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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the like 60 minutes is a fraction of what it. busy is right, the size of a 600 people. now a massive massive minutes. we need to extend
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the high me my mood is going to join us now. live from data in bella in central garza talk about the latest lines which it just dropping to us. now concerning a town they reported to be entering through count them of asylum. let's go to honey . my mode isn't going so far, so how they won't, can you tell us about these reports of actually entering and not through that off crossing bunk through kind of a sound and you have several so far. and as of this moment we, we don't have any confirmation of the trucks being allowed to cross the car. and what was that impressing point? the facing part of the city of the nice turn it do you think the did report so far?
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talks about is being 6 hours the announcement made that they try to be and try and get through farm understanding. but so far what we know, the gates are open, but no trucks. talk about a $200.00 the trucks. they are sold with the food and water and for the 200 trucks will leave more of them are carrying the fuel and the same exact number would be carrying a cooking gas for people in the population zone of them off to the western part of the time noon is done right behind here the central area where the vast majority displays families have been forced to do this internal and force displacement. for the past month and more recently, the policy ended up being very difficult. we had to make sure that our viewers understand this is a phone void of 200 a trucks coming to come up with salad is the 1st and 18 days. and it's not nearly
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enough in the face of the girl. when challenges in living difficult living conditions are created by not only the intense bombing can be, and that has already severely damaged the infrastructure. the warehouses shattered a sense of safety and security for organized asians are, are responsible for receiving on the distribution of it. but also not enough in terms of the, the famine data and started to appear in parts of the southern part of this trip. this been from the area where the access to basic necessities had been made limited because of the ongoing region inside the war across the state. this is an in force, the hydration and forces car vision amid possible by the ongoing, a blockade, an obstruction of humanitarian aid of low the, from dropbox. hi prostate. now the pier was supposed to be the alternative,
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as they stated by the, the american. but the composite of the few so far they're talking about 90 trucks per day and we didn't. they're coming to the 150. still no, we're not nowhere near enough in the face of the growing challenges, a trinity is according to united nations official students. mandy crossings are the only logical, sufficient nature, and it is the are better equipped and prepared to receive, not a 100, not 200 or 500, but all but up to a 1000, a trucks on daily basis. and that's how you can bass, this grid call cramming. and then for the hydration uninstalled, they just want to show our viewer this is how much water we are getting so far from whatever is left about this bottle that's. that's how much we're getting, honey. we're also good, he reports of intensive fine showing on the right house of rough on not just on the
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outskirts take us through that. all right, we seem to have lost the connection with honey. try and come back to him as soon as we can. how the international criminal cooled prosecute to cut in hon says israel is inflicting collective punishment on people and gaza. fond spoke to a british newspaper days officer announcing a seeking arrest warrants for his brows, prime minister and defense minister along with 3. how? lastly this, he says, no one has license to commit war crimes or crimes against humanity. and the root of lawyers says must be respected for the sake of international old christopher lock. here is the secretary general of doctors without borders, joins us live from geneva. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, we know that the i, c j routing is said that the roof off crossing should be open, that humanitarian age should be increased. are you seeing
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a sign of the crossing being opened of compliance with that routing or no, no it's and we've been warning about the catastrophe that would be offensive in raso some months now. but since the closure of the effective closure will to the terms of closure, the rest of the crossing on the 7th of may, we are seeing a further strangulation on the goal is a strict way seeing a further collective punishment through the people of gaza. it is becoming critical in terms of fuel supplies. we've had to reorganize our hospital since since the offensive started. and rocks are included closing a moving patients from hospitals in the indonesian rough fields, hospital. yeah. morality hospital and i'm trying to relocate to, to that as a hospital in, in russell. but it's, it's becoming increasingly complicated batteries with finding the supply of what's a critical we also have how to,
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how to enable to distribute as much more. so as we have been able to last week, we were, we were distributing around 400000 meters of water. this week we're down to fight a 60000 meters and we'll just have 18th of what we've been able to do because of the fuel filter. shortages, and today the results are talking about a trucks coming through, count them up asylum from what we've seen so far. does it look like all the a that is needed will, is coming through kind of a solemn. that's what i would say in terms of age coming into the account. so that's the 1st step in the equation. that's the 1st part of the equation. so, so a question of being able to move 8 around in garza and it's also being able to, if you are running hospitals like we are, like we're trying to is a question of being able to have electricity, fuel, water supplies, being able to be able to have staff that are healthy, all that say saw mentally fits and physically fit to being able to, to treat patients. and that's becoming ever increasing of
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a complex problem when they come looking into this, this specific conflict which has been going on for months and goes and now listening then to what you're saying. would it be enough simply for israel to end the offensive in that offer? if the conflict continues elsewhere and goals of would that create the conditions you're talking about that and allow you to meet the needs of the population? or do you feel that the needs to be a complete cessation of o offensive actions in gaza? what does that as an absolute minimum? we need an immediate answer. stay and sick is fine. we've been needing that for months, but i would go back to the further that last and look back a what the v i c j said back on the 26th of, of january. and in particular, as well as the protection of a separately and so to make sure the, the, the, the population of gaza on north to indiscriminately attacked. we've also, they also ruled about time in terms of the immediate scale of humanitarian
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assistance. and that's yes, moving supplies into an around gaza. so i would argue that old politics is a cause that needs to be open. but then moving supplies around guys and being able to have a situation where you can have humanitarian aid workers safely, treat people all around with all the strength. and we're now well over 200 humanitarian workers have been tragically killed since it starts with this. a really complex or in comments posted on the 21st of may, a form is ready. 5 minutes to enough time to bennett said, israel is allowed 400000 tons of food and 8 into gaza and increase the size and increase of 30 percent since before the war. not. i've been listening to what you signed today. i've been reading the statements by your organization 3 days later on the 24th. it says quote, essential, humanitarian and medical aid has barely entered since the beginning of may. do you
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see any evidence of an increase of 30 percent of humanitarian aid and food entering gaza since october? the 6th and 7th? i know it let's, let's take a step back here and what, what we're, what we're seeing here is a bottle of communication as well. let's be really clear, since before october 7th, the number of trucks, the amount of supply coming into the goal is or has reduced. since may the 7th, when the rough a crossing has been, has been closed. we've seen that even further reduction of supply coming into accounts that but i would reiterate even though that is we seeing that the strength relation upon strangulation. i would reiterate that it is more than just simply bringing trucks in through the gaza strip. humanitarian assistance is a really complex eco system of activities that we need to. we need to, to legitimize throughout that whole chain. it is not just about crossing the border
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. it is about moving supplies around the border. it is about having humanitarian workers. there was safe, able to treat people, able to distribute food safely, and to be able to themselves, have somewhere to live. and we've just seen over the last the last few days since the, the, the rough or offensive of 900000 people according to the un. again, displacing after having made the risk choice to have to displace towards the rougher or the i'm always the area, i think it's a displace yet again. so this is much more than a false narrative about increasing supplies coming into the gaza strip. thank you very much for giving us your perspective on that. this is rose, mad, free has denied any of its soldiers were abducted during ground baffles with the palestinian functions and northern gauze. earlier the ministry being of how mass released the video, saying it had killed, injured, and captured these right. the soldiers. and then bush hit on the latest operation
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conducted by our soldiers on saturday afternoon in northern guys that was particularly complex. and our troops learned enemy soldiers into an underground tunnel and trapped them inside with god's grace to engage the enemy, directly neutralizing them with explosives importing reinforcements is right. the protest says, meanwhile, they didn't find him with the police and tell him, leave on site today. doing another sign of demonstrations against the government's handling of the war. these right, the government has banned algae 0 from reporting from that. so sat a higher on the file, this report from the jewel daily and capital attempts to break up a sits in by pro testers demanding and immediate c 5 deals that would ensure to hand data more than a 120 captives still housing. because the strip police push that crowns on full spots and use war to counting against it
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demonstrates is blocking right junction several people who are right the this video showed on social media show nice pushing a member of parliament. she tried to verify the identity of the officer. tens of thousands of his ravings protested across the country on the south today, including televi high from west ruth. this is through one of the 3 days captive full 5 on friday boys. ready forces spoke to those gathered intel of these and the hearts of hon. then i am headed on sister in just a few hours. i will bury my 42 year old brother who was murdered on october 7th, and his body was kidnapped to gaza. this is something we learned about recently. it's only now or beginning to understand what happened to that morning. i had great hope that i would see my brother again,
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but not at the cemetery. families all angry and in pain and say they can no longer stay silent, said use the government of advancing the caps. is by prioritizing that political divisions and personal interests. with some quoting on the prime minister to resign a ton. you are my best friend. i haven't told you for 232 days. i don't hear you asking what to eat. 232 days that the prime minister and the cabinets are obstructing the deals and preventing me from he'll give you officer a complete style mate. they're all shapes that sci fi tools could resume as soon as next week. the results of a meeting in paris between the cheese to the c. i a and the most sides, and the cats re prime minister, just by international condemnation. israel says it will continue, its rule on garza from us on the other hand says it will only accept
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a deal if the war is ended permanently. meanwhile, the families of those hills caps is se they'll continue to put pressure on the government. so the height of algebra, a man is right, the forces have rated jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. gunfire could be heard throughout the city. there's also been reports of explosions . these 30 minutes we vehicles have entered, janine 12 palestinians were killed. that during raids last week is rarely snipers have been deployed on rooftops around the camp, which has been a frequent target of raids since the war and gone. so began in october. i don't know how many i must say, joins us now. he's a political unless done professor of media studies at the institute for graduate studies. good to have you with us. so let's start with the the latest lines which are dropping the i c. c. prosecute making new comments,
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criticizing israel. what does this tell us about the shifting global stones towards israel? is it changing rapidly? it is. there's no question about it. there was one former is rarely a diplomat who i think put it bass. he said this is a diplomatic as to now me that is being hurled at netanyahu and also at the israeli government more more generally. we're talking about not just the i c c issuing or seeking to issue arrest warrants against nothing. yeah. i wouldn't a lot. but also you have a, the i c j genocide case and obviously the i c j issue these provisional additional measures this, these additional orders on, on friday you've had the country step forward in europe and declare uh their support for palestinian statehood. you had the enhanced observer status or at the united nations a few weeks ago, and on and on and on. and so the point here is that israel is in a lot of trouble diplomatically, they've not had to face this kind of pressure in their,
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in their 76 year history. and so it's gonna be really important to, to follow this as a, as, as we go forward. i think the important thing to keep in mind on our, to keep our eye on is the public support, which is which is declining rapidly in places like the united states, all of the opinion pulling data that we have suggest that israel is losing support and that could have important ramifications going forward. are we likely to see some of the, the, the traditional alliances for and against israel change on the global stage and always seeing any sign of that already. and we're starting to see some, some initial signs. i don't think we can say that anything dramatic has or has happened or cataclysmic has happened yet, but i think we can expect that to happen. if we look at former situations, a lot of analysts are comparing what is happening to israel right now with what happened to south africa. that was a very slow build,
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a south african apartheid was not dismantled overnight on. so if you look at a place like united states, i think it's very alarming for a pro israel activists that you have 39 percent of american college students now saying that they are pro palestinian only 11 percent are saying they're pro is rarely so that's that could be a harbinger of things that will have an impact on domestic politics. will it not? absolutely. i mean i, there are some analysts who are already predicting that joe biden is going to lose the upcoming election. he's losing and 6 of the 7 swing states and he's losing head to head against donald trump. and those same analysts are saying that a major reason why he may lose this election is because of his position on garza. and this is going to be multiply many folds in the years to come because the young demographic is very pro palestinian and united states. so things will get worse for israel overtime. let's talk a little bit while i was going on the ground that line today about a getting in through, cut them up asylum. how do you view that? does that come anywhere near close to meeting what the i c j ordered when it comes
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to increasing humanitarian aid? because of course they old adult off are crossing should be open. right? no, i did. it doesn't come anywhere near close. this is a famine stricken or near famine stricken population prior to october 7th, $500.00 trucks were getting in per day and even that was insufficient because the dropout palestinian population about 50 percent of them were suffering from what 8 organizations call extreme food in security. so even if we were to get the $500.00 trucks right now, that would be insufficient. and now we're talking about somewhere in the neighborhood of a $150.00 to $200.00. so it's gross main sufficient. um and um, unless that off border crossing is open unless aide gets in and as your previous guest was saying, aid workers are allowed to function and the only way that can happen is through a cease fire. then we're looking at a further dirt deterioration. all right, thanks so much for how the most if you own analysis fuel is perhaps the most
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crucial commodity in garza, for many drives, the generates is for hospitals, homes and sanitation. israel is limiting the amounts that entered the strip a little earlier. richardson ok us say midwife. and rafa told us why few is such a crucial results right now for survival. if you will, i think especially in a white western context, we think about it just for transportation, but it's really important for everybody to know that fuel is literally what is running the process for freight. now fuel is how we have electricity. fuel is how hospital stay on is what allows incubators and with the closing of robert border crossing and to be complete, complete dwindling supplies. if you will interest us, that we are constantly at risk of everything setting down a business dying because their computers aren't working. and we know that there is
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over 10000000 tanks of fuel waiting outside in egypt and to come into effect. and it is not here, it is so necessary. thousands of palestine solidarity activists on meeting in the us states of michigan to plan the next stage of the campaign. the people's conference for palestine runs for 3 days strong people from around the world. so they try to find this relative salt full of al reports from detroit. this is what protests looks like in detroit right now. no loud speakers, but lots of flags and lots of listening people's confidence for palestine. well, the 3000 activists in one place carefully planning the next phase of a mass movements against israel is full on garza. this area downstairs is effectively the hall of this conference. this is where people can come together. they can buy merchandise to support businesses, local businesses, that's a pull. the people have policies, but also they can share ideas of what people have all over the world. that was like, there's
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a coming from outside. that's where the workshops are taking place of plenty. reese, i'm old as a guest speakers and there are lots of them working through dozens of topics that so think about is writing weapons technology and the money behind it. students on their own front line, as we've seen across the us over the last month. relationships between washington and israel government, how to impact them. i'm labeled movements, particularly coffee giants, starbucks, which is seen its massive workforce take a stand against the killings. i live in a very arrow based community. so a lot of the area people are really happy to see the house and you might be like supported and like more now at the, at the store, especially from someone who like look like me. but one man who isn't here pass on abu say to the british palestinian sergeant who spent 43 days treating gauze as well. we did like many others according to organizes. he couldn't get a visa in time. but those behind this conference all the time, events to go on and make
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a difference. a wide range of people coming together in and of itself shows our commitment to continue to struggle until palestine is free. and i think we're making that they are divided old and young. one issue unites them and they will give up until the people of gauze a half piece fit. lavelle, i'll just say around detroit, the how the u. n. estimates, mold and 670 people were killed by a land slide in a remote area stop when you get any. it happened in the angle province on friday. roads blocks and 8 agencies, a warning of a desperate humanitarian situation. alexander myers reports. it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks in some places. 8 meters deep
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teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors. the landslide had popular new guineas, northern and good province at around 3 am on friday for young people in their homes while they were sleeping survivors, a motors, the size of cars came tumbling down, crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris, the bodies, and yet the retreat, the locals are still working and trying to dig a lot more over buddies. provincial government to 7, the national disaster team with now k team and simple as i'm just as personal to go in there and check up as, as like a site. the 6 villages are affected. the most people here are small scale farmers and they've lost everything. they've got in the wild animals the livestock. yeah, everything was there and you know they're,
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they're appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter. emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600 kilometers from the capital. parts of the effected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leading, leading from the provincial town, is cut off by about 200 nations. so that definitely will have to release effects. and now the consideration is that the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it quite difficult for the risky was to get in. but at the same time, yes, already is a quite desperate to get out. the survivors and relocate them to camps. the cause of the landslide isn't clear, but popular new guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors and earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teens is getting as many people as
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possible out of the disaster zone. alexandra buyers, alta 0, are now typically as expressing concerns about the escalation and finding in the ma, those falls tens of thousands to flee, calling on the june to unravel groups to respect the international protect civilians. one of the groups, the ministry is fighting is called the out of can ami formed in 2009. it's based in our kind states police to have between 50 and 30000 fighters. but they won. so telling them a full buddhist icons to the right kind, which is also home to tens of thousands of for dylan lima and bro, hang, go be when says mold and it says around $45000.00, go ahead and go. most films have been forced from the homes since fighting between the ministry and rebel group started in november, many a flight across the board, the to bangladesh. some reports accused they are konami of counting out of the
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awesome campaign against the minority ro hang. somebody chatter forwards from the bangladesh and me and my border. a ride behind may ensue the river and behind it is me. on my border with the green hills and the coastal areas, basically by the river. it's a $278.00 to allow me that border with bangladesh and $67.00 part of that is that not re but now what we know from wait. and it says from both side as well as the un report, as well as the us state department. they brought the 1000. so i'll go ahead and go are waiting on the other side of the not for a to wanting to coming to bangladesh. and so i'm has actually made it, we met some of them in the camp and they said the situation in northern right kind particularly mooned out and put it on is really bad. i mean the both side of the conflict, the icon army as well as the me on my military has been trying to forcefully from free cons creeper out of the young man. and i even middle age man to forcefully
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area code them into the fighting. and they don't want to be any part of it. they've been threatened by both sides. that if you don't join with barney or villages and push you out of this village and this is what exactly is happening. a lot of this refugee is stuck in the jungle. the make the attempt in a black good weather today, there is a severe cycle and watching back to this. so there's not going to be any attempt across the river. typically the take a fishing boat are being in the diner that has a standing order that sort of thing as will be allowed inside bangladesh. so the coast guard and the brother guards are on the vigil despite that some made it there . but the situation on the other side of the river is really dire. there's no food, it's a conflict zone. there's no shelter. there's no aid agency present. this people are on the brink of starvation right now, unless there's some sort of intervention to help them out of the international committee of the red cross indiana. and as confirmed the release of a 113 prison isn't the capital santa b, i see all see said in
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a statement it assisted detainees held by who c rebels. prisoner releases have been part of peace talks between the host, these and the government. let's bring in some of that i tab from on this. the joins us live from san aso festival. is this part of a big a process of releasing those estimated 15000 prisoners to yes, so saw me. this is the, this is a unit. let's roll release. of 112 the presenters as announced by the host these, these prisoners are for account related to the, the chat and all of the company that was held today. the, the for his conference, the b, b, this, the release is a significant guess job that's and injects glen off hope into that sol cole, then to this tall piece process. and yeah, man, for years the, for,
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as the exchange issue has remained one of the course fricking points preventing the progress into the negotiations too. and the pro, till 9 years of war. while the young and the government disputes the status of some of those a release, there's a calling them up doc. these rather than prisoners or for the whole visa during this press a. so he's submitted that this is a concret to piece initiative, and they have made a goal to clear that those were prisoners are for not of the new they haven't been up docked it from anywhere other than the front lines, according to the uh, they've got the most of those, they chime all the how these, the prisoners are for comedy eligible. they are also the go to describe this. as i mentioned of that has been called by the lead, the american would be on a,
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during which he expresses his hope. it will also be received role by the other side to build a moment um, towards implementing trivia as you and brokers agreements uh, calling 4 or 4 old prisoners swabs with over 10000 detainees is still held by booth bodies fully resolving this. a human to tell you an issue remains a to grow the complex resolution of efforts a previous un media mediated deals in 20 to 20. 2023 showed limo full and also global progress. but so short of the comprehensive fresno release is the status, the unit. let's remove by the whole, these affairs i am that the gaining diplomatic leverage. and the strength thing uh, is uh, costing also the, the, the, uh, improve size as well,
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that they are willing to continue the piece process and all the, the they are putting on the frame. the 1st, the humanitarian issues regarding the release of the prisoners of war and also opening the stage according to their verbs and also ending wants of all the conflict. and that was my time of the laptop from send off. i said i had an al just here, a film about the relationship between a dancer and a russian. all the gone, some wins on friday and then scroll the boston celtics all one way. the way from reaching van b a finals from the playoff series placement, each of the
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had a low, there is a mixed bag weatherwise across europe. at the moment. we've got some very stormy weather to be found to get across the central and west and pots for lots of showers, long spells of rain, and some thunder storms as well. we have got some yellow warnings for those across most central parts of britain. but you can see that wet weather stretching away from scandinavia across that central bank, leaving down into the balkans with some heavy rain to come from western pots of to keep this in slices of sunshine, some dry weather to be found across eastern parts of europe. also for areas of germany and for western front spain and portugal as well with just a bit of rain across more northern areas. but there's that heavy rain moving across britain on the island of island. however, going to see some sunshine here for the bank holiday. we have a look at monday in london because the sunny spells before the light to rain starts to walk into the temperature. well that down slightly here,
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the temperature is also expected to comes down across the north. the scandinavia also coming down to $21.00 degrees celsius the. the heat, however, will be building across the spain and portugal. 31 degrees celsius that in madrid, with sunshine on monday. that's who weather the brutal mode is to take night to the country and k o l g 0. well, goes to gammon with political schools in the 1980s with 2nd by assessing that was at the back of coming a battle in which south humans president was part of a deadly game. i refused to give them my head, will give up power the killing of south him and the politicians during a routine cabinet between 81986. an estimate of an assassination on al jazeera is inclusive for young women, the south african town played by poverty rate,
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and murder paid me. yet, despite all community workers determined to provide refuge long as the community, se not my problem is always gonna happen. like one small town safe. and with this documentary on the jersey to the the welcome back time. to recap all headlines. now. a trunks from egypt have started entering garza through the cut them up asylum. crossing with this ro, supplies were held off the boat off off the crossing,
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which is being close since he's ready for us is attacked southern gossip. at least 81 palestinians have been killed and it's ready bombings across the gaza strip since saturday morning. the number includes 10 children who are sheltering of the schools near the giovanni a refugee camp in the no one that was from in the southern city of off and this right of the strike is killed at least 6 people from the same family broke at a time since shedding has continued despite the international goals of justice, ordering israel to homeschool ministry operations on rough doctors without borders has confirmed. one of its team members has been killed into them. fighting in the country is fly. adopt in the past 2 weeks. more than a 123 people are estimations of being killed with violence concentrated himself for you. and special advisors in genocide says the risk of genocide incoming is growing
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in the reach of sedans on the in the records. so full sources of been fighting for control for more than a year or just days out from south africa's election. the democratic alliance policy is holding is final riley for votes. country will go to the polls on wednesday to vote for its next government. the democratic alliance policy is already entered into an agreement with small the policies in the hopes they can collectively push the agency out of government. let's go to for me to minute as he joins us live from the city of but no any. so i figure i to a position right? do they really believe they have a chance to snatch upon them and 3 majority away from van c for the 1st time? well there's such a new hope to offer to lies on the decrease and support for the amc, which folds up suggesting that the c and the last couple of weeks they may be a percentage pointed to of an invoice of,
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of support for the amc. but certainly the african national congress facing the election mainly because of issues around service delivery. the round rock showed me a number of issues in the african national congress, the lions up. and you helped me to capitalize in that drum in the, in the budget kind of all about that different reading and when the, the waste and k for me, me out from the democratic alliance. the critics ensued. i know, let's have said that given the top and support for the opposition parties, the official position, the d a growing, then they are using the satisfaction with the course. i mean that's what the 293 dies time is going to start. and uh, i mean, we really have very, very hard time to make sure that we retain them or take the final
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ready. we take every single lot of people say 2020 boys on 1994. i think it's more important for it to go for our democracy. this election is pretty cold. we already had democracy. democracy every single largest account. no one ever in change. change likely. i've done in no way since i want to bring that just not tang and plugged it in and other problems is not on the optimism around the sign to talk to. ready other parties, what is the behind that? did you think it would be successful in bringing these minorities together? which is that the majority the most the moment. yeah, i think we're all dying into
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a time enough time to weigh. we have dinner hour. listen. * i don't want that in the waste and i believe that's going to be the control mechanism of the wasted type basis, the current missions and now the problem is and of course next. so that's why this has been put together to say to indicate that these not going to be one 0, when the main sees support is dropping. and so definitely opportunity for change. the full set up a simple change instead of being powerless in government partners, governments, i'm not going to be easy, but we've been working on this for a long time now, engaging with other governments around the land lease so that we keep coming with successful land. they take long day and account and they said because you bought a negotiate a place that is the difference. but if we can get the ground crews in place in on day one. 4 3 me, how does this? but you know, i read what it is telling them to monday that the wasted,
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okay. it will become a key outlined part that you called tina's cover listening called team. so that we can actually impart some of the lessons that we've learned to look at some areas where be perhaps haven't been successful and what we had to do to change things around. or maybe we can start sharing those uh those into this new coalition. we'll be going into in south africa. thank you very much for your time. the premium for the wisdom k from the democratic the ally and said this is the final riley a specifically trying to focus on the province of low tang. they are in government, said government in the wisdom, take the only province of british government by an opposition party and not the african national congress. i mean, thank so much for me, the middle but can't find, says manage really. there is now said to remain in power until 2029. they brought home trial ray was due to hand over leadership to a civilian government in july. but
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a new childhood was extended the country's transition to democracy by another 5 years. file re assumed power off the staging coo in 2022. he has repeatedly warned housing. elections would be difficult because of security challenges. about half of booking and fast how true remains outside of government control due to attacks. but um groups just here is nicholas hawk reports the reason for not holding these elections given by a brown chart that the security situation has gone from bad to worse. well, for many people in brick, you know, fast so as they see him as responsible for this current situation, wherever he came in power in october 2022 during the national dialogues. and he said that after 21 months, he will restore power to an elected official. that that would be elections. but what we're seeing now is that he's asking,
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or he's sought to stay in power for another 16 months. that's another 5 years. and that the situation is really deteriorating according to human rights watch, just in february, 223 villagers were killed in one day in 2 villages. not by on groups linked outside i so, but by the burkina faso forces now he has clamped down on any voices of dissent. whether it be the media journalist as members of civil society, if they speak out, they're sent to the front line. now we spoke to some, a members of civil society who decided to speak to us on condition of anonymity. and they say that this national dialogue was a waste of time. it was a missed opportunity and that talking is not enough. they need more action. uh, india and bangladesh should have issued the highest level warnings ahead of the 1st sykes loan. this year. sykes loan remodel is set to hit the southern coast of
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bangladesh and pumps of neighboring india or on sunday evening. tens of thousands of people have left the coastal homes for storm shelter in land. well, weatherford sends a car like joins us now here in the studio. things going to get worse. well, this is a pretty intense storm. it's going to be a multi day event, bringing lots of heavy rain. we are expecting widespread flooding across the region . now it's strengthened in the bay of been gold. it was called remote by a mont and then our big that translates to sound, but it doesn't sound that's going to be a problem here. we've got some strong winds, but it's a significant rain full. we could see up to 200 to 300 millimeters full in places, possibly 400 millimeters, and it's got a storm surge of up to 4 meters. now this isn't low low lying area. we are expecting that flooding and close to bring some of my flights and land slides as well. not suspected to make land for around sunday midnight between western gold in
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india and found the dash. it's gonna bring those windy and wet conditions in land. primary reasons that are going to be affective coastal bungler dash is what is west bengal and north eastern states is india. and was it hits land it is going to, we can well those wind speeds will heavy rain will remain through to choose day putting across those north eastern states where we have red warning zone full that heavy rain along the dish as well. seeing it. and it will continue on woods across into northern parts of me and my we've already seen those when, when the conditions here. so we are looking at some very heavy rain to take us through to the mid week. and of course, that is expected to cause widespread, dangerous flooding. all right, thanks so much connor for the updates still to come here now just there and sports and own gold besides the champions league. final offer be here. the sad story.
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the . i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where all those referred not to the right about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up in the us. worse filmmaker around tech and also via turn when on the power of political lot. what are the stories retail sales about also? and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted on one on i will just sierra, unique perspective, a deep sake image of donald trump, which slide folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream on
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al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the test catch up and all the schools news now with fall off. savvy, thank you so much. matches the united manager, eric kind of hog says he doesn't know that his future at the club after guarding his side to as a cup victory. rewards heading into the match, hinted, the dutchman would be sacked after a disappointing league season. and regardless of the cup outcome by united, went on to beat man city to win the title, paul brennan reports from wembley stadium. a local rivalry between 2 teams. if the will depart from much of the season. manchester city aiming to complete
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a premier league an f, a comfortable. while eric and hodge long term failings meant this was expected to be his final act. as united manager sees a long set backs quickly difficult and in a, one a final on the defensive mix up, how does united best hop lead of london's wembley stadium? alejandro gone not to the grateful beneficiaries. gotcha. was involved in the build up because united doubled their advantage before the break. could be my new becoming the 1st english teenager to score f. a cup funnel enrolled in both of the city looked more like the don't enforce you've come to expect. in the 2nd hall and then the final minutes, a goal from jeremy duck, who gave pep claudio lis team hope united, hung on to secure to own with avenging the defeat they suffered against city. this time, last year, 10 hog guiding you allow me to, to
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a 13 f a cup try and printing teams progressing and winning focus at 2 trophies in 2 years is not bad to finals. just the bed and we have to keep going. i'm not, i'm not satisfied that you have to do better and if you don't want me anymore, and i go anywhere else to intro peace because that is what i did my whole career. i've been following that same for 55 years. and that's, that's probably good resolved by go based on it for 70 days, but sometimes the way in and we were the better team and the guy, but i didn't think we was going to win, but miracles throughout. wondering if it happens at all. you know, they knew that some might see somebody soon because it was really fun. how found out in 2016 winning the funnel is not always enough to save your job. it's not just the united manager, but it seems to be 10 hogs. final game in charge of winning against the corpse as
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rivals. is it close to public, right? to say good bye bye or leverage. choosing one to german cub final, to complete an undefeated season in domestic football, granite shaka square, the only goal in the final again, seconds here has to so sorry. lever kristen had already won, like a title for amy to go with the entire season and beaten for their loss to atlanta and hopefully final on wednesday. but its just one to feed and 53 games for chevy alonso side. and the 1st germans have title for 31 years over the you know, by the name season or julian and bobby has finished his career as he has to do with the trophy as they bailey owns. when the french top, he didn't get on the score sheets his international payments or funds den valley
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along the side and re did in the see one victory. it's the 1st try. i don't send the competition for 3 years as in bobby's 7 year spell at the club comes to and as the 25 year old is yet to reveal where she's had she's above going cool. i don't know. i don't know yet. there are still a few details, but the most important thing was to finish. well here, there was a tie for everything. the important thing was to say good bye to p s t to win one boss trophy one last of the session. one last and motion and that's what happened. so i have very happy the education team. oh, highly. have one a record extending 12th, asking champions like title an own goal proved to be the decisive moment and a final guess. as finance as this, yet after the 1st flag had finished and the goal, a strong gave l. l. either for quite some nation's title in the last 5 years. parkland coast chevy. hernandez takes charge of his last game on sunday against severe the final day of the spanish week season of 44 year old was sacked on friday just
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a month after the bars. the president convinced them to stay when he wanted to leave chubby lead barza to the spanish leak tide of last season. but his team has struggled. this campaign will finish without a title and at least 12 points behind champions, round madrid, and 2nd place. former byron munich, co chauncy flick, is expected to take over, and you'll get them out of this issue. and as i've had to make very important decisions, i don't regret anything. i think i'm being honest sincere with everyone. i've tried to get my best. we've worked with a lot of pride and with all our law for the slot, i'm a bar alone offend for life and i will continue to be. so i'd like to tell you that i'm proud. i'm happy because if i look back, i'd be the varsity coach for 2 and a half years and it has to be easy. we'll figure this for our it's charles declares and pull position for sundays. monaco formula, one grand prix problems though, for todd a leader and 3 time world champion, match for staffing, hit the wall, and the 1st corner of his final last been qualified down in 6. laclare is targeting
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a 1st when in his home race, it's the only time the season that we're stopping is b. b support. now i know more from the notes in the past, clarifying his notes, everything as much as it helps a lot for sunday's race. we need to put everything together coming to sunday, and in the past he is, we didn't want us to do so. but we are a stronger team. we are in a stronger position and i'm sure we can achieve great things from oh, and obviously the when is the target to time pga winner, grayson marie, died on the side a day at the age of 30. on friday, the american withdrew in the middle of the charles schwab cob challenge in fort worth texas siding. unless details on the circumstances of his death has not been released. murray had said back in 2021 that he was receiving treatment for alcohol addiction or the top seeds and the n b a. the boston celtics are now just wondering, went away from clinching a spot in the finals. maybe house the indiana pacers to take his rena eastern
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conference finals. jason tatum for 36 points while drew holidays game saving still help us out to rally from an 18 point deficit. to clinch a 114 to a 101. when boston can sweep a series on monday, looking for in indiana, you know, in a great position right now. obviously one way the way from the files but we know for one second we can relax. we was a year ago, we was down to 3. and we figured out a way to force it to 7. so, you know, even though we're not looking past monday or anything like that, we just taking a while getting rid of time, you know, and we have especially opportunity to go back to the funds. and the family come playoff house at dallas stars with the edmonton oilers to level the western conference finals at one game. keith, the stars mason. marchmont broke the time, the 3rd period for f, a window. dave dallas is a free one. when game 3 of the best of 7 series is on monday in edmonton.
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okay, and that is all your support for now back to you. thanks so much for or delegates to the world health assembly. do some meet in geneva to agree on an international pandemic? a course this is annual gathering. we look at the house of have for another global pandemic, differences between the developed and developing well as well. but i'm praying. the initiative of my find explains and saw in south korea in the early days of the pen, demik sound career experienced the highest rise in coby 19 infections outside of china, and was praised for its rapids. an individual of co operation between the private sector and government diagnostics company, see jean pioneer mass piece the testing with a 3rd of a 1000000000 kits distributed globally. and now leads the world wide initiative to share expertise to deal with the future pandemic in human peace. thousands of
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thousands of different that easiest. that's why we decided that there was a scientist, the every expert from or feed. they can make all kinds of type of most experience. it sounds great results so cooperating with other governments. think up for many countries including sync for the you k and the us are also expressing a desire to share experiences and cooperate with us. so i think our cooperation partners will continue to expand in the future. but there's been a distinct lack of cooperation, especially between the def i left and developing wells on how to create pay for distribute vaccines for future pandemic. despite knowing that the disease from one part of the world poses a threat tool, there's also a growing awareness of the populist backslash and science skepticism the tackling cobit 19 has left behind. often we say, well, you know, i'm the doctor,
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i'm the guy with the white coat and you should listen to me and that doesn't work. i mean, we're going to have to approach these questions in, in a different way. and all of this, it seems in the knowledge the next global pandemic is just a matter of when a notice rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so now us drama. i nora has won the top awards at the cannes film festival. as the palm door goes to a nora correct is shown, baker picked up the palm. the film follows the story of a dancer in new york. it becomes involved with the russian. all the golf sun and the new radium filmmaker who escaped the country, owls off to being sentenced to a g as in prison. this one, the special jewel reprice, and the rest of the film, the seat of the sacred fig. save the world for drawing attention to unsustainable injustice the that's it for this news. i'm back in
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full sales to stay with us the up to 6 weeks. the final phase of india is general elections begins on seeing the fast prime minister now rent remote a is the key to increase has majority of low 10 out and economic concepts. and t cost is rooting. b j. p. follow india is general election analogies era i was planning on a scooter with my cousin. he said, we're on our way home when we saw in his reading the jeep driving towards us. so we started running soldiers begin, shooting. jude was hit in the neck and found it happened near the foot job, a refugee camp near jericho, and they occupied westbank soldiers detained, the wounded boy, accusing him of throwing rocks and pipelines before leaving him. and his really
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hosp these really hospital where he was treated claims they are owed more than $13000.00 for treating an 8 year old child with a gunshot wound from is really assault. his father says the bill is so high, it will be impossible to pay posts and you'd officials told they'll just hear that in situations like this is real, deducts the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. she says she'll never write a scooter again. in the, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. now to sierra fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history. with sports fights at the center. you're not a sports fan anymore unless you're dealing on the game. fault lines examines the surgeon petting and the impact on those suffering from its addiction. just didn't
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feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. felt like again, we've turn this into a nation of visual gamblers, definitely not in control. the big gamble on it. just the, you know, the hungry palestinians, desperate for food as a trucks and to gauze. i. but it's only a fraction of what it was. the color that i'm associated, hey, this is al jazeera life from the whole set coming is really strikes galaxies, ac wanted palestinians in garza, since saturday morning. women and children are among again, a process military data expands his time and office pushing back a transition to democracy by at least 5 years. so i will probably drop


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