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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. she says she will never write a scooter again, the is really strikes, can at least 58 palestinians, and garza since sunday morning women and children are again among the victims. hello, uninstalled the attain. this is out of their life from the also coming up. anti government purchase some televi families, if it's rarely captives. housing cause a demand deal to their loved ones for the report on the flies of tens of thousands of were hanging with lens playing, escalating violence in man mazda. we're kind stays mccain and foster. i was
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military lee that extends his time in office by another 5 years. he went and told her i seized power in the crew in 2022. the holy begin and gaza was rarely forces show no sign of ending their results on the strip. they filled with these 58 palestinians since saturday morning 10 children are among the licensed victims. they were sheltering after school near the volume refugee camp in the north when it was bound. meanwhile, and the southern city of rafa and his really strikes that has killed at least 6 men does the same family. one of them, a child. paramedics rushed to the scene. they're off to the attack is where it has intensified it's assaults across the gaza strip. since saturday brokers attacks i'm selling have continued despite the international court of justice, ordering as well to hold on a minute for information as on the southern city. let's go straight to our
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correspondence on the ground, honey enough. what joins us now from daryl's wallet and central garza honey, is we've been saying intensifying strikes across the entire strip? it seems to occur through what israel's been targeting. yes. well, it's been more than a 24 hours since the ice seizure ruling was issued, demanding this really military just to show through at hold all his tell it to the rock city. we're seeing on the contrary, on the ground, the surgeon, the talk across the city and the central area as well as the northern part of just within the past couple hours is really monitor intensive by its artillery selling of based and part of tanya. and is that the eastern side of the law had been road work. people who are trying to get back to their homes are pushed into further internal displace than they are. they had no other choice but to move to the center part of the city and all the way to do it a valuation as the and that's how the mos in the western part of finding the reports of vendors who are transferred to the gather of
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b and hospital or from syria, but over not a toxin, rough i city, resulted in the, the, the killing of 6 people from one family, including including a child from the same family. and we were told by a family member who stayed alive with it. the family lived in eastern part of the city, and within the past 15 days, they were forced to evacuate through the northern eastern part of the city. in this residential home that came under heavy on boardman, 6 members of the entire family were killed right at the spot. several other injuries rolled transferred either to the gods or if you're in a hospital and those who could not cross their own so lot had been road to gather if you and hospital were taken through that with the hospital. that's, that went through part where is really monetary, just intensive eyes the talk of the surrounding area, the vicinity of the community hospital just pushing it on a brink of collapse and not only just the attacks or pushing the hospital. it's collapse to just the, the, the shortage of a fuel that's going on. similar to diligent defense for larry or 6 people were
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killed at the women center. there's been taken care of. women is that fair displaced women's in the central part of the strip is really military. continue to pod across the northern part of history, particularly javante a refuge account. and honey, we've been hearing in the last few hours that aid is now apparently entering to through the time of the solemn crossing in the south, there are several 100 trucks that i meant to to come in. do we know how that operation is going way any of that a just heading right now, the operations and these that for it's hard to call many is you know, the coordinated offers the 3 and the us administration, addiction authorities and israel to because we're off by crossing is not available, not operational right now. so karma was done. processing is the alternative for the flow of a human to 3 and out this so far. we know that there are 200 trucks that have been agreed upon to enter the gaza strip. port of those 200 trucks are the fuel,
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the trucks in the same exact number of the got cooking gas. but so far, they're no talks about medical supplies coming in this, this is humanitarian from voice, as well as the number is not nearly enough in the face of the beach. the challenges that horrible living conditions the found and that is started to spread not only in the northern part, but also part of it here in the central part and the southern part of this trip. 18 days with no water food or medical supply. the fee not allowed, there is a shortage in basic necessities including water supplies. here we talk about because of the lack of a fuel, the only water that the nation here is at risk of shutting down a to fuel does not come in today. which means 1000 of this ways, families are going to go a 3rd space, not only hungry right now, but also a 3rd to because of that the only, that's the only nation and plan is going to shut down operation. hunting off with the, with the very latest force from the ground for pushing from darrow bought on the central gaza strip. thank you, honey. well,
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as well as military has denied that any of its soldiers were abducted during ground battles with on palestinian factions and northern garza alia the military wing. and from us released the video saying it had killed, injured, and captured is where the soldiers and an ambush people had to hit on the latest operation conducted by our soldiers on saturday afternoon in northern guys. it was particularly complex and our troops learned and even soldiers into an underground tunnel and trap them in size with god's grace to engage the enemy, directly neutralizing them with explosives and torturing reinforcements. israel, a funeral has been held for a captive, whose body was recently recovered from gaza. dozens gathered to bid farewell to michelle and this invalid families of the captives have cooled on all sort. he's to do more to negotiate the release of his ready still being held in the strength of his really protest as forth with police and kind of eve on saturday during another night of demonstrations against the government's handling of the war. on garza, these really government has bound $1.00 from reporting from that. so it's all kind
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of had filed this report for us from the jordanian capital. i'm on the attempts to break up assisted by pro testers demanding and immediate c 5 deals that would ensure the hand eva of more than a $120.00 captives still housing. the goal is to strip, please push the crowds on the spot and use words counting against it demonstrates as booking right junction several people who are the this video showed on social media show nice pushing a member of parliament. she tried to verify the identity of the 10s of thousands of his ravings protested across the country on the stuff today, including televi high from west through this is through one of the 3 that
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captives full 5 on friday boys. ready forces spoke to those gathered intel of these and the hearts of hon. then i am headed on sister in just a few hours. i will bury my 42 year old brother who was murdered on october 7th, and his body was kidnapped to gaza. this is something we learned, but recently it's only now or beginning to understand what happened to that morning . i had great hope that i would see my brother again, but not at the cemetery. families all angry and in pain and say they can no longer stay silent. they accuse the government of abandoning the caps is by prioritizing the political divisions and personal interests. with some quoting on the prime minister to resign. my tongue, you are my best friend. i haven't told you for 232 days. i don't hear you asking what to eat. to
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a 132 days that the prime minister and the cabinets are ups trusting the deals, and preventing me from hugging you. alter complete stalemate. they're all shapes si, fi to could resume as soon as next week. the results of the meeting in paris between the cheese to the c i a and the most sides. and the cats re prime minister, just by international condemnation. israel says it will continue, its rule, and garza from us on the other hand says it will only accept to deal if the war is ended permanently. meanwhile, the families of those hills captive se they'll continue to put pressure on the government. so at a height of algebra, a man, is there any forces? meanwhile, i have rated the janine refuge account and the occupied westbank. gunfire can be heard throughout the city. there are also been reports of explosions. at least 30 military vehicles of enter. janine 12 palestinians were killed that during
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rates last week. his release knife is has been deployed on rooftops around the camp, which is a frequent target of rates since the war on calls up again in october. the public key is expressing concern about the escalation and fighting me and not that's forced tens of thousands to flee. it's cooling on the joint and revel groups to respect, international know, and to protect civilians. now one of the groups of the military is fighting the school. the are a kind of all me formed in 2009 it's based and were kind stays and does believe to have between 15030000 finances wants autonomy for buddhist ara comes in. we're kind which is also home to tens of thousands of put on the muslim rang. the u. s. has about 45000 bringing it has been forced from their homes since fighting between the military and revel. groups started in november. many of them have fled across the
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border to bundle dash, some reports i accuse they aren't going on. we have totally awesome. awesome campaign against the minority. we're hanging around, correspondence, hundreds, heavy reports now from the bank to dash me on my board right behind me through the river and behind it is me on my border with the green hills and the coastal areas, basically by the river. it's a $278.00 to allow me to bother with bangladesh and $67.00. part of that is that not free, but now what we know from wait. and it says from both side as well as the un report, as well as the us state department. they brought the 1000. so i'll go ahead and go are waiting on the other side of the not for a to wanting to coming to bangladesh. and so i'm has actually made it, we met some of them in the camp and they said the situation in northern right kind particularly moved out and put it on is really bad. i mean the both side of the conflict, the icon army,
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as well as the me on my military has been trying to forcefully config, conscript around to the young man. and i even middle age man to forcefully area code them into the fighting. and that's want to be any part of it that been threatened by both sides, that if you don't join with barton, you're villages and push you out of this village. and this is what exactly is happening. a lot of this refugee is stuck in the jungle. the make the attempt in a black but good weather to that. there is a severe stifling watch environment. there's so there's not gonna be any attempt across the river. typically the take a fishing boat or didn't get the diner that has a standing order that sort of thing as will be allowed inside buying the best. so the coast guard and the brother guards are on the vigil despite that some made it there. but the situation on the other side of the river is really dire. there's no food, it's a conflict zone, there's no shelter. there's no aid agency present this people out on the brink of starvation right now, unless there's some sort of intervention to help them out. of the un estimates more
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than 670 people were killed by a landslide and a remote area of pop in new guinea. it happened in angle province on friday. roads are still blocked, and agencies of wanting of a desperate humanitarian situation. alexander biased for phones it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks in some places, 8 meters deep. teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors. the land slide had popular new guineas, northern and the province at around 3 am on friday for young people in their homes while they were sleeping survivors, a boulders, the size of cars came tumbling down, crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris, the bodies and yet to be reaching the locals as they are working and trying to dig
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a more over bodies provincial government to 7, the actual disaster team with now k team and simple ladies. i'm just asked person to go there and check up as, as like a site. the 6 villages are affected. the most people here are small scale farmers and they've lost everything. they've got into the wild animals, the livestock. yeah, everything was there and there they are appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter. emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600 kilometers from the capital. parts of the affected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leaving, leaving from the provincial town, is cut off by about 200 nations. so that definitely will have to release effects. and now the consideration use of the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it
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quite difficult for the risky was to get in. but at the same time yes already. so quite desperate to get out the survivors and relocate them to camps. the cause of the landslide isn't clear, but popular. new guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors and earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teens is getting as many people as possible out of the disaster zone. alexandra buyers, alta 0, or at least 27 people at most, the children have been killed in a far as an amusement park in western india's coach or out the home state of prime minister under, under moody fide fights, has rushed to the scene of huge causes a smokeless scene rising from that fine official st buddies has been taken to a hospital set, identification and investigation has been the ones. and now the fi accidents in
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india, at least 6 newborn babies have died as a baby cat hospital in new delhi flames and gulf the hospital and the eastern part of india is capital lights on friday, on saturday nights, fi fi has managed to bring it under control and they rescued more than 10 children police. thursday the owner of the hospital has fled, and 2 more people have been detained in connection with the incident. the little one about going to escape. we tried our best and rescued 12 children out of the fire with the help of a service team on site. later we found out that at least 6 of the children died, which is extremely unfortunate, but the fire spread due to oxygen cylinders exploding at the hospital, resulting in the fire spreading from the hospital to the neighboring house. will sell those uh is experiencing extreme weather conditions with at least 9 killed in western india due to the scorching haze and neighboring pockets down the temperature is expected to store to up to 50 degrees celsius and some areas. and
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a striking contrast, as you were hearing audio thunder. the ash and parts of the eastern indian stage of westbound gal are expected to be hit by sight to likely to make land for on sunday . instead of here, here on al jazeera time, it's all about the job aid in the song. and i'll tell you how the warranty is having an impact on carpet manufacturers. and they've got the high low they, we've got some very active weather across south east asia bringing a flood threat to a number of areas. we've got heavy rain in the bay of bengal site co mixed in the so we're expecting more heavy rain across parts of me and mot dripping down into thailand as well. we could see some flooding here. we'd like to see some flooding here from that heavy rain as we go into the new week, some heavy rain as well as affecting the philippines. we've already seen flooding
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across more southern areas. we could see flooding across the north. now that is a developing tropical storm, it's turning into a tie soon as it works its way towards the east of japan, but still lots of energy being pulled towards the philippines and lots of heavy rain affecting the se for the likes of sort of west sea in indonesia and the band, the islands. now in contrast to this, it has been very quiet, close australia with high pressure painting and lots of sunshine and twice guys to be found. it has been colder in the southeast, but temperatures will recover here. instead, they'll be coming down across the west and pots over stray as a number of cold fronts. it's not to sweep the way through reading some showers to pub 19 degrees the on choose day. it is looking much wyatt for the se, but we are expecting some showers in tasmania on choose day as well. the
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interrogate the narrative. there's no question about the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric? yes, correct. but so is the international community upfront, only without disease. so bad for us is heading to the polls, but what could be the biggest shakeup in the region? in decades for 30 years, the african national congress has held power, but now it faces its biggest election bethel sofa join. us says you bring you live updates from across the country. so that's the election. i know it's there. the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching al jazeera. let's remind you that top stories,
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the sounds at least 58 palestinians have been killed and is ready bombings across the gaza strip since saturday morning. that number into 10 children were sheltering as a school either giovanni, a refugee camp in the notes when it was on the main route in the southern city of ralph, on his way to strike his kills. at least 6 people from the same family brokers attacks and showing have continued that despite the international court of justice, ordering is around to hold on a minute to a fractions on rough on the hospitals and the southern parts of the strip all facing power outages. as generates has run dry, sick and wounded patients face. sutton desk is surprised onto loud in the director of the crazy hospital. and rafa has the international community to provide desperately needed. feel that the design is to question his own going against people in rough on these ray design is forces hit more than half of the area of the world. still silent and unable to intervene when out in the quite hospital, which is the only operating all splitting offer and it operates as
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a reception point. the 247 was sending the alarm and urging the international health organization to live up to its responsibilities and provide the hospital with the necessary fuel to pop that generates us what we want to every organization to live up to their responsibilities. the policy and people must not be left alone to face the fight in this hospital still operating and it's never been evacuated to them. we will continue our efforts for the sake of the patients. and we're now trying to establish a field hospital as soon as possible. well that's painting push. it brought us choose a midwife from united states, choose nothing, and dollars a for a month so i can get the m are off your hospital. she joins us now from daryl bella . bridget, i understand you've been working to the emergency hospital, which isn't rafa, you know, speaking to us and they're all out. does that mean you've been evacuated? i've not really been evacuated for yet,
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but invasion continues into rock. but there has been a huge displacement of patients. of people over 800000 people have been displaced from rough us. so this time, although still active is now low for your a midwife. can i ask you to reflect on what you've seen during the course of your work or for the last month? yes, i am writing hospital in particular. i've seen 1st so many babies, sighed am ready. hospital. a few weeks ago was the last functioning maternity hospital in all across the street. not just i have seen women assistant leader not had any prenatal care for other pregnancies. women who do not get radically postpartum care women who are suffering through immense tragedy in pain as they're in this moment of their life experience significantly given for there's supposed to be
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a lot of joy and loving support. i have seen the lack of supplies turn into no supplies in hospital. it is been not only that, the hospital by the front of the causes trip, the health care situation are becoming beyond catastrophic. obviously when you're dealing with any kind of complications around us, a lot of babies will need additional support. you talk about that, the lack of supply, as we know, there's been a lack of fuel. we know that having babies who, who need to be incubation for, for instance, what is the situation right now? yeah, i think you make a really good point when it comes to fuel fuel. i think, especially in a west or context. we think about it just for transportation, but it's really important for everybody to know that fuel is literally what is running the causes for freight. now fuel is how we have electricity. fuel is how hospitals state law is. what allows incubators and the width of the closing of rocket border crossing and to be complete,
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complete dwindling supplies and fuel into casa, we are constantly at risk of everything shutting down a big design because they're incubators aren't working. we know that there's over 10000000 tanks of fuel waiting outside in egypt to come into rafa. and it is not here. it is so necessary for that. we understand that is some a including some of that. what supposed to be full time cause a fuel now on its way into the gaza strip? as a medical professional, do you know what any of that might be going? have you been informed of, of who's going to receive any of these supplies? i don't have specific knowledge about is i don't operate in logistics, but i know that if you will is always prioritize to austin. sure. and you spoke about watching the baths of so many children and so many women going through that experience in a, in a very traumatic time of war. can you explain a little bit to,
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to of us about what that does to, to a woman, i imagine as a woman myself, i can't even imagine giving boston in a was, are in level and what's happened and goes out over the last 7 months. that obviously has not any physical but mental consequences to i think it's really important to think about the framework of reproductive justice . reproductive justice is a, is the notion that women deserve to give birth safely. they deserve access to health care and that they deserve to raise their children in safe environments. reproductive justice does not existing dogs us because it is really military violence because of the over 20 years long see almost 20 year long thieves that is going going on. and because of the lack of resources, because of the constant violence, emerald hospital was delivered, there was to look, see we're delivering over, you know, a 1000 almost 1200 babies a month
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a few months ago. and now we're sensitive. drops completely enough because patients have not only been displaced, but they were afraid to go to the hospital. is real, have had a systematic attack on all health care system. not one hospital has been left on skates by by their violence. and this is extended to also the systematic killing of health care workers and the within need and physiological. we need a safe place in order to, to go into a ever, in order to feel safe in their bodies and having the baby and none of that exist here. but she brought us that a midwife from the united states. speaking to us that from garza where she's been working for a month at the m rossi hospital. thank you so much for your time, bridget. we wish you all the best with your what the
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answer is military leader will remain in power until 2029. even drawer a was juice, a hand over leadership to a civilian government in july. but a neutral also has extended the transitional period by another 5 years. so i assumed power off the staging a true in 2022. he's a piece of the one to the holding elections would be difficult because the security challenges around hoff is looking across those territory remains outside of government control. well, let's bring in nicholas hawk. he's across as far as from deka and the can you tell us a little bit more about choice decision here? understand there was some kind of consultative process, but presumably that there is some domestic for now. of course, i mean the reason for not holding these elections given by a brown chart that the security situation has gone from bad to worse. well, for many people in burkina, faso is they see him as responsible for this current situation. remember, he came in power in october 2022 during national dialogues,
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and he said that after 21 months, she will restore power to an elected official. that that would be elections. but what we're seeing now is that he's asking, or he's sought to stay in power for another 16 months, that's another 5 years. and that the situation is really deteriorating according to human rights watch. just in february, 223 villagers were killed in one day into villages, not by on groups linked to al qaeda and i so, but by the burkina faso forces now he has clam down on any voices of dissent. whether it be the media journalist as members of civil society, if they speak out there sent to the front bill, i know we spoke to some members of civil society who decided to speak to us on condition of anonymity. and they say that this national dialogue was a waste of time. it was a missed opportunity,
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and that talking is not enough. they need more action. next, setting us about domestic fold out there. i imagine this regional for down to you know, of course, i mean burkina faso is for many neighboring countries such as re coast and, and other countries been in to go there watching close what's happening and bringing it faster. because increasingly we're seeing arm groups linked to outside and i, so from a burkina faso, launching it attacks on 2 neighboring countries. now the west africa, the west african buddy echo us, has convened, at least their members of parliament has convened. they're going to send a mission to burkina faso in order to try to assess the situation. then we're going to see the president of a senate golf who is expected to visit molly news year and bringing up foss. so in the next few days and what's not, how that goes nicholas' hoc, that was the latest from doc. all thank you and i kaufman and produces of of kind
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of stones of famous carpets struggling to survive. so it will binding restrictions a higher production costs and an increase in profit here among the reasons but international conflicts also payroll. some of them to evade reports from cover for centuries, well, has provided opportunities for outcomes to this day. it's funding to go on and died to make handling carpets because we're not in full wind. but these days, buyers are few and far between the crises and conflicts have effective sales. international banking restrictions makes exports difficult and importing vol materials even hauled, pricing, inflation leads to higher production costs. exports to say they don't have direct access to international markets. so the carpets are being sold to european and american biased by august on the affinity of pretty much followed. the export price has increased a lot for about 6 dollars, 7 dollars and even $10.00 for the key load. but still the advantage compared to


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