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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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says you bring your live updates from across the country. so that's the election on not is there the, [000:00:00;00] the there on this policy of 10. this is and use our line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. is really strikes, collect, least 58 palestinians in garza, in the past 24 hours, women and children are among the victims. anti government protests and tell of the families of his randy captives held in garza demands a deal for their loved ones. when these appeals to health and popping your guinea agencies save a desktop from a major landslide could be in the 1010s of thousands of or hangup muslims,
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offering escalating violence in me and laws are kind of the only beginning garza where it is rarely forces that show no sign of ending their results on this trip, attacking both the central and southern regions, and they've killed at least $58.00 palestinian since saturday morning. 10 children are along with the latest victims. they were sheltering into school. we have a devali, a refuge account in the north when it was bombed. meanwhile, tanks and troops are advancing in rafa in the south moving towards the cities densely populated western district. in del, could already begins our coverage from del bala and central casa, and the blood still hasn't dried after is, or is it this refuge for civilians in the deposit refugee come, unable to find safety anywhere in causal. it's the result of intensifying operations in the area where is rose,
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military has once again told thousands of people to evacuate, and we were sitting peacefully, then boom, there was a boom. a missile from a controlled drone or a regular drone, but it did massive damage. in the school yard, there were a few people who were dismembered and cut into pieces. i do not know how to explain, but they were in pieces. and here where they make bread, the arabic flat bread here, a child was murdered, and a woman was injured badly. and there were 3 or 4 children who were also murdered here from yamaha. for nearly 8 months, palestinians have repeatedly been displaced. on my watch, just what we have suffered and we have been forced to go through 6 or 7 displacements. the winter shoes are here then to a chief and many other places. continuing is where the talks in the north of the causal strip means thousands are being forced to flee
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a gun. a william uh plan uh the drop leaf lives and called us on our mobiles asking us to leave the valley of camp and other areas and moved towards the west of gaza. we didn't move on the 1st day because we thought they were not serious. but then the bombing and shooting started and the culture of the continuing is there any attacks in the north of the causal stripling? thousands are being forced to see a gun, the roads lined with policy and use clustering whatever they carry. but they live with the constant fear that more is ready to talks are never far behind as know where is safe in gaza and the city. i just need a video but goes up palestine, as you've been saying is rarely forces are advancing into jamalia, which is gauze as largest refuge account. in february they declared the are free of him us. but now say that fight as a re griffing intense baffled event on the way between israeli soldiers and palestinian sciences. aus is here is on the cell sharif reports now from the count
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where hundreds of thousands of civilians to attract all the 2 sides exchange fine. along the stream, the situation is very difficult for everyone here in japan, the refugee camp and in the northern areas of the gaza strip. these really military ground operation is being expanded by the occupation, forcing the citizens and displace people to leave the areas. and i'll, i'll lose the law here areas the people who have left the east and positive to buy the account to lose and paid last year. and now being forced to leave again after 2 weeks of this now tree ground operation and leaving without having a specific place to go, they have no shelter to resort to. and it's really forces have destroyed as many of these people's houses and shelters as they could the conditions of very harsh together with heavy gunfire and non stop artillery shouting from these reading forces were nowhere. yeah. and how like, we don't know where to go. we have lost everything. there is absolutely nothing left for us. we have committed no sense. how did i do is i'm gonna somebody,
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not this lady is 80 years old. she's disabled. this is the 5th time for us to take her from one place to another. i helped her and walked with her while she was in the wheelchair for 4 kilometers to find a show. so we never found a safe place for her to stay. there was heavy guns by a hood as the palestinians were leaving jamalia camp of the city of i was just beautiful. the meanwhile, in southern garza hospital as are still struggling to operate without power as generators. now run dry doctors one the patients that are facing sudden death is medical supplies onto loud and soon the director of the ways you hospital and ralph it has it's the international community to provide desperately needed fuel in the design this, the question is on going against people in rough on these re design is forces hit more than half of the area and the will still silent. un, unable to intervene without in the quite hospital,
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which is the only operating wall splitting ortho and it operates as a reception point. the 247 was sounding the alarm and urging the international health organization to live up to its responsibilities and providing the hospital with the necessary fuel to pump to generate to us what we want to edge every organization to live up to their responsibilities. posting and people must not be left alone to face to face this hospital still operating and there's never been evacuated. we will continue our efforts for the sake of the patients. and we're now trying to establish a field hospital as soon as possible. what? well, let's be talked correspondence on the ground, honeywell, when he joins us now from darrow ballot. and central garza honey, we're seeing these intensifying strikes across the strip. took us through what israel's been targeting the yes. well, just within the past hour, so renewed at artillery, showing a tax in the eastern part of hon. you are just as adults,
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the latest of early hours of this morning. constant as reports confirmed from people who uh got to their residential home and eastern the these for inside of full i had been with that states are inside of patio and a city at as, as they were approaching the residential home, they were forced to leave the area as constant artillery sitting up to continue the started to pound the area of the feared for the life where they received it for the safety. they had to move all the way to the center. part of how new and is city is something that has been feeding into a permanent displacement for these people. honda and it says one of the cities that has been completely destroyed by it is really monitor. we're talking about complete elimination of all social services as well. as old means of live across the, including the only health sicily, that's nicer. hostetter that has been pushed out of service completely. that is, has been feeding into permanent displacement for people who aren't able to get back to their homes at an overnight attacks. these really military and almost, you know, a something that
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a bulked his syria in the weight is really military carried out the tox, either in real fast city, or across the uh, the gaza strip. uh, at the time the uh, mazda, the military. we gave in a video statement and now they look at that being more sol, your, if we've seen a search over the tots across the city, more residential homes in dropbox city, including 6 people not being killed in one residential, and they have been sold during and we were told by a family member that this particular family works in eastern north of city, were forced to move to the northern eastern part of her in a different residential home. as the weight of this very monetary started to operate in the eastern part of the city, but the artillery swimming de, or strikes as started to expand beyond the centre part of it at the vicinity of the kuwaiti hospital. that right now, operating at the very low capacity possible with no fuels,
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to keep it sustainable. there is a risk of shutting down the hospital. it's a small health facility and capable of these kind of out of emergencies right now with the influx of injuries and, and patients inside the hospital. the insufficient medical staff, similar situations are repeating themselves in the center central area of the guster as well as the northern part hanging on talking there about twins and suppliers. we aren't getting reports that a is now entering through kind of, we saw them crossing in the south. do we know any of that's hidden? well as of this mom and only reports that we got that this is the crossing, the gates of the crossing has been often on. this isn't a dissertation, 4th trucks. so in turn, the gaza strip. just let's just put a little bit of context here. the past 18 days and right after there's really military storm roof i crossing none of these crossing that's we're including growth behind carmel, the sudden pressing been open, none of the food,
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the water medical supplies been allowed to insert the golf. so it's a v p. and stays and the, the market is completely depleted, people evacuation the zones, the not have access to any of these basic necessities, including water and food. supply this, the science of both the famine and science of, of a white star vision and for the star vision started to appear here, including the, the, the, the skyrocketing of prizes here. but so far what we learned that there are at least $200.00 trucks. they're going to be allowed to enter at the gaza strip, and that is based on an agreement between the american administration de gyptian authorities and these relays to allow a constant flow of $200.00 trucks on daily basis, including a fuel that's about 4 trucks of a few that are going to be allowed, as well as cooking gas for people in the southern part and they've asked questions on and the central area. now the ongoing closure on the crossing has made it very difficult for,
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for injuries. and patients who are in need of better medical attention, they need to be out of dos and better hospitals. and the longer it takes to reopen the crossing, the, the, the more risk of losing lives as health hospital officials explain the dire situations of, on the inability to provide necessary medical attention to those injuries. who needs better attention outside the hunting, loved ones that with a very nice just for us from there all on the central part of the gaza strip will be set staying across there is a deliveries as and when they happen, if you allow to 0. thank you. oh somers is the director of planning on run through you an agency for palestinian refugees and he explains what people are roughly going through right now. and we've not seen any immediate changes on the ground in terms of impacts on the lives of power. steering is what we have seen as
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a commitment for goods and fuel to start flowing again from egypt. tomorrow we see this is a positive development. a very positive development is something that we've been calling for for a long time, but and so we're able to get those supplies in and distribute them around because they're only then will be able to resume distribution of flour and other food commodities to the population that remains inside rafa out of the pots of garza. the reason for that is the difficulties in getting the supplies in through the car . i'm sure i'm crossing since the 6th of october at which point the area in which we're working, that has become a not so complex, so it's on the safe. it requires detailed and in depth coordination with, with these riley all thirds is what kept to check points, the holding points for a long time and link to that. we also need to coordinate the entry of fuel into, into, for through the same crossings as well. and without the fuel costs, we con, run our trucks,
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we can't run the generates as the power of the water wells. the hospitals, the, the, the intensive care unit styles, just machines, etc. we have a, as on or a low thousands of trucks of a, either inside uh, inside egypt or in our store in israel. so the 8 is that, you know, bedroom, i'm not far away in the case of stuff type of kilometers away. and in case of other reached a bit further, but is that on the boundaries close by? well, so population in garza gets close. it's a permanent, as well as far as military has denied that any of its soldiers were abducted during ground. baffles with putting infections in northern gaza. alia the minute to ring or from us, posted a video online, saying it had killed, injured, and captured is really sold, isn't an ambush. i feel how do you know how many? uh, they just operation conducted by our soldiers on saturday afternoon, northern guys that was particularly complex and our troops learned and even soldiers into an underground tunnel and trapped them in size with god's grace to engage the enemy,
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directly neutralizing them with explosives and toward him. reinforcements is rarely protest as fault with police and tell of you have on south day during another light of demonstrations against the government is handling the war. on garza, they want to authorities to do more to negotiate the release of is really capt is still being held in the strip. these really governance has gone down to 0 from reporting from that. so i'll cost on south kyra, filed this report for us from the jordanian capital, among the attempts to break up a $16.00 by pro testers demanding and immediate sci fi deal that would ensure to hand eva more than a 120 captives still housing. the goal is to strip police push button crowns on full spot and use words counting against it demonstrates as volcano right junction.
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several people who are right the this video showed on social media show nice pushing a member of parliament. she tried to verify the identity of the 10s of thousands of his re, these protested across the country on the south today, including and televi high from west through this is through one of the 3 the captives to 5 on friday. why is ready forces spoke to those down the intel of these and the hearts of time then i am headed on sister in just a few hours. i will bury my 42 year old brother who was murdered on october 7th, and his body was kidnapped to gaza. this is something we learned, but recently it's only now or beginning to understand what happened to that morning . i had great hopes that i would see my brother again, but not at the cemetery families, all angry and in pain say they can no longer stay silence. they accuse the
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government of abandoning the caps is by prioritizing the political divisions and personal interests. with some quoting on the prime minister to resign my tongue, you are my best friend. i haven't told you for 232 days. i don't hear you asking what to eat. to a $132.00 days that the prime minister and the cabinets are obstructing the deals. and preventing me from hugging you all through a complete style made their own shapes that si fi too could resume. as soon as next week. the results of the meeting in paris between the cheese to the c, i a and the most sides and the cats re prime minister, just by international condemnation. israel says it will continue. its rule and garza from us on the other hand, says it will only accept a deal if the war is ended permanently. meanwhile,
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the families of those hills captive se they'll continue to put pressure on a government sort of height of algebra. i'm on to the last where you joins me now. he's a political analyst and a professor of media studies at the institute for graduate studies, not as we're seeing there. and so i was report pressure as kaylee, continuing to build on israel in the meantime, the listings mass of offensive in the north. and this was an area that israel had said that it has cleared, right. so now we're seeing these huge the intense baffles even potentially reports of israeli soldiers being taken captive. how is as well as defensive going as well, it's not going very well. actually, there was a, a report published a few days ago by political, which spoke with us intelligence officials. and those officials seemed to indicate that things were not going well at all for israel. in fact, they said that 70 percent of from mazda is fighting for us, remains intact on fighting in gaza. they also said and this, i think this is even worse news for israel. they said that her boss has been able
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to recruit thousands of new members. so from that standpoint, in terms of manpower from us seems to be doing quite well. they also spoke about the tunnel network, which is mostly still intact. so, and then we're getting reports of how from us has been able to re purpose. all of these unexploded is rarely bombs. so now they have, they don't have a weapons, a problem anymore either. so, you know, i think israel is, is clearly, uh, you know, getting all i can handle on the battlefield right now. so i'm us clearly still has resources, it's still very much sufficing for us. i see they are saying that they don't want to engage in negotiations right now, but they have been reports that they will be in direct talks in the coming days as well as saying that what would indirect wilks even look like? well, it's unclear right now, but i think the major sticking point as you, as sorta was just reporting is that, that, that kind of any game, right, and we've been talking about this for, for many weeks. and in fact, months,
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you know, his real wants the right to continue the war, but they don't have any intention of, of, of stopping door, right until they get what they call total victory. and that's the phrase they they keep using. so they want this to kind of temporary pause from, from also standpoint that's unacceptable. they want a permanent pause. it doesn't make any sense from mazda is perspective to have the sort of stay of execution, which is what that is tantamount to write. a, a brief pause and the fighting only to re resume this bombardment against the gaza strip. you know, in a few, in a few weeks. so i think that's going to continue to be the sticking point until some serious leverage, which is a fight. and i don't think that leverage can come from other than the united states as in the short term. well, let's talk about some of that never edge because for the 1st time is as our correspond honey was saying and 18 days, we're finally seeing some, a cross through kind of like we saw on the crossing in the south. we're hearing that's 200 trucks, full trucks, a fuel, when we haven't seen move across and yet. but is that a direct result of us pressure?
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i don't think there's any question. i don't think there's any question about it. i think it's a direct byproduct of what we've seen happen over the last couple of days. so at the i, c j, there's mounting pressure, not only on israel, but on the united states. i think what this is, what this underscore is though, is how much leverage the united states actually has video that wants to open their they're the ones who closed caught them. i will send them, right. they don't want aid to go and they made that very clear. they not only showed that in their actions, but they made numerous statements to that effect. and so the fact that the united states can apply this pressure in less than 48 hours, underscore is how much leverage they have. and they could actually be doing quite a lot more. we'll see if they choose to do sam honda down the street. they're great to have you again on the news now. thanks for joining x. is there any forces? meanwhile, i have rated the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank guns on it could be heard throughout the city. there also have been reports of explosions,
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at least that's the military vehicles invented. janine and 12 palestinians were killed. that during rates last week is really snipers have been deployed on rooftops around the count, which has also been a frequent tonda to res. since the war and gaza began back in october or the moving on an 8 agencies and popping you gimme a warning of a desperate humanitarian situation. day is now off to a landslide in a remote area that more than 300 people are reported to have been killed in anger, providence, on friday. roads have been blocked and emergency response crews are unable to reach thousands of people in need of assistance. alexander binds reports, it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks in some places. 8 meters deep teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors. the landslide had popular new guineas,
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northern and the province at around 3 am on friday for young people in their homes . while they were sleeping. survivor's st. boulders, the sides of cars came tumbling down, crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris or the bodies and yet to be reaching the local. so still working and trying to dig odd more over buddies. provincial government to southern the actual disaster team with now k, t, and simple as i'm just asked person to go there and check up as, as like aside 6 villages are expected. local media, say the desktop may be in the thousands most people here are small scale farmers and they've lost everything. they've got into the wild animals. the livestock. yeah, everything was there and they're,
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they're appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter. emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600 kilometers from the capital. parts of the affected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leaving, leaving from the provincial town, is cut off by about 200 masons. so that definitely will have to release effects. and now the consideration is that the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it quite difficult for the risky was to get in fact at the same time yes already. so quite desperate to get out the survivors and relocate them to camps because of the landslide isn't clear, but popular and your guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors and earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teams is getting as many people as possible out of the disaster zone. alexandra buyers,
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alta 0. so that's a k is expressing concern about the escalation and fighting me. and that's forced tens of thousands to flee. it's calling on magenta and rebel groups to respect to international and to protect civilians. and one of the groups that the ministry is fighting is called the arc on army formed in 2009. it's based and were kind state and does relieve to have between 15030000 fights is at one. so autonomy for buddhist iraq ends in real time, which is also home to tens of thousands of put on the muslim or hang up on the united nations says about 45000 rang. i have been forced from their homes since fighting between the military and revel. groups began back in november. many of them have fled across the borders to bundle dish. and some reports accused of our economy of tearing us an awesome campaign against the minority, were hang on, let speak to our correspond tom, good job. he joins me now from the banks of the nap river that's on the bank to
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dash me on my border tundra. can you describe the situation for us on that border right now? yeah, so right behind me is the river and there's lot of mountains and hills become said because of extreme weather right here to run. show rain as well as it's very cloudy and beyond that area is a conflict zone, right kind. there's been intense fighting between them, but this rock kind rebel army and me and my army within last 67 months was been intense fighting. even until yesterday there was people in the local area so they could hear machine gun and our murder shall and within these area, a lot of this growing who fled the northern got car near, you have taken shelter and them wanting to come to bangladesh. some of them made it to the rapids you can, but others are not allowed back there. there is a strict guideline on border patrol as well as close. got that not to let anybody, it is not willing to accept any more going. as it said,
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it is up to the international community to take care of them. now, according to you and we know 45000 people have been displaced, talking to some of the ink as who fled to here and those in the northern right kind that said the houses i've been burned by both sides demand miami as well as out of con rambo army, and therefore it's politic code at man and young boys. i've been recruited by that both side and across thing between them. they said with barney or villages and really so you're out of the villages. so a lot of them people are taking shelter in a really bad and learned in the junk, goes without food, without shelter. there's no aid agency, there's no government that comes exactly at this point. now, on the brink of starvation, unless there's some sort of international effort to save them as it is, they can cross who, whoever made it here is a legally by boat or by land border, but they can legally cross into bangladesh right now. and as you can see that it's pretty wet, wet,
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tundra is we understand that there is an approaching site clone to which is when you're going to make things west. we'll leave it that for now, but stay across that for you here. and i'll just here at 800 calorie that for us on the me. i'm up on the dashboard to what we can dig into this a little more with david mathias and he's an independent artist who specializes in conflict on human rights and me. a non headwinds us now from tongue my and thailand, david, they have been report since we've been hearing of abuse mass awesome. even though i understand the headings always seeing the targeting of the reading go here or all the, some reporting being quotes in the crossfire between the minute train the arc on on me basically can understand it. i think these are actually happening the little across the line because as i saw a tax between yeah, our economies and the me on my notes here are the security forces. but it seems that both sides are actually solving. so the ways of being able to document that by the sides have many guys, you know, some attacks and software needs to do is with the center driving them out. and so i think it's,
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it's really finding another chapter of address and situation. so the right in just people who don't in that time over time states, but it's also going to remember the supposed to be minutes in the area. are you talking to me in the army and the whole communities are actually saw me. can you explain a little bit of the background to when it comes to our account only because they made us of ethnic minorities fighting the government, mostly as we've been reporting to bo district time, but they themselves have been targeting another ethnic minority. the main name wasn't ranking got it also seems that the ministry has reported the encouraging the, that this kind of development of communal bios. i absolutely understand what we're saying in the past. 50 years of the, our economies resistance start all over the past 4 or 5 years. the $10.00 declining is actually gone, gone way up and it certainly sense of buying since november. and the all calm is probably the closest point to a tax range. pretty much full little the reply side equally with the guys and longer and we think a lot of parts of the me on those are actually collapsing,
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surrender and things in these areas over the past 7 years. even on the face of pretty several episodes by law, sierra. com is not target is a huge populations. and a lot of the, the race assessments that might still exist that were kind of kept very, uh, uh, very uh, on the backups. and what was saying in the past 2 weeks is the same succession of the messages from we are kind of in leadership is these leaders maybe showing some really quite disturbing races a twice and souls is on the ground stage like 600 square feet of all sorts description and, and full light up and, and what can i describe the different kinds of posting them out of as well. so, you know, we also seem to be a military forcibly recruiting and a place large numbers of reading, just some assume that actually join voluntarily the north side of every military to talking to them several years ago. and in 2017. so it's an incredibly confused and
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distressing situation and you talk about how much headway the our economy has made it and trying to create this, or thomas states that they've been, that they've been essentially fighting for for years. what would that actually mean for the ringa? well, it has a great new mindset and to that, and i think the best, the, our economy was trying to actually bring as many radio each of the civilian administration . the children in the past several years is that the civilian administration, following the military strategies, including um, economy us, right. he's a magistrates and, and, and other administrators. not too sure exactly the stances the task successfully. that was the certainly theaters you are kind of, i was going to show the readings are a lot more acceptance on what my inclusion in the future. but i think those assumptions needs to be revisited. i'm going to be really need to stop thinking,
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well the future is already just one day in reply size. even when the, the, they are kind of, i mean actually it's a totally waitress and that's something where he just, it was still less than a result of site and also the $1000000.00 your in band with us and the final, there's lots to go on. so i think it's a very upset to, to, so the ranger devotees and they're an independent unless through specializes in the law. thank you very much for joining us on, on the houses here and use our data. thank you as well. still, it has here, here on out the 0 of the fuzzy is in government and south africa is the policy of nelson mandela losing its grip on power past the trunk on the campaign trail. why the republican frontrunner is showing up to a sub policy conference the, however,
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we have plenty of showers long spells of rain coming in across the western pa solve here a pat them. i mean say the areas of plaid up towards the low countries. another little one, but if lee at present and then we'll see some what to with it coming in across the northwest as we go through the next complex, i saw the reset, sunshine, high pressure in child. so i settled, i'm sunny it with a women's around that high, maybe in the clockwise direction withdrawing in some very well mass still across the good parts of scandinavia is 22 and still comp 26. and also we've been seeing these numbers in past days. really warm weather will be just around the gym. be pushing across into pilot. let's push through sunday. going on into monday and see the pockets of wall maria, up to what was the baltic states by tuesday 21 in august. lemme back down to 20. as we go one through, why does they notice cooler act coming in over the higher ground here, but a 27 still in place? the full still cold for the middle parts of next week. so thus, they pretty warm across set to move the parts of europe out towards the northeast
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as well as what the weather coming into at western side of russia. plenty of showers, longest specifying, moving across the bridge is house as we go one through monday and still some showers. the central box the up to 6 weeks. the final phase of india is general elections begins on c, the fast, the prime minister now render moody is seeking to increase has majority butler, low 10 out, and economic uncertainty. cost is rooting. p j. p. follow in d, as general election announces era. israel's war on gossip be coming in forever war across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down? why, despite the insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza, the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line,
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the challenges with the natural watching out a 0. to remind you about top stories for sound. at least 58 palestinians have been killed and is really bombings across the gaza strip since saturday morning that done that includes 10 children who are sheltering out of school and they have to
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jamalia refuge account. no one is randy protest does mean a lot of fort with police and tennessee of during demonstrations that against the government's handling of the war on gaza. they want with our, to use to do more, to negotiate a deal, the release of captains being held in casa and escalating fighting. unmanned laws were kind, states has forced about 45000 bringing that to police and neighboring bangladesh. the un has called for an immediate and to the vines between the gems and levels as well. garza is also facing a health catastrophe. and not just because it's rarely volumes have destroyed most of the hospitals and clinics, but tons and tons of waste, a piling off across the strip contamination wolf's at policing. the an spreading disease part couple is in the 4th now from darrell above. and the goal is this trip more than $2000000.00 people. austic only thing with
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little security and limited shelter. many families also liked the basic sanitation needed to safeguard against disease. you know, so why to the streets, us to in with brush as well as the standing go to the risk infections for months. now waste has volumes up of course, going so including here on the age of mckenzie refuge account before the war, 98 percent of it was collected successfully. now exploits, say that number is close to 20 percent of the hills. consequences. ok to specific people, links the deep and even on the world i the vision done. i suffer from so many diseases. i also suffer from plaza mosquitoes. we can't sleep properly at night time because of the massive numbers of mosquitoes. several kinds of problems including shortness of breath, have stomach and intestinal infections due to being me of the waste of this is a will tell him, landfill,
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municipal authorities say these bodies on making their job impossible. wireless, i was going to be that we go to the municipality. i may tell you that vehicles and garbage trucks have been targeted by these ratings. so we cannot provide any garbage collection service. the united nations development program has truly to supplement and sometimes replace be damaged or destroyed, columbus fleets. you know, my goal is the one you on truck corpus topped as it totally and loads the drives i desperately tends to restart it. while i am child speaks his way through the steaming pile, searching for something, anything to eat. so the destruction of waste collection vehicles has left crumpling to cope with the ongoing escalating crisis. b and b says if the shift,
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so the waste did not result wilks accessed it pays the suffering of palestinians in the garbage, but sorry about that, which is 0. yeah, with that i had a sign. the ukraine says a russian attack on a crowded hardware store in the northeastern city of call, keys has killed at least 11 people, an injured another. 40 a seconds, try and hit a residential area. russia has been intensifying its attacks on khaki is ukraine's 2nd largest city or recent weeks. john holland reports from keys they came on saturday afternoon to bum slamming into this hardware hype to market in how to keys. when the smoke cleared, this was what was left alone with dozens of injured some dead to the cranium, president coolant and all the a civilian objective, the owner of
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a neighboring store. so it was pulled at the top of the entire system. both the it was set to the lunch time and the gardening season. overall it, so there were lots of people who many cars with the as of the and children in the parking lot. is russian troops across the border into north east of ukraine in the past 2 weeks? the city of hot a key ukraine, 2nd most populous, has been relentlessly bombarded to ukrainian president. below them is the landscape spoke almost immediately off to the height. the monkey was hit, the renewal grange will claim this attack on hall. keith is another manifestation of russian madness. only modern and like pretended capable of killing and terrorizing people and such a vile wave. we already know that there are wounded and dead. my condolences to the families and friends of those who have died when we tell the leaders of the world a crane needs sufficient at defense protection. when we say that we need real determination to allow us to protect the lives of our people in the most effective
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way possible. so that russian terrorists cannot even come close to afford. as we are literally talking about how to prevent terrorist attacks, such as these just a day before this attack, he been in how to keep to inspect to destroy printing plant. these administration has repeatedly asked us to be allowed to use weapons. it's provided to attack targets within russia. the us president joe biden, the sofa bind that feeling escalation, but russian fight to get a military analyst, launching live bombs from within the territory. those clogged ones then trouble tens of columbus has to hit targets within you cried ukraine. the officials said that's what happened on saturday while it's emergency services can do little mold and clear out what's left on home. and how does it a key at least 47 people have been killed on the latest filings and assume you said you have a fashion in the del for region. thousands of civilians are among the dead. few and
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special adviser says there's a growing risk of genocide and famine and doleful. so don's army and the permanent true rapids for forces have been fighting for control for move. and again, i'll be un estimates that this conflict has created the world's largest displacement crisis with some 9000000 people forced from their homes and tried with ortiz, expect the number of refugees from suit on crossing that florida to reach more than 900 a 1000 to pay to send and all that more than 600000 to fled to egypt, south to dawn on the central african republic. you and also says hold on. 14000 people have been killed since this contract began in mid april last year. but because it's difficult to reach the areas where the fighting is happening, the death toll is also likely significantly higher. alex of all is the executive director of the law piece foundation. he's appealing for judge and international action. to sedona is the biggest finding on the, at the center of that assignment is off for region,
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which is been ravaged by the rapids. support forces us. they've rampaged across it, and now they are besieging in circling, tightening the grip on the last remaining garrison. city of this and on the forces, which is a fashion attacking it to starving it. and it's reckoning yet another is all stuck in this terrible sofa. sure is. is significant for a number of reasons. it's really the last stronghold of the internationally recognized government on the sit on and off for so. so a place where many of the, the, the, of the groups that are now allied with the government or in the some loosely, some very tight to hold up many tens of thousands of internal refugees
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of flood 12th show for safety. so if it went to full to the the are itself, not only unafraid would we see the kind of massive rampage and root looting that we've seen elsewhere, but probably also not large scale and mexico, all of civilians. and the just recently the are assessed was credit pre accused of genocidal atrocities and we may see more effect. and now, so that's like is governing african national congress has held its final riley, the full national elections this coming week advocates oldest liberation policy. the agency has won every election in the past 3 decades. the box, i mean the criticism of its failure to deliver on its promises presence around the pose. this policy is facing its toughest election, baffled yet my counter report from selector. and john is that it was the day of celebration of the 30 years in palo b, amc,
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displaying it still has the ability to pull its paula woods together among party leaders and acknowledgements that mistakes that be made. but also a conviction that support is will turn out to vote by the we have a new promises from the president of the amc and the country. we will provide services. this is saying that the until about riley. so that's what that means to come to the test when the, the new section and the 10s of thousands. yeah, that's come monday, the 29th and there is a dismissal of new parties that could oppose an election threat. the judge and the so now we have led
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the way to pull the mc needs mold and 50 percent of the boat to avoid having to form a coalition. and despite the optimism here, it faces an election challenge like none before mike hannah, oh just sarah. so way to meanwhile, so logic is former president jacob xena has kind of a wildcard in this campaign. we're using dominion polo suggested. zoom is passing 9 by the acronym m. k could gain around 13 percent of a national verse and up to 25 percent. and humans farm problems. how do we test the reports and how does them? before jacob zooming became the face of the m k party, he supported the governing african national congress. using tying, it's important that that is as easy. that means that he knows the a and b, he knows a week of the
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a the know the mistake. he has made any sense. a from the zoom as promising to create jobs, fixed the economy and deals with corruption so that the kids know that they are perhaps navigations against checking everybody's supportive. say those that occasions against them politically motivates it's, it's is a continuation of persecution or prisons oma prior to states, and also to make sure that it is still present. zoom out of his ideas. the m. k parties day must the new kid on the waiting to see how well it will to make 3 comedy both getting kids away from the governing body and how well another part of the country at least 27 people. mostly children have been killed in a fire at an amusement park in western india is garage the hun stage assignment has
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been run. promoting 5 fi has rushed to the scene as huge crowds of smoke was seen rising from the fire. officials say bodies have been taken to a hospital for identification and investigation has also been launched. won't be involved in another incident. this time in india is capital. at least 6 newborn babies have died off the fire at a baby car hospital. an overnight blaze and gulf, the hospital in the eastern parts of new delhi $55.00 is managed to bring it under control rescuing another 6 children. please say that or not if the baby hospital has fled, while 2 more people have been detained in connection with the incident on south asia is experiencing extreme weather conditions with at least 9 to killed and western india use of the scorching heat and neighboring caucus dawn the temperature is expect to disorder up to 50 degrees celsius and some areas. in a striking contrast, bangladesh and pulse of westbound gall rather expected to be hit by sight,
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klein like you to make the land for on sunday x. that's all saying that such weather conditions have only been made west as a result of climate change. el salvador is president, has announced the deployment of 2000 soldiers and 1000 armed police to the city of a popup. and i book a wants to put an end to drug cartels who control parts of that city. checkpoints have been installed and 5 neighborhoods. the police say they have detained to thousands of suspects. a former us president donald trump has been buoyed while addressing the libertarian parties and national convention. he was that so you can support the head of this is election. but as on helen reports, policy members were divided over whether or not the republican candidate should speak at their event. this is not donald trump's typical red hat, mazda crap. the libertarian party should nominate trump for president
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w died. the if you want to lose, don't do that. keep getting you 3 percent every 4 years. now i think you should nominate be, or at least vote for me. and we should win because the libertarian national convention invited the republican presidential candidate to speak to increase the visibility of the event. there's broadly speaking, i think 2 groups of people here. okay. well, i'm serious there are. okay. there are members of the libertarian party. and there are people who came here to support donald trump with many here consider the man who is notably not the libertarian parties, candidates and unwelcome inter low. and they're not showing about things
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the standing ovation, the libertarian party is small, but influential often taking votes that would otherwise have gone to conservative republican opponents. but libertarian votes total has been impactful. at least in swing states all around the country. the republicans know what the democrats know what the independence knowing, so it's not surprising that are of getting in trouble and try to come in and get our votes. but we have always had the self respect to not given to that. adding insult to injury in the eyes of many libertarians. the trump speech came a day after another non libertarian presidential candidate, robert f. kennedy junior took the stage, although trump was clearly the main event you're getting here in tears at the same time within is proud. you can see several of those read megan from fans and most people team just for this event,
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we didn't come to the libertarian convention. and within that convention, trump, my presence has been devised and it shows jo. wanted to do was drag down is trump tried to appease the credit i will put is a libertarian in my cabinet. and also libertarians and senior posts we just had a neo con, were criminal on our stage a few minutes ago. even among the right leading libertarians, the twice impeached president, facing for criminal trials, is proved as controversial. the president says he has long been across the us, john henry, and l g 0. washington. all still a head here, all knows is 0. i'm with all of the job is in the budget and i'll send you the new frame is having an impact on the carpet manufacturer in one kind of feeling about the relationship between a sunset and a russian. all the golf sun, when it's the top prize account,
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the climate probably only is from one of the most of the bio diverse nations on there. if you're interested in, if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know it. we work with and within the cycles of the we not using our past resources, we using them again and again. if we newer from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen towing of nothing grows forever. hey, listings in the guys as far as is there, as long continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage. that actively humanizes is ratings and actively humanizes
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palestinians. this is not the time, so just to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the the welcome back. now crossman then produces investigative stones famous carpets are struggling to survive, so it will banking restrictions, high production costs, and an increase in poverty among the reasons. but international contracts also payroll. some of them today, it has moved from companies for centuries, well has provided opportunities for of guns to this day. it's funding to go on and died and they can move in carpets because we're not informed wind. but these days,
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buyers are few and far between global crises and conflicts have affected sales. international banking restrictions makes exports difficult and enforcing vol materials. even honda pricing impression leads to higher production costs explore to say they don't have direct access to international markets. so the carpets are being sold to european and american biased by august on was it off in a few months for a lot of vx bought products has increased a lot by 6 dollars, 7 dollars and even 10 dollars a key load. but still, the advantage compared to previously is that we can now explode fi road north. it's just a tiny little carpet market is only a fraction of the size that used to be behind the cross visits here, used to make money from exports. since that the bond take over, many of the professionals have invested into manufacturing companies. but other conflicts such as the board and ukraine is having an adverse impact on businesses
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here. it's each crisis abroad as to where dropping sales for already struggling, businessman, calling them all was have a great impact on it with when it was started and you try and if damage direct sports, i'm in the process of carpet spill the oil, fix the world economy almost all the was our women and just fights out of under sections on education and employment. these women run factories have not been affected by the rules, have impacted other women run enterprises so that the heroes law insure jewelry business at the around the time, to kind of unreturned the power in 2021. she's hands online, my social media and struggles to find exemption spaces to market her products. uh the sun uh when universities in schools were open and they will not continue to use for women and people have jobs. we had more customers. goals who used to go out had motivation and hope there was no chase and free to participate in the shopping and
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exhibitions that were held and it sounds like sports include minerals, fruit and hand across. the thought about government says it's putting measures in place to facilitate the export of these items. those efforts to reach global markets require access to international banking. and as long as the world does not recognize the so called is on the camera as a legitimate government, the one is done. that's i'd like you to have some of the drop down to 0 cub us. while the sky is above hong kong, have less up with thousands of drones to celebrate the popular japanese manga series finds gathered at the victoria hava to watch the wilds. first drone show about a rebuttal. cat named raymond and these drones called dallas as slow as of a series catches against the night sky. thousands of residence on spans valley, eric islands are protesting against the impact of mass torres in the head of the summer season that they're demanding more controls and holiday rentals and asking the government to stop non residents from buying homes. holden, $14000000.00 torres visited the valley,
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our islands last year and it has been growing amongst people on the most popular items, including musica and beats, are the, the high cost of living and accommodation. the restaurant neuron has won the top award of the kind of film festival to come to it goes to a newer direct. this one baker picked up the phone. what was the story of don sent in new york? he becomes involved with a son of a russian all the rain and filmmaker who escapes the country alas of to being sentenced to a t as in prison has won the special jury prize. mohammed russel of skill on the seat of the sacred fake received the award for drawing attention to on the sustainable injustice indians. he'll make a pile capacity is drawn up. well we imagine as light one, the festivals that growing pre award. well that's it for me. in the stall as you pay for this new, that doesn't go away,
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i'll be back in just about the i want people to look closer at the other side of his eye point by camera where all those prefer not to the right about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up in the us. worse to make a round, peck, and also viet time when on the power of political lots, what i'll just stories we tell sales about also. and how do we base our past to change our future studio? be unscripted on one on i will just sierra ok. foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation. spence on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hub, and so it goes through the roof,
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the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the . ringback the, the latest news as it breaks here, that being event basic things. but the main concern is how these people are able to feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth has been on the heavy ariel from above and to months. now the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which we'll see here is
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a catch of muscles. the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. now we have to go out at least 4 hours the the is there any strikes can at least $58.00 palestinians and dogs. i sent saturday women and children, oregon among the hello i'm associates a, this is all just here at life. and also coming on to government purchase and tel aviv families of his rating captives held in gauze at them on a deal for their loved ones were nice and talking. you're getting of the death toll


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