and she says, search and rescue efforts up extremely challenging as the land slide occurred at about 3 am on friday morning which. ready many people were asleep and there. huh. we understand that at least 60 homes that seem very lovely. authorities estimates that the numbers much higher than that um the provincial and the national government reacted very quickly and conducted a preliminary assessment and more assessments going on. as we speak, i believe that some preliminary relief assist and so so her id thing to believe and i understand that the main, the main road slaving lady from the financial town to pull gra, which is the next town,
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is cut off by about $200.00 nations so that's definitely will have to relate to exit. and now the consideration is that the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it quite difficult for the risk you was to get in. at the same time. yes, already, so quite desperate to get out. the survivors and relocate them to cancel the most urgent need at the moment is food shelter a hi jane center taishan psycho social counseling which will be required on the next 2 weights because of a traumatic experience by the paypal. um, but i think the absolute immediate need that the authorities have indicated apart from those is that they need to recover the survivors and move them to psycho land . i forget it fast as jim deleted will remain in power until 2029. you were in troy,
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was june 200 would need to shoot to a civilian government in july of the staging a to in 2022. but the new charges extended the transitional period by another 5 years. she lives in president, ty site has sat in the interior minister as part of a cabinet, re shuffle. he's replaced it, come on fecky with a holiday north, and it was the name of the new minister of social affairs, said his face to a series of protests and recent months. writes groups accusing him of ruling by decree. since coming to pass in 2094, when you as president, donald trump has addressed the libertarian policies. national convention on the sand today. but members of the policy was divided over whether the republican policies, like you know, many should speak at their event. john henry post now from washington, dc. most of the colors what? i'm, what? yes. okay, i'm and, and the so who are you?
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i'm sorry about that. let's move on. the 6th and 2nd, last phase of india is general elections. isn't it more than a $100000000.00 votes is eligible to vote in 6 states and 2 federal federal government territories? at this stage includes the capital daily that seem intense political drama, and they've run up to the effect. reminder, the indian government has not grown to visa throughout. this is janice. so it covering the election from outside the country. costume studies as this report on the voters, braving the sweltering heat to costs the balance sap. these quotes in $58.00 constituencies into the northern states and the captain region at stake, only some seats, but the bathroom for the region of delhi, the seat of national power is one of for states. the total number of people who decide internally is about 23000000 and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way is represent all of the countries thinking,
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not just about our daily as a city is thinking, the kind of governments of the issue that it depends a lot largely on even the domestic guns as back on. 6 6 6 political parties, let's use campaigns to vote in march that the chief, mr. osmond k through 12 was arrested by federal crime agency on corruption charges . he was prompted the temporary bail earlier this month, which will end on june 1st. k 2 vall has accused prime minister marine to move the old weaponized and corruption investigations to this credit for that to provide those and destruct voters from real issues of to costing his pilot cage evolve, said the vote would be a judgment on the b j. these governments i think people of voting in large numbers against dictatorship, growing costs and unemployment because they are really for straight to the
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the case you balls of me a call man's party has come from the capital since 2013, only a year of texas from it's all to increase its presence and one significant poles in not less than put jobs in delhi. it's teamed up to the congress to find the b j. b, for the 7 seats in the lower house of parliament. in the novel length of deli slums . someone is supposed to say he is delivered on promises. hello, but if i need to be under the, we have to struggle for drinking water earlier. we would have to cold for a water tank go with the supply was count since kindred, while his comments can we get most of the pal supplies, also city, and we have 0 built funny buckets from list and range. moody seeking this tom and the national elections are seen as a test of his product because dominance. his supporters credits him for the successful tenure,
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the base at which we are able to go to the good the be to help viewed and for such a view defense. it does main building it as it is truly one mentioned the voting for the remaining $57.00 seats on june. first, they wrap up a 6 week collection that votes being counted onto the full, the consumption of these things. and that's it for me and the clock for now. tell me on the website it goes down to 0 in dot com is the address. we got more news coming up on out right after we go to top 12 c like the the hello. whether it looks pretty quiet now across much of the middle east, loyalty, clear sky, lots of halt, sunshine getting up into the forty's full many. then as we go through the next
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calculus, guys, a little bit of a, a brisk when. so some lifted off the side of possibility. central pa, for saturday, maybe even here in concept, but nothing too much to speak of less push further north. where a sol about the a what, what am i making it's way across the pots of duck. yeah, we got some showers coming through here. warming up around the live band, but touching so to celsius in gaza on sunday could well get to 38. that's 100 in fahrenheit as we go on into monday night. st. pocket of 8. that is affecting that northeast corner of egypt. car. right? $37.00 celsius and a rising 5 a. so a few shala's just hugging the south coast of west africa would expect them to be little more widespread than they up to one or 2 rumbles, certainly a possibility and you push a little further a still well, but if it does have showers coming for here but there are some around see some west the weather just coming across the democratic republic of congo. the,
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i'll show it to it's eastern areas of kenya, maybe into times in, in south africa. and the other hand stays long as you try and sunny the fruitful motives to take 90 to come to you and k o l g 0 will goes to gammon with political schools in the 1980s was settled by assessing this. there was a big battle coming in a battle in which south humans president was pontiff with deadly gay. i refused to give them my head, give up power the killing of self human. the politicians during a routine cabinet between a 1986 an estimate of an assassination on al jazeera or the end of phones move on to the local stage. the video is in the process of joining a coalition of countries and a significant diplomatic initiative.


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