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tv   Al Jazeera World Aden 1986 - Anatomy Of An Assassination  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm AST

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the filmmakers around tanks and also viet time when on the power of political lot. what are the stories we tell sales about also and how do we base our past to change our future studio? be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra the spies rockets towards kind of even central as well. so the 1st time in months, these right, the army says over besides what intercepted the understand me say them, this is i'll just do it live from dell hall. so coming up, henri palestinians, desperate for food as a truck sends a gaza, or this is only a fraction of what it was before the war is riley strikes,
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killed at least $81.00 palestinians in garza since saturday morning. women and children are among the victims. the beginning with breaking news, a series of rockets 5 from gaza into central israel, the ministry wing of how my says it. bomb tel aviv with a log rock it by ross. this rouse army says they will find from rough and southern gaza. so i'm clear where they landed and if there are any casualties, it wasn't good in levy is a columnist at hall, right. see joins us now from tel aviv good to have you with us. so how significant is it that we are seeing rocket far the more than $200.00 days of the will? it was a century developed. it sent me a test so much about the capabilities of these are the all me that the
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importance of the small or the lack of importance of these more effects to 8 months a month from us could spend that. i'm sure it's on the feed. why the idea is noticed by it shows you how the taste this, the small was. and so where are we going to found out what i mean? it's, it's really just a, them on the strains, the go logic in this or long months. so let's shift, we don't need to anything, even the total guarantees security for sure. but does it say something about any expectations that people may have had full or off being a quick operation that ends hum us? nobody meaning to do it seriously because finds rob thought we'd be calm,
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could program sort of stop, didn't you by the and then you come eunice and then eventually it is and is very clear from the beginning of those goals on the treatment but and therefore they should even been to try to reach. but the other hand, usually we use it now to say we have to always rough uh, even though the technician in the cold or just these, told us to stop between be an excuse for his or to continue or offer. in spite of the rolling book yesterday or friday, do you think it's gonna prompt any change at least in terms of the military thinking at this point? i wish i knew what is the meanest, different thinking, the thinking, you know, was kid as much as you can destroy as much as you can. and also the goal or i don't think this will change. what does being the major is thinking,
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what thinking was. a fox by 8 minds the how much do you as such capabilities then you can reach you mention those say a me. so this reach the rich father of the regents a bill which is in the modem instead of the and they still have both capabilities really unbelievable. and from the latest information coming in these re position is that all of this has been intercepted, right. what are you hearing and saying, since you are in tel aviv yourself know this now quite mixed up. the diag won't even say show not show right on the 7th of august. but nobody was expecting this. i mean, deeply knew that days this sauzie's stephen thing, joe, but nobody expected back to the phase of target from the south, from, from, from rough up the 1st ritual. most of the people i know was then please,
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but us about it more because nobody put believe it's jim gospel, how much, what they think is going to be subsidies by which means that we are not or to start the, you know, in your books. i don't know where what the big b freebie right? sure. hold on is waiting to get to the finally. but we know that the problem is there is a game, say anything. and therefore we are a game of the symbol. do you think, how's it going to impact the position or the balance, shall we say, between those in israel, who want to see more of a prioritize ation of the release of captives versus achieving military goals. it's easy to read the only this incident i don't think you have and there were no injuries or no big things and almost no damage as far as me know
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. now. then i don't think you really have any effect on both sides. it could have had them in effect, you, people would have been to the houses where they've been destroyed, but this is about the case. now, what about the political pressure within the cabinet? we know there's been tensions. how do you think that's going to be impacted by what's happening now? that's the big venture and about the tensions and the company that because finally, nathaniel can still do whatever you want as long as he pleases the extreme rodriguez and the extra rice bring us all the thinking. and this will continue also know in the i don't see may getting to deals ending the whole or when how much the standard was gaping at the substrate. that is all flushing gave me so so, but the so from this point of view, i don't see that with me much of
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a change in any case. then you know it's going tension to boy green to scoping additional or, and basically be even stronger. now, in the app, is it like benny guns and pieces? colleagues, they know the case, quite people tend think this more and their 0 friends whatsoever when they deem the government so no, it's a my no question. as 0 toll king i should point out to view is good in that we're running some of the latest pictures that have come in from tel aviv following the launch of these rockets from gaza. they were showing on think we'll, we'll see them in a minute. the state of concern amongst people trying to hear the sirens and the warning. and i'm wondering, as the scenes play out, not on how it will play out domestically. but in terms of the,
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the support of the position of some of the international allies of israel, as they see that this looks like it's becoming an open ended role. where these ready ministry struggles to control toll free. it says it sees how is that going to impact? do you think some of the international positions of israel found on the international in physician is in a very direct university in direction as you know in the last week. so. so namely, bushing is sort of stop the war, the visa right, doesn't stop the war. the turns into it by state this way, no change, no, because of you me. so there's a few real kitchen for each photo therapy. the vision position will continue to be to put an end to the war. first, the board because of the bloodshed, the gas in this continuous and model, you will be fancy fired though, because of those are all goods, more and more people in rockville with the kids in the coming guy was in days. and
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that's the reason why the world thinks that before. so, and as long as it is when we continue to do anything possible to spend the game stage is when we pay a political international price as early as you want. all right, thanks so much good in the visa from hall, right. as this goes to a 100 miles oh dally joins us from data by law in central dogs, us. so honey. first of all brings up to speed with what we know happened with the launch of these rockets. so false, and information that's coming in some, you know, this has caught everybody by surprise because no one expected that after 18 days of his really military control of eastern drop off city. and when i say there's really military, it has pretty much destroyed the entire use for in progress. we've got very close
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to the front of our crossing and eastern part of the road. i'm not exaggerating good. based on the testimony from the local residents who, wherever the move where displays it is 5, the 4 of destruction that displays a brewing. literally, all social surfaces eliminated over the central buildings pretty much destroyed. and the ways for trails of tags do who's deeper into the city. and so the, the raj of rockets being fired city a not only of just from robust city from an area that has that group full control by it is really military has so many messages that the hallmarks and it's military . we wanted to defend the really, almost the response direct response to the garage of rocks. 5 is really monetary, started this indiscriminate, the bombing of the area for the past half an hour or so. this 3 remaining of the residential buildings as an infrastructure and rhodes. i just as
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a direct response to what happened is very mature for the positive days, being operating aggressively in force before seeing or pushing more people's 1000 of display sams, or redid refined to further internal displacements to the western part of the city or to the allows evacuations on it, in a western con, eunice then almost declares it full control. this is definitely not the, the image that pretty much the political level wants to see right now as they keep talking about the it is a political victory and rough. i've always seeing any kind of change in his riley tactics off to the launch of these rock is jaime, so far as well as of now is just you stated the goal of the response direct response to what have been more of a like a retaliatory action indiscriminate bombing campaign and artillery shilling,
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but right now we're getting reports of a call taking place right on the city. and what seems to be a recalculation of what's going on in the area. and the fee of right now is the, the, the, the push deeper into the central. busy part of brooklyn, as well as the western area, where the vast majority of people who did not evacuate do western fine units a vac oceans. or these states near the silvan area, where the field hospitals are stationed, that we have one remaining health facility is still operating at the lowest cup deposit, if possible. if these really monitor decides to expand and scale up further, the tax will be in 1000 more displays, families moving into hon. eunice, the city, the back which is going on here into the syndrome area. these are the only 2 remaining areas that seem to be as accomodating more display as a families,
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but as not, they are being overcrowded. and there, there's pressure on the remaining goals, facilities on the resources, the lack of the fuel, the lack of necessity, making it very difficult. so with that coming hours are going to be very decisive in terms of what level of, of responses of really been like may airports for us, for people to drop off on the display families as been since the bombing campaign being going on for months. but we're looking at probably more, more attacks going to happen within the coming dollars. they started with talk of a guessing through the kind of asylum crossing. how is that going now, that the seems the intensifying, the, the exchanges are intensifying so it's, it's quite interesting the timing of the, the barrage of lock that's being fired from that area. knowing that this is the, the route that the trucks are coming out of our mobile asylum crossing. although we
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do western part of the city, they will definitely be moving in from that area. so looking at this time that the, the trucks being allowed in the garage of rockets that they've raised lots of requested on my local residency, who described that this is something different on their age should be coming in because this really is responsible for the enforce the hide ration and starvation of the entire population. here we're looking at 2000000 people so far it's largely depend, dependent on humanitarian aid. all the basic and effectively coming in on the see the, the, the garage, rock and be in fire. this is part of the, the word that is going on. let's not forget this very military when, when it talks involved, for the most part, it's killing stability. and they just defy this. this is a wars on this is part of the collateral damage. the people here described this is dropping as a war zone is really, manager did not leave anything. all just the trails of destruction and devastation
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for people. so that is happening uh, it should be not, should not be directly linked to whether human interior and aids should be allowed in or not. all right, thanks so much. hi, my mood that i keep out as a political analyst joins us from tennessee. good to have you with us. so does this change some of the other, the co calculus, the idea that these are the how many went into our off off it had secured the eastern part and today we have rockets coming out. how does that change the political calculus for this will as you see, uh, you were quoted just said that the raft, uh gaza is the, was zone now is a little trying to tell you that was on when i'm shooting right now and talking to you or just shows you minutes ago and 2 women was slightly heard from, but it's very traumatic to is boys, right. is just imagine a door oh,
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new york being hidden by a brokerage. and the other thing is that uh many uh, is a specialty. those on the sensors and the left. and the lead is of the, of the coalition. uh, including many guns, an iron court which from the opposition. and they wouldn't have a hard time finding that the war is over and is what it has to start really pulling out and talking about the day after. because uh right now we, the day after is yesterday is today. so uh, i am afraid that the people who will pay the price uh the people of guys uh, the people from rough, uh and uh, uh, other parts of, uh, guys who have been uprooted from the host as well as the these ladies who are
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waiting to get back to the home, both in the thousands in the nose. do you think this is guys a strength and the hand of nothing? yeah. how within the cabinets? absolutely easily, even frankly, bagley and flipped rage in the balance of power between them and an attorney out of the machine on a cool i'm calling to go back to guys up. i'm having a great time today. this is another proof that is where the has to complete the job in gaza and prepare for a very long term occupation of god. but if it's been more than $200.00 days of war, and rockets are able to be launched from areas that israel has said it's secured. does that introduce any 2nd thoughts amongst the moment advised wing that to, to think about whether this is solvable for a minute?
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for a solution i'm afraid that um, this is a very optimistic scenario. uh, what uh seems like this do is uh, left support of uh, a diplomatic solution. each way to strengthen the lawyer. and it becomes a few days after the i've c, g, j and the guy c, c have, uh, uh, being uh, really good uh that our prime minister should be arrested. and maybe this is the most view. it is right. and here we are sitting in till i mean quietly, and they are attacking, gosh, and the, the other thing is that the deal that we've been waiting for us to be getting back to the captives in the full long sam ceasefire is uh,
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getting further away from us, we are in the middle of alpha, you know, the, to blame game. and now the blame game he is on the hunting as well as well side to say yes, you see, we were willing to read you some kind of an agreement, the head of the most. i just met with the end of the a, c i a and uh we, we will be waiting and this comes on so few days after those star magic images, the video, all of these really young soldiers being rapes and the modem in gaza. so there is no way to appetite, all other solutions then striking more and more, i'm afraid some much of the perspective of the global cell so that we looking at this thing. well, this shows another point which is the futility of long term occupation. of course,
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we know that the conflict didn't begin on october. the 7th, israel has to be an occupying policy. the entire tree for full decades. confidence has been going on. kind of eve, of course, not exactly long. you'll conduct high in the, in the terms that it is, it is occupying a territory that is internationally recognized as an occupying power. is that, does that, do you see an increase in the public opinion or the position of israel and the international position of many outside of his route, that gap widening as time goes on? so this kind of thing increases, as you know, has been an alpha on the table for many years, not just to end the occupation, but to get full what is ation with all the members of the arab league. and the saw me cause ation and what an attorney i've succeeded to do in his
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long 10 years is to convince these way that uh, we better hold on to the, the categories as a security zone. and what he wouldn't be able to say today. you see people, it's not about the west bank and gaza, it's about 11 years. they and what's happening in october 7 was that the, the how much has butchered people who live it is these ready territory which is completely recognized by these a national community. so the public opinion i'm afraid is turning white instead of don't extend the left. me look at the, again, from an international perspective. if you, if you look at the counselor going on, for example, train ukraine and russia, that have been instances where you cry and has launched, drawn strikes and all the strikes deeper into russia proper. from an international
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perspective, there's not a lot of thinking that, well, you know, maybe the solution is russia needs to go deep into ukrainian territory. a lot of thinking is international law needs to be off health, respect for people to live free of all q patient needs to be out of health. is, is that doing a told doing a tool in the discourse within israel, in the media coverage? or is that something that's just not tackled as well? unfortunately that the newspaper, oh it's going to tell you have the on a to contribute and i was working and it will be more i think that for many years is the only media agencies that keeps calling in. it's at the toil to reach a comprehensive agreement with the i the was the, uh, well, uh these ladies uh, very key to travel to contacts and to re, uh,
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but i'm afraid that they've done, you know, as a genius in marketing and being able to convey these rallies, that's a look what happens in gaza. we have this engaged from guys out and in rate. then we get terrorism. most of these land ease. uh oh uh, well bone after 77 o 80. don't remember anything else, but okay. patient, you know, next week we're going to celebrate, uh, 57 years. it is a 3 much, 3 times longer than the time we were living with. i'll do a few patients. so in the collective memory of these laddies giving back the okay, if i tell you got a data i'm calling back to buy a book to go, it's just behind somebody. yeah. and as long as the price,
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then they have to pay in phone call to see, i mean the, the security council, there was someone who was delusional to guys the settlement. but those functions, perhaps once the americans will say enough is enough with the diesel. and we need to save these, what is from the government. because most of the, these readings, they want to have peace and they understand that a few patients. and this is obviously more, but still it doesn't comes, doesn't come with a firestick. all of that by say, is too low, so. ok, thank you so much. i keep a as the sort of the author and political i'm list. thank you for the israel has band l g 0. so a correspondent in montana and joins us now from jordan's capital. i'm mine, so 1st of all them on what do we hearing in terms of any official reaction as
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well, let me tell you what these riley army has said so far. it says the april kits were fired from a rough central israel. several of those were intercepted um, uh, the is ready on your site says the borrower's of rockets that was fine. essential is wrong on sunday. was launched from the area of roughly, it goes on to say the borrowers was launched in response to is really military activity against a large rocky production site in the area. they say that the sirens is founded in hudson. leah come from show me who i'm a passer on televi and had to take that and several smaller communities. that's a very, very wide area. they say so, so the 1st, well i, this is me saying i should know these ready on me, but it is the 1st attack on the area since december. now you heard akiva elder that talking about the kind of language the far right members of the governing coalition was like, well we now have responds from the monumental event in our social security minister
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. and he simply says rafa with a full force exclamation mark. that's all he said, and again, that is going to be a co to bite. that's all smart trips the. what are the other key fall right. ministers within the governing coalition. we haven't heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu yet, but it's going to be interesting to see what he has to say about all of this. how to delete 1. 1 of the opposition politicians says enough is enough. this is a political failure. and that needs to be a change in political leadership. i've also been speaking to people inside to the residence of tel aviv. one of them was absolutely blunt. the kind of language i cannot use on television, but a lot of and get a sign that i know isn't office ready. soldiers dying civilians dying the captives dying. no one's being able to get the captives out. what are we doing well and why
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is this? will happening, why these rocky is coming on all a heads right now. that's kind of the language i've heard from a few people. but remember, it's rarely is a very divided society. a lot of other people have said and will site that they just need to go in and select them the entire of goals. and that's the only way of getting rid of how mass, politically, and militarily, which remember, is the stated goal of benjamin netanyahu. a lot of military analysts almost like speaking right now, suggesting that this goal of getting rid of a mass politically, militarily, is most impossible right now. because resistance is a audiology, it's not something you can completely destroy eva pilots gate. oh, but that's hardly that needs to be an end to the occupation, but those voices are tiny and very far and few between. most people will one to probably minister benjamin netanyahu to do something decisive. now in the pause now
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i was in a television event, but when or rockets where landing rockets were being fired and they were being intercepted by the on the defense system, the kind of reactions we sold was very swift. it was very immediate. busy these really all mean fight to just what bombing targets with in gaza. it's going to be a little bit more difficult for them to mount, that kind of response, given the share amounts of is ready. so just the in the area. but now it, the conversation is about what the response will be, is ready, and we haven't said anything right now, and they don't normally say anything until often the response has been moved. i'm wrong just was listening to that as you were reading out the list of, of cities and towns which were targeted in this in this rocket strike. how significant is that? it sounds like quite a wide area. we were not just talking about tel aviv to yeah, well if you, i tell,
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give you the kind of geography of the area that's been hates by that by origin for mass rock instead of these kind of in, let's just presume to tell that he was in the middle all that this entire area, then you go to leah which is slightly follow the nose actually. and then you go places like i think the which is again outside of that area. so this was a very wide area. and hopefully i can give you like a specific kilometer uh square meters or whatever. i'll stop by this area, but it is incredibly wide. it just goes to show you the mass still have off to what we $228.00 days now after the war. they still have the capability of attacking israel akiva elder said something very interesting has been echoed by people either . and so you can do residents all televi when that bar arch 1st came over, but no one believe the 8 was a mass. everybody. so i'll take this has now has bullock attacking us from level because they thought the capabilities of, of a mass had been destroyed. that's going to be a problem for
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a these are the army and a political problem as well for the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but more importantly, it's going to be seen as a failure of these, right? the only now these ready only, like i said earlier in that statement, have said that this power outage of rockets was in response to bad military activity against a rocket production site. they'll concentrate on that. they say, well look, we did attack this rocky production site. we knew they had these rockets hops. this is the last of those workers, but they managed to send up into the app, but we've managed to destroy that capabilities. that will be some sort of response to this from the military in terms of kind of strategy and tactics and that kind of thing. but it's going to have an impact on this. these parts of some thoughts with the sci fi tools, allegedly, due to begin again on tuesday, they came in response to a meeting between most of the officials and the c. r. a leader william burns, which took place on friday. those things were supposed to that meeting was. busy to take place, there's a war cabinet meeting that's going to take place in
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a few hours about 4 hours ago. but in fact, about 2 hours ago, the doc would have been a very different beat cabinet meeting. now, it's going to be a very different one. they're going to have to match a response. they've got to figure out whether it's ro is what is what was position is and whether they can actually do. ready with how mass off to this, and what kind of appetite that is a freight, cx 5, the, the opponent um, or a temporary one. and what they gotta do about trying to get these hostages off the far right of this policy is absolutely clear. nice. he's fine. think of it, like i say in his simple message is let's go into rough up full force, a full force roughly about, well he's actually said very, very, very briefly in ron, because we've got of that. but have you heard any updates about casualties? very briefly, the is really ambulance service, as i said, the at least one person that has been injured lightly due to shop know full and we
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are hearing that that might be a 2nd person. all right, thanks so much in ron. com. the thanks for the update from he's been, i'm on jordan because as well as being banned from reporting inside israel. let's just bring you some of the lights is pictures of the incident that we've been talking about. a battery walsh overall kits launched from gaza, particularly from eastern roll fox sports, hold an area that means right the on a headset it will have secures that balance covering a number of areas in is around including some of these back to the top of the, our stay with us here and i'll just, sarah, we'll have another full show off the witness the or avoid reading programs from international assuming,
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exploring the funds as well, plus programming programs that open your eyes to tennis. if you are on ology was here. the guy was also a ball park, the guy on the go by the the
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doors to the what's going to be on the sun roof. some of them you will see them and they click so you have the yeah, they give those you fuck them both fit, audit expected both. when they get out. this is sam week, fast a new minor single dig through. i don't know. how does that guy excited up?
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it's going to get to them. it's mine can be a big penny. being the princess nita for june, june the 2014. gus pawsman shall be here. dick. uh dish. ron and the guy gave me the just been looking forward to your call with us and let me get parking. yes. yes. i'll do the the model model smith. i love each out. a lot of money in the ward, your booth. it comes in the fucked up maybe a minor the 1st way in the summer. i know with other stuff, but then because it fits into because because the actual control is you can go into effect. ok, how do i have to go and get our budget?
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i should maggie would do that. yeah. which it was going to do with the user come down little bit. i got to add you to do. i just kind of gotta move back and then there was some agenda. i've seen them got me, but i'm good to can, can i do you want to know that kind of minimal cut them when you have a back for that you that the total. ok. good luck out of the piece that i believe in the flexible, that this was the going to the left, that of them a little more. they know the answer to the total. i'll give you more than that. can you let me do it? some of them why that go to lecture like then that will show that i'm going to take, i didn't tell you how much am i going to ask you to go on. yeah. this some of the most of mine come out because she made it the subject out of it. yeah, no,
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i'm not going to be able to so i've got to get yeah, i've got to get like a punch in there. yeah. for the lose a lot of my other know if i have another that yet and one of the john, i don't know if bumble plan plants, the chart of the bumble that to me i got to the hot
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right now my bag and me but i am was only for the most of the bill, see how the product or the the guy i used to live while i use the the the, the, the, the, the,
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the, the the, the, the, the, the off the the way. yeah. who do it? i don't know. you'll come here. let me see if that part the all you have to by me, if that if i did, i'll pull out of the out of room. see 1000 is. well, you're going the guy out of guy can. i don't know what it takes and i mean, not to kind of like go ahead job the key or positive use. i've got simply out of countries living important. no, no. you can't. all the while see subsidy you all that. i'll tell you how to come.
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what did this good he present got that and you and the last name, i only got ahead or just putting the how do i just got to the way if i disappear that time? yes. unless you have a disability with the va, because with this and then i'll probably is also the me about them, the collateral one. visit the dining or the there's with other yeah. the you sketch. uh huh.
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i really listen on uh uh, visually uh for auto nation parks. probably a little while it takes might be good, but out to the oh loop to lift those. yeah. off would. will anyone go may 1 of the plaza, one of those to me yeah. when they get the one the home would be but the, the model will start a new monthly news was to kind of put myself into a like a couple of my left bank of the valley view. and i was, i mean, they can make notes here that you know, you go in and we have some water to give them a pop up your director ask them we can look at the phone with those 2 condos, task and do a motor of america. jeff will go with the phone with me right. quick name, william 5th. so nebulous and your wife, cathy, which is the problem was new hi may go fit the waterford enjoy. it is
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i then i'll be doing the thing. give me up. it won't give up. i don't need, i can't go later. can me of it? mean things work. i'm hoping i can go ahead i'm no, i'm good but i knew that wasn't the example. anybody got a headache? i give me the comb with me, my money and stuff. is it all the time? did you get out of that? what did you mean the account was? no, i got a vicki group so might have both. the main thing that i'm the best at the photo shopping in the little, you know, a new i which is really ridiculous to do pop up the article. but all you need to go get susan. muslim. like okay. and so it was cool. yeah. yeah. keep them no thoughts panel. yeah. yeah. local who wants to be mind with that? go math. i'm know that's what it is with. i guess the piece for the equipment.
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i'm talking but i could both enjoy the the got a good come with it. yes. look similar to the different good job. i've got a job every box. if i buy it or i'm already is really i but i've got to use my job . i think i may try someone down to find this. i always have the job, you what's the started the try and as i see them, what did you cost estimate on this list? a little better. how i'm going over the how about the kind of yes, you're very good. yeah. but aside from this is i'm going to guess i'm, i'm going with johnny, i'm the i don't want to me, this is gonna cover you for the testing was no, you don't got a phone for the police because that was your i got it. i'll post on the apple choices. yeah, i'm just going to yeah, yeah. your, i'll be gone. give
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a move of coffee. come here now, but i was on the phone. i have about the bag of i'm extra in for a part of the us to use it before the yes. live in the i bought it. i just, uh, these are the 2 rugs you got all the kind of the like that that was a few of them. when they got to him, that was the cut them a got a wire there. what do you want them to go to? watch. don't go outside of yeah, yeah. the catalog either. yeah. you single the know you might have a mission. fairly positive part. as i was in the front of me, i'm looking at the bottom in the middle of this, the bottom part of this the draw. huh. what is the pretty model? what about you all out of this month?
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one who, who who did you with the hello. hey not. i got to talk to you. let me, let me go. the other did the the
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model is your grand sort. i sure. don't understand. why not dish, or if i just found it. so your model was a gentleman who quoted this, let me start doing the most of it go from through this. my kids are mostly mobile. how far is that just on the most of the news, the tenants have done. i have no comments. i used to have an accent. i will try to be sure, but they generally have the measurements. it gets to look at it will get approved for how to use. i think, number square footage,
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i'll show you what on this chart and i'll get you all the financial the level of the chart as before, don't look, it looks good. the mind, would you all get him done with letting him know was leave him, know most of the class. so we got the set of i've got a level of care. what say, coke, it isn't going to lower the committee just how do you? yeah, well, the comment mat, 6 automated, you hadn't yet to do it actually a lot and because these are committed by don't be angry and learned that status
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doesn't was your body nikia where she want him to worry about 5 a week while i got you. so much i got a new kind of a headset and i'm real going to have so. so let me look in trouble. i suggested punch a lot. do we've got your dom either. well newport academy, who says at the academy. how does somebody, ma'am? so should have been are, so should of is joel, i don't, i should have a one. good. well, what i've done that was the flow most. i'd be with the family and the fellow that i'm going to try to come to me to just say that most of the the most out of the lizzie. yeah. but to me, if you need to have them do that back to michelle, because they have the
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military. gotcha. because the board confess to how much i really like that 1. 1 can cut it. i just have to remember so far that you don't have to go with us. but the the guy did the right guy because no, it wasn't with the got you the oil and the bottom of our i'll get liquid. got i bought. com. what's the allow a topic idea of what to do the letter or the non those have moved to one of the people's keeping them by the name of the image of the update but has done go up to the toilet. this is that they will, they take, it will become, they will have him do like the line they're going to get the windows, if somebody in the near to get somebody to somebody in there to get the name by
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the how leave on the ticket that i'm the judy, i'm a little the biggest they come back. oh, well, we'll say to, oh said, can you look at the end of the news of the conference, but i did dorothy into it, but we'll just kind of got to get the over to now god because you know how they did try to send it to yada,
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so you got to just discuss this and i've been i've been kinda concerned with the customer. come on, come a little more. did you go to not even on the man the if i got to close out the whole bottom row was office was the account that the ladies,
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one of the list about the smaller i thought the cycle start cutting down to model your model. but understand the problem uh yup. caught up as an assignment for that. i would have to report it to endorse i focused on the on indoors may or may out of the show. but i guess i would love to be a model as part of the pollution. um i was talking to the gum lodge barnett part of the unit. yes. how model robot will purposely lying? because i don't know if these couple of the ones that are going to be assigned me, what's your best one in front of make you know, those funds loosed up. so what i'm looking off when i draw the got them, what are the got it? well, i'm not doing all that, i just don't want the
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all and all the stuff comes out. you know, how many of the of the body shop still bought it? i've been out of the trial. i got a charge of somebody's looking. i'll just tell you what i'm, what did you leave your funds? how many do you have? what? because i've done what i've seen the summer the so the total is good for me to try to put the legal decision. one of them, one of the how was the percentage of the last for some of the extra for the yeah, i've got, i was going to be decided to the. yeah. and there will be, there are some other people to ask something about it, cutting me on give us, but i will not go yeah, yeah. but can you sign it? yeah. and they'll put other people on your vehicle, but the game is on the part of one of the like naming him. know mostly i'm sick if
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i opt out of that. so by almost super it's of the to citizen, the needs to call you and we reach out to our mapped it up. gosh, let's go to bio hodge. care our system, the with dish board. but the bottom of the lay out all the parts of the child going into the yeah, i'm done a bit. gotta just do something. does it give you that? it's also going to be the absolutely. yeah. the okay. i'm not sure about the job. i'm not, i pretty i like oh yeah. how about to me and get months of that you know the to the ship go to the app or do you mind with the schedule? i'm a, i'm all sure is to didn't about your car and i get margaret elizabeth apples i'm it
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says with an apple somewhere. draw all the stuff. huh. and what am i lied to there by when i got them on the order stuck? i'm is i cut them, what does that the the, [000:00:00;00] the, how do i,
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what am i to do it on the inside of the company, monthly total you should have some of them at the . ready the. ready the source phone, you got to fill out all this is all i imagine those fellow caught the cut off mid
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a chest thought the the can cannot get has to test and not the pit bulls that some could have been a couple more things out. i mean, but jim was super, so i've got a couple on my truck, but i know a demolition milledge industry unique and i got you pop off new questionnaire w so much i could almost w so much have them can i'm but i'm not allowed to approximate height pilot with it. the pop often in the mail probably didn't listen to the local. a lot of
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the old for young women, the south african town played by poverty break and murder the baby. yet, despite all of a community workers determined to provide refuge, long as the community say, not my problem is always gonna happen. like one small town safe. and with this documentary on that, it shows you the hello the, let's get the weather full costs for south america over the next few days. and after a brief pause in the wet weather for southern pots, oh brazil. on sunday,
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we're going to see a more rain start to pour into southern areas next to a change in the wind symbol storms, and some very heavy rain for the likes of a real grunge at the sol, as well as sent to caterina places that have seen devastating flooding and some of that rain will pull its way further north roading into rio de janeiro over the next few days, as much wyatt across most southern areas off the some. what and wintery weather swept into central parts of chile. we will see temperatures starts to pick up here . they have been below the average as cooler conditions, stretching up into bolivia and pots of peru as well. but for the north of this, despite the heavy rain and thunder storm for the likes of ecuador and columbia, it is still a very hot picture and that he continues in central america. we seem, tempt, is well above the average across much of mexico. go to severe drought here, and we had another record set for may in mexico's famous observatory. on sunday,
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it'll be monterey that's he's $45.00 degrees celsius, but a drop is on the way for monday. actually weather update the, [000:00:00;00] the hollow. i'm sammy's a. them, this is the news. our live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes a barrel of rockets, 5 from gaza tools database. amazon ring size it loans them with his route


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