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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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bending and the impact on those suffering from its addiction just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. like again, we've turn this into a nation of visual gamers. i'm definitely not in control. the big gamble on it, just, you know, the hungry palestinians, desperate for food as a trucks and to gauze i but it's only a fraction of what it was before. the color that i'm associated, hey, this is al jazeera life from the whole set coming is really strikes galaxies ac wanted how this thing ends in gaza since saturday morning, women and children are among the victims. we came across those military data extends his time and office pushing back a transition to democracy by at least 5 years. so i will probably drop
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a in the song and i'll tell you how the board in your brain is having an impact on the carpet manufacturers. and it was on the well, we begin with a situation in gaza with living conditions of hundreds of thousands of palestinians continues to deteriorate under berlin festival. a trucks from egypt have gone, entering through the time of the solemn border crossing with israel. the supplies were held up at the roof of crossing which has been closed since it is rarely forces attacked southern gaza. egypt says about 200 trucks loaded with aid, all set to enter the strip. now meanwhile, in the southern city of ralph and his riley strike has killed at least 6 members of a single family. one of them, a child, a certain size of the ac one palestinians have been killed and is really bombings across the gaza strip. that number also includes 10 children. they were sheltering
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of the school near the jabante, a refugee camp in the north. it was bombed. let's speak talk corresponding honeywell when he joins us now. from there all the incense, la garza, honey. we now know that aid is entering through karma. we sell them in the south. do we know where anybody is actually headed? the, the, we just received the report within the past 30 minutes that different tied to these it slots us targeted to moving to the city, the crossing asylum point. that's our commercial, the crossing. and you monetary and a based on the joint agreement between the american administration, egyptian authorities and these really to lift a flow through our mobile. sadly, my not at this moment the 1st. 6 group of the the trucks made it through into the
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gaza strip territories and not as far as we know, the only route available, but the, the trucks are along the gibson rock, bottom border. that means the will go all the way on the newly established road, by the way, the military defense next to the philadelphia horde doors. and they gives you inside and they will make their way all the way through the western part of robots city to the coastal road. and from that point on the will be distributed to the warehouse it to that and do the uh, the organizations that are supposed to be receiving a and take them to warehouses in the evacuation zone. and loss of that was trying to find you in the city as well as the center of the area of 200 trucks are meant to be allowed to enter the gaza strip. to day 4 of these 200 trucks are filled with the fuel for hospitals, and definitely nation of plants as well as
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a for more tr. i spoke with thinking a gap. now, reminder to our viewers, this is not nearly enough to, to under the trucks, not nearly enough for in the face of the, the, it challenges and the hard difficult conditions are created by not all the the incense bombing campaign, but that by the conditions are created on the groundwork, we're talking about a broken aid mechanism in the ground terms of ensuring safety for a worker in term of infrastructure, as well as a warehouses that have been deliberately attacked several times in the past. indeed, and no aiden for the last 18 days. the to mean, well the intense strikes have been continuing across the gaza strip. honey, focus through what israel has been targeting what it's been hitching disney, this is part of the problem right now. the talks about 81. there is an intense
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bombing campaign in rock city and we just spoke with someone from the city who explained that the, the pays b. i in which the bombing campaign is indeed going to place our dealers. and i guess that it's reckoning that the entire city soon enough will be under a full is really military control in which will lead to him during the flow for a. and if we continue about bringing a to from garden level salad, there will be no safety for 8 workers whatsoever, but over not at that. the city continued to pound across the central part of the city at the vicinity of the community hospitals, preventing ambulance and permitted from doing their job, getting to targeted areas save lives, but as well as traveling people inside neighborhoods and been bombed houses under rubble with no wait, no, escape out of this. meanwhile, the central area, just within the past few minutes, we could hear a loud explosion taking place. we're still waiting for more information on updates on the the kind of exploring the nature of what happened. northern part of this
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trip is that a major sights of roland looked at the top. we mean the talk of. 6 is your body of refuge account and all the northern cities including beat time on bit loud. yeah, and we can see at this moment, save me all of the risen of the northern part are being pushed into further in turn . this was this placement with the exception of be able to trap inside the back is, are in the zone. i know escape from the is really military. it's tying san quad copier, the attack a drug that give it chasing people. and the refuse you account the name, of course, there was a very nice as far as from the ground, reporting from daryl viola. and the central goal is to sure thank you, honey. earlier we spoke to bridget rochester choosing american midwife. she's also been in casa for a month now, working at the emerald view hospital. the. she explains why i didn't focus on the tunnel and reproductive health as needed right now and the strength. i think it's really important to think about the framework of reproductive jumpstart, reproductive justice is a,
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is the notion that women deserve to give birth safely. they deserve access to health care, and that they deserve to raise their children in safe environments. reproductive justice does not existing dogs us because it's really military pilot has a see over 20 year long see almost 20 year long thieves that is going going on in god because of the lack of resources because of the constant violence hospital was delivered, there was to look, see, we're delivering over, you know, a 1000, almost 1200 babies a month a few months ago. and now we're sensitive, drops completely. and that's because patients have not only been displaced, but they are afraid to go to the hospital. is real, have had a systematic attack on all health care system, not one hospital has been left on skates by by their violence. and this is extended to also the systematic killing of health care workers. and the we didn't need a physical logic. we need a safe place in order to,
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to go into labor or in order to feel safe in their bodies and having the baby and none of that exist here. all the international criminal court prosecution, kareem khan says that as well as inflicting collective punishment on the people of casa con, spoke trowbridge is newspaper day is off to. he announced that he is seeking a rest florence for israel's prime minister and defense minister along with 3 head las vegas. he says, no one has the license to commit war crimes or crimes against humanity. and the role of little must be respected for the sake of international order. of all is there any protest is at fault with police instead of eve on saturday, drawing another line of demonstrations against the government, the handling of the war on garza, these randy government has banned all g 0 from reporting from land so sour carlos as bob this report from the gold and capital and the attempts to break up a 16 by pro testers demanding and immediate c 5 deals that would ensure to hand
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over more than a 120 captives still held in because the strip police pushed back crowns on the and use war to counting against the demonstrates as booking, right junction. several people who are the this video showed on social media show nice pushing a member of parliament. she tried to verify the identity of the officer. tens of thousands of his ravings protested across the country on the stuff today, including and television high from west through this is through the one of the 3 days captive full 5 on friday boys. ready forces spoke to those gathered intel of these and the hearts of hon. then i am headed on sister in just
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a few hours. i will bury my 42 year old brother who was murdered on october 7th, and his body was kidnapped to gaza. this is something we learned about recently. it's only now or beginning to understand what happened that morning. i had great hope that i would see my brother again, but not at the cemetery. families all angry and in pain and say they can no longer stay silent. they accuse the government of abandoning the caps is by prioritizing the political divisions and personal interests. with some quoting on the prime minister to resign a ton, you are my best friend. i haven't told you for 232 days. i don't hear you asking what to eat. 232 days, the prime minister and the cabinets are obstructing the deals and preventing me from he'll give you officer a complete style made there also si,
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fi to could resume as soon as next week. the results of the meeting in paris between the cheese to the c, i a and the most sides and the cats re prime minister. despite international condemnation, israel says it will continue. its rule and garza from us on the other hand, says it will only accept to deal if the war is ended permanently. meanwhile, the families of those held captive se they'll continue to put pressure on a government sort of height of algebra. i'm on. let's bring you some breaking news just in the last few minutes. we've been hearing that these really minute 3 has sound of sirens in tel aviv off to rockets were fired from gauzy, are watching fallacious pictures of the skies above the visa. and now this was the 1st time that those air raid sirens have sounded in weeks, will be bring you much more on that. as we get said here on out a 0, the
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delta k is expressing concern about an escalation and slicing me and that's forced tens of thousands to flee. it's cooling on the june to and rebel groups to respect international law and protect civilians. one of the groups that the ministry is fighting is pulled, the oregon army formed in 2009. it's based and were kind stays believe to have about between 15030000 fighters and ones autonomy for buddhist oregon's in rock island, which is also home to tens of thousands of predominantly muslim rohand o d u and says about 45000 rang has been forced from their homes since fighting between the military and rebel groups started in november. many have fed across the border to bangladesh. some reports accuse the arrow konami of carrying out in austin campaign against the minority were hang good. what time did you have a reports for us from the bundle dash me on board? right behind me see the river and behind it is me on my border with the green hills
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and the coastal areas, basically by the river. it's a 278 to allow me to bother with bangladesh and 67 part of that is that not re by now what we know from wait. and it says from both side as well as the un report, as well as the us state department. they brought the 1000. so i'll go ahead and go are waiting on the other side of the not for a to wanting to coming to bangladesh. and so i'm has actually made it, we met some of them in the camp and they said the situation in northern right kind particularly and wound out and what your tongue is really bad. i mean, the boat side of the conflict, the icon army, as well as the me on my military, has been trying to force police on freight con scraper, out of the young man. and i even middle age man to forcefully recruited them into not fighting. and they don't want to be any part of it. they've been threatened by both sides. that if you don't join with barney or villages and push you out of this
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village and this is what exactly is happening. a lot of this refugee is stuck in the jungle and the make the attempt in a black but good weather to that. there is a severe stifling watch environment. there's so there's not going to be any attempt across the river. typically the take a fishing boat or didn't get the dying or the standing on there, that sort of thing as will be allowed inside bangladesh. so the coast guard and the bothered guides are on the vigil despite that some made it there. but the situation on the other side of the river is really dire. there's no food, it's a complex zone. there's no shelf that lives. no 8 agency present this people out on the brink of starvation right now, unless there's some sort of intervention to help them out of you and estimates more than 670 people were killed by a landslide and a revolutionary popping of guinea. that happened an angle province on friday. roads are still blocked, and 8 agencies are wanting of a desperate humanitarian situation. alexander binds reports,
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it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks. in some places, 8 meters deep teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors. the landslide had popular new guineas, northern and the province at around 3 am on friday for young people in their homes while they were sleeping survivors, a boulders, the size of cars came tumbling down, crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris, the bodies and yet to be reaching, the locals are still working. and trying to dig a more over bodies provincial government to send the actual disaster team without getting an sample exam. just asked person to go in there and check up assessed at the site. the 6 villages are affected. the most people here are small
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scale farmers and they've lost everything. they've got into the wild animals, the livestock. yeah, everything was there and there they are appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter. emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600 kilometers from the capital. parts of the affected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leaving, leaving from the provincial town, is cut off by about 200 nations. so that definitely will have to release effects. and now the consideration use of the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it quite difficult for the risky was to get in. but at the same time yes already. so quite desperate to get out the survivors and relocate them to camps. the cause of the landslide isn't clear, but popular. new guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors and
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earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teens is getting as many people as possible out of the disaster zone. alexandra buyers, alta 0, became a saucers, and military leda is now set to remain in power until 2029. it written for a was due as a hand of leadership to a civilian governments in july. but a new charter has extended at the countries transition to democracy by and now that 5 is tory issue of power off the staging a crew back in 2022 and he's repeatedly ones that are holding elections would be difficult because of security challenges around hoff as the west african countries, territory still remains outside. government control is experienced. rising attacks by on groups linked to al qaeda and as i make stays, this violence has killed thousands and has the space moving to 1000000 people and
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many of them on the brink of starvation. well, let's bring in a recovery. here's an independent journalist who joins me not from the book you in a foster capital walker do this. how is the news of this, of this extension of troll res time? how is that going over that hasn't been received? yeah, do you know the discussions of the national convention guys to do with 3 and a less it off or because people how to design or something is not a file that kind of that kind of happy man. you know, i will just when, for this issue of like giving more time to the transition to finish the good job, what they said they called it a good job because of the military and the government in place right now. they both recall the 5 percent of the country, the 3rd tray, and click on let us show the member who can form a different box off all the gold trick. so decided that so the
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continue to get a do call 3, both of the, of the control of the, the, uh, let's say the cost of the sobbing. the all 3 of the things you got used all of the call also determine moiz ali and you're referring to a kind of consultation that took place. so ahead of this decision, by the military, there was a sort of national dialogue as i understand it, and civil society were involved in those consultations, but not all the political parties or how much actual political buying is set for this. a lot of the decision is, is really not putting anybody. i don't think process, everybody is included in the process. what does that mean? the mean by this whole thing didn't call, but some student came out and to set up everything the cost of doing dialogue to
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make sure that people to call on the business and continue in the progress on the countries. there must be policy to solve them thinking and then decided to go with the dispatcher for all to do, do you call us about these? and we call the cost of all. so i'm curious about the public sentiment here because the ministry said that they were taking power because the government was failing of dealing with a security challenges. but they have had limited success themselves, as you say, 65 percent of the country now under their control. that still leaves 35 percent not . so how strong is the military and book you in a fall? so now what do people think of them? what does the oh yes, definitely the the, the, the powers of the country based on washrooms that i'm not really in control often do pop up because it doesn't call sometimes in the house on actual the communities
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do need to just, you know, a desktop and do this to make sure that all the call is going to be uh, listed print all categories, but by the end of this over 5 years, and even before the time to come back from the country, it would be able to the nice and elections where everybody would be able to pick up, you sound very confident about a democratic transition, but there was supposed to be elections this july. it's now potentially going to be another 5 is what is then to stop the army from extending again. the what is the, what the reason the flex spending is lots of bit call the recall we all the time retreat in the country and also because not only did yeah, there's hives to know is not auditory them quiet or not is on the i the all the really to all right now, you also have to make sure that the policy goes environment is conducive for them
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to be able to go full of elections and also the need to develop the country because a lot of places assume some people about video people of these places and some, some of them i've been talking to them on so, so all these people have to stop working now for this is on the tv and to make sure that they're not on the conference. so these are the elements also the talking about to make sure that by the panel do 5 kias action. everything is going to be in place for the country in the hospital, in newport. you go to the everything that you've just described. this sounds incredibly discretionary. it is up to then to the minute for you to make these decisions. that's, i know there's some cynicism about whether or not they will be the political space to do that. is a concern about regional repercussions, for instance. oh, yeah,
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no, of course the question. so full model is positive because they also have to make sure that people come back and have it kind of a space this calls because what happens in the us very, less it difficult for everybody because you'll still have some issues. i've been talking about a piece of i'm on communities because i'm only going to uh, choosing us to be, you know, i've seen them all. so he's in a setting up the country i'll be in, so i'm an exact so again, so the easy part, we just saw the videos that they're being told him. don't know which to go on said no, it's thoughtful. august. oh my god. but they have to make sure that people are coming back together again to have the kind of national dialogue to have and kind of national agreement on the way the important to go out of the country.
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all also bought on 3 is also the piece, you know, to make sure that the content is safe for from any of that coming from anywhere with the, the forces to make sure that the concrete is and build the site to find it all the conventional people that i'm satisfied with that falls that would be made by the government to apply. ready and everything to defend the country for the next steps to just to give you a real estate, how all of the dialog on people are. they cover their and independent john les joining us from the beginning of fossil capital. i could do who are describing that the broad seeming supports are for the military is decision today to extend the tower as time. thank you for joining us on al jazeera. thank you as well. let's remind you of the breaking news. we've been guessing in the last few
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minutes, we've been hearing that these really minute treat sounded sirens and tell of eve of the rockets were fired from the gaza strip were showing you some of the latest pictures were getting in. now this is the 1st time that those sirens have sounded in months. it's still unclear what the rockets have fallen, or if any has been intercepted. let's get the latest from honeymoon when he joins us from there. all bella and central garza honey, i believe we have heard from him. i say saying they launched some kind of massive misaligned attack from television. what do we know right now? yes so so far we learned from the statements they should by how mocks the mother of the military. when you go to some brigade, the law into a garage, you'll walk essentially just let me tell you something. here we could see the trails of a smoke of from a distance here as these rockets were expired. but as a look at some of the picture they were attached with the, with the statement,
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the rocks in fact were fired from a rock. why the eastern part of approximately, very close to the vicinity of a, the crossing that's an area that has been under these really military for the past 18 days, is really military and it's occupying force in the ground has been operating aggressively in the area. and then made it clear that the are in control and the have pretty much it cleared the area from the presence of honey, a militants, or fighters on the ground, or how much associated that's a corner is really statements. then all the sudden we see now this barrage of rock is being fired from that particular area. it just a huge question mark on these statements and these really narrative of the clearing areas. it from how experience finding a group or having the military control. we've seen this patterns of narrative taking place in the northern parts in gaza, city and or in honda. it is a based in part of it repeating itself over and over the is really another. there
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you sounded the science that they've said these, those rockets are going all the way through tele visa, but as of now, there is no clarity where these right good landed beds. uh, we're waiting for more updates on the reaction, particularly as we read the statements by these really military talking about is starting tactical withdrawal of from rough by 50 honey. this does sounds like it's really been quite the statement from her mouse. as you say, it appears that these were fired from an area which israel said it was in control. we've also obviously seen much more intense fighting and ground bottles taking place and in areas of the gaza strip, especially in the north that, that these really ami had said they're in control of and daily or not. what is the state of, of how masses results is at the moment that they can't be wanting to have some kind of show of strength. you know,
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this is not the 1st time this doctor was seeing these counter attacks taking place, particularly in areas where there's very military, made it clear and announced that they are in control militarily. they have dismantled infrastructure for palestinian finding groups in fort knox, the associates or at fighters, particularly on the ground. yes, we see last night the video statements by a semi redid were these said the of the ambush, the drove of israeli and lead soldiers that some of them were killed, other were injured that a group of them are, i've been taken. and as a, as in prison, or as kidnapped by a, by the how much they, uh, buy up a sam fighters into one of the tunnels. in the tickler area, this is not the 1st time is really military. it has this form, the northern part in the initial months of the ward is really military operated aggressively after car big bombing, the entire area then occupying forces on the ground pretty much got into
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a brief the streets of the road alley ways in the northern part destroyed the vast majority of infrastructure and public facilities, residential homes, forcing people into displacement. but as we see right now, the come back of the, at those counter attacks. and that these, these seems to be quite effective and they read there are evidence associated with them. the video statements of that one of the fight, there's a dragging one of the soldiers into the tunnel they've really monitor, did not comment on this video, but that's the pattern that we've seen in the positive re time. there is a statement by this really military or narrative about them taking control. we've seen otherwise in the ground, something that is quite shattering the really narrative in what it's doing on the ground, on what level other than the the trains of destruction caused the civilians. there isn't much really to talk about in terms of, of military uh, try on for
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a offered prior to prevailing across the gaza strip. hunting off load with the very latest for us from the ground. unfortunately, i from darrow, by that for us and the central gaza strip. thank you, honey. well, let's get more of the perspective from the is really side. now israel has gone down to 0, so a corresponding iran con joins us from the jordanian capital. i'm on and we're on we're hearing from these really minute tree. they're saying i believe that at least 8 rockets or 5 to israel from garza. what more do we know? well this is the 1st time that rocket, so actually um it hits um those areas around tel aviv antello eve 8 selves in 6 months. we're hearing the sirens have been sounding and heard soleah go 1st show me yahoo and i'm a torture on tele v. and peta tick and several smaller communities. so that's telling me i am plus surrounding areas all telling me we are hearing that.


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