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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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in only contact with the children, judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates. depends parental abductions on i will just the era or the, [000:00:00;00] the gloves, the rob and you watching the i'll just it renews on like my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes to master. what good fine hits, uh, reason 10 of the easy for us to talk to its kind a moms that push them all 8 into goals. we have 2 weeks of waiting in egypt. the few trucks are allowed in through the come up with. so i'm crossing with israel and
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the 1st a visit by a french presence of germany and decades, both nations up to strength and relations during a turbulent time. but they d. u and we take a look at why mexico is becoming the desired final destination for some migrants bravo. from the us. on his football occasions, place funds. i'll celebrate seeing that. right. quote, breaking trophy double the same with just one with german come to complaints and, and rates, and caesar in domestic the is 1500 miles, gmc, about 6 o'clock in the evening and telling me what air raid sirens have rung out for the 1st time in full months, almost as military being, being caught, some brigade says by the biology of missiles the is randy minute. theresa is this ad defend systems intercepted several of them. no doubt. sabina poles, that is really media reported that one person was slightly injured and the city of
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had slipped us just north of tel aviv, but inside gone. so a trucks have begun entering through the kind of a boost and i am crossing with israel. supplies had been held up on the egyptian side of the roof of crossing for weeks and that's been closed since is riley forces sees the palestinian side in gauze earlier this month. egypt signs around 200, i tricked. saw june to enter the strip on sunday. and now israel has bound, i'll just say rough from reporting from that. so let's close over to side. we're talking about 2 choices now from the jordanian capital. and so, so we just want to see what we to exactly know about what happened with a few hours ago. suddenly is riley's, was seeing a broken experience, a set sued in the sky. this was something they were seeing quite regularly when the wolf stall tubes and they run abuse as you store and not video intel aviva,
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where the beach was clearly worried and sketched quite unexpected. it's been full months since that is to talk somebody in central parts of israel and fight. so when we, with the bucket the time, instead of these when the last a barrel is, you're broke kits with 5 across to tel aviv people hiding in the bunk because the all designated especially they adopted around the whole of the city and also people that were staying in the same hotel that we were said when is this going to end? and then there was rest bite for many. is riley's, they have seen this as a break from those rockets and victory full of the as riley's in terms of this war . now it seems that one, at least one person has been injured. there are reports of a 2nd post and injured was seen video as well as some of the shot. and all the fragments of those rockets that were into set said one of them fell into a house in a bedroom, another one in the cobb park of a school. and also this video of a crate. so, so not all of them were intercepted,
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but nevertheless, this will come as a big step back on a big surprise for his raise. and there will be a response from these riley's both politically and militarily, what's being sort of you might say, said and done right now as well. just in the last few minutes, we've actually heard from one of the members of the wood cabinet, any guns who spoke about a number of things. but he address these rockets and in it, he says that this proves the need for israel to continue its operations. in the gaza strip and all so saying that wherever, how mosse is they will continue their operations. he added that these are, will criminal, so make, we will make them pay sooner rather than late so. so the response, it seems, is that you know, assume him and then you'll probably hear this from all the politicians is, this is exactly why we should stay in the gaza strip. and this is exactly why we
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shouldn't. and the war a few weeks ago before the rocks offensive international condemnation was that they didn't want to consider the brother for these ready forces to enter a rough office was the last safe passage was safe area so called safe area uh, full palestinians. and then a many of them were forced to evacuate. so for many now is ready. so i'll see this as exactly the same reason to why they should continue with this, but how much shows that it has the capabilities still and also releasing a video. yes. today, it's not clear whether the kinds are true something certainly these radius denied of, of so called soldier being dragged through a tunnel. it doesn't matter whether it's true or not, because in the sense that this will still worry, the families of those helps come to the trying to put pressure on these right of the government to accept to deal as soon as possible on how mazda has made this clear,
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the only time they will agree to do is this the will ends completely permanently in garza. now this could raise questions for his release. it will certainly be in providence benjamin. that's and you all his favor to continue with this will. but for many of those families are wide and wanting to have family members home, they want to see. and then, and this still puts a big question mark over their safety. well, this is a developing story and of course if it does change in any way, we'll be coming back to sort of car that for us in a month in jordan. thank you. you know, in northern goals as really forces killed at least 12 people in the cycle and the refugee camp and the twins equal to enjoy the house was hit by and is ready to strike those ready for this is advancing into your body. i tried to take control of causes launch is refugee temp. fighting is intensified during the past 2 weeks. what about 620000 children in guns have been out of school for nearly 8 months when the will began. lessons stops because many buildings run by the human agency,
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full palestinian refugees became shelters for displaced families. viewing estimates that mold of 80 percent of those schools in the strip have been damaged or destroyed. and out of the wasi, a narrow, barren strip of land designated and evacuations, and bodies really on the 10. so being used as make shift to classrooms. as michael apple reports a process underway in all my wasi refugee camp on southern gauze. those coast line, these young mines have witnessed untold hardens. but for a couple of hours a day their retention is focused on the teacher and they close me. i came here to study until i'm coming here will help me achieve my dreams on that. yeah. but i'm not, i'm here to learn and be more active. i like go into school very much. yeah, no,
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no, no, no. there's no shortage of ego student. and the simplest thing, like learning how to draw control and support a child's imagination fall beyond the rules of attend. yesterday the teacher taught me math in arabic. i also learned how to draw food basket because i like fruits so much. i haven't had any food for 3 weeks. i elrod one is a teacher at homemakers school with pen and paper or skis, but enthusiasm and dedication are in abundance and on the safe team here. our conditions here are very difficult. there is no blackboard. we try to help children in the simplest way here we have, but we will not let them down and then we will get it. all. milwaukee is a narrow strip of land, just a kilometer wide and 14 kilometers long. there is no running water, electricity, or sanitation,
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not the ideal conditions in which to live or live. but teachers like these are determined to make a difference, to whether we might be focused on tree study areas, psychological care, values and principles, and education and skills. despite all the difficulties and the lack of almost everything, the manager that teach 480 children and 4 tends to familia buzz of these railey drones in the sky above is drowned out ever so slightly by a physical education and talk for a moment, its children being children again, and the devastation and grief of the war, seems far away like levels. elda 0. joining us, though, is the recall. the parent sees a spokesman for the humans children's agency, and assess,
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enjoys the slide from the georgia and the and capital and i'm going to have you minutes mr. powers on the program. just to clarify all that any working schools in garza, i told thanks for having me. no, not at all. since 7 months now, nearly age children have had no continuous access to education. the board schools, schools have become shelters in fact, and sometimes have been under attack. so no, there is no education system right now, functioning and gaza. and we're doing our best as it was shown in the segment, which is very helpful to see, to keep children safe and continuously learning a little bit a bit by bit. but there is no safety for them to do that. no infrastructure and no right conditions to, i mean, how is the ability then to teach youngsters, but obviously has become more or more difficult since october the 7th, because you've got to like a facilities on one side, a shifting of the educational parameters you might say because of the sites so and so evacuation says however,
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this is why these want to describe them. and then i presume a lot of teachers because this time is going to have been some i'm show that have been killed in good or skate. yeah, absolutely. before october 7th, we had 22000 teachers in average, working in the gaza strip. to help those 625000 students to learn and try and hopefully look at their futures. but right now, like looking for structure and indeed the safety to, to do so became became a huge, huge impediment for us. we were trying to get 50 pounds through and to run for the quote before the incursion. to start a very sort of. busy whole basic education space for children in average to 150, but turn, but then we have to hold those plans because the military offensive started and again, hundreds of thousands of people had to evacuate again to all my while i see an area
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where it's basically sand dunes and very hard just setting up such a different structure. so education is again that whole which jeopardizes their present and their future. i suppose the infrastructure for education comes down to priority. let's doesn't that. when food offered medicine, a high up on the agenda for a agencies like the you went to try and get food to get those sort of supplies into the region. so what one does, how teaching itself is not to change to make sure the children of all ages got some sort of a sense of normality and they get the education they need for that age brackets. i mean there was so many moving parts and so many things to consider when the child comes in front of you and one is 50 and then the other one is 3. absolutely, and it's a sad reality. one that we're trying to manage day after day, but right now we're worried about your safety 1st and foremost. and as i mentioned, to make sure that they have enough food, water medicines and health care and psycho social support as well. because we can
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say you see that every single child in the gaza strip to date is trauma times after 7, nearly 8 months of horror. so we're trying again to create the safe spaces spaces to give them that's up to the psycho social support that they so desperately need. but it's very difficult under the circumstances. now, when multiple displacements displacements keep happening and safety again is, is a big issue. so this is not only a war on children on their present, but on their future. those goals are functioning. all universities have been destroyed. so what are they going to look forward to? and we're trying to make sure that at least the very basic for my education of numeracy illiteracy can continue at that they feel safe to be children. again, you're very convenient. he came to my next question, which is about the troll, because you called the goal of the environment these children are in. so one presumes that those teachers that all still surviving, so to speak,
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have become social workers to they need that support as well though they from agencies like yourself because they don't just teachers anymore and how they've mostly come the nearest thing to a parent for some of those children who we do not have to come all funds as well. it's absolutely they become survivors like every other child in the gaza strip, who are struggling to live day after day and not knowing what tomorrow will do. like they thought in rockford, they would have deliberately safe space to to wait until there's a cease fire. and that this far ends. but again, they were forced out into all the wasi data and the rumbles and then the remains of con eunice and every single teacher is now indeed a social worker. a parent, 2 children have been separated from their parents all lost their parents. and we know many thousands have, so it's a completely different scenario for them. education now has become an activity that goes way beyond books and math. so numbers and history,
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but more over in psycho social support is making sure that children feel safe and that they can still hold and dream of the future. which right now seems very, very far away. we'll have, we'll be able to invite you back um, to talk about how things have improved us and when they do in the not too distant future, recall the powers that from the humans children's agency. unicef, thank you, sir. thank you. is still a head here all the i'll just say it renews on land and who owns if we look at one of the major issues, those are concerned about the head of south africa's general elections and rushes newly for weapons. the delightful and we explain how it's being used to move grain at this effect on the back of the face present in the black hole is invalid to meet chapman leaders of the french
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presidential states visit is the 1st to germany in 24 years by close 3 day visit comes ahead of european the parliamentary elections next month. and he's expected to address the danger of the popularity of fall write policies and the will in ukraine. so that speak to dominic caden who's live for us in the lane over the 2 decades since french president has visited dominic, what one does, why macro is visiting no. and the interesting thing about the visits taking place now is attached to the president. the french president is inside, she lost bellevue, that's the residency of the german president, frank fathers find why the french present arrived in the course of the last few minutes. the interesting thing about this 24 years since an official state visit to this country has been made by a french president. mister mccall has already been speaking. he spoke, that's a democracy festival that's being held not far from here. and when he was speaking,
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he was off the question about the situation for europe right now. and the president said, quite clearly, he felt that the europe that exist right now is i'm just pretty good guy talking about the need for the democratic policies of europe seem to come in european elections to fight for democracy in europe. no question about the way he perceives the situation, the importance of this country and france and the mutual relationship very clear for him. paramount of importance, from his perspective, he said, but if nationalist policies and populace policies have been in charge, they wouldn't be no. cobit vaccines, he said, i know queen deals to europe, and of course, you know, he's got a lot on his plate in terms of who will be meeting and speaking. you've already talked about the fact that he's already met his job and count deposit. what can we expect over the 2 days then as well,
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this is 3 days of visit today is pump circumstance cetera. many in the, in the meeting with president shine my he will then go on as president mccomb will then go on to meet the america. then he will ceremonially as it were, walks through the bible, brandon. but gates he will write in the golden book in by then, and that will be a news conference at some point in the not too distant future between president mccollum present, stein white, but that as it where is the or the so this visit then on monday and tuesday, they're all visits by president mccall and to the old east, germany going to dressed and in his speech so cost a he referred to dress and as being the jewel in the silicon valley of saxony saying that the trust of that city that was devastated in world war 2 by the allied 4000000 february 1945, he said the dress and it's like a phoenix from the ashes of world war 2 european integration. you will also then on
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tuesday be going to one step in western germany and that is another t integral part of his visits. one other thing to, to point out to view as was in mccomb would also be visiting the holocaust memorial here in building he'd be doing that on monday morning. somebody came for us, the invalid. thanks very much for the update. dominic that's close over to marie potter. she's a seller research in the funds institute of international relations kentucky with us on the program of how much this visit to gemini is about sort of mending fences . and so trying to get on the same page when it comes to the problems that europe is facing and whatnot, as public just mentioned is the upcoming european elections. and the threats, as many politicians would see of right wing parties. yes indeed. so um, and my call is now in germany meeting which contract to sign my at a german president. and he will also meet with all lectures and we are head on the
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european elections will to take place in 2 weeks time. and he wants to show that he's pro european. he already sketched out his idea of school, the european union, you know, so a one speech. so at silvan university, in april 2024. and so he has lots of ideas about how the strategic autonomy of the european union could look like and could become more tangible in terms of competitiveness of the european union of 1st. but also when it comes to more security on the european continent, us war is going on in continental with the russian aggression against ukraine. yeah, well i'm pick, sign it in it, but let's just take one of those issues that relationship between france and germany and the rest of europe. i mean, it's being said by many of us at gemini, sees relations with washington as far more important when it's a european neighbors. i mean, that seems to be the perception in paris to think by crumbs visit global clarity
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from our life shows about what that relationship is or how they should try and work together to bring that relationship a what's we'll close that together and well, certainly, dial divergences between france and germany when it comes to security and defense also when it comes to energy policy, but also when it comes to economy and trade. so there are certain the fines of conversions to be solved when it comes to security and defense, which is quite frustrated. bronze was when off, schultz announced that he would buy $35.00 x, $35.00 by the claims from the west. well, frogs in germany are working on the future compet air system together for instance . so from a french perspective, the risk is that so as test a future come with air system is pulled up, chris, with such a per change. also another pull, the bone of contention is to your opinions, guys shall initiative which is based on american technology at these ranking
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technology. whereas problems as working with actually with similar projects and protecting new york in territory from drone have tax and problem proves me. saw a tax and ballistic missile attached. so certainly there needs to be more convergence when it comes to security and defense. of course, when it comes to energy, we have also new energy word or major divergence between the 2 countries. and when it comes to trade, well, currently, germany's trying to look for a new 1st nurse, a new suppliers and new export markets. and just to something process, very reluctant toward yeah, you've had quite a few points that let's just talk about defense. and because they said they have a very different few days, they, when it comes to ukraine and how to approach the calls like to in terms of financial support and boots on the ground. and that there was a real difference. yes indeed. so i think that's a, from a german perspective, but for all of schultz, it is very important not to cross any red lines,
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not to escalate the conflict and not to become a cool belligerent into conflict. so when i married my call in february, this year announced that it couldn't be excluded. step troops will be sent to ukraine. this to get a lot of fear and left shoals very soon. the next day announced toward the press that it is excluded from a german perspective that troops would be sentenced to ukraine. so this is sort of the uh, one of the main differences. but then also there is always question about building up european industrial base when it comes to defense. yeah. so to how to make sure to create more mutual decisions. and most synergies when it comes to research and development, but also purchasing a movie, terry material in 2023. the weapons purchase would enter your opinion. yes. 78 percent of the weapons projects within the european union were actually bought from
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other countries. so the goal of the murder in my quote was actually to re industrialized european union also when it comes to security and defense and creating or weapons here in europe. okay, we will see what does come out of that joint communicate as and when it does happen on choose sam show, but for the 3 groups of thanks for joining us from paris. thank you. the queen size russian falls as you cycled blindfolds and an attack on a crowded hardware store in the ukrainian city of car keys. on saturday, 15 people were killed and more than 40 others in just now. these weapons have been increasing the use during the conflict. so from car keeps on home and explains how they work. i want to fact by having of these a current be the biggest threat to ukraine says it's president. it says that us
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before now the main estimate of fresh and 10 of us and the advance of the okay, find the cool glide problems, the launch from russian 4 digits and the hitting ukrainian towns and frontline positions daily. here's how they work. starting with a normal ongoing to bomb, frequently an old so that one like this f a b 500. then adding wings either fixed or the spring out the moment its lowest. and the satellite navigation system the can guided to its target. the result is a weapon to comply to an objective. tens of columbus is inside ukraine. while the plains illinois has it, often issue for the full is like this one can remain in russian aerospace unless from risk management group, pilgrims told us that because the bomb is ready to be smooth and hasn't been moved to. it's hard to track and shoot down, then it does something like this. you can see the result behind me of
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a guided bomb strike base industrial plot in how to keep a city that's really been targeted by this type of width. and the most recent attack on a hockey type. the market this, such as a killing 12 people, authorities say their constant here for this and also toiling for them every 10 to 20 minutes. a glide, bump flies in the direction of the city. we really need air defense and f. 16 planes to defend ourselves. f sixteens promised by european not always to counsel the russian planes, launching glide problems. so they haven't yet arise. ukraine's also been given some ground loans deployed booms. the russian electronic trimmings beneficent and stopping the i'm for now rushing globe booms continue to dominate the sky and decimate on the ground john home and how does it or how keith to see what estimates mold and 670 people were killed by a landslide?
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and a remote time we have pop on you, kenny. it happened in no province on friday roads, a blocked and 8 agencies, a warning of a desperate humanitarian situation. alexandra bias how's the story? it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks in some places. 8 meters deep teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors. the landslide had popular new guineas, northern and the province at around 3 am on friday for young people in their homes while they were sleeping survivors. a motors, the size of cars came tumbling down, crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris, the bodies and yet to be reaching the locals as they are working and trying to dig out more bodies provincial government to 7. the actual disaster team,
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we now could team and sample exam just as possible to go there and check up, assess aside 6 villages are affected. the most people here are small scale farmers and they've lost everything they've got into the wild animals. the livestock. yeah. everything was there and they're, they're appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter. the emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600 kilometers from the capitol. parts of the affected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leading, leading from the provincial town, is cut off by about 200 masons. so that definitely will have to release effects. and now the consideration is that the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it quite difficult for the risky was to get in. but at the same time yes already.
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so quite desperate to get out the survivors and relocate them to camps. the cause of the landslide isn't clear, but popular. new guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors and earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teams is getting as many people as possible out of the disaster zone. alexandra buyers, alta 0. well, still have, hey, all the news, all of us, all of the job aid in the song, and i'll tell you how the water is having an impact on the carpet manufacturers. and number one is full full. well, the scientific steve, just give us a swim of the friendship and then 3 is the
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the hello they. let's get the weather full costs for south america over the next few days. and after a brief pause in the wet weather for southern pots, oh brazil. on sunday, we're going to see a more rain start to pour into southern areas next to a change in the wind symbol storms, and some very heavy rain for the likes of a real grunge at the sol, as well as sent to caterina places that have seen devastating flooding and some of that rain will pull its way further north roading into rio de janeiro over the next few days, as much as to why a across most southern areas often some what and wintery weather swept into central parts of chile. we will see temperatures starts to pick up here that have been below the average as cool condition stretching up into bolivia and pots of peru as well. but for the north of this, despite the heavy rain and thunder storms for the likes of ecuador and columbia, it is still a very hot picture and that he continues in central america. we've been tempted
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well above the average across much of mexico got a severe drought here. and we had another record set for may in mexico's famous observatory. on sunday, it'll be monterey that's he's $45.00 degrees celsius, but a drop is on the way for monday. actually weather update. the climate probably only is from one of the most of the bio diverse nations on your own interpreter. if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know what we work with and within the cycles of the we not using our past resources, we use them again. and again. if we newer from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen towing, or nothing grows forever. or the latest news,
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not only that these patients were receiving tedney they all as, as treatment in, unless you are hospitalized. but they were also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the warrant. people had access to a leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the heart of the story. palestinian officials hold on to 0. that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs catch the, [000:00:00;00] the book about to let you know, 7 use our license, the home reminder of on told the stories, sovereigns of gulf in tell of it you for the 1st time in months of to be our customer guys,
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find the launch found origin front kits. the all i'm doing is i'm uh, set it low as the atlantic from rockville, and southern garza and northern gauze was really full of killed at least 12 people in the time kind of refugee come another time to enjoy that for house was his findings, right? the strike price because i met with macro is invalid when he's due to be jim and lead us the state visits as the 1st by french president in 24 years. he's expected to address craig and support for for rights parties across the, you know, every day, thousands of and documented migraines and refugees, and lots of america and the caribbean, and build use mexico as a trends at country to reach the us and search for the best of life, but the new trend has taken overseas by surprise. tens of thousands of refugees and my van's not want to make mexico new home. all lots in america, editor, lucy, and even explains from mexico city. so the scores have been documented,
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migrants in refugees crossing into chap, that's for the bottom of that. they're just some of the roughly 7000 rivals in mexico every day on their way to the us border. as they make their way north, many opinion, let's see the 100 says that she and her haitian boyfriend had been living here for 3 months called val petite. i have arrived from haiti 2 months ago and is working in a garage to save money to continue his trip. in the i came here a lot of new things as a mechanic for time only here temporarily cannot walk on the outskirts of mexico city is full of patients doing what they can to survive. selling food, or breathing hair. and trimming beards. but not all want to leave like
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milton. i would stay here if i got the papers i was living in too late for us, but i never got my papers. i want to bring my girlfriend. yeah. we're treated well . it's part of the changing faces. migration in mexico, known as a transit country, from documented migrants and refugees. most of these venezuelans still planned to head noise, but a growing number of migrants, roughly a 140000, have applied for refugee status so that they can stay and work in mexico. i pursue the there are opportunities to get ahead here. lots of opportunities without causing anyone. i. so my sweets, coffee and online, i sell venezuelan products, migrants who are considering settling here. do have a point. in fact, mexico's largest business association, qualified mix, sees migrant and refugees as a solution to what they complain is a huge deficit of labor in this country. as much as one point. 6 thank 1000000
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vacancies just last year alone. but filling those jobs with people like these is not as simple as it could be. the mexican government is constantly sending people back to the southern border where they entered the country even offering that as well as money to go home. what we think, for example, in columbia, and what we've seen in peru in ecuador is that when a model number of displacement arrives in country, some sort of humanitarian visa allows them to work from day one is provided in mexico. that is only happening once people claim assignment. and those permits are side to obtain. the issue is north of mexico's ability to absorb migrants and refugees eager to work. but rather the government's reluctance to embrace a trend that could benefit locals and newcomers. i like to see a newman al jazeera mexico city. but us at the moment, garza is the executive director at last. somebody cuss immigrant advocacy center. i enjoyed this line from el paso in the states of texas in the us. ms. uh guys could
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help you with this on the program. um, when was this trend for migraines to stay in mexico being recognized and noticed in, in mexico. because normally, as you, as uh, lots america edits the sides. these individuals would have for the know to where you are in the usa. correct. so what we've been seeing since 2019, based in changing us policies, the migrant protection protocols are remain in mexico. where migrants for folks to remain in mexico for their own duration of their cases, really change the entire perspective and the region when it comes to people on the move. and so now we're seeing large groups of populations of people who, as you said, would traditionally move towards the united states. now over a period of time, whether it had been back from 2019 throughout the call, the 19 pandemic. and now potentially having to be forced to stay in mexico, actually making a determination for themselves that it's a, it's
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a good country for them to be in a place where they, which to live. how has the n t migrant policy of the us? the rhetoric from the politicians was coming up across the state of texas and california impacted on the decision by those that wish to migrate side and also have decided to stay in mexico. the barrier is real, the boundary is real well does have an impact on people, whether it's the physical wall or, or the boundaries that have been created by use of, of different technology and different formats, like cvp, one at a finite number of spaces that a person can occupied to seek protection. and so in that waiting time, whether it's in a migrant shelter into the quarters, in our example or being in a, in a motel hotel or even on the street. some people have found mexico to be quite hospitable and a place that's culturally much more aligned to home wherever that is in the atmosphere . and so it makes a lot of sense for some people to try to seek protection in a place where they're a little bit more welcomed and they have
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a few less barriers to, to overcome. instead of what they would have caught encounter in the united states . i just think of a new context to all view as a little bit of history here. i think it will make sense as to why we'd be seeing so much this migrant move up most of the you asked me the seasonal work rotation. you might say, since the 1940s was so centered around next to come to come to the us, they'd help with the us harvest and then go home to mexico. and it was a because that perhaps full some to stay in the us and some notes. but since the 19 ninety's has been a strong immigration policy from the us and global events like september, the 11th and you touched on it, cove, it, i've changed that us policy towards migration now into the us. i mean, again, it's about impact, isn't it? in the message that's being sent. yes, and there's a numerous message here. so for example, you have the united states,
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formerly issuing a message, the government of mexico also issuing the message because they work together. but then you have all different, other kinds of actors that are providing information anecdotally to people on the move, whether it's intentionally disinformation misinformation. and so there's a lot of different messages. people are consuming, as well as information from, from loved ones who maybe have gone before. and so all of that compounds to where a person has to navigate all of that reality plus their journey. and so it can be incredibly difficult. and so if there is a level of hospitality, an opportunity in a country like mexico, there are people who want to take advantage of that. we'll see how this develops long time, but for the moment time the recess, limone garza joining a smell test. so in texas, thank you so much for your time. in the united nations as cold on me and mazda in time, trouble gates to respect international protect civilians not follows. an escalation and fighting, and we're kind states, tens of thousands of or he can go have been falls from the homes by the violence.
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one of the main groups, the military is fighting, is called the out of kind of a that was pulled in 2009 and it's based and we're kind stays. and it's believed to have between 15 and 30000 fights as it was told of me from but as our accounts in recall. and that's also home to about 600000 predominantly bus. the rushing to the you and says about $45000.00 being being false. from the hey, this is fighting between the military and the rep, a group started in the fun but not many a flight across the board into the dish. some reports accused they are a cut all the of carrying out an awesome campaign against the minority rushing. and they charge a report from the bangladesh me a month older. a ride behind may ensue the river and behind it is me. on my border with the green hills and the coastal areas basically by the river. it's a $278.00 to allow me that border with bangladesh and $67.00 part of that is that not free,
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but now what we know from wait. and it says from both site as well as the u. n. report, as well as the us state department. they brought the 1000. so i'll go ahead and go are waiting on the other side of the not for a to wanting to coming to bangladesh. and so i'm has actually made it, we met some of them in the camp and they said the situation in northern right kind particularly and wound out and what the time is really bad. i mean the both sides of the conflict, the icon army, as well as the me on my military has been trying to forcefully config, conscript around the, the young man and even middle age man to forcefully recruited them into the fighting. and they don't want to be any part of it. they've been threatened by both sides. that if you don't join with the barney or villages and push you out of this village and this is what exactly is happening. a lot of this refugee is a stuck in the jango the make the attempt in a black but good weather today. there is
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a severe stifling watch environment. there's so there's not going to be any attempt across the river. typically the take a fishing boat or didn't get the bangladesh a standing order that sort of thing as will be allowed inside bangladesh. so the coast guard and the bothered guides are on the vigil despite that some made it there. but the situation on the other side of the river is really dire. there's no food, it's a complex zone. there's no shelter, there's no agency presence. this people are on the brink of starvation right now, unless there's some sort of intervention to help them out. or in south africa, the democratic allies policy is holding its final. riley's full vote stays ahead of the general elections. they just will go to the polls on wednesday to choose that next government. the party has entered into an agreement with smaller policies. i mean to collectively push the n c out of government, which also has moved from dub and so that's some of the richest and most productive farmland on the continent. it exports approaches to other african countries and abroad, but most prime land belongs to
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a minority of people. many blacks. so that's a conflict like this in informal statements with little or no basic services. what a contrast, what a shape, a tooth and insights for lead african peoples not to have ownership of land in the own country of a glance at who owns that is any motive issue. extreme levels of inequality inside africa are legacy of a pottage, with black people or 1st of the land and denied rights to property. people occupies vacant land land that's not being used. there isn't much space to move around. these pool james and sanitation systems, they build a homes using either corrugated iron sheets and some use anything they can find to build a shelters like this one i'm do in global was told this place belongs to a wide south african, but black families have settled here legally,
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he knows if the owner retards the claimant, he and others could be evicted. no, not items. i know i started hitting the model into the distribution, which we know was a young boy, and i'm still waiting for politicians to give athletics where the people moving from rural is interested in listening for jobs. are few in demand for decent housing and land until we can find a way that that right unrest and angry and grievances get a really effective channeling into a land movement to democratic national movement of rural people. i don't, we'll see those white farmers scared to the point they need to be to support land reformed, the governing african national congress as low as programs to transfer farmland from whites to black own. as for example, by buying lands and these lead distribution yet, but not every farmer wants to give this up. the issue is professional studies competition for development, because something go to my so to start to something good to most of us check us
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government. and we know those report cards or the copies up until 5 decades amc for that. but i was interested in 4 people. welcome to achieve beach. at the end of the day, how people are going to get less opposition. parties like the economic freedom fighters o s s say land redistribution has taken too long. they want to white own farms seized. that's the idea that seems to be appealing to many blacks of advocates with no land of the own. but the if, if those are facing competition from the uniformed n k policy leaving the outcome and mixing selections more difficult to full cost. how does the tests out as a debit? the machine, the font size, military leader, is now set to remain in power until 2029 april having to roll. it was due to end of leadership to a civilian government in july. but a new charter has extend to the countries transition to democracy. find that a 5 you as total right seems power of just aging of 2 in 2022 is repeatedly will that hold of collections would be difficult because of security challenges. going see, these have release more than
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a 100 prisoners of war and the capital at all. that's controlled by the rebels. the international committee of the red cross confirmed attempt to ensure the detainees release was she made undignified. the prisoners are linked to the countries long running conflict given has been in a civil war since 2015 is driven people in some areas of the country place to famine and costs, but then produces of of gun installed stables carpet song struggling to survive. stable banking restrictions, higher production costs, and the increase in poverty, all remotes, the reasons but international conflicts also play a role as all of a job that has moved from kabul or for centuries, well, has provided opportunities for of guns to this day. it's funding to go on and died and they can move and carpets because we're not informed wind. but these days, buyers are few and find between little bit crises and conflicts have effective sales. international banking restrictions makes exports difficult and importing vol
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materials even hauled, pricing impression leads to higher production costs. exports to say they don't have direct access to international markets. so the carpets are being sold to european and american biased by august on the affinity, pretty much followed up. vx full price has increased a lot by 6 dollars, 7 dollars and even $10.00 for the key load. but still, the advantage compared to previously is that we can now explode fi road, not just a local. the carpet market is only a fraction of the size that used to be the 100 cross visits here, used to make money from exports. since that the bond take over, many of the professionals have invested into manufacturing companies with other conflicts, such as the board and ukraine is having an adverse impact on businesses here. it's huge prices abroad as to a drop in sales for already struggling. businessman, pulling the mall was, have
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a great impact on it with when it was started and you train it damage direct sports . i'm in the process of carpets, felt the world fixed, the world economy almost all the was, are women. and despite the bundle fictions on education and employment, these women and factories have not been affected. but the rules have impacted other bremond run enterprises. so that the heroes long show jewelry business at the around the time to kind of on return to power in 2021. she sounds online. my social media and struggles to find exemption spaces to market her products. uh, they have a lot of fun uh, problems when universities in schools were open and they will know or continue to use for women and people have jobs. we had more customers as bills who used to go out, had motivation and hope they would go chase and free the participate in the shopping and expectations that were helped and it sounds like sports include minerals, fruit and hand across the top of mind. government says it's putting measures in
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place to facilitate the export of these items. those efforts to reach global markets require access to international banking. and as long as the world does not recognize the so called islamic emerett of the legitimate government, the one is done. nothing likely to have some of the driving down to 0. couple as well as to load here. all of these are installed, full drive, etc. then monica told me to walk around 3 and only thing last time they will have the story. have to break the i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his. i point my camera where all those prefer not to the. i write about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up in the us worse to make a round pack and also via turn when on the power of political ok. what are the
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stories retail sales about also and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra hearing disliked chart populations that decline. 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plate that and floated reporting from whatever happens next to the university have already made history out. as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the house of the story. the latest news as it breaks here, that being given basic things, but the main concern is how these people are able to feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth has been on the heavy ariel from above and for months. now the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which we'll see here is a catch of mussels of the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going
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about 20 minutes from here. now we have to go out at least 4 hours the on the corporate boxes type of full time. the local boy did well. yeah, it's only mex, a stuff and you see on the wall behind me on a farm of this on a sunday. but instead it show a client who won the monica groom pre owned his homes and an incident failed opening lapse. so the race suspended for close to an hour as home size and reports . i choose the same as rice monte carlo always brings with it is fair share of celebrities. some recently crowned cup champions made the trip of a mattress united if a cup when a diego dello, i'm
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a certain p a c french cup. when an intent in and buffet is 1st day of life is a free agent spent in the amount of desks on the showing that no one would have expected to see what happened at the starts. red bulls. sergio paris started in 18 softer itself. qualifying session is disappointments, confounded by a huge collision at the 1st sun cost drive that given back to us in clipton, prompting a sequence of events that brought out the red flag and sol. perez's call lifted off the circuits elsewhere on the 1st lap. lp and drive is estimate on m p a gas leak combined it gasoline was able to continue, but he didn't hide this frustrations. i'm going to say exactly whatever you don't see my holding to the correct or real far an incident free restart. so the quote's a control, the man who started in pull position looking for his 1st as a victory on high ground. a rare opportunity with championship be the next step and stuck in 6 after an error and qualifying for staff with some a clarence. i'll skip the street, was
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a mattress standing close behind and hoping for a mistake. but that mistake from the club and ferrari never came. and in the end it was the close teammate signs, putting the pressure on p s street to hold on for 2nd. the rory, haven't jude a tough couple of years of what could beans they've now secured. the 2nd will of the season and reduce the construct has got to just 24 points. for the clue. it's a 1st when since austria 2022. he's now 41 points of the stuff in the 6th place which is most finished and completed right since finishing and 7 and single pole 2 years ago. so i will tell if this will go down as a pivotal moments and this season comes size ins out a 0 full time grand slam champion. now mary psycho became a final set slumped to get her friend sharpened campaign off to a winning stalled. i saw kind of last 5 straight dangers. it's least take the shape
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of them. is that the closing on victory? the japanese play hit back to take that aside, a $75.00 and $6.00 you'll have 1st. my name's henry 6. if i don't see 21 is on its face, will the bone industry on 2nd? in the 2nd, very honestly, i really didn't know. but then after i was like, why does everyone keep asking me about this draw? and then i knew that i was in the top half so i was like jokingly as like, well it's not like i'm playing iga and then everyone. everyone got quiet so i was like, oh, in the managed role. well, number 3 accounts alcaraz light, a few concerns about his fitness or must, is 75 is facing american j j will for the last of just full games, of course, having more than 3 weeks to, to run for a full team. so i'm jumping right now that has been out on the front to school. so how does his round well, much with colleagues on this bear with us coming up on monday,
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organize this type of decision to cancel a ceremony to celebrate his achievements around them. girls that attended outside this may not be his final appearance. if it's 4 minutes it proves to go on the record to say it'd be retiring at the end of the, of the boss along the coast. chevy hernandez is around state charge of his final game is been so long as head coach. the 44 year old was filed on friday just a month after the club announce to be staying at the club chevy light bone since the spanish lead side. last season. but this team of the season, it hasn't been quite so while we finished well behind champions rel, madrid, the top of the table full upon munich. and germany coach hunt see flick is expected to replace shop and then you'll get the amount of this issue. and this, and i've had to make very important decisions. i don't regret anything. i think i'm being honest sincere with everyone. i've tried to get my best. we've worked with a lot of pride and with all our law for the slot, i'm a bar so low enough and for life and i will continue to be. so i'd like to tell you that i'm proud. i'm happy because if i look back,
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i'd be the varsity coach for 2 and a half years and it has to be easy for you to see and know that was he mentioned early on by fi has finished his career history with the trophy st. basing late on so when the french count didn't get on the score sheets and this one was international, it seemed like this one done by le, along with the family and re ways did the and i see one victory default and baptized 7. you spell at the club soon, and rand madrid likely to be his next destination, but nothing is official. just a ball of occasions plaza, celebrating the record breaking trophy double that by reinstate him hosting a homecoming policy. few could have predicted at the start of the season. chevy alone size team became the 1st thought to go through an entire funded lead campaign on the face it. and so today they beat kinds as nonsense when the gym and cuff as well, their own need to see to 53 games came in the role play final against excellence or i thought his high sports is looking finish. so thanks very much on day and that
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is the news on the about the more news on the other side of right. but until then from monday in may of the news on safe haven. doh thanks very much for your time. and your company the i was, i was playing with a scooter with my cousin. he said, we're on our way home when we saw in his reading the jeep driving towards us. so we started running soldiers began shooting. jude was hit in the neck and felt it happened near the foot job, a refugee camp near jericho, and the occupied westbank. soldiers detained, the wounded boy, accusing him of throwing rocks and type bombs before leaving him. and his really hosp these really hospital where he was treated claims they are owed more than $13000.00 for treating an 8 year old child with a gunshot wound from it is really assault. his father says the bill is so high,
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it will be impossible to pay post, send you the officials told to 0 that in situations like this is real deduction funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. judge says he'll never write a scooter again. israel's war on gossip becoming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line of former film and for you to stop traumatized by eastern few knows more of independence, but determined to turn tragedies to accommodate this comic genius concealing his
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own. more scholars creates a fictional character which uses happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is a reality on that just what we do. it all just sarah is try to follow this story and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity, and democracies. the time of smoke it fine hits the reason of the, the 1st attack of its kind in the soul months, the floods of a robin. what you'll have to say we're lock but headquarters here in the also coming up this way, the forces continue to attack and the siege residents of the body, a refugee compton, mills, and johnson. at least 12 people being killed. at least 670 people. it said that
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after a long slide to test through


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