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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. now we have to go out at least 4 hours. the is there any strikes? can at least $58.00 palestinians and dogs. i sent saturday women and children, oregon among the hello i'm associates a. this is all just here at life and also coming on to government purchase and tel aviv families, of his rating captives held in garza to mont deal for their loved ones. were nice and talking, you're getting of the death toll from a major line assigned continues to rise of, of 670 people have been killed from thousands cut off from a tens of thousands of wrangles, gums of fling, escalating violence,
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me and laws for kind state the only beginning cause why is there any forces show no sign of ending our assault on the strip. they've killed at least 58 palestinians since saturday morning. 10 children are among the latest victims. they were sheltering at a school near the jamalia refugee camp in the north when it was bombed. and uncle jerry begins coverage as the blood still hasn't dried after is or is it this refuge for civilians in the deposit refugee come unable to find safety anywhere in causal . it's the result of intensifying operations in the area where is rose. military has once again told thousands of people to evacuate, and we were sitting peacefully, then boom, there was a boom. a missile from a controlled drone or a regular drone,
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but it did massive damage in the school yard. there were a few people who were dismembered and cut into pieces. i do not know how to explain, but they were in pieces. and here where they make bread, the arabic flat bread here on a child was murdered and a woman was injured badly. and there were 3 or 4 children who were also murdered here from yamaha. for nearly 8 months, palestinians have repeatedly been displaced. on my watch, just what we have suffered and we have been forced to go through 6 or 7 displacements. the winter shoes are here then to a chief and many other places. continuing is where the talks in the north of the causal strip means thousands are being forced to flee a gun. a william uh plan uh the drop leaf lives and called us on our mobiles asking us to leave the valley of camp and other areas and move towards the west of gaza. we didn't move on the 1st day because we thought they were not serious. but then
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the bombing and shooting started and the culture of the continuing is really a talks and the north of the causal stripping thousands are being forced to see a gun, the roads lined with policy and use clustering whatever they carry. but they live with the constant fear that more is ready to talks are never far behind, as nowhere is safe in gaza and the city, i just need a video but gaza palestine on the southern city of ralph on his radio strike has killed at least 6 people from the same family, including a child harmonics rushed to the scene of the attack. israel has intensified it's assaults across the gaza strip since saturday. real good attacks and chatting have continued, despise the international court of justice, ordering as well. so hold on a minute, feel operations on the southern city. well that speak to honeywell without corresponds on the ground. he joins us now from dallas kuala and central gaza honeys, even saying intensifying strikes across the entire district. see me ciocca through israel's been targeting.
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yes, and so far there's really military deliberately, is it preventing people from going back to their homes in eastern part of hon unit city? one of these really military would do about a month ago from the city of tanya, is leaving the trails of data station and destruction across the city. and people were given the opportunity to go back to their homes as they are. the risk is been removed, but right now people who are either very at a close or area does say some part of the file that had been rolled or unable to get back to their homes, are unable to check if their homes are still standing or not so they are, they're caught in light of fire right now. here we are. it's hillary shilling for the past couple hours. almost then we could clearly hear the sounds of explosion taken everyone's in a lot, but the boss of your people, those who were already in the eastern area, those were trying to go back, are going back to the center part of the city. and in my that in the mos evacuations on that is something they have described,
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had been feeding into their firm and of displacement. and they have been able to go back to their homes. we want is really military intensive buys. it's a talk across the gauze is for the front for the northern part, that's the baton with i as your body refuge account, as well as in dropbox city and almost happen at the same time. how much military wing doesn't sound good. and now it had a talk and kid not is really full of yours on gone. and the rest of the cab was the, in a storage and the attacks, right. at the same time, there was an announcement almost like his period going on in terms of the indiscriminate at bombardment taking the place in the northern part or rough last city. not only causing the further further civilly and casualty, but the, the level of destruction, the ongoing and prevention off of, of a reaching to the northern part, or people here in the central part on southern part of the gaza strip. and honey,
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you were telling us an hour ago that they're all these reports of a trucks coming through kind of, we sell them the crossing in the south. do we know how that operation is going? what any of that aid is headed? of the well, it's been almost have more than 5 hours since the news about incoming data trucks. the jobs to be started to go around and not till this moment no trucks have been seen or documented in train. the guys travel, there's still they've everybody's on disappearing as the gates of carbon of asylum crossing that the eastern part of the city had been off in since early hours, but no trucks have been spotted. and entering the gauze, this trip, we're talking about $200.00 trucks. which by the way, not nearly enough in the face of the the tragedies and the miserable living conditions are created by this ongoing genocide award. the intense bombing campaign we're talking about, at least at today is 18 days, 10 days of ongoing. a blockade,
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no food, no medical or water supplies, as well as no fuels, which is the lifeline of hosp with a right now across the gulf stream met the box and your hospitals are pushing a brinko full lapse and completely shutting out right now from this the courtyard of this hospital, we are one day an hour away from this hospital being shut down if fuels doesn't make its way to defend from the area of this trip. the of the $200.00, the trucks are food and water supply. their no thoughts about medical supplies as of this moment, all the fuel, 4 of the ford trucks of the total $200.00, it going to be filled with the fuel as well as another for with cooking gas for people. but again, reminder, this is not nearly enough, the gaza strip used to get at least $500.00 trucks on daily basis, just as the stay in all leads across this trip, honey enough much, and that was a very nice hist for us reporting from general about on the central part of the gaza strip. thank you, honey. or israel's military has denied that any of its soldiers were abducted
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during ground baskets with the palestinian factions in northern garza earlier the ministry ring. if a mouse reduced to video, saying it had killed, injured, and captured is rarely soldiers and an ambush. a futile heavy hit on the latest operation conducted by our soldiers on saturday afternoon in northern guys that was particularly complex. and our troops learned enemy soldiers into an underground tunnel and trapped them in size with god's grace to engage the enemy, directly neutralizing them, with explosives and porting reinforcements and israel funerals of being held for captives whose bodies were recently recovered from garza. let's show you some of the latest pictures from those proceedings taking place in ash, cologne. family is of the kept us a quote on authorities to do move to negotiate for the release of will be, is really. capt is still being held in the costs of stress and how does really protest as forth with police and tell available on saturday during and all the nice
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of demonstrations against the government's handling of the war on garza is really government has been down to 0 from the forcing from that source, our heart filed this report for us from the georgia and capital among the attempts to break up a 16 by pro testers demanding and immediate sci fi deal. that would ensure to hand eva more than a $120.00 captives still housing. the goal is to strip police push crowds on the and use words counting against it demonstrates as volcano right junction. several people who are the this video showed on social media show nice pushing a member of parliament. she tried to verify the identity of the officer. tens of thousands of his re, these protested across the country on the south today,
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including and televi high from west through this is through one of the 3 the captives to 5 on friday by is ready forces. spoke to those down the intel of these and they have quotes of hon. then. i am headed on sister in just a few hours. i will bury my 42 year old brother who was murdered on october 7th and his body was kidnapped to gaza. this is something we learned, but recently it's only now or beginning to understand what happened to that morning . i had great hopes that i would see my brother again, but not at the cemetery. families, all angry and in pain say they can no longer stay silence. they accuse the government of abandoning the caps is by prioritizing the political divisions and personal interests. with some quoting on the prime minister to resign a ton, you are my best friend. i haven't told you for 232 days. i don't hear you
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asking what to eat, to a 132 days that the prime minister and the cabinets are obstructing the deals and preventing me from hugging you. alter complete stalemate, they're all shapes si, fi tooth could resume as soon as next week. the results of the meeting in paris between the cheese to the c, i a and the most sides and the cats re prime minister, just by international condemnation. israel says it will continue. its rule and garza from us on the other hand, says it will only accept a deal if the war is ended permanently. meanwhile, the families of those hills caps is say they will continue to put pressure on the government. so at a height of algebra, a man is there, any forces have rated the janine refugee camp in the occupied. westbank
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gunfire could be hand throughout the city. there have also been reports of explosions. at least 30 minutes. vehicles have entered, janine 12 palestinians were killed, badgering rates last week, is rarely snipers have been deployed on rooftops around the camp, which has been a frequent target raised since the war on garza began back in october. the, the, the now the united nations estimates more than 670 people were killed by a landslide in a remote area of popping your guinea as happened in angle province on friday. roads are still blocked and agencies of wanting of a desperate humanitarian situation. alexandra bias reports it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks in some places. 8 meters deep teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors.
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the landslide had popular new guineas, northern and the province at around 3 am on friday for young people in their homes . while they were sleeping. survivor's st. boulders, the sides of cars came tumbling down, crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris, the bodies and yet to be retreat, the locals are still working and trying to dig odd more over buddies. provincial government to 7, the national disaster team with now k, t, and simple as i'm just as personal to go there and check up as, as like aside the 6 villages are affected. the most people here are small scale farmers and they've lost everything. they've got in the wild animals the livestock. yeah, everything was there and you know they're, they're appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter.
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emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600 kilometers from the capital. parts of the effected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leaving, leading from the provincial town, is cut off by about 200 nations. so that definitely will have to release effects. and now the consideration is that the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it quite difficult for the risky was to get in. but at the same time, yes, already, so quite desperate to get out. the survivors and relocate them to camps. the cause of the landslide isn't clear, but popular new guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors and earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teams is getting as many people as possible out of the disaster zone. alexander buyers,
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alda 0. this is expressing concern about the escalation advising me and all that's forced tens of thousands to free. it's calling on the don't to and rebel groups to respect international and to protect civilians. one of the groups that the ministry is fighting is called the arc on ami formed in 2009. it's based and we're kind stays and it's believed to have between 15030000 fighters and ones autonomy for buddhist our guns. and we're con, which is also home to tens of thousands of predominate, seamless number. hang uh the united nations as about 45000 right, hang out, have been forced from their homes since fighting between the military and revel. groups began and they found that many of them have fled across the border to bangladesh. and some reports accused they are in the army of carrying out an awesome campaign against the minority. but haven't got time, did you have any reports for us from the bundle, dash me on my boat ride behind me through the river and behind it is me on my
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border with the green hills and the coastal areas basically by the river. it's a $278.00 to allow me that border with bangladesh and $67.00 part of that is that not river. now, what do we know from wait? and it says from both side as well as the un report, as well as the us state department. they brought the 1000. so i'll go ahead and go are waiting on the other side of the not for a to wanting to coming to bangladesh. and so i'm has actually made it, we met some of them in the camp and they said the situation in northern right kind particularly mooned out. and for the tongue is really bad. i mean, the boat side of the conflict, the icon army, as well as the me on my military, has been trying to forcefully from freak con scraper out of the young man. and i even middle age man to forcefully recruited them into the fighting. and they don't want to be any part of it. they've been threatened by both sides. that if you don't join with a barn near villages and push you out of this village and this is what exactly is
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happening. a lot of this refugee is stuck in the jungle and the make the attempt in a black good weather today, there is a severe cycle and watching back to this. so there's not going to be any attempt across the river. typically the take a fishing boat or didn't get the diner, the signing or that sort of thing as will be allowed inside bangladesh. so the coast guard and the brother guards are on the vigil despite that some made it there . but the situation on the other side of the river is really dire. there's no food, it's a conflict zone. there's no shelf that lives. no 8 agency present this people out on the brink of starvation right now, unless there's some sort of intervention to help them out. the still ahead here on houses here. almost all of the job it in the song and i'll send you the new frame is having an impact on the topic manufacturers in one and a film about the relationship between adults on the russian orthodox on winds, the top prize of
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the had low there is a mixed bag, weather wise across europe at the moment we've got some very stormy weather to be found to get across the central and west and pots for lots of showers, long spells of rain, and some thunder storms as well. we have got some yellow warnings for those across the most central parts of britain. but you can see that wet weather stretching away from scandinavia across that central bank, leaving down into the balkans with some heavy rain to come from western pots of to keep this in slices of sunshine, some dry weather to be found across eastern parts of europe. also for areas of germany and for western front spain and portugal as well with just a bit of rain across more northern areas. but there's that heavy rain moving across
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britain on the island of island. however, going to see some sunshine here for the bank holiday. we have a look at monday in london because the sunny spells before the light to rain starts to walk into the temperature. well that down slightly here, the temperature is also expected to comes down across the north. the scandinavia also coming down to $21.00 degrees celsius the the heat however, will be building across the spain and portugal. so do you want degrees celsius that in the grid with sunshine on monday? that's who weather the israel's war on? god. so be coming a for rep or across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line,
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revealing eco friendly solutions to come back to our planet on o g 0 of the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound, please 58 palestinians have been killed and is ready bombings across the gaza strip since saturday morning. that number includes 10 children who are sheltering at a school in the devali, a refugee camp in the middle of winter. meanwhile in the southern city of rough um is really strikes it has killed the 6 people from the same family. rockers, attacks and shedding, have continued despise the international court of justice. ordering is around the
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whole minutes, the operations on last time and escalating slicing. and me and laws were kind states has forced about 45000 breaking goods of police and they bring back to the dash c, u and has court for an immediate end to the violence between the 2 and to, and revel. for most of the africans governing african national congress says, how is that final rally before national elections? this coming week, advocates oldest liberation policy. the amc has won every election that over the past 3 decades box a mid criticism of its failure to deliver on its promises presence or on the part of this policy is facing its toughest election. definitely. yet, my kind of reports from select to, as it was a day of celebration up to 30 years in palo b, amc, displaying it still has the ability to pull it's one of the woods together among party leaders and acknowledgements that mistakes that be made. but also
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a conviction that supporters will turn out to vote by the we have an appreciation a new promises from the president of the amc and the country. we will provide services. this is saying that the on call, but really it's a word that means to come to the test on the the, the old section and the 10s of thousands. yeah, that's come monday, the 29th and there is a dismissal of new policies that could pose an election thread the end of the winter. so now we have read the even though is
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the way to pull the mc needs mold and 50 percent of the boat to avoid having to form a coalition. and despite the optimism here, it faces an election challenge like none before mike hannah, oh, just era. so it to well for me, you as president, donald trump has been viewed while addressing the libertarian parties. national convention. he was the seeking support ahead of this is us selection. but also on 100 reports of party members were divided over whether the republican candidates should speak at their event. this is not donald trump's typical red hat mazda crown. the libertarian party should nominate up for president of the united states. if you want to lose, don't do that, keep getting you 3 percent every 4 years. now i think you should nominate be,
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or at least vote for me and we should win because the libertarian national convention invited the republican presidential candidate to speak to increase the visibility of the event. there's broadly speaking, i think 2 groups of people here. okay. the bell, i'm serious there are. ok. there are members of the libertarian party and there are people who came here to support donald trump with many here consider the man who is notably not the libertarian parties. candidates in unwelcome inter low and they're not showing about seeing the standing ovation. the libertarian party is small, but influential often taking votes that would otherwise have gone to conservative
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republican opponents. but libertarian vote total has been impactful. at least in swing states all around the country. the republicans know it, the democrats know what the independence knowing, so it's not surprising that are of getting in trouble and try to come in and get our votes. but we have always had the self respect to not given to that. adding insult to injury in the eyes of many libertarians. the trump speech came a day after another knowing libertarian presidential candidate, robert f. kennedy junior took the stage, although trump was clearly the main event you're getting here in tears at the same time within. as you can see, several of those read megan understands. most people came just for this event. we didn't come to the libertarian convention, and within the convention, trump, my presence has been device here and it shows joe wanted to do was drag down is trump tried to appease the crap. i will put
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a libertarian in my cabinet. and also libertarians in senior posts, we just had a neo con war criminal on our stage a few minutes ago. even him on the right, meaning libertarians, the twice impeached president, facing for criminal trials, is proved as controversial or presence as he has long been. and across the u. s. john henry and l g 0 washington. the ukraine says a russian to tackle a crowded hardware store in the northeastern says you have called keys has killed at least 11 people, an injured another 40. a 2nd strike hit a residential area on home and reports from teeth. they came on saturday afternoon to boom, slamming into this hardware, hike them all. kidding hotter keys. when the smoke cleared, this was what was left alone with dozens of injured some dead to the cranium,
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president coolant and all the a civilian objective, the owner of a neighboring store. so it was pulled at the top of the entire system. both the it was set to the lunch time and the gardening season, overall it, so there were lots of people who were many cars with the as of the and children. and the parking lot is russian troops across the border into north east of ukraine in the past 2 weeks. the city of hot of ki ukraine, 2nd most populous, has been relentlessly bombarded to ukrainian president. below them is the landscape, spoke almost immediately off to the height. the monkey was hit. the renewal grange will claim this attack on hall. keith is another manifestation of russian madness. only modern and like pretended capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a vile way. we already know that there are wounded and dead, my condolences to the families and friends of those who have died. when we tell the leaders of the world, a crane needs sufficient at defense protection. when we say that we need real
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determination to allow us to protect the lives of our people in the most effective way possible. so that russian terrorists cannot even come close to a board as we are literally talking about how to prevent terrorist attacks, such as these just a day before this attack, he been in how to keep to inspect to destroy printing plant. these administration has repeatedly asked us to be allowed to use weapons. it's provided to attack targets within russia. us president joe biden is so far behind that feeling escalation, but russian fight to get a military analyst, a launching light bulbs from within the territory. those clogged ones then trouble tens of columbus has to hit targets within you cried ukraine. the officials said that's what happened on saturday while it's emergency services can do little mold and clear out what's left on home and how does it a key it costs and,
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and produces enough kind of stones famous carpets struggling to survive. google banking restrictions as an increase in poverty or run the reasons but international complex, also payroll or something of interest a, it has more from problem for centuries, well has provided opportunities for of guns to this day. it's funding to go on and died and they can move and carpets because we're not informed wind. but these days, buyers are few and far between global crises and conflicts have affected sales. international banking restrictions makes exports difficult and enforcing vol materials. even honda pricing impression leads to higher production costs, export to say they don't have direct access to international markets. so the carpets are being sold to european and american buyers by august on the affinity for much more, a lot of vx for products has increased a lot by 6 dollars, 7 dollars and even $10.00 a key load. but still,
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the advantage compared to previously is that we can now explode fi road, not just a little can carpet market is only a fraction of the size that used to be behind the cross visits here, used to make money from exports. since that the bond take over, many of the professionals have invested into manufacturing copies of the conflicts such as the board and ukraine is having an adverse impact on businesses here. it's each crisis abroad as to a drop in sales for already struggling. businessman, calling the mall was, have a great impact on it with when it was started and you try and if damage direct sports, i'm in the process of carpet spill the oil, fix the world economy almost all the was, are women. and this fights out of under sections on education and employment. these women.


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