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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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to weather update, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them. this is the news. our live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. a barrel of rockets, 5 from gaza tools database. amazon ring size is lonesome. his route is caring out. and then 10 scramble peroration in roswell. off the weeks of waiting in egypt, fox cowering humanitarian,
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a finally entered gaza through the count them all beside them crossing. but it's a fraction of what's needed. and i knew my con, arrives in building the 1st time a french president conducts the state visits of germany, a photo of a century plus a lot of lands in this country. so, and i'll tell you why. let's read this is a big evening at an sport form or time as well. number one. now the yellow scott scraped through her opening round at the french open. before a time grand slam champion came back from the set down to be seated. it's holly and see a broadside. it's a dramatic story. the way begin the news uh with breaking news out of his route sirens, going off in tennessee for the 1st time in months that also and cassandra guides 5
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launch barrels overall kits. these riley minute free size. it's a defense systems into set to several of the projectiles. beyond weighing of how my says it launch the rockets from or off in southern garza. now that is where it is. valley is coming out with an intense ground operation. well, this is the moment, some is right is ran to safety following the rock at a time. and those writing media report says, one person was slightly injured. the cities of head soleah. i'm sure not sure. earlier, a trunks from egypt began entering garza through the count them up beside them. crossing with his ro, the supplies were held off without off crossing that's being close since is ready for his attacks. southern gaza. egypt says about 200 trucks carrying aid on june to enter the strip as go now to hand a hold of the she joins us from data by law in central gauze or 1st of all. and what are you hearing about?
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the rockets being launched from throng from gaza off to that initial barrage towards tel aviv on the we know that the rockets were firing a couple of meters away from the is ready presence in a drop off. well actually the everyone is surprised in the gaza strip and for sure in the world where this comes out, 2 months of the how much not finding anything into it is raised. but again, as is, ryan has been claiming that it has been launching a military ground operation in drop off and the eastern sides at the end. how or people are asking, how did they do that? how are they firing rockets into tend to be for a place that has been browned, invaded by the is ready for says i got what's mostly emerging environ on social media now between the palestinians is the,
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the picture of the rockets being fired from a rough crossing and it's, and is there any soldier that took this photo, palestinians are amazed or surprised and astonished to us that comfortably tease at that kind of thing and fighters didn't have after 7 months of fighting. and we've also heard reports hinde from is ready. so says okay, about strikes, they've launched on garza targeting some rocket sites. what can you tell us about that? when somebody is reading has been claiming since the 1st day of this word that they are talking at the military bases for how much every time they target the school, every time they caught targets who knew of facility they have they have been claiming that they are have been destroying everything related to how mazda is
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capabilities and military operations. so this is a, have been a claim that they're claiming up on every single day. but so far, we did not receive any reports, confirming such claims. and today started with news about more a going into gaza through the catalog asylum crossing. what's the status of that now? okay, so we know that 200 trucks were supposed to enter the cause of strict earlier today . among them are poor trucks of fuel. we knew that the 1st part of trucks made it out of a colorado beside him, but we still unfortunately do not have confirmed reports that they made it into the godless trip. most of these uh, aids, uh, also have a cooking dodson a. and we know that garza has been striving in the past couple of weeks,
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especially after the for help reason started. there has been no cooking dogs, there has been no fuel. there has been nothing entering the gaza strip, but we also saw air drops today in the milwaukee area in san eunice. hopefully we will know more about the 8 and the next upcoming hours, but the rockets that were fired into is reyes at may. people focus more on the rockets and we're not, we're trying to track where the aides at reach that so far. okay, thanks so much. and the last go now to in ron hahn, i should mention that he's joining us from children's council. i'm. i'm because israel has band balance is here. so 1st of all, looking at some of the statements, so tweets coming out and run the are we seeing the will rhetoric rising and this ro
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as well, let me take you through what these ready on the website 1st, cuz it links in to that question. uh, these ready only says april kits or a fide from rockford central is wrote. these ready only goes on to say that the barge of rock is, is by the central israel on sundays launched in an air from the area of rafa. they say that the virus was launched in response to in his right military activity against the large rocky production site in the area. and we heard the sirens sounded in hudson, the a couple of shorter my he showed my young, i'm a partner on television and had to take part and several smaller communities. that's been a very wide area and is the 1st attack on the areas. and so the december, we're also hearing in the last few moments that sirens have sounded in other areas as well. my colleague in calgary referenced that as well just earlier from cause that now according to police, the roof of the home and heard soleah was damaged by shrapnel folder in
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a rocky barge. a woman is a was in who is inside the house was a light be injured while she was trying to get safety. a 2nd person has also been light the injured from. ready killing, shrapnel. now, that reaction that you were just talking about then given the national security minister, one of the fall, right, members of the ruling coalition has simply treated rafa with full force. and that's something likely to be echoed by the other key for right men. but for those small trades of the governing coalition, he's likely to say something similar, this attack will give the far, right, the excuse they want to just go all in on the roof or a box. we've also heard from the opposite, probably the opposition as well. uh is role, but you need to have to leave them and said, this is a big thing for them that to me on government takes time for a different leadership. however, just before the attack that took place, it was a very interesting pull. ready on in the times of is so they say that with hostage
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talks potentially we starting this week with pressure on these are all coming from the have these ready armies altering is operation and wrap up for the near future is ready. so, so is the terms of is all it is continuing to operate, but will do so the relatively restrained fashion for now i think that's all changed given the events of the last 20 minutes. wrong. you said something that was a just want to clarify, find us, did you correctly as you were reading out, i think you were reading out the statement by these writing ministry saying talking about 8 rockets being launch from gaza. and if i understand you correctly did that statement by these, by the army says that the launch, the, the 8 rockets launch came in response to an is riley strike on rocket facilities. cuz. ringback if so, it's quite unusual usually is, is right, the army frames the right. it's actions as a response to what passed any of the functions do and not the other way around.
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i'll read it to you again and he is ready on the estimated the biology was launched in response to is really military activity against a large walking production site in the area. it's very clear. okay, that's an interesting point. thanks for time to find that i will take pick it up with some analysts more in terms of what that means. thanks so much iran han, just to remind everyone he's back in, i'm on jordan because israel has band out to 0 from reporting can as well. is there any protest as well? they've been fighting with police instead of ease on site today during and other nights of demonstrations, against the government's handling of the war on gossip. they want to 5 days to do molten negotiate the release of his right of captives being held in the strip. these right, the government has banned, i'll just say are from reporting best. so sort of highlights finding this report from my mind and jordan attempts to break up
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a 16 by pro testers demanding and immediate c 5 deals that would ensure to hand data more than a $120.00 captives still housing. the goal is to strip police, push the crowns until the and use war to counting against it demonstrates is blocking right junction. several people who are rescued this video showed on social media show nice pushing a member of parliament. she tried to verify the identity of the officer. tens of thousands of his ravings protested across the country on the south today, including and televi high from west through. this is through the one of the 3 days captive full fine on friday boys. ready forces spoke to those gathered intel of
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these and the hearts of hon. then i am headed on sister in just a few hours. i will bury my 42 year old brother who was murdered on october 7th, and his body was kidnapped to gaza. this is something we learned about recently. it's only now or beginning to understand what happened that morning. i had great hopes that i would see my brother again, but not at the cemetery. families all angry and in pain and say they can no longer stay silent, said use the government of abandoning the caps. is by prioritizing that let's will divisions and personal interests. with some quoting on the prime minister to resign a ton. you are my best friend. i haven't told you for 232 days. i don't hear you asking what to eat. to a $132.00 days that the prime minister and the cabinets are obstructing the deals, and preventing me from he'll give you officer
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a complete style made their own shapes that sci fi tools could resume as soon as next week. the results of a meeting in paris between the cheese to the c, i a and the most sides and the cats re prime minister, just by international condemnation. israel says it will continue. its rule and garza from us on the other hand, says it will only accept to deal if the war is ended permanently. meanwhile, the families of those hills captive se they'll continue to put pressure on the government. so at a height of allergies era, a month of gaza is facing a house catastrophe. not just because it's very bones have destroyed most of the hospitals and clinics, tons of waste piling up right across the street. contaminating will also polluting the air and spreading disease is an issue called a cup. i assume reports now from that is by the guns. this trip
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more than $2000000.00 people. austic only thing with little security and limited shelter. many families also like basic sanitation needed to safeguard against disease. you know, so why the, the streets are strewn with raw fish as well as a standing goal to that risk infections for months now, waste has filed up across going so including here on the age of my goal is the refuge account before the war, 98 percent of it was collected successfully, now exp, but say that number is close to 20 percent of the hills consequences or contest specific for people like the, the unable and even on the world. i, the vision done. i suffer from so many diseases. i also suffer from plaza mosquitoes. we can't sleep properly at night time because of the massive numbers of mosquitoes. several kinds of problems including shortness of breath,
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have stomach and intestinal infections due to being near the waste of. this is a will tell him, landfill, municipal authorities say these bodies on making their job impossible. wireless, i was going to be that we go to the municipality. i may tell you the vehicles and garbage trucks have been targeted by these ratings. so we cannot provide any garbage collection service. the united nations development program has truly to supplement and sometimes replace the damaged or destroyed companies. fleet. you know, my goal is the one you on truck talk as it totally and loads the drives. i desperately attempts to restart it while i am child makes his way through the steaming pile, searching for something, anything to eat. the destruction of waste connection vehicles has left crumpling to cope with the ongoing escalating crisis. b and b says if the shift so
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the waste did not result, wilks excessive pays the suffering of palestinians in the garbage. but sorry about that, which is 0. there is that i have a small the now the you an estimate small and 670 people were killed by a landslide in a remote area of poplar new guinea. it happened in angle province on friday. roads of blocks and 8 agencies, a warning of a desperate humanitarian situation. i sondra bias reports. it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks in some places. 8 meters deep. teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors. the landslide had popular new guineas,
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northern and the province at around 3 am on friday for young people in their homes . while they were sleeping. survivor's st. boulders, the sides of cars came tumbling down, crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris, the bodies, and yet to the retreat, the locals are still working. and trying to dig odd more over buddies, probably, and show government to send me the actual disaster team without getting and simple as i'm just as personal to go there and check up as, as like a side the 6 villages are affected. the most people here are small scale farmers and they've lost everything they've got in the wild animals the livestock. yeah, everything was there and they're, they're appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter. emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600
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kilometers from the capital. parts of the effected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leaving, leading from the provincial town, is cut off by about 200 nations. so that definitely will have to release effects. and now the consideration is that the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it quite difficult for the risky was to get in. but at the same time, yes, already, so quite desperate to get out. the survivors and relocate them to camps. the cause of the landslide isn't clear, but popular new guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors and earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teens is getting as many people as possible out of the disaster zone. alexandra buyers, alta 0. so now to kid is expressing concern about the escalation and fine thing in
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the mall. but as full tens of thousands to flee is calling on the june to unravel groups to respect to international law and protect civilians. one of the groups submitted for you is fighting is called the our can ami formed in 2009. it's faced and right kind states, it is believed to have between 15030000 fighters. it wants to autonomy for buddhist data cans and right kind, which is also home to tens of thousands of for dominant sleep, most of the right hand view and says about $45000.00 drink. i've been false from that home since fighting between the ministry and revel. group stuff is in november, many have flight across the board to bangladesh, summer pultz accuse the ara cannot be of counting out an awesome campaign against the minority or hang up. so they charge reports from the bangladesh. my model of the right behind me see the river and behind it is me on my border with the green
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hills and the coastal areas, basically by the river. it's a $278.00 to allow me that border with bangladesh and $67.00 part of that is that not free, but now what we know from wait. and it says from both side as well as the un report, as well as the us state department. they brought the 1000. so i'll go ahead and go are waiting on the other side of the not for a to wanting to coming to bangladesh. and so i'm has actually made it, we met some of them in the camp and they said the situation in northern right kind particularly mooned out and put it on is really bad. i mean, the boat side of the conflict, the icon army, as well as the me on my military has been trying to forcefully from free cons scraper out of the young man. and i even middle age man to forcefully area code them into the fighting. and they don't want to be any part of it. they've been threatened by both sides. that if you don't join with barney or villages and push
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you out of this village and this is what exactly is happening. a lot of this refugee is stuck in the jungle. the make the attempt in a black good weather today. there is a severe stifling watch environment. there's so there's not going to be any attempt across the river. typically the take a fishing boat or didn't get the diner that has a standing order that sort of thing as will be allowed inside bangladesh. so the coast guard and the butler guides are on the vigil despite that some made it there . but the situation on the other side of the river is really dire. there's no food, it's a conflict zone, there's no shelter. there's no aid agency present this people out on the brink of starvation right now, unless there's some sort of intervention to help them out. the, the russian attack on a crowded hardware store in the ukrainian city of concave has killed 12 people in
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injured molding faulty ukraine says the kremlin used so cold blind farms to hit the target. these weapons have been increasingly used and said during this rule, john holman has more from key if these a current be the biggest threat to ukraine says it's president. it says that us before now the main estimate of fresh instead of us and the advance of the okay, by like the cool glide problems, the launch from russian 4 digits and the hitting ukrainian towns and frontline positions daily. here's how they work. starting with a normal ongoing to bomb, frequently an old so that one like this f a b 500. then adding wings either fixed or that spring out the moment its lowest. i'm a satellite navigation system that can guide it to its target. the result is a weapon to comply to an objective. tens of columbus has inside ukraine while the
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plains illinois has it. often issue for the full is like this one to remain in russian aerospace. unless from risk management group, pilgrims told us that because the bomb is ready to be smooth and hasn't been moved to. it's hard to track and shoot down, then it does something like this. so you can see the result behind me of a guided bomb strikes. this industrial plant in hot keys, a city that's really been targeted by this type of width and the most recent attack on a hockey type, the market this such as a killing 12 people authority sites there, constant here for this and also toiling for them every 10 to 20 minutes, a glide bump flies in the direction of the city. we really need air defense and f. 16 planes to defend ourselves. f sixteens promised by european not always to counsel the russian planes, launching glide problems so they haven't yet arise. ukraine's also been
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given some ground loans deployed booms. the russian electronic trimmings, beneficent and stopping the i'm from now russian glad problems continue to dominate the sky and decimate on the ground john home and how does it or how keith? informing us president donald trump has been booed while addressing the libertarian policies national convention. it was fast seeking. suppose the head of this is election is john hadn't been reports, policy members would divide it up, but whether the republican candidate should speak if they ever sent this is not donald trump's typical red hat, mazda crap. the libertarian party should nominate trump for president of the united states. the if you want to lose, don't do that. keep getting your 3 percent every 4 years. now, i think you should nominate be,
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or at least vote for me. and we should win because the libertarian national convention invited the republican presidential candidate to speak to increase the visibility of the event. there's broadly speaking, i think 2 groups of people here. okay. a bell, i'm serious there are. okay. there are members of the libertarian party and there are people who came here to support donald trump. with many here consider the man who is notably not the libertarian parties. candidates an unwelcome inter low, and they're not showing about seeing the standing ovation. the libertarian party is small, but influential often taking votes that would otherwise have gone to conservative
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republican opponents. libertarian vote. total has been impactful, at least in swing states all around the country. the republicans know it, the democrats know what the independence knowing. so it's not surprising that are of getting in trouble with try to come in and get our votes, but we have always had the self respect to not given to them. at an insult to injury in the eyes of many libertarians, the trump speech came a day after another knowing libertarian presidential candidate, robert f. kennedy junior took the stage, although trump was clearly the main event you can hear in tears at the same time within is you can see several of those read. megan stands where most people came just for this event. we didn't come to the libertarian convention. and within the convention trump, my presence has been devised and it shows what i can do was dragged down,
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is trump tried to appease the crack. i will put as a libertarian in my tablet. and also libertarians and senior posts, we just had a neo con, were criminal on our stage a few minutes ago. even among the right, meaning libertarians, the twice impeached president, facing for criminal trials, is proved as controversial. the president says he has long been across the us, john henry l. g 0, washington. all his time for the weather now his carter had louder then let's take a look at the earliest satellite to the south asia. and we can see strengthening psycho ramelle working towards india and bungler dash, now it's going to continue to bring some very heavy rain to these areas. we could see up to 200 to 300 millimeters in places, possibly 400. so we are expecting wide for spread flooding across parts of north eastern india and bundle additional. this is
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a low lying area and the sheer amount of rain is just going to continue to bring that flood threat for the north to north eastern areas. as we go into choose day, but the heavy rain continues as well for me in law. we are expecting flooding here . the rain continues as well across most southern areas for sure lanka, as well as southern parts of india, like carol before the north of this. it is a very hot and dry situation. extremely high temperatures for parts of north west in india, and pakistan in particular to send the province to cope about is expecting to see 50 degrees celsius that for the next few days as hot and dry conditions. continuing to the end of the month. now some heavy rain is expected to call southern parts of china and southern parts of japan, extending all the way up into the north with more heavy rain to come on choose day . i said i had on i'll just, sarah can assess those man. it's really the extends is time analysis for look of
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what it means for the countries transition to democracy. tends fault and goal decides the african champions league final product will be here with that story. the pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing, yes, one of these governments with the says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the effective use of the present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era, june 1967, 6 days the read through the map of the middle east to dark colored aircraft appeared from
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a distance just as we were focusing on them. they dropped the bombs on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the window and its consequences, which it still felt today is the record of victory. any army in this war that is such as the stuff is left the war in june on outages, era, all the fall go back, you're watching out. is there a time to recap on headlines now? sirens have gone off intel to be for the 1st time in mon soft cosign brigades. find a large power. outage of rockets these right ministry says the sad defense systems intercepted several of them on the ground is right. these ryan,
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so safety during the run to the sack is right. the media report one posting was slightly ins if the city of hudson, the at least 81 palestinians have been killed in this way. the bombings across, gone. so since saturday morning they include 10 children that were sheltering at the school near the giovanni, a refugee camp in the north. and it was bombs. and add on that's the on is a form, a deputy head of as well as n s. c national security council, they joins us from the thought z on near west jerusalem. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, from the signals that way, hearing from is really officials. does it look to you like the offensive and rough is about to be intensified even further? it's hard to say. yeah, and although i don't think a lot of people in fishing faces this barrage of a few hours ago, it's not really
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a strategic occurrence. and i don't think it will have a strategic impact on the continued unfolding of the military companion. rough is actually at least some of the ideas troops were withdrawn from russell possibly as a consequence of the i c, j. uh, routing. so uh, while it is an indication of the kind of capabilities the thomas still retains in russell and of course the idea of 6 to destroy it is a, i don't think it would have a major impact on the continuation of the company. and you mentioned that that it tells us something about how massive capabilities, what does it say about how much is capabilities off to more than $200.00 days of war, and particularly coming from east and or off, which earlier,
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these are the ministry that indicated it was in control or is there something significant talk about that? well, it's obvious. it's not the 1st time that firing has occurred from area is that the idea has taken, taken control. and it's unclear. are these uh, remains or remnants of previous capabilities or are these new capabilities to come? us continues to be able to install at any rate, i think it tests to the complexity and the depths of how much capabilities and i think anybody is really but a stain in american european needs to appreciate the fact that as long as these capabilities existing garza it's going to be next to impossible to go back to any kind of norma see, and call they need to be destroyed. doesn't demonstrate though,
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that the army is increasingly appearing not able to do precisely that we've been hearing the directory of destroy how much the story home us for months now. so yeah. notes that i didn't say the story from us. i was talking about capabilities, manager capabilities, long range and besides communities and so on those additions there. and yes, i think kind of contrary to many expectations, the task does prove to be perhaps more difficult then then dissipation. even though no offense, the idea of the say according to looking for reports from very early on, the mission, when take years to, to eradicate or take abilities. and we know that also from areas of the west bank. and so i think the key issue here, and that is also evident in terms of what's going on. the prologic is to what
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extent is how less able to smother arms materials personnel across the border with egypt. and if it is found that indeed there are multiple tunnels, as is it of some argue despite the egyptian promises to the contrary, end of those tunnels do enable, come us to uh, continuing replenish its capabilities. and that is obviously a strategic issue that we need to be uh, taken care of in closer cooperation with egypt is, was interesting is set you noted that this could take years. does israel have is given everything that's been happening? no, no, just the last few weeks, but the fact that the has been an occupation of palestinian territories and goes into westbank for decades since 1967 and you know, 2 decades before how last was formed in 1987. and yet, here we all still in this cycle, does
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a swell have many more years and decades to appreciate the question and of course acknowledge the fact that a lot of different models of control over guys were attempted. and since if you want to 1948, so you know, depending on when you want to start counting, there was additional control. it was, it was, it's really control. there was sitting in control and now we have the scales. so if you ask me the best recipe, the best possible recipe, maybe we shouldn't be speaking in terms of the best uh, kind of realistic. i'm sure the medium term solution is not the real conversion of guys the base room. neither the re institution or from us, it's a politic area room, but a silver em, but a stay new,
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non from us and none belligerent government that will be connected to the west bank and to the posted in for the natural this to happen. a lot of things need to come into place, including the ratification of commerce is military capabilities, either by israel or by somebody else. but as long as these capabilities are there, and as long as the facility is there, and as long as the intention to commit atrocities likely of over 7 events is still there, i don't think it's reasonable to expect the israel will simply withdrawal and lay down. it's on that is the crux of the problem. the data isn't that because of the palestinians and say exact thing, as long as there is a ministry occupation of process, these are testified to by multiple you and experts that from that perspective, this goes on to any way. thank you so much for your, for your perspective and analysis of that and on etsy,
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on thank you. of the 10 south africa, the democratic alliance party is holding its final riley for votes days ahead of general elections such as will go to the polls on wednesday to choose the next government. the policy has entered into an agreement with smaller policies. i mean to collectively push the amc out of government. the routing african national congress has held its final riley on saturday. the policy is predicted to lose his absolute majority in parliament which it has held since the end of a pop type. first, he is a go scope in alto, hold on with access, you joins us live from the oven. so how important is the issue of land in this election? land reform of the land is a very important and very couldn't take
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a look at how solving people in this country live. this is kennedy informal statement. many pool blacks of applicants live in small crabs conditions, little or no basic services. this was the oldest settlement, informal settlements in devon, some time is a b, l for a few months. the new ones off the down, the summer arrived a day or 2 ago and they still constructing their homes. they say that they plan to stay. yeah, they did well for how long, but until the government gives them land. so that's a good is a very big country. there's a lot of land made me pull that. so that became con, access that lab. they've been asking for the distance for years, for access to land. you have the grand parents and parents in mitchell, but still way as people are getting increasingly frustrated. so that's what gets some of the richest and most productive farmland on the
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continent. it exports approaches to other african countries and abroad, but most prime land belongs to and my number of people. many black start africans live like this in informal statements with little or no basic services. what a contrast, what a shame, stitches and insights full lead african peoples not to have ownership of land in the own country of land and who owns that is any motive issue extreme levels of any quality inside africa or legacy of a pottage with black people or 4th of the land and denied rights to property, people occupies vacant land. land that's not being used, isn't much space to move around. these pool james and sanitation systems, they build a homes using either corrugated iron sheets and some use anything they can find to build a shelters like this one i'm do in global was told this place belongs to
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a wide south african, but black families have settled here illegally, he knows if the owner returns to claimant, he and others could be evicted. no, not right, environmental. so i started hitting the model into the distribution, which we know was a young boy, and i'm still waiting for politicians to give us a lot of people moving from rural areas into settings, looking for jobs off fueling to mind for decent housing and land until we can find a way that the right unrest and angry and grievances get a really effective channeling into a land movement to a democratic national movement of world people. i don't, we'll see those white farmers scared to the point they need to be to support land reforms. the governing african national congress as low as programs to charlottesville, farmland, from white to black own, as, for example, by buying lands and these lead distribution yet. but not every farmer wants to give this up. the issue is professional studies. competition for development is something go to my so to start to something that do most of us took us government
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and we know those. the point to category talk is up until 5 decades amc for that. but i was interested in 4 people. welcome to achieve beach. at the end of the day, i'll pick it up and to get led opposition. parties like the economic freedom fighters, or if it's the lads, redistribution is taking too long. they want the white own farms seized. that's an idea that seems to be appealing to many blacks of advocates with no land that they own. but the if, if is also facing competition and then uniformed and k policy leaving the outcome and mixing selections more difficult to full cost. how did with us out as a debit or the one lee should a who should have, who is a chief economist at the agricultural business chamber of south africa. he joins us now from pitts royer in south africa. good to have you with us. so can we say a part time has ended without addressing the economic legacy of a pop type? as sorry, i think the point is born,
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you was in south africa take on this aspect of named reform. i the idea that the african national congress had to 1994 when they came into government, wants to say in the 1st 3 years of empowerment, they won't be able to transfer roughly 30 percent of the land that was previously in whitefield africans for member fun purposes, 2 blacks of africans and all the time they moved that target to 80 out as they were strongly committed to now targeted somewhere around about 2032. but i think when you look and get into perspective, span and say, how far are we from? i cheating that target of of 30 percent, which is one. it's only, it's not the end of the land referral, but it is a target that was set. and after that we'll continue. we have now it's somewhere around about 25 percent of what you think there. so yes, there operational support vend,
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but there's also some programs that has been made over time. but send me one of the most difficult things. also, that is happening over this time. we start much of the name and that this often government is bought to teach it on the, in the periods between 2006 up until today. it is kept in its books and not transferred to beneficiaries with title deeds. so like in terms of commercial production, we could see the shape of production by blacks of africans. also it is what i owe they had when did i, why is that? why have they not transferred that ownership of the difficulty at bottom, that the is a stance that perhaps in the past, somewhere around about 20062007. some of the names of the government was buying. you can transfer really to people perhaps um they were recently that's land back and the government decided that perhaps the better approach on dealing with this particular need, orlando, redistribution about the entire land reform progress was to go on with some of it 3 yet 30 at least has back they were giving off to beneficiaries. would you mind you
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was a mistake because we would have come up with something like a 1st right of refusal which some of our neighboring countries might hear in, in the, in the maybe people are using that. so we could have gone through that, but i think on its own that the process of land reform itself, guys more than once done only just as pride to get you guys successful fee, much the pockets of the success, the output cancel savings. and i think right now we have to think about to say, can we transfer the land buddies to the team of the state, the beneficiaries would title the dates. and what should we be doing? quick celebrate member for data. yes. on in to democracy for the next couple of years on that. and i think that's the discussion, but he's taking place in sub i forgot. but one important aspect within the member for this aspect that we have just discussed is redistribution. there's also another lack of faith, which is lender restitution where there's been a bit of a more slow pace on that way. i think about the state needs to improve. it's the
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newberry and last leg. oh, sneak as been a complete fee not which is that tiny, every full which talks about strengthening the blocks of africans writes input the $9.00 on the ship and the former homeland and the, the didn't follow the bank. but i knew that too early on. those, all of the aspects i don't, i think today we have to think, you know, really, as some africans will say, how do we continue to progress on that one? did a slow boat chief economist, viagra, cultural business chamber, south advocates, thanks so much i, i think you know, between a fast those minutes really there is now set to remain in power until 2029. they were having 5. all ray was due to hand over leadership to a civilian government in july, for the new charles that has extended the country's transition to democracy by another 5 years trial, re assumed power off the staging a to in 2022, a french presidency manual. my call is in berlin to meet german john. so off schultz,
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the french presidential state visit is the 1st to germany in 24 years. my colleagues, 3 day visit, comes ahead of european parliamentary elections next month. is expected to address the danger of the popularity of fault right. policies still ahead on al jazeera pain spoils the boston celtics, one the way, the way from reaching the n b, a finals action from the file series coming up laser in the show. the colleges here with the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the was find out what's going on in the world of support with thought off. now savvy, thank you so much for time. grand slam champion, new mail or soccer overcame a final set farm to get her french opened campaign off to winning start a soccer. last 5 straight games as it leads to these via brands that he closed in on victory. but the japanese player had back to take the deciders. 75 and secure her 1st. when in paris she says it's 2021. she's likely to face. well, number one, ega should be on tag. in the 2nd rounds. oh yeah, i think there are moments that i played pretty well and then obviously i was really nervous, so i got very tight, but i'm just glad that i was able to come back sunday. i wanna say my destination
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down in the 3rd. so yeah, pretty happy. and the minister all world number 3 carlos outcries is playing american j. j wells. the 21 year old has been struggling with injuries and is filled up drawing barrels. the spaniard reached the semi finals in paris last year and for losing out to know that jock of edge, the reigning wimbledon champion is one set up in his 1st round match a buyer lever keys, and have won the german comp final to complete an undefeated season. in domestic football, granite shaka square, the only goal in the final against the 2nd tier, kaiser's platform, levered houston had already won the been just like a title. and we're aiming to go the entire season and beaten before their loss to atlanta and the rope. the league funnel on wednesday, but it's just one defeat and $53.00 games for chevy alonso side. and a 1st german cap title for 31 years. very players
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over the, you know, by the name season. gillian and bobby has finished his career at p. s. j with a trophy as they beat layoffs when the french cap. he didn't get on the score sheet, his international teammate, osama dumbbell, a. and along with fabian reese did and the to one victory. it's p. s. juice for his crimes and the competition for 3 years as in bobby's 7 year spouse at the club comes to an end. the 25 year old is yet to reveal where he's headed, the girl, i don't know, i don't know yet. there are still a few details, but the most important think was to finish. well here, there was a time for everything. the important think was to say goodbye to be a see, to win one boss pro, fee $1.00 last of the session. one last emotion and that's what happened. so i'm very happy mattress. you're not the manager. eric 10 hug. size, he doesn't know about his future at the club after guarding his side to as a cat victory reports heading into the match, hinted,
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the dutchman would be sacked after a disappointing league season. and when guard less of the cup of outcome by united went on to beat man city to win the title poll brennan reports from wembley stadium . a local rivalry between 2 teams felt worlds apart from much of the season mattress to city aiming to complete a premier league an f, a comfortable. while eric and hodge long term failings meant this was expected to be his final act. as united manager sees alone, setbacks can quickly difficult and a one a final on the defensive mix up. how does united best hop lead of london's wembley stadium? alejandro gone. not you. the grateful beneficiary gotcha. was involved in the build up because united doubled their advantage before the break. coby, my new, becoming the 1st english teenager to score f. a cup funnel enrolled in both of the city looked more like the don't want and full as you come to expect in the
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2nd hall. and then the final minutes adult from jeremy duck, who gave pep claudio lis team, hope united, hung going to secure to own with avenging the defeat they suffered against city. this time last year, 10 hog guiding united to a 13 f a cup. try him, as witness printing teams progressing, and bidding trophies to trophies in 2 years is not bad to finals. just the bed and we have to keep going. i'm not, i'm not satisfied that we have to do better. and if you don't want me anymore and echo anywhere else to intro piece, because that is what i did my whole career. i haven't found that same for 55 years . lots of very good results by go baseline for 70 days. but sometimes when and leave with a better team into the garden, but i didn't think we was going to win, but miracles throughout it happens that are, you know,
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they knew they got some might see if i and how found out in 2016 winning the funnel is not always enough to say, it's not just the united manager, but it seems to be 10 hogs final game in charge, winning again for towards the various as rivals. is it close to public? right, to say goodbye. mars loaner coach chevy hernandez takes charge of his last game on sunday, against the final day of the spanish league season. the 44 year old was sacked on friday, just a month after the bar, as the president convinced him to stay when he wanted to leave, tabulate barza to the spanish lead tide of last season. but his team has struggled this campaign of finish without a title and at least 12 points behind champions round madrid. in 2nd, former barn unit co chauncey's lake is expected to take up for the video that the amount of official national i've had to make very important decisions. i don't regret anything. i think i'm being honest sincere with everyone. i've tried to get my best. we've worked with
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a lot of pride and it was all our love for the slot. i'm a parsed alone offend for life, and i will continue to be. so i'd like to tell you that i'm proud. i'm happy because if i look back, i'd be the varsity coach for 2 and a half years and it hasn't been easy for you to see. all the top seats in the on be in the boston, celtics are now just one went away from quenching a spot in the finals. maybe house the indiana pacers to take a 3 month lead and the eastern conference finals. jason tate them score. 36 points . well drew holidays game, saving still help the celtics rally from an 18 point deficit to clinch a 114 to a 111 when boston had sweet series on monday with the game for when in indiana and the stanley cup playoffs house the dallas stars beach edmonton, oilers to a level the western conference finals at one game apiece. the stars mason marchmont broke the time the 3rd period for f, a window gave dallas to 31 when im 3 of the best of 7 series is on monday.
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okay, that is all useful for them back to you. thank you so much. fall off now crossman and for use, is it less kinda stands famous? compet saw struggling to survive. see global banking restrictions, high production costs and increase in policy rule. among the reasons international conflicts, though, also playing a role. some have been device has more from kabul for centuries, well has provided opportunities for outcomes to this day. it's funding to go on and died to make handled and carpets because we're not informed wind. but these days, buyers are few and find between little bit crises and conflicts have effective sales. international banking restrictions makes exports difficult, and importing vol materials even hauled, pricing impression leads to higher production costs. exports to say they don't have direct access to international markets. so the carpets are being sold to european
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and american biased by august on the affinity is pretty much followed up. vx full price has increased a lot by 6 dollars, 7 dollars and even $10.00 for the key load. but still, the advantage compared to previously is that we can now explode fi road, not just a, to look at the carpet market is only a fraction of the size that used to be behind the cross business here used to make money from exports since, but the bond take over, many of the professionals have invested into manufacturing companies, but other conflicts such as the board and ukraine is having an adverse impact on businesses here. it's each crisis abroad as to a dropping sales for already struggling. businessman, calling the mall was, have a great impact on it with when it was started and you try and if damaged our exports. process of carpets fill the world, fix the world economy almost all the was our women. and despite sort of under sections on education and employment,
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these women and factories have not been effected, but the rules have impacted other women run enterprises. so the heroes long show jewelry business at around the time to call upon return to power in 2021. she's hands on line, my social media and struggles to find expression spaces to market her products. uh, the sun uh when universities in schools were open and they will not continue to use for women and people have jobs. we had more customers. goes who used to go out, had motivation, and hope they would go chase in freely participate in the shopping and exhibitions that were held and it sounds like sports include minerals, fruit and handicrafts. the thought about government says it's putting measures in place to facilitate the export of these items. those efforts to reach global markets require access to international banking. and as long as the world does not recognize the so called islamic emerett as a legitimate government,
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the one is done. nothing like you to have some of the java down to 0 cub. yeah. well, that's it for this news out, but i'm back again in a couple of minutes for the full shows, kind of stay with the of to 6 weeks. the final phase of india's general elections begins on seeing the 1st prime minister in our rent removed. he is seeking to increase his majority butler lo 10 out and economic come says that the cost is routing b j, p. follow india is general election on out to 0. fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history. with sports fights at the center. get on a sports fan anymore unless you're dealing on the game. fault lines examines the surgeon petting and the impact on those suffering from its eviction. just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. that like again,
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we've turned this into a nation of visual gamers, definitely not in control. the big gambles on it. just the, you know, the canyon government has forwarded thousands of people across the country to move away from winter months that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow that down. it doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says when it will both flows. the what comes to that, how is this the problem in that robi has been watson by pull drainage and he's taken the bill settled next. people's beeping near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford award winning program from international. so make, as we've just seen so many people traveling with children long and difficult to
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explore and abundance of wells plus programming every time we do an interview well met with soldiers, voices from different quote, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on alger 0 of the, for the 1st time in months, come us 5 is a barrels of rockets from garza towards tennessee. the mindset me say them, this is i'll just say we're alive from the hall. so coming up is there any strikes?


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