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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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met with soldiers, voices from different quote, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today via now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well today. on alger 0. the for the 1st time in months, come us 5 is a barrels of rockets from garza towards tennessee. the fine semi say this is i'll just say we're a live from the hall. so coming up is there any strikes? killed at least 81 palestinians in gauze us and saturday morning women and children are among the victims of the weeks of waiting in egypt, fox counting humanitarian nights,
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finally answer gaza to the count them on the crossing. and it's only a fraction of what's needed appeals to health and pop when you're getting a agency, say the desktops and the major line slides could be in the spouse. sirens have gone off in tennessee for the 1st time in month software. i was assign brigades 5 the lounge, barrel algebra kids, these riley minutes where he says it's a defense system is intercepted several of them beyond wing of homicide. launch the attack from roof in southern garza. it's rather is coming out the ministry operation. the, the, this is the moment somebody's riley's ran to safety, following the rock at a time is ready the media report. one person was slightly inches in the city of hud . soleah nash speak now to saw the highlands,
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who is following developments for us from jordan's capital on mine because it's route find out to 0. so solve what do we hearing from his right. the officials now about this. well they've confirmed the number of rockets since you've mentioned had been fights a central israel is the 1st time in full months. and in fact that are being reported that there are a couple of injuries from these real cause. most of them was intercepted, but some of them did land in surrounding areas around tennessee. we saw the videos of people running from the beach because as raise was, which was the prize ra the this happening in the 1st place because you have these ready government that's been saying that it's defeating hamas, that it's winning this war. and it's of several months down the line now. so with many people questioning at. busy the situation is if such rockets are being sent
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directly to tell the people that sends a strong message. and in fact saw me as this was happening. we've had in the last few days. and certainly today, a number of elk is also coming from the 11 east side. often the news from his by law. so is really is the seeing that this is still happening when many of them are believing that the government has the behind in this war on garza. and just to take us through the, the range and scope of this rock and attack it, it didn't just target tennessee. right? so yeah, it's all good say it's uh, several areas and this comes up badly. 24 hours just 12 hours. in fact, since protests took place yesterday evening by tens of thousands of is re lease uh, probably testing and calling on the government to ensure that the deal is struck as
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soon as possible to bring those concepts home. now the surprise amongst is right is at the moment, is that it happens right under the noses of these raise the forces in rough in an area that it says that it's been able to take off the uh, what seems to be, i think, just over 2 weeks now and also uh, something else to remember saw me is that these really forces returned to the north of the gauze. the strip a few weeks ago that still financing and jamalia, they managed to surround, to bother from the north as well as the south. and also from the eastern side of to valley up, but they were part of finding that they are meeting resistance, certainly on the west side to to bother you. didn't of the okay, so now the areas in the north of the gaza strip. and then also you had the video that was released yesterday evening at the same time as people were protesting against the government. this video set to, well, according to how much claiming that it was started showing one of these ready
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soldiers being dragged into the tunnel with a message saying that they had managed to look was the what they used the soldiers as ready soldiers towards this tunnel. and that they injured some of them and killed some of them immediately within minutes. you had several statements from the chief from the spokesman from the ministry, from different people in the government saying, denying that this have even happened to the any event. soldiers had been killed not was about the case. so no, that's besides the point because this will cause concern regardless full, especially the families of those health concepts that want to ensure the safety of a 125. on average, a caps is still in the gaza strip, and i'm also sending a strong message today with these rockets and such and the with those videos released yesterday that they are selling the is riley publics. you need to put pressure on your government to accept the deal because we still have those capabilities. and if you don't do this, this is what will happen even possible. all right, thanks so much. so to hire
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a full thing to us from my mind because the style has bind, i'll just hear from reporting that is ready for us is have killed at least 81 palestinian since that today is the intensified their attacks and gaza in the southern city over awful news, riley strike killed at least 6 members of a family, one of them a child. the number also includes 10 children with sheltering of the school near the giovanni, a refugee camp in north. and it was from still nadia. a trunks from egypt began entering garza through the academy beside them. crossing the supplies were held up the roof of crossing it's been close since is ready for us is a tax. something casa egypt says about $200.00 trucks carrying a dollar expected to enter the strip for the war. 500 trucks used to enter every day and then hold the joins us live now from data by life in central galls us on the stands of been some reports of some recent is riley strikes on gauze that take
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us through that. the was that many minutes after the policy and fighters launched rockets into israel, they is ready forces at target to a house in those are bad. yeah. come in into bad. yeah. it's in the neighborhood. and it's a 5 story house for a film. the family, at least 10 palestinians have been killed, in at least out of 1500 other policies have been injured. according to the civil defense team, dozens of palestinians remain chopped under the rubber. but time be, let's not forget that the system defense teams do not have to do not have any equipment. it's very hard for them to have or to rescue people trapped under the rubble. especially if it's a 5 story building. but the civil defense teams are striving and are trying their
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best to rescue and pull as much bodies as possible. also there was another strike in 10 units in our pc family house. and also there was a couple of targets eastern dropbox and it's very obvious that is right and has been in we apologize though, we've lost all the kind of connection with, oh no this, we still lost the connection with him. a hi shift is now to another hot spots. mamma, tens of thousands of rainbow have been forced to flee fighting and rock on state. the ministry june to battling a rebel group called the arrow cannot be found in 2009 spaced, and right kind of state and believes to have between 15230000 fights is the one. so telling them a for the buddhist, our cancer, my con, which is also how tens of thousands of predominantly books and ra, hang you and says about $45000.00. your hang. i have been false from that home
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since fighting between the military and level group started in november 9, a flight across the border to bangladesh. some reports accused they are account army of carrying out in austin campaign against the minority row hang time the child reinforce from the bangladesh you me and my border rides behind me. see the not the river and behind it is me on my border with the green hills and the coastal areas basically by the river. it's a $278.00 to allow me to bother with bangladesh. and 67. part of that is that not re, by now what we know from wait and it says from both side as well as the un report, as well as the us state department. they brought the 1000. so i'll go ahead and go are waiting on the other side of the not for a to wanting to coming to bangladesh. and so i'm has actually made it, we met some of them in the camp and they said the situation in northern right kind
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particularly moved out and put it on is really bad. i mean the both side of the conflict, the icon army as well as the me on my military has been trying to forcefully from free cons creeper out of the young man. and i even middle age man to forcefully area code them into the fighting. and they don't want to be any part of it. they've been threatened by both sides. that if you don't join with barney or villages and push you out of this village and this is what exactly is happening. a lot of this refugee is stuck in the jungle. the make the attempt in a black good weather today. there is a severe stifling watch environment. there's so there's not going to be any attempt across the river. typically the take a fishing boat or they get the diner that has a standing order that sort of thing as will be allowed inside bangladesh. so the coast guard and the brother guards are on the vigil despite that some made it there . but the situation on the other side of the river is really dire. there's no food,
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it's a conflict zone. there's no shelter. there's no aid agency present this people out on the brink of starvation right now, unless there's some sort of intervention to help them out. new an estimate, it's more than 670 people were killed by a landslide in a remote area of poplar new guinea and happened in angle province on friday. roads of blocks and agencies, a warning of a desperate humanitarian situation. sandra vines reports, it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks in some places. 8 meters deep teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors. the landslide had popular new guineas, northern and good province at around 3 am on friday for young people in their homes while they were sleeping survivors, a motors, the size of cars came tumbling down, crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris,
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the bodies and yet to be reaching the locals as they are working. and trying to dig a little over what is probably in shall government to 7, the national disaster team. we now could team and simple ladies and defense personal to go in there and check up, assess the site. the 6 villages are affected. the most people here are small scale farmers and they've lost everything. they've got into the wild animals. the livestock. yeah, everything was there and there they are appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter. emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600 kilometers from the capital. parts of the affected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leading, leading from the provincial town, is cut off by about 200 nations. so that definitely will have to relate effects.
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and now the consideration is that the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it quite difficult for the risky was to get in. but at the same time yes already. so quite desperate to get out the survivors and relocate them to camps. the cause of the landslide isn't clear, but popular. new guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors and earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teens is getting as many people as possible out of the disaster zone. alexandra buyers, alta 0, the the number of people killed in a rush in attack on you cry and 2nd biggest city, how to keep has risen to 15. you crying says the kremlin, used so cold,
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lie bombs to his a crowded hardware store. these weapons have been increasingly used and says, during this war, john almon has mall from hockey. if these a current be the biggest threat to ukraine says it's president. it says that us $64.00 now the main estimate of fresh instead of us and the advance of the okay, if i liked the coup, lloyd problems, balloons from russian 4 digits and the hitting ukrainian, townsend frontline positions daily. here's how they work. starting with a normal ongoing to bomb, frequently an old so that one like this f a b 500. then adding wings either fixed or that spring out the moment its lowest and a satellite navigation system that can guide it to its target. the result is a weapon to comply to an objective. tens of columbus is inside ukraine. the plane,
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the launch is it often issue for the full is like this one can remain in russian aerospace unless from risk management group pilgrims told us that because the bomb is ready to be smooth and hasn't been moved to. it's hard to track and shoot down, then it does something like this. you can see the result behind me of a guided from striking face industrial plot in how to keep a city that's really been targeted by this type of width. and the most recent attack on a hockey type. the market this saturday, killing 12 people authority sites. there constant here for this and also toiling every 10 to 20 minutes. the glide bump flies in the direction of the city. we're really need air defense and f. 16 points to defend ourselves. f sixteens promised by european allies to counts of the russian plains, launching glide problems. so they haven't yet arise. ukraine's also been
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given some ground loans deployed booms. the russian electronic jumping spin efficient in stopping the i'm from now rushing, globe buttons continue to dominate the sky and decimate on the ground. going home and how does it or how keith? the still ahead on al jazeera also said he is in government in south africa, is the party of nelson mandela about to lose his grip on power. plus, i'm some of the job aid in a bundle, and i'll send you a ward, and ukraine is having an impact on carpet manufacturers. so bad for just heading to the polls, but what could be the biggest shakeup in the region? in decades for 30 years, the african national congress has held power, but now it faces its biggest election bethel sofa join. us says you bring you live
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updates from across the country. so that's the election. i know to their pod huge, i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up as an as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does he have an age where a kid travels to watch on syria, saying he's back to hell are you will come back. are you afraid of? no, no file, but not in the eyes of his government. with my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. a new 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on innocent until proven guilty statements in syria. coming soon on, al jazeera, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, they're watching out just the now time to recap on headlines. sirens have gone off in tennessee, so the 1st time in months also beyond williams from us 5 the large barrel of rockets. he's writing in a tree says it's sad defense systems intercepted several on the ground. these strategies run for safety during the rock at a time signing media reports, one person was slightly injured. the city of hudson, leah, at least 81 palestinians, had been killed in his id bombings across garza since saturday morning. they
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include 10 children. there were sheltering of the school needed to find the refugee camp knowles. and it was from bridget. so to us is an american midwife who's been in gaza for a month working velocity hospital. she explains why origin focus of maternal and reproductive health is needed in district. i think it's really important to think about the framework of reproductive justice. reproductive justice is a, is the notion that women deserve to give birth safely. they deserve access to health care and that they deserve to raise their children in safe environments. reproductive justice does not exist in gaza because it is really military violence because of the over 20 year long see almost 20 year long thieves that is going going on in god's back because of the lack of resources because of the constant violence hospital was deliver it there was to look, see we're delivering over, you know, a 1000 almost 1200 babies a month
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a few months ago. and now we're sensitive. drops completely enough because patients have not only been displaced, but they are afraid to go to to the hospital is real, have had a systematic the tax on all health care system. not one hospital has been left on skates by by their violence. and this is extended to also the systematic killing of health care workers and the within need and physio logic. we need a safe place in order to, to go into labor or in order to feel safe in their bodies and having the baby. and none of that exist here, the in south africa, the democratic alliance parties holding his final riley for votes days ahead of general elections, such as will go to the polls on wednesday to choose the next government. the policy has entered into an agreement with smaller policies. i mean to collectively push
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the amc house of government. the whitening gap between the rich and poor has been a major election issue. many fail enabling more people to get land could help alleviate called, with a some failed. the governing i n. c is taking too long to deliver along with costs or reports from the south africa, some of the richest and most productive farm land on the continent. it exports approaches to other african countries and abroad, but most prime land belongs to him. i know it of people many blacks. so that's a conflict like this in informal statements with little or no basic services. what's a contrast? what a shape? a tooth and insights full let african peoples not to have ownership of land in the own country of best, the land and who owns that is any motive issue extreme levels of any quality inside africa or legacy of a pottage with black people or 4th of the land and denied rights to property.
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people occupies vacant land land that's not being used. there isn't much space to move around. these pool james and sanitation assistance. they build a homes using either corrugated iron sheets and some use anything they can find to build a shelters. like this one i'm do in global was told this place belongs to a wide south african, but black families have settled here legally. he knows if the owner returns to claimant, he and others could be evicted. no, not my move. and i started hitting that model into the distribution, which we know was a young boy, and i'm still waiting for politicians to give us plenty people moving from rural areas into settings, looking for jobs off fueling to mind for decent housing and land until we can find a way that that right unrest and angry and grievances get a really effective channeling into a land movement into a democratic national movement of rural people. i don't,
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we'll see those white farmers scared to the point they need to be to support land reforms, the governing african national congress as low as programs to transfer farmland from white to black own as for example, by buying land and these, redistributing it but not every father wants to give this up. the issue is professional studies competition for development because something go to my so to start to something good to must plus check us government. and we know those the point where the copies up until 5 decades amc for that. but i was interested in 4 people. welcome to achieve beach at the end of the day, how big left them to get lived. opposition parties like the economic freedom fighters, o s s say land redistribution is taking too long. they want to wipe own funds seized. that's an idea that seems to be appealing to many blacks of advocates with no land of the own. but the if, if is also facing competition from the newly formed m. k policy, leaving the outcome of mixing selections more difficult to full cost. how did with us out as
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a debit. just looking at fast. those minutes later is now set to remain in power until 2029 abraham file or a was due to hand over leadership to a civilian government in july. but the new child, so it has extended the countries transition to democracy by another 5 years trial, re assumed power off the staging a to in 2022. he's repeatedly was holding elections. it'd be difficult because of security challenges. about half of looking at the fastest territory remains outside government control due to attacks by on the groups. at least 6 newborn babies have died at the children's hospital in new delhi flane's in golf, the building and the east and positive in the us capital lights on saturday nights . $55.00 is posted under control and rescued more than 10 children. so they say the hospitals own a has flight. 2 people have been detained, crossman, and produces, alas,
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gavin stands famous coff. it's the struggling to survive. global banking restrictions, high production costs, and an increase in poverty are among the reasons international conflicts though, playing a role to some of the device as multiple cobble for centuries. well, has provided opportunities for outcomes to this day. it's funding to go on and died and they can move and carpets because we're not from wind. but these days, buyers are few and far between global crises and conflicts have effective sales. international banking restrictions makes exports difficult and importing vol materials even hauled, pricing impression leads to higher production costs. explore to say they don't have direct access to international markets. so the carpets are being sold to european and american biased by august on the affinity, pretty much followed of the export price has increased a lot for about 6 dollars,
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7 dollars and even $10.00 for the key load. but still, the advantage compared to previously is that we can now explode fi road, not just a carpet market is only a fraction of the size that used to be the 100 cross visits here, used to make money from exports since, but the bond take over many of the professionals have invested into manufacturing companies, but other conflicts such as the board and ukraine is having an adverse impact on businesses here. each price is a broad as to a dropping sales for already struggling. businessman, calling the mall was, have a great impact on it with when it was started, a new trying it damaged our exports. process of carpets felt the world fixed, the world economy almost all the was our women. and despite the bond restrictions on education and employment, these women and factories have not been affected. but the rules have impacted other women run enterprises. so that by heroes launched our jewelry business at around
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the time to follow up on return to power in 2021. she signs online by social media and struggles to find expression spaces to market her products. uh, that's one of the problems. when universities and schools were open and they will not continue to use for women and people have jobs, we had more customers. goes who used to go out, had motivation, and hope they would go chase and freely participate in the shopping. and exhibitions that were helped i've gone to sounds like sports include mendel's fruit and hand across the thought about government says it's putting measures in place to facilitate the export of these items. those efforts to reach global markets require access to international banking. and as long as the world does not recognize the so called islamic emerett as a legitimate government, the one is done. nothing likely to have some of the driver down to 0 cub. now the skies above hong kong have been lit up with thousands of drones to
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celebrate the popular japanese manga series finds gather that the victoria hobbled waterfront to watch the world's 1st drone show about a robotic cat named the random on the drones, carved out as to the last of the series of characters against the night sky. that's it for now, the latter that let's take a look at the earliest satellite to the south asia. and we can see strengthening psycho ramelle working towards india and bangladesh. now it's going to continue to bring some very heavy rain to these areas. we could see up to 200 to 300 millimeters in places, possibly 400. so we are expecting why for spread flooding across parts of north eastern india and bundle additional. this is
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a low lying area and the sheer amount of rain is just going to continue to bring that flood threat for the north to north eastern areas as we go into choose day. but the heavy rain continues as well for me in law. we are expecting flooding here . the rain continues as well across most southern areas for, for lanka, as well as southern parts of india like carola. but for the north of this, it is a very hot and dry situation. extremely high temperatures for parts of north west in india and pakistan in particular send the province jacob, that is expecting to see 50 degrees celsius that for the next few days as hot and dry conditions continuing to the end of the month. now some heavy rain is expected to call southern parts of china and southern parts of japan, extending all the way up into the north with more heavy rain to come on, choose day the
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the, the and the phones move on the global stage. so the video is in the process of joining a combination of countries and a significant diplomatic initiative. the recognition of the palestinians as the shadows of the votes, even though the god with his royal confinement escalating daily and no truce inside international communities since defined. all major european powers like germany
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continue to support as well with tom supplies. this coalition is cooling for an immediate to state solution,


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