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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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a try on 4 is offered prior to prevailing across the gaza strip hunting off load with the very latest for us from the ground. unfortunately, i from darrell ballot for us in the central gaza strip. thank you, honey. well, let's get more of the perspective from the is really side now is where it has been down to 0. so i'll correspond in wrong con joins us from the to danny and capital. i'm on and we're on, we're hearing from these really minute tree. they're saying i believe that at least 8 rockets or 5 to israel from gaza. what more do we know as well? this is the 1st time that rock is of actually um it hits um those areas around tel aviv antello eve 8 selves in 6 months. we're hearing the sirens have been sounding and heard soleah go 1st show me, yahoo! i'm a torture on to leave. i had to take the in several smaller communities. so that's telling me plus surrounding areas of tennessee. we are hearing that with the help
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in april kids like you sites 1st time in 6 months, that's happened these already on the new services. the one person that has been injured due to a sharp little folding. i am done with the rocket defense system. it has a successfully intercepted all of those rockets, but this is going to come as a massive surprise to the is ratings. not simply because the i am don't actually successfully intercepted all those missiles. it generally tends to do that. but the fact that $227.00 days off the will began. and that i still have the capability to be able to fire rockets now and also the location of where those rockets will fide from. he's going to be of great concern to these, right. these are my colleagues that honey saying that the were fired from the eastern part of rafa. if that's the case he's ready. um yeah. supposed to have taken the eastern part of rafa. um, for the 18 days though, they're supposed to be in the eastern part of profit,
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it's supposed to be an area that they control. if that's the case, a mass of proving a point a that they can still reach out to places like tel aviv and other some. ready communities around that with a massive by rush broke. is this a big propaganda victory for a mass, and it's a great concern to these ratings. while i say the or airports have now stopped working as well and run in the area. no flights of landing or taking off in the country that supposedly what's happening right now in israel. this obviously will have repercussions in terms of the way that is rarely is. think about their own safety. is this going to, is this going to level up the pressure on, on this, and yahoo and his government in terms of how they're conducting this war? so that's certainly what i'm asked ones and that certainly the message that they were sending when they set up this borrowers of rockets. now there is precedent for all of this. remember um during the 2000 and we'll get the
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war a couple of years back. rather from us actually issued statements to the residents on television between 8 and 9 pm. we're going to send a barge of rocket, say all the streets. they were actually dictated terms to the residents of tennessee. whatever i'm gonna send up, rock is a, is about sending a message. they do know that the under the defense system will get most of those rockets probably maybe want to make full 3 depends if you can overwhelm the i in the system or not. so it is about sending a message, a will put pressure on the is ready government. it will put pressure on his really come on does on the ground as well. because like i say, it's about where those rockets were actually fired from. if they were fine from the place, but these ratings actually control, then that's going to be an interesting thing because this is going to be seen as a failure of the is really all me. now, all of this information is just coming into us. we have to piece together from various different sources, but just to recap for you. so it is a real case,
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but sirens founding in about 6 different places, including telling me that's a very, very, very big time. well, as we say, this appears to have come from the eastern portion of rough. obviously there's a controversial, very controversial is really offensive ongoing in the rough area at the moment. you talk about president yet, and ron, i'm curious about what happens in the past in terms of is really response. would we expect and is really show a strength and response to what, what her mouse has done right now as well. i can tell you when i was in tel aviv in november, there was a tax taking place on a right fairly regular basis by him ass from central and northern gauze. at the time. um, there was almost immediate response from his re fi suggests that were bombing targets and in those areas is difficult to see what they can bowl now because
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let's face it, their own troops are going to be in the eastern part of rafa. so can they mount back similar kind of response without putting the right troops in change it. will this be now a kind of much more of a ground offensive when it's still the is riley's into rejecting pressure for me in special community to go into rafa. these are all questions that we will see a response to we will see and we will have an answer to these questions in the coming hours is role isn't going to waste any time in making a response because we've seen that we seem to time and time again, it's the type of response. now you've got a lot of these right, new troops in the gaza strip. so there may be perhaps these aerial strikes on an option, but maybe they'll just meet them out the way. and that's what we'll see. certainly there will be a response, is just a question of what type and long con the, with a very latest for us, we'll bring you more as we get him on his reporting and the to danny and capital
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amman for us. because israel has found out, is there a little bit of staying on the story for you for now? thank you very much. and we're on con, that's not bringing akiva elder. he's a political unless he joins me now from tel aviv akiva your in tel aviv. so let me start by asking you what you've been seeing and hearing to actually i am right now in that one of the sub solve to leave for some of the visits in the uh, in uh, in the hospital. and uh, there was quite a panic and i think the people at the beginning to do want to believe that it's real. maybe somebody. yeah, by mistake push the button. everybody was trying to get the latest news uh on the set of phones, doctors and nurses. um, but i think that the, uh, those people who push the button in rough or made videos they, uh, because uh,
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this will help him again to bury the victim. and who are they, the international bodies, uh, the quote of justice and the criminal to tell us to stop by the year right on the roof for us. you see that? uh, there is still a lot that is what it needs to do in order to ensure for security to its citizens. so its not just uh, these rarely is by the it's a game at these ready, i mean has to defend, is already civilians. i can't even say that this might have made me nothing. y'all here's day bought. this was ostensibly from an area. these rockets were fired from a part of the gaza strip. that is, well, have said that it was in control of. so the very fact that her mouse has been able to, to fire rockets from an area that israel controls that suggests that the d is really offensive,
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isn't necessarily going to plan. is this not going to increase criticism of the way of israel is carrying out this will yeah, but uh this uh, this is danielle or the justification to uh, keep fighting and uh, getting into deeper into rafa. uh, until as the uh, problem is the total, the victory is uh, you know, that there is a growing go position and these are heavy uh, public opinion to stop the wall and to bring back to the captive site. especially after this a video of the young soldiers, uh women. uh, but uh, i think that the, if you, we are looking to do what is domestic arena, the toner there now is the most important, you know, the exclusive arena that is relevant to, uh, it gives him some more leverage and the, uh,
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the calls to bring to the, the soldiers back home, i just dumped the wall and we're going to be, i'm going to be more appropriate magic and less popular a key, but it seems like you're talking about political leverage. so this might bolster nash and young who's put us will leverage in terms of, of continuing the will. but might this cause a rethink in terms of military strategy? clearly what israel was doing in this part of a rough, where these rockets were, the ones from kelly that wasn't working. uh yeah, uh, we know that, uh, either this riley soldiers have been there now for almost 8 months. there is a fatigue. and at that, going to be more casualties and more furniture to find a fire as victims. uh, but uh uh, what, what is there, there is a base inside the wall cabinet where the, uh,
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is what i'm should think about. uh, the day off the, the exit strategy. oh, do i left the army, completes its job and gets a deeper into the tunnels. and uh, the message is on. how will it be getting probably from the constituency. is that so well, um, you must keep doing what you started until uh you uh can guarantee that there is going to be no more terrorism and no more rockets on till i believe this is, you know, this hurts. uh uh, it's our nose, reputation and his prestige as missed the security thing. and uh, uh, in the side is, well, he uh, is losing support. and every attack is by books typically uh,
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getting these rarely is uh, more afraid of, uh, the. 7 us, and this is suppose you can get the, uh, is value for the 2 guns at close to and with an entry. okay. if i want to understand a little bit more of the dynamics that, that have taken place right now and use really military establishment. we haven't getting these reports that come us has actually posted it's ryan since managed to recruit more soldiers over the course of as well. so. so in terms of manpower that they're still relatively strong, that they've managed to re purpose some, some unexploded is really ordinance that, that, that's full and, and gaza. so they actually have the results has to continue this for you with your funds to how the is really well cabinet has been trying to make decisions. we've been hearing about deep divisions within that full cabinet. all those divisions likely to change the cost of the way that the military strategy is carried out.
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well, according to the american intelligence, uh, the come us is still, it's still not in control of 60 percent of the channels. mm hm. so the there won't cabinets. will not be able to change the tactics and the, the narrative in his room is that we have to finish the job. otherwise, why did we have to pay the price off up? hundreds of soldiers being killed. and i'm just so thousands of civilians that are uprooted from their homes. so it's like, you know, we're in a, in a catch $22.00 positions that you'll have to put more a good money off to bed money. oh, you know, living soldiers after that, soldiers and dead captives, and the division is not so much over how long. but what should be the deal
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to bring back the captives? there is going for a ship from the grass roots to end the war because there is a growing understanding that the, the equation, the exclusive equation is all the captives that are still alive. and i'm afraid they're not too many of them being we've done before into this really long term ceasefire. and i think that nathaniel knows that we're going to have to add to this equation is that this will start to come down to the next elections. and this is what the worries and what was there anything else? okay, that we've been hearing from the is riley, is that negotiations of supposedly ongoing, that there's going to be some kind of a, an indirect discussion taking place this weekend. however, i'm also saying that they're not willing to engage on last day. they will be
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hearing about a long term ceasefire. in your mind, what is the status of these tools? well, i believe that what happened today makes it more difficult for the ease randy ball cabinet and to accept the demands of the boss and to as the world. because this means that the, the a mazda is having the upper as that the violence pays. and once they have loans rocket, so instead of being israel must, which a otherwise, you know, the is riley's, these riley society is not willing to tolerate something like this or walk us on the come on. so i think that's like we did the see this by doing reserves your want when the wrong and at that,
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as israel after is right. like back to the embassy that comes with it, is the mass goes, they with the agent, but you do have the last words. and here again, here's where we'll need to have the last word. uh and uh, we have to wait and see what kind of wood would it be. akiva, elza, pasco, unless that joining us from tel aviv. thank you very, very much for your time with us again on al jazeera, cuba, we appreciated as well. let's go back to our correspondent, iran con or mind to israel has found out a 0. so he's joining us today from the jordanian capital. i'm on and obviously this is a fast moving, developing story. i understand you have a few more details for that's what i've been speaking to residents, all the time of eve, who some of them are actually in shelters right now. 11 of them share who's just told me and i can't really repeat the language because the very suitable isn't
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searchable. it's holding fire to television, but it's a very angry message. they have had enough, she wants and then yahoo to do something to bring a ceasefire. to try and get the hostages back, she's very, very, very angry that this is still happening in her city box reflective of a couple of other people i've spoken to, right? this have a lot of these people are still in shelters that may well be coming out in the next few minutes. but it's been uh, something that they are actually now just angry about. this is all about being shot 10 minutes. so by being skating low, they just are hungry. this boy is continuing that the hostages haven't been released. the captains have not been released to how much still has this capability of firing rockets on toby? let me just bring you up to date with where those rockets actually attached. so sirens, i actually found it in hudson. they was just outside of tel aviv. ready of these areas all come for the show, my yahoo!
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remo tasha run tel aviv and pets. take the on a so smaller communities around that area. this is the 1st time in 6 months that thomas have managed to fire rockets up these. ready? all me. all going to respond, what that response actually looks like. let's see what i was in tel aviv and this was happening in november. the response was aerial bombardment against thomas targets. but now you have a large amount of his right, the soldiers in those areas of maybe that's not an option available to them. maybe they have to pull those soldiers back. my colleague county must be from garza was proposing that these rockets were fired from easton alpha. these right is supposed to be in charge of you some of the been that by 18 days. so that's another message that how much will be sending out by these rockets. now, these ready ambulance service says that one post has been like these injured by shot. know the rockets were intercepted by the line time defense system,
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but this is a bounce where the rockets land is about where the rockets tyco from. and the fact that they can still happen. uh, you know, 227 days into the world. mm hm. and i was just speaking to a kia valdez political analyst from television. he was saying that this might bolster political support for financing. yahoo wish to continue carrying out the war for a strong? is there any response given the anger that you're hearing? is that the case isn't more likely if there's going to be criticism of, of the military strategy that, that's when you so far we have to remember that his role is a very, very divided country politically. there's a lot of people that are very angry at it and you know who the fact that this war is still continuing, and that is really so just us still died. but there is still a tremendous amount of support for the world. a lot of the right wing is a lot of, um, uh people who support those right wing policies that are part of the governing coalition
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. we'll want to see a much. ready ready full response to kind of language that they'll be using is that we simply just need to flatten garza enough. we're just playing with a mouse right now. we need to go into a raffle. we need to make sure the, the how mouse is completely destroyed. if that means most a 1000000000 starting then so be it. that's the kind of language you have from the far right. the others i must, will, smooth or perhaps one or 2, but still very, very significantly, anti government protest. i think and hundreds of thousands of people out on the streets. we saw perhaps a 125000 people are on the streets. uh, you know, on a saturday evening. uh, but as long as you can protest those people uh, very angry and then you know who they want elections. uh they wouldn't let to know who out of office. so is what was very politically divided society. so you can't from people who are just pregnant or shocked and angry and just want an end to all
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of this. but there's other people who will see this as an excuse to go into raffle with that lodge ground offensive to kind of thing that the americans have told you is, is what it is. they simply don't want to see these radius been very clear. we will fight this. ready the way we see fit and the americans started, but you have any pressure that they can pull on these robust still giving them $3500000000.00 a year in military aid, plus billions more in emergency military aid for this particular operation. not $3500000000.00 is coming every year and has been for about 89 years now. so you've got this idea that you know, we do need to do some things, decisive but what that's going to be um it remains to be seen, but he's really military a bit more pragmatic because they are the ones that have to fight the actual war. but even they are going to be surprised at the fact that how much they've been able to launch this biology brokers in front of it. when we speak about the size of action, it makes me wonder where the took. so because we've been hearing that they're all
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supposed to be, these indirect talks taking place. i'm off, as we've been reporting, has been saying they're not going to engage. obviously there's a huge amount of political pressure to, to find some resolution, especially to the issue of captives within israel. now given the level of division that you've described for us in his really society right now, what is the status of those talks and, and how much pressure is there at the moment on the government to get something done? what about 2 hours ago? uh these ready, uh, government announced the won't happen. that was going to meet this evening. it was going to talk about the ceasefire tools. there's tremendous amounts of pressure on the will cabinet to come up with something. the tools, like you say, in direct they supposed to take place on choose day. now the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and benny carnes and others in the wood cabinet, including your gland, divided to your glance and been against particularly forcible. when it comes to
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what happens the day, often they keep holding it for a day often. what does that look like? progress. so benjamin netanyahu seems to be focused on the day before he seems to be focused on, you know, getting in control and defeating a mass. most of military analysts, um, even full, the idea of soldiers is where the army soldiers have actually said that there is no way of actually defeating him. ask somebody is much more than just a minute. you a much more than just a political way. it's an audiology, and that is something you cannot defeat particularly militarily. so you have this meeting that was, that is starting to take place in a few hours time. and that is going to be a, what was happening, post this by roach and what was happening pre it as far as i think post is power. it's going to be a much more difficult conversation for the, his writings that he's told. so i suppose to be taking place on choose day, it's going to have an impact whether these ratings pull out the talks because they
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simply believe how much isn't serious because of the basement of our ours or brokerage, or does this give us a negotiating position? these are all the things now that are completely up in. yeah, this was a very different conversation about the ccr talks just a few hours ago. right, and wrong calm, they're forcing for us today was all the latest from the jordanian capital. a non we'll leave it for now. thank you very much. i'm wrong. now if you want, just joining us here on alger 0, we are continuing our coverage of breaking news that we've been getting out of israel. in the last few minutes, sirens have sounded in numerous areas across and outside. tel aviv sirens were sounding because rockets were fired from the gaza strip. we've been hearing from these radio stars use that. as a mon was reporting that they were all intercepted by the iron dorm defense system . the minute treat wing of her mouth has claimed responsibility. it says it fund televi with a large rocket barrel as well. for more on that, let's go straight back to central garza and speak to honey my would. he joins us
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from there all by honey. you were telling us earlier that it appears that these rockets were 5 from east. and rafa an area that is what i had said that it was in full control of i see him as has issued a full statement. can you give us a few more detail? yes, we're just learning also not only the are the where the rockets were quite a for me to read off, but at a very carry a that is a close to rough crossing and this winter of our crossing of the initial diesel, which is really military invasion of brooklyn city, the took over rough i crossing and they said that no more how much elements are going to be here and no presence and all the infrastructure. and then they've dismantled the infrastructure for the, the rocket launcher in the area, the garage that was just fired within the past. 45 minutes came it from the very particular area. there's really military declared that it has taken over militarily
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. it hasn't cleared the from all the infrastructure and all the rockets. 5 by uncle sunbridge or palestinians fighting groups on the ground. this is what's going on is more of like something resonating a, do these raise the public hamas and it's the military wing are sending messages to the public opinions and in light of the ongoing and governmental protest across the, across the israel, as well as the ones that are pushing 4, e 8 is seeds, fire deal and a half the release of the of this will likely put more pressure on there was a protest there on the street to demand the government to do more. but as across the gulf has to visit the 2nd incident with less than 24 hours of the incident that took place in northern part in july, the refuge account a honey and tons of what we've been hearing from these riley's, they're saying that everything was intercepted but obviously we will expect some
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kind of response from the, as rarely. what is the status at the moment of the to be offensive at the moment in rough? obviously it's highly contentious. it's, it's been very popular mastic for these really is especially with all the push back they've been getting from the international community, the americans not to mention the international court of justice. what's happening on the ground right now and rough. uh well, yeah. and then in response to what's going on, the really military, pretty much of scaled up the talks and we'll look it up in discriminatory hillary shilling to again the eastern part of the city all the way through the central part . then around the vicinity of the hospital, the other field, the hospital, that's a good topic and the other fee of hospitals in the area and that almost hopping in a reactionary way. and in what looks like these really military wanted to everyone to see that they've got the upper hand in brooklyn city. they are still operating in a garage of rock goods is not going to stop them in front moving forward. but here's
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the, the hidden message here is despite the pa 15 days and the operating aggressively and destroying mainly the eastern part of robot city emptiness from people. there is very resistance and the palestinian finding on the ground are able to launch this number of rockets while there's really military is is it present heavily with its military equipment within its time? so on the vehicle? it's intelligence everywhere. the fighting, who had the ability to do that undergrad, that is that, that is something that meant to shatter this narrative. that is really monetary and the idea in general of what these being mobilizing for hunting off once a day with a very nice hist for us from daryl bella in the central pause of the gaza strip. well, to remind you, we are rolling with ongoing special coverage of the rockets that were launched from the gaza strip into the skies. as you see the above tel aviv,
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we know sirens have been sounding, we'll have a more ongoing, special coverage of that for you here. on to 0 to stay with the so that for those heading to the poles, what, what could be the biggest shakeup in the region in decades with 30 is the african national. congress has held power, but now it faces its biggest election bethel sofa join. us says you bring you live updates from across the country. so that's the election. i know it's, they're hard huge. i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have one is government with this is 5 digit. you say getting russell, a thought provoking nonsense. the e you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he was signing
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a present as not that important factor? he had the story on talk to how does era, the, what's most important to me is talking to people, understanding what they're going through here as a 0. we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. i want people to look closer at the ugly side of this. i point my camera where all those prefer not to look. i'm right about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up us worse filmmaker
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ralph tags, and also viet time when on the power of political lot. what i'll just stories we tell sales about also. and how do we base our past to change our future studio? be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra of the spies rockets towards kind of even central as well. so the 1st time in months, these right, the army says over miss sauls, what intercepted the understand me say them, this is out. just do i live from dell hall. so coming up, henri palestinians, desperate for food as a drug sense, a garza or the sony, a fraction of what it was before the war.


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